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(enhancer trap) lacz P (reporter gene) P (P[lacW])white + (marker)p (transpose) P P[lacW] w P[lacW] P[lacW] (enhancer) P[lacW] lacz lacz Xgal lacz P[lacW] (pattern) pattern formation engrailed POSE (position-specific expre-ssion) 78

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eyg dpp (ectopic expression) (master regulator) dachshund 2,500 eyeless dachshund eyg dtl clonal heterozygoushomozygous mutant dtl dtl dtl homeodomain (HD) Meis1 meis1 myeloid leukemia meis1 dtl HD extradenticle (exd) HD exd homeotic DNA target homeotic target HD dtl exd clonal pathway Columbia Richard Mann Exd dtl dtl Exd eyg dtl endogenous POSE kb 80

DNA element in vivo gypsy SU(HW) (binding site) SU (HW) (promoter) POSE w + gypsy P [lacw] w + Gypsy gypsy gypsy optomotor-blind (omb) omb PNAS POSE (marker)omb P1 optomotor-blind (omb)p[lacw] lacz omb omb decapentaplegic (dpp) EMBL Steve Cohen omb P1 ombdpp omb dpp dpp ombdpp TGFβ Dpp Dpp Dpp Dpp Steve Cohen Dpp Gert Pflugfelder omb P1 81

82 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B 1. 2.

83 1.1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

84 A 1. SPF (specific pathogen free) A B C 2. A B C 3. A in vivo B immune stimulant cytokines glucans C D

E 4. Protein Engineered piscine Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-I) for Growth Promotion in Aquaculture Application of Transgenic Grass Shrimp for Baculovirus Disease Control by Antisense RNA 5. B 1. 2. A B 85 1 21 85 2 7 850 8521. 85

86 0978 85 2 15 85021502 85 3 6 85 4 10 85 7 9 (85)070921 850 851 852 85 7 16 (85) 0133 85 7 23 8572320 86 2 17 86 016782 86 4 1 304 86 4 28 86 5 17 86 7 2 (86)86000184 850 851 852