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37 2 Vol. 37, No.2 2013 3 ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA Mar., 2 0 1 3 doi: 10.7541/2013.33 1 杨 移 斌 2 夏 永 涛 3 郑 卫 东 1 胡 鲲 1 杨 先 乐 (1., 201306; 2., 100039; 3., 430223) ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF YERSINIA RUCKERI FROM ACIPENSER BAERII AND ITS ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY YANG Yi-Bin 1, XIA Yong-Tao 2, ZHENG Wei-Dong 3, HU Kun 1 and YANG Xian-Le 1 (1. State Collection Center of Aquatic Pathogen, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2. Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100039, China; 3. Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuhan 4310223, China) : ; 16S rdna; ; Key words: Yersinia Ruckeri; 16S rdna; Antibiotic sensitivity; Acipenser baerii 中 图 分 类 号 : S941 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 1000-3207(2013)02-0393-06,,, (Acipenseriformes), 26 [1], 2 3 8, (Acipenser sinensis) (Psephurus gladius) (Acipenser dabryanus); (Acipenser schrenckii) (Huso dauricus); (Acipenser nudiventris) (Acipenser ruthenus) (Acipenser baerii) [2],,,, 18% 29%,,, 1992,, 1 [2],,, (Aeromonas hydrophila) (Aeromonas carvia) (Plesimonas shigelloides) [3 6], [7,8] 2012 6,,,,,,,,,,,,, 16S rdna,,, 收 稿 日 期 : 2012-08-06; 修 订 日 期 : 2012-12-27 基 金 项 目 : - (ZD-2012-345- 6); ( ) (201203085); 863 (2011AA10A216); (31172430); ( (2011) 4-8 ) 作 者 简 介 : (1988 ),, ; ; E-mail: 通 信 作 者 : (1948 ), E-mail:

394 37 1 1.1,, 5% (MH) ; ; ; DNA PCR 16S rdna, TaqDNA ; 1.2,,,,, 75%,,, 28 24 48h,,,, 4, 1 1 6, 4, 20 22, HD0923 28 24h,, 4 10 7 CFU/mL,, 0.2 ml,,, HD0923, 28 24h,,, [9] HD0923 16S rdna (1) 16S rdna : (BHI), 28 18h, 12000 r/min, DNA DNA, PCR DNA (2)16S rdna : 16S rdna PCR 27F: 5 -AGAGTTTGATC(C/A)TGGCTC- AG-3 ( E. coli 16S rrna 8 27 bp ) 1492R: 5 -GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3 ( E. coli 16S rrna 1492 1510 bp ) PCR : 95 3min, 94 35s, 55 35s, 72 1min, 35, 72 10min PCR 1.0% PCR, PCR (3) : HD0923 16S rdna NCBI 16S rdna, 17 5, Clustal w, MEGA5.1 Neighbor-Joining, 1000 Bootstrap K-B, HD0923 (BHI), 28 18h (MH) 17, 5, 28 24h [10] 2 2.1 2012 6 8 3,, 80% 20 22,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 cm,,,,,,,,

2 : 395 2.2 5, 28 24h, HD0923,,,,, 1 mm, 2.3 24h,,,,, 66.7%,,,,,,,,,,, HD0923 16S rdna, HD0923 2.4 HD0923,,,,,,, 0.7 1 mm;,,,, 1 1.3 mm ; 5% 2.5 HD0923 18 36, 24 31, 28 29 ph 4 10, ph 5.0 8.0, ( 1) 2.6 16S rdna PCR PCR HD0923 16S rdna 1500 bp ( 1) 1416 bp, GenBank 16S rdna, 16S rdna (Y. ruckeri), 100%, 16S rdna Neighbor- Joining, ( 2) HD0923 (Y. ruckeri), 100%, 16S rdna, (Y. ruckeri) Tab. 1 表 1 HD0923 菌 株 的 生 理 生 化 特 征 Physiological and biochemical characteristics of HD0923 Test item HD0923 Y. ruckeri Indole test Methyl red + + V-P Voges-Proskauer test H 2 S Gelatin liquefaction + + Motility + (+) KCN Growth in KCN d Urea Lysine + (+) Arginine Ornithine + + Citrate Esculoside Malonic acid Xylose Maltose + + Arabinose (+) Trehalose + + Fructose Sucrose Raffinose Cellobiose Rhamnose Inositol Sorbitol + Mannitol + + D- D-adonitol Melibiose Salicin Lactose D- D- glucose aerogenesis D- D glucose acid production + + : + - ; - ; (+) - 24h, ( ) - 24h; d - 11% 89% Note: + -positive; - negative; (+) The time of Positive reaction exceed 24h; ( ) The time of negative reaction exceed 24 h; d -11% 89% strain is positive 2.7 HD0923 17 ( 2), HD0923 V 10,,

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