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2005 2005 12

1. 5 2. 6 6 7 7 7 7 3. 11 11 12 4. 13 2004 13 2005 14 5. 18 6. 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 2005 24 24 25 27 28 29 2005 36 36 36 37 37 38 1

49 49 49 50 50 51 2004 2005 52 57 58 59 59 60 61 2005 62 62 63 64 64 65 2005 74 74 74 75 76 77 91 91 91 92 92 93 2005 94 7. ENGLISH LANGUAGE( ) 97 Primary 3 Assessment Design 97 P.3 Listening Items 98 2

P.3 Reading Items 99 P.3 Writing Items 100 P.3 Speaking Tasks 101 Performance of P.3 Students with Minimally Acceptable Levels of Basic Competence in TSA 2005 102 P.3 Listening 102 P.3 Reading 103 P.3 Writing 104 P.3 Speaking 107 Performance of the Best P.3 Students in TSA 2005 108 P.3 Listening 108 P.3 Reading 109 P.3 Writing 110 P.3 Speaking 114 General Comments on P.3 Student Performances 115 P.3 Listening 115 P.3 Reading 115 P.3 Writing 115 P.3 Speaking 116 Comparison of Student Performances at Primary 3 in TSA 2004 and 2005 117 Primary 6 Assessment Design 121 P.6 Listening Items 122 P.6 Reading Items 123 P.6 Writing Items 124 P.6 Speaking Tasks 125 Performance of P.6 Students with Minimally Acceptable Levels of Basic Competence in TSA 2005 126 P.6 Listening 126 P.6 Reading 127 P.6 Writing 128 P.6 Speaking 135 Performance of the Best P.6 Students in TSA 2005 136 P.6 Listening 136 P.6 Reading 137 P.6 Writing 138 3

P.6 Speaking 145 General Comments on P.6 Student Performances 146 P.6 Listening 146 P.6 Reading 146 P.6 Writing 147 P.6 Speaking 147 Comparison of Student Performances at Primary 3 and 6 in English Language TSA 2005 148 8. 151 151 2005 152 152 154 155 157 158 2005 159 2004 2005 161 163 2005 164 164 166 167 168 169 171 2005 172 2005 175 9. 177 2005 177 2005 178 179 180 4

1. ( ) 2000 ( ) 2004 2005 2006 () 2001 ( ) 2004 2005 5

2. 2005 (Knowledge) (Interpersonal) (Experience) 6

45 90 115 85 55 13 12 2005 4 () 7

2004 9 10 56 2005 2 37 2.1 8

2.1a () * 14(14) 15(15) 14(14)/15(15) -- 29(29) 24(25) 23(24) 24(24) -- 50(51) 2(28) 2(28) 2(28) -- 5(28) 40(67) 40(67) 40(66)/41(67) -- 84(108) 2(21) 2(21) 2(21) 2(21) 8(21) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 4(10) 17(17) 17(17) 17(17) -- 34(34) 34(34) 30(30) 34(34) -- 61(61) 1(5) 3(9) 1(5) -- 5(19) 52(56) 50(56) 52(56) -- 100(114) 1(4) 1(4) 1(4) 1(4) 4(4) () 1(4) 1(4) 1(4) 1(4) 4(4) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) 4(6) ( ) 1(2) 1(2) 1(2) 1(2) 1(2) 18(22) 19(26) 17(24) 19(23) 54(72) 9(15) 7(11) 12(17) 8(12) 28(43) 7(17) 7(19) 7(17) 8(21) 21(53) 3(6) 3(8) 2(4) 2(4) 8(18) 37(60) 36(64) 38(62) 37(60) 111(186) * 9

2.1b () * 12(12) 12(14) 12(12)/14(14) -- 24(26) 25(33) 25(29) 25(29) -- 42(51) 2(28) 2(28) 2(28) -- 6(28) 39(73) 39(71) 39(69)/39(71) -- 72(105) 1(21) 1(21) 1(21) 1(21) 4(21) 1(21) 1(21) 1(21) 1(21) 4(21) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 4(10) 29(29) 29(29) 29(29) -- 68(68) 54(54) 54(54) 56(56) -- 104(104) 2(12) 2(12) 2(10) -- 6(22) 85(95) 85(95) 87(95) -- 178(194) 1(4) 1(4) 1(4) 1(4) 4(4) 1(7) 1(7) 1(7) 1(7) 4(7) 1(11) 1(11) 1(11) 1(11) 4(11) 23(31) 21(28) 19(27) 21(28) 62(86) 12(13) 14(15) 13(16) 10(10) 42(47) 3(6) 3(6) 5(9) 6(10) 12(22) 3(5) 2(4) 3(5) 3(5) 10(18) 4(6) 4(6) 3(5) 3(4) 13(20) 44(61) 44(59) 43(62) 43(57) 139(193) * 10

3. 2005 4 12 24 2005 7 4 5 710 68,000 78,000 3.1 3.1 11

2005 ( ) 500 2005 7 18 29 (Language Proficiency Assessment for Teacher) 2005 7 16 12

4. 2004 2004 Angoff (Bookmark) Angoff 24 20 13

() ( ) ( ) (84%) 2005 2005 14

(D) 六 D* 六 六 D (D) (D*) D* 15

8 ( ) 六 六 力 2004 4.1 16

Table 4.1. 2004 2005 () () 82.7 -- 75.9 -- 84.9 -- 84.7 75.8 78.8 70.5 86.8 83.0 2005 2004 17

5. () () () () 18

6. 19901995 () 110 90 2005 6.1 3CR1 24 3CR2 23 30 3CR3 24 3CL1 14 3CL2 15 20 3CW1 2 3CW2 2 40 3CW3 2 # 3CST1 3 8 3CST2 1 3CST3 2 3CST4 4 2 # 3CAV 14 3 15 # 19

(3CR1 3CR2 3CR3) 6.2 3CR1 2 19 1 4 1 1 3CR2 2 19 1 3 1 1 3CR3 2 19 1 4 1 1 6.3 / BR1.2 BR1.3 BR1.4 / BR1.5 / 3CR1 3CR2 3CR3 1 2 1 2 1 2 11 12 11 12 13 3 10 11 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 7 8 13 8 14 8 9 12 14 15 15 17 13 14 18 19 18 19 15 18 * 7 16 7 16 6 17 4 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 20 21 22 23 24 / 3CR1 3CR2 3CR3 * 9 17 9 16 3 6 6-1 10 10 19 2 50 * 9 19 12 20

(3CW1 3CW2 3CW3) ( ) 6.4 3CW1 1 1 3CW2 1 1 3CW3 1 1 (3CL1 3CL2) 6.5 3CL1 14 3CL2 15 21

6.6 / / 3CL1 3CL2 BL1.1 3 6 7 8 10 12 2 4 5 7 9 11 BL1.2 4 5 14 6 13 15 6 BL1.3 1 2 11 1 3 8 11 7 / 3CL1 3CL2 9 13 10 3-12 1-14 1 29 (12 24 ) 22

6.7 3CSY1 3CSY2 3CSY3 3CSY4 3CSY5 3CSY6 3CSY7 3CSY8 3CS9 3CS10 3CS11 3CS12 8 4 BS1.1 BS1.3 BS1.4 BS1.5 BS1.6 BS1.2 BS1.4 30 14 6.8 3CAV 14 23

2005 3CR1 1 ( ) 3CR2 13 ( ) 3CR3 10 ( ) () 3CR1 3 3CR1 4 3CR2 15 3CR3 12 3CR1 13 3CR3 15 (3CR2 18 ) (3CR3 13 ) (3CR1 5 ) (3CR2 16 )(3CR3 17 ) (3CR1 7 ) 24

3CR1 23 3CR2 22 3CR3 23 3CR1 23 3CR2 22 3CR1 21 22 3CR3 20 21 22 絶 3CR2 21 絶 絶 3CR1 20 3CR2 20 3CW1 3CW3 3CW2 3CW3 3CW1 3CW3 3CW2 (3CW1)(3CW3) 25

3CW1 xx xx 3CW3 () ( ) 絶 3CW1 3CW2 3CW3 3CW1 3CW2 3CW3 26

3CL1 (3CL1 6 ) (3CL1 7 ) (3CL1 8 ) 3CL2 (3CL2 2 )(3CL2 9 ) 3CL1 11 3CL2 11 (3CL2 13 ) (3CL2 15 ) 3CL1 1 3CL2 1 3CL2 8 27


3CW1 ( 1 ) 29

3CW2 30

3CW3 31

3CW1/3CW2 () ) )) )( ) ( ) 32

3CW1/3CW2 () ( ) 33

3CW3 () ( ) ( ) ( ) 34

3CW3 () ( ) ) 35

2005 3CR1 (3CR1 16 ) 3CR1 9 3CR1 17 3CR3 16 ( 3CR1 8 )(3CR1 18 ) (3CR2 19 )(3CR3 14 ) 3CR3 19 3CR1 24 A C D ( B) (3CW1 3CW2) (3CW3) 36

(3CL1 9 )(3CL2 10 ) (3CL2 12 ) 3CSY4 37

3CW1 ( 1 ) 38

3CW2 39

3CW3 40

3CW1/3CW2 () ( ) ( ) 41


3CW1/3CW2 () )( ) ) ( ) 43


3CW3 () ( ) ( ) ) )( ) 45


3CW3 () () ( ) ) ( ) 47


(3CW1) (3CW3) (3CW2) (3CW1 3CW2) (3CW3) 49

(3CW3) (3CW1 3CW2) 3CW1 3CW2 50

( ) 2 5 8 10 12 6 9 7 14 ( 3 ) 51

2004 2005 2005 84.7% 2% 6.9 2004 2005 2004 82.7 2005 84.7 2004 2005 6.10 6.10 2004 2005 2004 2005 52

2004 2005 () ( ) 53

2004 2005 ( ) () 54

2004 2005 55

2004 2005 () 56

1990 1995 98 115 2005 6.11 6CR1 25 6CR2 25 40 6CR3 25 6CL1 12 6CL2 12 20 6CW1 2 6CW2 2 55 6CW3 2 # 6CST1 4 3 6CST2 1 6CST3 4 3 6CST4 1 4 1 3 # 6CAV 14 4 20 # 57

(6CR1 6CR2 6CR3) 6.12 6CR1 6CR2 6CR3 2 15 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 15 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 17 1 6 1 2 6.13 / / 6CR1 6CR2 6CR3 BR2.2 1 2 10 1 2 8 1 2 10 10 11 16 17 9 16 17 11 18 19 BR2.3 3 14 19 5 10 19 3 12 21 5 BR2.4 9 6 9 2 BR2.5 4 5 7 8 4 11 12 4 5 7 8 13 13 15 13 14 13 14 18 20 18 20 15 16 20 22 BR2.6 6 12 3 6 3 BR2.7 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 23 24 25 23 24 25 7 58

/ 6CR1 6CR2 6CR3 * - 7 15 17 2 42 * (6CW1 6CW2 6CW3) 3 3 ( ) 6.14 6CW1 1 ( ) 1 6CW2 1 ( ) 1 6CW3 1 ( ) 1 6 (6CL1 6CL2) 59

6.15 6CL1 12 6CL2 12 6.16 / / 6CL1 6CL2 BL.2.1 2 11 12 1 2 4 8 9 9 12 BL.2.2 5 6 7 3 6 7 11 9 9 10 BL.2.3 1 3 4 8 5 10 6 24 (12 24 ) () 60

6.17 6CS1 6CS2 6CS3 6CS4 6CS5 6CS6 6CS7 6CS8 6CS9 6CS10 6CS11 6CS12 8 BS2.1 BS2.3 BS2.4 BS2.5 BS2.6 BS2.2 4 BS2.4 30 14 6.18 6CAV 14 61

2005 6CR1 2 () 10 () 11 ( ) 6CR2 1 () 6CR1 4 6CR2 20 6CR3 13 6CR2 6 6CR1 12 6CR1 24 6CR2 21 6CR3 24 62

6CW1 6CW2 6CW1 6CW2 6CW3 6CW1 6CW2 63

() ( ) ( ) ( ) 6CL1 11 12 6CL2 4 6CL1 2 6CL2 2 6CL2 8 6CL1 1 4 6CL2 10 64

6CW1 65

6CW2 66

6CW3 67

6CW1 ( ) ( ) ( ) 68

6CW1 ( ) ( ) 69

6CW2 ( ) ( ) () () ( ) 70

6CW2 71

6CW3 72

6CW3 ( ) ( ) ()() ( ) 73

2005 6CR1 3 6CR2 10 6CR2 14 6CR2 7 6CR1 7 6CR2 13 6CW1 74

6CW1 6CW2 6CW3 6CL2 8 6CL2 3 11 6CL1 6 6CL1 9 75


6CW1 77

6CW2 78

6CW3 79

6CW1 () () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 80


6CW1 () ( ) ( ) 82


6CW2 () ( ) 84

6CW2 () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 85


6CW3 () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 87


6CW3 () ( ) ( ) ( ) 89


10 6CR1 2 6CR2 2 6CR3 11 6CW3 91


4 7 8 14 1 5 9 12 93

2005 75.8% ( 6.19) 6.19 2005 84.7 75.8 6.20 2005 94



7. ENGLISH LANGUAGE Primary 3 Assessment Design The assessment tasks for P.3 English Language were based on the Basic Competency (BC) Descriptors (Tryout Version) for English Language at the end of Key Stage 1 (Primary 3) and the CDC Syllabus for English Language (Primary 1 6) 1997. The tasks covered the four language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking, as well as learning objectives in three interrelated strands, i.e. Interpersonal (IS), Knowledge (KS) and Experience (ES). The P.3 written assessment consisted of three sub-papers for Listening and three sub-papers for Reading and Writing, comprising a total of 100 items and 114 score points. The duration of each Listening sub-paper was approximately 15 minutes, while each Reading and Writing sub-paper was 30 minutes. The oral assessment consisted of eight sub-papers. The composition of the P.3 sub-papers is provided in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 Composition of P.3 Sub-papers Written Assessment Speaking Assessment Basic Competency No. of Items (Score Points) Basic Competency No. of Items (Score Points) Listening 3EL1 3EL2 3EL3 L2-L-1-P3BC (discriminating sounds) 3(3) 0 1(1) L1-S-3-P3BC (short answers) 3ES1 & 3ES2 2(8) 3ES3 & 3ES4 2(8) 3ES5 & 3ES6 2(8) 3ES7 & 3ES8 2(8) L2-L-3-P3BC (listening strategies) Reading 14(14) 17(17) 16(16) 3ERW1 3ERW2 3ERW3 L2-S-5-P3BC (formulaic expressions) 3ES1/ 3ES2 1(2) 3ES3/ 3ES4 1(2) 3ES5/ 3ES6 1(2) 3ES7/ 3ES8 1(2) L2-R-5-P3BC (reading strategies) L2-R-6-P3BC (reference skills) 24(24) 20(20) 34(34) 10(10) 10(10) 0 L3-S-1-P3BC (Picture descriptions - pronunciation) 3ES2 1(2) 3ES4 1(2) 3ES6 1(2) 3ES8 1(2) Writing 3ERW1 3ERW2 3ERW3 L2-W-3-P3BC (relevant ideas) 1(5) 2(7) 1(5) L3-R-3-P3BC (reading aloud) 3ES1 1(4) 3ES3 1(4) 3ES5 1(4) 3ES7 1(4) L2-W-4-P3BC (language use) 0 1(2) 0 97

P.3 Listening Items Each student attempted one of the three sub-papers (about 15 minutes each), each of which consisted of two listening tasks. All listening materials were played twice. Descriptions of the listening assessment tasks are provided in the following Tables 7.2 and 7.3. Table 7.2 P.3 Listening: Distribution of Items Basic Competency Descriptor No. of Items L2-L-1-P3BC L2-L-3-P3BC Discriminating between common words with a small range of vowel and consonant sounds Using a small range of strategies to understand the meaning of short and simple texts on familiar topics which are delivered slowly and clearly in familiar accents 4 30 TOTAL 34 Table 7.3 P.3 Listening: Item Description and Question Types Basic Competency Item Description Question Type No. of Items (Score Points) L2-L-3-P3BC L2-L-3-P3BC L2-L-1-P3BC L2-L-3-P3BC L2-L-3-P3BC L2-L-1-P3BC L2-L-3-P3BC Riddles 3EL1 Part 1 Section A 3EL2 Part 1 Riddle Competition 3EL1 Part 1 Section B Telephone message 3EL1 Part 2 Notes about a book sale 3EL2 Part 2 3EL3 Part 2 Poem about weekends 3EL3 Part 1 Section A & B Multiple choice 7(7) Multiple choice 3(3) Multiple choice 7(7) Multiple choice 10(10) Multiple choice 7(7) 98

P.3 Reading Items Each student attempted three or four reading tasks in one of the three Reading and Writing sub-papers (30 minutes each). About 20 minutes were allotted for the reading tasks in each sub-paper. Descriptions of the reading tasks are provided in Tables 7.4 and 7.5. Table 7.4 P.3 Reading: Distribution of Items Basic Competency Descriptor No. of Items L2-R-5-P3BC Using a small range of reading strategies to understand the meaning of short and simple texts with the help of cues L2-R-6-P3BC Applying a small range of simple reference skills 10 51 TOTAL 61 Table 7.5 P.3 Reading: Item Description and Question Types Basic Competency Item Description Question Type No. of Items (Score Points) L2-R-6-P3BC Book covers 3ERW1 Part 1A 1B Matching Multiple choice 6(6) L2-R-6-P3BC L2-R-5-P3BC L2-R-5-P3BC L2-R-5-P3BC L2-R-5-P3BC L2-R-5-P3BC L2-R-5-P3BC Contents page 3ERW1 Part 1C 3ERW2 Part 1C Story about Piggy 3ERW1 Part 2A 2B 3ERW3 Part 4A 4B E-mail 3ERW1 Part 3 3ERW3 Part 2 Notice about the collection of old clothes 3ERW1 Part 4 Diary 3ERW2 Part 2 Dialogue about a sale in a department store 3ERW2 Part 3A 3B 3ERW3 Part 3A 3B Picture 3ERW3 Part 1 Multiple choice 4(4) Multiple choice 10(10) Multiple choice 7(7) Multiple choice 7(7) Multiple choice 10(10) Multiple choice 10(10) Multiple choice 7(7) 99

P.3 Writing Items Each student attempted one or two writing tasks in one of the three Reading and Writing sub-papers (30 minutes each). About 10 minutes were allotted for the writing tasks in each sub-paper. Descriptions of the writing tasks are provided in Tables 7.6 and 7.7. Table 7.6 P.3 Writing: Distribution of Items Basic Competency Descriptor No. of Items L2-W-3-P3BC L2-W-4-P3BC Writing and/or responding to short and simple texts with relevant information and ideas with the help of cues Writing short and simple texts using a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns and cohesive devices fairly appropriately with the help of cues despite some spelling and grammatical mistakes 4 1 TOTAL 5 Table 7.7 P.3 Writing: Item Description and Question Types Basic Competency L2-W-3-P3BC L2-W-3-P3BC L2-W-4-P3BC L2-W-3-P3BC L2-W-3-P3BC A letter 3ERW1 Part 5 Signs 3ERW2 Part 4 An e-mail 3ERW2 Part 5 Item Description A story about Piggy and the apple tree 3ERW3 Part 5 No. of Items (Score Points) 1(5) 1(2) 1(2) 1(5) 1(5) 100

P.3 Speaking Tasks Each student attempted either Reading Aloud and Expression of Personal Experiences or Picture Descriptions in one of the eight sub-papers (about 5 minutes each including preparation time). All students were assessed on Spontaneous Language Use. There were two sub-papers in each of the four sessions during the two days of oral assessment. Each session had a different topic: seasons (3ES1 & 3ES2), fast food shop (3ES3 & 3ES4), library (3ES5 & 3ES6) and activities on Sundays (3ES7 & 3ES8). Descriptions of the speaking tasks are provided in Table 7.8. Table 7.8 P.3 Speaking: Distribution of Tasks Basic Competency L2-S-5-P3BC L2-R-3-P3BC L1-S-3-P3BC L3-S-1-P3BC L1-S-3-P3BC Task Description Spontaneous Language Use in Given Situations All sub-papers Reading Aloud 3ES1, 3ES3, 3ES5 & 3ES7 Expression of Personal Experiences 3ES1, 3ES3, 3ES5 & 3ES7 Picture Descriptions 3ES2, 3ES4, 3ES6 & 3ES8 Descriptor Using formulaic expressions to establish and maintain routines and relationships in school contexts with the help of cues Showing a basic understanding of short, simple and familiar texts by reading aloud the texts clearly and comprehensibly Providing short answers to short and simple questions Pronouncing simple and familiar words comprehensibly Providing short answers to short and simple questions 101

Performance of P.3 Students with Minimally Acceptable Levels of Basic Competence in TSA 2005 P.3 Listening Students at the basic level of competency were able to identify key words when provided with cues. They could also identify the main ideas in short, spoken texts. Students were also able to understand the basic differences in intonation and discriminate between a small range of vowel and consonant sounds when these were spoken slowly with a clear accent. Key Words Students at this level were able to identify key words for objects (e.g. science books, a money box, a table, a table cloth) when they were read out clearly (3EL2 / 3EL3 Part 2 Notes about a book sale Q.1 and Q.5). Students could also identify pictures such as riding a bicycle and sleeping under a tree when given verbal cues (3EL3 Part 1 Section A Poem about weekends ). Main Ideas P.3 students were able to identify the main ideas in short, spoken texts of familiar topics. They were able to identify toys, utensils in the kitchen, festivals and vehicles in the riddles by listening to verbal cues (3EL1 Part 1 Section A / 3EL2 Part 1 Riddles Q.1, Q.3, Q.4 and Q.5 respectively). Intonation Students could understand the basic differences in intonation about feeling happy and sad (3EL3 Part 1 Section B Poem about weekends Q.1 & Q.2). Sounds Students could correctly distinguish the sounds among A, B, C and D (3EL1 Part 2 Telephone message Q.4). For stressed and unstressed sounds, students were able to distinguish the stressed sound 30 from 13 (3EL1 Part 2 Telephone message Q.6). They were also able to identify the initial consonant L from F, H and T (3EL1 Part 2 Telephone message Q.1). 102

P.3 Reading Students at the basic level of competency were able to identify key words or the main idea in a sentence. They could predict the content using pictures on the book covers. Students could also predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using pictorial cues and contextual clues. Key Words Students were capable of identifying key words with the pictures of food (3ERW1 Part 3 / 3ERW3 Part 2 E-mail Q.2) and sunny weather (3ERW1 Part 2A / 3ERW3 Part 4A Story about Piggy Q.1). They were also able to identify key words like boots and a parrot with the help of pictorial cues (3ERW3 Part 1 Picture Q. 4 & Q.6). Main Ideas Students were able to identify the main idea Little Duck was happy in the reading text Thanks. These sandwiches taste good. (3ERW1 Part 2A / 3ERW3 Part 4A Story about Piggy Q.4). They could also identify the person who wrote the notice (3ERW1 Part 4 Notice about the collection of old clothes Q.1). Book Concepts Students performed well in matching book titles with the pictures on the book covers (3ERW1 / 3ERW2 Part 1A Book covers Q.1 Q.4). They were also able to locate information about the writer and the illustrator of the books (3ERW1 / 3ERW2 Part 1B Book covers Q.1 & Q.2). They also showed their ability in telling the number of stories in the book, the page number of a topic and the content of the book (3ERW1 / 3ERW2 Part 1C Contents page Q.1, Q.2 and Q.4 respectively). Unfamiliar Words Students could predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues, e.g. hurray from Piggy and Little Duck shouted happily (3ERW1 Part 2B / 3ERW3 Part 4B Story about Piggy Q.4) and yummy from I m sure we ll enjoy the food! (3ERW1 Part 3 / 3ERW3 Part 2 E-mail Q.4). Inference Skills Students were able to tell that the boy in the picture was pleased from his smiling face (3ERW3 Part 1 Picture Q.7). 103

P.3 Writing Writing at this level involved writing a few phrases and/or completing one writing task of about 30 words. Students with minimally acceptable levels of basic competence generally understood the task requirements and were able to provide some relevant ideas/responses to the questions/story. They were able to communicate ideas quite clearly. A letter (3ERW1 Part 5) When asked to write a letter to Mum and Dad for Ken about his visit in Hong Kong, students were able to provide either some relevant ideas/responses to the questions or substitute the words/ideas from the given letter (3ERW 1 Part 3). Student Exemplar 1 This student provided some relevant ideas/information. Ideas were presented quite clearly. The recipient and sender were correctly indicated. Student Exemplar 2 This student copied ideas/information from the given letter (3ERW 1 Part 3). Ideas were presented quite clearly. The recipient and sender were correctly indicated. 104

Signs (3ERW2 Part 4) Students were asked to write about some signs in a park. Given pictures of the signs, students with minimally acceptable levels of basic competence were able to provide some information but with some difficulty. Students could write the meaning of the signs using a small range of vocabulary but with some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Student Exemplar 3 This student wrote the meaning of the signs with some spelling mistakes. Student Exemplar 4 This student provided ideas about the signs but these ideas did not match the question numbers. There were some spelling mistakes in the signs which interfered with the communication of ideas. 105

An e-mail (3ERW2 Part 5) Students were asked to write an e-mail about what Ken liked about Hong Kong and why. Students were able to provide either some relevant ideas/responses to the guiding points with few supporting details or partially substitute the words/ideas from the diary (3ERW2 Part 2). Student Exemplar 5 This student copied some ideas directly from the diary in 3ERW2 Part 2. This student was able to write the e-mail with the correct recipient and sender. Student Exemplar 6 Some clear and relevant ideas/information were provided but with few/no supporting details. This student was able to write the e-mail with the correct recipient and sender. 106

A story about Piggy and the apple tree (3ERW3 Part 5) Students with minimally acceptable levels of basic competence were able to provide some brief ideas relevant to the story based on the given pictures. Their descriptions were quite clear but lacked supporting details. Student Exemplar 7 This student provided relevant ideas to the story based on the pictures. There was a clear description about the pictures. The student provided an appropriate ending to the story. Student exemplar 8 This student provided brief ideas relevant to the story based on the pictures. The description of the story was quite clear. The student provided an appropriate ending to the story. P.3 Speaking 12 or 24 students (depending on the school size) from each school participated in the oral assessment. No attempt was made to define a standard of basic competency in speaking. However, the comments on the overall performance levels of students are given in the General Comments on P.3 Student Performances section. 107

Performance of the Best P.3 Students in TSA 2005 P.3 Listening Students with good listening skills demonstrated their ability in the following areas: Key Words Students with good listening skills were capable of identifying names with similar sounds. They could identify the name Dora among other names Dorothy, Doreen and Doris (3EL1 Part 2 Telephone message Q.3). Main Ideas Students could identify main ideas that were not explicit such as grapes and a tortoise (3EL1 Part 1 Section A / 3EL2 Part 1 Riddles Q.6 & Q.7). Sounds Students were able to identify the rhyming words day with play (3EL3 Part 1 Section B Poem about weekends Q.3). They were also able to identify the sound of Cheng from Cheung, Chong and Chung (3EL1 Part 2 Telephone message Q.2). Connection between Ideas Students were able to understand the correct order by identifying cohesive devices, such as first and then (3EL2 / 3EL3 Part 2 Notes about a book sale Q.2). They were also able to identify two dates with the help of the cohesive device and (3EL1 Part 2 Telephone message Q.5) Inference Skills Students at this level could infer the meaning of Mandy is clever from the spoken text Excellent! You re the winner of this game. (3EL1 Part 1 Section B Riddle competition Q.3). 108

P.3 Reading Students with good reading skills demonstrated their ability in the following aspects: Key Words Students could correctly interpret the implicit meaning of key words such as weekend (3ERW1 Part 4 Notice about the collection of old clothes Q.4), sale (3ERW2 / 3ERW3 Part 3A Dialogue about a sale in a department store Q.1) and picked me up at the airport (3ERW2 Part 2 Diary Q.2). Main Ideas Students were able to identify main ideas like the best name for the story (3ERW1 Part 2B / 3ERW3 Part 4B Story about Piggy Q.5) and the reason for an activity (3ERW1 Part 4 Notice about the collection of old clothes Q.2). Unfamiliar Words Students were able to interpret unfamiliar words such as smashed (3ERW2 / 3ERW3 Part 3A Dialogue about a sale in a department store Q.5) and The view from the Peak was gorgeous (3ERW2 Part 2 Diary Q.5) with the help of contextual clues. Inference Skills A small number of students were able to infer what they thought about a character in the story (3ERW1 Part 2A / 3ERW3 Part 4A Story about Piggy Q.5) by interpreting the description of the given character in the story. Students could even interpret two or three pieces of information at the same time (3ERW2 / 3ERW3 Part 3B Dialogue about a sale in a department store Q.1 & Q.2). Reference Words Students could correctly interpret reference words such as it (3ERW1 Part 3 / 3ERW3 Part 2 E-mail Q.1), him and that (3ERW2 / 3ERW3 Part 3A Dialogue about a sale in a department store Q.3 & Q.6). Connection between Ideas Students were able to understand the connection between ideas linked by and (3ERW2 Part 2 Diary Q.9) and or (3ERW1 Part 4 Notice about the collection of old clothes Q.7). 109

P.3 Writing Students with good writing skills were able to communicate their ideas clearly and coherently. A letter (3ERW 1 Part 5) Students Exemplars 9 10 Students could provide many relevant ideas with supporting details. Students could express their ideas clearly and coherently with the correct format. Student Exemplar 9 Student Exemplar 10 110

Signs (3ERW 2 Part 4) Students Exemplars 11 12 Students could provide many relevant ideas. Students could write the signs with no grammatical/spelling mistakes. Student Exemplar 11 Student Exemplar 12 111

An e-mail (3ERW2 Part 5) Students Exemplars 13 14 Students could provide relevant ideas/information with supporting details. Students presented their ideas clearly and coherently. Students were able to write the e-mail with the correct recipient and sender. Student Exemplar 13 Student Exemplar 14 112

A story about Piggy and the apple tree (3ERW3 Part 5) Student Exemplars 15 16 Students were able to provide interesting and coherent ideas relevant to the story. Students could convey their meaning effectively. Student Exemplar 15 Student Exemplar 16 113

P.3 Speaking Students with good speaking skills demonstrated their ability in the following areas: In Spontaneous Language Use, the more able students could give appropriate responses to simple situations like Thank you for coming to talk to me today. and Would you like a gift? They responded readily and spoke audibly. In Reading Aloud, students were capable of reading the text fluently and clearly with appropriate pausing and intonation. They made very few or no mistakes in pronunciation. In Expression of Personal Experiences, students provided relevant answers to all the questions with some elaboration. They were able to give information about their personal experiences related to given topics. In Picture Descriptions, students were able to give clear descriptions of what they saw in the pictures. They could also speak very clearly with few mistakes in pronunciation. Their answers to questions were relevant with some elaboration. 114

General Comments on P.3 Student Performances P.3 Listening The overall performance of the P.3 students was quite good. They performed well in identifying key words and understanding intonation in common expressions about happy and sad moods. Students were capable of distinguishing stressed from unstressed sounds. It is worth highlighting however that only the students with better listening skills were able to infer meaning from spoken texts and identify the connection between ideas by using cohesive devices. P.3 Reading P.3 students were generally good at identifying key words with given pictorial cues. They performed better in identifying main ideas in sentences, predicting the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues and making simple inferences with pictorial cues. It should also be emphasised that they were capable of mastering book concepts, as reflected in their ability to identify the book titles, writer and illustrator of the books, and identification of information on the contents page of a book. Only able students performed well in interpreting reference words and identifying the connection between ideas. P.3 Writing For the short writing task, students were generally able to write short sentences to describe signs in a park. However, their spelling mistakes hindered the communication of ideas. For example, students wrote Don t pack flowers instead of Don t pick flowers. 115

For story writing, most of the students demonstrated their ability to write a short story based on given pictures. In general, students were able to describe in simple sentences what they saw in the pictures. In the outstanding scripts, students showed their competence by writing a story with a clear storyline, expressing their ideas with relevant supporting details and coming up with an interesting and imaginative ending to the story. However, some low performing students were only able to write one or two sentences. Spelling mistakes were also evident in their writing tasks. In letter writing, students were able to provide the correct recipient and sender. However, some students gave only brief answers to guided questions. Their ideas thus appeared to be disconnected. In outstanding scripts, good ideas, relevant details and a clear structure were evident. Similar to letter writing, some students were able to provide the correct recipient and sender for the e-mail. However, some students simply listed the things they liked about Hong Kong without providing details. Some of them failed to address the prompts mentioned in the instructions of the task. P.3 Speaking Students performed well in the area of Spontaneous Language Use. Most of them were successful in giving appropriate responses to simple daily situations. Students performance was also good in Reading Aloud. They were able to read the text quite clearly. However, students experienced difficulty in pronouncing unfamiliar words. For Picture Descriptions, students were generally able to respond to questions on topics related to their daily life like seasons, fast food shop, library and activities on Sundays. For Expression of Personal Experiences, students were able to provide brief answers to questions about their personal experiences. However, some students seemed to lack the necessary vocabulary. 116

Comparison of Student Performances at Primary 3 in TSA 2004 and 2005 This was the second year that students had participated in the System Assessment for P.3. The percentage of students achieving Basic Competency is provided in Table 7.9. Table 7.9 Percentage of Students Achieving English Basic Competency in 2004 and 2005 Year % of Students Achieving English Basic Competency 2004 75.9 2005 78.8 A comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of P.3 student performances in TSA 2004 and 2005 provides useful information on how teachers can help students improve. Table 7.10 summarises such a comparison. Table 7.10 Comparison of Student Performances at Primary 3 in TSA 2004 and 2005 Year Skill 2004 2005 Listening Students were able to identify Students also did well in key words with given cues. identifying key words with given cues. Students showed that they were able to distinguish a wide range of mid-vowels and some initial consonants. Most students understood the intonation in common expressions about feelings. Only some able students could distinguish stressed from unstressed sounds. Students were able to identify some initial consonants. Students with the top range of scores were also able to identify rhyming words in spoken texts with options given verbally. Students were also able to interpret the differences in intonation about feelings. More students were capable of distinguishing stressed from unstressed sounds. 117

Year Skill 2004 2005 Reading Identifying key words is one Students were generally of the main strengths of P.3 successful in identifying key students. words with given pictorial cues. Students were able to identify main ideas in a sentence. Students were able to identify book titles with the pictures on the book covers. Some students could not locate information about the writer and illustrator of the books. Only some able students could interpret the contents page. A small number of students were able to interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words. Only able students were capable of making inferences. Only the students with good reading ability were able to interpret reference words. Students were also capable of identifying main ideas in a sentence. Students were capable of matching the book titles with pictures on the book covers. Students performed better in locating information about the writer and illustrator of the books this year. Many students this year were capable of interpreting the contents page. They could tell the number of stories the book contained. More students were able to predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using contextual clues. More students were able to make simple inferences with pictorial cues. Some even could make inferences by reading the implicit meaning of key words. Interpreting reference words and identifying the connection between ideas were evident as two major areas of weaknesses. 118

Year Skill 2004 2005 Writing Students were unable to write Students performed better in a story with a given picture. writing a story based on a series of given pictures. Only able students showed their creativity and imagination in writing. Spelling mistakes were common in writing. Students had difficulty in writing complete sentences and correct verb forms. Most students had difficulty in sequencing ideas. Many students failed to provide details to the topic in writing tasks. More students demonstrated their creativity and imagination in writing. Spelling mistakes were still evident. Some spelling mistakes in both the short and long writing tasks interfered with meaning. Students continued to experience difficulty in writing complete sentences and using correct verb forms. Students lacked the skills in organising their ideas with the help of cohesive devices. Most students only gave brief answers to guiding questions resulting in fragmented ideas. 119

Year Skill 2004 2005 Speaking Students responded quite well Students responded better to to formulaic expressions in formulaic expressions in simple simple situations. everyday situations. Students read the text aloud quite clearly though unfamiliar words caused some hesitation. When responding to questions asked in Picture Descriptions, students were able to use simple and familiar words. They provided brief answers to questions. In Expression of Personal Experiences, students could provide brief answers on a familiar topic in their conversations. Students needed prompting to help continue their responses. More students were able to read the given texts aloud with clarity. Despite some hesitations when they came across some unfamiliar words, the students were able to read the texts in a clear fashion. Students had few problems giving brief answers. Some students attempted to give longer answers. Students were still unable to elaborate on their answers readily. Students were better prepared to answer the questions. However, they could give only short and brief answers. Students need to learn how to provide more detailed answers. 120

Primary 6 Assessment Design The assessment tasks for P.6 English Language were based on the Basic Competency (BC) Descriptors (Tryout Version) for English Language at the end of Key Stage 2 (Primary 6) and the CDC Syllabus for English Language (Primary 1 6) 1997. The tasks covered the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking, as well as learning objectives in three interrelated strands: Interpersonal (IS), Knowledge (KS) and Experience (ES). The P.6 written assessment consisted of three sub-papers for Listening and three sub-papers for Reading and Writing, comprising a total of 178 items and 194 score points. The duration of each Listening sub-paper was approximately 25 minutes, while each Reading and Writing sub-paper was 55 minutes. The oral assessment consisted of eight sub-papers. The composition of the P.6 sub-papers is summarised in Table 7.11. Table 7.11 Composition of P.6 Sub-papers Written Assessment Speaking Assessment Basic Competency No. of Items (Score Points) Listening 6EL1 6EL2 6EL3 L3-L-1-P6BC (discriminating sounds) L4-L-2-P6BC (language use) L4-L-3-P6BC (listening strategies) 1(1) 0 0 4(4) 8(8) 10(10) 24(24) 21(21) 19(19) Reading 6ERW1 6ERW2 6ERW3 L3-R-5-P6BC (reading strategies) L3-R-6-P6BC (reference skills) L4-R-4-P6BC (language use) 35(35) 36(36) 38(38) 10(10) 13(13) 13(13) 9(9) 5(5) 5(5) Basic Competency L3-R-3-P6BC (reading aloud) L3-S-3-P6BC (ideas) L3-S-4-P6BC (language use) No. of Items (Score Points) 6ES1 1(4) 6ES1 & 6ES2 2(8) 6ES1 & 6ES2 2(6) 6ES3 1(4) 6ES3 & 6ES4 2(8) 6ES3 & 6ES4 2(6) 6ES5 1(4) 6ES5 & 6ES6 2(8) 6ES5 & 6ES6 2(6) 6ES7 1(4) 6ES7 & 6ES8 2(8) 6ES7 & 6ES8 2(6) Writing 6ERW1 6ERW2 6ERW3 L3-W-3-P6BC (relevant ideas) 1(6) 1(6) 1(4) L4-S-1-P6BC (pronunciation) 6ES2 1(3) 6ES4 1(3) 6ES6 1(3) 6ES8 1(3) L3-W-4-P6BC (language use) L3-W-3-P6BC (ideas) L3-W-4-P6BC (lang.) 1(3) 1(3) 1(3) 1(3) 1(3) 1(3) eye contact (not B.C.) 6ES2 1(1) 6ES4 1(1) 6ES6 1(1) 6ES8 1(1) 121

P.6 Listening Items Each student attempted three listening tasks in one of the three Listening sub-papers (about 25 minutes each). Listening materials were played once, twice or three times, depending on the nature and difficulty of the task. Descriptions of the listening tasks are provided in the following Tables 7.12 and 7.13. Table 7.12 P.6 Listening: Distribution of Items Basic Competency L3-L-1-P6BC L4-L-2-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC Descriptor Discriminating between words with a range of vowel and consonant sounds Understanding the use of a small range of language features in simple literary / imaginative spoken texts Using a range of strategies to understand the meaning of simple texts on familiar topics which are delivered clearly in familiar accents No. of Items 1 13 54 TOTAL 68 Table 7.13 P.6 Listening: Item Description and Question Types Basic Competency L4-L-3-P6BC L4-L-2-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC L3-L-1-P6BC L4-L-2-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC L4-L-2-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC L4-L-2-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC L4-L-2-P6BC L4-L-3-P6BC News report 6EL1 Part 1 Item Description Advertisement about biscuits 6EL1 Part 2 6EL3 Part 1 Story about Lucy and the cat 6EL1 Part 3 Recipe and procedure for baking a cake 6EL2 Part 1 Poem about Auntie Mary s pets 6EL2 Part 2 6EL3 Part 2 Riddles 6EL2 Part 3 Rhyme about Uncle Lee 6EL3 Part 3 Question Type No. of Items (Score Points) Multiple choice 8(8) Multiple choice 8(8) Sequencing Multiple choice Multiple choice Gap filling Sequencing Short answer Gap filling Multiple choice 13(13) 12(12) 11(11) Multiple choice 6(6) Gap filling Multiple choice 10(10) 122

P.6 Reading Items Each student was required to attempt four or five reading tasks in one of the three Reading and Writing sub-papers (55 minutes each). About 30 minutes were allotted for the reading tasks in each sub-paper. Descriptions of the reading tasks are provided in Tables 7.14 and 7.15. Basic Competency L3-R-5-P6BC Table 7.14 P.6 Reading: Distribution of Items Descriptor Using a range of reading strategies to understand the meaning of simple texts with the help of cues No. of Items L3-R-6-P6BC Applying simple reference skills with the help of cues 23 L4-R-4-P6BC Understanding the use of a small range of language features in simple literary / imaginative texts 70 11 TOTAL 104 Table 7.15 P.6 Reading: Item Description and Question Types Basic Competency L3-R-5-P6BC L3-R-6-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC L4-R-4-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC L4-R-4-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC L3-R-6-P6BC L4-R-4-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC L3-R-6-P6BC L3-R-5-P6BC Item Description Notice about library opening hours 6ERW1 Part 1 Poem about Hong Kong 6ERW1 Part 2 Riddles 6ERW1 Part 3 6ERW2 Part 4 6ERW3 Part 2 Notice about a poster competition 6ERW1 Part 4 6ERW3 Part 3 Poster about a play 6ERW2 Part 2 Blurbs about a treasure hunt and a dolphin 6ERW1 Part 5 Charts about reading habits 6ERW2 Part 1 6ERW3 Part 1 A playscript 6ERW2 Part 3 6ERW3 Part 4 Question Type Multiple choice Short answer Multiple choice Short answer No. of Items (Score Points) 11(11) 13(13) Short answer 6(6) Multiple choice Note taking Writing an address 10(10) Multiple choice 8(8) Multiple choice Matching Note taking Sequencing Multiple choice Multiple choice Note taking Sequencing 16(16) 17(17) 23(23) 123

P.6 Writing Items Each student was required to attempt one short writing task and one long writing task in one of the three Reading and Writing sub-papers (55 minutes each). About 25 minutes were allotted for the writing tasks in each sub-paper. Descriptions of the writing tasks are provided in Tables 7.16 and 7.17. Table 7.16 P.6 Writing: Distribution of Items Basic Competency L3-W-3-P6BC L3-W-4-P6BC L3-W-3-P6BC Descriptor Writing and / or responding to simple texts with relevant information and ideas (including personal experiences, imaginative ideas and evaluative remarks) with the help of cues Writing simple texts using a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns, cohesive devices and verb forms fairly appropriately with the help of cues despite some spelling and grammatical mistakes Writing and / or responding to simple texts with relevant information and ideas (including personal experiences, imaginative ideas and evaluative remarks) with the help of cues No. of Items 2 2 L3-W-4-P6BC Writing simple texts using a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns, cohesive devices and verb forms fairly appropriately with the help of cues despite some spelling and grammatical mistakes 2 TOTAL 6 Table 7.17 P.6 Writing: Item Description and Question Types Basic Competency Item Description No. of Items (Score Points) L3-W-3-P6BC L3-W-4-P6BC L3-W-3-P6BC L3-W-4-P6BC L3-W-3-P6BC L3-W-4-P6BC L3-W-3-P6BC L3-W-4-P6BC Library rules on a poster 6ERW1 Part 4 Section C 6ERW3 Part 3 Section C A reply to a letter 6ERW1 Part 6 6ERW2 Part 5 A response to a play 6ERW2 Part 3 Section D A story about Susan and the Robot Cat 6ERW3 Part 5 1(3) 1(6) 1(3) 1(3) 1(4) 1(3) 124

P.6 Speaking Tasks Each student attempted either Reading Aloud and Teacher-Student Interaction or Presentation in one of the eight sub-papers (about 5 minutes each including preparation time). There were two sub-papers in each of the four sessions during the two days of oral assessment. Each session had a different topic: shopping (6ES1 & 6ES2), jobs (6ES3 & 6ES4), food and drinks (6ES5 & 6ES6) as well as festivals (6ES7 & 6ES8). Descriptions of the speaking tasks are provided in Table 7.18. Table 7.18 P.6 Speaking: Distribution of Tasks Basic Competency L3-R-3-P6BC L3-S-3-P6BC L3-S-4-P6BC L4-S-1-P6BC L3-S-3-P6BC L3-S-4-P6BC Task Description Reading Aloud 6ES1, 6ES3, 6ES5 & 6ES7 Teacher-Student Interaction 6ES1, 6ES3, 6ES5 & 6ES7 Presentation 6ES2, 6ES4, 6ES6 & 6ES8 Descriptor Showing a basic understanding of simple and familiar texts by reading aloud the texts with comprehensible pronunciation and generally appropriate pace, stress, rhythm and intonation Providing and / or exchanging (asking and answering) simple information and ideas (including personal experiences, imaginative ideas and evaluative remarks), and attempting to provide some elaboration with the help of cues Using a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns and cohesive devices to convey simple information and ideas fairly appropriately with the help of cues despite some grammatical mistakes Pronouncing familiar words comprehensibly Providing and / or exchanging (asking and answering) simple information and ideas (including personal experiences, imaginative ideas and evaluative remarks), and attempting to provide some elaboration with the help of cues Using a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns and cohesive devices to convey simple information and ideas fairly appropriately with the help of cues despite some grammatical mistakes 125

Performance of P.6 Students with Minimally Acceptable Levels of Basic Competence in TSA 2005 P.6 Listening In listening, students with minimally acceptable levels of basic competence were able to sequence pictures in the correct order, to identify key words with given cues, to extract specific information as well as to find out main ideas in spoken texts. Sequence Most students were able to sequence the pictures of baking a cake in the correct order (6EL2 Part 1 Section B Procedure for baking a cake ). They demonstrated the skills in understanding the meaning of simple spoken texts on familiar topics. Key Words Most students were able to identify key words, including numbers the scores of a football match (6EL1 Part 1 Section B News report Q.4), the day of the week (6EL1 Part 1 Section B News report Q.5), and the quantity of the ingredients (6EL2 Part 1 Section A Recipe for baking a cake Q.5-6). Specific Information Most students showed their ability to extract specific information about the age group, the price of one packet of biscuits and where to buy the biscuits from the advertisement (6EL1 Part 2 / 6EL3 Part 1 Section A Selling biscuits Q.2, Q.3 and Q.4 respectively). In the poem (6EL2 / 6EL3 Part 2 Auntie Mary s Pets Q.3), most students were able to understand the specific information as to why the dog was naughty. Predicting Development Most students were able to predict the development of the story why Lucy brought Miss Lam to her home and what Miss Lam said to Lucy before she took the cat home (6EL1 Part 3 Section B Story about Lucy and the cat Q.9-10). 126

P.6 Reading Students with minimally acceptable levels of basic competence were able to scan for specific information when reading posters, charts and notices. They were capable of identifying main ideas after reading the library notices. They were also able to obtain information from the two blurbs and understand the connection between ideas. Specific Information In the notices, students were able to locate specific information including the opening hours of a library (6ERW1 Part 1A Q.1) and the details of a poster competition (6ERW1 Part 4B / 6ERW3 Part 3B). Students could extract information from Chart 3 Favourite books and sequence the popularity of different kinds of books (6ERW2 / 6ERW3 Part 1A Survey on Reading Habits Q.2). Students performed well in locating information such as name, age, status and appearance of the characters in a playscript (6ERW2 Part 3C / 6ERW3 Part 4C). Students were also capable of interpreting the information in the two blurbs about a treasure hunt and a dolphin (6ERW1 Part 5B). Main Ideas Students could identify the main idea about when to go to the library by studying the notice of the library (6ERW1 Part 1A Library opening hours Q.3). Students were able to get supporting details of the main ideas about the reasons why classmates read books by referring to the information given in Chart 4 Reasons for reading (6ERW2 / 6ERW3 Part 1C Survey on Reading Habits ). Connection between Ideas Students were able to understand the use of connectives to and and to link ideas in a notice (6ERW1 Part 1A Library opening hours Q.2 & Q.4). 127

P.6 Writing Writing at this level involved completing one short writing task of about 30 words and one long writing task of about 80 words. Students with minimally acceptable levels of basic competence generally understood the task requirements and were able to respond to simple texts with relevant content and ideas. They were able to use a small range of vocabulary, sentence patterns, cohesive devices and verb forms fairly appropriately with the help of cues although spelling and grammatical mistakes were evident. Library rules on a poster (6ERW1 Part 4C / 6ERW3 Part 3C) When asked to write five rules for using the public library, students at the basic competency level were able to write either two to three rules with few or no grammatical and spelling mistakes (Student Exemplar 1), or four to five rules with some grammatical and spelling mistakes (Student Exemplar 2). Student Exemplar 1 This student completed three relevant rules with few grammatical mistakes. 128

Student Exemplar 2 This student was able to write four relevant rules despite some grammatical and spelling mistakes. 129

A response to a play (6ERW2 Part 3D) Students were asked to write a personal response of about 30 words in length to a given situation in a play. Students at the basic level of competence could answer the question with appropriate reasons despite some grammatical and spelling mistakes (Student Exemplars 3 and 4). Student Exemplar 3 This student gave appropriate reasons. Though there were some grammatical and spelling mistakes, these did not hinder the communication of ideas. 130

Student Exemplar 4 This student gave good reasons for his/her answers. Some grammatical mistakes were apparent. There were few or no spelling mistakes. 131

A reply to a letter (6ERW1 Part 6 / 6ERW2 Part 5) Students at the minimally acceptable level of basic competence were able to write a response to a pen pal by answering some of the questions raised in a given letter. Though some grammatical and spelling mistakes were apparent, these did not impede the communication of ideas. Most students could also provide the correct sender and recipient as well as an appropriate beginning and/or closing of a letter (Student Exemplars 5 and 6). Student Exemplar 5 This student provided some relevant ideas with some details, but failed to give an appropriate response to the context (e.g. swimming at the beach in December). There were many grammatical and spelling mistakes. This student was awarded a score of two for a correct letter format. 132

Student Exemplar 6 This student simply transferred the language structure from the first letter given and partially substituted words and ideas with his/her own. A simple range of vocabulary, sentence patterns, cohesive devices and verb forms was demonstrated though there were some grammatical and spelling mistakes. This student was only awarded a score of one for an appropriate beginning and/or closing of a letter. 133

Susan and the Robot Cat (6ERW3 Part 5) Based on a sequence of picture prompts, students at the minimally acceptable level of basic competence were able to provide some brief ideas about the story. Their descriptions were quite clear although grammatical and spelling mistakes were evident (Student Exemplars 7 and 8). Student Exemplar 7 This student only gave some brief ideas without supporting details. The lack of cohesive devices, together with the errors in verb forms and spelling, affected the overall coherence of the text. 134

Student Exemplar 8 This student provided some brief ideas with an appropriate ending. The writing was short (only 53 words) but the description was quite clear. The sentence pattern was simple and there was a lack of cohesive devices. Some grammatical and spelling mistakes were apparent. P.6 Speaking 12 or 24 students (depending on the school size) from each school participated in the oral assessment. No attempt was made to define a standard of basic competency in speaking. However, the comments on the overall performance levels of students are given in the General Comments on P.6 Student Performances section. 135