Joseph Bosco2003109-12 De Groot 1911 1986 1999103-109 1983 19661972197819801985 1978 19811989 1986 19881995199920002008 Ahern, E.1973 Martin, K. G.197

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8 disease entity illness 1. 2. 3. Wen1998 1990 1972 175-193 3 premises reductionism Cartesian dualism organic functional Engel1977,1980 biopsychosocial model

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仼 San Blas Cuna Kung Bushmen Bella Coola Apache Alorese Nyansongo LugbrarTikopia Maurice Freedman1979 Arthur Wolf1974 1976 ( 1979349-72) 11

1990 1995213-68 ( ) 200124-30? 12

200124 1995317-50 199177-78 2003349-64 竉 13

1999252 Freedman Ahern Watson Freedman 1. 2. 14

3. 1969 19932005 1993 6 197612-13 胆 15

1993 Chang 1983 1986a 1990 16

17 95-112 Transformation 堃 1979319-74 305-240BC 1998

79 29 600 the Little Ice Age 600 25-220 265-316 25-220 317-420 420-589 2001 1971 1985-199053 Chang1983 1986 18

Spirit medium shaman 1978 shaman Eliade1972:23-4 Lewis2003 shaman 7 1997 bloody charm Mary Douglas ritual of hygiene illness disease 7 Hsu1983 Seaman1981 1999 Wen1998 1996 19

徧 1960 1996 1998 1999 1996 100 50 10 50 1998 1. 120 21 偒 252730373840414243454753 12 2628515258 113 6 29490 2 50 1 2. 36 9 717 24 1016 13 82728 20

3. 36 2 17. 19 1999 1. 120 21 113 115 2. 60 31 91122243234 6 1318 14 16 21 2343454760 5 25 29 31 3759 40 4144 42 49 53 39 38 36 58 21

2003 244 1661 1683 1866 1934 27 15 (11 ) 22

8 1993183-241 23

1981 2003 24

196-204 256-282 283-343 479-557 9 2003203-254 9 1977 2000 104 196-204 210-285 254-258 299 456-536 610 652 9 982-992 1578 16 60 25

26 ---- 2001179-189 却 3 1976179-188

27% 36% 14% 18% 3% 2% 18 10 (man to man relations) ( ) ( ) (nature to man relations) (between man and nature) (197886-87) ( ) ( ) 11 10 ( ) () 64-94 27

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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (trance) ( ) ( ) ( ) 197385 Mary Douglas1973 Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology 12 198695 12 group grip Douglas Emile Durkheim The Elementary Forms of the Religious life 29

13 13 30

Arthur Kleinman1980 (cultural construction of illness) Kleinman (illness) (explanatory model) Kleinman Kleinman1980 83% (rate of cure)50% 17%2 Kleinman 1. 2. 3. mechanism labeled manipulated culturally transformed Emily Ahern1975 ( ) ( ) ( 31

32 14 Kleinman Kleinman 1988187-94 2001179-89 14 1997 1999 Wen, 1998 1996 G.. Seaman, 1981

283-343 452-536 2004 33

34 15 ( ) ( ) 1. ( )2. 3. 16 15 () () () () () () () () 1999 16 spirit medium trace possessed shaman 199991-105

35 ( ) --- --- ( ) ( ) 17 17 Receptor Agonism-Antagonism

( ) ( ) ( ) 200415-23 W.H.R Rivers 1980459-460 Rivers 36

1999 23 37


1997 XIII 39

1988 1-10 2001 1999 1972 (1989111-121) 40

18 diffused religion institutional religion 堃 1979319-374 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 1990 18 1989 111-21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 19 199991-105 spirit medium trace posessioned shaman 41

42 1 (natural worship) 2 3 20 (1980247-268) 1. 20 2001 1987

43 1956

1 2 3 4 2. 1 2 3 4 峯 3. ( ) 1991 1995 44

45 2003 2005228-231 ------ 199948-49 199974-75 --- 2008 289-94 199953-59 21 21 510 746

( ) 1999 2002 1998 James Laidlaw Maxwell, M.D, 1836-1921 Dr. Patrick Manson,1844-1922 Medical Officer 1896-1945 22 22 1989 1998 2005 46

47 庒 2005168 絶 1990112 堃 1976319

placebo effect 53.64 10,400 14,723 1995 2007 6 1692 1718 3 48



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1. 2. 3. 4. (). () () () 1. 2. 52


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(198 ) 嬷 55

嬷 56

(). () () 57

嬷 嬷 ( 58

Gary 1981 1999b one present-natureone past-supernature 1999b 1999b () () / / / genealogical authority Melford Spiro 59

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