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Extracted from: Buddhist Pali Recitals Published by: The Singapore Buddhist Meditation Centre 1*print: November 2011 FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION 2

KALAMA SUTTA Do not believe in anything (Simply) because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything {simply) because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders, But after observation and analysis when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefits of one and all then accept it and live up to it, 7THE 8UDDHA (4nguttara Nikaya' Vol 1.188-193 PTSEd 1

BUDDHA VANDANA Homage To the Buddha Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa (3 times) Honourto Him, the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Fully Enlightened One,(3 times) 尊敬佛祖 纳莫过酒 巴格瓦多阿拉哈多三马三苦巡洒王攻 应当版依阿罗汉佛为正等正觉者 ( 三儿 )

TI-SARANA Taking the Three Refuges Buddham Saranam Gacchami Dhammam Saranam Gacchami Sangham Saranam Gacchami Dutiyam'pi Buddham Saranam Gacchami Dutiyam'pi Dhammam Saranam Gacchami Dutiyam'pi Sangham Saranam Gacchami Tatiyam'pi Buddham Saranam Gacchami Tatiyam'pi Dhammam Saranam Gacchami Tatiyam'pi Sangham Saranam Gacchami 1 go to the Buddha as my refuge 1go to the Dhamma as my refuge 1go to the Sangha as my refuge Forthe 27 time, 1go to the Buddha as my refuge Forthe 2 time, 1 go to the Dhamma as my refuge Forthe 2" dtime, 1 go to the Sangha as my refuge Forthe 3"4 utime, 1go to the Buddha as my refuge Forthe 304 time, 1 go to the Dhamma as my refuge Forthe 3"4 time, 1 go to the Sangha as my refuge 5

地沙拉纳若党酒拉男卡丛米过芒酒拉男卡恰米桑港酒拉男卡丛米杜地洋比 苦繁酒拉男卡恰米杜地洋比过芒酒拉男卡恰米杜地洋比 桑港酒拉男卡丛米过地洋比著崇酒拉男卡丛米巡地洋比 过芒酒拉男卡恰米过地洋比 桑港酒拉男卡恰米 ( 三航依 ) 我版依佛我版依法 我版依僧 ( 三遍 )

PANCA SILA Five Precepts 1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami Sura merayamajja padamatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami 1take the preceptto abstain from destroying living beings Itake the precept to abstain from taking things not given, 1take the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct 1take the precept to abstain from false speech 册六 ltake the precept to abstain from anything that causes intoxication or heedlessness

How to Take The Five Precepts When a person wants to observe Panca Sila or Atthanga Sila,, as the case may be, in the absence of a Bhikkhu, he or she should repeat (to himself or herself) in order:- first the Vandana Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma- Sambuddhassa (3 times) followed by Tisarana and then the precepts. if such person is unable to repeat the Pali words, the correct meanings of the said precepts should be repeated in the same order, Ifthis event this is not possible, such one should mindfully and with determination think to oneself thus: - 1must this day observe the five precepts or eight precepts (as the case may be) as mentioned in the Doctrine of the Lord Buddha. This should be done in a quiet and undisturbed place. Every Buddhist should endeavor to observe the Five Precepts daily and the Eight Precepts whenever possible.

班假 西拉 巴纳地巴过伟拉麻尼昔卡巴党 酒马地亚米 阿地纳过那伟拉麻尼昔卡巴党 酒马地亚米 卡米书密查查辣伟拉麻尼音卡巴党 酒马地亚米 木酒瓦打伟拉麻尼音卡巴党酒马地亚米 书拉每拉亚麻假把马打他那伟拉麻尼 音卡巴党酒马地亚米 9

( 五戒 ) 我愿遵守持不杀戒我愿遵守持不偷盗戒我愿遵守持不收淫戒我愿遵守持不妄语戒我愿遵守持不饮酒戒 任何能使神志迷乱之物尼属酒类之范围 ) OO 一必 c 忆 如何受五戒 者有人要受持五戒或八关志戒, 而他所在的地方没有比近可以为他传戒的话, 他或她应该按照以下方式念诵经文受戒 ; 首先 礼赞佛陀世尊 纳碳过洒巴格瓦多阿拉哈多三马三车巡酒 ( 三遍 ) 接着含 三版依 和 受戒文 如果受戒者不晓得如何读诵巴利文的受戒文, 他应该按照相同的顺序, 念出有关戒律的正确信义 10

如果他无法这样做的话, 应该专注站有决心地在 内心思维 : 今天息必有锯振姐艳肪轩芒小, 妨字五焉 / 人 有焉 82 受戒仪式应该在一个安静, 不受干扰的地方进行 每一个佛教徒都应该尽量每天遵守 五戒且在情况允许的时候受持 八关遍戒, 惑

TIRATANA VANDANA SALUTATION TO THE BUDDHA ltipi so Bhagava, Araham, Samma Sambuddho Vijacarana sampanno, sugato, lokavidu anuttaro, purisa dammasarathi sattha devamanussanam, Buddho Bhagava'ti Such indeed is the Blessed One, Exalted, Perfectly Enlightened One, endowed with knowledge and virtue. Well-gone (Gone beyondj, Knower of the worlds. A Guide incomparable forthe training of individuals. Teacher of gods and men, Enjightened, and Holy. SALUTATION TO THE DHAMMA Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo, sanditthiko, akaliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko, paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi ti. Well-expounded is the Dhamma by the Blessed One, to be self-realised with immediate fruit; inviting allto come and see, Worthy to be achievedi; to be attained by the wise, each for himself. 12

SALUTATION TO THE SANGHA Supatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho Ujupatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho Nayapatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho Samicipatipanno Bhagavato savakasangho Yadidam cattari purisa yugani attha purisapuggala esa Bhagavato savaka-sangho,ahuneyyo, Pahuneyyo, dakkhineyyo, anjali-karaniyo Anuttaram punnakkhettam lokassati Of good conduct is the Order of the Blessed One's disciples. Of upright conduct is the Order of the Blessed One's disciples. Of wise conduct is the Order of the Blessed One's disciples. Of dutiful conduct is the Order of the Biessed One's disciples. This is the Order of the Blessed One's disciples namely, these four pairs of men, the eight individuals, is worthy of offerings, is worthy of hospitality is worthy of gifts, js worthy of salutation, is an incomparable field of merits to the world. 13

礼敬佛宝 依地比唆巴格瓦阿罗汉三麻三车陀为假呈拉纳赏班诺书歌多洛卡为杜阿罗打诺颇利酒打麻酒拉地酒打 地瓦麻努撤男苦多巴格瓦地 知识与德行兼备的至尊如来, 应供, 正遍知, 明行足, 善逝, 世间解, 无上士, 调御丈夫, 天人师, 佛世尊

礼敬法宝 世瓦卡多巴格瓦打志摩赏地底果 阿卡利果衣喀拍西果无巴纳亦果 帕查党为地打波为努喀地 世尊所善妙及详尽解说之法, 须经学习和奉行, 亲自体会和自见 是可奉行, 可得成果 ; 请来亲自查看, 它值得成就, 智者氏能各自证知

礼赞僧宝 书巴地把诺巴格瓦多酒瓦卡桑果五柱巴地班诺巴格瓦多酒瓦卡桑果那亚把地班诺巴格瓦多酒瓦卡桑果沙米记把地班诺巴格瓦多洒瓦卡桑果亚地党假打利颇利沙优格尼阿打颇利沙颇格拉衣洒巴格瓦多酒瓦卡桑果阿湖内优把湖内优过起内优晶咱利卡拉尼优阿努打朗颇那克入洛卡酒地 僧伽是世尊的追随者, 良好地修行佛法 僧人徊是世尊的追随者, 直接地修行佛法 僧伽是世尊的追随者, 正确地修持佛法以求脱离苦, 僧伽是世尊的追随者, 适当地依教奉行, 修习清泽林行,; 世尊的追随者僧人徊, 是四双八辈的行者, 应当供养, 应当欢迎, 应当献礼, 应当敬礼, 是世间的无上福田 16

OFFERING INCENSE- Gandha-sambhara yuttena, Dhupenaham sugandhina; Pujaye-pujaniyam tam, Puja bhajana muttamam. 1offer him, the Exalted One, who deserved anioffering with this smoke of fragrance. ( 供香 ) 港打赏目巴拉约地纳 杜比纳航书港地纳 普号也普呈尼洋入 普呈把呈纳暮达莽 以此膀妙香, 供养佛世尊, 世上无上士, 应受供养者

OFFERING OF LIGHT Ghana-sarappa-dittena, di pena tama- dhansina; Tiloka-di pam sambuddham, Pujayami tamo-mudam. 1offer him, the Exalted One, the incomparable Light of the three worlds. The light that dispels the darkness of ijgnorance, with this light that Inow light. ( 供灯 ) 著纳酒拉巴地得纳地北纳打马党西纳地罗卡地班酒目捕党普呈亚米打暮母党 以此妙灯明, 三界最腾光, 供养佛世尊愿, 以此灯明,

OFFERING OF WATER Adhivasatu no bhante, Paniyam pari-kappitam; Anukampam upadaya, Patiganhatu muttamam OILord!The Exalted One, please accept this water (strained and arranged by us forthe purpose of this offering) as an offering to Thee, out of great compassion on us! ( 供水 ) 阿地瓦售都诺邦地趴尼洋拍利卡比党阿罗卡目绑悟巴打亚拍地港哈杜暮达莽 细心通滤后, 甘甜之浮水, 献余佛世尊, 唯愿营接受

OFFERING OF FLOWERS Pujemi Buddham kusumena nena, Punnena me tena ca hotu mokkham, puppham milayati yatha idam me, Kayo tatha yati vinasa-bhavam, 1offer him the Exalted One the Lord Buddha with these flowers may this virtue be helpful for my Emancipation, Our body undergoes decay as quickly as does this flower fade away. ( 供花 ) 普切米著党古苏美那内纳普内纳美得纳查护杜昔康普棒米拉亚地亚打亦党美卡优打大亚地为纳酒巴枉 以此妙鲜花, 供养佛世尊, 愿以此功德, 早日得解脱

OFFERING OF FOOD Adhivasetu no bhante, Bhojanam parikappitam; Anukampam upadaya, Patiganhatu muttamam O!LordiThe Exalted One, may this food (provided and arranged by us in the rightful way) be kindily accepted by youw out of great compassion on usl! -reeeatsirerreereoassaerraervrau ( 供饭食 ) 阿地瓦含杜诺邦地波甲男趴利卡比知阿罗卡有目邦悟队打亚, 趴地港哈社芍达莫 如法获取食, 精心巧训调, 献余佛世尊, 唯愿慈接受

KHAMA Forgiveness Kayena vaca cittena- Pamadena maya katam Accayam khama me Bhante- Bhuri panna Tathagata. (3 times) 上 f by deeds, speech or thought heedlessly, have done anything wrong, forgive me, O Masterl O Teacher Greatly Wisel (3 times) ( 慎悔 ) 卡衣纳瓦假结得纳趴麻地纳麻亚卡党阿家洋卡马米榜地普利班那打他格打 ( 三遍 ) 若我身口意, 不慎犯过失, 伟大之导师, 智慧圆满佛, 容我钾什悔 ( 三遍 )

MANGALA SUTTAM Discourse on (38) Blessings Evam me sutam: Ekam samayam Bhagava; Savatthiyam viharati Jetavane; Anatha-pindikassa arame; Atha kho annatara devata; Abhikkantaya rattiya abhikkanta-vanna; Kevalakappam jetavanam obhasetva; Yena Bhagava tenupasankami; Upasankamitva Bhagavantam; Abhivadetva ekamantam atthasi; Ekamantam thita kho sa devata, Bhagavantam gathaya ajjhabhasi :- 1,Bahu deva manussa ca- Mangalani acintayum Akankha-mana sotthanam- Bruhi mangala muttaman 23

Asevana ca balanam- Panditanan ca sevana Puja ca pujaniyanam- Etam mangala muttamam Patirupadesavaso ca- Pubbe ca katapunnata Attasamma panidhi ca- Etam mangala muttamam 8Bahusaccan ca sippan ca- Vinayo ca susikkhito Subhasita ca ya vaca- Etam mangala muttamam Matapitu upatthanam- Puttadarassa sangaho Anakula ca kammanta- Etam mangala muttamam 24

Danan ca dhammacariya ca- Natakanan ca sangaho Anavajjani kammani- Etam mangala muttamam Arati virati papa- Majja pana ca sannamo Appa mado ca-dhammesu- Etam mangala muttamam Garavo ca nivato ca- Santutthi ca katannuta Kalena dhamma savanam- Etam mangala muttamam Khanti ca sovacassata- Samanananca dassanam Kalena dhammasakaccha- Etam mangala muttamam 25

10. 11. 12. 13. Tapo ca brahmacariyanca- Ariyasaccana dassanam Nibbanasacchikiriya ca- Etam mangala muttamam Putthassa iokadhammehi- Cittam yassa na kampati Asokam virajam khemam- Etam mangala muttamam Etadisani katvana- Sabbatthamaparajita Sabbattha sotthim gacchanti tam- Tesam mangala muttamam'ti Etena sacca vajjenahotu te jaya mangalam Etena Sacca vajjenahotu te jaya mangalam Etena Sacca vajjenahotu te jaya mangalam 26

MANAGALA SUTTAM Discourse on (38) Blessings Thus Have 1 heard: On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at the monastery of Anathapindika in jeta's Grove near Savatthi. When the night was far spent, a certain deity who surpassing splendor iluminated the entire Jeta Grove came to the presence of the Blessed One, and drawing neanm respectfully saluted and stood at one side. Standing thus, he addressed the Blessed One in verse:- 1,Many deities and men, ionging for happiness, have pondered on Blessings. Pray, tell me the Highest Blessings. 2., Not to associate with the fools, but to associate with the wise, and to honour those who are worthy of honour. This is the Highest Blessing, 3., To reside in a suitable locality, to have done meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right course. This is the Highest Blessing, 27

Vast-learning, skill in handicraft, well-trained and disciplined, and pleasant speech. This is the highest Blessing,.To support one's father and mother to cherish one's wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupations. This is the Highest Blessing..Liberality, righteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives and performance of blameless actions. This is the Highest Blessing. To cease and abstain from evil. To abstain from intoxicating drinks, and be diligent in performing righteous acts, This is the Highest Blessing. Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and opportune hearing of the Dhamma. This is the Highest Blessing. Patience, obedience, meeting the holy men (Samanas) and timely discussions on the Dhamma, This is the Highest Blessing. 28

10.Seif-control Holy Life, comprehension of the Nobie Truths and the realization of Nibbana. This is the Highest Blessing. 11. 12. He whose mind does not flutter. By contact with worldly contingencies,sorrowless, Stainless, and secure. This is the Highest Blessing. Those who have fulfilled the above conditions are victorious everywhere, and attain happiness everywhere. These are the Highest Blessings, 13. By the firm determination of this truth, may joyous victory be all. By the firm determination of thjs truth, may joyous victory be all, By the firm determination of this truth, may joyous victory be all. 29

吉祥经芳格拉所过 衣枉米所党衣康洒麻洋巴格瓦洒瓦地洋为哈拉地甲打瓦勤阿纳打两地卡酒阿拉米阿打可阿那打拉得瓦打阿比康打亚拉地亚阿比康打瓦纳克瓦拉卡榜甲打瓦郎阿把舍打瓦也纳巴格瓦得努把赏卡米悟把赏卡米打瓦巴格枉党阿比瓦得打瓦衣卡三党阿塔西衣卡莽党地打可洒地瓦打巴格枉党歌打亚阿甲哈巴西 1. 把府得瓦麻努酒是芒格那你阿仅打勇阿港卡麻纳唆塔男八鲁喀芒格拉梦过匡 2. 阿舍瓦纳噬巴那男班地打男噬舍瓦纳普号噬普是尼哑男衣笑蕊格拉梦过莽

LO 必 nm On Co. 巴地路把得酒瓦唆号普比呈卡打普那 打阿打酒马趴尼地咱衣党芒格拉梦过莽巴府酒将噬西榜哮为纳优呈书西克多书怕昔打呈亚瓦呈衣营世格拉梦过匡. 麻打必杜吾巴打男普打和过拉洒赏格合 阿纳可拉呈卡匡打衣营芒格拉梦过菲. 过朗噬过马号利哑号那打卡南时 赏格合阿纳瓦假尼卡马尼衣营芒格拉梦过菲. 阿拉地为拉地中中麻呈把纳咱 酒那摩阿把麻多号大米书衣党芒格拉梦达匡. 歌拉哦号尼瓦多呈赏杜体吓 卡打奴大卡类纳达马酒瓦男衣党芒格拉梦过莽 31

9. 康地呈唆瓦呈酒打酒马纳南呈过酒男卡类纳过马洒卡恰衣党芒格拉梦过莽 10. 过颇呈八拉哈马呈利洋时阿利亚酒呈纳打洒男泥桑纳酒其克利亚号衣党芒格拉梦过菲 11. 普打酒洛卡过米哮记和灌亚酒纳卡目把地阿唆康为拉将克基衣党芒格拉梦过莽 12. 衣打地洒尼卡搭瓦纳酒巴打麻只拉记打酒把打 - 唆挺格将地党底赏芒格拉梦过三地 衣德纳洒查瓦结纳护多地咱亚芒格男 衣德纳洒查瓦结纳护多地呈亚芒格男 衣德纳洒查瓦结纳护多地噬亚芒格男 32

吉祥经 如是我闻, 一时, 佛住含卫国只陀园给孤独精舍 时已深夜, 有一天神殊有光明所照园中, 来至佛所, 茶敬礼拜, 站立一旁, 以偶白佛言, 众人天神与人, 渴望得利益, 思虑求幸福, 请求最吉祥 老人 世尊如是答言 : 勿近昌疾人, 应与智者交, 尊敬有德者, 是为最吉祥! 居住适宜处, 往苦有德行, 置身于正道, 是为最吉祥! 多闻工艺精, 严持诸禁戒, 言谈悦人心, 是为最吉祥! 奉养父母亲, 爱护妻与子, 从业要无害, 是为最吉祥! 布施好品德, 帮助众亲眷, 行为无瑕疲, 是为最吉祥!

那行须禁止, 克已不饮酒, 美德坚不移, 是为最吉祥! 恭敬与谦让, 知足兹感恩, 及时闻教法, 是为最吉祥! 忍耐于顺从, 得见众沙门, 适时论信仰, 是为最吉祥! 自治漂生活, 领悟八正道, 实证涅磐法, 是为最吉祥! 八风不动心, 无忧无污染, 宁静无烦恼, 是为最吉祥! 依此行持者, 无往而不腾, 一切处得福, 是为最吉祥! 以此坚定之真理, 愿众生欢喜得膀利! 以此坚定之真理, 愿众生欢喜得膀利! 以此坚定之真理, 愿众生欢喜得膀利! 34

RATANA SUTTAM Discourse on the Jewels 1. Yanidha bhutani samagatani- Bhummani va yaniva antalikkhe Sabbe va bhuta sumana bhavantu- Atho'pi sakkacca sunantu bhasitam Tasma hi bhuta nisametha sabbe- Mettam karotha manusiya pajaya Diva ca ratto ca haranti ye balim - Tasma hi ne rakkhatha appamatta.yam kinci vittam idha va huram va- Saggesu va yam ratanam panitam Na no samam atthi Tathagatenaldam pi Buddhe ratanam panitam Etena Saccena Suvatthi hotu Khayam viragam amatam panitam- Yadajihaga Sakyamuni samahito. Na tena Dhammena samatthi kincildam pi Dhamme ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 35

5. Yam Buddhasettho parivannayi sucim- Samadhi manantari-kannamahu Samadhina tena samo na vijjatildam'pi Dhamme ratanam panitam Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 6. Ye puggala attha satam pasattha- Cattari etani yugani honti Te dakkhineyya sugatassa savaka- Etesu dinnani mahapphalani ldam"pi Sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 7., Ye suppayutta manasa dalhena- Nikkamino Gotama sasanamhi Te pattipatta amatam vigayha- Laddha mudha nibbutim bhunjamana ldam'pi Sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 36

Yathindakhilo pathavim sito siya- Catubbhi vatebhi asampakampiyo Tathupamam sappurisam vadami- Yo ariyasaccani avecca passati ldampi sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena Saccena Suvatthi hotu 10. Ye ariyasaccani vibhavayanti- Gambhirapannena sudesitani Kincapi te honti bhusappamatta- Nete bhavam atthamam adiyanti ldam'pi Sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu Sahavassa dassana sampadaya- Tayassu dhamma jahita bhavanti Sakkayaditthi vicikicchitanca- Silabbatam vapi yadatthi kinci Catuhapayehi ca vippamutto- Cha cabhithanani abhabbo katum ldam'pi Sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 37

11. Kincapi so kammam karoti papakam- Kayena vaca uda cetasa va Abhabbo so tassa paticchadaya- Abhabbata dittha padassa vutta ldam'pi Sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 12. Vanappagumbe yatha phussitagge- Gimhanamase pathamasmim gimhe Tathupamam Dhamma varam adesayi- Nibbanagamim paramam hitaya ldam'pi Buddhe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatthi hotu 13. Varo varannu varado varaharo- Anuttaro Dhamma varam adesayi ldam'pi Buddhe ratanam panitam- Etena Saccena Suvatthi hotu 14. Khinam puranam navam natthi sambhavam Virattacitta ayatike bhavasmim Te khinabija avirulhicchanda- Nibbanti dhira yathayam padipo ldam'pi Sanghe ratanam panitam- Etena saccena Suvatti hotu 38

15. 16. 17. Yanidha bhutani samagatani- Bhummani va yaniva antalikkhe Tathagatam devamanussapujitam- Buddham namassama suvatthi hotu Yanidha bhutani samagatani- Bhummani va yaniva antalikkhe Tathagatam devamanussapujitam- Dhammam namassama suvatthi hotu Yanidha bhutani samagatani- Bhummani va yaniva antalikkhe Tathagatam devamanussapujitam- Sangham namassama Suvatthi hotu 18. Etena sacca vajjena dukkha vupa samentu te Etena sacca vajjena bhaya vupa samentu te Etena sacca vajjena roga vupa samentu te 39

RATANA SUTTAM Discourse on the Jewels 1 Whatsoever beings are assembled here, those of the earth or those of the air may all of them be happy! Let therm all listen attentively to these wordsl O beings, listen closely! May you all radiate iovingkindness to those human beings who, by day and night, offer merit to you. Therefore protect them wel with diligence. Whatever treasure there be either here or in the world beyond, or whatever precious jewel there be in the havens; yet there is none comparable to the Buddha. Verily in the Buddha is this previous Jewel, By this truth, may there be happinessi The tranquil Sage of the Sakyas realized cessation, passion-free, immortality supreme, excellence. There is nothing comparable to this Dhamma. Verily, in the Dhamma is this precious Jewel, By this truth, may there be happinessl! That pure Path the Buddha Supreme praised is described as concentration without interruption, There is nothing like that concentration. Verily, in the Dhamma is this precious Jewel. By this truth, may there be happinessi Those Eight Individuals, praised by the virtuous, they constitute four pairs. They, the worthy of offerings, the disciples of Enlightened One, gifts given to whom, yieid rich results. Verily, in the Sangha in this previous Jewel. By this truth, may there be happiness! 40

With steadfast mind, applying themselves well in the Dispensation of Gotama, free of passion, they have attained to that which should be attained, encountering the Deathless. They enjoy the Peace of Nibbana freely obtained, Verily, in the Sangha in this precious Jewel, By this truth, may there be happiness! Just as afirm post, sunk in the earth, cannot be shaken by the four winds; so, too, declare him to be a righteous person who thoroughly comprehends the Noble Truths. Verily, in the Sangha is this precious jewel. By this truth, mmay there be happiness! 10. TI1, Those who comprehend clearly the Noble Truths, well taught by Him who has absolute knowledge, do not undergo an eighth birth, no matter how exceeding heedless they may be. Verily, in the Sangha is this precious Jewel. By this truth, may there be happiness! Together with his attainment of Insight, three qualities have been abandoned, namely- belief in self doubt and dependence on (wrong)j rites and rituals. He is absolutely freed from the four states of misery and is incapable of committing the six major wrongdoings. Verily, in the Sangha is thjs brecious Jewel. By this truth, may there be happiness! He is incapable of hiding whatever evil he does, WwWhether by deed, word or thought; for it has been sajd that such an act is impossible for one who has seen the Path. Verily, in the Sangha is this precious Jewel. By this truth, may there be happiness! 41

12. 13. 14. 15. 16., 17, 18. Just like a forest is fowered at the top, in the f 有 rst month of the summer season, so has the Sublime Doctrine that leads to Nibbana been taught forthe {best) highest good. Verily, in the Buddha is this precious Jewel, By this truth, may there be happiness! The unrivalled Excelient One, the Knowen the Given the Bringer of the Exceltent has expounded the excellent Doctrine. Verily, in the Buddha is this precious Jewel. By this truth, may there be happiness! Their past is extinct; a fresh becoming there is not, their minds are not attached to a future birth, their desires grow not; those wise ones fade out (of existence)j as the flame of this iamp. Verily,, in the Sangha is this precious Jewel, By this truth, may there be happiness! Sakka's exultation: whatever beings here assembled, of the earth and of the air come let us salute the Accomplished Buddha, honoured by gods and humans. May there be happinessl! Sakka's exuitation: whatever bejngs here assembled, of the earth and of the air come let us salute the Accomplished Dhamma, honoured by gods and humans. May there be happiness! Sakka's exuftation: Whatever beings here assembled, of the earth and cf the air come let us salute the Accomplished Sangha, honoured by gods and humans. May there be happinessl By the firm determination of this truth may we be free from suffering, from fear and from iness! 42

那达纳所塔 1. 亚尼打著打尼酒马格打尼布马尼瓦亚尼瓦昂打利克喧酒比瓦普打所麻纳巴枉杜阿多比洒卡呈书南杜巴西党 2. 打司马喀普打尼酒迷打酒比米赏卡洛打麻努西亚趴甲亚地瓦查拉多查哈郎地也巴领打司马喀内拉卡打阿趴马打 3. 养肯吉为党衣打瓦护朗瓦酒给书瓦洋拉打男趴尼沿纳诺洒匡阿地打他歌地纳衣打目比车特拉打男趴尼和党衣地纳洒吓纳书瓦地护多

4, nm On 卡洋为拉港阿麻党趴尼和党亚打甲号歌酒克亚件尼洒麻喀多纳地那过米纳酒马地肯吉衣打目比过米拉打男趴尼党衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多. 洋普陀色多拍利瓦南衣书谦酒麻地麻南打利卡那马府三马地那得纳沙磨纳为甲地衣打目比达米拉打男趴尼和党衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多. 也普夹拉阿大酒打目把酒打呈打利衣打尼优歌尼混地得打克喀内亚书夹打酒沙瓦卡衣地所底那里麻哈趴拉尼衣打目比桑克拉打男趴尼党衣地纳酒吓纳书瓦地护多

7. 00 也所趴优打麻纳酒打乐歌那尼卡米诺果打麻沙酒纳目时得趴地趴打阿马党为夹哈拉打梦打尼普顶本家麻纳衣打目比桑克拉打男趴尼和党衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多. 亚顶打吉洛趴打为暮昔多西亚呈柱比瓦得比阿赏巴卡目比优打杜趴葬酒普利赏瓦打米有阿利亚酒假尼阿为假趴洒地衣打目比桑克拉打男趴尼知衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多 也阿利亚酒查尼为把瓦洋地将比拉趴内纳书地西打尼肯切比得哄地普酒趴麻打纳得把枉阿打莽阿地洋地衣打目比桑赤拉打男趴尼医衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多

10. 酒哈瓦酒打沙纳酒目把打亚打亚书过马甲喀打巴枉地酒卡亚地底为吉克吉和党吓昔拉把党瓦比亚打地肯吉假柱哈趴也哮呈为趴暮多查查比他拿尼阿把布卡懂目衣打目比桑克拉打男拍尼营衣地纳洒呈纳书瓦地护多 1 人. 肯时比唆卡目匡卡洛地趴把康卡也纳瓦呈吾打结打洒瓦阿巴波唆打酒趴地恰打亚阿巴把打地打趴打酒五打衣打目比桑克拉打男拍尼营衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多 12. 瓦纳趴拱比亚打普西打歌吉麻哈纳麻色趴打马司敏仅嘻打杜趴荆过马瓦郎阿地酒以尼把那格敏趴拉芒喀打亚衣打目比著特拉打男拍尼党衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多

13. 14. 135. 16. 瓦洛瓦拉努瓦拉多瓦拉哈洛阿努打洛过马瓦朗阿地沙以衣打目比著特拉打男拍尼入衣地纳酒号纳书瓦地护多 克男普拉男纳枉纳地洒目把枉为拉打结打阿亚地克巴瓦司敏得克纳比甲阿为路勤喀将打泥滩地地拉亚打洋趴地波衣打目比桑死拉打男拍尼党衣地纳酒呈纳书瓦地护多 亚尼打闭打尼酒马格打尼车麻尼瓦亚尼瓦昂打利克喀打迷歌党地瓦麻鲁洒补结党车党纳麻酒马书瓦地护多 亚尼打鞭打尼酒马格打尼棒麻尼瓦亚尼瓦晶打利克嘻打和过歌党地瓦麻鲁酒补结赏过马纳麻酒马书瓦地护多 47

17. 亚尼打鞭打尼河马夹打尼棒麻尼瓦亚尼瓦晶打利克嘻打过歌党地瓦麻鲁酒补结党桑港纳麻酒马所瓦地护多 18. 衣帝那杀咱为结那杜卡伍巴杀满都的 衣帝那杀吓为结那巴压伍巴杀满都的 衣帝那杀吓为结那洛卡伍巴杀满都的 48

JAYA MANGALA GATHA Stanzas of Victory Bahum sahassa mabhi nimmita sayu dhantam Giri mekhalam udita ghora sasena maram Danadi dhamma vidhina jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani Marati reka mabhiyujjhita sabba rattim Ghoram panalavaka makkha mathaddha yakkham Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani Nalagirim gaja varam atimatta bhutam Davaggi cakka masaniva sudarunantam Mettambu seka vidhina jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani Ukkhitta khagga mati hattha sudarunantam Dhavantiyojana pathangulimala vantam Iddhibhi sankhata mano jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani 49

Katvana kattha mudaram iva gabbhi niya Cincaya duttha vacanam janakaya majjhe Santena soma vidhina jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani Saccam vihaya mati saccaka vada ketum Vada bhiropita manam ati andha bhutam Panna padipa jalito jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani Nando pananda bhujagam vibudham mahiddhim Puttena thera bhujagena damapayanto lddhupadesa vidhina jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangalani Duggaha ditthi bhujagena sudattha hattham Brahman visuddhi juti middhi Baka bhidanam Nana gadena vidhina jitava Munindo Tam tejasa bhavatu te jaya mangaliani Etapi Buddha jaya mangala attha gatha Yo vacako dina dine sarate matandi Hitvana neka vividhani cupaddavani Mokkham sukham adhi gameyya naro sapanno 50

JAYA MANGALA GATHA Stanzas of Victory Creating thousand hands, with weapons armed, was Mara seated on the trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala. Him, together with his army, did the Buddha subdue by means of generosity and other virtues. By the grace of which, may joyous victory be for al Meore violent than Mara was the indocile, obstinate demon Alavaka, who battled with the Buddha thyoughout the whoie night, Him, did the Buddha subdue by means of His patience and self-control. By the grace of which, may Joyous victory be for al. Nalagiri, the king-elephant, highly intoxicated, was raging like a forest-fire and was as terrible as a thunder-boit. sprinkiing the waters of loving-kindness, this ferocious beast, did the Buddha subdue. By the grace of which, may joyous victory be for al. With uplifted sword, for a distance of three leagues, did WwWicked Angulimala run. Him, did the Buddha subdue by His psychic powers. By the grace of which, may joyous victory be for all. 51

Her belly bound with faggots, to stimulate the bigness of pregnancy Cinca, with harsh words made foul accusation in the midst of an assemblage. Her did the Buddha subdue by His serene and gracefu l bearing, By the grace of which, may joyous victory be for all, Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was like a banner of controversy, and his wisdom was blinded by his own disputations. Lighting the lamp of wisdom, Him did the Blessed One of Sages subdue. By the grace of which, may joyous victory be for all. The wise and powerful sefpent, Nando-pananda, the Noble Sage subdued by psychic powers through His disciple son- Moggallana Thera. By the grace of which, may joyous victory be for all. The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma, named Baka whose hand was grievously bitten by the snake of tenacious heresies, did the Blessed One of Sages cure With His Medicine of wisdom. By the grace of which, may joyous Victory be for a 引. The wise one, who daily recites and earnestly rermembers these eight verses of joyous victory of Buddha, will get mid of various misfortunes and gain the bliss of Nibbana. 52

降魔胜利经 一 以氏沙哈酒麻比呢咪打沙哆但党克利咪卡朗唔底打果拉沙舍纳麻妆但纳底过马为地纳机打瓦暮宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢 麻拉地利卡麻比优吉打沙巴纳顶果朗趴纳拉瓦卡麻卡马打和过亚康抗地梳旦打为地纳机打瓦昔宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢 纳拉吉领咖假瓦朗阿地麻打不党过瓦吉号卡麻沙尼瓦书打如南往咪打布会卡为地纳机打瓦暮宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢

吾喀打卡各马地哈打书打鲁南往过枉地哟假纳拍党果利麻拉枉党依地比桑卡打麻诺机打瓦暮宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢 卡搭瓦纳卡打暮打朗依瓦格比尼亚金号亚杜打瓦号男假纳卡亚麻借栅桑移纳唆马为地纳吉打瓦昔宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢 沙长为哈亚麻地酒号卡瓦打可董瓦打比洛比打麻男亚地安打布赏班纳巴地巴假利多吉打瓦暮宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢

南多巴男打做假港为补和党麻喀地目做地纳得拉信假格纳打马趴洋多衣杜趴得沙为地纳吉打瓦暮宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉呢 杜歌哈地底布假格那所打和过哈党巴老为书地珠地咪地巴卡比打男纳纳歌地纳为地纳吉打瓦昔宁多党得假沙巴瓦杜地假亚芒歌拉昵 耶打比车过假亚芒格拉阿打歌打 哟瓦号可驳纳顶尼沙拉地麻党地喀瓦纳内咖为豚打尼苦悟队打瓦尼莫康书康阿地歌美亚纳洛沙班诺

PATTIDANA Transference of Merit To All Devas Etta vataca amhehi- Sambhatam punna sampadam; Sabbe deva anumodantu- Sabba sampatti siddhiya, May all Devas share this merit, which we have thus acdquired. May it contribute greatly to our happiness and prosperity, 回向天人 衣打瓦打呈昂目喝喧 酒目把党普纳洒目把党 酒比的瓦阿努昔党杜 酒把酒目趴地西地亚 愿以此功德, 回向诸天人, 喜乐及富裕, 广大站增长 56

To All Spirits Etta vataca amhehi- Sambhatam punna sampadam; Sabbe bhuta anumodantu- Sabba sampatti siddhiya. May all spirits share this merit, which we have thus acquired. May it contribute greatly to our happiness and prosperity. 回向鬼神 衣打瓦打号昂目喝喀 洒目把党普纳洒目把党 酒比布大阿努莫党杜 酒把洒目趴地西地亚 愿以此功德, 回向诸鬼神, 喜乐及富裕, 广大琵增长 57

To All Beings Etta vata ca amhehi- Sambhatam punna sampadam; Sabbe satta anumodantu Sabba sampatti siddhiya. May all beings share this merit, which we have thus acquired. May it contribute greatly to our happiness and prosperity. 回向众生 衣打瓦打呈昂目喝喧 酒目把党普纳洒目把党 酒比沙大阿努草签杜 酒把洒目趴地西地亚 愿以此功德, 回向诸众生, 喜乐及富裕, 广大增长 58

Tothe Departed Ones ldam me natinam hotu- Sukhita hontu natayo ldam me natinam hotu- Sukhita hontu natayo ldam me natinam hotu- Sukhita hontu natayo Let this (merit) accrue to my departed relatives and may they be happy. Let this (merit) accrue to my departed relatives and may they be happy. Let this (merit) accrue to my departed relatives and may they be happy, May all beings that ft have directly or indirectly harmed, Share this merit. 59

回向亡者 衣打妹那地男护多须喧打卉多纳打有 衣打妹那地男护多须打昏多纳打有 衣打妹那地男护多须喀打昏多纳打有 愿以此功德, 回向亡故之亲人, 愿此诸亲人, 悉皆得快乐 愿以此功德, 回向亡故之亲人, 愿此诸亲人, 悉皆得快乐 愿以此功德, 回向亡故之亲人, 愿此诸亲人, 悉皆得快乐 回身功德 愿将所作诸功德, 回向法界诸众生, 普愿一切诸天众 同成无上车提道 60

PATTHANA Aspiration or Wish Imina punna kammena- Mame bala samagamo satam samagamo hotu- Yava nibbana pattiya. Be the grace of this merit that have acquired, may 1 never follow the foolish; but only the wise until realize final happiness. 把打纳 衣米纳普纳卡迷纳麻米把拉酒马格暮酒党酒马格暮护多旺瓦尼把纳趴地亚 ( 发展 ) 以此善功德, 愿我远离思者, 愿我常遇智者, 直至成佛羽止 61

PUBBANHA SUTTAM Verses of Fearlessness Protection Yamdun nimittan avamangalanca- Yo ca manapo sakunassa saddo Papaggaho dussupinam akantam- Buddhanu bhavena vinasamentu Yamdun nimittam avamangalanca- Yo ca manapo sakunassa saddo Papaggaho dussupinam akantam- Dhammanu bhavena vinasamentu Yamdun nimittam avamangalanca- Yo ca manapo sakunassa saddo Papaggaho dussupinam akantam- Sanghanu bhavena vinasamentu 62

PUBBANHA SUTTAM Verses of Fearlessness Protection May all evils of 让 omenm, sorrowful happenings, worries, influence of bad planets, or unpleasant dreams and all other such things come to an end by the grace of the Blessed One, Buddha. May all evils of 让 omem sorrowful happenings, worries, influence of bad planets, or unpleasant -dreams and all other such things come to an end by the grace of His Doctrine, May all evils of 让 omen, sorrowfui happenings, worries, influence of bad planets, or unpleasant dreams and all other such things come to an end by the grace of His Great Order of Disciples. 63

The printing of this sacred work Buddhist Recitals is sponsored by:- Beniene Singapore LaoFoYe Hair Care Centre, Singapore