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World Economics and Politics No. 7 2012 between the National People s Congress and the local bodies of People s Congress. In reality and the near future the China - style parliamentary diplomacy is playing and will play an increasingly important role in comprehensively managing the internal and foreign affairs at the same time displaying the institutional virtues of China - style socialism and taking part in the international crisis management and global society governance. Key Words China diplomacy parliamentary diplomacy historical analysis Author Guo Shuyong Professor at School of International and Public Affairs Shanghai Jiao Tong University Vice President of Shanghai Association of International Strategic Studies. China s Rise and Its Changing Political Culture Logical Mechanisms Development Process and Practical Enlightenments Wang Lei 127 Abstract The author attempts to use political culture to analyze the nature connotations evolution resources and development trend of China s rise which focuses on the relationship between China s rise and political culture and its transformation by illustrating the logic of macro - evolution and mechanisms of microscopic changes. Based on philosophical thinking and historical analysis of the changes of political culture the author argues that the interaction between China s rise and political culture creates the necessary conditions for each other s evolution at the macro level and the current rise of China is unbalanced. China needs to actively cultivate several key qualities in the construction of political culture build the social core value system internally oppose cultural hegemony externally and promote the multi - polarization and democratization of international culture order. In addition China also needs to properly deal with the dilemma between cultural particularism and universalism. Key Words China s rise political culture cultural spirit of independence international cultural order Author Wang Lei Assistant Research Fellow Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 160