(Paul de Man, -) (a plurality of significations) (Murray Krieger, -000) (Roland Barthes, -0) (The Pleasure of the Text) - Paul de Man, Blindness and I

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<4D F736F F D20B1D0A87C2D312DABC4B4A3AEC9B4C1B943C0B8BCCBBBAAA4A7ACE3A8732DBDB2A8CEBF50A142B7A8B251A6B62E646F63>


00 三 國 志 通 俗 演 義 中 的 對 話 特 質 及 其 意 義 (Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin, 1895-1975) (RGC) CUHK /0H M. M. Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, ed. Michael Holquist, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist (Austin: University of Texas Press, ), p. --

(Paul de Man, -) (a plurality of significations) (Murray Krieger, -000) (Roland Barthes, -0) (The Pleasure of the Text) - Paul de Man, Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism, nd ed. (London: Routledge, ), p.. Murray Krieger, The Ideological Imperative: Repression and Resistance in Recent American Theory (Taipei: The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, ), p.. 0-00 - () 0 0 0 0 0 0 - --

10 11 12-10 - Yang, Winston L. Y. (Stanford University) The Use of the San- Kuo Chih as a Source of the San-Kuo-Chih Yen-I (a history in the popular style) (the Chinese historiographical tradition) Winston L. Y. Yang, The Use of the San-Kuo Chih as a Source of the San-Kuo-Chih Yen-I. (Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, ), pp., - Chang, Shelley Hsueh-lun (History and Legend: Ideas and Images in the Ming Historical Novels) (divine sovereignty) (images of self-made emperor) (archetype) Chang (ambition) Shelley Hsueh-lun Chang, History and Legend: Ideas and Images in the Ming Historical Novels (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 0), p. 0 11 Andrew H. Plaks, The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel (Princeton: Princeton University Press, ) 000 12 00-0- 00-0 --

13 一 孫 策 與 于 吉 的 對 話 14 15 13-14 畊 a 15 0b-b --

岀 16 17 凭 18 19 0 16 0 17 0-18 a-b 19 a 20 b 21 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, ), vol., p. 22 b 23 b-a --

(Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 0-) 24 b-b 25 b-a 26-27 28 29 (Encyclopaedia Britannica International Chinese Edition) 000 --

0 二 左 慈 與 曹 操 的 對 話 30 b 31 b-b 32 33 34 35-0 0 36 b --

0 37 a 38 b 39 a 40 00 0-0 41 0 42 0 43-0 --

0 44 a-b 45 0b 46 b 47 a 48 0 49 b 50 --

(-) 51 a 52 a-b 53 a 54 0a 55 b-a 56 - b 57-58 甆 0-10-

0 61 64 65 59 60 61-62 b 63 64 a 65-11-

66 67 68 69 66 b 67 68 69 0a -12-

三 兩 組 對 話 關 係 及 其 意 義 0 70 a -13-

71 72 (B. L. Riftin) 73 74 槪 71 a-b 72 73 74-14-

四 大 型 對 話 與 複 調 小 說 特 徵 ( 一 ) 圍 繞 吳 蜀 聯 盟 的 眾 聲 喧 譁 75 76 77 78 79 75 76-0- 77 78 79-15-

80 83 80 a 81 0a 82 b 83 a 84 a-b 85 b 86 b-a -16-

87 88 89 90 91 87 a 88 89 90 b-0a 91 a -17-

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 92-93 b 94 b 95 0a 96 0b-a 97 0 b 98 0 a-b 99 0 b 100 0 a -18-

101 102 101 a-a 102 b -19-

( 二 ) 仁 術 智 的 多 義 呈 現 及 其 相 互 對 話 103 擡 104 103 a-a 104 0a-b -20-

壐 105 106 107 105 b-a 106 0 107-21-

五 敘 述 人 的 立 場 與 小 說 人 物 對 話 的 客 觀 性 108 (context) 109 108 109 a-b -22-

110 ( 一 ) 輕 佻 果 躁, 隕 身 致 敗 111 112 113 110 111 a 112 a-a 113 b -23-

( 二 ) 眇 一 目 跛 一 足 114 115 116 117 118 114 a 115 116-117 a 118 b -24-

( 三 ) 悔 向 轅 門 射 戟 時 ( 四 ) 曹 操 雖 奸 雄, 又 被 玄 德 瞞 過 -25-

筯 筯 119 撃 ( 五 ) 誰 似 忠 心 映 日 紅 119 a-a -26-

120 121 122 畧 123 124 120 b 121 122 0a-b 123 a a-b 124 a -27-

125 ( 六 ) 三 顧 頻 煩 與 兩 朝 開 濟 ( 七 ) 天 數 茫 茫 與 三 分 成 夢 125 b-a -28-

126 126 b -29-

127 127 - -30-

三 國 志 通 俗 演 義 中 的 對 話 特 質 及 其 意 義 關 鍵 詞 : 三 國 志 通 俗 演 義 羅 貫 中 對 話 複 調 小 說 巴 赫 金 -31-

The Nature and Meanings of the Dialogues in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguo zhi tongsu yanyi) ZHOU Jianyu This paper discusses how the Sanguo zhi tongsu yanyi, through its narration of various characters and events, creates opposing dialogues and contrasting ideologies, therefore showing the multi-layered meanings and interactive open structure of this novel. From the conflicts between Sun Ce and Yu Ji, Zuo Ci and Cao Cao, we see that different ideologies are present in the Yanyi. Through their opposing and interactive dialogue, the multiple meanings of the Yanyi are manifest. In the macro-dialogue that forms the polyphonic existence centered on the Wu-Shu alliance, a polyphonic characteristic is presented in the novel. The immiscibility and indissolubility of different ideologies effectively create an open structure for the Yanyi. Both the narrator and the author keep a distance from the characters in the novel, and hold differing stances towards them, thus enriching the content of the novel. Keywords: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Luo Guanzhong dialogue polyphonic novel Mikhail M. Bakhtin -32-

徵 引 書 目 000-00 0 00 0- - 00-33-

- - 0 000 畊 - -00 Krieger, Murray 0- Bakhtin, M. M. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press,. Chang, Shelley Hsueh-lun. History and Legend: Ideas and Images in the Ming Historical Novels. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 0. De Man, Paul. Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism. nd ed. London: Routledge,. Krieger, Murray. The Ideological Imperative: Repression and Resistance in Recent American Theory. Taipei: The Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica,. Plaks, Andrew H. The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press,. Yang, Winston L.Y. The Use of the San-Kuo Chih as a Source of the San-Kuo-Chih Yen-I. Ph.D. diss., Stanford University,. -34-