3 ( ) (flakes) () (coixenolide, C 38 H 70 O 4 ) (5,6) (4) (7) (4,3) (Erhlin) 4 5 ( ) (4 ) ( ) ( ) 4 5 ( ) (8) (nitrogen-free extract, NFE) 00 6.5 60 (

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8:3-4 (003) 3 3 ( ) 5 ( ) ( ) (Glu) (Pro) (Ala) (Cys) (Met) (Leu) (Tyr) 7 (Lys) 0 ( ) (C6 ) (C6 0) (C8 ) (C8 3) (C0 0) 4 4 Coix lachryma-jobi L. Var. ma-yuen stapf, job's tears, adlay, pearl barley 6 ( 40 ) (76~73 ) 7. 058. 3.

3 ( ) (flakes) () (coixenolide, C 38 H 70 O 4 ) (5,6) (4) (7) (4,3) (Erhlin) 4 5 ( ) (4 ) ( ) ( ) 4 5 ( ) (8) (nitrogen-free extract, NFE) 00 6.5 60 () ml 6N HCl 0 4 80 ~3 ml HCl ph. citrate buffer (Automatic Amino Acid Analyzer model 6300 Beckman Co., U.S.A) AACC (9) 0.5 g ( ) AOCS (0) BF 3 -CH 3 OH

Matreya Rapeseed Oil 083 Hewlett packard 5890 A II Resterk RTX-330 90% biscyanopropy-0% cyanopropylphenyl polysiloxane (Resterk Corp., U.S.A) FID 0 40 (,) SAS (ANOVA) (Duncan's multiple range test) 4 (TCS 4) 5 (TCS 5) (OYNL) ( ) (whole grain) (dehulled kernel) (hull) (polished kernel) ( ) 0.67~.47% 6.68~6.75% 7.6~8.8% 6.7~7.50% 56.7~57.47% 5 5 5.8~7.6% 9.9~9.97%.80~3.8%.6~.9% 67.9~69.9% 5.3~.47% 3.07~3.8% 43.~45.9% 4.0~7.60% 3.94~34.6% 4 5 5 6.63~8.04% 6.49~7.5%.54~.8%.78~.8% 7.~7.8% 5 Table. Comparison of proximate composition of whole grain in the three varieties (lines) of adlay Variety Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE TCS 4 0.67b 6.68a 8.34a 7.50a 56.8b TCS 5 0.69b 6.75a 8.8a 6.7b 57.47a OYNL.47a 6.7a 7.6a 7.48a 56.7b NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). 33

34 Table. Comparison of proximate composition of dehulled kernel in the three varieties (lines) of adlay Variety Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE TCS 4 5.9b 9.9b.80a.7a 69.9a TCS 5 5.8b 9.97a.96a.9a 69.07a OYNL 7.6a 9.66ab 3.8a.6a 67.9b NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). Table 3. Comparison of proximate composition of Hull in the three varieties (lines) of adlay Variety Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE TCS 4.47a 3.8a 43.b 7.60a 3.90b TCS 5.3a 3.07c 45.9a 4.0b 34.6a OYNL.3a 3.33b 45.4a 7.7a 3.94c NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). Table 4. Comparison of proximate composition of polished kernel in the three varieties (lines) of adlay Variety Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE TCS 4 7.06b 6.58b.8a.8a 7.7a TCS 5 6.63c 7.5a.79a.78a 7.8a OYNL 8.04a 6.49b.54a.8a 7.a NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). (bran) (6)

(3) 35 Table 5. Comparison of proximate composition of different fractions of adlay Fraction Crude protein Crued fat Crude fiber Ash NFE Whole grain 0.94b 6.7b 8.6b 7.08b 57.00c Dehulled kernel 6.45a 9.6a 3.0c.7c 68.76b Hull.37c 3.40c 44.79a 6.9a 33.5d Polished kernel 7.4a 6.86b.87d.80d 7.a NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). ( ) ( ) ( ) 6.64~.% 5 8.6~9.% 5.6~3.53%.03~.0% 65.50~69.5% 5 4 ( ) ( ) Table 6. Comparison of proximate composition of dehulled kernels cultivated at different areas of the three varieties (lines) of adlay Cultivation area Variety Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE TCS 4 7.0d 8.73b.58b.7a 69.3a Tsao-tun TCS 5 6.64d 9.a.53b.9a 69.5a OYNL 6.65d 8.7b 3.53a.0a 68.90a TCS 4 9.8c 8.6b.0b.04b 68.05b Jen-ai TCS 5.a 8.64b.6b.03b 65.50d OYNL 0.47b 8.70b.0b.08ab 66.55c NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). Dunan's multiple range test.

36 Table 7. comparison of proximate composition of different cultivation areas of adlay Cultivation area Crude protein Crude fat Crude fiber Ash NFE Tsao-tun 6.83b 8.86a.88a.9a 69.5a Jen-ai 0.6a 8.65a.97b.05b 66.70b NFE (Nitrogen-free extract)=00-(crude protein + crude fat + crude fiber + ash). Dunan's multiple range test. 4 (TCS4) 5 (TCS5) (OYNL) (Asp) 63.~66.79 mg/g (Thr) 3.4~7.09 mg/g 4 (Ser) 34.38~36.4 mg/g 5 (Glu) 3.80~40.43 mg/g 4 (Pro) 70.5~74.34 mg/g 4 (Gly).0~7.30 mg/g (Ala) 89.69~94.49 (Cys) 4.~7.6 mg/g 5 (Val) 54.89~57.70 mg/g (Met).93~3.8 mg/g 5 (Ile) 40.9~4.96 mg/g (Leu) 33.37~43.7 mg/g 5 (Tyr).9~3.55 mg/g (Phe) 55.6~57.03 mg/g 4 (His).46~4.65 mg/g (Lys) 8.7~5.03 (Arg) 5.36~6. mg/g 4 (Amm) 4.94~30.03 mg/g (Glu) (Pro) (Ala) (Cys) (Met) (Leu) (Tyr) (Asp) (Thr) (Ser) (Gly) (Val) (Ile) (His) (Lys) (Arg) (Amm) ( ) (Glu) (Ala) (Leu) (Cys) (Met) (Lys) (Lys) (Cys) (Met)

37 ( ) Table 8. Amino acid distribution of the dehulled kernels cultivated at different areas of the three varieties (lines) of adlay (unit: mg/g-protein) Amino acid Tsao-tun Jen-ai TCS 4 TCS 5 OYNL TCS 4 TCS 5 OYNL Asp. 65.4b 63.d 66.79a 64.03cd 64.83bc 63.9d Thr. 7.09a 5.57b 5.68b 4.05d 3.4d 4.7c Ser. 36.4a 35.89a 35.45a 35.65a 34.60b 34.38b Glu. 3.80c 36.58b 3.0c 40.43a 36.93b 36.79b Pro. 70.5c 74.34a 7.79b 73.93a 7.9b 7.34b Gly. 6.09b 4.4c 7.30a.46d.0e.8d Ala. 89.69e 9.58c 90.56d 94.49a 93.64b 9.3c Cys. 4.8e 7.6a 4.e 4.56d 6.c 6.36b Val. 57.4b 56.0d 57.70a 54.89e 56.70c 56.5d Met. 4.56d 3.8a.93e.4b 9.37c 9.c Ile. 4.38bc 4.07bcd 4.96a 4.8b 40.9d 40.48cd Leu. 33.37d 37.99c 34.68d 4.66ab 43.7a 38.88bc Tyr. 0.06c.9f 3.74e 5.69d.5b 3.55a Phe. 55.6c 56.4ab 56.69a 56.49ab 57.03a 55.40bc His. 4.9b 3.37c 4.65a.65d.46e.59d Lys. 3.3b 0.7c 5.03a 9.6d 8.69de 8.7e Arg. 60.45a 54.98b 6.a 5.36d 53.40c 53.6c Amm. 9.53b 5.3d 6.c 5.35d 4.94e 30.03b 4 5 ( ) (C6:0).75~3.5% (C6:) 0.~0.6% 5 (C8:0).46~.57% (C8:) 45.09~49.8% 5 (C8:) 5.74~9.8% 4 (C8:3) 0.34~0.38% 4 (C0:0) 0.30~0.33% 4 (C0:) 0.3~0.35% (C4:0) 0.07~0.0% 4 (C6:) (C6:0) (C8:) (C8:3) (C0:0) ( ) (C8:) (C8:) (C6:0) 50% (5)

38 Table 9. Comparison of amino acid distribufton of different cultivation areas of adlay (unit: mg/g-protein) Amino Acid Tsao-tun Jen-ai Asp 65.4a 64.0b Thr 6.a 4.06b Ser 35.86a 34.88b Glu 33.53b 38.05a Pro 7.38b 73.06a Gly 5.84a.89b Ala 90.6b 93.48a Cys 5.30b 5.68a Val 56.95a 55.9b Met 6.9b 9.94a Ile 4.80a 40.86b Leu 35.35b 4.4a Tyr 5.4b 0.5a Phe 56.09a 56.3a His 4.07a.3b Lys.96a 8.74b Arg 58.85a 5.64b Amm 6.98a 6.77b ( ) Table 0. Fatty acid distribution of dehulled kernels cultivated at different areas of the three varieties (lines) of adlay Fatty acid (%) Tsao-tun Jen-ai TCS 4 TCS 5 OYNL TCS 4 TCS 5 OYNL C4:0 0.05a 0.04a 0.04a 0.04a 0.04a 0.05a C6:0 3.0b.98c 3.5a.9c.75d.93c C6: 0.b 0.c 0.5a 0.5a 0.6a 0.3c C8:0.5c.53bc.5c.55ab.46d.57a C8: 46.07c 49.8a 46.3c 46.58c 45.09d 47.59b C8: 9.8a 8.94b 8.00c 6.6d 6.35d 5.74e C8:3 0.38a 0.36b 0.36b 0.34c 0.34c 0.34c C0:0 0.33a 0.30c 0.33a 0.3ab 0.30c 0.3bc C0: 0.3d 0.33c 0.35a 0.3d 0.34b 0.34b C:0 0.0a 0.09a 0.a 0.0a 0.09a 0.09a C4:0 0.0a 0.08c 0.09b 0.08c 0.09b 0.07d

Table. Comparison of fatty acid distribution of different cultivation areas of adlay Fatty acid (%) Tsao-tun Jen-ai C4:0 0.04a 0.04a C6:0 3.a.86b C6: 0.0b 0.a C8:0.5a.53a C8: 47.9a 46.4a C8: 8.9a 6.3b C8:3 0.37a 0.34b C0:0 0.3a 0.3b C0: 0.33a 0.33a C:0 0.0a 0.09a C4:0 0.09a 0.08a 39. 993 p.33-45. 993 p.5 3. 986 3: 4. 99 5. 985 46:87 6. 975 - :30 7. 988-35:68 8. ACAO. 984. Official Method of Analysis. 4th ed., Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Washington, D. C. 9. AACC. 983. American Association of Cereal Chemists Approved Methods 8th ed., Vol. I, 30-5.

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Effects of Cultivated Areas and Varieties on the Nutrient Compositions of Dehulled Kernel of Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi) 4 Sheng-Hsiung Tseng and Wen-Chang Chiang 3 ABSTRACT The proximate components as well as amino acid and fatty acid contents were determined for the dehulled kernel of three adlay varieties cultivated in different areas. These determinants might provide crucial information to select various adlay crops for food processing. The results showed that the proximate components, amino acid compositions, and fatty acid constitutions of the three varieties (lines) fluctuated significantly for samples grown in different regions. The grains cultivated at Tsao-tun contained more crude fat, crude fiber, ash, and NFE, but less crude protein than those cultivated at Jen-ai. The TCS 5 variety (T.C) contained more proximate components than the other varieties. The grains cultivated in Jen-ai possessed higher contents of Glu, Pro, Ala, Cys, Met, Leu, and Tyr, but lower contents of the other 0 amino acids when compared with those cultivated at Tsao-tun. Among the three examined varieties, the OYNL contained the best amino acid composition. The grains cultivated at Tsao-tun contained higher contents of palmitic acid (C6:0), linoleic acid (C8:), linolenic acid (C8:3), and arachidonic acid (C0:0), but lower content of palmitoleic acid (C6:) when compared with those cultivated at Jen-ai. The TCS 4 variety contained the best fatty acid constitution. Keyword: adlay, cultivated areas, varieties.. Contribution No. 058 of Taichung DARES.. Associate Researcher, Division of Crop Improvement, Taichung DARES. 3. Professor, Graduate Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University.