QUATERNARY SCIENCES Vol. 23, No. 5 September, S. Frolking B. Moore W. Salas R. Sass (, Durham, NH 03824, ;, ;, ;,

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23 5 2 0 0 3 9 QUATERNARY SCIENCES Vol. 23, No. 5 September, 2003 3 S. Frolking B. Moore W. Salas R. Sass (, Durham, NH 03824, ;, 100081 ;, 100081 ;, 100085 ;, 100101 ;, 100029 ;, 410128 ;,Houston, Texas 77252-1892, ), 1. 33, 3, (CO 2 ) (CH 4 ) (N 2 O) - ( ) CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O, (DNDC), DNDC (C) (N),,DNDC 1990 CO 2 95 C/ CH 4 9. 2 C/ N 2 O 1. 3 N/ ( GWP), N 2 O CO 2 CH 4 1980 2000, 20,,DNDC CH 4 1980 12 2000 7, CH 4 20 CH 4 CO 2 15 % 80 %, C N 2 O, N 2 O,, DNDC : 61 E2mail :changsheng. li @unh. edu (NSF) ( EPA) (NASA) (CNSF) (CAAS) (TECO) ( EOS) CNSF - 39790100 2003-05 - 22,2003-06 - 10 3

494 2 0 0 3,,,,, (CO 2 ) (CH 4 ) (N 2 O),, ( Intergo2 vernmental Panel for Climate Change IPCC),1997 ( The Kyoto Protocol),, CO 2,CH 4, N 2 O, (C) (N) C CO 2, CH 4 N N, N,N 2 O, CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O,, [1 5 ] (DNDC) 1989,, 8, 10, 20,DNDC CO 2, CH 4 N 2 O [4,6 13 ]1) DNDC, DNDC 1 DNDC (field scale) DNDC ( ) ( ph Eh ), C,N DNDC,,, DNDC,, ( ) 1) Cai Z, Sawamoto S, Li C et al. Field validation of the DNDC model for greenhouse gas emissions in East Asian cropping systems. 2003

5 : :,, ;, ( GIS), ;,, GIS, 2 483 GIS 1990 / 610 (National Center for Atmospheric Research) ; E. A. Holland [14 ] ; ph [15 ] ;, 1990, [16 19 ] ; / [20 1984 ], 1990, ( ) GIS,DNDC 3 (library database) :, DNDC ;, DNDC, ;,, DNDC Visual C ++ DNDC DNDC, -, CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O,CO 2 CO 2, ; ;,3 DNDC, GIS ( ArcView, ArcInfo,Idrisi) 2 DNDC, (scale up), ( ) -,,, ( ),,,,, 495

496 2 0 0 3, -, CO 2 N 2 O [21,22, CH 4 ] ph CH 4, 1 DNDC CH 4 :, CH 4, DNDC, ( ) CH 4 ; ( ), CH 4 CH 4,, CH 4, CH 4 80 %,,,, DNDC, CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O 1 CH 4 Fig. 1 Sensitivity analysis for CH 4 emissions from a paddy rice field at Yiyang County, Hunan Province in China 3 1990, DNDC 2 483 1. 33 CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O

5 : 20 49, DNDC, ( CO 2,N 2 O CH 4 ) ( ), DNDC : DNDC, 0 30cm, C 2 900 8 900 1990, 270 320 C, 260 300 C 31 37 C 291 337 C, 70 82 C, 100 % 15 % ( ) C 110, ( ) CO 2 140 390 C, (DOC) 2. 9 8. 2 C 1990 CH 4 6. 4 12. 0 CH 4 C, C ( DOC CO 2 ) C CH 4 ( 80 %) C C, 1990 C 29-220 C C CO 2, - 29 220 C/, 95 C/ ( ), C C ( 1) C ( C > 2. 5 ) C, 1990 0. 3 DNDC CH 4 6. 4 12. 0 C/, 9. 2 C/, 1. 5 C, 16 % ; 0. 5 C ( 1), CH 4 65 % 1990 N 2 O 0. 6 2. 0 N, 1. 3 N (0. 374 N), N 2 O 28 % ; 0. 05 N ( ), [23 ], N 2 O CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O 3 (radiative forcing), 3, [24 (net effect) IPCC ], 100,1kg CH 4 1kg CO 2 21, 1kg N 2 O 1kg CO 2 310 (global warming potential, GWP) 3 GWP : GWP = fco 2 / 12 44 + fch 4 / 12 16 21 + fn 2 O/ 28 44 310 (1) fco 2 CO 2 (kgco 2 2C) 497

498 2 0 0 3 fch 4 CH 4 (kgch 4 2C) fn 2 O N 2 O (kgn 2 O2N) 1 DNDC 1990 3 Table 1 DNDC2modeled emissions of net CO 2, CH 4 and N 2 O from croplands of China in 1990 CO 2 / C CH 4 / C N 2 O / N / 10 6 km 2 0. 003-0. 11 0. 08-0. 01 0. 004 0. 005 0. 004 0. 001 0. 002 0. 001 0. 005-0. 11 0. 08-0. 01 0. 016 0. 017 0. 016 0. 001 0. 002 0. 001 0. 064-1. 17 3. 17 1. 00 0. 026 0. 028 0. 027 0. 010 0. 026 0. 018 0. 046-0. 44 2. 76 1. 16 0. 003 0. 003 0. 003 0. 007 0. 019 0. 013 0. 087-2. 61 30. 85 14. 12 0. 021 0. 034 0. 027 0. 025 0. 231 0. 128 0. 045-1. 07 9. 60 4. 26 0. 138 0. 180 0. 159 0. 017 0. 086 0. 052 0. 057 2. 64 21. 79 12. 21 0. 101 0. 151 0. 126 0. 044 0. 191 0. 117 0. 138 13. 22 66. 80 40. 01 0. 182 0. 268 0. 225 0. 139 0. 610 0. 374 0. 003 0. 03 0. 31 0. 17 0. 095 0. 150 0. 122 0. 002 0. 003 0. 003 0. 050-0. 28 5. 03 2. 38 0. 771 1. 211 0. 991 0. 018 0. 040 0. 029 0. 020-0. 92 0. 91-0. 01 0. 389 0. 730 0. 560 0. 016 0. 029 0. 023 0. 060-1. 11 4. 13 1. 51 0. 456 1. 129 0. 792 0. 017 0. 042 0. 029 0. 014-0. 50 1. 32 0. 41 0. 170 0. 262 0. 216 0. 011 0. 025 0. 018 0. 034-1. 59 2. 23 0. 32 0. 556 1. 092 0. 824 0. 024 0. 054 0. 039 0. 085-3. 02 6. 92 1. 95 0. 050 0. 061 0. 055 0. 020 0. 055 0. 038 0. 082-2. 51 7. 52 2. 50 0. 143 0. 340 0. 241 0. 014 0. 045 0. 029 0. 047-1. 29 2. 58 0. 64 0. 405 1. 138 0. 772 0. 018 0. 031 0. 024 0. 043-2. 76 0. 20-1. 28 0. 550 1. 144 0. 847 0. 022 0. 043 0. 032 0. 029-1. 81 1. 46-0. 18 0. 468 0. 859 0. 664 0. 023 0. 039 0. 031 0. 033-1. 91 5. 75 1. 92 0. 256 0. 667 0. 462 0. 020 0. 061 0. 040 0. 115-3. 89 11. 12 3. 62 1. 264 1. 827 1. 545 0. 057 0. 107 0. 082 0. 037-3. 09 1. 73-0. 68 0. 096 0. 197 0. 146 0. 011 0. 022 0. 016 0. 047-3. 68 3. 74 0. 03 0. 081 0. 156 0. 119 0. 015 0. 038 0. 026 0. 003-0. 91 0. 27-0. 32 0. 000 0. 000 0. 000 0. 001 0. 006 0. 004 0. 055-1. 29 5. 42 2. 06 0. 064 0. 115 0. 089 0. 007 0. 036 0. 022 0. 053-2. 50 5. 77 1. 63 0. 002 0. 002 0. 002 0. 005 0. 031 0. 018 0. 006-1. 47 0. 08-0. 69 0. 000 0. 000 0. 000 0. 001 0. 005 0. 003 0. 013-0. 57 0. 39-0. 09 0. 003 0. 002 0. 003 0. 001 0. 004 0. 003 0. 042-4. 13 14. 28 5. 08 0. 027 0. 051 0. 039 0. 005 0. 082 0. 043 0. 007-0. 17 2. 46 1. 14 0. 104 0. 204 0. 154 0. 004 0. 015 0. 010 1. 323-29. 02 218. 75 94. 85 6. 441 12. 023 9. 23 0. 556 1. 98 1. 265, 1990 GWP 344 2 102 CO 2, 1 222. 55 CO 2 3,N 2 O GWP,

5 : 50 %;CO 2, 29 %;CH 4, 21 % GWP 10 ( 2) 2000 2 1990 ( GWP) Table 2 Global warming potential ( GWP) values for the provinces in China in 1990 [25 ], GWP/ CO 2 CO 2 550 /, CH 4 12 /, 1990 CO 2 17 %, CH 4 78 % N 2 O,, N 2 O,, 4 DNDC,, ( mitigation scenario ) 20 80, 3 CO 2 CH 4 N 2 O 0. 07 1. 15 0. 61-0. 08 0. 11 0. 88 0. 44 1. 55 0. 99-0. 05 0. 26 0. 59 1. 19 25. 09 13. 17 0. 28 0. 03 0. 66 1. 89 19. 43 10. 68 0. 40 0. 00 0. 59 3. 12 226. 44 114. 78 0. 45 0. 00 0. 54 8. 38 81. 97 45. 17 0. 35 0. 06 0. 56 33. 98 177. 06 105. 50 0. 42 0. 02 0. 54 121. 33 549. 48 335. 38 0. 44 0. 01 0. 54 3. 76 6. 94 5. 32 0. 12 0. 36 0. 24 29. 54 71. 68 50. 59 0. 17 0. 31 0. 28 15. 38 38. 09 26. 71 0. 00 0. 33 0. 41 16. 99 67. 16 42. 05 0. 13 0. 30 0. 34 8. 23 24. 32 16. 27 0. 09 0. 21 0. 54 21. 25 64. 99 43. 09 0. 03 0. 30 0. 44 0. 25 53. 88 27. 06 0. 26 0. 03 0. 68 1. 46 59. 01 30. 21 0. 30 0. 13 0. 47 15. 28 56. 39 35. 86 0. 07 0. 34 0. 33 16. 10 53. 56 34. 81-0. 13 0. 38 0. 45 17. 43 48. 18 32. 78-0. 02 0. 32 0. 45 9. 82 69. 48 39. 65 0. 18 0. 18 0. 50 48. 74 144. 12 96. 43 0. 14 0. 25 0. 41-3. 55 22. 74 9. 60-0. 26 0. 24 0. 83-4. 13 36. 47 16. 14 0. 01 0. 12 0. 79-2. 82 3. 92 0. 57-2. 05 0. 00 3. 05 0. 66 40. 67 20. 64 0. 37 0. 07 0. 51-6. 60 36. 32 14. 86 0. 40 0. 00 0. 59-5. 13 2. 52-1. 33 1. 92 0. 00-0. 92-1. 53 3. 47 0. 99-0. 34 0. 04 1. 27-12. 20 93. 59 40. 70 0. 46 0. 02 0. 52 4. 32 22. 23 13. 27 0. 32 0. 18 0. 36, 343. 65 2 101. 9 1 222. 55 0. 29 3 3 3 3 3 0. 21 GWP 3 3 0. 50 499 3 3

500 2 0 0 3,,,, 90, 2000 DNDC,, 8. 6 16. 0 CH 4 / ;, 3. 5 11. 6 CH 4 /, 1980 2000,, CH 4 5 20,, CO 2,CH 4 N 2 O 20 80 :CO 2 N 2 O, CH 4,,, 20 CH 4 CH 4, CH 4 [22 ] 50 100 CH 4, CH 4 [26 10 % 20 %, CH 4 ] 20 % [27 ], CH 4 CH 4 C,,,, C [28 ], CO 2 (sequestration), DNDC, C 15 % 80 %, C ( - 95 C/ ) ( + 80 C/ ), 95 CO 2 2C 80 CO 2 2C C, (N mineralization), N 20 % [29 ] N 2 O, (, ) N 2 O, DNDC,, N 2 O 1997 IPCC [30 ] N 2 O, N 2 O (16 N/ ) (8. 5 N/ ) IPCC, N 2 O DNDC, N 2 O ( 1. 3 N/ ) (2. 1 N/ ) [23 ] DNDC :, ; ph, N, N 2 O,

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5 : properties, crop type, cropping management etc. ). A biogeochemical process model (DNDC) has been developed to predict dynamics of the complex system by integrating the interacting factors. DNDC simulates C and N cycles in agroecosystems as well quantifies fluxes of greenhouse gas emissions from cropland soils. Linked to a GIS databases, DNDC accomplished simulations of greenhouse gas emissions from Chinese croplands in 1990. The results indicated that annual emission rates were 95 Tg C, 9. 2 Tg C and 1. 3 Tg N for CO 2, CH 4 and N 2 O, respectively. Converting the emissions to global warming potentials ( GWP), we found N 2 O emission dominated the impact of Chinese cropland on global warming. The simulations with DNDC also found Chinese agriculture made a significant contribution to mitigation of global greenhouse gases in the time period of 1980 2000. During the 20 years, the CH 4 emissions from Chinese rice paddies decreased from 12 to 7 Tg per year due to change in water management from continuous flooding to midseason drainage. It has been observed that the increase in atmospheric CH 4 concentration has been slowed down since early 1980s. The modeled decrease in CH 4 emissions from Chinese rice paddies is consistent with the globally observed decrease in the atmospheric CH 4 increase rates in the magnitude and time span. The most effective approach for mitigating CO 2 emissions from the Chinese croplands is to change the current management of the crop residue. Increase in the rate of above2ground crop residue incorporated in the soils after harvest from current 15 % to 80 % would reverse the Chinese cropland soil C pool from an atmospheric CO 2 source ( - 95 Tg C/ yr) to a sink (80 Tg C/ yr). Mitigation of the cropland N 2 O emissions in China will rely on precision fertilzation. Over2fertilizing is a common phenomenon in many agricultural regions in China. Determining fertilizer application rates based on modeled soil N mineralization rates will not only decrease N 2 O emissions but also elevating fertilizer use efficiency, maintain optimum yields, and substantially reduce N contamination of surface and ground water bodies in the country. For mitigating greenhouse gas emissions meanwhile obtaining sustainable yields, establishing biogeochemical model/ database approaches is becoming an urgent task to improve agricultural management and policies in China. 503 Key words Chinese agriculture, greenhouse gas, DNDC, biogeochemical model