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專 用 或 主 要 用 於 第 8525 至 8528 節 所 屬 器 具 之 零 件 用 於 衣 服 靴 鞋 帳 蓬 手 提 包 旅 行 用 品 或 其 他 已 製 作 品 之 卑 金 屬 搭 鈕 帶 搭 鈕 之 框 架 帶 扣 帶 扣 搭 鈕 眼 環 眼 及 其

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一 前 言 ( ) (Emulsifiable concentrates, EC) (Active ingredient) ( ) ( ) (Other ingredients, inert ingredients, formulants) (Formulation) (Ready-to-use, RTU) (Dusting powder, DP) (Granule, GR) (Tables for direct application, DT) (Bait (ready for use), RB) (Ultra-low volume liquid, ( ) (Soluble concentrates, UL) SL) ( ) (Emulsifiable concentrate, EC) (Wettable powder, WP) () (Wettable powders, WP) 二 農 藥 劑 型 簡 介 ( ) ( ) ( ) 6-1

() (Suspension concentrates, SC) 増 ( (cacking) ) () (water dispersible granules, WG) () (Soluble powders, SP) () (Dusting powder, DP) ( ) () (Granules, GR) 6-2

( () (Capsule suspension, FAO/WHO(2002)) CS) () (Emulsifiable granule, EG) () (Emulsifiable powder, EP ( ( ) (Emulsifiable gel, ) GL) () (Bait (ready for use), RB) () (Water soluble gel, GW) 抛 ( ) (Oil dispersion, OD) ( ) (A mixed formulation of CS and SC, ZC) ( ) (Water soluble packet) ( ) (A mixed formulation of CS and SE, ZE) ( ) (A mixed 6-3

formulation of CS and EW, ZW) ( ) ( ) 三 化 學 物 質 之 危 害 性 ( ) (USEPA) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四 較 安 全 劑 型 農 藥 ( ) 6-4

6 () (Dusting powder, DP) (Soluble powder, SP) 10 90 230 8010 90 1 (driftless, DL ) 1 39600 12%8% () (water dispersible granule, WG) (water dispersible tablet, WT) (suspension concentrate, SC) 20% (water soluble 50%granule, SG) (water ( soluble tablet, ST) ) (soluble concentrate, SL) (92 1 10% (water soluble ) bag, -SB) ( ) 91 91 15 9 (Emulsion, oil-in-water, EW) 1 (Micro-emulsion, ME) 6-5

89 3 1 ( 五 結 論 ) 6-6

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME (%w/w) 001-0336-36-3 polychlorinated biphenyls 50 0.,2 002-01 57-74-9 chlordane 50 1,3 003-0332-21-4 asbestos 500 1 2 004-01 60-57-1 dieldrin 50 1,3 005-01 50-29-3 4,4- dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane (DDT) 50 1,3 006-01 8001-35-2 toxaphane 50 1 007-01 87-86-5 pentachlorophenol 50 1,3 008-031-52-2 sodium pentachlorophenol 50 3 009-01 22967-92-6 methylmercury 50 1 010-01 72-20-8 endrin 50 1,3 011-01 76-44-8 heptachlor 50 1,3 012-01 319-84-6 319-85-7 hexachlorocyclohexane 50 1,3 319-86-8 6108-10-7 013-01 309-00-2 aldrin 50 1.3 014-01 96-12-8 1,2- dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 50 1,2,3 6-7

- 015-01 CAS RN PREFIX NAME (%w/w) 21609-90-5 leptophos 50 1,3 016-01 510-15-6 chlorobenzilate 50 1,3 017-01 836-75-5 nitrofen 50 2 018-01 88-85-7 dinoseb 50 1,3 019-01 58-89-9 lindane (r-bhc, r-hch) 50 1,3 022-01 7439-97-6 mercury 50 1 023-01 82-68-8 pentachloronitrophenol 50 1 024-0596-84-5 daminozide 50 1 025-01 21725-46-2 cyanazine 50 2 026-01 299-84-3 fenchlorphos 50 1 027-01 2425-06-1 captafol 50 2,3 028-033-06-2 captan 50 1,3 029-033-07-3 folpet 50 3 030-03121-70-5 cyhexatin 蟎 50 3 031-01 5798-79-8 α- bromobenzyl cyanide α- 50 1 3 032-01 542-88-1 bis- chloromethyl ether 50 1 2,3 033-01 92-93-3 p- nitrobyphenyl 50,2 034-01 92-67-1 p- aminobiphenyl 50 1 2 034-02 2113-61-3 p- aminobiphenyl hydrochloride 50 1 2 035-01 91-59-8 2- naphthylamine 2- 萘 50,2 6-8

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 035-02 553-00-4 2- naphthylamine acetate 2- 萘 50 035-03 612-52-2 2- naphthylamine hydrochloride 2- 萘 50 036-01 92-87-5 benzidine 50 036-02 36341-27-2 benzidine acetate 50 036-03 531-86-2 benzidine sulfate 50 036-04 531-85-1 benzidine dihydrochloride 50 036-05 036-06 036-07 036-08 (%w/w),2,2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 41766-73-8 benzidine dihydrofluoride 50 1 2 29806-76-6 benzidine perchlorate () 50 1 2 38668-12-1 benzidine perchlorate () 50 1 2 41195-21-5 benzidine diperchlorate 50 1 2 037-01 7440-43-9 cadmium 500 037-02 1306-19-0 cadmium oxide 50 037-03 513-78-0 cadmium carbonate 50 037-04 1306-23-6 cadmium sulfide 50 037-05 037-06 1 2,3 1 2,3 1 2,3 1 2,3 10124-36-4 cadmium sulfate 50 1 2,3 10325-94-7 cadmium nitrate 50 1 2,3 037-07 10108-64-2 cadmium chloride 50 038-01 62-53-3 aniline 50 039-01 95-53-4 o- aminotoluene 50 039-02 108-44-1 m- aminotoluene 50 1 2,3 1 3 6-9

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 039-03 106-49-0 p- aminotoluene 50 040-034-32-7 1- naphthylamine 1- 萘 50 041-019-90-4 3,3'- dimethoxybenzidine 50 042-01 91-94-1 3,3'- dichlorobenzidine 50 043-019-93-7 3,3'- dimethyl-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine 50 044-01 98-07-7 trichloromethyl benzene 50 045-0327-53-3 arsenic trioxide 50 (%w/w),2,3,2,3 046-043-33-9 sodium cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-02 151-50-8 potassium cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-03 506-64-9 silver cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-04 544-92-3 copper(i) cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-05 13682-73-0 copper(i) potassium cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-06 542-83-6 cadmium cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-07 357-21-1 zinc cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-08 14763-77-0 copper(ii) cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 046-09 14264-31-4 copper sodium cyanide 500 1 ( ) 3 047-01 75-44-5 phosgene 5 048-01 624-83-9 methyl isocyanate 5 049-01 7782-50-5 chloride 50 050-01 79-06-1 acrylamide 1 (v/v) 1,3 1 (v/v) 3 1 (v/v) 3 50 50 2,3 6-10

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 051-007-13-1 acrylonitrile 腈 50 052-01 71-43-2 benzene 50 053-01 56-23-5 carbon tetrachloride 50 054-01 67-66-3 chloroform 50 (%w/w) 50 1,2 70 1,2 50 1 50 1 055-0333-82-0 chromium(vi) trioxide ( ) 500 1 ( ) 2 055-02 7778-50-9 potassium dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-03 7789-12-0 sodium dichromate dihydrate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-03 10588-01-9 sodium dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-04 7789-09-5 ammonium dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-05 055-06 055-07 14307-33-6 calcium dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 13675-47-3 cupric dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 13843-81-7 lithium dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-08 7789-10-8 mercuric dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-09 14018-95-2 zinc dichromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-10 7788-98-9 ammonium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-10294-40-3 barium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-12 13765-19-0 calcium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-13 055-14 13548-42-0 cupric chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 10294-52-7 ferric chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-15 7758-97-6 lead chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 6-11

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME (%w/w) 055-16 18454-12-1 lead chromate oxide 500 1 ( ) 2 055-17 14307-35-8 lithium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-18 7789-00-6 potassium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-19 7784-01-2 silver chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-20 7775-11-3 sodium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-21 38455-77-5 stannic chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-22 7789-06-2 strontium chromate 500 1 ( ) 2 055-23 13530-65-9 zinc chromate (zinc chromate hydroxide) ( ) 500 1 ( ) 2 055-24 13007-92-6 chromium carbonyl 500 1 ( ) 2 056-01 88-06-2 2,4,6- trichlorophenol 2,4,6-50 056-02 95-95-4 2,4,5- trichlorophenol 2,4,5-50 057-007-30-2 chloromethyl methyl ether 50 058-018-74-1 hexachlorobenzene 50 059-01,2,2,2,3 12035-72-2 trinickel disulfide 50 1 2 060-006-93-4 ethylene dibromide ( ) 50 061-01 75-21-8 ethylene oxide 50 062-006-99-0 1,3- butadiene 1,3-50 063-027-18-4 tetrachloroethylene 350 064-01 79-01-6 trichloroethylene 50 065-01 75-01-4 vinyl chloride 50 10 1,2,2 50 2 10 1,2 10 1,2 50 2 6-12

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 066-01 50-00-0 formaldehyde 50 067-001-14-4 4,4'- methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) 4,4'- (2- ) 50 068-017-81-7 di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (2- ) 069-01 541-73-,3- dichlorobenzene 1,3-50 069-02 95-50-1 o- dichlorobenzene (1,2-dichlorobenzene) 50 070-020-82-,2,4- trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-50 071-010-80-5 2- Ethoxyethanol (ethylene glycol 50 monoethyl ether) 071-02 109-86-4 2- Methoxyethanol (ethylene glycol 50 monomethyl ether) 072-006-89-8 epichlorohydrin (1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane) 50 073-01 85-44-9 phthalic anhydride 50 074-01 (%w/w) 25 2,3,2 10 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 26471-62-5 toluene diisocyanate (mixed isomers) 500 1 3 074-02 584-84-9 toluene 2,4-diisocyanate 2,4-500 075-007-06-2 1,2- dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) 1,2-076-01 79-34-5 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-077-01 540-59-0 1,2- dichloroethylene 1,2-077-02 75-35-4 1,1- dichloroethylene 1,1-078-01 74-87-3 chloromethane (methyl chloride) 1 3 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 6-13

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 079-01 75-09-2 dichloromethane (methylene chloride) 080-031-11-3 dimethyl phthalate 080-02 84-74-2 dibutyl phthalate 081-01 98-82-8 cumene 082-010-82-7 cyclohexane 083-01 79-11-8 chloroacetic acid 084-01 541-41-3 ethyl chloroformate 085-01 51-28-5 2,4- dinitrophenol (%w/w) 25 4 2,4-50,3 086-01 77-78-1 dimethyl sulfate 50 087-051-56-4 ethyleneimine 1 2,3 50 1 2,3 088-008-60-1 bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 50 089-01 75-15-0 carbon dusulfide 50 090-008-90-7 chlorobenzene 50 091-0163-19-5 decabromobiphenyl ether 50 092-032-64-9 dibenofuran 呋 50 093-023-91-,4- dioxane 1,4-50 094-0335-87-1 hexachloronaphthalene 萘 50 095-01 74-88-4 methyl iodide 50 096-01 57-57-8 β- propiolactone β- 50 097-010-86-1 pyridine 吡 50 70 1 6-14

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 098-01 68-12-2 N,N- dimethyl formamide 50 099-03463-39-3 nickel carbonyl 50 100-007-02-8 acrolein 50 101-007-18-6 allyl alcohol 50 102-022-66-7 1,2- diphenylhydrazine 1,2-50 103-01 74-90-8 hydrogen cyanide 50 104-01 75-07-0 acetaldehyde 105-01 75-05-8 acetonitrile 腈 106-000-44-7 benzyl chloride 107-041-32-2 butyl acrylate 108-023-72-8 butyraldehyde 109-056-62-7 calcium cyanamide 110-015-28-6 chlorendic acid -- 111-026-99-8 chloroprene 112-008-39-4 m- cresol 113-01 542-75-6 1,3- dichloropropane 1,3-114-011-42-2 diethanolamine 115-022-39-4 diphenylamine 116-000-41-4 ethylbenzene (%w/w) 30 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 50 4 50 4 70 4 6-15

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 117-008-10-1 methyl isobutyl ketone 118-001-77-9 4,4'- methylenedianiline 4,4'- 119-039-13-9 nitrilotriacetic acid 120-0120-71-4 propane sultone 1,3-121-021-44-8 triethylamine 122-01 532-27-4 α- chloroacetophenone (w-chloroacetophenone) α- (w- ) 50 123-020-12-7 anthracene 蒽 50 124-01 74-95-3 dibromomethane (methylene bromide) 50 125-01 75-25-2 bromoform (tribromomethane) ( ) 50 126-01 75-00-3 chloroethane (ethyl chloride) 50 128-01 70-30-4 hexachlorophene (2,2'-dihydroxy-3,3',5,5',6,6'-hexachlorod iphenylmethane) (2,2'- 50-3,3',5,5',6,6'- ) 129-01 98-95-3 nitrobenzene 50 130-01 2234-13-1 octachloronaphthalene 萘 50 131-01 64-67-5 ethyl sulfate (diethyl sulfate) ( ) 50 132-01 680-31-9 hexamethylphosphoramide 50 133-01 684-93-5 N- nitroso-n-methylurea N- -- 50 134-01 62-75-9 nitrosodimethylamine (DMNA) N- () 50 (%w/w),3 10 1 10 1 10 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 6-16

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 134-02 55-18-5 nitrosodiethylamine N- () 50 135-026-72-7 tris-(2,3- dibromopropyl)-phosphate (2,3- )- 50 136-01 593-60-2 vinyl bromide 50 137-01 534-52-,6- dinitro-o-cresol 4,6- -- 50 138-01 60-34-4 methyl hydrazine 50 139-01 640-19-7 monofluoroacetamide 50 140-007-19-7 propargyl alcohol (2- -1-) 50 141-01 75-55-8 propyleneimine 50 142-01 7637-07-2 boron trifluoride 143-0170-30-3 crotonaldehyde (2-butenal) (2- ) 144-01 62-56-6 thiourea (thiocarbamide) 145-01 95-80-7 m- toluylenediamine (m-tolylene-diamine; 145-02 toluene-2,4-diamine) (%w/w) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 脲 2,4-25376-45-8 toluylenediamine (mixed isomers); ( diaminotoluene (mixed isomres) 146-008-05-4 vinyl acetate 147-01 78-87-5 1,2- dichlorpropane 1,2-50 148-01 56-35-9 tributyltin oxide, bis(tributyltim) oxide 50 148-02 76-87-9 triphenyltin hydroxide 50 148-03 56-36-0 tributyltin acetate ) 6-17

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME 148-04 1461-23-0 tributyltin bromide 148-05 1461-22-9 tributyltin chloride 148-06 1983-10-4 tributyltin fluoride 148-07 688-73-3 tributyltin hydride 148-08 3090-36-6 tributyltin laurate 148-09 4027-18-3 tributyltin maleate 148-09 14275-57-1 tributyltin maleate 148-10 148-11 148-12 148-13 (%w/w) tri-n- propylethyltin tri-n- propylisobutyltin tri-n- propyl-n-butyltin tri-n- propyltin iodide 148-14 7342-45-2 triphenylbenzyltin 苄 148-15 148-16 triphenylmethyltin triphenyl-p-tolyltin 148-17 triphenyltin bromide 148-18 379-52-2 triphenyltin fluoride 148-19 894-09-7 triphenyltin iodide 148-20 900-95-8 triphenyltin acetate 148-21 639-58-7 triphenyltin chloride 148-22 triphenyl-α-naphthyltin -- -α- 萘 6-18

- 148-23 CAS RN PREFIX NAME (%w/w) tripropyltin bromide 148-24 2279-76-7 tripropyltin chloride 148-25 tripropyltin fluoride 148-26 148-27 148-28 148-29 148-30 148-31 148-32 148-33 148-34 148-35 tritolyltin bromide tritolyltin chloride tritolyltin fluoride tritolyltin hydroxide tritolyltin iodide tritriphenylstannylmethane ( ) trixylyltin bromide trixylyltin chloride trixylyltin fluoride trixylyltin iodide 149-01 67-72-1 hexachloroethane 50 150-01 87-68-3 hexachloro-1,3-butadiene -1,3-50 151-01 7440-41-7 beryllium 50 152-01 95-69-2 p- chloro-o-toluidine --- 50 153-01 79-44-7 dimethylcarbamyl chloride 50 154-01 96-09-3 styrene oxide 50 155-01 96-18-4 1,2,3- trichloropropane 1,2,3-50 95 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 6-19

- CAS RN PREFIX NAME (%w/w) 156-01 7782-41-4 fluorine 50 1 3 157-01 7803-51-2 phosphine 50 1 3 158-01 7719-12-2 phosphorus trichloride 50 1 3 159-01 79-19-6 thiosemicarbazide, 1-amino-2-thiourea 50 1 3 160-0634-04-4 methyl-tert-butyl ether 20 4 161-020-83-2 2,4- dichlorophenol 2,4-162-01 75-27-4 dichlorobromomethane 163-01 77-73-6 dicyclopentadiene 164-01 302-01-2 hydrazine 6-20

82 28 81 50201 88 6 29 88 0028754 () () () () () 6-21



() () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () 1. 2. 3. 6-24

( ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. () 1. 2. () 1. 2. 3. () () Trichloromethane () 1,1,2,2-1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane () Tetrachloromethane () 1,2-1,2-Dichloroethylene () 1,2-1,2-Dichloroethane () Carbon disulfide () Trichloroethylene () Acetone () Isoamyl alcohol () Isobutyl alcohol ( ) Isopropyl alcohol ( ) Ethyl ether ( ) Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether ( ) Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate ( ) Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether ( ) Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether ( ) - o-dichlorobenzene 6-25

( ) ( - - ) Xylenes(o-m-p-isomers) ( ) Cresol ( ) Chlorobenzene ( ) Amyl acetate ( ) Isoamyl acetate ( ) Isobutyl acetate ( ) Isopropylacetate ( ) Ethyl acetate ( ) Propyl acetate ( ) Butyl acetate ( ) Methyl acetate ( ) Styrene ( ) 1,4-1,4-Dioxane ( ) Tetrachloroethylene ( ) Cyclohexanol ( ) Cyclohexanone ( ) 1-1-Butylalcohol ( ) 2-2-Butylalcohol ( ) Toluene ( ) Dichloromethane ( ) Methyl alcohol ( ) Methyl isobutyl ketone ( ) Methyl cyclohexanol ( ) Methyl cyclohexanone ( ) Methyl butyl ketone ( ) 1,1,1-1,1,1-Trichloroethane ( ) 1,1,2-1,1,2-Trichloroethane ( ) Methyl ethyl ketone ( ) N,N-Dimethylformamide ( ) Tetrahydrofuran ( ) n-hexane ( ) Gasoline ( ) Coal tar naphtha ( ) Petroleum ether ( ) Petroleum naphtha ( ) Petroleum benzine ( ) Turpentine 6-26

( ) Mineral spirit (Mineral thinnerpetroleum spiritwhite spirit) ( ) () Yellow phosphorus match () () Benzidine and its salts () 4-4-Aminodiphenyl and its salts () 4-4-Nitrodiphenyl and its salts () - -Naphthylamine and its salts () bis-chloromethyl ether () Dichlorobenzidine and its salts () - -Naphthylamine and its salts () - o-tolidine and its salts ( ) Dianisidine and its salts ( ) Beryllium and its compounds ( ) Benzotrichloride ( ) Polychlorinated biphenyls ( ) Ethyleneimine ( ) Vinyl chloride ( ) - p-dimethylaminoazobenzene ( ) 3,3- -4,4-3,3-Dichloro-4,4-diaminodiphenylmethane ( ) Nickel carbonyl ( ) Chloromethyl methyl ether ( ) - -Propiolactone ( ) Benzene ( ) Acrylamide ( ) Acrylonitrile ( ) Chlorine ( ) Hydrogen cyanide ( ) Methyl bromide ( ) 2,4- Toluene2,4-diisocyanate 6-27

( ) 4,4- Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate ( ) Isophorone diisocyanate ( ) Methyl isocyanate ( ) - p-nitrochlorobenzene ( ) Hydrogen fluoride ( ) Methyl iodide ( ) Hydrogen sulfide ( ) Dimethyl sulfate ( ) Auramine ( ) Magenta ( ) Asbestos ( ) Chromic acid and chromates ( ) Coal tar ( ) Arsenic trioxide ( ) Dichromic acid and its salts ( ) Alkylmercury compounds ( ) - o-phthalodinitrile ( ) Cadmium and its compounds ( ) Vanadium pentaoxide ( ) Potassium cyanide ( ) Sodium cyanide ( ) Mercury and its inorganic compounds ( ) Nitroglycol ( ) Pentachlorophenol and its sodium salts ( ) Manganese and its compounds except Manganese hydroxide ( ) Ammonia ( ) Carbon monooxide ( ) Hydrogen chloride ( ) Nitric acid ( ) Sulfur dioxide ( ) Phenol ( ) Phosgene ( ) Formaldehyde ( ) Sulfuric acid ( ) 6-28

() Acetaldehyde () Acetic acid () Acetic anhydride () Acetonitrile () (1,1,2,2- Acetylene tetrabromide ) () Acrolein () Acrylic acid () Allyl alcohol () Allyl chloride () Allyl glycidyl ether(age) ( ) 2-2-Aminopyridine ( ) sec-amyl acetate ( ) Aniline ( ) - - o-p-anisidine ( ) Antimony and its compounds ( ) - ANTU(-Naphthylthiourea) ( ) Arsine ( ) Azinphos-methyl ( ) Barium and its soluble compounds ( ) Benzyl chloride ( ) Bipyridine ( ) Bromine ( ) Bromine pentafluoride ( ) Bromoform ( ) Boron tribromide ( ) Boron trifluoride ( ) Butadiene ( ) Butane ( ) 1-1-Butanethiol ( ) sec-butyl acetate ( ) tert-butyl acetate ( ) tert-butyl alcohol ( ) Butylamine ( ) n-butyl lactate ( ) - o-sec-butyl phenol ( ) - p-tert-butyl toluene 6-29

( ) Calcium cyanamide ( ) Calcium oxide ( ) Camphor(Synthetic) ( ) Carbaryl ( ) Carbofuran ( ) Carbon dioxide ( ) Cesium hydroxide ( ) Chlorine dioxide ( ) Chlorine trifluoride ( ) Chlordane ( ) Chloroacetaldehyde ( ) - -Chloroacetophenone ( ) Chloroacetyl chloride ( ) Chlorobromomethane ( ) 2--1,3-2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene ( ) Chlorodifluoromethane ( ) 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane ( ) Chloroethane ( ) 2-2-Chloroethanol ( ) Chloropentafluoroethane ( ) Chloropicrin(Trichloronitromethane) ( ) - o-chlorotoluene ( ) Crotonaldehyde ( ) Cumene ( ) Cyanides ( ) Cyclohexane ( ) Cyclohexylamine ( ) Cyclopentane ( ) 2,4-2,4-2,4-D(2,4-Dichlorophenoxyaceticacid) ( ) Decaborane ( ) Diacetone alcohol ( ) Diazinon ( ) Diborane ( ) Dichlorodifluoromethane ( ) Dichloroethyl ether ( ) Dichloromonofluoromethane ( ) 1,1- -1-1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane 6-30

( ) 1,2-1,2-Dichloropropane ( ) 1,3-1,3-Dichloropropene ( ) 2,2-2,2-Dichloropropionic acid ( ) Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ( ) Dicrotophos ( ) Dicyclopentadiene ( ) Diethylamine ( ) 2-2-Diethyl aminoethanol ( ) Diethylenetriamine ( ) Diethyl ketone ( ) Difluorodibromomethane ( ) Diisobutyl ketone ( ) Diisopropylamine ( ) Dimethylamine ( ) N,N- N,N-Dimethylaniline ( ) Dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate ( ) Dinitrobenzene ( ) -- Dinitro-o-cresol ( ) Dinitroethylene glycol ( ) Dinitrotoluene ( ) - o-dioctyl phthalate ( ) Dioxathion ( ) Dipropyl ketone ( ) Disulfoton ( ) Divinybenzene(DVB) ( ) Endosulfan ( ) 1,2-1,2-Epoxypropane ( ) Ethanolamine ( ) Ethion ( ) Ethyl acrylate ( ) Ethylamine ( ) Ethyl amyl ketone ( ) Ethyl bromide ( ) Ethyl butyl ketone ( ) Ethylenediamine ( ) Ethylenedibromide ( ) Ethyleneglycol ( ) Ethyleneglycol monomethyl ether acetate 6-31

( ) Ethylene oxide ( ) Ethyl formate ( ) Ethyl mercaptan ( ) Formic acid ( ) Fluorides ( ) Fluorine ( ) Fluorotrichloromethane ( ) Furfural ( ) 2- Furfuryl alcohol ( ) Germanium tetrahydride ( ) Hafnium ( ) Heptachlor ( ) n-heptane ( ) Hexachlorobutadiene ( ) Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ( ) Hexafluoroacetone ( ) sec-hexyl acetate ( ) Hydrogen bromide ( ) Hydrazine ( ) Hydrogen peroxide ( ) Hydrogen selenide ( ) Hydroquinone ( ) Iodine ( ) Ironpentacarbonyl ( ) Isopropylamine ( ) Isopropyl ether ( ) Lead and its inorganic compounds ( ) Lindane ( ) Lithium hydride ( ) - Maleic anhydride ( ) Methyl acrylate ( ) Methacrylic acid ( ) Methylacrylonitrile ( ) Methylal ( ) Methylamine ( ) Methyl n-amyl ketone ( ) N- N-Methylaniline ( ) Methyl chloride 6-32

( ) Methyl cyclohexane ( ) Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide(mekpo) ( ) Methyl formate ( ) Methyl hydrazine ( ) Methyl isoamyl ketone ( ) 4- -2- Methyl isobutyl carbinol ( ) Methyl isopropyl ketone ( ) Methyl methacrylate ( ) Methyl parathion ( ) Methyl propyl ketone ( ) --Methylstyrene ( ) Mesityl oxide ( ) Morpholine ( ) Naphthalene ( ) Nicotine ( ) Nitric oxide ( ) p-nitroaniline ( ) Nitrobenzene ( ) Nitroethane ( ) Nitrogen dioxide ( ) Nitrogen trifluoride ( ) Nitromethane ( ) 1-1-Nitropropane ( ) 2-2-Nitropropane ( ) Nitrotoluene ( ) Nonaneallisomers ( ) Octane ( ) Osmium tetroxide ( ) Oxalic acid ( ) Oxygen difluoride ( ) Ozone ( ) Paraquat ( ) Parathion ( ) Pentaborane ( ) Pentachloronaphthalene ( ) Pentane ( ) Perchloromethylmercaptan ( ) Perchlorylfluoride 6-33

( ) - p-phenylenediamine ( ) Phenylethane ( ) Phenyl hydrazine ( ) Phenyl mercaptan ( ) Phorate ( ) Phosdrin(Mevinphos) ( ) Phosphine ( ) Phosphoric acid ( ) Phosphorus(Yellow) ( ) Phosphorus oxychloride ( ) Phosphorus pentachloride ( ) Phosphorus pentasulfide ( ) Phosphorus trichloride ( ) - Phthalic anhydride ( ) 1-1-Propanol ( ) Propionic acid ( ) Propyleneglycol monomethyl ether ( ) Propyleneimine ( ) n-propyl nitrate(npn) ( ) Pyrethrum ( ) Pyridine ( ) Quinone ( ) Resorcinol ( ) Selenium compounds ( ) Selenium hexafluoride ( ) Silicon dioxide ( ) Silicon hydride(silane) ( ) Silver powder and its soluble compounds ( ) Sodium azide ( ) Sodium bisulfite ( ) Sodium fluoroacetate ( ) Sodium hydroxide ( ) Stibine(Antimony hydride) ( ) Sulfur hexafluoride ( ) Sulfur monochloride ( ) Sulfur tetrafluoride ( ) Sulfuryl fluoride 6-34

( ) Tellurium and its compounds ( ) TEPP ( ) Tetraethyl lead ( ) 1,1,1,2- -2,2-1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro2,2-difluoroethane ( ) 1,1,2,2- -1,2-1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro1,2-difluoroethane ( ) Tetramethyl lead ( ) Tetranitromethane ( ) Tin and its inorganic compounds ( ) Thioglycolic acid ( ) Thionyl chloride ( ) Thiram ( ) - m-toluidine ( ) - o-toluidine ( ) - p-toluidine ( ) Toxaphene ( ) Trichloroacetic acid(tca) ( ) 1,2,4-1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ( ) 1,1,2- -1,2,2-1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane ( ) Triethylamine ( ) Trifluorobromomethane ( ) Trimethylamine ( ) Trimethylbenzene ( ) Trimethylphosphite ( ) 2,4,6-2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene(TNT) ( ) n-valeraldehyde ( ) Vinyl acetate ( ) Vinyl bromide ( ) Vinyl toluene ( ) Warfarin ( ) Xylidine 6-35

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "" CNS6864Z5071 ** * 30mm 5mm 100mm 100mm "" 30mm 5mm 100mm 100mm "" 30mm 5mm 100mm 100mm "" 6-36

2.1 "" 2.2 "" 2.3 "" 6-37

"" 4.1 "" 4.2 "" 4.3 "" 6-38

5.1 5.1 " " 5.2 "5.2" 6.1 "" 6-39

1. 2. (1) (2) (3) 6-40

/ (CASNo.) ( ) ph / / 6-41

(ISO)11014-1 ISO " "" "" " 6-42

/ (CASNo.) ( ) ( ) 6-43

/ ph / 6-44

/ / ( ) 6-45


USEPA INERT LIST CASRN NAME - (%w/w) NO. 62-53-3 aniline 038-0 71-43-2 benzene 052-01 70 56-23-5 carbon tetrachloride 1 3 053-01 50 67-66-3 chloroform 054-01 50 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 2 24 063-00 79-01-6 trichloroethylene 1 7 064-00 110-80-5 2- ethoxy ethanol (ethylene glycol monoethyl ether) 109-86-4 2- methoxy ethanol (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) 2 6 071-0 2 9 071-02 1 107-06-2 1,2- dichloroethane (ethylene 1,2-1 5 075-01 25 dichloride) 79-34-5 1,1,2,2- tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-1 2 076-0 540-59-0 1,2- dichloroethylene 1,2-4 077-01 25 3 1(1989) 1 1,2 1(1987) 1,7 (1989) 1,4,6 (1989) 1,3 1,2 1(1989) 1,6 1,2 1(1989) 1,6 2 1(2001) 2 2 1(1989) 2 4 1(1989) 1,3 4 3(2001) 4 74-87-3 methyl chloride 078-01 25 75-09-2 dichloromethane (methylene 2 30 079-01 25 chloride) 131-11-3 dimethyl phthalate 080-0 75-15-0 carbon disulfide 1 6 089-0 4 1(1989) 3 4 1(1989) 1,3 4 2(2001) (1987) 3,5 6-47

USEPA INERT LIST CASRN NAME - (%w/w) NO. 108-90-7 chlorobenzene 2 13 090-0 123-91-,4- dioxane 1,4-2 23 093-0 68-12-2 N,N- dimethyl formamide 2 39 098-0 75-05-8 acetonitrile 腈 105-0 108-39-5 m- cresol 112-0 100-41-4 ethyl benzene 116-01 70 108-10-1 methyl isobutyl ketone 2 32 117-0 75-00-3 chloroethane 126-0 1 2(1989) 1,3,6 (1989) 1,3 2 1(1989) 4 2(2001) 3,5 4 2(1989) 4 2(2001) 4 2(2001) 1 2(1998) 95-50-1 o- dichlorobenzene 2 10 127-0 1 2(1989) (1,2-dichlorobenzene) 79-46-9 2- nitropropane 2-1(1987) 1 111-15-9 ethylene glycol monoethyl 2 7 1(1989) 2 ether acetate 591-78-6 methyl n-butyl ketone 2 35 1(1989) 7 79-00-5 1,1,2- trichloroethane 1,1,2-2 37 1(1989) 1 75-56-9 propylene oxide 1(1989) 1 78-30-8 tri-o-cresyl phosphate 1(1989) 3,6,7 78-87-5 1,2- dichloropropane (propylene 1,2-1(1989) 1,6 dichloride) 106-89-8 epichlorohydrin 1(1989) 1 1330-78-5 tri-o-cresyl phosphate 1(1989) 3,6,7 78-59-1 isophorone 1(2001) 1 106-44-5 p- cresol 2(1989) 6-48

USEPA INERT LIST CASRN NAME - (%w/w) NO. 95-48-7 o- cresol 2(2001) 25168-06-3 isopropyl alcohol 2(1989) 1319-77-3 cresol 2 12 2(2001) 111-76-2 2- butoxy ethanol (butyl cellusolve) 2 8 2(2001) 1330-20-7 xylenes 2 11 2(2001) 3,6 108-94-1 cyclohexanone 2 26 2(2001) 108-88-3 toluene 2 29 2(2001) 71-55-6 1,1,1- trichloroethane 1,1,1-2 37 2(2001) 1 64742-88-7 solvent naphtha (petroleum), medium aliphatic 3 7 2(2001) 75-52-5 nitromethane 2(2001) 79-24-3 nitroethane 2(2001) 95-49-8 2- chlorotoluene 2-2(2001) 102-71-6 triethanolamine 2(2001) 106-88-7 butylene oxide 2(2001) 107-98-2 propylene glycol monomethyl ether 111-77-3 diethylene glycol monomethyl ether 111-90-0 diethylene glycol monoethyl ether 112-34-5 diethylene glycol monobutyl ether 2(2001) 2(2001) 2(2001) 2(2001) 6-49

USEPA INERT LIST CASRN NAME - (%w/w) NO. 124-16-3 propylene glycol monoethyl 2(2001) ether 141-79-7 mesityl oxide 2(2001) 5131-66-8 1,2- propylene glycol-1-monobutyl ether 25498-49-1 tripropylene glycol monomethyl ether 29387-86-8 propylene glycol monobutyl ether 34590-94-8 dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether 2(2001) 2(2001) 2(2001) 2(2001) 64365-06-6 petroleum hydrocarbons 2(2001) 68920-06-9 xylene range aromatic solvents 2(2001) 67-64-1 acetone 2 1 3(2001) 78-83-1 isobutyl alcohol 2 3 3(2001) 628-63-7 Amyl acetate 2 14 3(2001) 123-92-2 3- Methyl-1-butanol, acetate 2 15 3(2001) 110-19-0 Acetic acid, isobutyl ester 2 16 3(2001) 108-21-4 Isopropyl acetate 2 17 3(2001) 123-86-4 Acetic acid, butyl ester 2 20 3(2001) 108-93-0 cyclohexnaol 2 25 3(2001) 78-92-2 sec- butanol 2-2 28 3(2001) 67-56-1 methyl alcohol 2 31 3(2001) 6-50

USEPA INERT LIST CASRN NAME - (%w/w) NO. 78-93-3 methyl ethyl ketone 2 38 3(2001) 109-99-9 tetrahydrofuran 呋 2 40 3(2001) 110-54-3 n- hexane 2 41 3(2001) 3 8032-32-4 petroleum naphtha 3 8030-30-6 petroleum benzin 3 8006-64-2 turpentine oil 3 9005-90-7 turpentine 3 4 3(2001) 5 3(2001) 6 3(2001) 6 3(2001) 67-63-0 isopropyl alcohol 2 4 4B(2001) 141-78-6 Ethyl acetate 2 18 4B(2001) 71-36-3 1- butanol 1-2 27 4B(2001) 96-48-0 gamma- butyrolactone gamma- 123-51-3 60-29-7 isoamyl alcohol 2 2 diethyl ether 2 5 109-60-4 propyl acetate 2 19 79-20-9 100-42-5 methyl acetate 2 21 styrene 2 22 25639-42-3 methyl cyclohexanol 2 33 583-60-8 8006-61-9 methyl cyclohexanone 2 34 gasoline 3 1 65996-79-4 coal tar nephtha 3 2 68476-50-6 petroleum ether 3 3 4B(2001) 6-51

A. CASRN (1) ( 0.1%w/w)(2) ( ) B. (1) ( 89.12.27 (89) 0056827 ) (2)(88.12.22 8800303460 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. (3)Inert ingredients in pesticide products; Policy statement (52FR 13305, 1987) List 1: inerts of toxicological concern; List 2: potentially toxic inerts/high priority for testing; List 3: inerts of unknown toxicity; List 4: inerts of minimal concern (generally recognized as safe, GRAS). (4)List of inerts of toxicological concern (USEPA, 1985 ), criteria as follows: 1.carcinogenicity; 2.adverse reproductive effects; 3.neurotoxicity; 4.chronic effects; 5.developmental toxicity; 6.ecological effects; 7.potential for bioaccumulation (5)Inert ingredients in pesticide products; Policy statement; Revision and modification of lists (54FR 58314, 1989) (6)Inert ingredients in pesticide products; List of minimal risk (59FR 49400, 1994) List 4A: minimal risk inerts; List 4B: inerts proved to have no adverse effects (7)Inert ingredients no longer used in pesticide products (63FR 34384, 1998) (8)Inert ingredients no longer used in pesticide products (64FR 31575, 1999) (9)Lists of other (inert) pesticide ingredients (current status from web, 2001) 6-52