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34 2 Vol. 34, No.2 2010 3 ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA Mar., 2 0 1 0 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1035.2010.00418 曹 伏 君 罗 杰 刘 楚 吾 (, 524025) :, : 1, 3, 4 6, 7 8 10, 6 :,, 2, 5 GSI, 0.70%,, 7 9 GSI 11 2 GSI 0.08% 0.20%,, 6 :, : ; ; ; 中 图 分 类 号 : S917; Q954. 4 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章 编 号 : 1000-3207(2010)02-0418-08 Boleophthalmus pectinirostris [1] (Osteichthyes) (Actinopterygii) (Perciformes) (Gobiodei) (Periophthalmidae),,,,,,, 16, 8,, [2] [3] [4],, 1 2007 2 2008 2 13 236 170, 63, 3 Bouin s,, 7 µm, H.E, Olympus, Carlzeiss Axioskop 40 [5] 2 2.1 第 1 时 相 6.0 cm 2 3, 3.6 16.0 µm, 2.5 10.0 µm,, ( -1), 1,, 1 ( -2) 1,, 2 4 收 稿 日 期 : 2008-07-08; 修 订 日 期 : 2009-04-28 基 金 项 目 : 通 讯 作 者 : (1967 ),, ; ; E-mail: 1994516@163.com

2 : 419 ( -3) 第 2 时 相 (1) :, ;,,,,,,, 5 7 ( -4) (2) :, 0.2 0.5 µm ( -5),, (3) :,,,,,,, ( -6) ( -7) 第 3 时 相 (1) :,,, ( -8) ( -9), 2.0 3.0 µm,, (2) : 2 3,,,,,,, ( -10) :, 4.0 10.0 µm ;, ( -11) (3) : ( -12),,,, 0.5 1.0 µm,,,, ( -13) 第 4 时 相 (1) : ( -14),,,,, ( -15), ( -16),,, 1/5, 25 40 µm ( -17), 4 : ( -18 Ⅱ-1) (2) : ( Ⅱ-2),, 2.0 5 µm,,, (3) : ( Ⅱ-3),, 3.0 9µm, ( Ⅱ-4) 第 5 时 相,,, ( Ⅱ-5),,, ( Ⅱ-6), ( Ⅱ-7) 第 6 时 相,, ( Ⅱ-8),, ( Ⅱ-9) 2.2 6 精 原 细 胞 期 ( Ⅲ-1 2),,,, 8.4 10.3 µm, 6.2 8.3 µm,,,, 精 原 细 胞 增 殖 期 ( Ⅲ-3 4),,,,, ;, 1 2, 3 6, 精 母 细 胞 生 长 成 熟 期

420 34,,, 1 2,,, ( Ⅲ-5) ( Ⅲ-6), 6.5 8.3 µm, 4.2 6.5 µm,,,,,,, 2 ( Ⅲ-7), ( Ⅲ-8), ( Ⅲ-9),,, 1.5 1.8 µm,, 精 子 细 胞 变 态 期 ( Ⅲ-10),,,,,, 精 子 成 熟 期 ( Ⅲ-11),, 精 子 退 化 吸 收 期 ( Ⅲ-12), 2.3, GSI 0.24% 4.3%, GSI 0.2% 11.2% 2,,, Ⅰ 3,, GSI 4, GSI GSI,, 4 6 7 8,, GSI 10 2, GSI 0.30% 0.27%,, ( 1) 2.4 63,, 0.02% 0.70%, 2,, GSI 5 GSI, 0.70%,, 7 9 GSI 11 2 GSI 0.08% 0.20%,, ( 2) 1 Fig. 1 Annual changes of ovary gonadosomatic index of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris 2 Fig. 2 Annual changes of spermary gonadosomatic index of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris 3 3.1 [6,7],, 3 [8] :,,,, 3, 2 [8] : (Lobular type) (Tubular type),,,,

2 : 421,,,,, 3.2 :, 2,, 4,,,, 4,,, [9],,, [9] 3.3 3,, 4,, Ⅳ, 1 4 6, - 8 9,,,, 10,, 5, 4, [4], 3..2,,,, 3.4, [1], : (1), 3 4 5, 90% ; (2), 2, ; (3), 2 1, 3 4,, 4, 2 [10] : [1] Hong W S, Dai Q N, Zhang Q Y, et al. Observations on the early development of the mud skipper, Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (linnaeus) [J]. Tropic Oceanology, 1988, 2: 1 8 [,,,.., 1988, 2: 1 8] [2] Wu S. Artificial culturing technology of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris [J]. Journal of Fujian Fisheries, 2006, 3: 48 50 [.., 2006, 3: 48 50] [3] Zhang Q Y, Hong W S, Chen S X, et al. Spawning habits of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris in intertidal mudflat and hatching experiment of natural fertilized eggs [J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2006, 25(5): 37 68 [,,,.., 2006, 25(5): 37 68] [4] Cai Z P. A histological study on the development of ovary of the mud skipper, Boleophthalmus pectinirostris [J]. Tropic Oceanology, 1994, 13(1): 31 38 [.., 1994, 13(1): 31 38] [5] Gong Q X, Cao K J, Zeng C. A histological study on the development of ovary of ayu [J]. Journal of Fisherines of China, 1982, 6(3): 222 234 [,, 嶒.., 1982, 6(3): 222 234] [6] Guan D L, Huang D Q, Huang G P. Cellular organization of the testis, spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in goldfish (Carassius auratus) [J] Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 1990, 14: 233 238 [,,, 1990, 14: 233 238] [7] Xu C A, Li J, Zhang S C. Initial study on gonad development of otaki s gneenling induced by different hormone [J]. Tropic Oceanology, 1998, 3: 4 5[,,, 1998, 3: 4 5] [8] Schulz R W, M iura T. Spermatogenesis and its endocrine regulation [J]. Fish Physio1 Biochem, 2002, 26: 43 56 [9] Ni H E, Du L Q. Observation on the ovary development of Ilisha elongata in the East China Sea [J]. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica, 2001, 4: 317 322 [,, 2001, 4: 317 322] [10] Liu W B, Zhang X J. Study on the development and annual change in the ovary of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco [J]. Tropic

422 34 Oceanology, 2003, 2: 73 78 [,, 2003, 2: 73 78] OBSERVATION ON THE OVARY DEVELOPMENT OF BOLEOPHTHALMUS PECTINIROSTRIS CAO Fu-Jun, LUO Jie and LIU Chu-Wu (Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025, China) Abstract: Observation on the sexual gland of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris was taken. The morphological structures of oocyte and sperm development of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris were observed by means of light and electron microscopy. According to the histological characteristics of ovary of the fish, The results showed that it spawned once in a reproductive season. The ovaries began to develop in March. Most of the ovaries reached stage and stage respectively from April to June, which was the spawning season period of the fish with highest monthly average of mature coefficient. The highest mature coefficient of an individual reached the value of 11.2%. Spawning behaviour ended in September. In October, the ovary developed into stage and remained in this stage from October to next February. The oocyte development could be divided into six phases of oogenesis, which were oogonia, oocyte with a single layer of follice cells, oocyte with lipid droplets and yolk globules, oocyte filled with yolk globules, oocyte with migratory nucleus and degenerative oocyte. There was only one layer of membrane surrounding the oocyte whose radiate lines began to appear in the early time of phase 4. The zona radiate grew to its thickest in the late time of phase 4. There was only one fertilization orfice cell on the membrane. The spermary began to develop in February. Most of the sperms reached maturation stage in May, The highest mature coefficient of an individual reached the value of 0.70%, exhausted sperms were most exuberant, the peak arose. Mature coefficient fell very obviously from July to next September. Mature coefficient (ranging from 0.08% 0.20%) changed very smally and remained in this stage from November to next February, in thie period, spermary was condition of rest. By the microscope, the spermary appeared to have a lobular-type structure, and the sperm development could be divided into six phases of spermatogenesis, which were spermatogonia period, the proliferation of spermatogonia, the growth and maturity of spermatocytes, the abnormality of spermatid, the maturity of sperm and degenerative sperm. There were many sperms in the lobular cavity in the breeding season. The spermatangium would disappear in that time. Key words: Boleophthalmus pectinirostris; Ovary; Spermary; Histology

2 : 423 图 版 Ⅰ 卵 细 胞 的 发 育 PlateⅠ The development of oocyte 1. ; 2. 1 ; 3. 1 ; 4. 2, ; 5. 2, ; 6. 2 ; 7. 2 ; 8. 3 ; 9. -8, 3 ; 10. 3 ; 11. -10, (, ); 12. 3 ; 13. (, ); 14. 4 ; 15. -14, ; 16. -14, ; 17. 4, ; 18. ( ) 1. oogonia; 2. stage ovary in germinal epithelium; 3. stage ovary in medula; 4. early stage Ⅱovary, the arrow show follicular cell; 5. middle stage Ⅱovary, the arrow show a ring of light; 6. late stage Ⅱovary; 7. late stage Ⅱovary, theca follicle; 8. early stage Ⅲ ovary; 9. the magnification of picture 8 show the vacuole; 10. middle stage Ⅲ ovary; 11. the magnification of picture 10 show theca follicle (oblong

424 34 cell in primary layer, squamous cell in outer layer); 12. late stage Ⅲ ovary; 13. theca follicle (cuboidal cell in primary layer, squamous cell in outer layer); 14. early stage Ⅳovary; 15. The magnification of picture 8 show cell nucleus; 16. the magnification of picture 8 show radiate line; 17. early stage Ⅳ ovary, the arrow show secondary egg envelope; 18. the micropylar region(transverse section) 图 版 Ⅱ 卵 细 胞 和 卵 巢 的 发 育 Plate Ⅱ The development of oocyte and ovary 1. ( ); 2. 4 ; 3. 4 ; 4. -3, ; 5. 5 ; 6. -5, ; 7. -5, ; 8. ; 9. ; 10. ; 11. ; 12. Ⅲ ; 13. Ⅳ ; 14. Ⅳ ; 15. Ⅳ ; 16. Ⅴ ; 17. ; 18. Ⅱ 1. the micropylar region(longitudinal section); 2. middle stage Ⅳ ovary; 3. late stage Ⅳ ovary; 4. the magnification of picture 3 show egg membrane; 5. Ⅴ ovary; 6. the magnification of picture 5 show nucleus; 7. The magnification of picture 3 show egg membrane; 8. egg depo-

2 : 425 sition; 9. egg deposition; 10. ovary; 11. ovary; 12. Ⅲ ovary; 13. Ⅳovary; 14. Ⅳovary; 15. Ⅳovary; 16. Ⅴovary; 17. regressive ovary; 18. the ovary develops into stage Ⅱ and remains in this stage 图 版 Ⅲ 精 巢 的 发 育 Plate Ⅲ The development of the sperm 1. ; 2. Ⅲ-1, ; 3. ; 4. Ⅲ-3, ; 5. ; 6. Ⅲ-5, ; 7. ; 8. Ⅲ-5, ; 9. ; 10. ; 11. Ⅲ-10, ; 12. 1. spermatogonia period; 2. the magnification of picture 1 show the spermagone; 3. the proliferation of spermatogonia; 4. the magnification of picture 3 show the spermagone; 5. the growth and maturity of spermatocytes; 6. the magnification of picture 5 show the spermatocyte Ⅰ ; 7. the division of spermatocyte Ⅰ ; 8. the magnification of picture 5 show spermatocyte Ⅱ ; 9. spermatid; 10. the maturity of sperm; 11. the magnification of picture 10 show sperm; 12. degenerative sperm