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ABSTRACTS (13) Wang Guowei and the Modernization of Chinese Aesthetics Du Wei 169 Wang Guowei, the founder of Chinese modern aesthetics, focused much on human life and enlightenment in his studies. He created Chinese modern aesthetics in the sense of modernity and with local connotations by drawing from Western modern philosophy and aesthetics on the one hand, and Chinese traditional cultural and intellectual legacy on the other. First, by stressing the metaphysics in modern Western philosophy, Wang advocated academic and aesthetic autonomy, adding to Chinese aesthetics the thinking of modern philosophy. Secondly, starting fromhuman life as a foundation of all aesthetic studies, he created an aesthetics of life in the sense of modern humanitarianism by elaborating theuse through the useless in aesthetic activities. And thirdly, with a strong awareness of local problems and an open mind for academic studies, he established the explicative method in his research that converge the aesthetic thinking of China and the West, of today and the past. (14) From Kinship to Citizenship : A Study of Rural Lineages in Anhui under the Peoples Republic Wang Shuobai Chen Yixin 180 Our field surveys of three villages in Anhui province demonstrate that in the early Peoples Republic a traditional corporate lineage often greatly influenced the system of rural cooperatives and peoples communes, thus surviving in new organizations. We also show that such lineages became reconsolidated because their members relied upon a network of blood relationship as the last resort for protection and survival in the face of disasters. We believe that the reform era has given civil rights to peasants by permitting individual economic autonomy, voting on village leaders, and equal employment opportunities in urban centers. These rights, we argue, have profoundly undermined rural lineages by inducing a large young population to permanently leave the countryside, replacing traditional kinship with a modern social contract, and initiating a process of transforming peasants into citizens. (15) Diseases and Cultural Evolution : Miasmatic Diseases in the Song and Yuan Dynasties in China Zuo Peng 194 Discussions are made on miasmatic diseases in the Song and Yuan dynasties, to reveal the relations between the epidemic in South China and the spread of Hua and Xia civilizations. According to the historical records of the time, miasmatic diseases spread in a given area. The shift of the infected area reflected the tides and ebbs of the Central Plain regime influences in South China, while the seriousness of the disease mirrored the influence of Central Plain cultures there. The Song and Yuan doctors had better theories and cures for the miasmatic diseases, making important progresses in traditional Chinese medical theory and improving its power to explain. In preventing miasmatic diseases, the doctors stressed the importance of habits, showed a great enthusiasm in changing southern peoples living style and environment with the Central Plain medical knowledge. The records of miasmatic diseases in the time suggest that the effects of diseases on natural functions of human bodies reflect to some extent the social and cultural morphological changes.