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(300) Featherman and Pavlou 2003 Teo and Yeong 2003 Jones and Sasser 1995 Bhote 1996 Oliver 1997 : Selnes 1993 Gronholdt, Martensen and Kristensen 2000 (1) (2) (3)(4)Heskett 2002) Dutty 2003 2004 1 6 : Keller 2001 Macdonald and Sharp 2003 Mariola and Elena 2005 1 Shimp and Bearden, 1982; Rao andmonroe, 1988Chen and He 2003

(301) 1 H5 H1 H4 H6 H2 H3 2 Samiee, 1994; Hoyer and Brown, 1990Bulletin 2003 3 Mitchell and Greatorex 1988 Dodds et al. 1991Grewal et al. 1998 Chen and He 2003 4 Dobni and Zinkhan 1990 Low 2000 5 Armstrong and Kotler 2002

(302) Baird and Thomas 1985 Mitchell and Greatorex 1988 Doolin, Dillon, Thompson and Corner 2005 6 Kim et al. 2003 Aaker 1996 Aaker 1996 Chaudhuri 1998 Griffin 2002 Griffin 2002(1) (2) (3)Likert 1-5 狀 便 2008 3 16 4 16 1 500 78 422 84.4%

(303) SPSS for Windows 12.0 1 50% 50% 21-40 71.1%1 57.8% 126.8% 20001-40000 50.5% 狀 60.4%39.6% 1 ( ) (%) (%) 211 50.0 50 211 50.0 100 20 ( ) 36 8.5 8.5 21-30 192 45.5 54.0 31-40 108 25.6 79.6 41-50 63 14.9 94.5 51 23 5.5 100 8 1.9 1.9 45 10.7 12.6 113 26.8 39.3 244 57.8 97.2 12 2.8 100 101 23.9 23.9 113 26.8 50.7 109 25.8 76.5

(304) ( ) (%) (%) 金 71 16.8 93.3 14 3.3 96.6 14 3.3 100 20000 109 25.8 25.8 20001-40000 213 50.5 76.3 40001-60000 73 17.3 93.6 60001-80000 17 4.0 97.6 80001 10 2.4 100 167 39.6 39.6 255 60.4 100 1. Cronbach s 若 Cronbach s 0.7 Cronbach s 0.35 0.7 Cronbach s 若 0.35 Cronbach s 2 Cronbach s 0.846 Cronbach s 0.827 Cronbach s 0.763 Cronbach s 0.882 0.763 0.882 2 Cronbach s α 0.846 0.827 0.763 0.882

(305) 2. 若 Likert-type scale 1 2 3 4 5 1. 3 3.07 3.71 3.48 3.71 3.07 3 3.39 0.94341 3.66 0.8071 3.07 0.9963 3.33 0.9660 若 3.43 0.9111 3.71 0.9257 3.68 0.9822 3.60 0.9138 3.48 1 5 1234 5

(306) 2. 4 2.80 3.92 3.45 3.92 2.80 4 3 3.49 0.7971 3.92 0.6963 3.80 0.7716 2.80 1.0324 3.12 0.9004 3.01 0.9648 3.92 0.8219 3.55 0.9256 3.45 3. 5 2.89 3.84 3.34 3.84 2.89 5 2.89 0.7945 3.84 0.7619 3.46 0.8280 2.95 0.9782 3.55 0.8964 3.34 3

(307) 4. 6 3.27 3.70 3.50 3.70 3.27 6 3.65 0.7984 3.47 0.8897 3.70 0.7834 3.27 0.9485 3.42 0.8674 3.50 3 LSD 1. 7 F=4.634 P=0.032 F=4.426 P=0.036

(308) 7 F P (n=211) (n=211) 3.53 3.61 3.44 3.58 3.28 3.37 3.41 3.57 1 * P<0.05 21 2 1.208 (0.272) 4.634 (0.032)* 1.896 (0.169) 4.426 (0.036) * 2>1 2>1 2. 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61 8 20 (n=36) 8 21-30 (n=192) 31-40 (n=108) 41-50 (n=63) 51-60 (n=21) 61 (n=2) 3.89 3.51 3.56 3.60 3.62 3.00 3.72 3.47 3.56 3.44 3.57 3.00 3.44 3.32 3.27 3.25 3.76 3.00 3.83 3.41 3.47 3.57 3.52 3.00 F P 2.121 (0.062) 1.315 (0.257) 2.188 (0.055) * 2.203 (0.053) 1 * P <0.05 21 20 2 21-30 3 31-40 4 41-50 5 51-60 6 61

(309) 3. 9 F=2.592 P=0.036 F=2.674 P=0.032 9 F P (n=8) (n=45) (n=113) (n=244) (n=12) 1.561 3.38 3.71 3.62 3.51 3.83 (0.184) 1.453 3.25 3.56 3.62 3.46 3.58 (0.216) 2.592 3.13 3.44 3.41 3.25 3.75 (0.036)* 5 4 3 1 2.674 3.00 3.53 3.56 3.44 4.00 5 1 (0.032)* 5 4 1 * P <0.05 21 2 3 4 5 4. 10 F=3.396 P=0.003 5. 20000 20001-40000 40001-60000 60001-80000 80001-100000 100001 11 F=3.039 P=0.010

(310) (n=101) 10 (n=113) (n=109) (n=8) (n=6) (n=14) (n=71) 3.46 3.50 3.66 3.75 3.67 3.64 3.66 3.46 3.54 3.61 3.25 3.17 3.43 3.48 3.18 3.22 3.49 3.00 3.50 3.71 3.41 3.36 3.42 3.58 3.50 3.33 3.50 3.66 F (P ) 1.277 (0.267) 1.007 (0.420) 3.396 (0.003)* 1.536 (0.165) 3 1 6 1 7 1 3 2 6 2 6 4 1 * P <0.05 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 20001-40001- 60001-80001- 100001 40000 60000 80000 100000 (n=213) (n=73) (n=17) (n=7) (n=3) 20000 (n=109) 3.63 3.48 3.68 3.53 4.14 3.33 3.54 3.47 3.58 3.53 3.86 3.00 3.34 3.30 3.33 3.53 3.71 3.00 3.50 3.40 3.62 3.71 4.29 3.00 F P 2.213 (0.052) 1.033 (0.398) 0.914 (0.472) 3.039 (0.010)* 5>1 3>2 5>2 5>3 5>6 1 * P <0.05 21 2 3 4 5 6 20000 20001-40001 40001-60000 60001-80000 80001-100000 100001

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