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谢 辞 仿 佛 2010 年 9 月 的 入 学 发 生 在 昨 天, 可 一 眨 眼, 自 己 20 多 岁 的 两 年 半 就 要 这 么 匆 匆 逝 去, 心 中 真 是 百 感 交 集 要 是 在 古 代, 男 人 在 二 十 几 岁 早 已 成 家 立 业, 要 是 在 近 代, 男 人


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The Foundation of Northeast Asian Bank Professor Ma Junlu Finance Department, School of Economics, Nankai University, Tianjin P. R. China 2007-12-3 1

Content The Feasibilities of the Foundation of the Northeast Asian Bank Great Financing and Investment Demand of the Infrastructure Construction Relevant Interest and Consensus among Countries The Prospect for the Economic Integration in the Northeast Asia Foreign Exchange Reserve of the Northeast Asian Countries The Framework of Northeast Asian Bank The Theoretical Orientation of Northeast Asian Bank Capital Arrangement and Equity Design of the Northeast Asian Bank The Operation of Funds in the Northeast Asian Bank Analysis and Proposal on the Location of the Headquarters of Northeast Asian Bank China Meets the Basic Requirement of the Headquarters Proposal to Establish the Headquarters of Northeast Asian Bank in Tianjin 2007-12-3 2

The Feasibilities of the Foundation of the Northeast Asian Bank Financing and Investment Demand Uniform Recognition of Banking System Regional Economic Integration Economic Growth International Reserves Foundation of the Northeast Asian Bank 2007-12-3 3

Great Financing and Investment Demand of the Infrastructure Construction Exploitation of Energy Construction of Transportation Network Infrastructure Construction Multinational Economic Cooperation Construction of Environmental Protection Source: Roland Berger & Partners 2007-12-3 4

Great Financing and Investment Demand of the Infrastructure Construction According to the forecast by International Energy Association (IEA), the incremental demand of energy within the Northeast Asia will be 8 to 10 percent per annum. 100 billion dollars on the project of natural gas 150 billion dollar to renovate and reconstruct the infrastructure of the energy within the Far East in the following 30 years 20 billion dollars on the project of oil 8.4 billion dollars on the project of water-supply and electricity 2007-12-3 5

Relevant Interest and Consensus among Countries Russia Mongolia China The Republic of Korea 2007-12-3 6 Source: Roland Berger & Partners North Korea Extra-regional Countries and Organizations Japan

The Prospect for the Economic Integration in the Northeast Asia Mutual Trust, Respect Equality, Mutual Benefit Strengthen the acrossthe-board and futureoriented Cooperation Financial Cooperation and Stability Joint Declaration on the Promotion of Tripartite Cooperation among the People s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, ASEAN+3 Summit, in Bali, Indonesia 2007-12-3 7

Foreign Exchange Reserve of the Northeast Asian Countries (end of 2006) Russia 295.6 billion dollars China Foreign Exchange Reserve The Republic of Korea 1068.5 billion dollars The rating of the Northeast Asian Bank will be upgraded. 238.9 billion dollars Japan 881.0 billion dollars 2007-12-3 8

The Framework of Northeast Asian Bank Theoretical Orientation Property Relationship with existing multilateral financial institutions Sources of funds The utilization of funds Total Capital Framework of the Northeast Asian Bank Capital Arrangement Subscription Approach Agent service Principle of equity ratio design Operation of Funds Equity Ratio Design 2007-12-3 9

The Theoretical Orientation of Northeast Asian Bank A sub-regional policy-related bank The inadequacy of investment may be made up. Northeast Asian Bank To implement the multilateral governmental financing and investment plan Complementary relation with the existing multilateral financial institutions 2007-12-3 10

Arrangement of the Total Capital 亚洲开发银行 ADB 欧洲开发银行 EBRD 北欧投资银行 NIB 美洲开发银行 IDB 本地区国家 Local GDP 100353.89 144833.33 10843.67 146416.16 资本金总额 TotalCapital 520 240 50 850 Local GDP to Total Capital 0.50% 0.16% 0.46% 0.58% 2007-12-3 11

Subscription Approach Uncalled Capital Paid-up Capital 2007-12-3 12

Principle of Equity Ratio Design Shareholder Composition Equity Ratio Design Local Member Countries in Northeast Asia U.S, Asia and Pacific Developed Countries, EU Members etc. International Organizations P.R. China Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau GDP International Foreign Exchange Reserves Volume of International Trade The Growth Rates of These Three Indicators Above Weighting Average Method 2007-12-3 13

The Operation of Funds in the Northeast Asian Bank Sources of Funds The Utilization of Funds Agent Service Bonds Funds Borrowings and Other Sources Invest funds into the infrastructure construction projects in the forms of loans, equity investment and/or joint financing etc. The project funds originated from other multilateral financial institutions can be consigned into the Northeast Asian Bank. 2007-12-3 14

Analysis and Proposal on the Location of the Headquarters of Northeast Asian Bank China Meets the Basic Requirement of the Headquarters Largest Developing Country Robust Economic Growth Market-oriented Economy Outward-oriented Economy Enormous FDI Promising Market Reform and Openness Policy Favorable Diplomatic Relationship 2007-12-3 15

Proposal to Establish the Headquarters of the Northeast Asian Bank in Tianjin Prospect of the Tianjin Binhan New Area under the Development Strategy of Bohai Sea Economic Rim The Position of Tianjin in the Transportation and Trade in the Northeast Asia Well-established financial background in Tianjin Advantages of Beijing-Tianjin Metropolitan Region Other Advantages in Tianjin 2007-12-3 16

Proposal to Establish the Headquarters of the Northeast Asian Bank in Tianjin Well-established financial background Positive governmental support Tianjin Relatively low operating cost Research and Development Information and Technology Abundant land resources 2007-12-3 17

Thank You! 2007-12-3 18