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FREE Vol. 15 Issue 17 Locally Owned & Operated AN EVENT PACKED WEEKEND FOR BAKER! Connecting Our Communities EVENTS Baker is closing out the end of April with a bang. We have Steaks in the Glen, Healthy Kids Day, Broadway in Baker, and pet sales at PetSmart! Starting Thursday, April 25th and Saturday, April 27th at 7:30PM, the Baker County High School Drama Team will be celebrating musicals of epic proportions. They will be highlighting their graduating seniors with songs from Grease, Always Patsy Cline, Saturday Night Fever, and many more. They will offer one more showing on Sunday at 2:00PM to give everyone the chance to come out and enjoy the show. On Saturday morning at 10:00AM, come join the YMCA in Macclenny at their Aquatics HAPPENING THIS WEEKEND The Steaks in the Glen cook-off event is finally here and will be held at St. Peter s in the Glen off C.R. 125, just south of I-10. The event starts Saturday, April 27th and runs from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. There will be craft vendors, hamburgers, hot dogs, and pulled pork for sale, and a chance to watch the masters in this Steak Cook-Off Association exclusive. Baker County Animal Control, Rollie s Angels, Inc., and PetSmart Charities are making it easy to adopt a pet. The adoption event will take place at the PetSmart in Oakleaf on Saturday, April 27th from 10:00AM to 5:00PM. These animals cats and dogs have been vaccinated, spayed/neutered, chipped, and are ready to go to a good home. Each adoption helps our Baker County Animal Control get one step closer to grant monies and new opportunities to save animals in our community. As always, these are some of the incredible events going on in Baker but we would like to remind you, Baker always has something for you on the weekends. Our many shops in downtown, unique boutiques and quaint restaurants keep smiles on the faces of both locals and those coming in from out of town. We also have a game center, a historical park, a duck pond, a vast forest to explore, and many trails to ride or hike. There is the river, the pond, and plenty of good food in every corner of our county! So come out this weekend and enjoy a play, an event, or a walk in the park and don t forget how blessed we all are to call Baker County home! GOT GOOD NEWS? Give us a call at 259-9141, just send it in to us at editor@hometownjournal.org Lots of fun and activities for kids! POOL OPEN! Saturday, April 27th 10AM-1PM INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 2 6 8 11 DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY IS SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH: The Baker County Sheriff s Office will be taking back unwanted prescription drugs on Saturday, April 27th at CVS in Macclenny from 10AM to 2PM. The Baker County Sheriff s Office and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public its BAKER COUNTY RESIDENTS URGED TO GET MEASLES VACCINE: With the increase in measles cases across the US, the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) in Baker County is urging Floridians and visitors who have not been immunized to get vaccinated. Although measles was thought to be eradicated EYE ON BUSINESS MARK S FLOORING: Mark Stoddard has worked in flooring as a subcontractor for 33 years, and it has always been his dream to open up his own business. When the opportunity for a building and location came his way, he went to his wife THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 and the theme this year is LOVE ONE ANOTHER. In observance of the National Day of Prayer, St. James Ministries located at THEN & NOW HOW BAKER COUNTY AGRICULTURE HAS CHANGED: Every five years a Census of Agriculture is conducted across the nation to survey how agriculture is changing, the latest survey (2017) data is being slowly released over 2019. Here s how Baker County Agriculture is changing Center on Lowder St. for the grand opening of the pool and Healthy Kids Day. There will be plenty of fun and games for the kids, more vendors than they can name, and bar-b-que for sale from Rich s Smoke Ring BBQ. The event will run until 1:00PM to give everyone the chance to sign up kids for summer day camp, swim lessons, their SAW program (Safety Around the Water), and swim team. Teens and young adults are welcome to come out and inquire about job opportunities and future programs that the Y will be offering. The pool will stay open until 4:00PM and the new hours will be posted that day at the pool.

2 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG at THE VILLAGE STORE Three Courses SOUP OR SALAD SAVORY SWEETS & PASTRIES TEA BAKER COUNTY RESIDENTS URGED TO GET MEASLES VACCINE May 4th Per Person 904-653-4748 1 WEST MACCLENNY AVE. DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY IS SATURDAY, APRIL 27TH The Baker County Sheriff s Office will be taking back unwanted prescription drugs on Saturday, April 27th at CVS in Macclenny from 10AM to 2PM. The Baker County Sheriff s Office and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public its 17th opportunity in nine years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your unused pills for disposal to CVS in Macclenny (sites cannot accept liquids or needles or sharps, only pills or patches). The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Last fall Americans turned in nearly 460 tons (more than 900,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at more than 5,800 sites operated by the DEA and almost 4,800 of its state and local law enforcement partners. Overall, in its 16 previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners have taken in almost 11 million pounds nearly 5,500 tons of pills. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration s National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows year after year that the majority of misused and abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including someone else s medication being stolen from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash both pose potential safety and health hazards. For more information about the disposal of prescription drugs or about the April 27th Take Back Day event, go to www.deatakeback. com or contact the Baker Prevention Coalition at 904-259-3922 or visit www.bakerprevention.org. With the increase in measles cases across the US, the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) in Baker County is urging Floridians and visitors who have not been immunized to get vaccinated. Although measles was thought to be eradicated in the United States in 2000, the disease has reappeared in recent months in the form of outbreaks in several states. The Centers for Disease Control and Health Protection defines a measles outbreak as three or more cases. As of April 17, 2019, one measles case has been reported to the Florida Department of Health. Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease. Although it is usually considered a childhood disease, it can be contracted at any age. Generally, preschool children, adolescents, young adults and inadequately immunized individuals comprise the majority of measles cases in the United States. Measles is spread through the air by breathing, coughing or sneezing and is highly contagious. The symptoms of measles generally begin approximately seven to 14 days after a person is exposed to someone with measles. Symptoms With this ad ROCK ISLAND M1911-A1 $ 499 95 45 ACP Sale Price 3.5 Barrel include fever, runny nose, cough and rash. Anyone who has these symptoms should contact his or her healthcare provider. There is no specific treatment for measles. The best way to protect yourself and your family against measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases is by immunization. In Florida, children should be immunized against measles with the combination measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) and should receive two doses, with the first at 12 to 15 months of age, and the second at four to six years of age. Adults should be vaccinated with at least one dose of MMR vaccine, with a second dose recommended for those at higher risk such as international travelers and health care workers. People with underlying health conditions should discuss with their health care provider to determine the need for additional booster doses. The Baker County Health Department is committed to the eradication of measles in our communities. Measles vaccinations, as well as all other childhood immunizations, are available without charge to you at the health department Monday through Friday, and these services do not have to be scheduled in advance. Being vaccinated is the only way to fully protect everyone from this potentially life-threatening illness. Please come in for a vaccination at your earliest convenience. For more information on measles, visit floridahealth.gov/measles Call Bob Chavers today at 904.608.5669 GOT WATER PROBLEMS? WATER SOFTENERS SULFUR FILTERS RO UNITS IRON FILTERS FREE WATER TEST Quality Work Guaranteed Check Us Out Online At www.waterboysmacclennyfl.com VENDORS NEEDED Baker County Animal Control is still looking for vendors for the Dog Days event, to be held on June 1st. Call 904-259-6786 to participate as a vendor. Pete and Mick were in court and standing before the judge. Why can t this case be settled out of court? the judge asked. Pete looked up at the judge and said, That s what we were trying to do, your honour, when the police interfered.

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 3 Baker County Veteran s Council Baker County Pre-K/Kindergarten Center For children who will be 4 on or before Sept. 1, 2019 Saturday, May 4th Registration Starts 8:30AM Fishing 10:00AM-Noon Veterans Memorial Park - 6433 US90, Glen St. Mary Bring your fishing gear/bait and lets have some FUN! FREE To All Children 15 & Under! BAKER COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL The Council on Aging is raising FUNDS FOR A NEW SENIOR CENTER and we are having a TWO DAY YARD SALE at the Transportation Center at 9264 Buck Starling Road (behind the Winn- Dixie Store) on Friday, April 26 from 7:30AM till 4PM and on Saturday, April 27 from 7:30AM till 2PM. All kinds of bargains and merchandise to find just what you may need Free Refreshments! FIFTEEN MINUTES SAVES LIVES On May 2nd, this coming Thursday, Precision Imaging will be bringing you the latest in 3D Digital Mammography. The mobile imaging truck will be located at the Baker County Health Department from 9:00AM to 4:00PM and is ready to schedule your appointment now. There are no referrals necessary for an annual screening for women 40 years old and over and they offer a relaxed atmosphere with their BCCOA YARD SALE all-female clinical staff. Precision Imaging makes it easy to get your annual mammogram while bringing peace of mind to their patients. It is better to know what is going on so it can be dealt with, rather than to ignore the possibilities. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your health. So make an appointment today by calling 904-996-8100 because fifteen minutes really does save lives! or want and it is going to a very worthy cause for the seniors in Baker County who greatly need a new Senior Center which will be built our Transportation Center. Come out and catch the vision and need for our Senior citizens and TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN AND BECOME A REALITY! We are the good news source for our area and would love to share your good news. Please feel free to contact us to share your good news and community events. Like Us On Facebook! 904-259-9141 editor@hometownjournal.org www.hometownjournal.org Laurie Wall Graphic Design (PUBLISHER) reserves the right to refuse advertising space to anyone. All rights reserved. No part of the Home Town Journal may be reproduced or copied without the express written permission of the publisher. Free-Lance submissions are accepted and welcomed, but only published at the editor s discretion. Free-Lance articles must be 750 words or less. If submitted with excessive words, the editor reserves the right to omit the excess content. By faxing or calling in your suggestions you thereby give permission for it to be published. All works must be signed to be published. Publisher accepts no responsibility for errors of content or omission of content. Products, services or employment advertisement are not necessarily endorsed by publisher. We publish 51 issues per year. No issue is printed on the last week of the year so that our staff can be with their families through the holidays. After Hours Registration: Wednesdays, April 3rd & April 24th, Thursday April 25th Hours: 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. FREE! FREE! FREE!!! Sanderson Christian Revival Center will have their monthly giveaway Saturday April 27th from 8AM 1PM. They have clothes, shoes, toys, household items, furniture. Everything is FREE! If Baker County FL, Fire Adapted Community will be hosting Wildfire Community Preparedness Day event in St. Mary s Shoals Park. The event will consist of local, state and federal agencies offering public education and homeowner assistance in preparing for wildfire. In addition to the many booths, they will have scheduled events consisting of prescribed fire burn demonstrations, turbo drafting out of nearby pond, trolley ride to showcase forest management, Smokey Bear, FFS Wildfire Prevention Clowns, Sparky The Fire Dog, Wildland Firefighter Games, Baker County Rocks, Bounce Houses and much more. There will also be displays of fire apparatus, forestry 7163 E. Mt. Vernon St. HWY 90 in Glen St. Mary across from Baker Salvage 904-259-2525 Specials Specials Rib Eye Steak or Fried/Grilled Catfish or Shrimp Come See Our Newly Remodeled Dining Area! Open EVERY DAY at 5:30am Sun.- Thurs. 5:30am-2pm OPEN ALL DAY ON FRIDAYS Fridays 5:30am-8pm Saturdays 5:30am-11am License# E08BA001 you re in need of anything come on out and see them. Sanderson Christian Revival Center is located at 14302 Sapp Road, Glen St. Mary, just 5 miles south of I-10 on the corner of Sapp Road and CR 229. WILDFIRE COMMUNITY PREPAREDNESS DAY EVENT tractors & equipment, Firewise Trailer, BCSO Mobile Command Center and the FWC Trailer. This FREE event is open to all residents of Baker County and surrounding areas. It is all taking place on Saturday, May 4th from 9:00AM to 3:00PM at St. Mary s Shoals Park. Hope to see you there! Chicken & Dumplings or Smothered or Fried Ribs

4 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG $ 7 99 Valid Grand Opening Any Haircut greatclips.com greatclipscareers.com greatclipsfranchise.com What happens if life gives you melons? You re dyslexic! Why should you take a pencil to bed? To draw the curtains! WEEKLY WORDWEAVER Now open Now for greatness open for 7 days greatness. a week. No appointment needed. 4/20/19 5/3/19 Find us at What washes up on very small beaches? Microwaves! What stays in the corner and travels all over the world? A stamp! DJ Chuck Friday & Saturday with Karaoke! video release party for Michelle Leigh 4/27/19 GREAT FOOD! FREE DELIVERY to local businesses! $ 5 Food OFF orders of $20 or more Clean Dishes A man went to visit his 90 year old grandfather. While eating the breakfast of eggs and bacon prepared for him, he notices his plate isn t clean. So he says, Grandfather, are these plates clean? His grandfather replies, Those plates are as clean as cold water can get them, so go on and nish your meal. That afternoon, while eating the hamburgers his grandfather made for lunch, he noticed many little black specks around the edge of his plate so again he asked, Grandfather are you sure these plates are clean? Without looking up from his burger, the grandfather says, I told you those dishes are as clean as SUDOKU Every Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically. Enter numbers into the blank spaces so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. cold water can get them, now don t ask me about it anymore. Later that day, they went out to get dinner. As he was leaving the house, the man s grandfather s dog who was lying on the oor started to growl and would not let him pass. His grandfather shouts, Coldwater, get out of the way! WORDSEARCH among Asia beagle bloat bore boxer brae breakfast cloud defuse donate dwarf edition extra flack flower foal footprint force fudge knead mole parrot perform playground really refund sailor skirt slab string stuff talent tile twist welt PUZZLE SOLUTION ON PAGE 11... Did you hear about the painter that was hospitalized? They say it was from too many strokes! NEW WEEK NEW RIDDLE Below is the new riddle of the week! Think you know the answer? Call 904-259-9141 with your name and answer. A truck driver is going opposite traffic on a one-way street. A police officer sees him but doesn't stop him. Why didn't the police officer stop him? LAST WEEK S RESULTS! A man is sitting in his cabin in Michigan. 3 hours later he gets out of his cabin in Texas. How is this possible? CABIN OF A PLANE ANGLICAN CHURCH 9:00AM..................Sunday School 10:00AM.................Holy Eucharist 7:00PM.............. Wednesday Services All are Welcome to our New Church Home! A ½ mile South of I-10 on CR 125 WORD SCRAMBLE Just unscramble the letters and words to fit the squares provided. Call 904-259-9141 to leave your name and answer. EATWROTHARF Hint: book LAST WEEK S RESULTS! ICE TRAY North Florida Seamless 100% GUTTERS Quality Guarantee! When Quality Counts! Licensed & Insured Owner Freddie Cantrell 904.879.1427 Commercial & Residential Call Now for a Free Estimate! Elizabeth Cordova Rocky Lynn CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for playing!!!

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 5 BROADWAY IN BAKER AT BAKER COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL BCHS drama and Baker County Community Theatre wrap up their season with Broadway in Baker: Footlight Cavalcade, running for three days only, Thursday, and Saturday at 7:30PM and Sunday at 2PM in the BCHS auditorium. Footlight Cavalcade features over 20 songs from musicals that have become movies and movies that have become musicals. The show also has a bit of a twist. For the first time, BCHS drama will showcase senior performers each night. On Thursday, they feature Blayne Fraser; Saturday is Jackson Helms and Kylie Carter and Sunday features Loriann Bliss. The showcased seniors get extra songs and a throwback song from one of their earlier shows. Cavalcade songs include Nights on Broadway, I Fall to Pieces, Shallow, Wedding Bell Blues, Boot Scootin Boogie, Taking a Chance on Love, Lady Marmalade, Maria, and many more. Performers include Elizabeth Russell, Jackson Helms, Loriann Bliss, Blayne Fraser, Kylie Carter, Joel Griffis, Anna Carter, Jesse Lambright, Sara Gerard, Kelley Norman, Mark Bryant, Denny Wells, Jeff Rowe, Jacob Cranford, Marci Davis, Will Griffis, Maci McDuffie, Harli McCullough, Harper Archambault, River Neri, Mackenzie Norrell, Mackenzie Crews, Jared Brown, Alexis Garner, Audrey England, and Tucker Kinghorn. Reserved seats in the first three rows are available by calling the BCHS front office at 259-6286. Showcased seniors Loriann Bliss, Jackson Helms, Kylie Carter and Blayne Fraser ELECTRIC BILL ASSISTANCE The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LHEAP) has funds available to assist Baker County residents with their electric bills up to $600.00. Eligibility is based on household income and family size. To schedule an appointment call 1-844-625-8776, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. For information contact: Northeast Florida Community Action Agency, Inc., (904) 259-4481, Monday Friday: 8:00AM 5:00PM. A big city lawyer was called in on a case between a farmer and a large railroad company. The farmer noticed that his prize cow was missing from the eld through which the railroad passed. He led suit against the railroad company for the value of the cow. The case was to be tried before the Justice of the Peace in the back room of the General Store. The attorney immediately cornered the farmer and tried to get him to settle out of court. The lawyer did his best selling job, and the farmer nally agreed to take half of what he was claiming to settle the case. After the farmer signed the release and took the check, the young lawyer couldn t help but gloat a little over his success. He said to the farmer, You know, I hate to tell you this but I put one over on you in there. I couldn t have won the case. The engineer was asleep and the reman was in the caboose when the train went through your farm that morning. I didn t have one witness to put on the stand. The old farmer replied, Well, I ll tell you, young feller, I was a little worried about winning that case myself because that durned cow came home this morning! An old doctor went way out to the boondocks to deliver a baby. It was so far out that there was no electricity. When the doctor arrived, no one was home except for the laboring mother and her 5 year old child. The doctor instructed the child to hold a lantern high so he could see while he helped the woman deliver the baby. The child did so, the mother pushed, and after a little while, the doctor lifted the new born baby by the feet and spanked him on the bottom to get him to take his rst breath. Hit him again, the child said. He shouldn t have crawled up there in the rst place!!! Quality Family Care Close to Home Introducing Kassie Shoup, ARNP Schedule your appointment today: (904) 259-7815 Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 159 North 3rd Street Macclenny, FL 32063 DFMED.ORG/PRIMARY You don t have to travel practitioners who can manage the overall health of you and your family. At Dopson Family Medical Center, we re committed to the health and well-being of the residents in our community. Kassie Shoup, ARNP, is now accepting appointments for: Family Health Women s Health Weight Management Now accepting patients ages 2 and up! Most insurance plans accepted.

6 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG EYE ON BUSINESS MARK S FLOORING Mark Stoddard has worked in flooring as a subcontractor for 33 years, and it has always been his dream to open up his own business. When the opportunity for a building and location came his way, he went to his wife Jacqueline at her job and asked what she thought about going into their own business. She was behind him 100%, they took the decision to prayer, and together they established Mark s Flooring and Sales in Macclenny. Mark is a second generation floor installer and he was trained by his dad who was top in his field in Jacksonville. Anyone can sell you carpet or vinyl, but the installation is even more important. It s a big investment to put new flooring in your home or business, and Mark s Flooring and Sales is going to make sure the job is done right! Their Laser Hair Removal Allergy Testing/Immunotherapy IV Therapy Specializing In... MIC Injections Lipo Shot Juvederm Skin Tightening Horomone Therapy Weight Photofacials Loss Therapy Body Contouring Now Accepting Clients! KEY LIME PIE FUDGE ¼ cup (4 tbsp.) butter, melted ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 pkg (about 9 rectangles) graham crackers 2 bags (11 oz. each) Ghiradelli classic white chips 1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk 2 tbsp. finely grated lime zest 3 tbsp. lime juice Preheat oven to 375 F. Line a 9 9-in. baking pan with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Set aside. Place the graham crackers in a food processor and son, Bailey is now being trained by Mark in the skill, and that makes Bailey a 3rd generation installer. Getting your flooring installed by a professional is the key to your flooring job coming out right, looking beautiful and lasting for years. Jacqueline told us, Mark is not only excellent at his work, but he also loves doing it! Mark s Flooring and Sales is a true family owned and operated business. Mark s wife, Jacqueline, along with her mother Shayne Scoggins and their son Reece run the office and showroom. Mark and Bailey do the installations. They are located at 12078 North State Road 121 (1/2 mile past the Dollar General on the left), and they ve got some great flooring deals for you! Right now they have a Spring Savings Special for bathroom flooring (up to 9 ) of vinyl sheet rolls that you can select from an in-house inventory. You get the vinyl and installation for only $100! It s a great time to Sizzle Shot Microneedling PRP SlenderShot SkinCare Laser Hair Removal Botox Immonotherapy Contact us for your personalized pulse until they resemble fine crumbs. Add the butter and sugar and pulse just until mixed. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of the prepared pan. Bake for 5-7 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned. Remove from the oven and allow to cool while you prepare the fudge layer. In a large microwave-safe bowl, combine the white chips and sweetened condensed milk. Microwave in 30 second increments, stirring after each cooking time, until the chips are melted and the mixture is smooth. Add the zest and juice. Working 33 Years of Experience! Come Visit Our Showroom! 12078 SR 121 N, Macclenny, FL 32063 MONDAY-FRIDAY, 10:00AM-5:00PM 904-259-9428 Residential & Commercial change out your bathroom flooring. They also have in-house deals available on carpet and vinyl rolls. They ve got all the flooring patterns and styles that you will ever need. Estimates and measurements are always free and you won t find anyone in Baker County more experienced at installing your job. Mark has lived most of his life here and he s ready to help you with your flooring needs and they are a proud member of the Baker County Hormone Therapy IV Therapy Weight Loss Therapy quickly, mix until thoroughly combined. Evenly pour the fudge into the prepared pan over the graham cracker crust and smooth it out. Refrigerate 2-3 hours or until the fudge is completely set. Remove the fudge from the pan using the foil to lift it out. Use a sharp knife and cut the fudge into 1-inch squares. Store fudge in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Use within 2 weeks. Before serving, allow the fudge to come to room temperature for 15-20 minutes. Chamber of Commerce. They sell and install carpet, vinyl and vinyl plank. Mark s Flooring and Sales can also install carpet or vinyl to your RV, boat or motor home. Give them a call at 904-259-9428 and visit their web site at www. marksflooring.org. We welcome Mark s Flooring and Sales to the business community here in Baker County and look forward to their continued success in the future! 904-653-3223 274 Macclenny Ave E., Macclenny, FL 32063 Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram www.beautyandwellnessrx.com beautyandwellnessrx@gmail.com

GFWC WOMAN S CLUB NEWS GFWC Woman s Club of Macclenny held their Leadership Luncheon on Thursday, April 18th. The theme was Bee All You Can Be. Many thanks to Peg Arend, Arlene Phillips and all the ladies who did such a fantastic job of decorating and cooking. President Cheryl Lunn displayed the Best Club in Florida trophy awarded for our membership category. Member Michele Hodges presented the WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 7 program. She told of her youthful dream of establishing Rack Up, a local thrift shop for our community and how Rack Up became a reality for Baker County. Proceeds from the shop have provided funding for several local organizations with the promise of more to come. Volunteers from the shop were special luncheon guests. They are certainly Beeing All They Can Be. Our closing meeting for the year will be Thursday, May 16th. All local ladies are cordially invited to attend. A policeman pulls a man over for speeding and asks him to get out of the car. After looking the man over the policeman says, Sir, I couldn t help but notice your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been drinking? The man gets really indignant and says, Of cer, I couldn t help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts? Tom was at the hospital visiting with his best friend Larry who was dying. Tom asked, If there is baseball in heaven will you come back and tell me? Larry nodded yes just as he passed away. That night while Tom was sleeping, he heard Larry s voice in a dream, Tom... Larry! What is it?! asked Tom. I have good news and bad news from heaven. What s the good news? There is baseball in heaven after all, but the bad news is you re pitching on Tuesday. GOT GOOD NEWS? Give us a call at 259-9141, just send it in to us at editor@hometownjournal.org The Baker Women's Political Network presents... Remember a friend or loved one on Memorial Day and Veterans Day with a beautiful roadside memorial. A cross and flag display will be erected to honor our service members for a two week period at Memorial Day and Veterans Day 2019. Deadline for Memorial Day applications is May 12, 2019. Heroes Forever is non-partisan and honors the service of ALL our military! Contact for more information or an application: Lorelie Brannan at (904) 233-7515 or loreliebwpn@gmail.com or Charlotte Oden at (904) 226-4850 or coden@nefcom.net DRIVER EDUCATION/ TRAFFIC SAFETY 2019 The Baker County School District is offering a non-credit Driver Education course this summer to individuals 15 years of age or older. A certified driver education instructor will teach the rules, regulations, and skills of driving and traffic safety. The class includes D.A.T.E. (Drug, Alcohol, and Traffic Education) information and students will be tested for a learner s permit or for an operator s license. Registration for the driver education course will be accepted April 29th through May 3rd, 8AM 4PM. Registration will be held at the Baker County Adult Education Center located at 418 South 8th Street, Macclenny, Florida. For more information, please call the Adult Center 904-259-0403. Applications must be printed and completed prior to registration, however NO applications will be accepted before April 29th. Please visit our Website Now Open! 904-653-7973 41 W. McIver Ave in Macclenny at bakerk12.org/domain/14, to print your registration forms. The class will be held Monday, June 3, 2019, through Thursday, June 6, 2019, 7:30AM until 12:45PM. To secure a space, a parent or guardian must complete the registration form (including health insurance information) and pay the nonrefundable and non-transferrable fee of $80.00, payable with exact cash only. Come Out & Join Us for Every Wednesday 6-10PM and the 1st and 4th Friday of the month 8-12PM 1478 S. 6th Street Macclenny, FL (Winn Dixie Shopping Center) 904.653.2337 Like Us On Facebook

8 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG $ 9 99 MONDAY IS KIDS NIGHT Come in and see Daffy from 6-8PM for face painting and balloon animals. Kids eat FREE with paying adult. WATER CONDITIONING 799 South Sixth Street, Macclenny, FL 32063 - Located Across From Save-A-Lot Food Store Established Since 1978 Ask Us About Our Salt Delivery Service 1482 S. 6th Street - Macclenny, FL (Winn-Dixie Shopping Center) Monday-Thursday, 11AM-10PM Friday & Saturday, 11AM-11PM Sunday, 11AM-9PM THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER The National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 and the theme this year is LOVE ONE ANOTHER. In observance of the National Day of Prayer, St. James Ministries located at 280 M.L.K. Drive in Macclenny is hosting prayer events at the locations listed below. You are encouraged to come out and join in prayer on this day for our community, state, and nation. Prayer will be held a the following locations: Baker County Schools - Office of the Superintendent, Mrs. Sherrie Raulerson, Superintendent 10:00-10:30AM Hunt Bros Pizza C&C LAND PROS Tree & Debris Removal Extreme Bush Hogging & Mulching A woman goes into the local newspaper of ce to see that the obituary for her recently deceased husband is written. The obit. editor informs her that the fee for the obituary is 50 cents a word. She pauses, re ects and then says, Well then, let it read Fred Brown died. Amused at the woman s thrift, the editor tells her that there is a 7 word minimum for all obituaries. Only a little ustered, she thinks PIT STOP DRIVE-THRU CONVENIENCE STORE GLEN ST. MARY WWW.CANDCLANDPROS.COM Baker County Courthouse - Mrs. Stacey Harvey, Clerk of Courts 10:45 11:10AM Macclenny City Hall - Mrs. Melissa Thomas, City Manager 11:15 11:30AM Sheriff s Office/B. C. D. C. - Sheriff Scotty Rhoden 11:45AM 12:15PM St. James Ministries - 280 M. L. K. Drive, Pastor Timothy Graham, Sr. Pastor 6:00 7:00PM *For further information contact Dale or Sandra Young at 859-321- 3356 thing over and in a few seconds says, In that case, let it read, Fred Brown died: 1983 Pickup for sale. Iron Filters & Sulfur Systems Give us a call - we can come test your water! Water Softener Salts! GOT ODORS, RUST OR HARD WATER DEPOSITS? We can help! We solve all your water problems!!! Water Softeners Iron Removal Sulfur Filters SPIRITUAL WARFARE God in the World Today Jesus continued to teach right up until the hour for Him to depart this planet and return to His Father (John 13:1). Jesus comforted His followers with words that they would not be left alone, for His Father would give them another Comforter (14:16), speaking of the Holy Ghost. What can we learn about another Comforter? He is the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Divine Trinity (1 John 5:7; Matthew 28:19; II Corinthians 13:14). His responsibilities are: To bring about the new birth (3:3,5) To give Life (6:63; Romans 8:11) To impart power (7:37-39; 14:12-17; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-8) To be the Eternal Comforter or Helper (14:16,26; 15:26; 16:7) To be the Teacher of truth (14:17,26; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 2:20-27) To be the Reminder of all truth (14:26) To guide into all truth (16:13) To reveal Christ (16:13-15) To reveal events (16:13) To glorify Christ (16:14) To be the Chief Witness for Christ (15:26; 16:13-15; Acts 1:8) To convince of sin, righteousness, and judgment (16:8) By definition, a comforter is one who soothes and consoles for relief of affliction. The Amplified Version of the Bible expounds on Comforter by using six words listed here with their descriptions: Helper assists and supports Advocate pleads in favor of Intercessor prays on behalf of another; intervenes for someone; pleads or petitions on behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble Counselor gives advice or instructions Strengthener makes stronger, gives strength to Standby can be relied upon in an emergency The Holy Spirit is all these things to us as Christians, all wrapped up into the name of Comforter. He was sent to teach us all things and to bring to our remembrance all the things that Christ taught (John 14:26). The Comforter took the place of Jesus on Earth. The Comforter is God in this world today. God speaks directly into us as well as when we read His written Word. We need to listen with ears to hear. If we never read our Bibles, we won t have anything to be brought back to our remembrance. If we never put the Word into our hearts, we will never have the Word to comfort us. We should make a point to allow the Holy Spirit to do His job as God in the world today. Return next week for more of Spiritual Warfare Bootcamp Which side will you stand on? This column is contributed by: Mamie Cole, ABBA Ministries, PO Box 1091, Glen St. Mary, FL 32040. HERE! Advertise your business in the paper that everyone loves to read. Week after week we bring you local stories, news, events, jokes, recipes, games & more. Just ask around... Everyone Loves To Read The Home Town Journal! 904-259-9141 editor@hometownjournal.org

WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 9 We Honor Existing Funeral Plans To find out what your options are, call us at 904-259-2806 A Friend To Our Community 904-259-4600 409 W. Macclenny Ave. - Macclenny, FL 32063 www.forbesfuneralhome.net H.M. "Hank" Forbes Jr. - FDIC/Owner Hawke M.T. Forbes - Manager Evan Barrett - Funeral Assistant Shannon M. Curry - L.F.D. HONEST. COMPASSIONATE. EXPERIENCED. REASONABLE. Romans 8:28 In Memoriam we BARNWELL - Ms. Jesslyn Lee Barnwell, be remembered for her sweet smile and kind heart. Jesslyn is preceded in death by her sister, Carissa Wiggins. She is survived by her mother, Jillian Lee Barnwell (stepfather, Timothy Carter, Sr.): father, Darrell Barnwell: grandparents, Donald and Melinda Duran of Glen St. Mary, FL and Steve Carter of Macclenny, FL: three brothers, Brayden and Kasen Barnwell, and Timothy Carter, Jr. all of Glen St. Mary, FL: three sisters, Nevaeh, Addison and Bailey Carter, all of Glen St. Mary, FL: three aunts, Ashley Del-Llano, Shirley Campbell and Jessica Barnwell :one uncle, D.J. Duran: two cousins, Wynsday and Scarlett Manucy. Many friends also survive. Funeral services to honor the life of Jesslyn were held on Wednesday, April 24 in the Chapel of Guerry Funeral Home, with Mrs. Sandra Rhoden, officiating. Burial l followed the funeral services in Macedonia Cemetery. Guerry Funeral Home, U.S. 90 E., Macclenny, FL has been entrusted with the funeral arrangements. Please sign the online guestbook at www. guerryfuneralhome.net MACCS 33 East Macclenny Ave. - Macclenny, FL 32063 INC. 904-259-2806 WWW.BLACKBURNCURRYFH.COM 380 N. Lowder St., Macclenny, FL To honor the request of families in our community, present the following Obituary notices: FISHER John William Fisher, Jr., age 81, of Orange Park, Florida passed away on April 19, 2019 at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, FL. He was born in Dayton, Ohio on January 24, 1938 to the late John William Fisher, Sr. and Martha Jane Hawk Fisher. John joined the United States Navy shortly after graduating high school. He proudly served our county for 20 years before retiring and starting his next career in Civil Services as a Supervisor. John was dedicated to his longtime careers, his country, and his family. His main passion in life was his wife, Sally Fleming Fisher, who he loved with all his heart. John enjoyed family time and traveling and was always thinking about others, especially children, as he loved kids. John was an amazing man who will be missed by all who knew him. He was preceded in death by his parents and loving wife of 50 years, Sally Fisher. John is survived by his son, John W. Fisher, III of Glen St. Mary, FL; his brother, Albert Fisher of Stranton, PA; his sister, Darla Dorini of the Villages, FL; and his friend, Karen Barron of Macclenny, FL. A Graveside Memorial Service to celebrate John s Life will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 11:00AM at Jacksonville Memory Gardens in Orange Park, FL with Pastor Ernest Odom officiating. The arrangements are under the care and direction of V. TODD FERREIRA FUNERAL SERVICES, 250 North Lowder Street, Macclenny, FL 32063 (904)259-5700. Visit www.ferreirafuneralservices. com to sign the family s guest book. William Tyrone Bloodsaw Jr., August 22, 2000 - April 19, 2019 William Bloodsaw, 19, was preparing to enter Air Force after graduating in 2018. He was killed last Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, where he was celebrating with his family after signing paperwork to join the Air Force. His mother, Linda Bloodsaw, said someone fired a gun, shooting Bloodsaw in the back while he was sitting in a car. A terrible tragedy, and a life taken much too soon. We send our condolences to the family and friends. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Dennis P. Kimbro There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures. Josiah Gilbert Holland The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. Will Rogers CATHOLICS COME HOME! St. Mary's Catholic Church 1143 W. Macclenny Ave. 904-259-2959 MASS TIMES Saturday at 5 PM & Sunday at 10 AM NEW LOCATION 480 West Lowder Street, Macclenny, FL (Baker County Health Department) NEW LOCATION

10 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG CLASSIFIEDS SELL IT FAST IN THE PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LOVES TO READ! CLASSIFIED RATES ARE JUST $6 FOR UP TO 20 WORDS! Classified ads are priced at $6 per week up to 20 words. Additional words are priced at 30 per word. Bold, pictures, borders, etc,. available upon request at $3 per additional feature. AUTOMOTIVE 1984 JEEP CJ7 WITH 350 CHEVY CONVERSION 4" Lift, New Brakes, Fuel Tank, Front End, and 33's. $9,000 OBO Call 904-463-0118 5/12 REMEMBER: IF YOU ARE GIVING AWAY SOMETHING FOR FREE, THEN YOUR AD IS FREE! CALL 904-259-9141 FREE BEAGLE, MALE 18 months old, tricolor. 904-259-9411 FREE SPINNING CLASSES Personal instruction by former certified Johnny G Instructor. Mornings or evenings. 2 openings. Pat Wagoner 904-524-1808 FREE SWARM REMOVAL Swarm season is here and Bees are swarming. We want to save the honey bees. Call Jim the BeeMan for professional removal. 904-304-5800 FREE BREAD Every Thursday at 77 N. 8th Street in Macclenny (Behind Moody s Chevron) from 9:00AM until gone or 1:00PM. A community service brought to you by First United Methodist Church of Macclenny. Contact: Carol Curtis at 904-259-1841 FREE CLOTHES & SHOES All sizes free clothing available in Maxville. They are open on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month. (Unless it falls on a holiday.) Hours: 3-6PM. They are located at 8635 Maxville Blvd. Jacksonville, FL. 32234. Please call the church office for any information or directions. 289-7095. We also take clothing donations. FREE VETERANS SUPPER 2nd Thursday of the month at 6PM at Primitive Baptist Church corner of 5th St. & North Blvd. Call Tony & let him know you are coming. 904-259-2516 SENIOR CITIZEN FREE LUNCHEON at Baldwin Church of God 662 Yellowater Rd. - Baldwin, FL 3rd Thursday of every month at 11:45AM. Can provide transportaion. Call 904-861-7195 or 904-626-1515 for more information. FREE SUPPER 2ND WEDNESDAY of every month. Baldwin Church of God 662 Yellowater Rd. - Baldwin, FL All are welcome. Call 904-861-7195 for more info. SUBMISSIONS & DEADLINE To place your ad call our office at 904-259-9141 or email it to editor@hometownjournal.org. All ad submissions are due by Tuesday at 5PM. SERVICESECTION LOCAL PROFESSIONALS TO HELP GET THE JOB DONE! P&R ELECTRIC, INC. 904-259-6682 FL EC703 GA EN8186 STEPHEN S TREE SERVICE Tree removal, tree trimming & stump grinding. Licensed & Insured. Free Estimates. FIREWOOD AVAILABLE! Call 904-653-1314. HODGES HODGES LAWN CARE, INC. Year round service, contracts only, Residential / Commercial, licensed and insured. Celebrating 13 years! Office 904-259-5237 or Cell 904-588-3304 SWAMP GATOR UNDERBRUSHING LAND MANAGEMENT LLC. Underbrush clearing, forestry mulching, land clearing, no permits required. Eco Friendly, No Hauling, No Burning. 386-515-2115 FREE CHURCH SUPPER Last Wednesday evening of the every month at 5:00PM at Old Providence Baptist Church, Price Creek Road, Union County, Florida. The supper is open to the public & will be served in the fellowship hall prior to our 6:00PM mid-week prayer FREE TRANSPORTATION TO & FROM CHURCH SERVICES At Faith Tabernacle Ministry in Baldwin. Call 904-536-0013. NOONDAY PRAYER & FREE LUNCH Served every Wednesday at 12 Noon at Faith Tabernacle in Baldwin (Martin Luther King Drive) NEED OLD PAPERS? You can pick up expired papers in the yellow box at 104 South College Street in Macclenny. GOSPEL SING EVERY 2ND FRIDAY of the month at 7PM. Macclenny Revival Center, 215 North Lowder Street, Macclenny. Call 904-404-6735 for more information. BIBLE STUDIES BY MAIL Children 4+, Teens & Adults. Free upon request. Please write: John Mann, Chrisitian Outreach, PO Box 7, Worthington Springs, FL 32697 SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS BUY LOCAL! HELP WANTED WORSHIP LEADER Part-time Position available at NE Florida church. Strong leadership and organizational skills needed. Blended service with ability to work with Praise Team/ musicians. Salary commensurate with experience. Background check required. Email resume and personal references to sandersonfirstbaptistchurch@gmail.com 5/3 PUMP REPAIR We can fix your pump problems. Just call the Water Boys, 904-608-5669 WATER PUMP REPAIR 2" or 4" wells - shallow or deep Call 904-259-4580 Licensed & Insured - CFC056961 HAWKINS MOTEL IN BALDWIN All rooms $45 + tax daily. 904-266-4835 MISCELLANEOUS LOOKING TO BUY A SMALL MOBILE HOME PARK Should be in good condition and mostly rented. 954-918-5884 5/31 MS. KATHLEEN'S IVY COTTAGE GUILD has a new home at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Macclenny. We meet Thursday nights from 6-9PM. Beginners are welcome. Crochet, sewing, quilting and other crafts. Come and learn with us! For more info call 904-210-3746 or 954-254-9012 NEED TO EARN A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? The Baker County Adult Education Center now offers online GED Test preparation classes. Adults can complete a high school education anytime, anywhere internet access is available. The online delivery course provides students weekly contact with a certified teacher, and flexibility in preparing for the test. Adults can earn the Florida High School Diploma with successful scores on the GED test. A Career Coach is available to help adults who earn their diploma develop a career training plan. Tuition for the online course is $30. Registration and the initial academic assessment are conducted at the Baker County Adult Education Center. Call 259-0403 for more information. GRACE TECHNOLOGIES FREE Estimates. We can come to your home or office. Computer Repair & Upgrades for all makes, Laptops & all Apple products. Virus and spyware removal. Tablet & Phone Repair Over 20 years experience. All work guaranteed. 904-259-5077 RACK UP THRIFT STORE Open Wednesday - Saturday 10:00AM - 6:00PM Sell and accept everything. We do not accept large furniture and electronics. Proceeds benefit local charities. BIG FISH & LITTLE FISH LAWN CARE Licensed & Insured, Junk Removal, Landscaping, Pressure Washing, Spring Cleanups, Tractor Work. Call WA Fish at 904-838-3508 ANDERSON QUALITY ROOFING, LLC Metal and Shingle Roofs New Homes / Remodels / Screen Rooms Emergency Leak Repairs. Licensed & Insured Call 904-259-3300 or 904-591-2790 for free estimates. CBC1259558 CCC1330274 C&C RENTAL CLEAN-UP Light hauling & we ll haul off trash! House Cleaning. 904-229-4539 904-408-2634 904-259-9559 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE LOT MODEL SALE! FREE FURNITURE INCLUDED! HUGE 4 BEDROOM $69,900 MANY HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM 904-259-4663 WAYNEFRIERMACCLENNY.COM BRAND NEW 2018 2 BEDROOM HOME ONLY $34,900! WITH FREE THERMAL WINDOWS WAYNEFRIERMACCLENNY.COM 904-259-4663 NO MONEY DOWN USE YOUR LAND! 3 BED - $399 /MONTH 4 BED - $499/MONTH WAYNEFRIERMACCLENNY.COM 904-259-4663 PLANTS FOR SALE PLANT SALE EVERY SATURDAY 9AM TO 4PM. Fruit trees: apple, pear, peach, plum, fig, blueberry. Blooming Azaleas 1 gal and 3 gal sizes. Large selection of landscaping plants. Located on Lowder Street in MacClenny at P&R Electrical across from Heritage Park Village. Sands Daylily Farm 904-303-1501 PROPERTY RENTALS MOBILE HOME FOR RENT in Lake Butler. 3/2 $750/mo Call 904-275-2197 or 904-275-2004 4/26 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 4/28/19 1PM-3PM 518 Lissit Ct. Macclenny, Fl 32063 food, give-aways, and giftcard drawing! email toreejl@watsonrealtycorp.com with questions CLASSIFIED RATES ARE JUST $6 FOR UP TO 20 WORDS! Call 904-259-9141 to place your ad. DALE MCDONALD'S LAWN SERVICE Mowing, edging, trimming & pressure washing. Licensed and insured. A full service lawn service. 904-307-4016 904-653-4720 FILL DIRT, CULVERTS, DRIVEWAYS, HOUSE SLABS. 904-259-4580 QUALI BUILT HOMES, INC. Metal & shingle roofing, New homes, remodels, emergency leak repair. Licensed & insured. Free Estimates. Call Don Burnsed 904-408-1392 or Joe Muncy 904-631-0720. CBC1254669 CCC1328486 MACC S GLASS Auto Glass, Residential & Commercial. SHOWER ENCLOSURES 33 East Macclenny Ave. 904-259-6070 JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMBING Repairs Re-pipes Remodels Drain Cleaning Sump Pumps Water Heaters New Construction CFC056961 904-259-4580 P&S HARVEY APPLIANCE REPAIR Parts, service & repairs. Gas or electric appliances. Call 904-635-3518 RESOURCES NA DISCUSSION & WORKBOOK MEETING. Meetings held first & third Sunday. FUMC Library in Macclenny. Across the street from church. Call Brad anytime 270-564-4115 AL-ANNON MEETINGS MACCLENNY HOUR OF HOPE & HEALING Al-Anon Meeting for family & friends of an alcoholic. Every Thursday! 6PM new comers & 7PM meeting. FUMC Library, 93 N. 5th Street. Brick building with American flag across the street from main church. 904-350-0600 AA MEETINGS Wednesdays & Fridays at 12:30PM at First United Methodist Church, located at 93 N 5th street YARD SALES YARD SALE Sat. April 27, 9a-2p. Parking lot of T&M Found It For Ya, 405 N. Lowder Street, Macclenny. Baker Women's Political Network. Great deals!! Applications for Heroes Forever will be available. YARD SALE Friday & Saturday 7:30AM to 3:00PM. Estate sale including garage, tools furniture, household & clothing. 12826 CR 122, Taylor. Everything must go! UNIQUE GARAGE SALE Craft booths and silent auction items at Steak Cook-off 10AM - 4PM on Saturday. 8648 C.R. 125 S in Glen St. Mary C.O.A. YARD SALE The Council on Aging is raising FUNDS FOR A NEW SENIOR CENTER and we are having a TWO DAY YARD SALE at the Transportation Center at 9264 Buck Starling Road (behind the Winn-Dixie Store) on Friday, April 26 from 7:30AM till 4PM and on Saturday, April 27 from 7:30AM till 2PM. All kinds of bargains and merchandise to find just what you may need or want and it is going to a very worthy cause for the seniors in Baker County who greatly need a new Senior Center which will be built our Transportation Center. Come out and catch the vision and need for our Senior citizens and TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN AND BECOME A REALITY! NORTH FLORIDA SEAMLESS GUTTERS 100% Quality Guaranteed! Licensed & Insured. Call for Free Estimate 904-879-1427 B&W TREE SERVICE, INC. Full line of tree & land services! Tree removal, land clearing, stump grinder, chipper, dump truck, stump removal, bucket trucks, trackhoe & bulldozer, tree trimming. Call us at 904-259-8253. www.treeandlandservices.com SEPTIC TANKS & DRAINFIELDS Licensed & Insured JOHN WILLIAMS PLUMBING CFC056961 Repairs & New Installation 904-259-4580 Y

NOTES FROM YOUR COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE The UF/IFAS Extension Office in the Ag Center is available to help you with your farming, gardening, landscaping, and 4-H youth development needs by providing educational programming, free consultations and information. Contact the Extension Office at (904) 259-3520 or email baker@ifas.ufl.edu. Be good to your skin. You ll wear it everyday for the rest of your life. 904-259-3428 FREE MAKEOVERS With $50 Purchase! 104 E. Macclenny Ave Located across from COA next to oglamour and Grace Like Us On Facebook Follow Us On Instagram THEN & NOW: HOW BAKER COUNTY AGRICULTURE HAS CHANGED Every five years a Census of Agriculture is conducted across the nation to survey how agriculture is changing, the latest survey (2017) data is being slowly released over 2019. Here s how Baker County Agriculture is changing: WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 HOME TOWN JOURNAL 11 #MerleGirl By: Alicia Halbritter, Agriculture & Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Although the number of farms has decreased since 2012, the amount of land used for farming increased. This trend shows us that there is still a stable market for agriculture and while some farms failed, most grew. In the 1990s & early 2000 s crops were a common product of Baker County, however they have come to represent only 10% of the agricultural land. Planted timber has begun to dominate the landscape with 61.4% of Baker county agricultural lands filling with pines. Livestock pastures have remained relatively steady through the years, even with the changing cattle industry. 63% of Baker County agriculturalists have another full-time occupation as their primary income. However, we see that 73% of farmers have operated their farm for 10 years or more. Generational farming is large in Baker county, many of our farmers grew up on the same land they are farming today, and most likely their children will continue the operation after they are gone. This is "Mike". He is a neutered adult male Pitbull mix. Was originally featured last April and found a new home. He is back thru no fault of his own. This guy deserves another chance at a furever home. Good with kids and other dogs. Loves just hanging out or playing. Find The Bunny and You Could Win $ 20 CASH! Somewhere in this issue, there is a bunny hidden in an advertisement! Find the bunny and fill out this slip and mail it in to P.O. Box 58 in Glen St. Mary, FL 32040. Your name will go into the monthly $20 CASH drawing. You could be the lucky one! I got my rst full-time job, but I could have sworn I was making more money in college while working for my parents as their daughter. D I S C B R A W N C A M E I N C H L I B Y A A R I A E T U I A G L E T L E T S M O D E R N E T I O L A T E F I D E H O N S A C F L U E N E E D L E A D O T Y L E R L I O N L I M P S E R A S K A T E S E E S R I D G E L T M A U T I S M E A R N S O Y B O A R E S T L I B R E T T O G E O R G E O R E O R O N D O W A R E G A L L I N C U R E V I L O N T O N E E D Y L E N S FIND THE BUNNY! Some concerning numbers The average age of farms is still increasing, in 2017 it was 60 years old. This is worrisome for future food security and potential land use changes in Baker County as future generations may have difficulties continuing the farm enterprise or trying to start new ones. Farms are getting smaller. 49% of farms are between 10 and 50 acres and 20% of farms are less than 10 acres. We can expect that majority of the larger farms are timber operations which means most of our food producing entities are operating on small acreage. This could create problems in the future for potential agricultural growth & maintaining the current status of Baker County Agriculture. The future is always uncertain, but we hope Baker will remain an agricultural county for many years to come. Licensed Insured SIGNS BANNERS STICKERS PRINTING MAGNETS VEHICLE GRAPHICS BUSINESS CARDS GRAPHIC DESIGN Name: Phone: Where did you find the bunny: *Only 1 entry per person, per week! Multiple entries will be discarded. Drawing held before the first issue of the month. 583 S. 6th Street - Macclenny, FL maxgraphix904@gmail.com

12 HOME TOWN JOURNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 WWW.HOMETOWNJOURNAL.ORG Ask about Cash Discounts! Low Rate, Long Term Financing! GIRL SCOUTS OF GATEWAY COUNCIL ANNOUNCE SUMMER CAMPS Girl Scouts of Gateway Council (GSGC), which includes Baker County, proudly announces 2019 Girl Scout Summer Camps. The camps are open to all girls in Northeast and North Central Florida. Campers do not have to be a Girl Scout member to enroll. Girl Scout camp is a place where girls explore nature, take on new challenges, master new skills, and develop a stronger sense of self all in a safe, all-girl environment, said Gateway Council CEO Mary Anne Jacobs. Our girls can get out of their comfort zones to take healthy risks, try new things and create their own one-of-a-kind experience. Girls can sign up for summer camping events at Camp Kateri and North Fork Leadership Center. Both locations are offering a variety of camp activities and experiences. Camp sessions begin on June 9. Camp Kateri offers multiple resident camps that features a wide array of outdoor experiences, including canoeing, outdoors skills, kayaking, hiking, campfires and more. North Fork Leadership Center in Middleburg will be the site for day camp with exciting outdoor activities. Day campers may also choose the STEM emphasis session, combining nature with the sciences. Transportation is available for day camp sessions. The Counselor in Training option is available for high school girls looking to mentor younger girls in a camp/outdoor setting this summer. Visit the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council website, www.girlscoutsgateway.org, for more information on 2019 summer camp offerings and how to register, or contact TriciaRae Stancato at tstancato@girlscouts-gateway.org or 904-421-3484. About Girl Scouts of Gateway Council: Girl Scouts of Gateway Council serves more than 10,000 girls in grades K-12 and 4,000 adults in Northeast/ North Central Florida. The service area includes Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Flagler, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Levy, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns, Suwannee and Union Counties. For information on how to join, reconnect or donate to Girl Scouts of Gateway Council, visit www.girlscouts-gateway. org or call (904) 388-4653. SUPPORT CONSERVATION, BUY A LICENSE Did you know when you buy a hunting or fishing license you re supporting conservation? Every licensed participant increases the amount of federal grant funding received through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration (WSFR) program. WSFR is funded by the fishing, boating, sporting arms and archery industries and the people who participate in these outdoor activities. Buy your license online at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com or in-person at an agent location and you, too, can contribute to science-based conservation! Did you hear about the shampoo shortage in Jamacia? It s dread-ful! Did you hear about the angry pancake? It just ipped! What do you call a cow with a twitch? Beef Jerky! How do you shoot a killer bee? With a bee bee gun! What does a nosey pepper do? Gets jalapeno your business! TAURUS G2C & G2S SMITH & WESSON EZ SLIDE Great Deals on FLAT SCREEN TVs GLOCK 43X BAKER GUNS & GOLD PAWN Loan - Buy - Sell KEL-TEC PMR30 904-259-7800 1159 South 6 th Street - Macclenny, FL Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-6PM Sat 10AM-4PM www.bakerpawn.net