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Preface This guide is intended to standardize the use of the WeChat brand and ensure the brand's integrity and consistency. The guide applies to all d



1 2015 400 Follow Me To?! Instagram 2016 4 Instagram 20 PANDORA 101 PANDORA A Journey of Love 16 Marketing Management


PANDORA PANDORA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 18 Marketing Management

1.1 1.1.1 2016 1997 IMF 583 1970 1980 1990 LG Acer 2011 2013 200 HTC 2011 2013 Asus Trend Micro Acer HTC 2015 Interbrand 100 Lenovo 41.14 Marketing Management 19

Asus 17.8 1.1.2 2006-2012 2013 www.branding-taiwan.tw 1996 2015 7 Althea 30% 50 SK Planet XL Axiata 20 Marketing Management

www.stanshares.com.tw 2004 Upgrading marketing operations to internationalize Taiwanese brands is a key to our economic development. Marketing Management 21

1.2 exchange 22 Marketing Management

1944 1971 1976 1.2.1 Marketing Management 23

Conditions for an exchange to exist: two or more individuals or groups must participate; each party has something of value to the other party; the exchange brings need satisfaction to both parties; each party is capable of communication and delivery, and is legitimate to exchange. 1. 2. 3. 4. transaction In 2004, AMA defined marketing as "an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders." 1.2.2 2004 American Marketing Association AMA marketing 24 Marketing Management

1-1 Marketing emphasizes value creation, customer relationship, and customer satisfaction. 1-1 marketing functions product price promotion place and distribution marketing mix 4P As an organizational function, marketing deals with 4 P's (i.e., marketing mix): product, price, promotion, and place/distribution. Marketing Management 25

marketing 1964 1965 marketing Broadly speaking, product includes goods, services, organizations, places, persons, events, concepts, information, and properties. product 26 Marketing Management

1.3 1-1 1-1 1.3.1 production concept marketing myopia Production concept dominates when demand exceeds supply or when production techniques are overly emphasized. It leads to marketing myopia. Marketing Management 27

19 1920 the mousetrap fallacy 1950 Selling concept emphasizes aggressive selling to gain profits. It often results in dishonest advertising, manipulative sales techniques, consumer disgust, and even tainted products. 1.3.2 selling concept 28 Marketing Management

1920 1950 Pillsbury 1960 Marketing Management 29

Levitt: "Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the needs of the buyer." Drucker: "The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous." 1.3.3 marketing concept Levitt Drucker Kotler inside-out perspectiveoutside-in perspective 1-2 1-2 30 Marketing Management

1970 1980 1990 1. 1970 1984 2. 1980 1993 Marketing Management 31

The development of marketing depends largely on economic policies, national income, infrastructure, technology, etc. 3. 1970 4. Holistic marketing emphasizes a broad and integrated perspective to view marketing. It consists of relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated marketing, and societal marketing. 1.3.4 4P 1950 1990 Kotler Keller holistic marketing concept 1-3 Relationship marketing is targeted at building stronger and long lasting relationships with customers and business partners. It involves both CRM and PRM. relationship marketing marketing network 32 Marketing Management

1-3 customer relationship management CRM partner relationship management PRM CRM emphasizes the use of various customized approaches to develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships with individual customer. PRM is about managing the relationships with suppliers, channel members, advertising agents, logistics organizations, strategic alliances, shareholders, and other business partners. Marketing Management 33

relationship bonds 2.4.3 Packard: "Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department." Internal marketing is used to motivate employees at all levels to deliver satisfactory customer services. marketing department era marketing company era HP David Packard external marketing internal marketing market orientation 34 Marketing Management

1. 2. 3. 4P integrated marketing 1-4 synergy effects joint effects 1-5 Integrated marketing requires all marketing activities are coordinated to achieve synergy effects. Marketing Management 35

1-4 4P 1-5 4P 3C 36 Marketing Management

performance marketing societal marketing Societal marketing holds that marketing decisions should consider consumers' needs, company's profits, and society's long-term interests. Double A 1.2 160 240 Double A Double A Double A Marketing Management 37

1.4 Although marketing affects consumers' daily life, many marketing activities are invisible to consumers. 38 Marketing Management

1.4.1 1980 Marketing Management 39

Marketing creates form, place, time, information, and possession utilities for consumers. 1.4.2 utility 1. form utility 40 Marketing Management

2. place utility 3. time utility 4. information utility 5. possession utility 1.4.3 market demand 1. negative demand 2. no demand Marketing plays different roles under different market demand states. Marketing Management 41

3. latent demand 4. declining demand 5. full demand 6. irregular demand oversupply overdemand demarketing 7. unwholesome demand 42 Marketing Management

1.5 2 3 1-6 marketing strategic planning STP 1-6 Marketing Management 43

4 5 6 STP segmentation target market positioning 7 8 9 STP 10 STP 11 14 15 16 17 19 20 44 Marketing Management

YY Blog 100 30 20 80 Marketing Management 45

workshop 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 46 Marketing Management

1. 2. 1. PANDORA 2. PANDORA Marketing Management 47