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How to enforce a judgment 1. How can a judgment be enforced Content 1. How can a judgment be enforced 1.1 After a winning party has obtained a judgment for payment of money from the Tribunal he may apply to the ailiff f ce of the udiciary through the Tribunal for enforcement by way of a Writ of Fieri Facias ( FiFa ), if the judgment is not complied with. 2. Application procedure 3. The execution process 4. Enquiries on execution matters 1.2 It is very important to note that no one can guarantee that an attempt for enforcement will be successful and an applicant for enforcement has to pay a deposit and expenses in advance when an application is led. Therefore, an applicant should carefully consider his own position before submitting an application for a Writ of FiFa. 7 8

2. Application procedure 3. The execution process 2.1 To enforce a judgment, the winning party may apply at the Tribunal Registry for a Writ of FiFa. A Bailiff is directed to levy execution on the goods and chattels of the judgment debtor (i.e. the losing party) to a sum equal to the judgment plus the incidental expenses of execution. The Bailiff will seize and sell the judgment debtor s goods by public auction if payment is not made into court. The proceeds will then be used to pay the money due to the winning party after defraying the necessary court charges. 2.2 The Registry or the Information Centre staff will give the winning party an application form (called a praecipe ) and a writ. The winning party has to ll in the particulars of the judgment debtor and the amount of money the winning party wishes to recover. After completing these papers, the winning party is required to pay a deposit and Bailiff Expenses. After the writ has been signed by the court, which usually takes 3 working days, it will be passed to the Bailiff f ce for execution. 2.3 The winning party is encouraged to accompany the Bailiff when he goes to execute the Writ of FiFa. The winning party has to make an appointment with the Bailiff in advance for this purpose. 3.1 On the date of execution, a Bailiff, together with watchmen, will visit the premises of the judgment debtor. If there are suf cient goods and chattels to justify a seizure, the Bailiff will do so up to the amount endorsed on the writ, plus the estimated fees for execution. After making out an inventory of all the items seized, he will give one copy to the watchmen who are responsible for keeping watch over the items to ensure that they will not be tampered with or removed unlawfully. 3.2 The existing practice is for the judgment debtor to be given a grace period of 5 working days to settle the debt. If the judgment debtor does not pay within the grace period, the Bailiff will conduct a sale by public auction of the goods seized. The proceeds of the sale will be paid to the winning party by cheque after deducting watchmen s fees and incidental expenses. 3.3 If the Bailiff attends the premises of the judgment debtor and nds no or insuf cient goods to justify a seizure, the Bailiff will not proceed with the execution. The winning party should write back to the Bailiff Of ce with further instructions within 14 days from the date of execution. If the winning party accompanies the Bailiff on the visit, he will be able to give instruction on the spot. 9 10

3.4 Points to note: (1) Costs are incurred each time the Bailiff and watchmen attempt to execute the writ. (2) If execution is successful, the costs will be defrayed from the proceeds of sale and the deposit returned to the winning party. (3) If execution is unsuccessful, the costs of the attempt or attempts will be deducted from the deposit and the balance returned to the winning party. The more attempts are made, the more costs will be incurred. (4) If the winning party asks the Bailiff to make several attempts, the winning party may have to pay a further deposit. (5) The costs of trying to enforce a judgment can be substantial. The winning party should think carefully before proceeding. If the winning party is aware that the judgment debtor has no goods or assets to be seized, there is little point in pursuing the matter. (6) In execution of the Writ of FiFa, the Bailiff has no power to break into domestic premises. Therefore, when attempting execution, if there is no one to answer the door or if the occupier refuses to let the Bailiff enter the premises in question or if there is dif culty in con rming whether the goods and chattels in the premises belong to the judgment debtor, the attempted execution would fail and there is nothing that this Tribunal could help in this regard. Under such circumstances, the winning party should seek legal advice and consider other alternatives to enforce the judgment. 4.1 To ensure successful execution of the Writ of FiFa, it is essential that the winning party gives the Bailiff Of ce the correct address of the judgment debtor. If the winning party wants to nd out what progress has been made in the execution of the Writ of FiFa, he can contact the Bailiff Of ce at 2 2 51. Judiciary ecember 2 1 (2nd Edition) 11 12