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PUAA-DC Newsletter January 31 2007. Issue 3 PUAA-DC FACTS Founded in 1993 Message from the Board Non-profit voluntary membership organization Facilitate the common interests and activities of Peking University Alumni Promote cultural and educational exchanges between U.S. and China Has more than 400 members around DC, Maryland, and Virginia INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from the Board PKU table tennis delegate visit 1 2 Dinner party 6 Poems 10 Mark your calendar 12 I Love my Alma Mater About Us Join PUAA-DC 13 14 A Quarterly Newsletter from PUAA at the Greater Washington DC Area Dear members, As we entered the year of 2007 and Golden Pig, the board under the leadership of Mei Lu would like to send our sincere appreciations and greetings to all members, family members and friends who have worked together to create this precious family of PUAA-DC. Wish you have a most prosperous and happiest New Year! We are also very delighted to report some of our activities since the last newsletter. First of all, we successfully hosted two truly exciting and memorable major events. One is the Beida PingPong Delegation visit led by former world champions, Geliang Liang and Wei Liu and Peking University Vice President Professor Yue Sulan in November last year. While it is absolutely a fruit of great team work of many board members and volunteers, special thanks to Yirui who not only took the major responsibility of taking care of the delegation but also invited all delegates to his home for an unforgettable Thanksgiving party. The other one is the annual holiday celebration dinner party on Jan. 20 primarily led by our young board members, Ren Chen and Zhaoyuan Ma. More than one hundred alumni and friends enjoyed wonderful food, performances, games, etc. You can see more detailed reports on both events in this issue of newsletter. Secondly, we also had some small but valuable activities particularly for our members. On Jan. 12, we had a small but homey birthday celebration for our former President and lifetime volunteer Qiyun Wang while her loving husband was in Beijing. Our President Mei Lu and our new and talented associate board member, Zhaoyuan Ma, took an initiative of organizing a new Host-A-Thanksgiving program for student alumni. 14 students went to 6 families. Many alumni asked us to do this program annually. Moreover, we continued our effort for the "I love my alma mater" donation campaign. In addition to 17 alumni who fulfilled their donations earlier, three alumni, Winnie Chen, Qifeng Yin and Yeqing Li, did so shortly after the recent call. We expect more responses to come. Over the past few months, we worked closely with other organizations to create a better community beyond the PUAA-DC family. For instance, we organized a hiking trip on Oct. 28 to the Shenandoah National Park and Luray Caverns with the China Society, Tsinghua University Alumni Association, CAST-DC, UCAPO, Hunan Association, George Washington University CSSA, and many others; On Jan. 26, we co-sponsored, with CAST-DC, the Wise Symposium by Professor Chunming Chen; On Feb. 24, we joined with the Nanjing University Alumni Association and Hope Chinese School co-sponsoring a performance by the China Broadcasting Performing Arts Group presented by Agis Center for Arts and Humanities in the Schlesinger Center. The performance is led by comedy star Kun Jiang and Hanlin Gong. Last but not least, we maintained and developed our long-term friendship with the Embassy of our motherland. As a tradition, Minister Chuanqin Xie invited the new board to the Embassy for a small banquet only for the PUAA-DC on Nov. 3, 2006. On Jan. 20, 2007, the Education Office of the China Embassy invited us to a forum for feedbacks on the recent policies on Overseas Scholars and professionals returning to China. Yirui attended the forum and gave valuable advice. With the unity of board members and support of all members, we are determined to make the year of 2007 another exciting and fruitful year. The immediate next event will be the 2007 Ping Pong Open. As one of the top teams in 2006, PUAA-DC team will be in Group A with 8 best teams which will compete on March 24. All Ping Pong players and fans are welcome to join this game. Best Wishes, Board of PUAA-DC

ISSUE 2 PAGE 2 老将巾帼乒坛拼搏华府访问成果丰硕 - 前世界冠军梁戈亮, 刘伟和北京大学乒乓球代表团华府纪行 应美国乒协邀请, 以北京大学副校长 北京高校乒乓球 校长杯 冠军 岳素兰教授为团长的北京大学乒乓球代表团一行十四人包括多位前乒乒国手和世界冠军梁戈亮 刘伟等于 11 月 22 至 27 日在首都华盛顿地区和巴尔的摩市进行了比赛和交流等活动 北大乒乓代表团在大华府地区访问时间虽只有短短一周, 但成果丰硕 - 不但首次参加巴尔的摩 2006 年度 Stiga 北美乒乒球公开赛并取得优异成绩 ; 同时, 以训练 教学比赛 与老幼中美球迷交手和前世界冠军乒乓表演等形式展示了国球风采和中国大学生运动员 北大学子优异的竞技实力及综合素质, 为本地广大中美乒乒爱好者留下了难以忘怀的美好印象 11 月 22 日傍晚, 北大乒乓球代表团在风雨交加的感恩节前夕抵达巴尔的摩机场 他 ( 她 ) 们不顾旅途曾在纽约机场奋力追赶飞往首都华盛顿的航班劳累, 不顾连续近 20 小时的飞行疲劳和时差反应, 不顾饥渴, 推迟晚餐, 接着马不停蹄乘车赶往 POTOMAC 兵乓球俱乐部, 风尘仆仆接受了来自美国主流社会媒体包括华盛顿邮报, 世界日报, 星岛日报, 凤凰卫视, 国家广播电台 (NPR) 和当地中文报界记者采访 岳素兰副校长向美国媒体介绍了这次出访的主要目的, 日程安排及北大目前筹建 20 08 奥运乒乒馆的进程等 世界冠军梁戈亮 刘伟等则回顾了当年中美乒乒外交的插曲和再次访美感想并为中美友谊及发展表示了良好的祝愿 PCTTC 主席 Herman 叶向来自马里兰州 华盛顿特区和弗吉尼亚州的近 3 00 名俱乐部会员和慕名而来的本地广大中美乒乒爱好者一一介绍了出访北大队员球员和前乒乒国手们, 当介绍世界冠军梁戈亮和刘伟时, 观众报以热烈的掌声表达了对为中美友谊和乒乒外交作出贡献的老运动员们的敬意 岳副校长向 POTOMAC 兵乓球俱乐部的热情接待表示感谢并与主席 Herman 叶互赠了礼品 大华府北大校友会会长吕玫代表当地北大校友和观众向北大乒乓代表团表示热烈欢迎并对影响几代人成长的乒坛群英们表达崇高敬意 随后马里兰州 POTOMAC 兵乓球俱乐部队员与北大 队员进行了友谊对抗赛和挑战赛, 最后由前世界冠军梁戈亮 刘伟 成应华和黄统生为大家表演了精彩的乒乒双打比赛 - 这些老国手们数十回合的基本功热身交手, 不减当年的大力击球, 精确扣杀角度和绝妙控球力度, 重扣与轻吊及轻快跑动的步伐再现当年辉煌, 赢得了广大乒乒爱好者阵阵不息的掌声 当晚北大化学系校友赵海生在海珍楼设宴招待了当年化学系岳老师和北大乒乓代表团成员及当地北大校友会代表 11 月 23 日感恩节下午, 大华府地区北京大学校友会在马里兰兵乓俱乐部 (MDTTC) 举办了当地校友, 中美乒乒爱好者与北大乒乓球代表团互动交流活动 大华府北大校友会前会长穆毅锐再次热烈欢迎母校乒乓代表团并诚挚感谢本地广大乒乒爱好者对北京大学及北大 08 奥运乒乒馆的盛情关心和支持, 特别感谢北师大校友会, 美国马里兰州波托马克乒乓球俱乐部和马里兰乒乓球俱乐部的大力支持 - 提供训练场地, 志愿者服务 协助接待北大乒乓球代表团等 马里兰乒乓球俱乐部主教练成应华致词后与黄统生 梁戈亮, 刘伟和岳素兰副校长等合影并交换礼品 接着, 北京大学方正乒乓球俱乐部总经理

ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 北大乒乓球总教练刘伟指导中国兵乓球前国手 北大乒乒队队员丁颖 高曦 时盛男 王烨 周正卿 吕家辉和老将梁戈亮, 乒乓球国际裁判吴飞等热身训练, 与美国青年国手肖寒和其他俱乐部队员进行教学训练比赛等内容 70 年代校队队员岳副校长还兴致勃勃与马里兰乒乓球俱乐部美国理事 Larry 举行了一场别开生面的表演赛 最后, 当地兵乓球爱好者们纷纷报名与前国手们交手, 从 6 岁儿童新手到 69 岁和 78 岁高龄老手, 从有一定训练水平的初学者到较高水平的挑战者都分别与世界冠军梁戈亮等同台切磋球艺并进行了 11 分擂台挑战比赛 北大校友及兵乓球爱好者们还不失时机与北大年轻选手和乒坛老将合影并在小球签名留念 真可谓各尽所能, 各取所需, 各显千秋, 各有所得, 皆大欢喜! 感恩节当晚, 大华府北大校友会在北大乒乒球队前队员穆毅锐和张然家设家宴欢迎和招待北京大学乒乓球代表团 穆毅锐前会长以感恩节为题 - 感谢父母养育, 感谢母校培育和感谢朋友们相知 相识和知遇之恩开场 ; 吕玫会长向来宾们介绍了北大校友会理事会主要成员 ; 在繁忙的活动中赶来的中国驻美大使馆公使谢传勤女士发表热情洋溢的讲话欢迎北大乒乓球代表团, 赞扬大华府北大校友会在当地社团活动中的作用并介绍中国驻美大使馆的朋友们包括邱学军总领事 舒晓文化参赞 李斯宁 秦展鹏和吴强秘书等 ; 北京大学副校长岳素兰教授介绍了北大和方正俱乐部发展近况以及为 08 奥运乒乓馆的筹款工作努力成果 ; 来自各方的朋友们欢聚一堂品尝美国传统火鸡, 笑语欢声伴随合影签名共同度过了一个难忘的节日夜晚 2006 年 STIGMA 北美兵乓球公开赛从 11 月 24 日开始分组分级别预赛 ;11 月 25 日进行小组赛 ;11 月 26 日半决赛和决赛 北京大学兵乓球三个代表队一路过关斩将, 在 Baltimore Convention Center 巴尔的摩会议中心取得优异成绩 其中 D 组北大兵乓三队以吴飞 - 北大体育部讲师 乒乓球国际裁判 - 正手直拍两面攻为主力, 包括前校队主力队员李咏梅 - 横拍攻球 (1988-1995) 和张然 - 正手直拍选手 (1979-1987) 及 70-80 年代校队队员岳副校长和穆毅锐获得小组第三名 B 组以吕

ISSUE 2 PAGE 4 家辉 - 北京市高校乒乓球锦标赛男子单打冠军, 时盛男 - 北大乒乓女队队长, 北京高校女子单打冠军和王烨 - 右手横板削球, 北京市高校女子组团体冠军, 单打亚军及前校队主力队员李旭阳组成的北大兵乓二队先后力克华东理工大学三队等夺得 B 组冠军 北大兵乓一队由北京大学医学部体育学系教授 乒坛老将梁戈亮, 丁颖 - 原中国国家队员, 全国锦标赛女单亚军, 高曦 - 原国家青年队和国家一队队员, 全国少年单打冠军 全国锦标赛单打第三和周正卿 - 北大乒乓男队队长, 全国大学生乒乓球锦标赛男单亚军组成 他们在最高级别 A 组执前世界冠军之势, 在小组赛中勇获第二 在 1/8 决赛和半决赛中先后力克去年冠军加拿大男队和实力雄厚的华东理工大学女队赢得总决赛权 其中北大高曦 - 原国家青年队和国家一队队员与华东理工大学女队刘娟 - 原湖北省队和国家集训队员的比赛更是精彩纷呈, 扣人心弦 高曦右手横握球拍, 刘娟左手直握球拍, 两名选手实力雄厚, 全攻型打法, 远拉近打, 各显功夫, 比分交替上升 刘娟一度以三比零领先 在数百名来自世界各地兵乓球爱好者和运动员观赏助威之下, 高曦在零比三落后情势下, 一鼓作气最后以四比三反败为胜, 不仅赢了比赛而且以敢打敢拼, 关键时刻不手软的顽强作风赢得了广大观众的赞赏和喜爱 尽管在总决赛中北大兵乓一队以老将巾帼挂帅, 经过奋力拼搏还是与冠军失之交臂, 输给更强的华东理工大学男队 ( 一队 ) 但他 ( 她 ) 们的顽强拼搏作风, 高超精湛球艺为广大乒乒爱好者留下了难忘的印象 正是 : 老将巾帼, 乒坛拼搏, 华府访问, 成果丰硕 比赛结束当晚, 中国驻美大使馆邱学军总领事, 教育处陈跃秘书和新闻处李建华秘书等在蓉园设宴为北大乒乓代表团成员庆功和饯行

ISSUE 3 PAGE 5 乒乓球世界冠军梁戈亮 Mr. Liang was born in 1950 and selected into the National Youth Team at the age of 15. In April, 1971, Liang presented his debut at China National Table Tennis Team with a gold medal in men s team and silver in men s double in the 31 st World Table Tennis Championships. After that, Liang wrapped up dozens of champions including mix double at the 32 nd World Table Tennis Championships in 1973 and men s team at the 33 rd Champions in 1975, safeguarding his position as the world s leading player in 1970s table tennis. In 1980s, Liang worked as Head Coach of Italian National Team and DPRK National Team, and coached and competed as a player at German VFB LUBECK club. Liang returned to Table Tennis matches in the 1990s when he secured a list of single and double champions at World Championships for the Elderly at Dublin 1992 and Melbourne 1994. Mr. Liang has been a professor in Dept. of Physical Education at PKU since 2002. He coaches the Team this time and will again stun the world with his unfading performance. 乒乓球世界冠军刘伟 Ms. Liu, a member of China s National Team at the age of 14, was the successive mix double champion at the 41 st, 42 nd and 43 rd World Table Tennis Championships in 1991, 1993 and 1995. Ms. Liu was also the backbone member in the women s team champion in the 43 rd events. Liu coached the Japanese Sakura Bank Club from 1996 and came to study in Law School of PKU from 1999. In 2003, Ms. Liu was appointed associate professor at Dept. of Physical Education at PKU and General Manager and Head Coach of PKU Founder Table Tennis Club.

ISSUE 2 PUAA-DC New Year Party PAGE 6 The PUAA-DC hosted its annual holiday celebration dinner party on Jan. 20 evening at the New Fortune Restaurant in Maryland to welcome the Year of 2007 and Golden Pig. More than one hundred alumni and friends enjoyed wonderful food, performances, games, as well as the great family atmosphere. Vice consul general Jianqing Zhang,First Secretary and Consul Mr. Sining Li, and Office Director Mr. Jiang Zhao from the China Embassy attended the party and gave warm greetings representing out mother country. On the day, people would not wait to participate in the party and arrived at the restaurant very early. Our former board member Wei Cao (also a new mom) and Ren Chen welcomed everyone at the registration table with big smile. Many people were busy taking photos to keep the precious memory. Before the scheduled starting time, the restaurant was filled with alumni, family members and friends. Different from the past new year celebrations, the party this year was primarily organized by two of the youngest board members, Ren Chen and Zhaoyuan Ma. With their talent and young spirit, this party was full of energy and new faces. They were also the MCs. They started the program by calling for participants to identify them by different decades. The alumni covered the big range of graduates of 40s to 21Century. Beyond the gap of ages, people enjoyed talking with each other so much that they even forgot the feeling of hunger. President Mei Lu gave a warm welcome to all participants. She

ISSUE 2 PAGE 7 recognized all the board members, past presidents and special guests. Vice consul general Jianqing Zhang gave a greeting representing the China Embassy. Many more staff from different departments of the Embassy also joined the party. 新年联欢晚会节目表演 The performances including singing, Chinese traditional instruments, Chinese comedy talk show (Xiang4 Sheng1), poem reading, etc., were very truly unforgettable. The first performance was done by two students from the University of Maryland. After that, an alumna sang two beautiful solos. Then, Dr. Chiming Wei s daughter offered two pieces of professional level Chinese traditional instrument, Gu3 Zheng1. A Chinese comedy show talk My Campus Life by two young alumni Zhaoyuan Ma and Jinxin Wang brought everyone back to the life in Beida campus with great humor. The most memorable performance was the poem reading. Graduates of different decades read typical poems from their ages starting from the 40s, to 50s, 60s, up to the 21 st Century. Among the readers were many current or former board members including Qiyun Wang, Shuwang Liu, Yirui Mu, Mei Lu, Jing Bai, etc. It was a truly special experience for all participants. The final program was identifying the campus through pictures. While alumni all lived on the campus, it was quite challenging for people to make them right since there were so many changes over the years. In addition to the spiritual joy, people also enjoyed the delicious food. Many people even won door prizes which were donated by alumni and friends. All participants left the party with great fulfillment and started looking forward to the party next year.

ISSUE 2 新年联欢晚会场面 PAGE 8

ISSUE 2 新年联欢晚会场面 PAGE 9

ISSUE 3 PAGE 10 新年晚会诗朗诵 三十, 四十年代 : 賣花女劉大白朗诵者刘缘子西南联大校友, 刘大白之女春寒料峭, 女郎窈窕, 一聲叫破春城曉 花兒真好, 價兒真巧, 春光賤賣憑人要! 東家嫌少, 西家嫌小, 樓頭嬌罵嫌遲了! 春風潦草, 花心懊惱, 明朝又嘆飄零早! 江南春早, 江南花好, 賣花聲裡春眠覺 杏花紅了, 梨花白了, 街頭巷尾聲聲叫 濃妝也要, 淡妝也要, 金錢買得春多少? 買花人笑, 賣花人惱, 紅顏一例和春老! 五十年代 : 一九五六年骑着骏马飞奔而来谢冕朗诵者 : 尹其锋, 刘敏北大 50 年代校友当兴安岭下飞舞着雪花江南的腊梅初吐芳香当家家门口贴上耀眼的春联我听见一九五六年的脚步在响 一九五六年骑着骏马飞奔而来它把五亿的农民拜访像春风带来花开草绿它把合作化的喜讯传到各方它祝福李顺达多多增产它希望徐建春积极扫盲它说它走过哪里哪里就要出现合作化的农庄新年度骑着骏马飞奔来到冬季施工的第一汽车厂工人们向新年度热烈欢呼我们的汽车就要跑在公路上新年度来到三门峡黄荡的河水发出欢唱新年度来到北大荒遍地的麦苗在茁长新年度越过仙霞岭鹰厦铁路施工正紧张铁道兵和民工紧紧握手要提前把铁路铺向前方新年度骑着骏马飞奔来到波浪翻滚的炮兵阵地旁年轻的炮手把春联贴上炮身又把野花插满伪装网上在北京大学的未名湖畔我也听见一九五六年的脚步在响虽然冰霜封冻着大地可是我的心却燃烧得发烫祖国的每一天都不平凡新来的年度又是这样的充满阳光我要不虚度每一个有意义的时日像勤劳的工人农民那样六十年代 : 王起云, 马兆远朗诵者 : 刘述望, 王起云北大 60 年代校友我们是六十年代的北大人我们生活在动荡的燕园, 我们在战斗中思考, 在运动中学习,

ISSUE 3 PAGE 11 我们做事严谨, 甘于奉献, 我们怀着革命的崇高精神, 为了共同的梦想, 我们毫无畏惧, 我们的学业受到冲击, 我们在风雨中锻炼自己, 指点江山, 激扬文字 田间地里, 挥汗如雨工厂车间, 风发义气, 艰苦的生活把我们磨砺, 也铸就了我们拥抱生活的勇气 我们有五十年代北大人的热情, 我们有八十年代北大人的活力, 我们更有属于我们六十年代北大人的坚毅 七十年代 : 声音高小刚朗诵者 : 穆毅锐北大 78 级校友这就是我的声音, 我以这样的声音朗读我的诗篇它带着荒原风的粗暴, 它带着海浪野性的呼喊 我的声音, 在滴血的历史中走过, 岁月的创伤在肩头落满, 我的声音, 负载着时代的愤怒, 在烈士喉管中几曾割断! 它来了, 颤动了每一片挺立的草叶, 宣布大地不止有芳香的紫罗兰, 它来了, 撞倒天庭平稳的酒杯, 向玫瑰色的世界, 甩下闪电 真诚的心灵该有真诚的回声, 每股气流都该拒绝可耻的伪善, 是的, 我的声音是诚实的火把, 对黑色的死亡, 它也勇敢的挑战! 我用我的声音歌颂人, 歌颂不应被践踏的人的尊严, 它终会伴随春天的绿, 在海洋和陆地无遮拦地蔓延 八十, 九十年代 : 理想十四行诗臧力朗诵者 : 吕玫, 白晶北大 86,90 级校友我多么想把肉体从时间中分离出来, 以使你变得纯粹, 就像在你面前梦是侵占我们虚无领地的一种力量我伸手指出你的位置, 火焰中的秋季我的手这时已是一页圣经我要擦洗我的梦, 用石头上的露水让它和我的肉体一样洁净在昆虫在琥珀中, 就像你在梦中任何时候水声都不会惊扰你我把自己带进夜晚, 我要让自己看到月球上云笼罩的那种山峦在这座宇宙的中央或边缘星辰不断消失 那过程就像那些露水只有梦不间歇的划动你的肉体二十一世纪 : 小镇 Dresden 马兆远朗诵者 : 王晓璇北大 2002 级校友又一次在时空里穿行, 千千的思绪回到我们的小城, 伊河边你的身影, 柔柔的你的歌声, 因为思念, 孤单的旅人不觉北方的寒冷 古的今的房舍, 橙色蓝色的小镇, 淡淡的风, 抹出远天晚霞的残红 也想起了我们那些, 或真或假嘻意怒笑的海誓山盟, 爱你夏花般的灿烂, 便情愿为你守候隽美的永恒 次第闪亮起了, 山边星星点点的灯, 遥远的伊河畔, 我的爱拥你入梦

Mark Your Calendar IMPORTANT DATES March 24 Coconut Cup Ping Pong Open Hosted by Hainan Association, the second Coconut Cup Ping Pong Open tournament will be held from March 10th to March 24. As one of the top eight teams last year, PUAA-DC led by former Beida Women's team Captain Ran Zhang, along with Yirui Mu, Jon Liu and Liwei Zhou will again compete this year in the A Division on March 24th. Come and cheer for the PUAA-DC team! May Fourth Forum Our May Fourth Forum will take place around May 4th, the anniversary of Peking University. PUAA-DC will invite a group of highly achieved professionals to give speeches and lead discussions. Please stay tuned. June Annual PUAA-DC Summer Picnic As one of our traditions, PUAA-DC again will host the annual summer picnic in one of our area s local parks. Get ready for some barbecues, and get fit!

ISSUE 3 PAGE 13 I Love My Alma Mater Donation Back in early 2005 during the Peking University Art Troupe s visit, many alumni in the Greater Washington DC Area attended the I Love My Alma Mater donation event and generously contributed an amount equal to the anniversary year of our alma mater to support the construction of Beida Olympic Ping-Pong Stadium and funding of various educational programs. We have 17 alumni who have chosen to simultaneously donate and pay off a fouryear total at US$426 (US$105 for the year 2004, US$106 for the year 2005, and so on). These donors are: 巴素娟 陈凡 胡元礽 / 李国英 刘虹霞 王建业 刘江 何君 吕玫 马骊 王起云 王悦 / 张慧 魏启明 许秋夫 穆毅锐 张然 赵文忠 赵海清 Ba Sujuan Chen Fan Hu Yuanreng/ Li Guoying Liu Hongxia Wang Jianye Liu Jiang He June Lu Mei Ma Li Wong Qiyun Wang Yue/Zhang Hui Wei Chiming Xu Qiufu Mu Yirui Zhang Ran Zhao Wenzhong Zhao Haiqing towards our Alma Mater Peking University. As it is close to the end of 2006, we would like to remind and call for an ongoing donation from those alumni who have planned a yearby-year donation. Since you have already made two donations for the year 2004 and 2005, you just need to give another $107 for 2006 and $108 for 2007 to fulfill the four-year plan. You can choose to either contribute a single amount in each of the two years or pay a total of US$215 to cover both years. After you finish the four-year donation, your name will be publicized in the Beida Ren magazine and your generosity will be recorded forever in the Beida Archives. Last but not least, if you make the donation before December 31, 2006, you will be able to enjoy a tax deduction from your Tax Year 2006 taxable income. Please make your check payable to PUAA-DC and we will make sure to forward your generous giving to the Peking University Education Foundation. Thank you for your attention. Other alumni have chosen a year-by-year payment for the four-year donation up to 2007. No matter which way of giving you picked up, we want to give our sincere thanks to the profound love and generosity you have been showing

ISSUE 3 PAGE 14 About Us Board Members: Mei Lu, Physics (1986-1990) Yeqing Li, Sociology (1988-1992) Qiufu Xu, Physics (1979-1983) Ren Chen, English Literature (1997-2002) Yirui Mu, International Politics (1978-1982) Jon Liu, Physics (1978 1982) Liwei Zhou, Biology (1984 1988) Winnie Lam, East Asia Studies (1995-2000) Yuechen Chi, Geophysics, (1979-1983) Join PUAA-DC Associate Board Members: Karen Wong, Chemistry (1963-1969) Wei Cao, Chemistry, Graduate (1997-2000) Jing Bai, Chemistry (1990-1994) Zhongbin Yin, Physics, (1989-1991) Xinyuan Che, English Literature (2001-2005) Chongzhi Zang, Physics (2001-2005) Dongdong Wang, Environment (1998-2005) Wenjun Ruan, Psychology (1984-1988) Zhaoyuan Ma, Tech-Physics ((1997-2001) Jie Zhou Yi Cai Yang Hong Be a proud member of PUAA-DC and enjoy members-only benefits Apply online at http://www.puaa-dc.org/membership.htm and send your membership dues ($10/family/year) to: PUAA-DC, P.O.Box 2022, Kensington, MD 20891 Editors for the newsletter Contribute your talent in writings or simply help edit the newsletters. Only four times a year. Your efforts will always be visible by all members and greatly appreciated. Volunteers to serve the associate board With your help, we will be able to organize much more events and be more creative and productive. We have work on technology (websites and listserv), memberships and program development. All volunteers will be able to attend board-only/volunteer-only events. Next Newsletter Next newsletter will be published on July 31. For intermittent news, please visit PUAA-DC website: http://www.puaa-dc.org. Contact Us Mail: PUAA-DC, P.O. Box 2022, Kensington, MD 20891 E-mail: info@puaa-dc.org Disclaimer Copyrights of the articles submitted by members or friends of PUAA-DC and published in the newsletter belong to their author(s) and any copying and distributions of them without authors consent are prohibited. Members submitted articles do not represent views of PUAA-DC board. PUAA-DC board shall not be liable for any errors and/or damages caused by such writings.