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比賽章程 Competition Regulations кᒱȉ ڞ ᒱȈ ࢥၚġijIJĵĶġĵĵıĴġġ ઍġĴııĶĸķĶĵġήၷ ӪߒġŸŸŸįũŬŤŦŧįŰųŨįũŬ

比賽組別 Competition 選曲指引 Guidelines 獨唱組 Solo Vocal 獨唱組及小組合唱 對象/Target group 3-12歲小童/3 to 12 years old 參賽曲目Repertoire 自選歌曲一首 Any One Piece 大會不設指定歌曲 參賽者可自選比賽曲目 題材風格不限 出生日期 Date of Birth 歌曲限時 Pieces Duration 如同時參與獨唱組及小組合唱組 選曲不能重覆 3-4歲組 Age 3-4 2014-01-01 to 2015-12-31 1分鐘 min 參賽者可選擇清唱 以鋼琴或自備樂器伴奏 不接受播放伴奏音樂 5-6歲組 Age 5-6 2012-01-01 to 2013-12-31 1.5分鐘 min 7-8歲組 Age 7-8 2010-01-01 to 2011-12-31 1.5分鐘 min 參賽者必須於報名時遞交參賽歌譜(五線譜)副本 9-10歲組 Age 9-10 2008-01-01 to 2009-12-31 2006-01-01 to 2007-12-31 2 分鐘 min 參賽者請注意比賽時不會使用咪高峰 2分鐘 min 獨唱組參賽者年齡以2018年12月31日為計算日期 參賽者年齡必須符合 11-12歲組 Age 11-12 (如mp3,MMO) 伴唱 場地只提供鋼琴 其他樂器請自行安排 要求 小組合唱 Group Vocal 對象/Target group K1至小六學生/K1 to P6 隊伍人數/Number of People 2至8人/2 to 8 people 參賽曲目Repertoire 自選歌曲一首 Any One Piece Solo & Group Vocal 出生日期 Date of Birth 歌曲限時 Pieces Duration 幼稚園組 Kindergarten K1至K3 1 分鐘 min 初小組 Junior Primary 小一至小三 Primary 1 to 3 1.5 分鐘 min 高小組 Senior Primary 小四至小六 Primary 4 to 6 2 分鐘 min 比賽日期 Competition Date 2018-11-4 and 2018-12-9 比賽地點 Venue 西灣河文娛中心文娛廳 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Cultural Activities Hall 1 小組合唱參賽成員必須為同一年齡組別 Please select your own song and style for competition. Please select different songs if enrolled in both solo and group vocal. Piano will be available in the venue. Please bring your own instruments other than piano. Use of MMO is not allowed. Please submit a copy of the score during registration. No use of mircrophone during competition. Age is calculated as at 31th December, 2018 and age limits of each class must be strictly followed. Contestants in the each team must be in the same age group. 2

注意事項 比賽組別 Competition 鋼琴組 Piano Solo 1) 每位參賽者只能於每個比賽項目(獨唱組 小組合唱組 鋼琴組)參賽一次 對象/Target group 12歲或以下小童/ Age below 12 2) 各項比賽之時間表由本會編訂 參賽者必須依時報到 否則將不予分數 亦不獲發獎狀 參賽曲目 Repertoire 一級 Grade 1 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 1 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 1 exam syllabus 二級 Grade 2 三級 Grade 3 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 2 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 2 exam syllabus 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 3 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 3 exam syllabus 四級 Grade 4 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 4 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 4 exam syllabus 五級 Grade 5 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 5 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 5 exam syllabus 六級 Grade 6 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 6 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 6 exam syllabus HKD 450 7) 如評判認為能給予參賽者評分或評級 有權示意參賽者終止演繹 七級 Grade 7 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 7 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 7 exam syllabus HKD 450 8) 參賽者及伴奏比賽當日無須購票入場 報名時申報有鋼琴或樂器伴奏者 八級 Grade 8 任何一首 2017-2020 皇家音樂學院 倫敦聖三一學院 8 級曲目 Any piece from 2017-20 ABRSM,Trinity College London Grade 8 exam syllabus HKD 550 3) 比賽一旦開始 評判或工作人員有權拒絕任何人士進場 4) 參賽者因任何原因而未能如期出賽 本會恕不另作安排 5) 參賽者報到時須帶備附有近照的學生證 學生手冊 身分證明文件正本 以供本會核實 如未能出示有關文件 將不予分數 亦不獲發獎狀 6) 予分數或獎項 屆時可有一位伴奏者陪同入場 9) 比賽日期 Competition Date 2018-12-15 比賽地點 Venue 香港文化中心 排演室CR1 參賽者必須於報名時遞交參賽歌譜(五線譜)副本 並於比賽時帶備正本 除了樂譜註明有D.C.或D.S.外 參賽者不需要重覆演奏 Please submit a copy of the score during registration. Do not repeat the performance except for the score marked with D.C or D.S. 3 同行家長須購票入場(每場每張$50) 每位參賽者只限購買一張家長門票 購買方法將容後公佈 10) Hong Kong Cultural Centre Rehearsal Room CR1 選曲指引 Guidelines 若參賽者演出之樂曲非報名時提交的歌曲 評判有權示意終止演繹 將不 於評判宣佈結果前 任何人士 包括參賽者 家長及老師 均不得與評判 接觸 如有查詢 請聯絡在場之工作人員 違者將被取消資格或被請離場 11) 比賽過程中除本會特許外 任何人士均不得攝影 錄音或錄影 一切有關 比賽之錄像版權歸本會所有 12) 一經報名 本會一概不接受任何有關參賽歌曲及伴奏方式等更改 否則將 不予分數 亦不獲發獎狀 已繳交的報名費亦不設退還 13) 本會保留修訂一切比賽細節及規則的最終決定權 14) 一經繳交 將不會以任何形式發還或轉換 15) 若教育局宣佈所有中小學停課 當日活動將會取消或延期舉行 屆時將 於本會網頁及Facebook專頁 香港夢兒童音樂節 公佈最新消息 4

Notice for contestant 1) Each person can only enroll once in each category (Solo Vocal/GroupVocal /Piano Solo). 2) Please register on time according to the schedule provided. The organizer reserves the right not to provide score sheet and certificate to any later comers. 3) Once the competition starts, the organzier has the right to refuse any late comers entering into the competiton venue. 4) No make-up arrangement will be made for late comers or absentees. 5) Please bring original copy of student ID/student handbook/identification document with recent photo for verification. Failure to produce the relevant documents will result in no scores or awards. 6) If the contestant's performances do not match the songs submitted at the time of registration, the judges have the right to terminate of the performance. No score and award will be granted. 7) The judges have the right to end the performance when he/she deems appropriate. 8) Each contestant who has declared at the time of registration the need for a pianist or an instrumental accompanist, can be accompanied by that person into the hall. 9) Parents are required to purchase tickets ($50 per person per section). Each contestant can only purchase one parent ticket. Purchase method will be announced through website and Facebook in due course. 10) No person (including contestants, parents, and teachers) shall contact the judges before the results are announced. For enquiries, please contact the staff on duty. Offenders will be disqualified or asked to leave. 11) Copyrights of all audio and visual recordings of the competition are deemed the properties of the organizer. Photo taking, video or voice recording by any unauthorized persons or parties are not allowed. 12) Once submitted application, no changes can be made. Registration fees paid will not be refunded. 13) The organizer reserves the right to revise the rules and regulations of the competition. 14) Once the registration fee is paid, it will not be refunded. 15) When the Education Bureau announces suspension of all primary and secondary schools, the day's activities will be cancelled or postponed. Further arrangement will be announced at the website : and the Facebook page Hong Kong Dream Children's Music Festival 5 6

獎項及比賽結果 1) 每一個比賽項目及組別均設冠 亞 季軍 2) 獲 75 分以上的參賽者將獲頒發獎狀 3) 獎狀領取日期將於比賽完結後公佈, 本會將透過電郵通知參賽者 4) 所有獎項一經領取, 如有損壞或遺失, 將不獲補發 付款方法 1) 劃線支票 ( 不接受期票 ), 支票抬頭 : 香港公民教育基金會有限公司 ; 或 2) 銀行轉帳 / 網上理財, 香港上海匯豐銀行戶口 813-5048-91-001 報名方法 1) 網上報名 : ( 請先準備銀行轉帳收據及參賽歌譜 ) 2) 請以正楷填寫報名表格, 附上參賽歌譜 ( 五線譜 ), 連同支票或轉賬收據, 郵寄 : 將軍澳寶琳北路 100 號欣明苑停車場大廈地下 KG01 [ 香港公民教育基金會收 ]; 或 傳真 :3005 7654 ; 或 電郵 ; 或 Whatsapp:6408 8754; 或 親臨本會辦事處報名 ( 地址 : 將軍澳寶琳北路 100 號欣明苑停車場大廈地下 KG01 ) Awards & Results 1) Each competition category will award at least one champion, one 1st runner-up and one 2nd runner-up. 2) Certificate of merit will be awarded when participants receive 75 marks or above. 3) The award date will be announced after the competition is over. Participants will be notified via email. 4) The organizer will not reissue any prizes or certificates regardless of damage or loss. Payment Methods 1) Crossed cheque payable to : Hong Kong Civic Education Foundation Ltd 2) ATM/ E-banking: HSBC 813-5048-91-001 Application 1) Online registration: (please prepare ATM receipts and competition scores first) 2) Please fill in the application form and attached with the piano or song score and payment slip: by post: KG01, G/F, Yan Ming Court Carpark Building, 100 Po Lam Road, Tseung Kwan O [Hong Kong Civic Education Foundation] ; or by fax: 3005 7654 ; or by e-mail: ; or by whatsapp: 6408 8754 ; or visit our office at KG01, G/F, Yan Ming Court Carpark Building, 100 Po Lam Road, Tseung Kwan O 截止報名日期 : 2018 年 10 月 5 日下午 6 時 Application Deadline: 6pm, 5th October, 2018 7 8