目录 Content 介绍 Introduction... 1 开始 Getting Started... 2 CUHK(SZ) 账号... 2 电子邮箱 校园卡 Student Campus Card... 6 校园网络 Network... 7 无线网络 Wi-Fi...

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资讯科技服务处 Information Technology Services Office 2018 年学生 IT 手册

目录 Content 介绍 Introduction... 1 开始 Getting Started... 2 CUHK(SZ) 账号... 2 电子邮箱 E-mail... 3 校园卡 Student Campus Card... 6 校园网络 Network... 7 无线网络 Wi-Fi... 7 Wi-Fi 连接指引 Connect Wi-Fi... 7 eduroam... 7 校外登录 VPN... 8 信息系统 Information System... 9 大学官网 Official Website... 9 MyPortal... 9 学生信息系统 Student Information System... 9 在线学习平台 BlackBoard... 9 Office365... 10 微信校园卡 Wechat Campus Card... 10 自助文印服务 Self-serve Printing System... 11 Teaching Support 教学支持... 14 教室 Classroom... 14 研讨室 Discussion room... 14 计算机实验室 Computer Labs... 14 语言实验室 Language Labs... 15 同声传译实验室 Simultaneous Interpreting Labs... 15 信息安全 Information Security... 16

IT 培训 IT Training... 19 学生助理招聘 Student Assistant Recruitment... 20 IT Facilities Acceptable Use Agreement... 21 Computer Laboratory Rules in CUHK-Shenzhen... 22 Network Usage Rules at CUHK-Shenzhen... 24

介绍 Introduction 资讯科技服务处是大学信息化建设与管理部门, 监督并管理全校信息资源和基础设施, 为全校师生 科研人员等相关人员提供信息化服务及相关咨询, 积极创建一流的信息化校园环境, 以满足教学 科研 管理与服务现代化的要求 通过阅读本手册, 你将会获得关于如何使用大学信息化资源和设施的有用指南和信息, 以帮助你更好的适应大学的学习和生活, 去发现你可以使用的 IT 资源, 并解答你的疑惑 同时, 我们也衷心希望你能够在大学的学习与生活中充分利用 ITSO 为你提供的服务 更多详细的 IT 指南, 可登录大学 SharePoint 平台 : https://sp16.cuhk.edu.cn/itsc/students%20public%20documents/forms/allitems.aspx ( 须登录 ) 如果你有任何问题或疑问, 请联系 ITSO 寻求帮助和建议 具体联系方式服务台地址 : 道远楼 325 办公时间 :8:30 ~ 12:00,13:00 ~ 17:30( 周一至周五, 节假日除外 ) 在线服务台 :http://itsm.cuhk.edu.cn 热线电话 :842-73333 & 235-15333(ext73333, 15333) 电子邮件 :isupport@cuhk.edu.cn 网址 :http://itso.cuhk.edu.cn The Information Technology Services Office (ITSO) is a technical administration unit overseeing and managing IT resources and infrastructures on campus. We provide a diverse range of IT services for staff and students at the university in support of teaching, learning and research activities and facilitate management. In this guide, you will find useful instructions and guides on our university s application systems and IT facilities to keep up a great study-life balance. This guide will help you explore the available IT resources and facilities and answers some of your possible questions. We hope you will make good use of all the services we provide. For more detailed manuals, please refer to our SharePoint: https://sp16.cuhk.edu.cn/itsc/students%20public%20documents/forms/allitems.aspx (Login first) If you have any problems or queries, please contact ITSO for help and advice. Contact Details Location:Room 325, Dao Yuan Building Office hours:8:30 a.m.-12:00a.m., 1:00p.m.-5:30p.m. closed on weekends and public holidays Online Service Desk: http://itsm.cuhk.edu.cn Email: isupport@cuhk.edu.cn Hotline: 842-73333 & 235-15333(ext73333, 15333) Website: http://itso.cuhk.edu.cn 1

开始 Getting Started 收到录取通知书时, 你将会收到一张由 ITSO 为你准备的 CUHK (SZ) 账号密码须知和一张中信银行卡 校园卡将在你报到注册当天现场领取 Together with your letter of admission,you will get a notice of your CUHK(SZ) account and password, as well as a bank card issued by CITIC Bank. You will get your campus card on your registration day. CUHK(SZ) 账号 每位同学都会拥有一个 CUHK(SZ) 账号, 以便使用大学的 IT 资源与服务, 如邮箱 CUHK(SZ) 无线网络 在线学习平台 BlackBoard 学生信息系统 SIS 图书馆公共电脑或教室电脑等 With your CUHK(SZ) account, you are able to access all IT resources and services, including E-mail, CUHK(SZ) Wi-Fi, e-learning platform (BlackBoard), Student Information System (SIS) and public computers in all classrooms and the library, etc. 激活你的 CUHK(SZ) 账号 Activating your CUHK(SZ) account 你的账号即你的学号, 账号及初始密码等信息包含在 CUHK(SZ) 账号密码须知里 当收到账号信息后, 请尽快修改密码以激活你的账号 账号未激活, 您将无法使用与该账号相关的服务和设施 你可以通过访问统一登录平台 MyPortal(https://i.cuhk.edu.cn) 或通过登录大学公共电脑来修改密码 请注意, 你的新密码必须遵循以下密码安全规则, 否则将无法成功修改你的密码 Your username is your student ID number. Your initial password is on the notice of CUHK(SZ) account and password provided by ITSO. The initial password can only be used for activating your account. The services and facilities associated with the account will not be available until your account is activated. It is suggested that you change your password as soon as possible when you get it. Users are required to change their password when logging in to MyPortal (https://i.cuhk.edu.cn) for the first time. Please refer to the following security rules for password change. 密码安全规则 Password security rules 你的密码须至少包含四种字符, 长度至少 8 位 : 大写字母 (A,B,C, ) 小写字母 (a,b,c, ) 数字 (1,2,3, ) 特殊符号 (!,@,#, ) 新密码不可以与最近两次使用的密码相同 例如, Atx@18967 为有效密码, 因为其密码长度超过 8 位, 包含了大写字母 小写字母 特殊符号及数字共四种字符 ; 但 abc12345 为无效密码, 就无法完成密码修改, 因其只含有小写字母及数字两种字符 At least 8 characters long, including 4 types of character sets: Upper case letters (A, B, C,...) Lower case letters (a, b, c,...) Numbers (1, 2, 3,...) Special characters (!, @, #,...) It should not be the same as the previous two passwords. 2

For example, "Atx@18967" is a valid password, for it contains 9 characters, upper case letters ("A"), lower case letters ("tx"), numbers ("18967") and special characters ("@"). However, "abc12345" is invalid, for it only contains two types of the character sets. 密码有效期 Password expiry 密码的有效期是 365 天, 你需要定期修改密码 在密码有效期结束前的 15 天内, 你会收到邮件通知, 以提醒你及时修改密码 如果超期仍没有更改密码, 将无法使用 CUHK(SZ) 账号, 直至你重设密码 You are required to change the password every 365 days. You will receive an email reminder 15 days before it is due to expire. If your password expires, you will not be able to access the services and facilities associated with your CUHK(SZ) account until you change your password. 密码忘记或过期 Password forgotten or expired 若你曾在 MyPortal 上设置过密码安全问题或绑定过其它个人邮箱, 当密码忘记或过期时, 你可以在 MyPortal 上自行重设 CUHK(SZ) 账号密码 若你未曾在 MyPortal 上设置过密码安全问题或绑定过其它个人邮箱, 当密码忘记或过期时, 你需要提供有效身份证明, 通过发邮件到 isupport@cuhk.edu.cn 或亲临 ITSO 服务台申请密码重置 If you have set password protection or have bound another personal email address on MyPortal, you can quickly reset the password of your CUHK(SZ) account on MyPortal without contacting ITSO Service Desk when the password is forgotten or expires. If you haven't set password protection nor bound another personal email address on MyPortal, you should bring your valid ID certificates to apply for a password reset at ITSO Service Desk when the password is forgotten or expires. 电子邮箱 E-mail 港中大 ( 深圳 ) 的学生都拥有一个学校邮箱账号, 即 ( 学号 )@link.cuhk.edu.cn 邮箱账号可以 CUHK(SZ) 账号登录与密码登录学校邮箱 例如 : 学生 A 的学号 :5112010001 邮箱账号 : 5112010001@link.cuhk.edu.cn 密码 :CUHK(SZ) 账户的密码 Every student will be given a university email account during enrollment. The email address will be in the format Student ID@link.cuhk.edu.cn and password will be as same as your CUHK(SZ) account password. Example: Student ID: 5112010001 Email account: 5112010001@link.cuhk.edu.cn Password: (same password of CUHK(SZ) account) 3

访问学校邮箱系统 Accessing Email 学生邮箱系统由微软 Office 365 云服务搭建而成, 你可通过 https://portal.office365.com 登录学校邮箱系统, 也可以通过桌面应用或软件 移动端应用等访问 如果需要通过移动端应用访问学生邮箱系统, 请使用以下参数配置 : 邮箱类型 :Exchange 邮箱账号 :( 学号 )@link.cuhk.edu.cn 服务器 :outlook.office365.com 域名 :( 留白 ) 用户名 :( 用户名 )@link.cuhk.edu.cn 密码 : 即 CUHK(SZ) 账号的密码 * 提示 : 每个学生邮箱账号拥有 50G 的容量, 如果容量不足, 将无法收发邮件 学校邮箱仅限于收发与学校教学 行政部门等相关的重要信息, 建议同学们每天至少查阅一次邮件 请勿使用学校邮箱发送广告等无关内容, 违者将禁用其账号 Student email accounts are provided by Microsoft, and are part of the Office365 suite. You are able to access via https://portal.office365.com with browser (Outlook Web Access) or set up your email account through desktop programs, mobile apps across multiple platforms with configuration below: Account Type: Exchange Email Address: your student ID@link.cuhk.edu.cn Server: outlook.office365.com Domain: (Leave Blank) Username: your student ID@link.cuhk.edu.cn Password: the password of CUHK(SZ) account Note: The student email account has 50 GB of storage. Avoid filling up your mailbox as you will not be able to send or receive any emails if exceeded the storage quota. Student email account should only for academic and administration use, mass emailing is restricted to important matters. 示例 : 在 IOS 系统上连接到学生邮箱系统 1. 打开设置 - 账户与密码 - 添加账户 ; 2. 选择 Exchange 类型 ; 3. 输入你的学校邮箱 ( 学号 @link.cuhk.edu.cn ), 在描述里面输入 CUHKSZ, 以便区分不同账户 ; 4. 点击下一步, 输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号密码 ; 5. 如有必要, 输入服务器地址 :outlook.office365.com; 6. 点击下一步, 系统会自动验证账户密码是否正确 直至出现对勾, 表示连接成功 ; 7. 打开邮件应用, 如果可以查收到新邮件, 表示设置成功, 否则请重新设置 如果还有问题, 请尝试下载其他邮箱客户端, 如 outlook,qq 邮箱等进行设置 Sample:Setup the email on IOS 1. Open the Settings-Accounts & Passwords-Add Account; 2. Select Exchange; 4

3. Enter your CUHK(SZ) email address (ID@link.cuhk.edu.cn) in the Email section. Enter a short description like CUHK(SZ); 4. Click Next, Enter your CUHK(SZ) account password; 5. If need please enter the Server address:outlook.office365.com; 6. Click Next, the system will automatically verify that the account password is correct. Until there is a tick to show that the connection is successful; 7. Open the Mail application, if you can check the new mail, indicating that the settings are successful, otherwise, please reset it. If there are still problems, please try to download other mailbox clients, such as outlook, QQ mailbox and so on. 5

校园卡 Student Campus Card 每位同学都会有一张校园卡, 卡上有你的姓名 照片和学号 此卡可以在新生报到注册当天领取 校园卡可用于 : 从图书馆借阅书籍 校园门禁 校园内支付 身份识别 文印服务 校园设施如果你对校园卡的使用有任何问题, 请联系校园卡服务中心 地点 : 教学楼 D 栋与学生中心之间的下首层区域热线电话 :0755-84273125 办公时间 :9:00 ~ 17:30( 周一至周五, 节假日除外 ) Your will receive a student campus card on the registration day. The card carries your name, photograph and student ID. It is your official proof of identity which integrates a number of functions at the University: Library Card Campus door access Payment on campus Identify Printing, Scan & Copy Campus facilities If you have any issues with the student campus card, please contact the Campus Card Centre: Location: The Lower Ground Covered Area Connecting Teaching D and Student Centre. Hotline: 0755-84273125 Office hours: 9:00-17:30 closed on weekends and public holidays 6

校园网络 Network CUHK-Shenzhen offers staffs and students internet connectivity covered all over campus. You are able to connect the campus network and internet via wired and wirelessly. You are advised not to use Thunder and other P2P software in fair use of network resources. 大学为师生免费提供网络连接服务 同学可以通过有线或无线的方式接入校园网络 为了合理地使用网络资源, 请尽量不要使用迅雷等 P2P 软件 无线网络 Wi-Fi 目前大学校园除礼文楼外, 基本上都已覆盖 Wi-Fi, 同学们可以通过使用 CUHK(SZ) 账号进行连接 CUHK(SZ) Wi-Fi is available in all major buildings on campus except the Liwen Building. Students are able to connect Wi-Fi via their CUHK (SZ) account. Wi-Fi 连接指引 Connect Wi-Fi 1. 在你的设备上打开 Wi-Fi, 连接 CUHK(SZ) ; 2. 当设备已连接到学校 Wi-Fi 信号 CUHK(SZ), 将会自动弹出认证页面 ; 若未弹出, 可在浏览器打开任一网页, 网页将会自动跳转到认证界面 ; 3. 输入你的 CUHK(SZ) 账号及密码, 即可连接成功 1. Turn on Wi-Fi, connect CUHK(SZ) network; 2. An authentication web page will appears when the Wi-Fi connection is connected. If not, open any web page with your browser and wait for the authentication page; 3. Enter your CUHK (SZ) account and password. 为满足用户多样化网络需求, 大学在书院的宿舍区提供有线网络接入 同学可以在宿舍内通过有线网络接入校园网 ( 同时也可通过无线网接入 ) 此外, 大学还为访客提供免费的无线网络, CUHK(SZ)-GUEST 访客只需通过手机号码接收验证码认证即可上网 Wired and wireless network have also set up in all college dormitories. Students able to connect campus network via wired or wireless network in their dormitory. The University offers a public free Wi-Fi network to all visitors on campus. To connect, visitors may select the Wi-Fi network, CUHK (SZ)- Guest and use their mobile phone numbers to receive a text with verification code as the Wi-Fi password to access Wi-Fi. eduroam eduroam(education roaming) 是全球教育和学术机构共建的免费的网络漫游服务, 起源于欧洲, 目前已经覆盖九十多个国家和地区的大学及科研机构 2015 年 10 月 15 日我校正式加入 eduroam, 请参考 eduroam 官方网站了解该机构的全球部署情况 同学们出访其他参加该联盟的学校时可使用 eduroam 免费上网, 详情请查阅以下登录指引及注意事项 登录指引 : 1. 在 Wi-Fi 热点中选择 eduroam ; 2. 用 CUHK(SZ) 账号登录 : 账号为学号 @cuhk.edu.cn, 密码和你的学校邮箱密码一致 ; 选择 连接 注意事项 : 7

1. CUHK(SZ) 师生在我校也可以使用 eduroam 上网, 但是无法访问内网 ; 2. 学生的用户名为学号 @cuhk.edu.cn, 不是 @link.cuhk.edu.cn 例如, 学生的用户名如下所示 :123456789@cuhk.edu.cn eduroam (education roaming) is the free, secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. Started in Europe, eduroam is now available in over 90 territories worldwide. eduroam allows University students, researchers and staff to obtain Internet connectivity on campus of all participating institutions. Please refer to https://www.eduroam.org to find eduroam's global deployment details. Students can access eduroam for free internet services when visiting other participating institutions. For more details, refer to the following login guidelines and precautions. The method of accessing eduroam is as follows: 1. Open Wi-Fi setting, select eduroam; 2. Enter your student ID number followed by @cuhk.edu.cn in the Username field Note: (5112010001@cuhk.edu.cn, for example) and your CUHK(SZ) account password. 1. Teachers and students can only use eduroam in other organizations except CUHK-Shenzhen; 2. The username to connect to eduroam is student ID number followed by @cuhk.edu.cn, not @link.cuhk.edu.cn. 校外登录 VPN 同学们可以通过 SSL VPN 在校外访问校内资源 如图书馆资源, 校内应用系统等 如何使用 VPN? 1. 打开 VPN 网址 https://vpn.cuhk.edu.cn, 下载并安装 Cisco AnyConnect ; 2. 打开 Cisco AnyConnect, 服务器地址输入 https://vpn.cuhk.edu.cn ; 3. 用 CUHK(SZ) 账号和密码登录即可连接 VPN VPN Virtual Private Network service allows students to securely 'tunnel' into campus network from outside the campus and access services as if they were on campus, such as library e-resources or campus-only system applications. How to use VPN? 1. Open URL: https://vpn.cuhk.edu.cn, download and install Cisco AnyConnect; 2. Launch Cisco AnyConnect, enter server address: https://vpn.cuhk.edu.cn; 3. Enter your CUHK(SZ) account and password to log on and connecting the VPN. 8

大学官网 Official Website 信息系统 Information System https://www.cuhk.edu.cn 香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 的官方网站是帮助你快速了解学校 在这里你可以快速找到校园最新资讯, 访问重要信息系统, 了解学院 书院 大学主要行政部门的最新资讯和服务 The University official website is a quick way to understand CUHK-Shenzhen. New information and important IT systems are available here to help you know more about schools, colleges and other University central services. MyPortal https://i.cuhk.edu.cn MyPortal 在 2017 年 6 月正式投入使用, 包括统一身份认证平台和统一信息门户平台两大基础支撑平台 身份认证 : 通过该系统, 同学们只要通过 CUHK(SZ) 账号和密码就可以一次性访问几乎所有大学信息应用系统 不过目前该认证方式只支持几个主要的平台 ( 教务系统 在线学习系统 ), 后期将陆续增加 信息门户 : 该系统为同学们提供一站式的服务界面, 同学们可以快速地获取信息 MyPortal was officially put into use in June 2017, including two basic support platforms which are unified identity authentication platform and unified information portal platform. It comes with two important functions: 1) One Unified Account. You can use your CUHK (SZ) account to log in into all the University s information systems. Currently SIS, email, Blackboard and library system have been integrated. 2) Quick Access. The one-stop portal offers access to a wide range of online services and campus information sites. Through the portal, students can quickly access information. 学生信息系统 Student Information System http://sis.cuhk.edu.cn:81/psp/csprd/?cmd=login 学生信息系统基于 Oracle PeopleSoft Campus 建设, 目前完成学生档案管理 培养方案 选课 成绩管理等模块, 根据规划, 会尽快实现交换生 研究生管理, 并增加毕业 校友管理等模块, 实现全生命周期管理 ITSO 将会不留遗力的提高系统的体验, 优化选课操作 实现与学生息息相关的各种工作流 通过学生信息系统, 同学们可以加选课, 查看课程表 成绩 费用等等 The student information system is built based on Oracle PeopleSoft Campus. Currently, the modules of student file management, training program, course selection and score management have already completed. According to the plan, the modules of exchange student and graduate student management will be implemented as soon as possible, while graduation and alumni management will also be added in the system to realize the whole life cycle management. ITSO will spare no effort to improve the experience of using the system, optimize the course selection operation, and realize various workflows which are closely related to students. 在线学习平台 BlackBoard https://bb.cuhk.edu.cn BlackBoard 作为一个虚拟的学习平台, 提供了多功能的线上学习工具 它不仅可以上传课程资料和其他资源, 同时还可以支持安全的文件共享 协作研究项目 事件管理 问卷调查 在平台上同学们可以获取学习材料 递交作业 参与课外讨论及测验等 9

BlackBoard is a virtual learning environment that offers a wide range of versatile online tools, as well as a place to upload course materials and other resources. It also supports secure file sharing, collaboration, research projects, event management, and questionnaires. Through the platform, students can access online learning materials, submit assignments, participate in class discussion and take quizzes. Office365 https://portal.office365.com/ 学生邮箱系统采用微软的 Office 365 平台搭建而成 该平台除了可以提供电子邮件服务外, 还可以使用如日历 OneDrive 云存储 Office 在线应用以及其它协同工具 同学们可以在手机应用或是浏览器使用在线 Office365 套装中的各种工具 Microsoft's Office 365 suite combines email, calendar, OneDrive storage, Office Online apps, as well as other collaboration products available to all University students. Students are able to access all 17 tools by using apps on mobile devices or a web browser. 微信校园卡 Wechat Campus Card 作为大学实体校园卡功能的补充, 香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 微信校园卡是一套基于微信平台搭建的智慧校园生态平台 该平台在资讯科技服务处的支持下, 由学生团队协助开发, 目前已集成以下功能 : 图书馆借阅情况查询 课程表查询 校园卡消费查询 宿舍电费充值等功能, 后续将会根据实际需要拓展其他相关功能 As a complement of the physical campus card, the WeChat Campus Card is a smart platform based on WeChat, providing useful information like class schedule, payment history and circulation records. Also, students can pay for electricity bills and etc. 10

自助文印服务 Self-serve Printing System 注 : 本服务由资讯科技服务处与行政事务处共同提供 大学自助文印系统 (http://eprinting.cuhk.edu.cn/)( 仅限校内访问 ) 能够让师生在大学内快速简单地进行打印 复印和扫描 同学们可以在校内将打印文档发送到云打印服务器, 然后前往各个位于图书馆 书院 学生活动中心的打印点获取打印资料 系统支持打印彩色或黑白的 A4 和 A3 的文件 打印 复印费用将从校园一卡通账号中收取 The Self-serve Printing System (https://eprinting.cuhk.edu.cn) enables CUHK(SZ) account users to print, copy and scan across the University. Users can send print jobs to the printing server anytime and anywhere, and pick up the document at printing stations in the library, Student Centre and College. Users can print A4 and A3 documents in either color or black and white. Printing and copying will be charged by your WeChat account. 使用自助打印服务前, 请先按照以下步骤进行校园卡绑定注册 : 1. 打开微信, 关注公众号 isupport, 绑定你的 CUHK(SZ) 账号后, 充值 ; 2. 在任意一台打印机登录注册 : 1) 打开微信 扫一扫, 扫描打印机面板上的二维码登录打印系统即可 ; 2) 或直接在打印机面板上输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号与密码登录打印系统即可 ; 3) 或直接用校园卡刷卡登录即可 Before using the self-serve printing service, please register: 1. Follow the WeChat Subscription isupport and bind your CUHK(SZ) account, then top up your account; 2. Register at any printer 1) Scan the QR code to log on the printer panel, or; 2) Enter your CUHK (SZ) account and password in the printer panel, or; 3) Swipe your campus card in the card reader. 打印 1. 可通过以下三种方式发送打印文档 : 1) 若使用大学公共电脑打印, 可以直接在打印驱动列表中选择 CUHK(SZ) Printer_PCL 如果已经用 CUHK(SZ) 账号登录了公共电脑, 则打印文档会自动发送到该账户下 ; 2) 若使用个人电脑进行打印, 需先登录 http://eprinting.cuhk.edu.cn, 下载安装相应操作系统的打印驱动, 然后再选择相应的打印机, 并需输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号或用微信扫描二维码才能将文档打印任务发送到打印服务器并进行打印 ; 3) 若使用其他移动设备进行云打印, 可登录 http://eprinting.cuhk.edu.cn, 点击上传要打印的文档, 然后输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号或用微信扫描二维码才能将文档打印任务发送到云打印服务器并进行打印 注意 : 上传至云打印服务器的文件将保留 48 小时, 逾期使用者未进行打印操作, 这些文件将被自动清理, 需要再次上传才能打印 11

2. 打印文档在打印机终端通过微信扫描二维码 输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号或刷卡的方式登录自助打印系统, 查看并选择打印文件 3. 退出系统完成打印后, 在打印机面板上点击 登录 按钮或 Account On 退出系统 复印 1. 可通过微信扫描二维码 输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号或刷卡的方式登录自助打印系统, 点击 复印 即可开始复印文件 ; 2. 完成复印后, 在打印机面板上点击 登录 或 Account On 退出系统 扫描扫描服务免费 扫描的文件将存储在打印服务器 7 天 1. 可通过微信扫描二维码 输入 CUHK(SZ) 账号或刷卡的方式登录自助打印系统, 点击 邮件 ; 2. 将文件放置在指定区域, 扫描完成后, 可点击预览查看之前扫描的效果, 扫描件将自动发送到你的学校邮箱 ; 3. 完成扫描后, 在打印机面板上点击 登录 或 Account On 退出系统 遇到问题怎么办? 打印机报障热线电话为 :84273599 Printing 1. Send print jobs to print server There are three ways of sending print jobs: 1) While using University public computers, select the driver CUHK(SZ) Printer_PCL from the printer lists; 2) If you want to print files from your personal computer, download the drivers from http://eprinting.cuhk.edu.cn/. Once you have installed the printer driver, use the driver CUHK(SZ) Printer_PCL to send print jobs to the print server. The drivers are only available for Mac OS and 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7, 8, and 10; 3) To print files from your mobile phone, Pad or other devices, please use the Cloud Print service. Firstly you need to access the system at http://eprinting.cuhk.edu.cn/, and then upload the file you wish to print, click Print and enter your CUHK(SZ) account and password. Note: Files uploaded to the eprinting platform will remain for 48 hours. If the user does not print them out before due time, these files will be automatically cleaned up and needed to be uploaded again to print. 2. Picking up your print jobs 12

Scan the QR code with WeChat on the printer, enter your CUHK (SZ) account on any printer or swipe your campus card to pick up your print jobs. There are detailed instructions for operating the printer at each print stations. 3. Logout the system Press Account On to log out after finishing. Copying 1. Login to the system Scan the QR code with WeChat, enter your CUHK (SZ) account on the printer or swipe your campus to login the system, and then select Copy. 2. Logout of the system Press Account On to log out after finishing. Scanning Scanning is free of charge. The scanned image will be stored in the print server for 7 days. 1. Login to the system Scan the QR code with WeChat, enter your CUHK (SZ) account on the printer or swipe your campus card to login the system, and then select Email. 2. Logout of the system Press the button or Account On to log out after finishing. Need help Self-serve printing service hotline: 84273599. 13

教室 Classroom Teaching Support 教学支持 ITSO 为大学校园内近 130 间通用教室提供教学服务和支持, 并为课外活动提供专业的媒体服务 设备和技术支持 大学校园内几乎每间教室都配备了多媒体教学系统, 包括计算机 屏幕 / 交互式白板 麦克风 投影机和视频展示台 该系统的高质量画面显示 良好的音响设置和集中控制特性让教师可以轻松地开展生动形象的课程 系统可以按照桌面的指南在触摸屏上操作 ITSO provides service and assistance for almost 130 general-purpose classrooms and specialized media services, equipment and operators for extra-curricular activities and special events which occur outside the class structure. Almost every classroom located throughout the CUHK(SZ) campus is equipped with an audio-visual system, including computer, screen/interactive whiteboards, microphone, projector and visual presenter. The system incorporates high-resolution video displays, voice reinforcement and control capabilities allowing instructors to deliver lively and effective classes. The system can be operated on a touch panel on the teacher desk. 研讨室 Discussion room 学生研讨室主要位于图书馆 每个房间都配备了一台大显示屏 在讨论室内, 同学们可以利用各种设施开展小组学习, 可以很方便地通过自己的移动设备在显示屏上显示分享自己的 PPT 如何使用多媒体设备? 1. 将 HDMI 线连接笔记本电脑 2. 启动笔记本电脑并登录后, 电脑的桌面图像将自动投影在电视屏幕上 如果没有, 你可能需要使用以下键盘快捷方式来触发你的笔记本电脑连接到屏幕 : 1) Windows PC: Press Windows + P and select Duplicate 2) Mac: Press Command + F1 更多操作说明, 可参照贴在讨论室桌面上或墙上的指南 另使用研讨室时请保持安静, 以免影响其他同学 Discussion rooms are mainly located in the library. Each room is equipped with a large TV. Students can display their work on the TV and share via their mobile devices. How to use AV facilities? 1. Connect your laptop to the HDMI video cable. 2. Log in to your computer. The computer's image should display on the projection screen. If not, you may need to use one of the following keyboard shortcuts : 1) PC: Press Windows + P and select Duplicate 2) Mac: Press Command + F1 For more instruction,please refer to the instructions pasted on the table or the wall to use the facilities. Please be quiet and do not disturb other users when using the Discussion rooms. 计算机实验室 Computer Labs 计算机实验室位于诚道楼 201 202 203 和教学楼 TD303 314 等, 主要用于教学 这里会开展计算机基础课 编程等计算机相关课程 在教学之余, 同学们可使用这里的电脑和安装的正版 14

专业软件进行课外学习与研究 Computer Labs are located in Cheng Dao Building Room 201, 202,203, and TD 303,314. They are set up for teaching and learning purposes. Computer courses like Programming, Software Application will be conducted here. When not in use for instruction, these labs are open as walk-in computing facilities. A variety of standard and specialty software is available for your use in the computer labs. 语言实验室 Language Labs 语言实验室主要用于外语教学 为学生提供使用头戴耳机练习英语的机会 使用语言实验室中的设备, 既可以学生独立学习, 也可以通过音频系统进行指导教学, 这让导师可以监督每台电脑的活动 语言实验室位于诚道楼 209 420 室和知新楼 207 室 208 室 309 室 310 室 The language labs are primarily used for teaching foreign languages, enabling students to practice language using the headsets available at each computer. The language lab facilitates both independent work by students and instructor-led learning via an audio system, which gives instructors the ability to supervise the activity occurring at each computer. Language Labs are located in Chengdao Building Room 209,420 and Zhixin Building Room 207,208,309,310. 同声传译实验室 Simultaneous Interpreting Labs 同声传译实验室设在道远楼 103 和诚道楼 420 室 实验室配备了先进的同声传译系统, 它主要用于专业外语教学和同声传译培训 Simultaneous interpreting (SI) labs are located in the Board Conference Room 103, Dao Yuan Building and Room 420, Cheng Dao Building. The labs are equipped with advanced simultaneous interpreting systems which have functions of professional foreign language teaching and simultaneous interpretation training. 15

信息安全 Information Security As a CUHK-Shenzhen student, your security awareness and participation play an important role in securing the University's IT environment. 作为香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 的学生之一, 我们每个人都对信息安全意识的提高和参与对维护整个校园的 IT 安全起到至关重要的作用 Here are some highly recommended security practices for you. 为维护大学信息安全环境, 资讯科技服务处推荐大家遵守以下指引 : Keep Your System Up to Date Do this by letting the default Windows Update settings install updates automatically. For application software, enable self-update where available. Ensure Firewall Is Enabled With Windows, you can check the firewall status via the Security Center or Action Center on the PC. Install Anti-virus Software It is very important to protect your computer from viruses with up-to-date anti-virus software. We recommend you to install Microsoft's anti-virus software for your computer with Windows operating system. Lock up your computer If you plan to leave your computer for a long time, please lock it up. This helps to ensure that you are the only user of this system through your CUHK(SZ) account. Beware of Email Phishing From time to time, you may receive messages that appear to come from "CUHK(SZ)" or "ITSO" and ask for your username and password, or ask you to click on a link. These are often fake messages and the link may be malicious. ITSO will never ask you for such information by email, phone or in person even it is necessary for system administration. No member of staff will ask for your passwords either. If you do receive emails asking for sensitive account or personal information, don't disclose these details. Report the message to ITSO immediately. If you have replied to any phishing email, reset your password immediately and report the matter to ITSO. Protecting Your User Account Protecting the privacy of your CUHK(SZ) account is critical for both your personal life and your life at CUHK(SZ). Your account gives you access to authorized information on campus network, so it should be private and protected. Never disclose your passwords to any third party and do not save your passwords on shared computers. Beware of Email Spam Email spam means unsolicited, undesired, or illegal email messages. Spam takes up email storage space and may attach with malicious software. Although we have necessary procedures to prevent 16

spam, there are also some actions you can take to reduce spam. If you think an email you received is spam, for example five emails with the same content, please forward the email to isupport@cuhk.edu.cn. Never reply to any spam email, even if you are invited to do so. Only Install Necessary Applications and Devices Limit your applications to those you need and remove software no longer in use to reduce the chance of being attacked. And please avoid installing any illegal software on computers. Remain Alert Remain alert and be suspicious of all unsolicited or unexpected emails, even if they appear to originate from a trusted source. Never go to your bank's website by clicking on links included in emails. And think twice about the information and photos you share online. 及时更新系统请将 Windows Update 设为系统默认的自动安装更新, 并尽可能启用应用软件的自动更新 确保防火墙开启对于 Windows 用户, 请在个人计算机的安全中心或者操作里检查防火墙是否开启 安装防病毒软件强烈推荐使用最新的杀毒软件对电脑进行杀毒 我们建议 Windows 用户安装微软杀毒软件 及时锁定电脑如果打算长时间离开电脑设备, 请务必先将其锁定, 以确保您是通过 CUHK(SZ) 账户登录此系统的唯一用户 谨防钓鱼邮件用户有时会收到来自 CUHK(SZ) 或 ITSO 的邮件, 要求提供您的用户名和密码, 或要求点击邮件里的链接, 但这些一般是带有恶意链接的虚假邮件 任何情况下,ITSO 不会通过邮件 电话或私人会面要求用户提供这些信息, 也不会有其他教职员工要求提供您的用户密码 如果您收到了询问有关账户或私人敏感信息的邮件, 请不要将这些信息透露给对方, 应立即向 ITSO 反馈 如果您回复了任何钓鱼邮件, 请立即更改您的账户密码并向 ITSO 反馈 妥善保管自己的账号和密码您的账号被授权给您个人使用, 您有责任和义务妥善保管好自己的账号和密码, 并请永远不要把密码泄露给第三方或其他人 留心垃圾邮件垃圾邮件是指未经要求的 非个人意愿的或者非法的邮件信息 垃圾邮件不仅占用存储空间, 而且可能附带恶意软件 虽然我们已有可以屏蔽垃圾邮件的程序, 但您还可以采取其他措施减少垃圾邮件 如果您收到了垃圾邮件, 比如五封内容相同的邮件, 请将它转发到 isupport@cuhk.edu.cn 请不要回复任何垃圾邮件, 即使对方主动请求您这么做 仅安装必要的应用程序和设备 17

为了降低受攻击的风险, 请仅安装您所需要的应用程序, 删除您不再使用的应用程序 请不要在电脑上安装任何非法软件 对所有未经要求的 非个人意愿的邮件保持警惕, 即使它们看似来自一个可靠的信息源 请不要通过邮件里的链接前往某个银行的网站 在网上共享信息和照片前, 请谨慎考虑 18

IT 培训 IT Training ITSO arranges workshops and web-based training courses throughout the year to keep staff and students up to date on technology trends, computing awareness, productivity tools and updates on the University s information and communication technology environment and services. ITSO will send you an email to inform the training details. ITSO 每年会不定期安排 IT 技能相关的工作坊或培训课程, 以使员工和学生在 IT 技术发展 计算机技能等 IT 科技技能方面保持最新 如需参加培训, 请留意 ITSO 发送的电子邮件通知 19

学生助理招聘 Student Assistant Recruitment ITSO welcomes the support of Student Assistants in our daily work. A recruitment notification will be released at the start of each semester to invite student assistants to assist in various projects by OSA. If you are interested in working for ITSO, please be noted the assistant positions in the following areas: Job Description: 1) To answer the ITSO Hotline, help to solve IT related user support; 2) Assist to check IT equipment; 3) Assist to check the computer facilities in classrooms and computer laboratories; 4) To provide consultation services to users including the use of CUHK(SZ) account, Internet, AV control system, software installation etc; 5) Other projects. Essential Requirements: 1) Proficiency in operating Microsoft Windows 10 and Office; 2) A good team-player, enjoy meeting with people and working as a team; 3) Have to participate in the IT related training by ITSO. Pay: hourly wage, prescribed by the Finance Office and paid monthly; Selection Process: written test, personal interview and skill assessment after training ; Application: Noted by the announcement through OSA or follow the WeChat isupport. ITSO 欢迎各位学生助理的加入, 协助 ITSO 的各项工作 招聘通知将在每个学期开始由学生事务处统一发布 如果你有兴趣协助 ITSO 工作, 请留意以下学生助理工作内容 : 职位描述 : 1) 协助接听 ITSO 热线电话, 处理 ITSO 服务台用户来访等相关事项 ; 2) 协助清点 IT 设备, 并进行登记 ; 3) 协助教室及实验室 IT 设备检查 ; 4) 为全校师生提供咨询服务, 包括使用 CUHK(SZ) 账户, 网络,AV 设备, 软件安装等 ; 5) 其他临时项目 岗位要求 : 1) 熟练操作 Microsoft Windows 和 Office 应用程序, 或有意愿学习 ; 2) 团队合作能力强, 善于与人沟通 ; 3) 须定期参与 ITSO 组织的相关技能培训 支付工资 : 按照学校财务处规定的工资结算方式, 按月发放 ; 选拔过程 : 笔试, 个人面试和技能评估 ; 申请流程 : 留意学生事务处发布的学生助理招募公告或关注 isupport 公众号推送通知 20

IT Facilities Acceptable Use Agreement The ITSO has responsibility for maintaining effective operation of the IT facilities on campus and providing IT support services in the University, but not for private computers. All faculty, staff, and students using IT facilities are responsible for using these facilities in a proper, ethical, and lawful manner, and are urged to observe the following guidelines. ITSO reserves the rights to interpret these rules and regulations. ITSO 有责任保证学校 IT 设施的高效运作, 并为广大师生提供 IT 支持服务, 但不适用于个人 IT 设备 所有教师 职员和学生均须以适当 合理和合法的方式使用 IT 设施, 并敦促遵守以下准则 ITSO 保留解释此规章制度的权利 As a CUHK-Shenzhen student, you are expected to observe relevant regulations when using the Internet, campus network and other IT facilities in the University. All CUHK-Shenzhen students acknowledge the terms of the following agreement by default in order to use IT facilities on campus: 作为香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 学生, 在大学使用互联网 校园网络及其他 IT 设施时, 应遵守有关规定 香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 学生默认使用下列协议条款, 以便在校园内使用 IT 设施 : I hereby acknowledge that I have read and agreed to abide by all the regulations relating to the use of IT facilities at the University. I understand that any act in violation of the provisions of laws or regulations may constitute an offence, that I may lose the right to use IT facilities, and also that I may be subject to discipline and/or relevant legal punishments. 本人谨此表示, 本人已阅读并同意遵守有关大学使用 IT 设施的所有规定 我知道违反法律 法规规定的任何行为都可能构成犯罪, 我可能失去使用 IT 设施的权利, 也可能受到纪律处分和 / 或相关法律制裁 21

Computer Laboratory Rules in CUHK-Shenzhen 1. Rights and Responsibilities of ITSO Staff 1.1. The laboratory is administered by the Information Technology Services Office (ITSO) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and is open for CUHK-Shenzhen staff & students ONLY. Except those authorized by ITSO, no other persons are allowed to enter the laboratory. 1.2. ITSO staff will perform random checking on the identity of users. They have the right to request users to present their CUHK-Shenzhen staff or student campus cards. Anyone who fails or refuses to provide proof for his or her identity will be requested to leave the laboratory immediately. Those who refuse to leave will be dealt with by the Security Unit of the University or the Police. 1.3. All the laboratories can be reserved for instructional purposes. The booking schedule can be found on-line on the Registry Services Office webpage. 2. Use of Facilities 2.1. Users must carry their CUHK-Shenzhen staff or student campus cards and present them to ITSO staff when requested. 2.2. Users should not copy any copyrighted software/product that is protected by Intellectual Property Right Laws of the People s Republic of China. 2.3. Users should not install any software in the workstation without ITSO authorization. 2.4. Users are not allowed to dismantle any facilities installed in the laboratories without ITSO authorization, such as mouse, keyboard, etc. 2.5. Users should not leave computers idle. ITSO has the right to reassign any unattended computers that are left idle for more than 15 minutes to other users. ITSO is not responsible for any data loss caused by the reassignment. 2.6. Users are responsible for the care and use of the facilities installed in the laboratory. Users may be liable to bear the cost of repairing any damage to the facilities caused by negligence or failure to adhere to the proper operating procedures. 3. Rights and Responsibilities of Users 3.1. Users are not allowed to bring food or beverages into the laboratory. Eating and drinking are NOT allowed. Smoking is prohibited. 3.2. Users should not use computers to create noise or play music that may disturb other users in the laboratory. 3.3. Users should not move any facilities or furniture housed in the laboratory without ITSO authorization. 3.4. Users should work quietly. Yelling, shouting, group discussions and social gatherings are not allowed in the laboratory. Group discussions should be held in Discussion Rooms or other assigned areas. 3.5. Users should turn off the computers and clean up their working area when leaving. 3.6. Users should take care of their belongings. ITSO has the right to remove any unattended personal belongings left in the laboratory. ITSO will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any personal belongings in the laboratory. 3.7. Users can bring bags and briefcases that do not cause obstruction to others into the laboratory whereas umbrellas should be left at the entrance. 22

3.8. Users should not play computer games (or do any other activities unrelated to studies) in the laboratory. 3.9. Users should not post in the laboratory without ITSO authorization. 香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 电脑室管理规定 1. 资讯科技服务处的权利及责任 1.1. 本电脑室由香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 资讯科技服务处 ( 下称本处 ) 管理, 并只限香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 教职员及学生使用 除经资讯科技服务处批准者外, 其他人士一律不准进入本电脑室 1.2. 资讯科技服务处的职员会抽样检查电脑室用户的身份 职员有权要求用户出示其职员证或学生证 任何人士如未能或拒绝出示有效的身份证明文件, 职员会要求该名人士立即离开本电脑室 拒绝离开者将交由大学安保组或警方处理 1.3. 所有电脑室都有可能预留作教学用途 上课期间, 其他无关人士一律不准进入电脑室 用户可于教务处网页浏览使用电脑室课程表 2. 使用室内的设施 2.1. 用户须持有有效职员证或学生证, 并在本处职员要求下出示 2.2. 用户不得复制任何受知识产权法保障的软件 2.3. 未经本处许可, 用户不得在电脑上安装任何软件 2.4. 未经本处许可, 用户不得拆卸任何电脑设备及组件, 包含鼠标, 键盘等 2.5. 用户不应把电脑空置 本处职员有权将空置达十五分钟之电脑调配给其他用户使用 因此而导致的资料遗失, 本处概不负责 2.6. 用户应当小心使用本处提供的设备 用户如因鲁莽或不遵守正确使用程序而导致设备损坏, 有可能要支付维修费用 3. 用户的权利及责任 3.1. 用户不得携带食物及饮料进入电脑室, 室内严禁饮食和吸烟 3.2. 用户不得利用电脑发出有可能影响他人的声响或音乐 3.3. 未经本处许可, 用户不得移动室内的设备或家具 3.4. 用户应保持肃静 室内严禁喧哗 聚会或小组讨论, 以免影响其他用户工作 用户应使用讨论室或指定的地方进行小组讨论 3.5. 用户应在离开前, 把使用的设备关闭及将其工作范围整理干净 3.6. 用户应小心保管个人财物 本处有权清理室内无人看管的物品, 因此导致任何损失, 本处概不负责 3.7. 用户可携带手提袋或公事包进入电脑室, 但雨具必须存放于入口处 3.8. 用户不得在电脑室内玩电脑游戏或者做其他与学习无关的事情 3.9. 未经本处许可, 用户不得在室内张贴任何海报或告示 违反以上规定者有可能失去使用本处设备的权利 初犯者的 CUHK (SZ) 账号会被停用一天, 严重或屡犯者会被褫夺使用本处提供的所有设备的权利, 有关个案更可能提交至所属书院 学院 研究院或相关的大学部门作进一步处理 注 : 如此规定的英文版本与中文版本内容有歧异, 概以中文版本为准 23

Network Usage Rules at CUHK-Shenzhen 1. CUHK-Shenzhen respects and protects intellectual property rights and copyrights. 2. Users using the University IT facilities and services should understand and observe the regulations of Copyright Law of the People s Republic of China and the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Customs Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. 3. All students must observe the relevant regulations of Copyright Law of the People s Republic of China to avoid infringement, when referencing copyright works in teaching and learning activities via the Internet, the campus network or other ways. 4. It is not permitted to download, upload or distribute copyrighted work in servers, personal computers, laptops or mobile devices through the campus network without express permission under the law. The number of copyrighted works uploaded must be within the requirements of relevant regulations of Copyright Law of the People s Republic of China. The copyrighted work is uploaded for educational use only. 5. Users are not allowed to download unauthorized works via campus network. Unauthorized uploading or downloading of copyrighted works through the campus network may cause one to suffer the risk of monetary damages and, in some cases, criminal prosecution, and for which the University may have vicarious liability. 6. Users should not set up BBS servers and other network services on campus network without ITSO authorization. 7. Serious infractions such as unauthorized use or access of IT facilities or services, attempts to steal passwords or data, attempts to steal licensed software, infringement of copyright and attempts to damage computer facilities or violation of existing laws, relevant CUHK(SZ) and ITSO policies, may lead to disciplinary action by relevant University authorities. 香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 网络使用规定 1. 香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 尊重和保护知识产权和版权 2. 使用高校 IT 设施和服务的用户须了解并遵守 中华人民共和国著作权法 和 中华人民共和国海关知识产权保护条例 3. 所有学生都必须遵守 中华人民共和国著作权法 的相关规定, 避免通过互联网 校园网等方式引用著作权作品进行教学活动 4. 未经法律许可, 不得通过校园网在服务器 个人电脑 笔记本电脑或移动设备上下载 上传或分发受版权保护的作品 上传著作权作品的数量必须符合 中华人民共和国著作权法 有关规定的要求 受版权保护的作品仅用于教育用途 5. 不允许用户通过校园网络下载未经授权的作品 未经授权通过校园网络上传或下载受版权保护的作品, 可能会导致遭受金钱损害的风险, 在某些情况下, 刑事起诉, 大学可能会承担替代责任 6. 未经 ITSO 授权, 用户不得在校园网内设置 BBS 服务器和其他网络服务 7. 未经授权使用或访问 IT 设施或服务, 企图窃取密码或数据, 企图窃取许可软件, 侵犯版权和企图破坏计算机设施或违反现有法律 相关学校和资讯科技服务处管理规定等违规行为, 可能会引起大学相关部门的纪律处分 24