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62 26 Mineral Security and Resource Strategy in the Belt and Road Initiative YU Hongyuan 1 1.Shanghai Institutes for International Studies Shanghai 200233 China Abstract Mineral resources play an essential role in social and economic development of all the countries. As the most important importer and consumer of mineral resources in the world China is highly dependent on foreign resources and is relatively vulnerable to resource trade price fluctuations and geopolitical and e- conomic impacts. Most of the countries along the Belt and Road are producers of mineral resources whose cooperation with China has made rapid progress and has great potential. However there are risks and challenges such as domestic politics laws nationalism and the geo-game among great powers. In view of this China needs to promote resources diplomacy in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative the construction of relevant international system and cooperation platform and the implementation of concrete projects so as to promote the sustainable development of the Belt and Road through resource cooperation. Key words mineral security the Belt and Road risk response