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Cat Holloway / WWF 珊瑚守護者 Coral Savers 珊瑚礁普查潛水員協助清潔海底環境, 為海洋保育作出貢獻 Reef Check divers can contribute to the protection of the marine environment through picking up underwater litter


香港正面對嚴重的海洋垃圾問題 Hong Kong is facing a serious marine litter problem

海洋垃圾對海洋生態的威脅 Marine litter is threatening our marine ecosystem Jürgen Freund / WWF WWF-Hong Kong

海洋垃圾對海洋生態的威脅 Marine litter is threatening our marine ecosystem Plastic Oceans

WWF-Hong Kong

潛水員可如何貢獻? How can divers contribute? WWF 提供潛水網袋, 供潛水員清理海底垃圾之用 收集相關數據, 有助政府及環保團體深入瞭解問題, 並採取針對性措施 WWF supply underwater mesh bag for divers to cleanup marine litter Collect useful data to help government and NGOs understand the problem in order to implement targeted measures

記錄海洋垃圾 Record the marine litter 將海底垃圾帶回船上, 將其磅重, 並以調查記錄表記錄垃圾類別, 然後妥善處置 Bring the marine litter back on boat and weigh them. Use marine litter data card to record the marine litter categories before disposal

應該清理哪些垃圾? What should be cleaned up? 基本上所有人造的垃圾都應被清理, 以降低對環境的影響 尤其塑膠垃圾於可行情況下應全部清理 Basically all artificial litter should be cleaned up in order to reduce impact to the environment. Plastic litter should be removed in all possible circumstances 但若垃圾已變成生物的居所, 應酌情處理 例如玻璃 金屬物料對環境影響相對較低, 於此類情況可考慮留下 However, if the litter has become home of marine life, we have to reconsider; e.g. glass and metal materials are relatively less harmful to the environment, so may be left behind in this kind of cases

應該清理哪些垃圾? What should be cleaned up? 太大件 太重的垃圾, 如在能力範圍以外, 不應勉強清理 Do not try to remove litter which is beyond your reach, e.g. too big or too heavy 陶瓷器及其碎片可能具考古價值, 不要移走 Ceramic items or pieces may have archaeological value. Please leave them in situ.

應該清理哪些垃圾? What should be cleaned up? 鬼網對潛水員具一定危險性, 不建議珊瑚礁普查潛水員清理 如發現鬼網, 應記錄鬼網位置, 並向漁護署報告, 以安排專人清理 Ghost nets are dangerous to divers, thus Reef Check divers are not recommended to remove them. If ghost nets are found, please record their locations and report to AFCD for removal by trained divers

活動守則 Code of Conduct 除了照片, 不要帶走任何物品 ; 除了腳印, 不要留下任何痕跡 Take nothing but pictures; leave nothing but footprints 不可捕魚或採集生物及貝殼 Do not fish or collect animals or shells 掌握正確的浮力控制 Maintain good buoyancy 避免攪動海底沉積物 Avoid stirring up sediment 切勿嘗試擠進狹小的地方 Do not try to squeeze into narrow spaces 牢固潛水儀表及其他裝備以避免其拖行 Make sure diving gauges and all other gear is secured to avoid dragging 被纏住時不要強行掙脫, 要保持冷靜, 並尋求協助 If you become entangled, do not forcefully try and break free. Stay calm and seek help

安全指引 Safety guidelines 不要處理任何來歷不明的物件 Do not handle any item that you are unsure about 不要開啟任何拾獲的瓶子 Do not open any bottles you may find 移動重物時應多加小心, 若物件太重, 則應放棄執拾 Be careful when attempting to remove heavy objects. If an item is too heavy, let it be 在清潔時應全程戴上手套, 不應徒手執拾碎片 Keep your gloves on at all times while cleaning; do not use your bare hands to pick up debris 鋒利物件如玻璃碎片應放置在堅硬的桶 箱或其他安全的容器內, 不應放進垃圾膠袋, 以防刺穿膠袋, 傷及他人 Never place sharp objects such as broken glass in plastic trash bags, as they may cut through the bag and injure a person. Instead use a sturdy bucket, box or other safe container 進行潛水活動時必須與潛伴同行 Diving activities should be conducted in buddy teams

所需用具 Equipment needed 船上提供 Supplied on board: 網袋 Mesh bags 磅 Scales 普查科學家提供 Supplied by team scientist: 記錄表 Data card 鉛筆 Pencil

所需用具 Equipment needed 有網袋的租船機構 潛水快線 Diving Express 潛水歷險會 Diving Adventure 蛙人館 Froggy Diver 文華潛水 Mandarin Diver 美國潛水培訓有限公司 Pro-diver Development Ltd. 海洋潛水會 Mermaid Diving Center Splash Diving Organizations with mesh bags 國際 ( 精英 ) 潛水訓練中心 Int'l Elite Divers Training Centre 香港潛水訓練學院 Hong Kong Institute of Scuba Training 香港海岸活動協會 HK Coastal Activities Association 火箭友潛水會 Rocket Friends Diving 天堂潛水員 ParadiseDiverHK 怪獸樂員 Scuba Monster Scuba Formula

事前準備 Preparation 與隊員商討參與清潔活動的意向, 並向普查科學家確認 最少一星期前聯絡潛水船負責人, 確保船上有網袋及磅秤 細閱數據表, 以熟習垃圾的類別 Discuss with the Reef Check team leader to understand their willingness to participate in the cleanup activity Co-ordinate with dive operator to ensure there are mesh bags and scale at least 1 week before activity Read the data sheet thoroughly to familiarize with the marine litter categories

活動流程 Rundown of activity 完成了珊瑚礁普查的調查工作, 並在充足休息後, 於第二潛時進行 普查科學家進行活動前講解 分發潛水網袋並於潛水時撿起垃圾 Conduct the clean up activity after finishing the Reef Check surveys and have enough rest Briefing by Team Scientist: Distribute the mesh bags and collect marine litter during the dive

活動流程 Rundown of activity 潛水活動完成後, 將垃圾放置在船上安全位置 磅重及記錄垃圾類別及數量 ( 建議先分類再點算 ) After the dive, keep the litter at a safe location on board Weigh the litter and record the categories and amount (suggest to sort them before counting)