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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 2018, 14(2), 99-116 ON THE ISSUES ABOUT THE JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE OF CHINA AFTER THE 4 TH PLENARY SESSION OF THE 18 TH CPC CENTRAL COMMITTEE Hao-Ming Lee New Taipei Municipal Xiulang Elementary School ABSTRACT The 4 th Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee has taken rule of law as its central theme. This article will discuss the important changes of Chinese judiciary after this session through the party-state logic of CPC. It was found that the budgets and personnel of regional judiciaries are controlled by both the local party organizations and the local governments at their corresponding levels. Besides, due to the official culture that makes cadres believe that the party discipline is more important than the rule of law, it is very possible that it causes party and government leaders to find excuses to intervene in judicial cases. In order to improve the foregoing problems, the CPC Central Committee decided to deepen the delocalization of the judiciary, and hope to simultaneously enhance the confidence of people in the rule of law. The reforms include increasing the formal status of the PRC Constitution, establishing an reporting system to record and punish cadres when they intervene with judicial cases, implementing a case filing registration system, building cross-administrative-division judicial organs. However, the CPC is still not willing to respect the independence of the prosecutorial and judicial organs in terms of institution. As a result, these reforms are far away from the judiciary independence of Constitutionalism. Keywords: socialism with Chinese characteristics, rule of law, constitutionalism, CPC leadership, delocalization of judiciary