Note : 1. If you wish to change the investment allocation of your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from ano

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To : HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited c/o The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited PO Box 73770 Kowloon Central Post Office 73770 or place to the MPF drop-in box at designated Hang Seng Bank branches Hang Seng MPF Employer Direct 2288 6822 Hang Seng MPF Service Hotline 2269 2269 HANG SENG MANDATORY PROVIDENT FUND SUPERTRUST PLUS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HKSAR CHANGE OF INVESTMENT INSTRUCTION FORM (EMPLOYEE) *HABP* HKSAR HABP * Important note Please read this section * Note 1. Please complete in CAPITAL and BLOCK LETTERS and tick the appropriate box(es). 2. Your new investment instruction will not apply to any amount awaiting for clearance and fund purchases at the time we process the instruction. 3. You should note that investment markets could fluctuate significantly. Fund prices may go down as well as up. There is no guarantee that, given the time required to implement fund switching instructions, such instructions will achieve your desired results. Please carefully consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances (as well as your own retirement plan) before making any investment choices. If in doubt, please contact your independent financial advisor for further details. 4. The Default Investment Strategy ( DIS ) is a ready-made investment arrangement mainly designed for those members who are not interested or do not wish to make an investment choice, and is also available as an investment choice itself, for members who find it suitable for their own circumstances. For those members who do not make an investment choice, their future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme will be invested in accordance with the DIS. The DIS aims to balance the long term effects of risk and return through investing in two constituent funds, namely the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund, according to the pre-set allocation percentages at different ages. The DIS will manage investment risk exposure by automatically reducing the exposure to higher risk assets and correspondingly increasing the exposure to lower risk assets as the member gets older. For further details of the DIS, please refer to the relevant Principal Brochure. 65 5. You may choose to invest your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme either in (1) the DIS; or (2) One or more Constituent funds including the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund (as a standalone investment fund rather than as part of the DIS, those investments will not be subject to the de-risking process.) (1) (2)65 6. If you have chosen to invest your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme in the DIS and/or you have accrued benefits currently invested according to the DIS, when one or more of the specified instructions (including but not limited to subscription, redemption or switching instructions) are being received prior to or on the annual date of de-risking for a relevant Member and being processed on such date, the annual de-risking may be deferred and the annual de-risking will only be completed after completion of these specified instructions, provided that in any case, the annual de-risking will be carried out as soon as practicable. For the avoidance of doubt, where the instruction is to switch out of the DIS (e.g. an instruction to change the investment option in respect of the existing investments or a withdrawal instruction), if the instruction is given and completed before de-risking takes place, no de-risking will take place until and unless the relevant Member switches back into the DIS. 7. Registered Scheme means a retirement benefits scheme registered under section 21 or 21A of the MPF Ordinance. 21 21A 8. Your written instruction will normally be processed within five business days after the administrator of Hang Seng MPF schemes receives your properly-completed form. In general, if one instruction of the same type are each received from paper and e-submission (i.e. Hang Seng Personal e-banking or Hang Seng MPF Service Hotline Interactive Voice Response System) channels and to be processed on the same business day, the instruction received from the paper channel will supersede the e-submission instruction. This processing time is for reference only. Your instruction will be processed as soon as possible. A confirmation notice will be sent to you after the instruction has been successfully processed. e-banking 9. Your instruction will normally be processed within five business days after the administrator of Hang Seng MPF schemes receives your properly-completed form. This processing time is for reference only. Your instructions will be processed as soon as possible, however, our company shall not be liable for any delay. Please note that if the processing of your Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction is scheduled on any day that (i) the transfer of benefits under Employee Choice Arrangement ( ECA Transfer ) is to be processed, or (ii) the refund of long service payment/severance payment ( Refund of LSP/SP ) is to be processed, or (iii) the claim of accrued benefits on the ground of attaining the retirement age of 65 in a lump sum or terminal illness or partial withdrawal of voluntary contributions ( Withdrawal of benefits ) is to be processed, or (iv) on any of the consecutive days that ECA Transfer, Refund of LSP/SP and/or Withdrawal of benefits is/are to be processed, the processing of your Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction will be postponed to the next business day after the day(s) that such ECA Transfer, Refund of LSP/SP and/or Withdrawal of benefits is/are being processed. In any of the above circumstances, the processing of any further Portfolio Rebalance or Asset Switch instruction made before the processing of any prior pending consecutive Portfolio Rebalance instruction(s), Asset Switch instruction(s), ECA Transfer, Refund of LSP/SP and/or Withdrawal of benefits will be postponed to the next business day after the day(s) that such pending consecutive Portfolio Rebalance instruction(s), Asset Switch instruction(s), ECA Transfer, Refund of LSP/SP and/or Withdrawal of benefits is/are being processed. (i)(ii) (iii)65 (iv) 10. Arrangement for change investment instructions under gale/storm signal and black rainstorm warning signal issued by the Hong Kong Observatory on a business day is as follows (i) If No. 8 or above gale/storm signal and/or black rainstorm warning signal ( Warning Signal ) is hoisted before 9 am and still in force at 12 noon on a business day, the processing of change investment instructions scheduled on that business day will be postponed to the next business day. 12 (ii) If the Warning Signal is hoisted after 9 am or is cancelled at or before 12 noon, the processing of change investment instructions scheduled on that business day will continue according to normal procedures. 12 The above arrangement is provided for reference only and may be subject to change from time to time without notice. 11. The investment instruction cannot be cancelled after you have submitted this form. 12. A confirmation notice will be sent to you after the instruction has been successfully processed. 13. The personal data provided will be treated in the same manner as set out in the Personal Information Collection Statement for Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund ( Statement ). A copy of the Statement can be obtained through Hang Seng MPF website or MPF hotline 2288 6822 (Employer) or 2269 2269 (Member). 2288 6822 2269 2269 1 of 11

Note : 1. If you wish to change the investment allocation of your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme, please go to Section B Portfolio Rebalance. If you have completed Section B, you are not required to complete Section C Contribution Redirection and/or Section D Asset Switch of Existing Balance and/or Section E Exit the DIS. BB CD E 2. If you wish to change the investment allocation of your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme only, please go to Section C Contribution Redirection. C 3. If you wish to change the investment allocation of your existing investments only, please go to Section D Asset Switch of Existing Balance. The investment allocation of your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme will remain unchanged. D 4. If you wish to exit the DIS, please go to Section E Exit the DIS. E Please refer to the reference table below and the example of page 7-10 for your option. 7-10 Your current investment mandate Options you can choose to change your investment allocation Section B Portfolio Rebalance B- Section C Contribution Redirection C- Section D Asset Switching of Existing Balance D- Section E Exit the DIS E- DIS Your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme are invested in accordance with the DIS. Not applicable (Only applicable for changing the existing accrued benefits which is not currently invested in accordance with the DIS. If you wish to change the investment allocation of the abovementioned accrued benefits to the DIS, please complete Section B - Portfolio Rebalance. B - ) Own Investment Option Your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme are invested in accordance with your Own investment option. Not applicable A. Personal information 1. Full name (same as that shown on your HKID card/passport 2. Contact no. 3. HKID/Passport no. 4. Company name of participating employer 5. MPF membership no. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HKSAR 6. Employer ID (Please tick the appropriate box. ) MPF scheme (30268471) CSPF scheme (30650085) 2 of 11

B. Portfolio Rebalance HABP Completing this Section will change the investment allocation of your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme. 1. Please tick the appropriate box to indicate the constituent funds you would like your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme be invested. 2. Appropriate units in your account will be redeemed (if applicable) in order to purchase other funds to meet your new investment allocation percentage below. () 3. If you elect to switch funds out of the Guaranteed Fund, the guarantee will not apply, unless you reach retirement age or normal retirement date or reaching early retirement date that you will be entitled to the greater of actual balance or the guaranteed balance in respect of the amount to be switched out. 4. If you have completed this Section, you are not required to complete Section C Contribution Redirection and/or Section D Asset Switch of Existing Balance and/or Section E Exit the DIS. CD E Please make ONE choice below. (i) DIS Your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme will be invested in accordance with the DIS. Please refer to the Principal Brochure for details. Name of constituent fund Core Accumulation Fund Age 65 Plus Fund 65 Type of fund Mixed Assets Fund Mixed Assets Fund Fund code CAF APF Investment allocation percentage 100% The DIS is invested in the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund according to the pre-set allocation percentages at different ages and will adjust risk by way of reducing the holding in the Core Accumulation Fund and increasing the holding in the Age 65 Plus Fund when the member gets older. For more details, please refer to page 7. 65 657 (ii) Own investment option The investment allocation percentages should be in whole numbers (e.g. 50% not 50.5%) and the total should be 100%. Otherwise, the instruction cannot be effected. 50%50.5% 100% Name of constituent fund Type of fund Fund code Investment allocation percentage (Please counter-sign for any amendments made. ) MPF Conservative Fund Money Market Fund CPF % Guaranteed Fund Guaranteed Fund GTF % Global Bond Fund Bond Fund GBF % Stable Fund Mixed Assets Fund SBF % Balanced Fund Mixed Assets Fund BLF % Growth Fund Mixed Assets Fund GRF % Core Accumulation Fund 1 1 (without de-risking nature ) Age 65 Plus Fund 1 65 1 (without de-risking nature ) Mixed Assets Fund SGF % Mixed Assets Fund FMF % North American Equity Fund Equity Fund NAEF % European Equity Fund Equity Fund EUEF % Asia Pacific Equity Fund Equity Fund ANEF % Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund Equity Fund HSIF % Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund Equity Fund HKEF % Chinese Equity Fund Equity Fund CNEF % Total 100% 1 If you choose to invest in the Core Accumulation Fund and/or the Age 65 Plus Fund (as a standalone investment fund rather than as part of the DIS), those investments will not be subject to the de-risking process. 65 3 of 11

C. Contribution Redirection HARP Completing this Section will change the investment allocation of your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme only. The investment allocation of your existing investments will remain unchanged. 1. This section is only applicable if your current investment mandate is Own investment option. 2. By selecting to change only the investment mandate of your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme, you also confirm to leave the investment allocation on existing investments remain unchanged. 3. The investment allocation percentages should be in whole numbers (e.g. 50% not 50.5%) and the total should be 100%. Otherwise, the instruction cannot be effected. 50%50.5% 100% Own investment option Name of constituent fund Type of fund Fund code Investment allocation percentage (Please counter-sign for any amendments made. ) MPF Conservative Fund Money Market Fund CPF % Guaranteed Fund Guaranteed Fund GTF % Global Bond Fund Bond Fund GBF % Stable Fund Mixed Assets Fund SBF % Balanced Fund Mixed Assets Fund BLF % Growth Fund Mixed Assets Fund GRF % Core Accumulation Fund 1 1 (without de-risking nature ) Mixed Assets Fund SGF % Age 65 Plus Fund 1 65 1 (without de-risking nature ) Mixed Assets Fund FMF % North American Equity Fund Equity Fund NAEF % European Equity Fund Equity Fund EUEF % Asia Pacific Equity Fund Equity Fund ANEF % Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund Equity Fund HSIF % Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund Equity Fund HKEF % Chinese Equity Fund Equity Fund CNEF % Total 100% 1 If you choose to invest in the Core Accumulation Fund and/or the Age 65 Plus Fund (as a standalone investment fund rather than as part of the DIS), those investments will not be subject to the de-risking process. 65 4 of 11

D. Asset Switch of Existing Balance HASP Completing this Section will change the investment allocation of your existing investments only. The investment allocation of your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme will remain unchanged. 1. Please tick the appropriate box. 2. Percentage to be redeemed means the percentage of your current units holding of a fund you wish to sell. You can choose to sell units from more than one fund. 3. Allocation percentage of redeemed amount means using the dollar value you obtained from selling your units to purchase other funds. 4. If you elect to switch funds out of the Guaranteed Fund, the guarantee will not apply, unless you reach retirement age or normal retirement date or reaching early retirement date that you will be entitled to the greater of actual balance or the guaranteed balance in respect of the amount to be switched out. 5. All percentages should be in whole numbers (e.g. 50% not 50.5%) and the total allocation percentage of redeemed amount should be 100%. Otherwise, the instruction cannot be effected. 50%50.5%100% 6. By selecting to change only the investment allocation on existing investments, you also confirm to leave the investment mandate of your future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme remain unchanged. Name of constituent fund Type of fund Fund code Percentage to be redeemed Allocation percentage of redeemed amount (Please counter-sign for any amendments made. ) DIS Core Accumulation Fund (with de-risking nature ) Age 65 Plus Fund 65 (with de-risking nature ) Mixed Assets Fund Mixed Assets Fund CAF APF 100 % Only applicable if your future investment is invested in constituent fund(s) rather than the DIS and you wish to switch out all the accrued benefits currently invested in the DIS to other constituent fund(s). N/A MPF Conservative Fund Money Market Fund CPF % % Guaranteed Fund Guaranteed Fund GTF % % Global Bond Fund Bond Fund GBF % % Stable Fund Mixed Assets Fund SBF % % Balanced Fund Mixed Assets Fund BLF % % Growth Fund Mixed Assets Fund GRF % % Core Accumulation Fund 1 1 (without de-risking nature ) Age 65 Plus Fund 1 65 1 (without de-risking nature ) Mixed Assets Fund SGF % % Mixed Assets Fund FMF % % North American Equity Fund Equity Fund NAEF % % European Equity Fund Equity Fund EUEF % % Asia Pacific Equity Fund Equity Fund ANEF % % Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund Equity Fund HSIF % % Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund Equity Fund HKEF % % Chinese Equity Fund Equity Fund CNEF % % Total 100% 1 If you choose to invest in the Core Accumulation Fund and/or the Age 65 Plus Fund (as a standalone investment fund rather than as part of the DIS), those investments will not be subject to the de-risking process. 65 5 of 11

E. Exit the DIS HABP Completing this Section will exit the DIS (This option is only applicable if your current investment mandate is the DIS. ) If you choose to exit the DIS, all of your existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme will invest per the investment allocation immediately before you exit the DIS. For the avoidance of doubt, in such case, no subsequent re-balancing or de-risking of the investment allocation will be done with regard to existing investments, future contributions and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme. Please tick the appropriate box. Exit the DIS F. Declaration and authorisation By signing this form, I a) for portfolio rebalance, understand and agree that all existing investments, future contributions (including Flexi-Contributions) and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme under an MPF account will be rebalanced and invested according to the investment allocation specified in Section B of this form, and/or B b) for contribution redirection, understand and agree that all future contributions (including Flexi-Contributions) and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme under an MPF account will be allocated and invested according to the investment allocation specified in Section C of this form, and/or C c) for asset switch of existing balance, understand and agree that the existing investments under an MPF account will be switched out and invested according to the investment allocation specified in Section D of this form, and/or D d) for exit the DIS, understand and agree that all existing investments, future contributions (including Flexi-Contributions) and accrued benefits transferred from another Registered Scheme under an MPF account will be invested as specified in Section E of this form. E e) declare I have read and understood the Principal Brochure. f) have read and understood and agree with the Personal Information Collection Statement for Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund Note 13. 13 Signature Date x (This signature must be the same as your previous specimen submitted to us. Otherwise, this form may not be processed. ) 6 of 11

How it works De-risking of the DIS DIS De-risking Table Age Core Accumulation Fund Age 65 Plus Fund 65 Below 50 100.0% 0.0% 50 93.3% 6.7% 51 86.7% 13.3% 52 80.0% 20.0% 53 73.3% 26.7% 54 66.7% 33.3% 55 60.0% 40.0% 56 53.3% 46.7% 57 46.7% 53.3% 58 40.0% 60.0% 59 33.3% 66.7% 60 26.7% 73.3% 61 20.0% 80.0% 62 13.3% 86.7% 63 6.7% 93.3% 64 and above 0.0% 100.0% Note The above allocation between the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund is made at the point of annual de-risking and the proportion of the Core Accumulation Fund and the Age 65 Plus Fund in the DIS portfolio may vary during the year due to market fluctuations. 6565 Investment Ratio 100% 90% 80% 70% 50% 30% 20% 10% 0% Below 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Age 58 59 60 61 62 63 64and above Core Accumulation Fund Age 65 Plus Fund 65 7 of 11

How it works Portfolio Rebalance Using existing funds to sell and then buy other funds. Here is an example: 1 Existing Your existing asset allocation 2 Sell SELL existing funds Fund A Fund A Fund C Contributions Fund C 3 Buy BUY new funds with units sold from your other funds 4 Result New Funds 30% Fund D 30% Fund D 70% Fund B 70% Fund B Future contributions to Fund B & Fund D Fund A Fund B Fund C Fund D 8 of 11

How it works Contribution Redirection Using future contributions to buy other funds. Here is an example: 1 Existing Your existing asset allocation 2 Stop STOP Contributions into existing funds Fund A Fund A Fund B Contributions Fund B Contributions 3 Buy BUY new funds with future contributions 4 Result Future contributions is now redirected to the new funds Fund A Fund C 100% Fund C Future contributions Fund B Future contributions to Fund C Fund A Fund C Fund B 9 of 11

How it works Asset Switch You can sell some existing units from your funds and buy units from other funds. Here is an example: 1 Existing Your existing asset allocation 2 Switch Out SELL a percentage of your fund Fund A Fund A Fund B Contributions Fund B 50% Fund A 3 Switch In Use the sold portion to BUY new funds (should be 100% in total) 4 Result You now have 3 funds 3 Fund A Fund C 100% Fund C Fund B Future contributions to Fund A & Fund B Fund A Fund C Fund B 10 of 11

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