Revit Revit Revit BIM BIM 7-9 3D 1 BIM BIM 6 Revit 0 4D 1 2 Revit Revit 2. 1 Revit Revit Revit Revit 2 2 Autodesk Revit Aut

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60 2 2016 2 RAILWAY STANDARD DESIGN Vol. 60 No. 2 Feb. 2016 1004-2954201602-0071-06 BIM 1 1 2 2 1 1. 7140992. 710054 BIM BIM 3D 4D nd BIM 1 3D 4D Revit BIM BIM U442. 5TP391. 72 A DOI10. 13238 /j. issn. 1004-2954. 2016. 02. 015 Prestressed Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge BIM Fine Modeling ZENG Shao-wu 1 ZHANG Xue-gang 1 ZHANG Lin 2 LI Ji-hui 2 Wang An-dong 1 1. Department of Road and Bridge Engineering Shaanxi Railway InstituteWeinan 714099China 2. China Railway First Group Ltd. Xi'an 710054China AbstractThe modeling technology of bridge uses BIM software to establish the parameterized bridge BIM model of3d 4D and even ndemploys basic data information model to serve for the life cycle of the bridgeoffers information exchange platform to the parties involved in the bridge constructionand provides technical support to realize visualization of construction objectsdynamic control of construction schedule and intelligent data acquisition. With reference to 3D and 4D modeling of Hu Run No. 1 Bridge this paper describes the whole process of modeling a bridge with Revitand puts forward methods and ideas of bridge BIM fine modeling. Key wordsprestressed continuous rigid frame bridgebimmodelingfinemethod BIM BIM 1 1-3 1 BIM 1 Revit BIM -2 BIM 3D YCK110+600-K114+850 1. 1 1 4D nd BIM 4. 25 km 1 496 m 3 40 m+78+140+78m+2 40 m 3 4-5 40 m T 1 3D 4D Revit 50 m 5 2015-05-12 2015-05-17 2015 2015-162015 15Z31 1. 2 1982 E-mailzyyxgjd2002@ 163. com 97 m 140 m 1 1 6 BIM 1

72 60 2 Revit 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 2. 2 Revit Revit BIM BIM 7-9 3D 1 BIM BIM 6 Revit 0 4D 1 2 Revit Revit 2. 1 Revit Revit Revit Revit 2 2 Autodesk Revit Autodesk CAD CAD 10 CAD CAD 3 Autodesk Revit 4 3 Autodesk Revit Autodesk CAD Navisworks Freedom Navisworks Manage

2 BIM 73 Robat 11-12 3 5 1 Revit 1 Revit 4 BIM 13-14 6 T BIM 15-16 3. 1 1 1 1 Revit 1 2. 3 Revit T Revit 4 5 1 Revit 6 4 5 T 4 5 T 6 CAD Revit 52 2 0 ~ 8

74 60 7a 7d 9 3. 2 7 Revit 0 3T T T 40 m T 6 T 8 10 ~ 12 8 4 0 1 ~ 19 0 1 ~ 19 1 10 7b 7c 0 0 3. 3 0 19 0 Revit Revit 9

2 BIM 75 15 11 16 40 m T 12 40 m 13 T 40 m T 14 15 40 m T 16 40 m T 40 m T 17 18 13 17 T 14 18 3. 4 40 m T T 40 m T 4 40 m T

76 60 4. 1 6 1 8-10 1 17-18 20 5 1 Revit T Revit BIM Navisworks timeline 1 BIM BIM 19 4D 19 1 4D 4. 2 4. 1 1 1Revit2014 NWC 2Navisworks Manage2014 7 139-141. NWC 9 3Navisworks Manage2014 timeline 10 1 20 S1 66-73. 11. 12. 4Navisworks 5 3 201110 4-7. 19-20 1. BIM M. 2011. 2. BIM M. 2011. 3. BIM D. 2012. 4R. Solnosky. Current status of BIM benefitschallengesand the future potential for the structural disciplinem. Structures Congress 2013 2013849-859. 5R. VolkJ. StengelF. Schultmann. Building Information Modeling BIMfor existing buildings-literature review and future needs J. Automation in Construction201438109-127. 6. BIM J. 20141062-66. 7. BIM J. 2013 436 163-166. 8. BIM J. 2012 42. BIM J. 2012 42S1 34-36.. BIM J. 2012 42 2012 44 51-55. CATIA J. BIM J. 20153 83-86. 13. BIM J.

60 2 2016 2 RAILWAY STANDARD DESIGN Vol. 60 No. 2 Feb. 2016 1004-2954201602-0077-04 710043 U445 A DOI10. 13238 /j. issn. 1004-2954. 2016. 02. 016 Comparative Analysis of the Influence Factors on the Linear Monitoring of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge and Continuous Girder Bridge ZHAO Rui-peng China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd. Xi'an 710043China AbstractFinite element models of continuous rigid frame system and continuous beam system with the same beam structure are established in this paper to conduct a comparative study on the dominant influencing factors involved in the construction monitoring of rigid frame system and continuous beam system bridgesand the influences of design parameterstensioning stage and closure procedure on the cumulative displacement of girder. The cumulative displacement of girder and the cumulative displacement difference of both sides of the final closures are set as control standards to classify the linear monitoring difficulty and the various involved influencing factors are comprehensively analyzed and evaluated. The results indicate that the pre-stressing effect and the closure process have little influence on the continuous rigid frame bridge compared to the continuous girder bridge. The results of the analysis show that the structural system formed according to different prestress tension process has bigger influence on the cumulative displacement of continuous girder bridge. The influencing factors are further analyzed for reaching an appropriate closure procedure. Key words Continuous rigid frame bridge Continuous girder bridge Construction procedure Cumulative displacementlinearmonitoring 2015-07-13 2015-07-27 1985 2010 檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾檾 14. BIM J. 20136 140-143. 15. UC-win /Road J. 2011 404 37-40. J. 2014 396 294-296. 16. GIS 2012 411629-31. J. 2014 391 208-211. 17. BIM J. 2012 2018-21. 18. 4D-BIM 19. BIM J. 20. BIM J. 2014 431 38-40.