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122 Projects Domus China 104 December 2015 建 筑 并 不 属 于 个 人 / ARCHITECTURE DOES NOT BELONG TO INDIVIDUALS 法 国 AS 建 筑 工 作 室 将 建 筑 和 城 市 规 划 定 义 为 : 与 社

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% % 99% Sautman B. Preferential Policies for Ethnic Minorities in China The Case


中国建筑节能概况及其发展 Progress and Development on BEE in China 中国建筑节能协会 China Association of Building Energy Efficiency 杨西伟副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General Mr.Yang Xiwei 2017.10.05

目录 Outlines 一二三四 中国建筑节能协会简介中国建筑节能发展历史中国建筑节能现状中国建筑节能发展展望 Introduction of CABEE Periodic Development on China BEE Progress Status on China BEE Prospects on China BEE

1. 协会简介 Introduction of CABEE

2. 中国建筑节能发展历史 Periodic Development on China BEE 建筑节能定义 Conception of BEE 建筑节能 : 指在居住建筑和公共建筑的规划 设计 建造和使用过程中, 通过执行现行建筑节能标准, 提 高建筑围护结构热工性能, 采用节能型用能系统和可再生能源利用系统, 切实降低建筑能源消耗的活动 During the process of planning, design, construction and usage of residential buildings and public buildings, by the implementation of building energy efficiency standards, improve the thermal performance of the building envelope, with energy efficiency systems and renewable energy utilization system, effectively reducing energy consumption in construction activities 中国建筑节能发展历程 1986 Development Period of BEE 正式启动, 推行节能 30% Launch, Energy Saving 30% 建筑节能含义的三个阶段 Periods on BEE 建筑节能 Energy saving in buildings 1995 2005 2011 推行节能 50% Energy Saving 50% 推行节能 65% Energy Saving 65% 推行节能 75% Energy Saving 75% 建筑节约用能 Energy conservation in buildings 建筑能源高效利用 Energy efficiency in buildings

3. 中国建筑节能现状 Progress Status on China BEE 中国建筑节能总体概况 Brief Introduction on BEE in China 截至 2016 年底 (1) 全国城镇新建建筑全面执行节能强制性标准, 累计建成节能建筑面积超过 150 亿平方米, 节能建筑占比 47.2%, 其中 2016 年城镇新增节能建筑面积 16.9 亿平方米 ; (2) 全国城镇累计建设绿色建筑面积 12.5 亿平方米, 其中 2016 年城镇新增绿色建筑面积 5 亿平方米, 占城镇新建民用建筑比例超过 29%; (3) 全国城镇累计完成既有居住建筑节能改造面积超过 13 亿平方米, 其中 2016 年完成改造面积 8789 万平方米 ; (4) 全国城镇太阳能建筑应用集热面积 4.76 亿平方米, 浅层地热能应用建筑 4.78 亿平方米, 太阳能光电装机容量 29420 兆瓦 (5) 全国各省 2016 年完成公共建筑能源审计 2718 栋, 能耗公示 6810 栋, 对 2373 栋建筑的能耗情况进行监测, 实施公共建筑节能改造面积 2760 万平方米 By the end of 2016 All new buildings in urban areas should reach the mandatory standards on BEE, the total accumulated buildings reach 15 billion m2, the proportion of Energy Efficient buildings raise to 47.2% in all new buildings scale, the incremental new energy efficient building in 2016 are request to at least 1.69 billion m2. The total accumulated green building in urban areas reach 1.25 billion m2. Among these, 0.5 billion of new green buildings built in 2016, which is more than 29% of total new buildings in urban areas. The total accumulated energy efficiency retrofitting on residential building is more than 1.3 billion m2 in urban areas, including 87.89 million m2 were completed in 2016. The total heat collecting area of solar application in urban areas reached 476 million m2, application of geothermal energy in building sector reached 478 million m2, the total Solar PV capacity reached 29420 MW. In 2016, the building amount of energy auditing is 2718, that of energy publicity is 6810, that of energy monitoring is 2373, and that of energy retrofitting is 27.6 million m2.

3. 中国建筑节能现状 Progress Status on China BEE 外墙外保温标准制定情况 Standards on External Wall Insulation 国标 /National Standards: 38 行标 /Building Industrial Standards:82 其中 /include:1. 产品行标 /Products Standards: 54 2. 工程行标 /Construction Standards:28 团标 /Association Standards: 16 在编 /Standards in preparation: 13( 两本已发布, 未实施 ) 共计 /Total:149 其中 /include : 外墙外保温标准 /Standards on External Insulation:53; 内保温标准 /Standards on Internal Insulation:4; 夹心保温 自保温等标准 /Standards on Sandwich insulation & self insulation:18

主要目标 Main Objectives 总体目标 General Objectives 可再生能源建筑应用规模逐步扩大 Enlarge the application on renewable energy in buildings sector 农村建筑节能实现新突破 Make a breakthrough on energy efficiency in rural buildings 建筑节能标准加快提升 Speed the improvement on BEE standards 绿色建筑标准加快提升 Speed the improvement on Green building standards 既有建筑节能改造有序推进 Promote energy efficiency retrofitting for exist buildings 4. 中国建筑节能发展展望 Prospects on China BEE 具体目标 (1) 到 2020 年, 城镇新建建筑能效水平比 2015 年提升 20%, 部分地区及建筑门窗等关键部位建筑节能标准达到或接近国际现阶段先进水平 (2) 城镇新建建筑中绿色建筑面积比重超过 50%, 绿色建材应用比重超过 40% (3) 完成既有居住建筑节能改造面积 5 亿平方米以上, 公共建筑节能改造 1 亿平方米, 全国城镇既有居住建筑中节能建筑所占比例超过 60% (4) 城镇可再生能源替代民用建筑常规能源消耗比重超过 6% 经济发达地区及重点发展区域农村建筑节能取得突破, 采用节能措施比例超过 10% Detail objectives Energy efficiency level for new buildings in urban area should increase 20% by 2020, and some of standards should reach or near international level, such as some local area or key-products in buildings. The proportion of Green Buildings should reach 50% of total new buildings in urban area, and that built by Green Building Materials should be 40% of total new buildings. Completed retrofitting on residential buildings for 500 million m2, and on commercial buildings for 100 million m2, and the energy efficient buildings should reach 60% of all exist residential building in urban areas. Renewable energy proportion in urban area should reach 6% of total regular energy consumption in civil building, rapid progress on rural areas BEE in developed areas and have 10% of measures were used in these buildings.

4. 中国建筑节能发展展望 Prospects on China BEE 建筑总体能耗强度持续下降 Average energy intensity of buildings Declines Constantly 建筑能源消费结构逐步改善 Structure of building energy consumption Improves Gradually 建筑领域绿色发展水平明显提高 Level of green development in building sector Promotes Significantly

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