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FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited Planning ahead for your children s future MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan (2018 8version) Education version 24 3123 3123

Planning ahead for your children s future Parents always want to provide the best for their children and try to support their children at every life stage. To provide all-round support, you have to plan early and start building wealth to empower your children to go after their dreams. Now, just take some time to think about your planning. Does it include Plan a better future for your children Have sufficient cash to take care of unexpected expenses Let your children build innovative business to go after their dreams Stay ahead of inflation and achieve financial freedom To support your children at every life stage, your financial planning must cover the 4 categories to accumulate wealth in an effective way. Nomination of Contingent Insured 1 and Enhancement of the Change of Insured 9 Option to help you manage your wealth more easier With the change of insured option, the Protection period extended to Age 123 2 (Next Birthday) of the new Insured, empower you to pursue your dreams with no fear Build wealth and pass on your love as per your choice Simple process to make financial planning easier

CASE Mr. Chan purchased MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan for his son Kevin when Kevin was 1 year old 2. Mr. Chan wants to provide all-round support at every life stage of his son, empowering Kevin to go after his dreams and create an amazing life of his own. Target: Providing all-round support to his son and empower him to go after his dreams. 5 years Premium Payment Term 1 st Withdrawal 2 nd Withdrawal 3 rd Withdrawal 4 th Withdrawal Age 19-22 2 : Overseas education US$ 35,000 4,7 annually for 4 years for Kevin s studies abroad, for a total of US$ 140,000 4,7 Mr. Chan transfers the policy ownership to Kevin At age 65 2, Kevin exercises the Change of Insured Option 9, making his son the new insured At age 95 2, Kevin transfers the policy ownership to his son Age 1 2 Purchased MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan with premium payment term of 5 years and annual premium at US$ 20,000 3 Age 36 2 : Achieve his dream Mr. Chan withdraws the projected amount of US$ 150,000 4,7 for achieving Kevin s dream. After the withdrawal, the projected Total Cash Value will be US$ 162,189 5,6,7 Age 65-95 2 : Happy retirement Kevin regularly withdraws 8 US$ 2,500 4,7 per month (i.e. US$ 30,000 per annum) for retirement. The total amount is US$ 930,000 4,7 Age 123 2 : Wealth succession If Kevin s son choose to surrender the policy now, he could withdraw the projected total cash value US$ 38,473,164 5,6,7 which is approximately equal to 384 times the Total Premiums Paid. The policy is terminated upon surrender. Mr. Chan purchased MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan as follows: Insured Sex / Age Initial Notional Amount 10 Premium Payment Term Annual Premium 3 Male / 1 2 US$ Years US$ Assuming no withdrawal has been made before the designated policy year, the projected returns of the policy are listed as follows for reference: Policy Year (End) 20 th years 30 th years Total Premiums Paid 3 US$ Projected Total Cash Value 5,6,7 Projected Total Return Ratio 5,6,7 US$ US$

備註 : 1. 若保單仍然生效且被保人仍在生, 您可書面申請指定後續被保人 任何指定後續被保人申請必須符合富衛不時全權酌情釐定之相關政策及程序 後續被保人的年歲申請時須為 1-65 歲 ( 下次生日 ) 及不可比首名被保人年長 5 歲以上 每次只可指定一名人士作為後續被保人 若提名多於一人作為後續被保人, 富衛將不會接受任何指定後續被保人的請求 後續被保人必須與當時的保單權益人有可保權益 當被保人身故時, 倘若保單已生效超過兩年, 後續被保人必須符合富衛不時全權酌情釐定之相關政策及程序方可以成為被保人, 且後續被保人在獲批准時仍在生 當被保人被更換時, 本保單之任何附約將會被終止 若被保人在保單生效期間及沒有後續被保人, 並於期滿日前身故, 富衛將支付身故權益予受益人 2. 年齡以下次生日年齡計算, 而保障期至 123 歲是以首名被保人的第 123 個生日計算 如有變更被保人, 則以最新被保人的第 123 個生日計算 3. 以上所有數字均以年繳保費方式計算 4. 上述提取金額是按有關保單年度完結時於累積週年紅利及利息 ( 如有 ) 提取, 且不積存提款金額於保單 如上述提款金額多於累積週年紅利及利息, 保單將以減少名義金額形式提取保證現金價值 ( 如有 ) 及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 支付多於累積週年紅利及利息之提款金額 其後的保證現金價值 ( 如有 ) 週年紅利 ( 如有 ) 及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將會根據減少後的名義金額 10 被相應減少 因此, 若保單下的現金價值被提取, 於保單終止時可支付之身故權益及現金價值總額亦將會相應減少 盈聚未來儲蓄壽險計劃 ( 優越版 ) 最低名義金額 10 為 30,000 美元 / 240,000 港元 5. 預期總現金價值為保證現金價值 ( 如有 ) 累積週年紅利及利息 ( 如有 ) 及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 扣除保單負債 ( 如有, 包括未有繳付之保費或貸款及其利息 ) 預期總現金價值為非保證 6. 預期總回報包括非保證價值, 非保證價值包括週年紅利及利息 ( 如有 ) 及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將於被保人身故時 保單部份退保時 行使定期提取服務時 行使價值轉換選擇時 保單退保時 期滿時或保單失效後並在保單復效期結束時支付 7. 上述預期回報 週年紅利, 累積息率及特別紅利乃根據現時富衛之預期情況釐訂, 並為非保證 以上例子乃假設非保證週年紅利存放於富衛內積存生息, 並根據現時非保證週年紅利積存息率每年 4.00% 的現時息率是用作計算積存的效果, 並根據現時美元保單的非保證週年紅利及累積息率計算 保單權益人可透過宣佈紅利分享分紅保單的財務表現 財務表現涵蓋支持保單的資產的有關投資回報的投資表現, 及其他因素包括但不限於費用 續保率 索償和有關內部和外部狀況的展望 富衛將對比長遠經驗與預期, 若長遠經驗較預期不同, 非保證紅利將會因而調整 實際獲發之金額或會隨時更改而比上述預期較高或較低 在某些情況下, 非保證金額可能為零 8. 於第十五個保單週年日後, 保單權益人可透過定期提取服務以書面申請從保單中定期提款 當申請批核後, 設定好的提款金額會直接存入指定的賬戶號碼 任何提款金額將從累積週年紅利及利息 ( 如有 ) 中支取 若累積週年紅利及利息 ( 如有 ) 的金額不足, 提款將會以部分退保方式從保證現金價值及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 中支取 有關定期提取服務的詳細資料, 請參閱保單條款 9. 於第二個保單週年完結時且被保人仍在生, 您可書面申請行使變更被保人選擇 被保人之任何變更必須符合富衛不時全權酌情釐定之相關政策及程序 任何被保人的變更將不會影響名義金額 9 總現金價值 保證現金價值 特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 週年紅利及利息 ( 如有 ) 或保單年度 您可能有需要在申請本選擇時要獲得 ( 但不限於 ) 保單權益人的授權 新擬定被保人的年歲申請時須為 1-65 歲及不可高於首名被保人 5 歲 新被保人必須與當時的保單權益人有可保權益 變更被保人後, 所有附約 ( 如有 ) 將被取消, 往後亦不能增加任何附約 10. 盈聚未來儲蓄壽險計劃 ( 優越版 ) 之名義金額是用作計算本產品之保費 保證現金價值 週年紅利及特別紅利 於本保單生效期間, 若本產品之名義金額被調低, 保證現金價值及身故權益亦會相應調低, 富衛將根據調低後的名義金額, 重新釐定往後的週年紅利 ( 如有 ) 和特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 本產品之名義金額與身故權益並無關係, 富衛將不會於被保人身故時支付此名義金額 重要事項.. i. 因金額小數位的調整, 上列所有保費及價值會與應繳保費總額及所得價值稍有出入 ii. 以上全部權益及款項將於扣除保單負債 ( 如未清繳之保費或保單貸款及其利息 ), 如有, 後支付 iii. 以上個案, 數字及備註乃作舉例說明盈聚未來儲蓄壽險計劃 ( 優越版 ) 之用途, 只供參考 若以上數值有任何更改, 恕不作任何通知 請聯絡您的理財顧問索取訂製的保險利益說明 有關本計劃條款細則的詳細資料, 請參閱產品小冊子及保單條款 iv. 盈聚未來儲蓄壽險計劃 ( 優越版 ) 由富衛人壽保險 ( 百慕達 ) 有限公司承保 ( 富衛 ) v. 如以上個案或備註與保單條款內容有任何歧異, 應以保單條款英文版本原義為準 3

Remarks: 1. You may apply in writing to nominate the Contingent Insured at any time if the Policy is in effect and the Insured is alive. Any nomination of the Contingent Insured must fulfill FWD s relevant policies and procedures as determined in FWD s sole discretion from time to time. The age of Contingent Insured should be Age 1-65 (next birthday) at application and cannot be more than 5 years older than the Initial Insured. Only one individual person can be named as the Contingent Insured each time. FWD will not accept any request to nominate more than one person as the Contingent Insured. The new Insured must have an insurable interest with the policy owner. Upon the death of the Insured, the Contingent Insured will become the Insured provided that the Policy has been in effect for 2 policy years, and subject to FWD s approval based on relevant policies and procedures as determined in FWD s sole discretion from time to time and that the Contingent Insured is alive upon FWD s approval. Any rider(s) attached to this Policy will be terminated at the time of change of Insured. If the death of Insured occurs before the Maturity Date while this policy is in force and does not have a Contingent Insured assigned, FWD will pay the Death Benefit to the beneficiary and the policy will be terminated. 2. Age is based on the next birthday age and the policy term to age 123 is referring to the 123rd birthday of the of (i) the Initial Insured or (ii) the latest Insured if the Initial Insured is changed. 3. All figures above are based on the annual premium payment method. 4. The above withdrawal is cased out at the end of the policy year and the withdrawal proceed is not retained in the Policy. The withdrawal will be made from the accumulated Annual Dividends and interest (if any). If the withdrawal amount exceeds the balance of the accumulated Annual Dividends and interest, it will be deducted from the Guaranteed Cash Value (if any) and the Special Bonus (if any) by means of reducing Notional Amount. As a result of reducing the Notional Amount 10 the relevant proportion of the Guaranteed Cash Value (if any), Annual Dividend (if any) and Special Bonus (if any) will be reduced. Therefore, the death benefit as well as the total cash value payable upon policy termination will be reduced once the withdrawal is made. The minimum Notional Amount 10 of MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan is USD 30,000 / HKD 240,000. 5. The projected Total Cash Value is the sum of Guaranteed Cash Value (if any), accumulated Annual Dividends and interest (if any), and Special Bonus (if any) less policy debts (if any, for example, unpaid premiums or loan and the interest of the loan). Which means the projected Total cash Value is non guaranteed. 6. The total projected returns include non-guaranteed benefits which consist of accumulated Annual Dividends and interest (if any) and Special Bonus (if any). The Special Bonus (if any) will be payable upon the death of the Insured, partial surrender of the Policy, exercising the Regular Withdrawal Services, exercising the Value Conversion Option, surrender of the Policy, maturity of the Policy or at the end of the one year reinstatement period if the Policy lapses and is not reinstated within the period. 7. The projected returns above, Annual Dividends and the interest accumulation rate and the Special Bonus are based on FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited. ("FWD") s current scales which are non-guaranteed. It is assumed the non-guaranteed Annual Dividends is accumulated with interest in FWD on the above example. The current interest rate of 4.00% p.a. is used to illustrate the effect of accumulation and is based on the non-guaranteed Annual Dividends and the accumulation interest rate of those policies in US dollars. Through the policy dividend / bonus declaration, the policyholders participate in the financial performance of the participating products. Financial performance covers investment performance of the underlying investment return on asset supporting those policies, as well as other factors including but not limited to expenses, persistency, claims and the future outlook as pertaining to both internal and external conditions. The experience over the long-term is compared against expectation, and the non-guaranteed dividend / bonus is adjusted if the experience over the long-term is different from the expectation. The actual amount payable may change anytime, with the values being higher or lower than those illustrated. Under some circumstances, the non-guaranteed benefits may be zero. 8. After the 15th Policy Anniversary, the Policy Owner can apply in writing for the Regular Withdrawal Services to make regular withdrawal from the Policy. When the application is approved, the selected withdrawal amount will be directly debited to the assigned account. Any amount withdrawn will be taken from the accumulated Annual Dividends and interest (if any). If there is not enough value in the accumulated Annual Dividends and interest (if any), the withdrawal will be taken from the Guaranteed Cash Value and Special Bonus (if any) as a partial surrender. 9. After the end of 2nd Policy Year and the insured is alive, you can apply in writing to change the Insured which will not have any effect on the Notional Amount 10, Total Cash Value, Guaranteed Cash Value, Special Bonus, Annual Dividend and interest (if any) or Policy Years. You may need to submit the application with consents received from, but not limited to, the Policy Owner. The age of new proposed Insured should be 1-65 at application and cannot be more than 5 years older than the Initial Insured. The new Insured must have an insurable interest with the policy owner. All riders (if any) will be cancelled after Insured is changed and no riders can be attached afterwards. 10. Notional amount of the MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan is used to calculate premium, Guaranteed Cash Value, Annual Dividend and Special Bonus of this Product. In case the notional amount of this Product is reduced while this Policy is in force, Guaranteed Cash Value and Death Benefit will be reduced accordingly. FWD will also determine any subsequent Annual Dividends (if any) and Special Bonus (if any), based on the reduced notional amount. Notional amount of this Product is not related to Death Benefit and will not be paid upon the death of the Insured. Important Notes: i. The amount of total premium(s) and the values in the illustration above may differ slightly from the premium and values payable in the Policy due to rounding differences. ii. All benefits are paid after deducting policy debts (if any, for example, unpaid premiums or loan and the interest of the loan). iii. The above case, figures and remarks are hypothetical to illustrate the MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan and for reference only. Should there be any changes in the values, no separate announcements will be made. Please contact your advisor for a customized illustration and refer to the Product Brochure and Policy Provision for detailed terms and conditions of the Plan. iv. MaxFocus Supreme Savings Insurance Plan is underwritten by FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited ( FWD ). v. In the event of any discrepancy between above case / remarks and the Policy Provisions of the Plan, the English version of the Policy Provision shall prevail. PMH082DB1808 4 24 3123 3123