210 Y A B B A A sexual/gender politics Kate Millett Millett, K., : 37 political institutions

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210 Y A B B A A sexual/gender politics Kate Millett Millett, K., 1970 2006: 37 political institutions

9 211 equity politics of difference domination 1980 essentialist totalizing post-structuralism 1980 Waylen, 1998; Witz & Savage, 1992 liberal feminists

212 9-1 1996 3 8 Marxist feminists radical feminists Mary McIntosh Michelle Barrett Catherine MacKinnon dual-systems feminists Zillah Eisentein relative autonomy

9 213 Sylvia Walby 1980 site structure Witz & Savage, 1992 1 Fraser, 1997 1960 19 1

214 equality feminism 1970 difference feminism androcentrism universal citizenship 1980 Ruth Lister, 2003 womanhood antiuniversalism

9 215 creative differentiated universalism 2003: 91 feminist solidarity of differences Habermas, J. deliberative democracy communicative democracy Mike Savage Anne Witz 1992 working in the state bureaucratic-individual intervention

216 bureaucratic-structure intervention working through the state in spite of the state 1987 2 1990 9-2 2012 2012 2 1987 1960 70 1993 1998

9 217 1987 3 1990 1946 1990 1997 1999 1 9-1 3

218 9-1 1999 17/52 1998 32.7 17/52 2002 32.7 19/52 2006 36.5 21/62 2010 33.9 5/44 1998 11.4 10/44 2002 22.7 16/44 2006 36.4 23/66 2010 34.8 * N/A -- N/A -- N/A -- 107/314 2010 34.1 151/891 196/897 234/901 162/592 16.9 21.9 26.0 1998 2001 2005 (2009) 27.4 * 2010 1997 2004 2005 9-2 9-2 2005 2004 2008 2012 / / / 34/184 18.5 17/79 21.5 20/79 25.3 13/41 31.7 17/34 50.0 18/34 52.9 47/225 20.9 34/113 30.1 38/113 33.6

9 219 1999 2001: 71 1990 femocrats Femocrat 1972 Women s Electoral Lobby 1972 Gough Whitlam

220 Whitlam 1975 Watson, 1992 1994 1996 1 1996 11 1997 3 1997 5 5 2004

9 221 4 堃 2002 3 2003 gender mainstreaming 2008 Gender Mainstreaming Gender Mainstreaming 1995 Beijing Platform for Action 1994 2001 12 12 2002 2005 2008 4 2009 12 1

222 1990 2003 APEC Gender Focal Point Network, GFPN 2005 10 2007 2008 2009 Eveline & Bacchi, 2005 2011 9 2004 2009 2006

9 223 5 6 2012 1 1 40 9-3 2000 2012 1. politics of presence 5 2004 2007 6 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009

224 politics of ideas identities Anne Phillips, 1995 exclusion represented political inclusion affirmative action characteristics

9 225 9-4 2. 1960 70 the personal is political private sphere

226 Susan Moller Okin 2004: 188-191 1 2 3 4

9 227 3. Iris Young, 1990; 2000 Nancy Fraser, 1997 justice groups exploitation marginalization powerless cultural imperialism violence redistribution recognition

228 a differentiated politics of difference humanism cultural nationalism cultural variation critical multiculturalism pluralist multiculturalism normative judgment situated communicative rationality

9 229 1970 1980 9-1 1 2

230 3 1 2 3 62 46.5 10 10 1996 2003 2003 2011 2000 1997 Besson-Silla, Virginie, Harries, Andy & Todt, Jean (Producers) & Besson, Luc (Director). (2001). The Lady. United Kingdom & France: Entertainment Film Distributors (UK). Jones, Damian (Producer) & Lloyd, Phyllida (Director). (2011). The Iron Lady. United Kindom & France: 20th Century Fox (UK).

9 231 2009 74 419-424 2008 5(1) 119-48 2009 45 32-38 2003 Sexual politics Millett, K. 1970 2009 3 28 2001 40(3) 69-82 2007 289-323 2009 4 4 2008 32(4) 3-12 2008 26(4) 1-58 1998 2009 33(3) 104-107 2004 21 117-148 1993 Eveline, J. & C. Bacchi. (2005). What are we mainstreaming when we mainstream gender? International Feminist Journal of Politics, 7(4), 496-512. Fraser, N. (1997). Justice Interruptus: Critical Reflections on the Postsocialist Condition. New York: Routledge. Lister, R. (2003). Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives. New York: New York University Press. Okin, S. M. (2004). The public/private dichotomy. In C. Farrelly (Ed.), Contemporary Political Theory (pp. 185-94). London: Sage.

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