A Study of Poetry by Huang Tsung-Yi, Writer in Residence at Taiwan during the Daoguang and Xianfeng Reigns Lai Li-Gyan Lecturer, Department of Chinese

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2006 6 139 170 1849 139

A Study of Poetry by Huang Tsung-Yi, Writer in Residence at Taiwan during the Daoguang and Xianfeng Reigns Lai Li-Gyan Lecturer, Department of Chinese Literature, National Cheng Kung University Abstract Huang Tsung-Yi, a writer in residence at Taiwan during the Daoguang and Xianfeng reigns of the Qing Dynasty, is not so famous in academic today. His personal data appear to be lost in Taiwanese records and documents, and he could be considered a nobody in Taiwan. This study was intended to explore his poetry and literary works composed during the Daoguang and Xianfeng reigns. Huang Tsung-Yi followed Liu Chia-Mou to Taiwan and composed his work Poetry of Posuo. His departure from his homeland inspired Huang to compose poetry. He became the first writer in residence in Taiwan to compose poetry, and thus it is an important episode in the history of Taiwanese literature. His story was not known until Hsieh Chang-Ting, an intimate friend of his, made a favorable reference to Poetry of Posuo in A Talk of Poetry at Chess-Gambling Villa. Unfortunately, no printed text of Poetry of Posuo is available in Taiwan. The researcher was lucky enough to work on a recently-acquired Chu-Hung-Hsieh carved text. With reference to relevant literature review, the research has identified and determined his career, his reasons for residing in Taiwan, and his motives for composing poetry. Finally, the contents of Poetry of Posuo have been analyzed as a contribution to Taiwanese literature. Meanwhile, the materials of poetry and literary works cited in this paper such as First Draft by Wai-Ting-Mao-Chiao Secluder by Liu Chia-Mou, Tung-Yang Grass and 140

Sword Poetry are analyzed and publicized for the first time, a move intended to widen and deepen the research on Taiwanese literature. Keywords: Writer in Residence at Taiwan, Poetry of Posuo, Huang Tsung-Yi, Hsieh Chang-Ting, Liu Chia-Mou 141


1 2 3 4 5 1 2004 11 1 328-329 2 1999 1 1 3 1997 6 1 4 6 1986 11 1 3399 5 72 1975 4 1 15 2 93-95 1 53-54 143

6 7 8 1814-1862 9 10 6 5 3392 3 3526-3527 7 1982 5 1 26 1331 1 63-64 5 3321 8 4 3364 9 1853 19 1854 22 1854 25-26 1814 2 115-117 1820 1862 嵗 1 25 1844 1 93-95 3 125-128 1862 10 25 1297 144

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 1 25 12 1 780-781 1 6 2 806-807 13 23 14 1 93-95 1870 11 1070-1071 15 2 93-95 1 3 2 2 29 1852 145

17 18 19 20 5 3394 16 2 93-95 4 4 2630 1971 10 1 1 17 8 976-977 18 1 503-509 5 3573 19 1 774-776 踈 146

147 21 22 23 20 7 421-424 21 3 20 1849 22 1 781-782 23 2 798-800

1814-1853 24 25 26 27 28 24 4 2670 25 2 26 1 786-787 27 2 101 28 765-766 148

149 29 慙 却 躭 30 29 5 4 5 4-5 5 6-7 5 8 6 1 6 8 6 13 6 14 7 9 1844 30 6 1849 1 3333

31 1820-1903 32 33 34 1865 1877 35 36 31 3 2-3 32 2000 11 1 1 4 154 33 6 361-363 34 1 469-472 35 6 341-342 36 150

37 38 1844 嵗 39 40 凭 41 42 43 12 1087-1088 37 3 2626-2627 5 3392-3393 38 5 3573 39 1 25-27 40 7 4 41 7 14 42 3 3158 43 7 151

44 45 46 47 48 14 8 2 44 7 395-397 45 9 985 46 1 780-781 47 2 577-579 48 1 790-791 152

153 49 1848 50 51 52 49 1 269 50 4 13 51 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 16 1 3-4 2-3 3 3 52 1 41-43

53 54 55 56 57 暎 唖 58 59 53 12 3477 54 3 828 55 1 41-43 56 1 4-5 1858 57 5 3477 5 3573 58 12 3477 59 5 3477 154

60 61 62 60 1 4 61 3 828-829 62 4 3363 155

63 64 65 66 63 2 12 64 1 65 5 3572 66 4 3363 156

67 68 69 70 71 67 5 3572 68 4 3363 69 1 70 4 3363 71 4 3363 157

72 73 74 75 76 72 12 3478 73 7 3417-3418 74 1 75 2 13 76 19991 4 1 416-417 158

159 77 1850 78 衆 79 77 5 3572 78 5 869-870 7 3417-3418 12 3477-3478

160 1851 1853 80 1850 81 79 2 101 80 1 81 1

161 82 83 84 82 4 839-840 83 1-2 84 4 3363-3364

162 85 86 85 11 86 2

87 88 89 90 91 87 2 88 2-3 89 6 3399-3400 90 3 91 2004 11 1 163

92 93 镪 1 72 1961 4 1 121 1 7 92 1959 4 1 44 29 93 1 3-4 164

94 亘 95 96 94 5-6 95 41 96 1998 12 1 3 32-33 165

97 98 97 3 32-33 98 1986 3 1 1992 9 3 1 6 166

99 舩 100 99 3 167

168 101 102 100 3-4 101 4

103 104 105 102 15 103 1 104 1970 5 1 1 1219 169

106 107 105 4 3363 106 4006 107 55 2002 3 1 1732 55 502 25 1982 5 1 25 1297-1298 170