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UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING AFTER SPINAL SURGERY CHINESE 脊椎手术后的日常活动 安全与复原的自理 该手册为脊椎手术后提供自理指南 遵照本指南来保护你的脊椎和帮助你康复 自理 遵照本指南来做你的日常活动 首先, 你可能需要 多休息 记得在你的日常计划中安排休息时间 还有, 确保你 : 睡个好觉 每天穿衣服 慢慢地恢复你的兴趣和你喜欢的其他活动 保护你的脊椎 除非你的护理团队告诉你, 请记住遵照 B LTs 来弯腰, 抬举和扭转 : 弯腰 : 不能弯曲你的脊椎 抬举 : 不要抬举超过 10 磅 (1 加仑牛奶大概 8 磅重 ) 你的医生会在你复诊是告诉你可以提多重 扭转 : 不要扭腰或扭脖子 睡觉 使用有较好支撑的床垫 以你自己舒适的姿势睡觉 如果你戴着颈托, 在颈部放一个颈枕或一卷毛巾 当你平躺时, 在你的膝盖下面放一个枕头来减缓背部肌肉的拉扯 当你侧躺时, 在两腿之间放一个枕头 穿衣服 穿 / 脱衣服时不要扭转你的上半身 穿宽松的上衣, 这样穿 / 脱衣服的时候就不用扭转身体 Page 1 of 3 脊椎手术后的日常活动

洗澡 你不可以在伤口完全愈合前泡澡, 泡热水浴, 游泳, 或洗桑拿浴 不要在伤口还流血水时碰水 当你洗澡时 : 遮盖你的伤口避免它被弄湿 不要摩擦你的伤口 在不弯腰的情况下尽快的洗澡和擦干 让其他人帮忙洗和擦干身体的其他部位 洗澡后更换新的干纱布 伤口护理 你可能会看到你的伤口有一点流血水 这会慢慢变少至不再流 保持你的伤口干净和干爽 一天至少换一次干净的干纱布 不要在伤口上涂抹面霜, 药膏, 乳液或粉剂 在伤口停止流血后, 你不需要用纱布了 不要撕手术时使用的任何皮肤胶 不要吸烟或使用尼古丁产品 尼古丁可能降低或防止伤口愈合 手术后 12 周, 不要服用任何非甾体类抗炎药如布洛芬 -ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) 或萘普生 -naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn). 这些药物延缓骨骼成长和复原 活动 避免用力推, 拉或抬 找人帮忙做一些日常琐事如帮你拿东西, 做家务或庭院活, 抱小孩, 宠物和其他东西 2 周内 For, 2 weeks, 避免坐长途车 limit long rides in a car. 如果你需要长时间坐车, 经常下车并伸展 5-10 分钟 至少每 - 45 分钟做一次 如果以下情况, 请不要开车 : 你穿戴着支架 你在服用处方止痛药 这些药会让你反应变慢从而导致驾驶危险 多活动 每天步行 2-3 次 慢增加距离 保持好的坐姿 每次在椅子上坐直腰板 20-30 分钟 尽可能的慢慢延长这坐姿 Page 2 of 3 脊椎手术后的日常活动

性行为 何时可能恢复性行为取决于你手术后的康复情况 最好等到你的下一次复诊时咨询医生 如果你有性行为, 确保自己遵照你的注意事项 以下情况联系门诊 如果你对你的健康有疑问或有以下的症状, 请拨打 206.744.9340 联系门诊护士 高烧 100 华氏度 (37.8 C) 发红, 发烫, 流脓或伤口肿胀加剧 新的或疼痛加剧 严重头痛 感觉非常疲乏 排便或膀胱控制发生变化 手 / 脚有新的麻木感 疑问? 你的问题很重要 如果你有任何问题或疑虑, 联系你的医生或其他护理工作人员 工作日上午 8 点到下午 5 点, 联系海景医院脊椎中心 : 206.744.9340 下班时间, 周末和节假日, 联系 206.744.2500. UW Medicine Activities of Daily Living After Spinal Surgery Chinese Translation by HMC Interpreter Services Published PFES: 06/2017 Clinician Review: 06/2017 Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 3 of 3 脊椎手术后的日常活动

UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Activities of Daily Living After Spinal Surgery Self-care for safety and healing This handout gives self-care guidelines to follow after spinal surgery. Follow these guidelines to protect your spine and help you recover. Self-care Follow the guidelines in this handout to do your daily activities. At first, you may need to take a lot of breaks. Be sure to include rest times in your plan for each day. Also, make sure you: Get a good night s sleep. Get dressed every day. Slowly resume the hobbies and other activities you enjoy. Protect Your Spine Until your healthcare team tells you otherwise, remember to follow the BLTs for Bending, Lifting, and Twisting: Bending: Do not bend your spine. Lifting: Do not lift more than 10 pounds. (A gallon of milk weighs about 8 pounds.) Your doctor will tell you how much you can lift at your follow-up visits. Twisting: Do not twist your back or neck. Sleeping Give yourself plenty of time to rest as you recover from your surgery. Use a mattress with good support. Sleep in the position that is most comfortable for you. Using a small neck pillow or a rolled towel under your neck is helpful if you are wearing a neck brace. When lying on your back, place a pillow under your knees to lessen pulling on your back muscles. When lying on your side, place a pillow between your legs. Page 1 of 3 Activities of Daily Living After Spinal Surgery

Getting Dressed Do not twist your upper body when you get dressed and undressed. Wear loose-fitting tops so that you can put them on and take them off without twisting. Showers You cannot take a bath, sit in a hot tub, go swimming, or use a sauna until your incision is fully healed. Do not expose your incision to water until your incision is no longer draining. When you shower: Cover your incision to keep it from getting wet. Do not rub the incision. Wash and dry as far as you can without bending. Have someone else wash and dry the rest of your body. Apply a new dry gauze dressing after your shower. Wound Care You may see a small amount of drainage from your incision. This should slowly lessen and then stop. Keep your incision dry and clean. Change the dry gauze dressing at least once a day. Do not apply creams, ointments, lotions, or powders to your incision. After your incision stops draining, you do not need to use the gauze dressing. Do not peel off any of the skin glue applied during surgery. Do not smoke or use nicotine products. Nicotine can slow or prevent wound healing. For 12 weeks after your surgery, do not take any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) medicines such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn). These medicines slow bone growth and healing. Activities Avoid strenuous pushing, pulling, and lifting. Have someone else for help with activities such as lifting groceries, doing household chores or yard work, or picking up children, pets, and other items. Page 2 of 3 Activities of Daily Living After Spinal Surgery

For 2 weeks, limit long rides in a car. If you need to be in the car for a long time, get out often and stretch for 5 to 10 minutes. Do this at least every 30 to 45 minutes. Do not drive if: You are wearing a brace. You are taking prescription pain medicine. These drugs slow your reaction time and make driving unsafe. Keep moving. Walk to 2 to 3 times daily. Gently swing your arms while walking. Start slowly and increase your distance as you feel stronger. Practice good posture. Sit for about 20 to 30 minutes at a time in a chair with a straight back. Slowly increase the time you sit like this, as you can. Sexual Activity When you can resume sexual activity depends on how quickly you recover after surgery. It is best to wait until your follow-up visit to talk with your doctor about when it is OK. If you have sex, be sure to follow your precautions. Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or other healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns. When to Call Call the clinic nurse at 206.744.9340 if you have questions about your health or have any of these symptoms: Fever above 100 F (37.8 C) More redness, heat, drainage, or swelling at your incision New or worse pain Severe headache Feeling very tired Change in your bowel movements or bladder control New numbness in your arms or legs Weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., call Harborview Spine Center: 206.744.9340 After hours and on weekends and holidays, call 206.744.2500. UW Medicine Published PFES: 06/2017 Clinician Review: 06/2017 Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 3 of 3 Activities of Daily Living After Spinal Surgery