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b) 350 /t /t /m 2 30 cm 6 mm /m 2 8 mm /m 2. a) c) /m 2. b) c) 2 d) 3.2 a) ( 2) P i (100 kn) N s 16 N s =

mm ~

~ 4 mm h 8 60 min 1 10 min N min 8. 7% min 2 9 Tab. 1 1 Test result of modified


压 缩 分 散 型 预 应 力 锚 索 近 年 来 有 了 较 多 的 应 用, 并 取 得 了 良 好 的 加 固 效 果 软 弱 岩 土 体 的 主 要 特 性 是 无 论 其 峰 值 强 度 还 是 残 余 强 度 都 是 很 低 的, 其 承 载 力 低 稳 定 性 差 压 缩 分 散 型

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12320 专 家 在 线 前 列 腺 癌 术 后 指 标 升 高 咋 办 宝 鸡 读 者 蔡 先 生 问 : 我 今 年 78 岁 今 年 3 月 体 检 时 发 现 前 列 腺 特 异 抗 原 (PSA) 高 达 31.22, 被 诊 断 为 前 列 腺 癌, 随 后 行 根 治 术 术 后 有



1 引言

第 一 编 总 则 第 一 条 为 保 障 煤 矿 安 全 生 产 和 职 工 人 身 安 全, 防 止 煤 矿 事 故, 根 据 煤 炭 法 矿 山 安 全 法 和 煤 矿 安 全 监 察 条 例, 制 定 本 规 程 第 二 条 在 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 领 域 从 事 煤 炭 生 产 和

展, 对 电 子 浆 料 的 性 能 也 提 出 了 更 高 的 要 求, 传 统 内 随 着 驱 动 轴 和 混 合 液 体 在 狭 窄 间 隙 内 作 畸 形 圆 周 的 三 辊 工 艺 已 不 能 满 足 PDP 发 展 对 浆 料 的 需 求 因 运 动, 因 而 产 生 很

58 特 殊 教 育 與 復 健 學 報 壹 研 究 動 機 與 背 景 教 育 成 敗, 繫 於 師 資 之 良 窳 教 育 部 於 2010 年 8 月 召 開 第 八 次 全 國 教 育 會 議 中, 師 資 培 育 與 專 業 發 展 為 一 項 重 要 的 討 論 議 題, 其 中 研 修

通 过 厂 变 带 电, 这 种 设 计 减 少 了 机 组 自 带 厂 用 电 负 荷 能 力, 降 低 了 锅 炉 满 足 FCB 时 最 低 稳 燃 工 况, 同 时 造 成 燃 烧 调 整 量 加 大 本 电 厂 在 FCB 试 验 时, 电 泵 不 联 启, 始 终 保 持 汽 泵 运 行


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致 谢 本 人 自 2008 年 6 月 从 上 海 外 国 语 大 学 毕 业 之 后, 于 2010 年 3 月 再 次 进 入 上 外, 非 常 有 幸 成 为 汉 语 国 际 教 育 专 业 的 研 究 生 回 顾 三 年 以 来 的 学 习 和 生 活, 顿 时 感 觉 这 段 时 间 也

1 科 学 谋 划, 有 序 促 进 扶 贫 工 作 的 持 续 发 展 1.1 科 学 定 位, 精 准 发 现 地 方 的 需 求 按 照 国 家 生 态 功 能 区 的 划 分, 库 伦 旗 属 重 点 生 态 保 护 开 发 区 这 里 生 态 环 境 优 良 特 色 作 物 资 源 优 势

% 30% % % % %


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第 31 卷 Vol. 31 总第 122 期!"#$%&' Z[\ ]^ _` a, :b c $ ' X $, C $ b c! >, O 47 2$b c 1 X, 9?, S, 4b c =>01, ; O 47 ' 0 $ 01 #, 04b c



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/MPa / kg m - 3 /MPa /MPa 2. 1E ~ 56 ANSYS 6 Hz (a) 一阶垂向弯曲 (b) 一阶侧向弯曲 (c) 一阶扭转 (d) 二阶侧向弯曲 (e) 二阶垂向弯曲 (f) 弯扭组合 2 6 Hz


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L 8 0 g L ~0 700 g L % 6 00% 1 50% 1 3 NaCl 0 50% NH 4 2 SO % KH 2 PO % CaCO % 0 03% ~ 0 04% 2 24 h 0 02

Research of numerical simulation of high strength steel welding residual stress and fatigue life By Chen Song

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U416 110814030603 Study on Performance Evaluation and Improvement of SEAM Asphalt Mixture (Supported by the department of Science and education of ministry of transport, No.) 2008 11 2008 12 2009 3 2008 12

Abstract Correlation experimental investigations on the road performance of SEAM asphalt mixture has been carried out by using Marshall TestWheel Tracking TestImmersion Marshall TestTSR TestTSRST Test Fatigue Test and so on, and has a systematic comparison of the performance of asphalt mixture and SBS modified asphalt mixture. The improving measures of the low temperature cracking resistance and the moisture stability performance of SEAM asphalt mixture is put forward by investigation on performance of SEAM aspahalt mixture.analysing the feasibility of low angularity mineral aggregate and high- wax asphalt into the pavement by evaluation on SEAM high-wax contented asphalt mixture and SEAM low angularity mineral aggregate asphalt mixture road performance. The findings of the research are as followings: 1)SEAM can prominently improve the high-temperature stability of asphalt mixture. 2)TSRST is an effective research on the low temperature cracking resistance performance of SEAM asphalt mixture.explicit fracture temperature is suggested as the director of evaluating the low temperature cracking resistance performance of SEAM asphalt mixture. The research shows that SEAM can not decrease the low temperature cracking resistance performance of asphalt mixture.increasing the doze of SEAM asphalt mixture can effectively improve the low temperature cracking resistance performance. 3)The moisture stability performance of the asphalt mixture mixed SEAM is degraded to some extent.the study shows that through increasing the doze of asphalt, adding antistripping agent and improving the mixture mold temprature can improve the moisture stability of the SEAM asphalt mixture effectively. 4)SEAM is enable to improve the road performance with low angularity mineral aggregate and high- wax asphalt, and to enlarge the applied range of these low quality materials. 5)The fatigue Test which stress control methods shows that the anti-fatigue performance of SEAM asphalt mixture is close to asphalt mixture. The evaluation and improvement of the performance of SEAM asphalt mixture is demonstrated in this paper, so that perfected SEAM asphalt mixture technique and offerred reference of the future practical application of the SEAM asphalt mixture. keywords: SEAM asphalt mixture; Road performance; Evaluation method; TSRST;Fatigue test; Performance improvement measures

... 1 1.1...1 1.1.1...1 1.1.2...1 1.1.3...2 1.2...2 1.2.1 SEAM...2 1.2.2 SEAM...3 1.3 SEAM...4 1.4...4... 7 2.1 SEAM...7 2.1.1 SEAM...7 2.2.1 SEAM...8 2.2 SEAM...9 2.3 SEAM...9 2.3.1...9 2.3.2...10 2.3.3(SEAM+)...10 2.4...10 2.4.1...10 2.4.2 SEAM...12 2.4.3...17... 18 3.1...18 3.1.1...18 3.1.2...20 3.1.3...20 3.2...21 3.2.1...21 3.2.2...22 3.2.3...22 3.2.4...23 3.3 SEAM...23 3.3.1...23

3.3.2...24 3.3.3...39 3.3.4 SEAM...41 3.3.5...45 3.4 SEAM...46 3.4.1...46 3.4.2 SEAM...47 3.5...54... 56 4.1...56 4.1.1...56 4.1.2...56 4.1.3...58 4.2.SEAM...58 4.2.1...58 4.2.2...59 4.2.3...63 4.3 SEAM...63 4.3.1...63 4.3.2 SEAM...64 4.3.3 SEAM...68 4.4...68... 70 5.1...70 5.1.1...70 5.1.2 SEAM...71...73...73 5.2.2 SEAM...75 5.2.3 SEAM...76 5.2.4 SEAM...77 5.2.5 SEAM...78 5.2.6 SEAM...79 5.2.7 SEAM...79 5.2.8 SEAM...80...80... 82

6.1...82 6.1.1...82 6.1.2...84 6.1.3...84 6.2...84 6.3...84 6.3.1...84...84 6.3.3...85 6.3.4...85 6.4...85 6.4.1 AC-13 SEAM...85 6.4.2 AC-16 SEAM...86 6.4.3 AC-20 SEAM...87 6.4.3...88 6.5...89... 90 7.1...90 7.2...91... 92... 94

1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1

SEAM 1.1.3 1.2 1.2.1 SEAM 2

1.2.2 SEAM SEAM + % = 10000 1000 R 100 Ps AR ( R 1) + APs ( R 1) L L L L () 1 3

SEAM 1.3 SEAM 1.4 4



SEAM 2.1 SEAM 2.1.1 SEAM 7

SEAM 2.2.1 SEAM 8

SEAM 2.2 SEAM ± ± 2.4 SEAM 2.3 SEAM 2.3.1 9

SEAM 2.3.2 1000 AR SEAM + % = 10000 R 100 Ps ( R 1) + APs ( R 1) 2.3.3(SEAM+) LLLL ( a ) 100 G SEAM + Asphalt = P P SEAM + G G SEAM Asphalt Asphalt L L L L L L L L L L L L ( b ) 2.4 2.4.1 10


SEAM 25,100g,5s 0.1mm 6080 62 T 0604 2000 PI --- -1.5+1.0-1.228 T 0604 2000 5cm/min10 cm 20 53 T 0605 1993 46 49 T 0606 2000 60 Pa.s 171 T 0625 2000 260 348 T 0611 1993 % 99 99.8 T 0607 1993 15 g/cm3 1.035 T 0603 1993 % 0.8 0.027 T 0609 1993 TFOT % 61 66 T 0604 2000 10 cm 6 7.5 T 0605 1993 SEAM,SEAM 2.4.2 SEAM 12

SEAM (%) (g/cm3) (KN) (mm) (%) VMA (%) VFA (%) 4.1 2.383 10.50 1.91 7.4 16.5 55.3 4.6 2.399 11.15 2.53 6.0 16.3 62.9 5.1 2.464 12.43 2.67 3.8 14.4 75.0 5.6 2.429 10.56 2.70 3.6 16.1 77.8 6.1 2.411 8.54 2.80 3.6 17.1 78.7 13


SEAM (%) (g/cm3) (KN) (mm) (%) VMA (%) VFA (%) 3.8 2.425 9.89 2.27 6.4 15 57.3 4.3 2.456 10.84 2.30 4.6 14.4 68.1 4.8 2.474 11.37 2.56 3.8 13.8 72.4 5.3 2.454 10.59 2.67 3.3 15.3 78.4 5.8 2.447 10.50 2.94 2.3 15.4 85.1 15

SEAM (%) (g/cm3) (KN) (mm) (%) VMA (%) VFA (%) 3.6 2.445 8.15 2.22 6.2 15.0 56.9 4.1 2.459 9.82 2.32 5.3 14.7 63.9 4.6 2.507 12.15 2.37 3.2 13.1 75.6 5.1 2.493 10.45 2.63 2.6 14.3 82.0 5.6 2.485 10.08 2.93 1.9 14.7 86.9 16

SEAM 2.4.3 17

SEAM 3.1 3.1.1 µε 18


SEAM 3.1.2 3.1.3 20

SEAM 3.2 3.2.1 21

SEAM 3.2.2 3.2.3 22

SEAM d σ / dt 3.2.4 d σ / dt d σ / dt d σ / dt 3.3 SEAM 3.3.1 23

SEAM d σ / dt 3.3.2 30 ± 0. 515 ± 0. 5 d σ / dt 3.1 Shell Pen60/80 AC-13 AC-16 AC-20 MPa (MPa/) 1 2.90-29.91-27.17 0.337 2 3.89-31.62-27.30 0.425 3 4.08-31.88-27.85 0.448 3.62-31.14-27.44 0.403 18.6% 3.4% 1.1% 14.5% 1 2.69-30.58-26.71 0.303 2 2.84-29.65-26.56 0.390 3 3.01-30.84-27.45 0.373 2.85-30.36-26.91 0.355 5.7% 2.1% 1.4% 13.0% 1 2.82-30.65-27.43 0.324 2 3.16-30.69-27.49 0.364 3 2.65-28.06-25.01 0.345 4 3.26-30.99-27.17 0.420 2.97-30.10-26.78 0.363 9.6% 4.5% 3.8% 11.3% 3.3 AC-13AC-16AC-20 pen60/80 24

SEAM 3.4 Pen60/80 3.5 Pen60/80 3.6 Pen60/80 3.7 Pen60/80 d σ / dt d σ / dt 3.2 Shell Pen80/100 AC-13 AC-16 AC-20 MPa (MPa/) 1 3.64-30.71-26.41 0.458 2 3.80-32.71-28.51 0.436 3 3.32-31.09-27.45 0.366 3.59-31.50-27.46 0.420 8.4% 3.4% 3.1% 11.4% 1 2.70-29.90-26.2 0.377 2 3.37-31.22-27.45 0.431 3.04-30.56-26.83 0.404 15.6% 3.1% 2.3% 9.5% 1 2.42-29.29-25.97-0.361 2 3.34-32.66-27.83-0.375 3 3.17-32.26-27.39-0.342 2.98-31.40-27.06-0.359 16.5% 5.9% 2.9% 4.6% 25

SEAM 3.8 pen80/100 3.9 pen80/100 3.10 pen80/100 3.11 pen80/100 3.12 AC-13AC-16AC-20 pen80/100 d σ / dt d σ / dt 26

SEAM SEAM AC-13 SEAM AC-16 SEAM AC-20 3.3 SEAMPen60/80 MPa (MPa/) 1 4.54-30.89-25.61-0.452 2 4.59-30.65-24.82-0.416 4.57-30.77-25.22-0.434 0.8% 0.6% 1.6% 5.9% 1 4.42-29.95-25.29-0.394 2 3.81-31.01-26.5-0.371 3 3.36-30.21-26.81-0.427 3.86-30.39-26.22-0.397 13.8% 1.8% 2.5% 7.1% 1 2.89-29.63-27.15-0.410 2 3.22-30.99-26.5-0.419 3 3.84-32.36-25.9-0.340 3.32-30.99-26.52-0.390 14.5% 4.4% 1.9% 11.1% 3.13 SEAM Pen60/80 3.14 SEAM Pen60/80 3.15 SEAM Pen60/80 3.16 SEAM Pen60/80 3.17 AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM Pen60/80 d σ / dt 27

SEAM d σ / dt 3.4 SEAMPen80/100 SEAM AC-13 SEAM AC-16 SEAM AC-20 MPa (MPa/) 1 3.75-31.01-26.35-0.394 2 3.98-31.22-25.95-0.390 3.87-31.12-26.15-0.392 4.2% 0.5% 0.8% 0.7% 1 3.36-30.21-26.81-0.427 2 3.02-29.99-25.21-0.393 3.19-30.10-26.01-0.410 7.8% 0.5% 3.1% 5.9% 1 3.59-30.82-27.69-0.386 2 3.44-30.67-27.28-0.378 3 3.87-30.63-26.98-0.412 3.63-30.71-27.32-0.392 6.1% 0.3% 1.1% 4.5% 3.18 SEAM Pen80/100 3.19 SEAM Pen80/100 3.20 SEAM Pen80/100 3.21 SEAM Pen80/100 28

SEAM 3.22 AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM Pen80/100 d σ / dt d σ / dt SBSAC-13 SBSAC-16 SBSAC-20 3.5 SBS MPa (MPa/) 1 5.68-34.74-28.87 0.353 2 5.29-34.25-31.07 0.401 3 5.37-35.03-29.99 0.489 5.45-34.67-29.98 0.414 3.8% 1.1% 3.0% 16.6% 1 4.96-32.85-29.46 0.370 2 4.89-33.87-29.53 0.475 3 3.82-32.91-27.75 0.329 4.56-33.21-28.91 0.391 14.0% 1.7% 2.8% 19.2% 1 4.73-33 -28.23 0.426 4.73-33 -28.23 0.426 29

SEAM 3.23 SBS 3.24 SBS 3.25 SBS 3.26SBS 3.27 AC-13AC-16AC-20 SBS d σ / dt d σ / dt 30

SEAM 3.6 AC-13 SEAM MPa (MPa/) SEAM Pen60/80 1 4.96-31.33-28.02-0.438 15/h SEAM Pen80/100 1 4.34-31.37-28.11-0.464 3.28 AC-13 3.29 AC-13 3.30 AC-13 3.31 AC-13 3.32 15/h AC-13 SEAM d σ / dt d σ / dt 31

SEAM 3.7 AC-13 MPa (MPa/) SEAM Pen60/80 AC-13 4.57-30.77-25.22 0.434 SEAM Pen80/100 AC-13 3.87-31.12-26.15 0.392 3.33 AC-13 3.34 AC-13 3.35 AC-13 32

SEAM 3.36 AC-13 3.37 AC-13 d σ / dt d σ / dt 33

SEAM 3.8 AC-16 MPa (MPa/) Pen60/80 AC-16 2.85-30.36-26.91 0.355 Pen80/100 AC-16 3.04-30.56-26.83 0.404 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-16 3.86-30.39-26.22 0.397 SEAM Pen80/100 AC-16 3.19-30.10-26.01 0.410 SBS AC-16 4.56-33.21-28.91 0.391 3.38 AC-16 3.39 AC-16 3.40 AC-16 34

SEAM 3.41 AC-16 3.42 AC-16 d σ / dt d σ / dt 35

SEAM 3.8 AC-20 MPa (MPa/) Pen60/80 AC-20 2.97-30.10-26.78 0.363 Pen80/100 AC-20 2.98-31.40-27.06 0.359 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-20 3.32-30.99-26.52 0.390 SEAM Pen80/100 AC-20 3.57-30.79-26.67 0.382 SBS AC-20 4.73-33.00-28.23 0.426 3.43 AC-20 3.44 AC-20 3.45 AC-20 36

SEAM 3.46 AC-20 3.47 AC-20 d σ / dt d σ / dt 37

SEAM d σ / dt 3.49 SEAM 38

SEAM 3.50 SEAM 3.493.50 pen60/80pen80/100 SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM 3.3.3 (1) d σ / dt d σ / dt (2) SEAM AC-13SEAM AC-13 SEAM AC-13 AC-16SEAM AC-16 SEAM AC-16 AC-20SEAM AC-20 SEAM AC-20 (3)SEAM SBS 39

SEAM d σ / dt AC-13AC-16AC-20 AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM SEAM ( ) 3.17 SEAM AC-20SEAM AC-13SEAM AC-16SEAM AC-20SEAM AC-13 AC-16 SEAM d σ / dt AC-16SEAM AC-20SEAM AC-13SEAM 0.6 AC-16SEAM AC-13 AC-20 AC-13SEAM d σ / dt AC-20SEAM AC-20SEAM AC-13SEAM AC-16SEAM AC-20SEAM AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 40

SEAM SBS d σ / dt AC-13AC-16AC-20 SBS AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 (4) 3.3.4 SEAM 41




SEAM 3.3.5 d σ / dt 4) d σ / dt AC-13AC-16AC-20 AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 5)SBS d σ / dt 45

SEAM AC-13AC-16AC-20 SBS AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 3.4 SEAM 3.4.1 46

SEAM 3.4.2 SEAM 3.14 SEAM Pen60/80 MPa (MPa/) AC-13 5.62-32.45-26.75 0.502 AC-16 5.56-32.05-25.88 0.439 AC-20 4.93-31.24-26.86 0.489 3.55 SEAMPen60/80 3.56 SEAM Pen60/80 3.57 SEAM Pen60/80 3.58 SEAM Pen60/80 47

SEAM 3.59 SEAM 3.59 AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM SEAM AC-16SEAM AC-13 AC-16AC-20SEAM d σ / dt AC-20SEAM AC-16SEAM AC-13SEAM AC-13AC-16AC-20 SEAM AC-13<AC-16<AC-20AC-13>AC-16>AC-20 d σ / dt d σ / dt 3.15 AC-13 MPa (MPa/) Pen60/80 AC-13 3.62-31.14-27.44 0.403 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-13 4.57-30.77-25.52 0.434 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-13 5.62-32.45-26.75 0.502 3.16 AC-16 MPa (MPa/) Pen60/80 AC-16 2.85-30.36-26.91 0.355 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-16 3.86-30.39-26.22 0.397 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-16 5.56-32.05-25.88 0.439 48

SEAM 3.17 AC-20 MPa (MPa/) Pen60/80 AC-20 2.97-30.10-26.78 0.363 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-20 3.32-30.99-26.52 0.390 SEAM Pen60/80 AC-20 4.93-31.24-26.86 0.489 3.60 AC-13 3.61 AC-13 3.62 AC-13 3.63 AC-13 49

SEAM 3.64 AC-16 3.65 AC-16 3.66 AC-16 3.67 AC-16 50

SEAM 3.68 AC-20 3.69 AC-20 3.70 AC-20 3.71 AC-20 51

SEAM 3.72 SEAM 3.73 SEAM SEAM SEAM d σ / dt 52


SEAM 3.5 d σ / dt 5) SBS 54


SEAM 4.1 4.1.1 Boiling WaterStatic ImmersionNAT Net Adsorption TestTracer Salt NAT 4.1.2 56


SEAM 4.1.3 4.2.SEAM 4.2.1 58

SEAM 4.2.2 g/cm 3 g/cm 3 % VMA% % 59

SEAM g/cm 3 g/cm 3 % VMA% % 60

SEAM g/cm 3 g/cm 3 % VMA% % 61


SEAM 4.2.3 SEAM 4.3 SEAM 4.3.1 63

SEAM 4.3.2 SEAM 64


SEAM 130 4.11 % KN VMA % % % 4.5 4 75 3.9 12.8 69.8-4.5 4 50 4.8 13.7 64.6 2.67 4.5 8 75 2.5 11.6 78.1-4.5 8 50 3.8 12.7 70.3 4.84 1406 4.12 % % % VMA% % KN 4.5 5.14 75 2.2 11.3 80.5 6.10 4.5 5.14 50 4.0 13.0 68.9 1.76 4.8 5.49 75 2.0 11.7 83.2 10.07 4.8 5.49 50 2.3 12.0 80.7 9.12 66


SEAM 4.3.3 SEAM 4.4 68


SEAM 5.1 5.1.1 (%) (%) (%) (%) 10-20 14.6 11.7 3.45 5.6 2.819 10-15 16.4 8.6 2.89 8.4 2.786 10-5 11.1 9.9 2.74 10.2 2.824 3-5 13.9 3.27 9.4 2.714 91 1.62 2.768 95 0.58 2.754 24.7 10.7 2.4 2.695 2.714 0.26% 11.7% 3.4 70

SEAM 0.1mm cm 5.1.2 SEAM 71


SEAM (%) (KN) (mm) (g/cm3) (%) VFA (%) 4.4% 8.37 31.7 2.426 4.6 73.7 4.8% 9.24 33.9 2.435 3.9 75.5 5.2% 8.45 35.5 2.428 3.6 78.6 5.5% 7.39 37.2 2.421 3.2 81.4 (kn) (0.1mm) (%) () 90# 9.24 33.9 3.9 75.5 SEAM90# 11.38 27.8 3.7 81.2 1/4 8.65 34.1 3.8 76.1 1/3 7.48 35.9 3.7 76.4 1/4 SEAM 9.43 29.4 3.7 80.9 1/3 SEAM 8.88 31.6 3.8 78.7 8.0 20~40 3~5( 4) 73


SEAM 5.2.2 SEAM 90# SEAM90# 1/4 1/3 1/4 SEAM 1/3 SEAM 90# SEAM90# 1/4 1/3 1/4 SEAM 1/3 SEAM 75

SEAM 5.2.3 SEAM 76

SEAM 90# SEAM90# 1/4 1/3 1/4 SEAM 1/3 SEAM /mm) /mm) 5.2.4 SEAM 90# SEAM90# 1/4 1/3 1/4 SEAM 1/3 SEAM µε ) µε )) 77

SEAM 5.2.5 SEAM (kn) (0.1mm) (%) () 90# 9.24 33.9 3.9 75.5 8.65 35.6 3.8 75.9 SEAM 10.3 26.4 3.8 77.9 8.0 20-40 3-5 78

SEAM 5.2.6 SEAM 90# SEAM 90# SEAM 5.2.7 SEAM 90# SEAM /mm) /mm) 79

SEAM 5.2.8 SEAM 90# SEAM µε ) µε )) 80


SEAM 6.1 6.1.1 82


SEAM 6.1.2 V"U" 6.1.3,, SEAM SEAM 6.2,,,, : Nf=k(f /) : Nf, k, n,,, n,mpa f 6.3 6.3.1 SEAM 84

SEAM 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.4 6.4.1 AC-13 SEAM AC-13 6.2 AC-13 6.3 85

SEAM 2 2 2 2 AC-13 6.3 6.4 6.3 Pen60/80 6.4 SEAMPen60/80 6.4.2 AC-16 SEAM AC-16 6.5 86

SEAM AC-16 6.6 2 2 2 2 AC-16 6.5 6.6 6.5 Pen60/80 6.6 SEAMPen60/80 6.4.3 AC-20 SEAM 87

SEAM AC-20 6.8 AC-20 6.9 2 2 2 2 6.7 Pen60/80 6.4.3 6.8 SEAMPen60/80 88

SEAM 6.5 SEAM 89

SEAM 7.1 d σ / dt SEAM 90

7.2 91



! 94