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A college centered on the highest level regional base practical education Office of International Affairs

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President message

Introduction Gimhae College is one of the As a College in the center of the city, engineering, social work, Centered on the practical education system such as health education, It is the only private college in Gimhae that cultivates diverse talents through field-oriented education. As a result, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology It is designated as "excellent college of education capacity" It was recognized externally for excellence in the first half, and based on this, We have strengthened our educational foundation. In the future, Gimhae College aims to cultivate talented professionals and healthcare professionals who contribute to the development of regional and national industries. I will do my best.

Korean Language Program Application Qualification Foreigner - Students and their parents should be foreign nationals Application Period March/september Required Documents Same as for Majoring Courses Evaluation Document screening and Interview Application Method Online application, application forms submission by mail

Admission Information Junior College Courses Application Qualification *Foreigners -Students and their parents should be foreign nationals and with educations taken outside of Korea -The applicant is required to have received entire primary and secondary {elementary, middle school, high school} educations outside of Korea Application Period march / september Required Documents -Application Form {with a photo attached} -Agreement on academic record certification, certification of financial ability, a letter of self-introduction, and statement of study plan -Letter of Recommendation from the Principal of teacher in charge 3 photos [ in size] -High School Transcript and Diploma[Original Copy] [Rotarized in Korean and English, a certificate of overseas educational institute, Apostille document of consulate certification] -An official Copy of family registration [the whole family]: notarized -A Copy of Passport, Identification cards [the whole family] -Affidavit of support[applicant's or Guarantor's Certificate of bank statement over USD 18,0000$ -Official Diploma[s] -Health Insurance of Foreign Student's Insurance Proof of certificates participation [submit after admitted] Evaluation Application Method Document screening and Interview Online application, application forms submission by mail

Departments School of Engineering Social Practice Natural Sciences Department of Health Department/School Department of Fire Safety Management Department of Mechanical and Automotive Design Department Electrical Department of Social Welfare Department of Early Childhood Education Department of Beauty care Department of Hotel Culinary Department of health Care Adminstration Department of Optics Department of Clinical Laboratory Science Department of Emergency Department of Physical Therapy Department of Nursing Year Program 2years 2years 2years 2years 3years 2years 2years 3years 3years 3years 3years 3years 4years

Scholarship & Student Welfare Free accident insurance subscription for international students Free accident insurance subscription for International students for 1 year by approximately 170,000 won / Whole school new students Enforcement activities after school Korean language trainee Sports activities or go to theater 2 times per semester after midterm/final exam with teachers Scholarship for an excellent academic record to lean Korean language trainee Scholarship conditions : students perform well academically and attendance /1 person 200,000 won Korean culture tour events more than twice a year Korean culture tour events for the entire International students[visit Korea's cultural attractions, Ski camp] / The full burden of the College Scholarship for International Convention on exchanges of school student Scholarship conditions : Schools make an agreement with the international exchange of students / Benefits : 20 percent of tuition Scholarship for Good Grades Scholarship conditions : students perform well academically and attendance Benefits : 1person 500,000 won Global Welfare Scholarship Scholarship conditions : Excellent student of Proficiency in Korean[TOPIK], Undergraduates campus and community activities well Benefits : 1 person 500,000 won

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