co - regulation 2 3 race to the bottom OFT 5 2 Frank H. Stephen and Christopher Burns Liberalization of Legal Services in Service L

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2014 2 93 co - regulation 2 3 race to the bottom 4 2001 5 OFT 5 2 Frank H. Stephen and Christopher Burns Liberalization of Legal Services in Service Liberalization in Europe Case Studies Volume 2 ed. Aymo Brunetti and Sven Michal p. 117. Berne State Secretariate for Economic Affairs 2007. 56 3 Search goods Experience goods Credence goods Darby and Karni Free Competition and the Optimal Amount of Fraud 16 Journal of Law and Economics 111-126 1973. 4 1970 George Akerlof The Market for Lemons Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism 84 Quarterly Journal of Economics 487 1970. 5 Office of Fair Trading Competition in Professions March 2001.

multidisciplinary partnerships MDPs 6 solicitors 1980 barristers high street practices 7 profession 8 6 7 Office of Fair Trading Competition in Professions March 2001 p. 82. See R. Abel The Legal Profession in England and Wales Blackwell Publishing 1988 M. Seneviratne The Legal Profession Regulation and the Consumer Sweet and Maxwell 1999. 8 See Anthony Ogus Regulation Legal Form and Economic Theory Oxford University Press 1994 p. 216 Dingwall & Lewis eds The Sociology of the Professions Macmillian 1983. 57

2014 2 93 9 10 consumer - driven 11 Ann Abrahams 12 Legal Services Authority LSA Financial Services Authority FSA 22 Law Society Bar Council The Master of the Rolls OFT 9 See R. Baldwin and M. Cave Understanding Regulation Oxford University Press 1999 pp. 126-133 See R. Baldwin M. Cave and K. Malleson Regulating Legal Services Time for the Big Bang 67 MLR 797 2004 A. Ogus Regulation Legal Form and Economic Theory Oxford University Press 1994 p. 107. 10 See R. Abel English Lawyers between Market and State The Politics of Professionalism Oxford University Press 2003 Tanina Rostain Self - regulatory Authority Markets and the Ideology of Professionalism in Baldwin Cave & Lodge eds The Oxford Handbook of Regulation Oxford University Press 2012. 58 11 See R. Baldwin M. Cave and K. Malleson Regulating Legal Services Time for the Big Bang 67 MLR 799 2004. 12 See R. Baldwin M. Cave and K. Malleson Regulating Legal Services Time for the Big Bang 67 MLR 805 2004.

2003 22 13 1 2 14 3 4 15 16 Consumer Complaints Service CCS 17 1990 1991 Legal Services Ombudsman LSO 1996 Office of the Supervision of Solicitors OSS 2000 2003 Lord Falconer 18 Legal Services Ombudsman 13 Department for Constitutional Affairs Competition and Regulation in his Legal Services Market London DCA 2003 p. 17. 14 See R. Baldwin M. Cave and K. Malleson Regulating Legal Services Time for the Big Bang 67 MLR 801 2004. 15 Sir David Clementi Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales December 2004 p. 27. 16 R. Baldwin K. Malleson M. Cave and S. Spicer Scoping Study for the Regulatory Review of Legal Services London LCD 2003 p. 21. 17 Sir David Clementi Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales December 2004 pp. 52 53. 18 See M. Seneviratne Consumer complaints and the Legal Profession Making Self - regulation Work 7 International- Journal of the Legal Profession 23 2000. 59

2014 2 93 19 2007 2006 5 24 2006 11 29 2007 5 8 2007 10 30 1 2 3 access to justice 4 5 6 7 8 1. Legal Services Board LSB approved regulators 2. 1 1 2 1 Chief Executive 3 7 10 60 19 See R. Baldwin M. Cave and K. Malleson Regulating Legal Services Time for the Big Bang 67 MLR 793 2004 Sir David Clementi Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales December 2004 p. 64.

5 5 1 6 2 3 4 staff committees 3. the Consumer Panel 4. policy statements 61

2014 2 93 1. Office for Legal Complaints OLC 2009 7 2. 1 2 6-8 5 5 committees 3. 62

4. ombudsman scheme 1. approved regulator 2007 Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA 2006 63

2014 2 93 Bar Standards Board BSB 20 2. 3. 2007 OFT Competition Commission 2007 non - ministerial departments 1973 2002 Department for Business Innovation and Skills BIS non - departmental public body 1998 2002 64 20 See Brothers In Arms http / /www. legalfutures. co. uk /blog /brothers - arms 2014 1 10

2013 Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act Competition and Markets Authority CMA 2007 CMA group 2014 4 1 1 directions 2 public censure 3 financial penalties 4 intervention directions 5 cancellation of approval Alternative Business Structures ABS 65

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