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90 12 101 134 * *

102 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

90 6 103 6 7 8 cluster of images 9 10 6 7 dialectical logical paradox paradox 8 9 10 J. Derrida trace

104 transcendent movement invisible 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14

90 6 105 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19

106 20 21 20 21

90 6 107 22 22

108 23 relatively subjective epistemology without a knowing subject 24 23 24 Karl Popper, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, (London: Oxford University Press, 1972) chap.3, pp.106-112.

90 6 109 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28

110 29 30 31 32 29 30 31 32

90 6 111 33 34 object-language meta-language 35 33 34 35

112 36 37 38 39 36 37 38 39 speculative theoretical

90 6 113 40 41 Vision form 42 40 disclosure implicit understanding pre-understanding 41 42

114 L.Wittgenstein W.V.O. Quine Tractatus Logico 43 44 43 44 Sachverhalt Sachlage

90 6 115 zeigen sich 45 46 family resemblance 47 48 45 46 L. Wittgenstein, The Blue and Brown Books, Oxford, London, 1969, p.28. 47 L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigation trans. G.E.M. Anscombe, 3rd edn New York, Macmilliam, 1958, pp.31-2. 48 W.V.O. Quine, Two Dogmas of Empiricism, in From a Logical View, 2nd edn New York: Harper and Row, 1961, p.20.

116 49 50 reductionism P. Duhem 51 52 Words and Objects affirmative stimulus meanings negative 53 indeterminacy 49 ibid., p.37. 50 ibid., p.20. 51 ibid., p.41. 52 ibid., p.42-3. 53 Quine, Word and Objec, Cambridge, Mass: M.I.T. Press, 1960, p.32.

90 6 117 54 55 56 54 55 56

118 57 58 57 58

90 6 119 59 60 61 pro-confucian 62 59 60 61 62 Chad Hansen two-differententries

120 63 64 65 discursive dimension 66 de-centralization J. Derrida difference 67 63 64 65 66 67 Dirrida difference

90 6 121 68 69 68 69

122 70! 70

90 6 123 71 72 71 72


90 6 125 73 73


90 6 127 74 75 F. Saussure J. Derrida R. Barthes (M. Heidegger) 74 75

128 76 77 76 77 Unterwegs zur Sprache Zeigen das Wesen der SpracheSprachwesen Sage Sichsagenlassen Sage Sage

90 6 129 sagen sich 78 79 78 79


90 6 131 Karl Popper, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, London: Oxford University Press, 1972. W.V.O. Quine, Two Dogmas of Empiricism, in From a Logical View, 2nd edn. New York: Harper and Row, 1961. W.V.O. Quine, Word and Object, Cambridge, Mass: M.I.T. Press, 1960. L. Wittgenstein, The Blue and Brown Books, Oxford, London, 1969. L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigation trans. G.E.M. Anscombe, 3rd edn. New York, Macmilliam, 1958. Chad Hansen


90 6 133 Language, Knowledge and Politics in Chuang-Tsu Chun-hung Lin* Abstract When we encounter Chuang-Tsu, we may find many dimensions existed. My dissertation here is that we can realize what Chuang-Tsu means linguistically. This passage intends to investigate into the written-language, epistemological and political dimensions dwelled in Chuang-Tsu. We shall discuss the relation among fable-saying, important others evaluation or saying and infinitely funnel saying intentionally used in Chuang-Tsu. Questions such as How we know and recognize?, How could knowledge be possible and valid?, How knowledge corresponds with discourses? will be discussed in the hope to find the intention of epistemology without a knowing subject embedded in Chuang-Tsu.We try to analyze also the linkage among language, epistemology and politics finally. By doing so, the poet, philosopher and political thinker Chuang-Tsu s ultimate concern about human beings reveals. And we can get what Chuang-Tsu try to express by playing a language game in the text. It will be obvious that to speak from true language and to live by obeying Tao mean the same and will no doubt guarantee the ideal restoration of the political order referring to the context of Chuang-Tsu. key words: epistemology without a knowing subject; meta-language; object-language; sagen; pro-confucian * Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University