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Adolescent Internet-use Questionnaire District Name of School Grade Date Dear students: This survey is designed to collect your information on your internet-use and to test your tendency to become addicted to the internet. This questionnaire is anonymous. To take this questionnaire, please circle the number next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you, and please answer each one of the questions. You don't have to think about it too hard or too long, there are no correct or wrong answers, and the best of all are those, who come spontaneously. Thank you for participating in this Internet-use survey! PART 1 General Information 1. Your Gender (1) Male (2) Female 2. Your birthday (mm/dd/yy) 3. You are (1) Residential students (2) Commuter students 4. Your father's educational level ⑴ Illiteracy/elementary school (2) Junior high school (3) Senior high school (4) University-level or above 5. Your mother's educational level ⑴ Illiteracy/elementary school (2) Junior high school (3) Senior high school (4) University-level or above 6. Your father's occupation (1) Workers (manufacturing, production or transport personnel) (2) Peasants (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery personnel) (3) Commercial staff (4) Financial staff (5) Teachers (6) researchers (7) Administrators (8) Doctors or nurses (9) Unemployed people (10) Others 7. Your mother's occupation (1) Workers (manufacturing, production or transport personnel) (2) Peasants (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry or fishery personnel) (3) Commercial staff (4) Financial staff (5) Teachers (6) researchers (7) Administrators (8) Doctors or nurses (9) Unemployed people (10) Others 8. Your average monthly allowance level (1) Less than 100 RMB (2) 100 to 299 RMB (3) 300 to 599 RMB (4) 600 RMB or more 1

9. Your average monthly consumption level (1) Less than 100 RMB (2) 100 to 299 RMB (3) 300 to 599 RMB (4) 600 RMB or more 10. Does your family own the house/apartment you live? (1) Yes (2) No (rent) 11. Do you have a private bedroom in your home? (1) Yes (2) No 12. Does your family have a car or not? (1) Yes (2) No 13. What s your family structure? (1) Nuclear family (only parents and children) (2) Three-generation family (parents, children and grandparents) (3) Single parent family (4) Left-behind adolescents (both parents are not with you for a long time). (5) Weekend parents. 14. Are you the only child? (1)Yes (2) No 15. Your parents' marital status (1) Married and live together (2)Married but separated (3) Divorced (4) Widowed (5) Remarried 16. How about the quality of your father-mother relationship? (1) Very good (2) Relatively good (3) General (4) Relatively bad (5) Very bad 17. How about the quality of your mother-adolescent relationship? (1) Very good (2) Relatively good (3) General (4) Relatively bad (5) Very bad 18. How about the quality of your father-adolescent relationship? (1) Very good (2) Relatively good (3) General (4) Relatively bad (5) Very bad 19. How about your parental attitude toward your Internet-use? (1) Agree (2) Relatively agree (3) General (4) Relatively disagree (5) Strongly disagree 20. What s your academic achievement level? (1) Very good (2) Relatively good (3) General (4) Relatively bad (5) Very bad 21. Does your family have computers at home? ⑴ Yes (2) No If you choose (2), please skip to the 23 th question. 22. Does your home computer have access to the Internet? ⑴ Yes (2) No 2

23. what s your usual place of using the internet? ⑴ Internet bar (2) Home (3) Residences of relatives and classmates (4) School (5) If you never use the Internet, you can end here and hand in this questionnaire to the investigator. 24. Usually, how many hours do you use internet during weekdays (from Monday to Friday) per week? (1) Less than 2 hours (2) 2 to 4 hours (3) 4 to 6 hours (4) 6 to 8 hours (5) 8 hours or more 25. Usually, how many hours do you use the internet on weekends per week? (1) Less than 2 hours (2) 2 to 4 hours (3) 4 to 6 hours (4) 6 to 8 hours (5) 8 hours or more 26. How many hours do you usually use the internet for a whole week? (1)Less than 7 hours (2) 7 to 14 hours (3)14 to 21 hours (4) 21 to 28 hours (5)28 hours or more 27. What s your main purpose of using the Internet? (1) Wandering aimlessly online (2) Only browsing news or email (3) Playing games (4) Real-time chatting (5) Academic learning PART 2 DRM-52 Scale of Internet Use in Adolescents 1. Compared with the previous time, I spend more and more time on the internet 2. When off-line, I will imagine something related with the internet. 3. When distress, anxiety, irritability, depression, I go online, then I'll feel better 4. I usually spend more time on-line than I intended. 5. I spend limited time on other entertainment activities to ensure enough time online 6. My academic learning is not affected despite that I use the internet frequently. 7. I m unsatisfied if I spend the same amount of time online as before 8. I don t care if I need to cut down the amount of the online time 3

9. When I feel depressed, moody, or nervous when off-line, these negative emotions usually go away once I m back on-line 10. I think time flies when I m online. I usually unwittingly spend more time online than I anticipated. 11. I spend less time on academic learning to ensure enough time online 12. I don t increase the frequency of using the internet. 13. I know that the excessive use of the Internet will affect my academic learning, but I still go on using the Internet. 14. I ll feel distress, anxiety, irritability or depression if I can not go online for a period of time 15. I never dream of anything related with the internet 16. Going online always make me relaxed. 17. When I m on-line and plan to use the internet "just a few more minutes, I can really do as I scheduled 18. I will do my best to get a faster Internet speed 19. I originally hope to spend very short time on-line, but later I find out that several hours have passed 20. When I want to cut down the amount of online time, I m always able to do it. 4

21. I would become restless if I go offline suddenly. 22. When I feel fatigue, I will immediately stop using the internet to have a good rest 23. The idea of going on-line always haunts me and makes me restless. 24. I cannot help thinking of what is happening online. 25 Going online can not make me feel better when I feel bad. 26. I suffer pain in the shoulder or other joint due to long periods of computer use, but I will continue using the internet in spite of the discomfort 27. I can strictly obey the schedules of using the internet made by my parents or myself. 28. Even when I feel very hungry, I will still use the internet until everything on the internet is done. 29. I have never purchased any items online for online games, such as point cards and game props 30. I am able to control the frequency of using the Internet by myself as originally planed 31. I spend more and more time to stay indoor because of using the internet. 32. When off-line, my fingers will casually or involuntarily make keyboard-typing action 33. I choose to spend more time on-line instead of going out with others. 5

34. I completely forget about the time when I m on-line. 35. I often communicate the feelings of being on-line with others. 36. I never quarrel with my parents, teachers or other elders because of their disagreement toward my internet-use. 37. I can always find something to support me to use the internet. 38. I have never been absent from school due to going online. 39. I think it unnecessary to update my computer configuration in order to go online. 40. My parents complain to me that I spend too much time online. 41. When I go off-line, I did not feel any discomfort. 42. I usually repeatedly go to the websites and forums I m interested in, and repeatedly check my e-mails during one day. 43. I usually don t go on-line when I m busy with academic learning. 44. I prefer to form new relationships with on-line fellow users instead of making face-to-face friends in real life. 45. I feel guilty when I spend much time online. 46. I prefer to use the internet when my parents are not at home, I feel more relaxed in such situation. 6

47. I prefer the excitement of the Internet to intimacy with my friends, sometime, I will miss meals or classes because of using the Internet. 48. I m not secretive when others ask me what I do on-line and how long I've been online. 49. I will not have the slightest feeling of discomfort if I don t use the Internet for a period of time 50. I hope to know what is happening online. 51. I find myself anticipating to go on-line even if I just go offline. 52. I never lose sleep due to late-night log-ins. 7

上海市青少年因特网使用情况调查 所属区县 学校名称年级填写日期 年 月 日 亲爱的同学 : 我们想了解一下您网络使用的情况, 为了保密, 此问卷不记名, 希望您不要有什么顾虑, 回答您真实的情况和想法而不必考虑他人的评价 填写问卷时请注意问卷上的说明, 用钢笔或圆珠笔在答案的题号上画 O 答毕请检查一遍, 不要漏项 占用您宝贵的时间 谢谢合作! 一 一般情况 : 1. 您的性别?( ) (1) 男 (2) 女 2. 您的出生年月 年 月 日 3. 您是否寄宿 ( ) (1) 是 (2) 否 4. 您父亲的文化程度是 :( ) ⑴ 小学及以下 ⑵ 初中 ⑶ 高中 ( 包括职高 技校 中专 ) ⑷ 大专及以上 5. 您母亲的文化程度是 :( ) ⑴ 小学及以下 ⑵ 初中 ⑶ 高中 ( 包括职高 技校 中专 ) ⑷ 大专及以上 6. 您父亲的职业是 :( ) ⑴ 工人 ( 制造 生产 运输人员 ) ⑵ 农民 ( 农林牧渔业生产人员 ) ⑶ 商业从业人员 ⑷ 金融财务 人员 (5) 教师 (6) 科技工作者 (7) 行政干部 (8) 医护人员 (9) 待业人员 (10) 其他 ( 请注明 ) 7. 您母亲的职业是 :( ) ⑴ 工人 ( 制造 生产 运输人员 ) ⑵ 农民 ( 农林牧渔业生产人员 ) ⑶ 商业从业人员 ⑷ 金融财务 人员 (5) 教师 (6) 科技工作者 (7) 行政干部 (8) 医护人员 (9) 待业人员 (10) 其他 ( 请注明 ) 8. 您父母每月给您多少零用钱?( ) ⑴100 元以下 ⑵100~299 元 ⑶300~599 元 ⑷600 元以上 9. 您自己月平均消费水平是 :( ) ⑴100 元以下 ⑵100~299 元 ⑶300~599 元 ⑷600 元以上 10. 您目前住的房子的性质是 :( ) ⑴ 家人购买的 ⑵ 租赁的 11. 您有自己独用的房间吗?( ) ⑴ 有 ⑵ 没有 12. 您家里有汽车吗?( ) ⑴ 有 ⑵ 没有 13. 您家的家庭类型 ( ) ⑴ 核心家庭 ( 仅父母和子女 ) ⑵ 三代同堂 ⑶ 单亲型 ⑷ 父母一方长期不在身边 ⑸ 仅周末和父母在一起 14. 您是否独生子女 ( ) ⑴ 是 ⑵ 不是 15. 您父母婚姻状况 ( ) ⑴ 在婚 ⑵ 分居 ⑶ 离婚 ⑷ 丧偶 ⑸ 再婚 16. 您父母关系 ( ) ⑴. 很好 ⑵. 较好 ⑶. 一般 ⑷. 较差 ⑸. 很差 17. 您与父亲的关系如何?( ) ⑴. 很好 ⑵. 较好 ⑶. 一般 ⑷. 较差 ⑸. 很差 18. 您与母亲的关系如何?( ) ⑴. 很好 ⑵. 较好 ⑶. 一般 ⑷. 较差 ⑸. 很差 19. 父母对您上网的态度?( ) ⑴. 非常赞成 ⑵. 较赞成 ⑶. 无所谓 ⑷. 较反对 ⑸. 强烈反对 20. 您的学习成绩 ⑴. 很好 ⑵. 较好 ⑶. 一般 ⑷. 较差 ⑸. 很差 8

21. 您家里有电脑吗?( ) ⑴ 有 ⑵ 没有, 若选 (2), 跳至 23 题 22. 您家里的电脑可以上网吗?( ) ⑴ 可以 ⑵ 不可以 23. 您平时上网地点在 ( ) ⑴ 网吧 ⑵ 家里 ⑶ 亲戚朋友或同学家 ⑷ 学校 (5) 从不上网, 此次问卷调查结束 24. 您周一至周五平均每日上网 ( ) ⑴ 2 小时 ⑵2~4 小时 ⑶4~6 小时 ⑷6~8 小时 ⑸8 小时以上 25. 您周六周日平均每日上网 ( ) ⑴ 2 小时 ⑵2~4 小时 ⑶4~6 小时 ⑷6~8 小时 ⑸8 小时以上 26. 您每周总上网时间 ( ) ⑴ 7 小时 ⑵7~14 小时 ⑶14~21 小时 ⑷21~28 小时 ⑸28 小时以上 27. 您上网主要是 ( ) ⑴ 无特别目的, 随便看看 ⑵ 仅新闻检索或单纯收发邮件 ⑶ 游戏 ⑷ 在线聊天 ⑸ 学习 二 DRM 青少年因特网使用情况 52 量表 1. 同以前相比, 我上网的时间越来越长了 ( ) 2. 不上网的时候, 我会幻想和上网有关的事情 ( ) 3. 当有苦恼 焦虑 烦躁 沮丧等不良感觉时, 我就上网, 这样我会感觉好一些 ( ) 4. 我上网的时间往往比计划的时间要长 ( ) 5. 为了上网, 我会减少其他娱乐的时间 ( ) 6. 尽管经常上网, 但我的学习成绩并没有下降 ( ) 7. 我上网的时间和以前相同, 但心里已经感到不满足了 ( ) 8. 减少上网的时间对我而言无所谓 ( ) 9. 当情绪低落时, 上网会使我变得心情舒畅 ( ) 10. 我觉得在网上时间过得很快, 不知不觉就超过了自己预想的时间 ( ) 11. 因为上网, 我减少了学习的时间 ( ) 12. 我上网的次数并没有增加 ( ) 9

13. 虽然知道上网会影响学习, 但我还是继续上网 ( ) 14. 如果有一段时间停止上网, 我会感到坐立不安 ( ) 15. 我从来没有梦到过关于网络的事情 ( ) 16. 我发现上网是使我心情放松的好方法 ( ) 17. 上网时, 我发现自己会想 只要再过几分钟就下线, 结果真的就做到了 ( ) 18. 我想方设法让自己的电脑上网速度更快 ( ) 19. 我决定花较短的时间上网, 但后来才发现好几个小时已经过去了 ( ) 20. 当我想减少自己上网时间的时候, 我总能做到 ( ) 21. 突然停止上网, 我就会变得烦躁不安 ( ) 22. 当我在网上感到疲劳时, 我会立刻下线休息 ( ) 23. 想上网的念头一直困扰着我, 使我烦躁不安, 因此我会去上网 ( ) 24. 我会情不自禁地想起网上发生的事情 ( ) 25. 当我觉得心情烦躁时, 即使上网也不会使我减轻这种感受 ( ) 26. 由于长时间坐在电脑旁, 我的肩或其他关节痛, 但这并不影响我继续上网 (( ) 27. 我能严格遵守父母或者自己规定的上网时间 ( ) 28. 虽然很饿了, 但我还是会把网上的事情处理完后再吃饭 ( ) 29. 我从来没有参与过网上虚拟物品的交易 ( 包括点卡 游戏道具 账号等 ) ( ) 30. 我能够有计划地控制自己的上网次数 ( ) 31. 因为上网, 我在室内呆的时间越来越长了 ( ) 32. 不上网的时候, 我的手指会随意或不随意地做出敲击键盘的动作 ( ) 10

33. 我减少了拜访朋友的时间而宁愿在网上逗留 ( ) 34. 上网后我就忘记了时间 ( ) 35. 我常常和周围人交流使用网络的心得 ( ) 36. 我从来没有因为上网的原因而与父母 老师等长辈产生过争执 ( ) 37. 我常常能找出一些理由使我更多地使用网络 ( ) 38. 我从没有因为上网而缺过课 ( ) 39. 我觉得没有必要去为使用网络而特意更新电脑配置 ( ) 40. 家人抱怨我花了太多的时间上网 ( ) 41. 当我从网上离开时, 我并没有不舒服的感觉 ( ) 42. 一天中我常会多次查看自己感兴趣的网站 论坛以及自己的电子邮箱 ( ) 43. 学习很忙时我就不会上网了 ( ) 44. 比起面对面地与人交流, 我更愿意在网上与人交流 ( ) 45. 我对自己上网所花的时间感到内疚 ( ) 46. 我会趁家人不在家时上网, 这样我感觉比较轻松 ( ) 47. 我会因上网错过吃饭 上课或与同学在一起的时间 ( ) 48. 我没有向任何人隐瞒过我上网的实际情况 ( 包括在线时间 上网次数等 ) ( ) 49. 即使减少或者停止上网一段时间, 我也不会因此有丝毫不适的感觉 ( ) 50. 不上网的时候, 我很想知道网上发生的事情 ( ) 51. 下线几个小时后我就又想上网了, 其实才过了很短的时间 ( ) 52. 我从来不会通宵上网 ( ) 11