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Ref. LCS1703131650S page 1 of 5 锂电池特殊规定 188 No.: LCS1703131650S 海运运输条件鉴别报告书 Identification and Classification Report for Sea Transport of Goods 本报告本年度有效有效期至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 委托单位 : Client 深圳市华彩源科技实业有限公司 Shenzhen Huacaiyuan S&T Industrial Co., Ltd. 委托方地址 : Add. Of Client 深圳市宝安区石岩街道光明路 21 号厂房三楼 3/F, No. 21 Guangming Road, Shiyan Sub district, Bao an District, Shenzhen China 物品名称 : Name of Goods 锂离子聚合物电池 PL601245 Li ion Polymer Battery PL601245 签发日期 : Issued Date: 2017.03.16 深圳立讯检测股份有限公司

Ref. LCS1703131650S page 2 of 5 报告书使用约定 Terms of the Using of the Report l. 本公司依据委托人 ( 托运人或其代理人 ) 提供的物品及其运输信息, 确定货物的运输条件并出具此报告书 The report is issued by LCS according to the information of the goods and the information of its shipping provided by the applicant (shipper or his agent). 2. 依据鉴别的需要, 本公司要求委托人提供真实 完整的货物样品及资料 According to the demanded of identification and classification, LCS requires the applicant to provide true and exact sample and data of the cargo. 3. 委托人保证申报的物品 / 或提供的样品与交运的货物是同一种物质 The applicant guarantees that the declared goods and/or the sample who provides should be identical with the contents of cargo that is to be transported. 4. 本公司仅对样品的鉴别结果负责 LCS is only responsible for the identification and classification of the sample provided by the applicant. 5. 本报告书经主检员 审批人和批准人签字并加盖本公司印章后生效 This report will be effective only after is signed by inspector, checker and approver, and stamped by LCS. 6. 未经本公司书面批准, 不得部分复制本报告 The partially duplicating of this report is prohibited without the written approval of LCS. 7. 私自转让 复制 盗用 冒用 涂改 或以任何媒体形式篡改的报告书无效 The report is invalid when anything of the following happens-illegal transfer, reproduce, embezzlement, obliterate, modification or tampering in any media form. 8. 报告书仅在本年度有效 This report is only valid within the year.

Ref. LCS1703131650S page 4 of 5 物品名称 Name of Goods 项目编号 Item No. 中文 Chinese 英文 English LCS1703131650S 锂离子聚合物电池 PL601245 Li ion Polymer Battery PL601245 鉴别项目名称 Item 该电池额定瓦特小时数为 1.1Wh Watt hour rating of the battery is 1.1Wh 该电池已通过 UN38.3 测试 Each battery is of a type proved to meet the Requirements of each test in the UN MANUAL OF TESTING AND CRITERIA, Part lll, sub section 38.3 电池按照规定的质量管理体系进行制造 Batteries be manufactured under a quality management programmer. 该锂电池不属于召回电池, 不属于废弃和回收电池 The lithium batteries don't belong to batteries returned to the manufacturer for safety reasons, are not waste lithium batteries and not lithium cells being shipped for recycling or disposal. 通过包装件 1.2 米跌落试验 Each package is capable of withstanding a 1.2m drop test in any orientation 每个包装件上均有锂电池操作标签 每票货物均有随附文件说明 : 包装件内装锂离子电池 : 必须小心操作 如包装件破损, 有易燃危险品 ; 包装件破损时应采取的特殊措施, 包括必要时的检查和重新包装 : 应急电话号码 Each package is labeled with lithium battery handing label. Each consignment is accompanied with a document with an indication that: The package contains lithium ion batteries; The package must be handled with care,and that a flammability hazard exists if the package is damaged; Special procedures should be followed in the event the package is damaged, to include inspection and repacking if necessary; and A telephone number for additional information 检查结果 Inspection Result 20 Wh

Ref. LCS1703131650S page 5 of 5 图片 PHOTO