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1 学校编码 :10384 分类号密级 学号 : UDC 博士学位论文 斯里兰卡与古代斯里兰卡与古代中国海洋 文化关系的考古学研究 Maritime Cultural Interaction between Sri Lanka and China- Based on Archaeological Artifacts of both Countries Gamini Ranasinghe 指导教师姓名 : 吴春明教授 专业名称 : 考古学及博物馆学 论文提交日期 : 年 4 月 论文答辩时间 : 年 4 月 学位授予日期 : 年 5 月 答辩委员会主席 : 评阅人 :

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5 CERTIFICATE This to certify that the thesis (dissertation) entitled Maritime cultural interaction between Sri Lanka and China- Based on archaeological artifacts of both countries Submitted by Gamini Ranasinghe is the result of his own hard work carried out under my supervision. This Dissertation in part or whole has not been submitted to any university or institiution for the similar Degree. I am pleased to recommend this dissertation for evaluation by examiners for the award of Doctor of Philosophy. Date: Professor Wu Chunming


7 Abstract Abstract Sri Lanka is situated in the strategic geographical location that linked with maritime network East and West in the Indian Ocean. The island has been subjected to get foreign attraction from the prehistoric time and engaged with maritime functions with the outer world. According to the location of the country, mariners had to touch the ports of Sri Lanka when they were sailing in the Indian Ocean for the exchange and trans-shipping of cargo and acquire of supplies needed by the marines and passengers in their long distance voyages. In addition, gems, pearls, tusks, muslin, conch and turtle shells, medicine, spices, water and Buddhism appeared as the special reason for the visiting of mariners and passengers to the ports of Sri Lanka. The topic of the study named Maritime cultural interaction between Sri Lanka and China- Based on archaeological artifacts of both countries is focused to the investigation of maritime cultural interaction between Sri Lanka and China in the last two millenniums. The diplomatic relations of two countries increased in the fifth century and developed the maritime trade relations from the eight-century AD using Sri Lankan port as the trans-shipping centers for the Chinese merchandise. Eventually China became the main partner of Sri Lankan maritime economy. Due to the close relationship numbers of Chinese artifacts like, ceramic, coins, tiles, Silk, epigraphs and inscriptions and other cultural materials as well as intangible heritage had saved in the island. Archaeological artifacts found in seaports and inland site of Sri Lanka are studying concerning its context relating to the site. Stratification and content of the layers of the sites are highly used for the chronology of Chinese contacts through maritime culture. The study is mainly based on Chinese artifacts found in Sri Lanka from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty for the discussing of Sino-Sri Lanka maritime cultural interaction according to the dynastical order of China. The study is concerning for the chronology, distribution of artifacts, the type of the exchanges maritime trend that activated time to time with the ports and capitals of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan cultural remains in China are more important for the history of Sri Lanka because the most of evidence has still not discussed in the academic field of the country. Art and architecture in Buddhist and Hindu temples, inscriptions, tombs and I

8 Abstract ethnographical remains in China is representing the cultural interaction between China and Sri Lanka at least from the Yuan Dynasty. Siva temple in Quanzhou that built in thirteen century is noted in similar style of Sri Lankan Siva temple, built by Cholas in South India. Then art and architecture detect the cultural interaction in the twelve-thirteen centuries between Sri Lanka and China. There is new route for the academic research on the Sino-Sri Lanka cultural relations based on the discussed tangible and intangible heritages. For example, Shi family, their life style, social states, and family cemetery in Quanzhou, South China is very important archaeological and ethnological evidence to draw the historical line from China to Sri Lanka in the Ming Dynasty. Specially, Sri Lankan royal family in Quanzhou has disappeared in the history of Sri Lana and therefore; the study is contributing to explore the missing royal family in the kingdom of Kotte, Sri Lanka in the Ming Dynasty. Southeast Asian role was more affected for the Sino-Sri Lanka maritime connection in the long distance sea route because both of the parties should have crossed the several ports in Southeast Asia for the exchange and acquired the needs. Maritime market of Southeast Asia was very wide and linked with numbers of trade routes to Europe, Middle East, South and East Asia. Monsoon and natural current networks in the region have made the importance for development of maritime culture. Eventually, Southeast Asian policies, treatments, trade networks, diamond and supply were highly affected to the Sri Lankan maritime economy and then the kings of Sri Lanka made ties with the region through trade, Buddhism, marriage and diplomatic missions. Sri Lankan typed pagoda, Buddha and Bodhisattva image influenced to Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Java and Sumatra as well as architectural tradition of those countries received into Sri Lanka. Specially, cultural interaction between Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia highly developed from twelve century to fourteen century. The study focused to the archaeological evidence found in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia to explore cultural interaction that made through maritime routes and the role of Southeast Asia for maritime relation between Sri Lanka and China. Historical evidence is playing a main role for the basement of the study for interpretation of archaeological materials found in Sri Lanka and China that relating to the maritime culture. The impotence of the geographical location, ports, monsoon, current and maritime economy, Buddhism are studying by giving main attention for the role of Sri II

9 Abstract Lanka that played role with the Chinese maritime economy in the Silk Road of the sea in the Indian Ocean from Han Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. Key words: Maritime culture, Sri Lanka, China, Southeast Asia, Artifacts III

10 摘要 摘要 海上斯里兰卡和中国之间的关系可以追溯到公元一世纪, 双方都明白密切关系 对两国之间的海上贸易和在该地区政治稳定的重要性 两国创造交流的良好环境, 在历史上保留了珍贵的遗迹 本研究主要基于在两个国家发现的考古文物探讨斯里 兰卡和中国的海洋文化关系 本研究 斯里兰卡和中国海洋文化关系 主要指从公元一世纪到十五世纪, 还包括至二十世纪两国之间重要的海洋文化交流 斯里兰卡位于亚洲海上运输的中心航线上, 在印度洋的航海 贸易 商业和宗教传播具有战略地位 它的港口对参与海上活动发挥了关键的作用 中国的历史文献也记载了与斯里兰卡的往来历史悠久 中国与斯里兰卡的贸易往来可以追溯到公元一世纪, 第五世纪逐渐发展, 到了六世纪后随着造船技术发展 中国国际海上贸易增多, 中国和斯里兰卡交流密切和海上活动增长迅猛 中国有形和无形的遗产已在斯里兰卡沉淀数千年, 不少考古文物 历史资料 飘洋过海来到中国扎根泉州的世家这些都显示出历史上斯里兰卡和中国建立了密切的关系 除了由于斯里兰卡地理位置重要, 宗教和灵活的外交政策也是中国等国与斯里兰卡往来密切的主要原因 世氏家族是自十五世纪以来中斯关系研究一个非常重要 活文物, 他们消失在斯里兰卡历史记载上, 这项研究应该可以填充斯里兰卡历史上的空白 许多考古学家 历史学家研究考古文物和历史资料来探讨中斯两国关系 一般 来说, 中国学者关注中国已有的相关资源而斯里兰卡学者也是利用本国的资源, 由 于语言障碍, 两国之间的相互研究和调查非常有限 本课题的特点在于从考古角度, 调查研究两国出土文物, 梳理历史上中斯海上文化交流, 其次将研究建立在对比目标国家考古遗存, 建立时间框架, 采取多学科相结合的方法推进中斯海上文化活动研究的深入 ; 重点在于通过研究斯里兰卡发现的中国文物和在中国发现的斯里兰卡相关文物, 通过吸收考古资料 港口资料 文献资料 收集博物馆资料 东南亚地区海上交通资料等多种资料, 进行实地研究考察, 从多角度对中斯文化交流进行综合性探讨, 主要文物有出土陶瓷 出土硬币 碑铭 石刻 佛塔建筑 印度教 IV

11 摘要 寺庙 泉州发现的墓碑 佛像, 充分揭示中斯海上文化交流历史悠久, 具有海洋性特征 中斯关系的学术史可以追溯到 19 世纪末期 在斯里兰卡学术史初期, 中斯关系研究主要参考历史文献 后期, 学者从佛教传播 出土文物 地理位置来分析中 斯关系 斯里兰卡历史文献记载中国是一个非常重要的国家, 对斯里兰卡经济 政 治 社会 文化和宗教等多个方面有较大的影响 中国学者同样也关注中斯关系, 重点从郑和下西洋, 丝绸之路, 世家等角度来探索两国之间的往来 由于迄今还未有从考古文物看中国和斯里兰卡海上文化交流的相关学术研究, 所以本课题试图主要基于考古材料来探讨中斯文化交流, 揭示其具有海洋性特征, 另外两国的艺术 建筑 发现的泰米尔语碑铭 佛教传播 印度教石刻和雕塑也是研究中斯关系的重要方面, 例如在中国发现的印度教雕塑同斯里兰卡波隆纳鲁伐王朝的印度教雕塑类似, 因此笔者从史料和考古文物来探索斯里兰卡自史前到十六世纪的海上活动 本文主要分为六章, 内容如下 : 第一章提出了研究的背景 研究方法和本课题的学术研究史 由于其地理优势, 历史上斯里兰卡在印度洋贸易 宗教传播 航海扮演着重要的角色, 直接影响了中国 东南亚国家海上活动, 具有研究意义 在过去的几十年有许多研究从宗教信仰和外交任务探讨了历史上两国关系, 少数学者探讨船舶 贸易 港口 海上航线和船用设备并提及中国和斯里兰卡之间的来往, 但很少从出土文物如硬币 陶瓷和碑铭进行研究中斯海上文化交往 前人学术成果都有助于本文对中斯海上文化关 系展开研究 第二章介绍了斯里兰卡的中国文物, 并对出土文物遗址进行调查研究 在过去的一个世纪里, 在斯里兰卡发现了大量的中国文物, 唐 宋 元 明 请时期的瓷器, 上千枚硬币 布施锡兰山佛寺碑 等, 大部分是在海港遗址和内陆寺庙遗址被发现, 现保存在博物馆或古玩店, 都显示出中斯海洋关系密切 第三章主要探讨在中国发现的斯里兰卡文物 泉州发现的佛教和印度教考古遗存, 显示了中国 印度和斯里兰卡文化交流, 研究范围主要有湿婆神庙遗迹 泉州海上交通博物馆的藏品 开元寺 天后宫 白狗庙, 世家祖宅和泉州世家坑 厦门 V

12 摘要 大学人类学博物馆的藏品等, 多处遗迹及多件文物显示了历史上的中斯海洋文化交流 第四章呈现斯里兰卡和东南亚的关系 自公元一世纪起, 东南亚地区对中斯之间的长距离航线发挥很重要的作用 斯里兰卡和中国距离相距约 3800 公里, 两个 国家之间的长途航行及复杂的环境使得两个国家之间的直航需要停经东南亚港口, 在东南亚国家发现了很多有中国色彩和斯里兰卡色彩的遗迹, 包括碑文 绘画和佛 塔建筑等, 充分证明其对中斯海洋文化交流的桥梁作用 第五章从历史文献中记录的政治 外交和佛教传播等角度讨论中国和斯里兰卡的海上文化关系, 主要按中国历史朝代的秩序从有记录的公元一世纪到清朝进行讨论 斯里兰卡因其地理位置和海洋环境, 作为货物转运中心和交易中心, 促进印度洋海上贸易, 其地理位置 战略性和历史意义第六章是本课题的总结部分和可进一步研究的方向 中斯交往始于公元一世纪, 在第五世纪发展教快 唐 宋王朝与斯里兰卡建立了稳固的海上关系, 元朝继续保持佛教和政治方面的交流, 明代对斯里兰卡政治影响较大, 两国之间政治交往密切, 派外交使臣互访 关键词 : 海洋文化, 斯里兰卡, 中国, 东南亚, 考古文物 VI

13 Content Pages Abstract (English).I Abstract (Chinese)....IV Content pages.vii Abbreviations.XI List of figures and tables.xii Chapter One 1.1. Introduction Background of the study Objectives of the study The academic history of the study Research methodology and working route..22 Chapter Two Archaeological investigation in Sri Lanka relate to maritime culture of China 2.1. The investigation, excavation and chronological materials The stratigraphy, identification, dating and chronology of artifacts The typological analyze of the material culture heritage Epigraphs on Chinese ceramics Tiles and raw materials Vajra Multitude collections of Chinese coins in Sri Lanka Inscriptions and Epigraphs Other artifacts Art and architecture 126 Chapter Three Archaeological investigation in China relate to maritime culture of Sri Lanka 3.1. The investigation and chronology of the archaeological materials The research of the Shi family tomb sites The content of the tombstones in Quanzhou and Taiwan Dating and identification of Shi tombs and the relation with Sri Lanka The information of the pedigree of Shi clan,,, The identification of stone carving with Buddhism and Indian religion Tamil-Chinese bilingual inscription in Quanzhou Chapter Four Maritime cultural interaction between Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka 4.1. The importance of Southeast Asia for Sino-Sri Lanka relations VII

14 Content Pages 4.2. The investigation and dating of maritime cultures of Southeast Asian in Sri Lanka The art and architectures showing the maritime cultural interaction between Sri Lankan and Southeast Asia The historical information of the inscriptions from Sri Lanka Artifacts of Southeast Asian type in Sri Lanka Discussion on the maritime cultural interaction between Sri Lankan and southeast Asia with historical records.224 Chapter Five The history of Sino-Sri Lanka maritime cultural interactions 5.1. Historical records for Sino-Sri Lanka cultural interaction The geographical and marine environment of Sri Lanka in Indian Ocean The geographical location of Sri Lanka in Indian Ocean and the seaports of Sri Lanka The Monsoon and current of Indian Ocean and the nautical routes connect with Sri Lanka in ancient time History of development of maritime activities of Sri Lanka (Sri Lankan maritime chronology to 1500 AD) Maritime economy Buddhism and maritime culture 268 Chapter Six Summery and conclusion..272 Appendix.279 Reference Published articles during the study of doctoral degree Acknowledgment 304 VIII

15 Content Pages 摘要 ( 英文 )..I 摘要 ( 中文 IV 目录...VII 缩略词.XI 图表目录...XII 第一章 1.1 引言 研究背景 学术目标 学术史回顾 研究方法与思路...22 第二章 斯里兰卡发现的中国海洋文化遗存 2.1 调查 发掘与编年 文化遗存的地层 内涵与年代 物质文化遗存的类型学分析 中国瓷器上的款识 琉璃装饰品与原料来源 金刚 中国钱币 碑刻和铭文 其他文化遗物 艺术品与建筑物 第三章 中国发现的斯里兰卡海洋文化遗存 3.1. 考古发现与编年 世家坑遗址研究 泉州和台湾发现的世家族墓碑 世家坑的年代 族属及与斯里兰卡的关系 世家族谱的线索 佛教与印度教石刻研究 泉州泰米尔人石碑研究 第四章东南亚与斯里兰卡的海洋文化交流 4.1. 东南亚在中 - 斯海洋文化交流中的地位 IX

16 Content Pages 4.2. 斯里兰卡发现的东南亚海洋文化遗存及年代 艺术品与建筑物上的斯里兰卡与东南亚海洋文化交流信息 斯里兰卡碑刻上的文字记载 斯里兰卡文化遗存中的东南亚风格 文献记载中的斯里兰卡与东南亚海洋文化交流 第五章 中国和斯里兰卡海洋文化史 5.1. 中 - 斯文化交流的文献记载 斯里兰卡地理概况与海洋环境 斯里兰卡的地理位置与港市分布 印度洋海洋环境及与斯里兰卡有关的古代航海路线 斯里兰卡海洋文化发展史 ( 公元 1500 年之后 ) 海洋经济发展 佛教传播与海洋文化 第六章结语 附录 参考文献 研究生期间发表的论文 致谢 X

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