课程大纲 时间 课时 主题 阅读 1 月 5 日晚间 1 2 旧约是什么? 旧约的故事 透析 1 章 1 月 6 日上午 创世记 1-11 章创世记 章出埃及记第一部分 透析 4 章, 创 1-11 透析 5 章, 创 透析 6 章, 出 月 6 日

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1 注册截止日期 : 2018 年 9 月 8 日 提摩太国际教育协会旧约导论课程介绍 2019 年 1 月 5-12 日 教授 : 丹尼尔 海斯博士, 美国沃希托浸会大学圣经研究教授课程编号 : /OT5000 课程学分 : 3 学分 课程注册要求 1. 旧约导论和新约导论是所有 2019 年 1 月之后开始学位课程之学员的基础课程 若您尚不确定自己是否会进入学位课程, 但有兴趣对旧约和新约进行全面了解, 我们也强烈推荐您选修这两门导论课 2. 本课程以学分学员为主, 亦开放少量旁听名额 ; 其中学分学员需完成所有课程作业, 合格者将获得相应学分 ; 旁听学员无需完成任何书写作业, 但需完成圣经文本及指定课本的阅读要求, 以达到参课最大收效 3. 作业的书写不可以有任何 抄袭 的行为, 必须用自己的文字表达 课程描述本课程将介绍旧约的文学 历史 文化和神学维度, 特别关注它为整个圣经故事所奠定的重要基础, 并如何导致主耶稣基督的降临 教会和末世 本课程将逐一分析和讨论旧约里的每一卷书, 关注每一卷书对圣经整体信息的贡献 课程目标 1. 学生将了解旧约中每一卷书的内容, 认识这卷书与旧约其他部分的关系, 以及它与圣经神学和基督教信仰之间的关系 2. 学生将获得关于旧约基本主题的应用性知识 3. 学生将获得关于旧约各类文体诠释方法的入门知识 指定阅读比尓 阿诺德和布赖恩 拜尔 文子梁译 ( 旧约 ) 沃尔特 埃尔韦尓和罗伯特 亚伯勒 李爱明译 ( 新约 ) 圣经透析 : 全方位研读 ( 综合版 ) 香港 : 汉语圣经协会,2017 ( 以下简称 透析 ) 丹尼尔 海斯和斯科特 杜瓦尔 圣经释经之旅 : 阅读 诠释和应用圣经的实用指南 世界 e 家翻译小组译 上海 : 同济大学出版社,2015 ( 只阅读第 19 章 律法书,20 章 诗歌,21 章 先知书 和 22 章 智慧书 )( 以下简称 释经之旅 )

2 课程大纲 时间 课时 主题 阅读 1 月 5 日晚间 1 2 旧约是什么? 旧约的故事 透析 1 章 1 月 6 日上午 创世记 1-11 章创世记 章出埃及记第一部分 透析 4 章, 创 1-11 透析 5 章, 创 透析 6 章, 出 月 6 日下午 出埃及记第二部分利未记 民数记 出 透析 7 章, 利 1-5, 10, 16, 19, 透析 8 章, 民 3-4, 6-9, 12-14, 20-25, 31 1 月 7 日上午 申命记如何诠释旧约律法约书亚记 透析 9 章, 申 1-34 释经之旅 19 章 透析 11 章, 书 1-14, 月 7 日下午 士师记和路得记撒母耳记上撒母耳记下 透析 12 章, 士 1-21, 得 1-4 透析 13 章, 撒上 1-31 透析 14 章, 撒下 1-24, 释经之旅 18 章 1 月 8 日上午 列王记上列王记下历代志上 下 透析 15 章, 王上 1-22 透析 16 章, 王下 1-25 透析 17 章, 代上 10-22, 28-29, 代下 1-12, 15-18, 24-25, 月 9 日上午 以斯拉记和尼希米记如何阅读旧约诗歌诗篇 透析 18 章, 拉 1-10, 尼 1-13 释经之旅 20 章 透析 21 章, 诗篇共分五卷 : 卷一 ( 诗 1-41), 卷二 ( 诗 42-72), 卷三 ( 诗 73-89), 卷四 ( 诗 ), 卷五 ( 诗 ) 从每一卷中选出至少十篇诗歌, 进行阅读 1 月 9 日下午 智慧书箴言约伯记 释经之旅 22 章 透析 22 章, 箴 1-22, 31 透析 20 章, 伯 1-9, 13, 23, 27-31, TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 2 / 16 页

3 1 月 10 日上午 先知书概述以赛亚书 1-39 章 以赛亚书 章 释经之旅 21 章 透析 25 章, 赛 1-14, 23, 31,35-39 透析 26 章, 赛 月 10 日下午 耶利米书 1-20 章耶利米书 章, 耶利米哀歌以西结书 1-24 章 透析 27 章, 耶 1-20 透析 28 章, 耶 21-45, 哀 1-2 透析 29 章, 结 月 11 日上午 以西结书 章 但以理书何西阿书, 约珥书, 阿摩司书 透析 30 章, 结 27-28, 33-34, 36-40, 43, 透析 31 章, 但 1-12 透析 32 章, 何 1-3, 11,14 珥 1-3, 摩 1-5, 月 11 日下午 从俄巴底亚书到西番雅书 哈该书, 撒迦利亚书, 玛拉基书 总结回顾与问答 透析 33 章, 拿 1-4, 弥 1-7, 哈 1-3, 番 1-3 透析 34 章, 该 1-2, 亚 1-7, 9, 玛 1-4 小组讨论问题 : 1 月 6 日 : 创世记 - 民数记 1. 创世记 1-2 章 ( 创世故事 ) 对基督教信仰有重要性? 为什么圣经要从创世故事开始? 2. 在上帝与亚伯拉罕所立的约中 ( 创世记 12,15,17 章 ), 上帝对亚伯拉罕有什么应许? 又有什么要求? 3. 在创世记第 37 章, 约瑟的哥哥们把约瑟卖去做奴隶 然而在创世记第 45 章, 他原谅了他们 为什么约瑟能原谅他的哥哥们? 如果是你, 你能原谅他们吗? 4. 出埃及记第 2 章 24 节说 : 上帝纪念他与亚伯拉罕所立的约 这约与出埃及记的开始几章有什么关系? 5. 在出埃及记第 3 6 和 19 章中, 上帝几次向摩西显现 这些显现与上帝在创世记中向亚伯拉罕 以撒和雅各的显现有什么不同? 6. 在出埃及记第 19 章中, 以色列与上帝的相遇跟此后人们在会幕里 ( 和后来在圣殿里 ) 与上帝相遇有什么相似之处? 7. 出埃及记 章和 章的许多内容是在讲如何建造会幕 为什么会幕如此重要? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 3 / 16 页

4 8. 利未记中的礼仪是如何与会幕中上帝的临在关联起来的? 9. 利未记中所描述的献祭如何帮助我们理解耶稣基督的牺牲? 10. 在民数记里, 你认为以色列人为什么拒绝进入应许之地? 他们的后果怎样? 1 月 7 日 : 申命记 - 撒母耳记下 1. 在申命记 28 章里, 若以色列人顺服和信守盟约, 则上帝有什么应许? 若以色列人不顺服和背弃盟约, 则上帝有什么誓言? 祝福部分和警告部分哪一个比较长? 你认为为什么会是这样? 2. 阅读利未记 23:22, 使用 释经之旅 中所说的 释经旅程 来讨论如何解释和应用这一节经文 3. 阅读利未记 26:1, 使用 释经之旅 中所说的 释经旅程 来讨论如何解释和应用这一节经文 4. 在约书亚记 1 章里, 上帝命令约书亚做什么? 这些命令对今天的教会领袖有什么意义? 约书亚的处境与你今天领导教会的处境有什么相同和不同? 5. 讨论喇合和亚干的相似点和不同点 ( 约书亚记 2 章,6-7 章 ) 他们的故事与紧接着的征服迦南地有什么关系? 6. 士师记如何与约书亚记形成对比? 7. 根据起初在申命记中上帝给以色列人的命令和应许, 讨论士师记结尾部分 ( 士 章 ) 的重要意义 8. 路得记与士师记有什么不同? 9. 比较扫罗和大卫 ( 撒母耳记上 ), 大卫在哪些方面比扫罗更好? 10. 讨论撒母耳记下 章中大卫的衰落 从大卫在撒母耳记下 章里的糟糕行为中, 我们能学到哪些教训? 1 月 9 日 : 列王记上 - 雅歌 1. 读申命记 17:14-20 和列王记上 10:14-11:13 讨论和评价所罗门的统治 他是一个好王还是一个坏王? 我们今天作为基督徒领袖, 能从所罗门的生活和统治中学到什么经验教训? 2. 请从列王记上 17 章到列王记下 8 章中, 找出以利亚和以利沙行了哪些神迹 讨论耶稣基督所行的神迹与这些神迹有什么相同和 / 或不同 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 4 / 16 页

5 3. 在申命记的结尾, 当以色列人即将进入应许之地时, 他们面前的大问题是 : 他们是否会遵照上帝在申命记中给他们的要求 ( 摩西之约 ) 去做? 列王记上和列王记下如何回答这个问题? 4. 阅读尼希米在尼希米记 1 章里的祷告 他祈祷的是什么? 他忏悔谁的罪? 5. 讨论尼希米的领导能力 在 做出计划和决定 与 信靠上帝 这两者之间, 他是如何平衡的? 6. 在尼希米记结束的时候, 耶路撒冷的情形如何?( 即尼希米记 13 章中的描述 ) 上帝的同在是否回到了圣殿, 恢复了以色列? 7. 分享你最喜爱的一个诗篇 朗读这首诗并谈谈 : 你为什么喜爱它? 你如何从它得着力量? 8. 分享你最喜欢的一句箴言, 谈谈你 : 为什么喜爱它? 它有什么意义? 9. 约伯记 传道书和雅歌与我们如何解读箴言有何关联? 1 月 10 日 : 以赛亚书 - 玛拉基书 1. 讨论先知书的三个要点和三个主要的控告 这三个 ( 针对犹大和以色列罪行 ) 的主要控告, 在你的文化和处境中如何表现出来? 我们从这三项指控 ( 偶像崇拜, 社会不公, 仪式化的宗教 ) 中认识到上帝是怎样的上帝? 他对我们有什么要求? 2. 读以赛亚书 1 章 在这一章中, 上帝对以色列有哪些指责? 上帝要对他们采取什么行动? 3. 讨论以赛亚书 6 章中以赛亚的呼召 当时他在哪里? 发生了什么事? 上帝对他说了什么, 他是如何回应的? 对比耶利米书 1 章中耶利米的呼召, 两人的呼召有什么不同? 接下来讨论以西结书 1-3 章中以西结的呼召 当时他在哪里? 他看到了什么? 上帝让这三位先知分别向他们的人民宣告什么信息? 4. 读以赛亚书 52:13-53:12, 即以赛亚最后的 仆人之歌 讨论耶稣基督以怎样的方式实现了这个预言? 5. 读耶利米书 7 章 耶利米宣告这些话时, 他身在何处? 他指责耶路撒冷的人民做了什么? 他在 7 章 10 节中用了 贼窝 一词, 他这样说是什么意思? 这一段是在警告审判和圣殿被毁吗? 耶稣也曾引用过 贼窝 一词, 他这样说的上下文语境是什么? 耶稣这样说是什么意思? 6. 读耶利米书 31:31-34 为什么犹大需要一个 新约? 这个 新约 和 旧的摩西之约 有什么相同和不同? 新约中哪里提到了这个新立的约? 希伯来书 8-10 章对耶利米书所说的 新约 有什么看法? 7. 在以西结书 8 章中, 耶路撒冷的人们在做什么? 在以西结 8 章和 10 章中, 上帝做了什么来作为回应? 讨论 上帝的临在 在旧约中的 历史, 即从伊甸园到会幕, 再到圣殿, 直到以西结书 8-10 章中上帝的离开 上帝的临在 在新约中又如何? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 5 / 16 页

6 课前作业 ( 占总成绩 60%): 1. 线上研讨会 (10%) 参加以下时间的两次线上研讨会, 每次出席占 5% 迟到 10 分钟以上视作缺席 第 1 次线上研讨会 :2018 年 9 月 19 日 ( 周三 ) 北京时间晚 8:00-9:30 第 2 次线上研讨会 :2018 年 11 月 7 日 ( 周三 ) 北京时间晚 8:00-9:30 2. 阅读 (15%) 圣经 : 阅读课程介绍指定旧约书卷的各章 (6%) 课本 : 阅读 圣经透析 中指定的各章 (6%) 补充阅读 : 阅读 释经之旅 中指定的四章 (3%) 请于 2018 年 12 月 15 日前, 根据提供的模板上交阅读声明 ( 说明完成了多少阅读及使用了多少时间 ) 3. 写作与互评 (35%):( 延迟或不提交作业的学员不能参予互评, 该作业将视作零分 ; 提交作业但不参予互评的学员, 该作业亦将得零分, 没有例外 ) 完成阅读后, 为每卷旧约书卷撰写一段 字的小结 ( 撒母耳记 列王记 历代志皆视为一卷, 以斯拉 - 尼希米记也视为一卷 ; 虽然指定阅读没有包括雅歌和传道书, 仍请为这两卷书撰写小结 ), 总共应有 35 个小结 ( 每个小结 1%) 书卷 小结数量 写作提交日期 互评提交日期 从创世记到约书亚记 从士师记到历代志下 从以斯拉记到雅歌 从以赛亚书到但以理书 从何西阿书到弥迦书 从那鸿书到玛拉基书 课后作业 ( 占总成绩 40%): 1. 讲道 (20%) 从下列经文中挑选一段深入研究, 并做一次释经讲道 出埃及记十九章 申命记六章 1 9 节 ; 约书亚记第一章 撒母耳记上四至六章 ; 诗篇第三篇 以赛亚书四十三章 1 7 节 耶利米书二十九章 1 19 节 请提前安排好讲道日期, 于 2018 年 12 月 31 日前根据提供的模板上交日期声明 请于 2019 年 2 月 28 日前提交一篇 字左右的讲章逐字稿, 及三份讲道评估表, 其中一份为自评 每缺少一份评估表成绩将扣 3 分 ; 评估表内容或页码不完整, 每份将扣 1 分 2. 专文 (20%): 提交日期 年 2 月 1 日 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 6 / 16 页

7 从以下两题中任选一题, 写一篇 字的专文 : (1) 总结创世记一章至列王记下二十五章的故事 (2) 总结先知书的三个要点和三个控告, 并从耶利米书中提出三个要点和三个控告的例证 作业计划表和成绩百分比汇总 作业 日期 成绩百分比 第 1 次线上研讨会 % 从创世记到约书亚记 6 个小结 ( 写作 / 互评 ) / % 从士师记到历代志下 5 个小结 ( 写作 / 互评 ) / & 从以斯拉记到雅歌 7 个小结 ( 写作 / 互评 ) / % 第 2 次线上研讨会 % 从以赛亚书到但以理书 5 个小结 ( 写作 / 互评 ) / % 从何西阿书到弥迦书 6 个小结 ( 写作 / 互评 ) / % 从那鸿书到玛拉基书 6 个小结 ( 写作 / 互评 ) / % 阅读声明 % 讲道日期声明 % 专文 % 讲道与三份评估表 % 作业提交注意事项 1. 作业可以用中文或英文书写 中文作业格式请参考 学术研究与写作 ( 简体版 ) 圣经 神学与教牧学研究手册 ( 李志秋 张心玮合著, 恩道出版社,2017) 英文作业 : 请参考 A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertation (7th ed. Kate L. Turabian. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007). 2. 作业字数包括标题与注脚, 但不包括参考书目 3. 中文作业中的引文和注脚请参照 学术研究与写作 第 页 注释 - 书目格式 说明与示例 请勿再使用旧文档 TTi 中文专文规范, 自 2017 年 6 月起, 作业评分将以 学术研究与写作 的规范为准 4. 作业须是学员原创的作品, 引述的文字不可太多 讨论经文引述字词 片语, 或句子片段已经足够, 较长经文说明出处便可 引述学者著作亦以简明为上 ; 段落引用当维持在三 四行内, 亦不宜过度频繁 5. 任何作业若出现抄袭, 将不予批改, 课程总成绩将自动评为 F ( 不合格 ) 若该学员在另一门课程中再次出现抄袭, 则今后入学资格须重新申请 关于 何谓抄袭, 请务必参看 学术研究与写作 第 46 页和 页 6. 作业及相关活动的日期与时间均以北京时间为准 7. 如因健康 服事或其他特殊情况无法按时提交作业, 请在该项作业截止日期前至少七天向教务组提出延期申请, 说明情况及希望延期的天数 ( 延期最长时限为七天 ), 电邮至 jiaowuzu@timotai.org, 申请获得批准后方可延期提交 若事先没有提出申请并获得批准, 迟交的作业将不被接受和批改 ( 旧约导论课前写作与互评作业不接受任何延期申请 ) 8. 未交齐全部课前作业者将自动失去香港营期听课资格, 视同旷课, 所缴学费与膳宿费概不退还, 该课程总成绩将自动被评为 F ( 不合格 ) 若该学员有两门课程被评为 F, 则今后入学资格须重新申请 9. 如因健康 服事或其他特殊情况无法按时参加线上研讨会, 请在该研讨会日期前至少三天向教务组说明情况, 电邮至 jiaowuzu@timotai.org 两次缺席线上研讨会者, 将自动失去香港营期听课资格, 视同旷课, 所缴学费与膳宿费概不退还 10. 请访问 并阅读 作业提交指南 和 线上研讨会参会指南 TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 7 / 16 页

8 丹尼尔 海斯博士 J. Daniel Hays, Ph.D. 丹尼尔 海斯博士任职美国阿肯色州沃希托浸会大学, 是普鲁埃特基督教研究学院院长, 兼圣经研究教授 他写作或合著了多篇论文和十三本书, 其中包括 圣经释经之旅 先知书的信息 耶利米书和耶利米哀歌 从各民各国 圣殿和会幕 他和太太唐娜曾在埃塞俄比亚宣教五年, 现居于阿肯色州阿卡德尔菲亚市 他是阿卡德尔菲亚第二浸信会会友, 在当地而至全世界讲道教学 Dr. J. Daniel Hays is Dean of the Pruet School of Christian Studies and Professor of Biblical Studies at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, USA. He is the author or co-author of numerous articles and thirteen books, including Grasping God s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible; The Message of the Prophets; Jeremiah and Lamentations; From Every People and Nation; and The Temple and the Tabernacle. He and his wife Donna were former missionaries in Ethiopia for five years and now reside in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. He is a member of Second Baptist Church in Arkadelphia and preaches and teaches throughout the region as well as internationally. TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 8 / 16 页

9 Registration Deadline: September 8, 2018 Timothy Training International Introduction to the Old Testament Course Syllabus January 5-12, 2019 Instructor: J. Daniel Hays, PhD, Ouachita Baptist University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA Course Code: /OT5000 Course Credit: 3 semester hours COURSE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT 1. Both Introduction to the Old Testament and Introduction to the New Testament are fundamental courses required of all students who begin a degree program at TTi anytime from January Students who are not sure if they would enter a degree program but are interested in acquiring a comprehensive knowledge of the Old Testament/New Testament are also highly recommended to take these two courses. 2. This course is intended for credit students. A few seats are available for audit students. All credit students need to fulfill all listed course assignments. Audit students are recommended to do all required pre-course readings for their maximum course benefits. 3. Please use your own words in your expresson. Plagiarism is not allowed in any assignment. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will introduce the literary, historical, cultural, and theological dimensions of the Old Testament, with special attention to the essential foundations it lays for the Story of the Bible as a whole, leading to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the church, and the Eschaton. This course will include a book by book analysis and discussion of the entire Old Testament, focusing on how each book contributes to the overall message of Scripture. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. The student will gain an understanding of the broad content of each book of the Old Testament and how that book relates to the rest of the Old Testament, to biblical theology, and to Christian faith. 2. The student will gain a working knowledge of the basic major themes of the Old Testament. 3. The student will gain an introductory knowledge of interpretive approaches to various genres of the Old Testament. COURSE TEXTBOOK Arnold, Bill T., and Bryan E. Beyer. Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey. Third Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 9 / 16 页

10 比尓 阿诺德和布赖恩 拜尔 文子梁译 ( 旧约 ) 沃尔特 埃尔韦尓和罗伯特 亚 伯勒 李爱明译 ( 新约 ) 圣经透析 : 全方位研读 ( 综合版 ) 香港 : 汉 语圣经协会,2017 Duvall, J. Scott, and J. Daniel Hays. Grasping God s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting and Applying the Bible. Third Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, (just read chapter 19, Old Testament Law ; chapter 20, Old Testament Poetry ; chapter 21, Old Testament Prophets ; and chapter 22, Old Testament Wisdom ) 丹尼尔 海斯和斯科特 杜瓦尔 圣经释经之旅 : 阅读 诠释和应用圣经的实用指 南 世界 e 家翻译小组译 上海 : 同济大学出版社,2015 LECTURE SCHEDULE Date/time Session Topic Reading Assignment Sat, Jan 5, Evening 1 What is the OT? EOT ch 1 2 The Story of the OT None Sun, Jan 6, AM class 3 Genesis 1-11 EOT ch 4, Gen Genesis EOT ch 5, Gen Exodus, part 1 EOT ch 6, Exod 1-19 Sun, Jan 6, PM class 6 Exodus, part 2 Exodus Leviticus EOT ch 7, Lev 1-5, 10, 16, 19, Numbers EOT ch 8, Num 3-4, 6-9, 12-14, 20-25, 31 Mon, Jan 7, AM class 9 Deuteronomy EOT ch 9, Deut How to interpret OT law GGW ch 19 ( OT - Law ) 11 Joshua EOT ch 11, Josh 1-14, Mon, Jan 7, PM class 12 Judges and Ruth EOT ch 12, Judg 1-21, Ruth Samuel EOT ch 13, 1 Sam Samuel EOT ch 14, 2 Sam 1-24 GGW ch 18 ( OT - Narrative ) Tues, Jan 8, AM class 15 1 Kings EOT ch 15, 1 Kings Kings EOT ch 16, 2 Kings Chronicles EOT ch 17, 1 Chron 10-22, 28-29; 2 Chron 1-12, 15-18, 24-25, TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 10 / 16 页

11 Wed, Jan 9, AM class 18 Ezra-Nehemiah EOT 18, Ezra, Nehemiah 19 How to read OT Poetry GGW 20 ( OT - Poetry ) 20 Psalms EOT 21, read at least 10 Psalms from each of the five books: Book 1 (Psalm 1-41), Book 2 (Psalm 42-72), Book 3 (Psalm 73-89), Book 4 (Psalm ), and Book 5 (Psalm ) Wed, Jan 9, PM class 21 Wisdom Books GGW Proverbs EOT 22, Prov 1-22, Job EOT 20, Job 1-9, 13, 23, 27-31, Thur, Jan 10, AM class 24 Intro to the OT Prophets GGW 21 ( OT - Prophets ) 25 Isaiah 1-39 EOT 25, Isa 1-14, 23, 31, Isaiah EOT 26, Isa Thur, Jan 10, PM class 27 Jeremiah 1-20 EOT 27, Jer Jer 21-52, Lamentations EOT 28, Jer 21-45, Lam Ezekiel 1-24 EOT 29, Ezek 1-24 Fri, Jan 11, AM class 30 Ezekiel EOT 30, Ezek 27-28,33-34, 36-40, 43, Daniel EOT 31, Dan Hosea, Joel, Amos EOT 32, Hos 1-3, 11, 14; Joel 1-3; Amos 1-5, 7-9 Fri, Jan 11, PM class 33 Obadiah to Zephaniah EOT 33, Jonah 1-4; Mi 1-7; Hab 1-3; Zeph Hag, Zech, Malachi EOT 34, Hag 1-2; Zech 1-7, 9, 13-14; Mal Review, Q and A Small Group Discussion Questions: Jan 6: Genesis-Numbers 1. What is the importance of Genesis 1-2 (creation) to our Christian faith? Why does the Bible start with creation? 2. In God s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12, 15, 17), what kinds of things does God promise to Abraham? What does God ask of Abraham in return? 3. In Genesis 37 Joseph s brothers sell him into slavery. Yet in Genesis 45 he forgives them. Why is Joseph able to forgive his brothers? Could you have forgiven them if it were you? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 11 / 16 页

12 4. In Exodus 2:24 it says that God remembered his covenant with Abraham. How does the covenant with Abraham relate to the opening chapters of Exodus? 5. God appears to Moses in Exodus 3, 6, and 19. How do these appearances to Moses differ from how God appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in Genesis? 6. How is the encounter of Israel with God in Exodus 19 similar to how people would encounter God in the tabernacle (and later in the Temple)? 7. Much of Exodus and is about how to construct the Tabernacle. Why was the Tabernacle so important? 8. How does the ritual of Leviticus relate to the Presence of God dwelling in the Tabernacle? 9. How do the sacrifices described in Leviticus help us to understand the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? 10. In Numbers, why do think the Israelites refused to enter into the Promised Land? What were the consequences for them? Jan 7: Deuteronomy-2 Samuel 1. In Deuteronomy 28, what does God promise to Israel for being obedient and keeping the covenant? What does he promise for disobedience and abandoning the covenant? Which section is longer, the blessing section or the warning section? Why do you think that is? 2. Read Leviticus 23:22. Using the Interpretive Journey from GGW discuss how to interpret and apply this verse. 3. Read Leviticus 26:1. Using the Interpretive Journey from GGW discuss how to interpret and apply this verse. 4. What does God command Joshua to do in Joshua 1? How would these commands apply to leaders in the church today? What is similar and what is different between Joshua s situation and your leadership situation? 5. Discuss the similarities and the differences between Rahab and Achan (Joshua 2, 6-7). How does their story relate to the upcoming conquest of the Land? 6. How does the Book of Judges contrast with the Book of Joshua? 7. Discuss the significance of the ending of Judges (Judges 17-21) in light of the original commands and promises God gave to Israel back in Deuteronomy. 8. In what ways is the Book of Ruth different from the Book of Judges? 9. Compare and contrast Saul and David (1 Samuel). In what ways is David a better king than Saul? 10. Discuss David s downfall in 2 Samuel What lessons can we draw from David s terrible behavior in 2 Samuel 11-12? TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 12 / 16 页

13 Jan 9: 1 Kings-Song 1. Read Deuteronomy 17:14-20 and 1Kings 10:14-11:13. Discuss and evaluate the reign of Solomon. Was he a good king or a bad king? What lessons from the life and reign of Solomon can we draw for us today as Christian leaders? 2. From 1 Kings 17 to 2 Kings 8 list out the miracles Elijah and Elisha do. Discuss in what ways the miracles of Jesus Christ are similar and/or different. 3. At the end of Deuteronomy, as the Israelites are about to enter the Promised Land, the big question before them is whether or not they will keep the terms God gave them in Deuteronomy (the Mosaic Covenant). How does 1-2 Kings answer that question? 4. Read the prayer of Nehemiah in Nehemiah 1. What are the things he prays about? Whose sins does he confess? 5. Discuss Nehemiah s leadership skills. How does he balance trust in God with planning and decisive action? 6. What is the situation in Jerusalem as the Book of Nehemiah ends? (i.e. described in Nehemiah 13). Has the Presence of God returned to the temple and restored Israel? 7. Each of you share your favorite Psalm with the group. Read the Psalm and comment on why you like it and in what way you draw strength from it. 8. Each of you share one of your favorite Proverbs with the group and discuss why you like it and what it means. 9. How do the books of Job, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon relate to how we interpret the Book of Proverbs? Jan 10: Isaiah Malachi 1. Discuss the three main points of the Prophets and the three main indictments. How do each of the three main indictments (the sins charged against Judah and Israel) translate to your culture and situation? That is, what can we learn about God and his desire for us from these three indictments (idolatry, social injustice, religious ritualism)? 2. Read Isaiah 1. What are the accusations that God makes against Israel in this chapter? What action is God going to take against them? 3. Discuss Isaiah s call in Isaiah 6. Where is he? What happens? What does God say to him and how does he respond? Compare and contrast this to Jeremiah s call in Jeremiah 1. How is Jeremiah s call different than Isaiah s? Next discuss Ezekiel s call in Ezekiel 1-3. Where is Ezekiel? What does he see? What is the message that God tells each of these prophets to proclaim to their people? 4. Read Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Isaiah s final Servant Song. Discuss the ways that Jesus Christ fulfills this prophecy. 5. Read Jeremiah 7. Where is Jeremiah when he makes this proclamation? What does he accuse the people in Jerusalem of doing? What does he mean by the term den of robbers TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 13 / 16 页

14 in 7:10? Is this a passage that warns of judgment and the destruction of the temple? What is the context in which Jesus quotes the den of robbers phrase? What does Jesus mean by den of robbers? 6. Read Jeremiah 31: Why did Judah need a new covenant? What are the similarities and the differences between this new covenant and the old Mosaic covenant? Where is the new covenant mentioned in the New Testament? What does Hebrews 8-10 say about Jeremiah s new covenant? 7. What are the people in Jerusalem doing in Ezekiel 8? What does God do in response in Ezekiel 8 and 10? Discuss the history of the Presence of God in the OT, from the Garden to the Tabernacle to the Temple to God s departure in Ezekiel What happens in the NT in regard to the presence of God? COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Pre-course Assignments (60% of course grade): 1. Webinars (10%) Attend two webinars scheduled below. Tardiness for more than 10 minutes will be considered as absence. (5% each) Webinar #1: September 19, 2018 (Wed) 8-9:30pm (Beijing Time) Webinar #2: November 7, 2018 (Wed) 8-9:30pm (Beijing Time) 2. Reading Assignments (15%) (1) Bible Texts: Read all of the OT book chapters listed above in the teaching schedule. (6%) (2) Course Textbook: Read all of the assigned chapters in Arnold and Beyer, Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey. (6%) (3) Supplemental reading: Read the four assigned chapters from Duvall and Hays, Grasping God s Word. (3%) Submit a statement by December 15, 2018, via the template provided, indicating whether you have finished all of the assigned readings, and how many hours you have spent in these readings. 3. Writing Assignments & Peer Assessment (35%): (No due date extension is permitted for either writing assignment & peer assessment; students who do not turn in their writing assignment cannot take part in the peer assessment; students who do not take part in peer assessment will receive an 0 score for their assignment.) After completing the reading assignment, write a brief ½ page ( words) summary of each book in the OT (treat 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, and Ezra-Nehemiah each as one book; include a summary on Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes, even though we didn t assign any chapters from those books). There should be thirty-five summary entries in total. (1% each) TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 14 / 16 页

15 Books No of Summaries Assignment Due Dates Peer Assessment Due Dates Genesis to Joshua Judges to Chronicles Ezra to Song Isaiah to Daniel Hosea to Micah Nahum to Malachi Post-course Assignments (40% of course grade): 1. Preach a sermon (20%) After proper exegetical study, prepare and preach an expository sermon from one of the following passages. Exodus 19 Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Joshua 1 1 Samuel 4-6 Psalm 3 Isaiah 43:1-7 Jeremiah 29:1-19 Set the date of preaching and submit a statement of the date by December 31, 2018 via the template provided. Submit a complete manuscript (2000 words) of your sermon with three sermon evaluations by February 28, One of these evaluations must be your own critique. 3 points will be deducted for EACH missing sermon evaluation. 1 point will be deducted for EACH incomplete or page missing evaluation. 2. Write 1 essay (20%): Due date February 1, 2019 Either write a five-page ( words) essay summarizing the story that runs from Genesis 1 to 2 Kings 25. OR write a five-page essay ( words) summarizing the three points and three indictments made by the Prophets. Illustrate (give examples of) these points and indictments with passages from the Book of Jeremiah. Summary of assignment schedule and percentage of course grade Assignment Date Course Grade % Webinar # % Genesis to Joshua: 6 summaries (assignment/peer assessment) / % Judges to Chronicles: 5 summaries (assignment/peer assessment) / % Ezra to Song: 7 summaries (assignment/peer assessment) / % Webinar # % Isaiah to Daniel: 5 summaries (assignment/peer assessment) / % Hosea to Micah: 6 summaries (assignment/peer assessment) / % Nahum to Malachi: 6 summaries (assignment/peer assessment) / % Reading statement % Statement of preaching date % Essay % Sermon and 3 preaching evaluations % TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 15 / 16 页

16 Assignment submission guidelines 1. Assignments can be written in either Chinese or English. For Chinese, use 学术研究与写作 ( 简体版 ) 圣经 神学与教牧学研究手册 ( 李志秋 张心玮合著, 恩道出版社,2017)for formats; for English: A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertation (9th ed. Kate L. Turabian. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018). 2. Title and footnotes can be included in the word count for the assignment. Bibliography should not be included. 3. Follow 学术研究与写作 第 页 注释 - 书目格式 for formats of quotations and footnotes. TTi 中文专文规范 is obsolete as of June, Assignments must be the student s original work and excessive quotations are discouraged. In discussions that involve biblical text, mere words, phrases, or biblical references are sufficient. Quotations from scholarly works should also be concise. Block quotations should be used sparingly, limited to three or four lines. 5. If plagiarism is detected in any part of an assignment, it will not be graded, and an F (fail) would be recorded as the final grade for the course. If plagiarism is repeated, the student s admission status is revoked and re-application is necessary to become a student. 6. Beijing time is used in all assignment submission deadlines and class activities. 7. If an assignment cannot be submitted on time due to health, ministry, or other extraordinary reason, the student must apply for an extension from the Academic Office Jiaowuzu@timotai.org no less than seven (7) days before the deadline. Explain your reason and specify the length of your extension. Normally, maximum extension is seven [7] days. Late assignments will not be accepted without prior application and the granting of an extension. (No due date extension is permitted for the pre-course assignment of OT Intro.) 8. Pre-course assignments must be completed in full before a student attends the Hong Kong seminar. Non-completion will be regarded as truancy; tuition and room and board fees already paid will be forfeited, and an F (fail) will be recorded as the grade for that course. 9. If a student is unable to attend a webinar on time due to health, ministry, or other extraordinary reason, he or she must the Academic Office at least three (3) days in advance with a detailed explanation. Missing two webinars will be regarded as truancy and the student will not be allowed to attend the Hong Kong seminar. Paid tuition and room and board fees will also be forfeited. 10. Use to download 作业提交指南 and 线上研讨会参会指南. TTi 课程介绍 Course Syllabus: 旧约导论 OT Introduction 第 16 / 16 页

Reading Plan 365

Reading Plan 365 Reading Plan 365 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Genesis 1:1-2:25 Matthew 1:1-2:12 Psalm 1:1-6 Proverbs 1:1-6 Genesis 3:1-4:26 Matthew 2:13-3:6 Psalm 2:1-12 Proverbs 1:7-9 Genesis 5:1-7:24 Matthew 3:7-4:11 Psalm

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2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , 2174, 7014 %, % 4, 1961, ,30, 30,, 4,1976,627,,,,, 3 (1993,12 ),, 2 3,,,,,, 1872,,,, 3 2004 ( 04BZS030),, 1 2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1928 716,1935 6 2682 1928 2 1935 6 1966, 2174, 7014 %, 94137 % 4, 1961, 59 1929,30, 30,, 4,1976,627,,,,, 3 (1993,12 ),, 2 , :,,,, :,,,,,,

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