father-in-law on his/herelitestatusatainmentin urban China.Theresults indicatethat(1)father-in-law sculturecapitalhasnoefectsonone selitestatus

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1 CJS 37 : CGSS2006 : ; ; : DOI: /j.cnki /c EffectsofSpouse sfamily Backgroundon EliteStatus AtainmentinUrbanChina ZHU Bin Abstract:Theatainmentofelitestatushaslongbeenamajortopicinthestudyof socialstratificationandmobility.researchershowever p aid moreatentionto theinfluencesofone sownfamilybackgroundignoringtheefectsofhis/her spouse s.usingdataofcgss2006thisresearchexaminestheefectsofone s * : (Author:ZHU BinCenterfor StudiesofSociologyTheory& MethodRenminUniversityofChina) zhubin2015@ruc. edu.cn

2 father-in-law on his/herelitestatusatainmentin urban China.Theresults indicatethat(1)father-in-law sculturecapitalhasnoefectsonone selitestatus atainmentbecausethetransmisionofculturecapitaltakesarelativelylong timeandfather-in-law beginstoexertinfluenceonlyafterthe marriage.(2) UnlikewhathappenedinEasternEuropeChina smarkettransformationisa gradualtransformationunderthecontrolofthechinesecommunistparty which makesthepoliticalcapitalisstilinthedominantpositionsoitismoreeasilythat politicalcapitaltransformsintoeconomiccapitalthantheinverse.therefore father-in-law spoliticalcapitalhelpsonebecomeaneconomicelitewhilefather- in-law seconomiccapitalhaslitletodowithone satainmentofpoliticalelite status.(3)sincethe marginalbenefits mightbedecreasing whencapitalis utilized fresh capitalfromfather-in-lawotherthanthatfrom one sown fatherwhichhasbeenusedformanytimesmightbemorepowerfulthushaving astrongerefectsafterhe/shegetsmarried.incontrastone sownfathermainly influenceshis/hercurrentsocio-economicstatusthroughtheimpactofthesocio- economicstatusofmarriage.(4)atlastfather-in-law sefectsarediferentfor diferentsexesalthoughtheelitetransformationappliesbothtomenandwomen eliteinheritanceismoresuitableformen. Keywords: father-in-lawelite status atainment dominant elitecapital inheritancecapitaltransformation. (XieandZhou2014) 194

3 1949 (Parish1981) (LinandBian1991; 2015) (Walder 1995) : ( ) ( ) (Nee1989) (Bianand Logen1996;Zhou etal.1996) (2008) 195

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6 ( 1999) (Walder1995;Walderetal.2000) / ; ; : ( ) 198

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16 : (N=3570) 3 / / / / 4 / / B/S.E. B/S.E. B/S.E. B/S.E. B/S.E. B/S.E. (1= ) * * (1= ) (1= ) * * / * ** ** * ** * (1= ) *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** * *** * *** *** *** *** ***

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