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3 CONTENTS 04 编语 编者 James Suckling 的話 EDITOR S NOTE A brief word from James Suckling, Editor/CEO of 年波尔多强势回归詹姆斯总共品鉴了接近 1300 款 2015 年波尔多葡萄酒 BORDEAUX IS REALLY BACK WITH 2015 James Suckling tasted about 1,300 Bordeaux 2015 in France this year. 15 酒庄介绍深入介绍今天在这里向来宾奉上 2015 年份期酒的波尔多最佳酒庄 WINERY PROFILES Detailed profiles on the wineries that are here with us, featuring their top-scoring 2015 Bordeaux wines. 93 JS 2015 波尔多排行榜 2015 年的波尔多葡萄酒 ( 无论红白 ) 都体现了预期的潜力 JAMES SUCKLING 2015 BORDEAUX WINES RATED Red or white, the 2015 vintage has lived up to its great potential in every sense of the word.

4 解密波尔多北京品鉴会 (2015 年波尔多 ) BORDEAUX CONFIDENTIAL EN BOUTEILLE 年的波尔多是最好的年份之一, 我在去年共品鉴了 1000 多款来自 2015 年的酒款, 它们都具有丰富的果味, 稳固的单宁结构和明亮的酸度, 有张力, 是那种只有波尔多才能生产的葡萄酒, 而这也是为什么我们会爱上这个经典产区的红白葡萄酒 在 2015, 通过精确的酿造和采收, 大多数名庄都酿造出卓越的葡萄酒, 这正是我渴望在今年的活动跟您分享的酒款 作为世界上最重要的产区之一, 波尔多一直是香港和中国大陆消费者的基准, 估计波尔多在未来依旧会占重要的角色 ( 可能两瓶精品酒当中就有一瓶是来自波尔多 ) 我们很高兴能与中粮集团 - 中国领先的食品和饮料公司紧密合作, 推出集评分 酒评和报告的葡萄酒 APP 我们希望将中国市场推向下一个层次, 提高高档葡萄酒的消费并透过我们的评分和报告去加深中国消费者对葡萄酒的理解 谨此感谢 CVBG 在物流方面提供协助, 并将葡萄酒运到香港和北京 所有的葡萄酒样品都以空运送达, 以确保质量, 相信世界上没有其他人会用能力组织同样的品鉴会 04

5 集合了超过 70 个顶尖波尔多酒庄, 这次解密波尔多巡展将为您带来 2015 年的优秀酒款 品鉴会的格式轻松, 希望你们可以多与这些名庄背后的庄主的酿酒师多作交流 我迫不及待地想知道你们对这个年份的意见! James Suckling CEO/Editor The 2015 vintage in Bordeaux is one of the best ever. I have tasted more than 1,000 wines in the last year, and the 2015 vintage produced wines with exuberant fruit character and plenty of tannin backbone and bright acidity giving them both form and tension. They are the type of wines that only Bordeaux can produce, which is why we love the classic style of the reds and whites from France s premier wine region. Most of the top names made remarkable wines due to careful viticulture and harvesting methods as well as meticulous winemaking. Those are the exact wines that I am eager to share with you here at this year s Bordeaux Confidential En Bouteille As one of the greatest wine areas in the world, Bordeaux has always been the benchmark for most serious wine consumers in Hong Kong and mainland China. To put things in perspective, we estimate that Bordeaux still accounts for one in two bottles sold in the premium market in China. On that note, we are excited to be working with COFCO China s leading food and beverage company, wine-merchant and distributor even more closely this year. In result of our partnership, our wine app goes from beta to full operation and it features wine scores, tasting notes and reports that are drawn from our international media platform JamesSuckling. com. We hope to move the Chinese market to the next level in premium wine consumption. Our goal has always been to inform the Chinese consumers and to point them to the best wines in the market through our scores and reports. We have to thank the great Bordeaux négociant CVBG for coordinating the wine sample shipments, both from barrel for Hong Kong and bottle for Beijing. With CVBG s help, all the wine samples are jet-freighted overnight to guarantee perfect quality nobody else in the world goes to such great lengths to organize a tasting event. Gathering more than 70 of Bordeaux s top chateaux in Beijing, this new edition of Bordeaux Confidential En Bouteille features some of the best new releases in bottle from the 2015 vintage. We organized the event as a walk-around tasting, so you d get the chance to meet and greet the chateaux owners and winemakers behind some of Bordeaux s most famous wines. I can t wait to see what you think about these exciting releases. Let me know! James Suckling CEO/Editor 05

6 FLOOR PLAN 概览 水站 水站 进出口 进出口 登记 奶酪 酒杯 06




10 2015 年波尔多强势回归 BORDEAUX IS REALLY BACK WITH 2015 在品鉴了大约 1300 款 2015 年波尔多葡萄酒后, 我和我的团队都觉得 2015 年份已经充分发挥其巨大的潜力, 不论是红, 白或者是甜白葡萄酒都显示出美妙的平衡感, 强度, 结构和鲜度 2015 年的顶级酒款令人兴奋, 得助于稍高的酸度和较低的酒精度,15 年的葡萄酒都极其新鲜 与其他优秀年份的葡萄酒相比 ( 如 2009 和 2010),2015 年的酒款更具经典的结构 有时伟大的葡萄酒可能太过浓郁, 但 2015 年在丹宁, 水果风味方面都达到平衡 Thomas Duroux, 宝马庄园的总经理如是说 从经验上讲, 这个庄园在 2015 酿造了一款完美的葡萄酒 令我惊讶的是, 我为 2015 年波尔多打出了 14 款满分酒它们分别是 Château Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse, Château Bélair-Monange, Château Canon, Château L Evangile, Château La Mission Haut-Brion, Château Lafleur, Château Le Pin, Château Margaux, Château Palmer, Château Pavie, Château Pétrus, Château Trotanoy Château Trottevieille Très Vieilles Vignes 和 Vieux-Château-Certan 在我近四十年的葡萄酒评论中, 这是最多满分酒款的一次 在伟大的 2010, 我给了 11 个 100 分, 至于一流的 2009, 有 9 款葡萄酒获得得满分 这引出了一个问题 :2015 是否比两个前两个年份更好? 我不感在这里下定案, 但我确实认为 2015 年真的制造出惊人的葡萄酒, 具透明感, 并展示了风土, 将会是波尔多的新基准 10

11 有趣的是, 近年波尔多优秀, 的年份都以 5 结尾, 当中包括 :2000, 2005, 2010 和现在 (2015) 在质量方面, 我认为 2015 与 2005 较为相像, 这两个年份都具有美丽的平衡, 幼细 从历史的角度来看葡萄酒,2015 年可能是一些经典年份的新的版本, 如 1970, 1971 或 1985, 它们都有相同的平衡, 结构和新鲜度 我从 82 年开始品鉴波尔多并仍然能生动地回忆起这些美酒,2015 确实有一些相同的特点, 但酒款的精确度是非常现代的 我们之前发表的右岸红葡萄酒报告显示了 2015 年是梅乐的年份, 我在 2016 年 3 月在品鉴期酒的时候发现了这个情况 2015 个最好的产区是波美侯和圣艾美隆, 后者的石灰岩高原 ( 坐落在一个风景如画的小镇上 ) 是一些顶级酒款的生产地, 比如 Château Canon (100 分 ), Château Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse (100 分 ), Château Bélair-Monange (100 分 ) 和 Château Ausone (100 分 ) 佩萨克和玛歌亦同样优秀, 一些小产区如 Lalande-de-Pomerol 和 Fronsac 也值得留意 Château Ausone 的庄主 Alain Vautier 说道 如果在波尔多, 坏的生产者能够酿造出优质的葡萄酒, 那那一年就是一个优秀的年份 其实这可不是闹着玩的事,2015 年的整体优异, 从列级庄导大区都有不错的表现 总结而言,Medoc 的质量都不错 ( 尽管不得不在採收前处理过多的降雨 ) 在北部的 Margaux 也有好表现, 熟成潜力颇高, 与 2016 春季的表现不相伯仲 葡萄酒随着年龄的增长, 呈现出另一种结构和变得严肃, 波亚克著名的一级庄 Château Latour 的酿酒师 Hélène Genin 解释道 2015 波尔多的精细结构才是他们如此吸引人的地方 虽然年轻是可以享用, 但酒款也有结构, 随着时间的增长, 这种低调的风格将融入到波尔多顶级葡萄酒之中 波尔多葡萄酒已经减少太多的提取, 太多的橡木和太晚采摘, 不少酿酒师专注于实践精准度和平衡感 也许我们过去修饰得太多了, 但我们在 2015 并没有 Vignobles K 的酿酒师 Jérôme Aguirre, Enclos Tourmaline, Château Tour Saint Christophe, Château Haut-Brisson 和最新购入的 Château Bellefont-Belcier. 11

12 对许多人来说,2015 将成为波尔多一流的新体验, 最好的酒款并没有 2009 的水果成熟度, 也没有 2010 年的厚实单宁,2015 的葡萄酒反映了他们独特的葡萄园和葡萄园的特性, 波美侯想波美侯, 玛歌想玛歌, 这才真正的波尔多 2015 年的葡萄确实给酒庄很大的帮助, 者不仅仅是个年份, 这是辉煌的一年, 波美侯传奇庄园 Petrus 的酿酒师 Olivier Berrouet 说 他们会在适当的时候採收, 保留酸度, 用正确的方法提取 波尔多葡萄酒商 CVBG 的负责人 Mathieu Chadronnier 补充道 : 2015 优雅, 反映了他们独特的葡萄园和产地, 不像 2009, 比较微妙, 复杂性和强度非常别致 2015 年适合享用, 价格也很诱人, 比 2016 的为低, 价格现在才开始上涨 如果你还没有买的话, 我建议买一些, 而我自己也买了几箱, 从现在已经能看出酒款未来几十年的发展 在我品鉴了 2015 年的期酒后, 我的报告以 Bordeaux is back 命名, 现在 2015 开始推出市面, 我会说 Bordeaux is really back James Suckling, CEO/Editor After tasting about 1,300 Bordeaux 2015 in France, my team and I concluded that the 2015 vintage has lived up to its great potential in every sense of the word. Red, white or sweet, the wines show wonderful harmony, intensity, structure and freshness. Exciting and exquisite, the best of 2015s benefit enormously from this freshness quality, which derives from the slightly higher acidity and lower alcohol levels. In comparison to the wines produced in other highly rated years, such as 2009 and 2010, the 2015 vintage s new gained freshness helps carve out a classic structure and form. Sometimes great vintages can be too much but the 2015 vintage has everything in balance in terms of the tannins, fruit and character, says Thomas Duroux, the general manager of the famous third growth of Palmer in the Margaux appellation. Speaking from experience, Duroux produced a perfect wine in To my surprise, I found a total of 14 perfect wines in the 2015 vintage and they are: Château Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse, Château Bélair-Monange, Château Canon, Château L Evangile, Château La Mission Haut-Brion, Château Lafleur, Château Le Pin, Château Margaux, Château Palmer, Château Pavie, Château Pétrus, Château Trotanoy Château Trottevieille Très Vieilles Vignes and Vieux-Château-Certan. In my almost four decades of wine criticism, this is the highest number of perfect wines I have ever rated. With the great 2010, I gave point 12

13 ratings; and with the superb 2009, I rated a total of 9 perfect wines. Of course, this begs the question of whether 2015 is better than the two modern legends? I m not sure across-the-board, but I do think that 2015 has truly made phenomenal, transparent wines that emphasize the greatness of their terroirs. This vintage is definitely a new benchmark for Bordeaux. It is also interesting to note that most great vintages in Bordeaux of the new millennium comes in fives: 2000, 2005, 2010 and now. In terms of nature and quality, I think that 2015 is reminiscent of Both vintages produced exceptional wines with beautiful balance and finesse, as well as wonderful brightness and transparency. Looking at the vintage in a historical perspective, I would like to think of 2015 as a new version of some classic years from the 1970s or 1980s, such as 1970, 1971 or 1985, which all share the same balance, structure and freshness. Though I have been professionally tasting Bordeaux since the 1982 vintage, I still vividly recall the tastings. There s indeed something that strikes a familiar chord about these wines. However, the precision and transparency of these wines can only be considered as very modern. The preponderance of us tasting top-scoring Right Bank reds with the 2015 vintage or those with a good percentage of merlot in their blends underlines how 2015 is a great year for the variety. This was something I found in March 2016 when I tasted them from the barrel in Bordeaux, and it still remains the case. The best appellations of 2015 are Pomerol and St.-Emilion. The latter s limestone plateau on which the small, picturesque town is nestled, was ground zero for some of the stars of You can almost trace a line this vintage between Château Canon (100 points), Château Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse (100 points), Château Bélair-Monange (100 points) and Château Ausone (99 points). Pessac-Leognan and Margaux follow closely behind though, and many smaller appellations have also excelled, including Lalande-de-Pomerol and Fronsac. The sign of a great vintage in Bordeaux is when even bad producers make excellent wines, quips Alain Vautier, the owner of St.-Emilion s great Château Ausone. But it s no joke. They are so many excellent wines in 2015, from the top classified growths to simple bottlings. In general, top chateaux in the Medoc made very high-quality wines despite having to deal with problematic rains before and at the end of harvest. On the other hand, wineries in north of Margaux had to contend with a lot more rain than other parts. Yet, it does seem like the maturation in 13

14 barrel or as the French call it elevage had a hugely positive effect on these wines from the Left Bank, considering how they were showing back in spring The wines took on a structure and seriousness with the aging, says Hélène Genin, winemaker of Château Latour, the famous first growth in Pauillac. This is what they are supposed to do. The fine structure of most 2015 Bordeaux, however, is what makes them so attractive. While many are approachable now as young wines and give great pleasure in the glass, they also have the structure to improve with age in the long-term. This understated style encapsulates the new sensibility in winemaking with the top estates of Bordeaux as they move away from too much extraction, too much oak and picking grapes that were often too ripe. Winemakers are focusing on precision and balance in their winemaking in Bordeaux. Maybe we used too much makeup in Bordeaux in the past, but we didn t in 2015, insists Jérôme Aguirre, the head winemaker of Vignobles K, which is the company behind names such as Enclos Tourmaline, Château Tour Saint Christophe, Château Haut-Brisson and the recently acquired Château Bellefont-Belcier. For many, the 2015 will be a new experience in top-class Bordeaux. The best wines don t have the ripeness of fruit like 2009, nor do they have the tannin power of the 2010s. The 2015 vintage made wines that mirror the character of their unique appellations and vineyards. In other words, wines from Pomerol taste like Pomerol, and wines from Margaux taste like Margaux. They are real Bordeaux. And no place on earth can make reds quite like the 2015s from Bordeaux. The 2015 vintage really gives more value to the property instead of just the vintage; it s a magnificent year, says Olivier Berrouet, the winemaker of the legendary estate Château Petrus in Pomerol. The 2015 Petrus is a 100-point wine. We have a notion of maturity but they were harvested at the right time. They have beautiful acidity, and we extracted the right way so you don t see it. Mathieu Chadronnier, the head of one of Bordeaux s top wine merchants CVBG adds: There is elegance and freshness to the 2015s a sense of ease to the wines. It s a vintage that s less powerful than 2009 but still so structured. The 2015 vintage is subtler. You see the complexity and intensity in the wines. There is something very chic to them. Not only are they chic to drink, but they re attractively priced, too. The 2015s were sold at substantially lower prices than 2016, and it s only now that the prices are beginning to go up. I suggest buying some if you haven t already. I am going to buy a few cases myself and enjoy drinking some now, knowing all the while that they will be excellent for the decades ahead. Soon after I tasted the 2015s from the barrel, I still remember writing that Bordeaux is back. Now, I can only add that Bordeaux is really back after tasting the wines from the bottle. James Suckling CEO/Editor 14

15 CHÂTEAU ARNAULD, CHÂTEAU LAROSE- TRINTAUDON TABLE 23 誰說優秀的波爾多葡萄酒就一定會昂貴? 保險巨頭安聯旗下的酒莊就有著相當高的性價比 ; 翠陶酒莊, 博岡斯酒莊和拉鲁斯酒莊, 其中後兩個於 1986 購入後水準穩步上升, 當中尤以阿諾德酒莊最具潜能, 並能够與附近的優秀酒莊比拼 帶有令人愉悅的清新芳香, 以上所有葡萄酒都可以於年輕時享用, 阿諾德酒莊的酒款最具結構感和集中度的葡萄酒, 有著更高的陳年潜力 產於優質年份的酒款在三到五年會踏入適飲期 Who says Bordeaux has to be expensive to be outstanding? The three châteaux of Allianz, the international insurance conglomerate, certainly deliver both quality and reasonable prices: Château Arnauld, Château Larose Trintaudon, and Château Larose Perganson. The latter two were purchased back in 1986 and we have seen steady improvement in winemaking ever since. Meanwhile, Arnauld has been trying to take its wine quality to the next level in hopes of competing with nearby classified growth. Delightfully aromatic and fresh, all of these wines can be enjoyed young. However, every year, the wines from Arnauld show a little bit more structure and concentration to its counterparts, making them well worthy of aging. Try the wines in good vintages with about three to five years of bottle age. 15

16 CHÂTEAU ARNAULD, CHÂTEAU LAROSE- TRINTAUDON TABLE 23 Château Arnauld Haut-Médoc Château Larose-Trintaudon Haut-Médoc

17 CHÂTEAU BELGRAVE, CHÂTEAU LA GARDE, CHÂTEAU LE BOSCQ TABLE 3 釀酒商 Dourthe 會在今年的活動中介紹一些葡萄酒 憑著强大的投資能力和專業知識, 該公司為波爾多許多酒莊帶來了新的生命力 Belgrave 酒莊原本是國王路易十四狩獵用的行宮, 位於 Haut-Médoc, 毗鄰 Saint-Julien 的邊界 這裡的酒呈現了高品質赤霞珠的所有特點, 非常清爽新鮮, 並具有令人口舌生津的單寧和酸度, 但標價並沒有如實反映其五級酒莊的地位 而在 Pessac-Léognan,La Garde 酒莊優秀的紅酒和白酒, 是該產區其中一部分價值最穩固的酒 2017 年可能是酒莊突破的一年, 以白酒為例, 酒款經過十個月桶內熟成, 具層次 位於聖艾斯泰夫的 Château Le Boscq 也特別與眾不同, 富麗堂皇, 對著 Gironde 的莊園擁有極佳的視野 The wine producer Dourthe is presenting a number of wines at this year s event. With significant investment capabilities and expertise, the company has breathed new life into many châteaux in Bordeaux. Château Belgrave was originally a hunting lodge under the reign of King Louis XV; it lies in Haut-Medoc just beyond the boundary with St.-Julien. The wine embodies what outstanding cabernet sauvignon is all about with exemplary freshness and mouthwatering tannins and acidity. And yet, its price tag belies its fifth-growth classification. Meanwhile, in Pessac-Leognan, the 2017 could be Château La Garde s breakthrough year or at least in terms of whites. With the rare sauvignon gris grape in the blend, the wine is treated carefully with 10 months aging on the lees and only minimal new oak. This seems to be a winning formula for the château s whites. The latest release is so layered and boasts incredible length without losing any of its focused phenolic tension. The wines of Château Le Boscq, which is a cru bourgeois in St.-Estephe, are also particularly distinctive. The wines are just as regal as the grand 19th-century château itself, which stands imposingly with splendid views over the banks of the Gironde. 17

18 CHÂTEAU BELGRAVE, CHÂTEAU LA GARDE, CHÂTEAU LE BOSCQ TABLE 3 Dourthe Estates Director Frederic Bonnaffous, Estate Manager Francois Laura, Winemaking Manager Guillaume Rousseaux and Vinegrowing Manager Gerard Bouquinet (from the left) Château Belgrave Haut-Médoc Château La Garde Pessac-Léognan Château La Garde Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Le Boscq St.-Estèphe

19 CHÂTEAU BRANAIRE-DUCRU TABLE 36 自 1988 年以來,Maroteaux 家族一直在 ChâteauBranaire-Ducru 釀造著品質穩定的葡萄酒, 無論是 Patrick 還是兒子 François-Xavier 對質量的追求始終是一致的 Branaire-Ducru 一直試圖表現聖朱利安葡萄酒强力之中帶纖細感的特徵, 葡萄酒在口中展現線條般的結構 其實在幾個世紀前,Branaire-Ducru 曾經是 ChâteauBeychevelle( 龍船酒莊 ) 的一部分,Jean-Baptiste Braneyre 在 1680 購入莊園 ( 因 ChâteauBeychevelle 深陷債務問題 ), 顯然酒莊的現代歷史更加引人入勝! The Maroteaux family have been making wines at Château Branaire-Ducru since 1988, and the quest for great quality has been gradual and consistent. First under the helm of the late Patrick Maroteaux and now his son François-Xavier, Branaire-Ducru has always tried to emphasize the character of this fourth-growth St. Julien, which underlines finesse with strength. The wines are always linear and structured. On another note, Branaire-Ducru was once part of the nearby Château Beychevelle centuries ago until the large winery was broken up to resolve debt issues. Jean-Baptiste Braneyre named the estate after himself when he acquired the estate in However, the current history in fine winemaking is much more interesting! 19

20 CHÂTEAU BRANAIRE-DUCRU TABLE 36 Château Branaire-Ducru St.-Julien

21 CHÂTEAU CLARKE, CHÂTEAU DES LAURETS, CHÂTEAU MALMAISON TABLE 24 偉大的羅斯柴爾德家族購買了三個莊園, 並開始發揮它們被遺忘的潜力 在 1973,Edmond de Rothschild 開始投資位於 Listrac-Medoc 的 Château Clarke 和附近的 Château Malmaison, 並廣泛地復收葡萄園和周圍的建築 自 2016 年份以來,Eric Boissenot 一直與左岸的酒莊合作, 並以 Michel Rolland 作為 Château des Laurets 的顧問 酒莊擁有 95 公頃的葡萄園, 您會為家族所投放的時間和金錢感到驚訝, 因為價格一直都保持合理水平 ( 所有的葡萄酒都不超過 30 美元一瓶 ), 是波爾多具性價比的酒款 The great Rothschild family purchased these three châteaux to discover the true potential of forgotten properties. In 1973, Edmond de Rothschild began investing in Château Clarke in Listrac-Medoc) and its neighbor Château Malmaison in Moulis-en-Medoc, extensively restoring the vineyards and surrounding buildings. Since the 2016 vintage, Eric Boissenot has been working closely with the châteaux on the Left Bank. And they also brought on Michel Rolland as a consultant for Château des Laurets, which is a 95-hectare property with vineyards in Puisseguin and Montagne St.-Emilion. You ll be surprised to hear that the sheer amount of time and money the family has poured into these properties is not reflected in the prices. All the wines ring in at no more than US$30 a bottle. They are conclusive proof that value in Bordeaux does exist. 21

22 CHÂTEAU CLARKE, CHÂTEAU DES LAURETS, CHÂTEAU MALMAISON TABLE 24 Château Clarke Listrac-Médoc Château Malmaison Moulis-en-Médoc Château des Laurets Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château des Laurets Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Baron Sélection Parcellaire

23 CHÂTEAU CLERC MILON, CHÂTEAU D ARMAILHAC TABLE 33 這是詹姆斯最喜愛的酒莊之一 酒莊的葡萄酒極其芳香 結構與著名的 一級莊木桐有著許多相似之處 因為同屬同一家族擁有 並且得到有著 一級莊般的關注度 所以許多人都稱克拉米倫酒莊為小木桐 酒莊的葡 萄酒有著强大的單寧作為為骨架 果香濃郁 具有陳年潜力 我們一直 是這個莊園的忠實粉絲 另一方面 同屬羅斯柴爾德家族旗下的Châteaud Armailhac坐落在木桐莊園的旁邊 擁有著70公頃的葡萄園 這 個五級莊雖然比較便宜 但質量同樣優秀 This is a long-time favorite of James. The extremely aromatic and structured style of wines shares many similarities with the great wines of the famous first growth Château Mouton-Rothschild, which has the same owners. Hence, many people call Clerc Milon baby Mouton Rothschild, and the winery receives the same attention and savoir-faire. With a powerful tannin backbone, wines are consistently rich and fruity, especially the long-aging cabernet sauvignon. We have been a big fan of this estate for decades. On the other hand, Château d Armailhac is also a part of the Rothschild family s portfolio, and it is located next door to the great first growth Château Mouton Rothschild. With 70 hectares to its name, this fifth growth is leagues less expensive than its big brother and yet, it delivers in spades on quality. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 23

24 CHÂTEAU CLERC MILON, CHÂTEAU D ARMAILHAC TABLE 33 Château Clerc Milon Pauillac Château d'armailhac Pauillac

25 CHÂTEAU COS-D ESTOURNEL TABLE 31 ChâteauCos d Estournel 在波爾多仿佛是一個異類, 建築帶南亞風格, 莊園的中國寶塔是梅多克的地標之一 酒莊的結構是創始人根據他對印度的美好回憶的一種展現, 與其說這是一座城堡, 還不如說這是一座釀酒設施比較貼設 酒莊最近添置了最先進的重力式不銹鋼桶, 莊主兼董事總經理 Michel Reybier 的業務廣泛, 當中包括食品和飯店運營, 而他仍然積極地參與莊園的日常運作 這個位於拉菲正對面的二級莊園 ( 相隔了一條河 ) 是聖埃斯泰夫的典範, 一些老年份的 Cos 會帶豐富的香期, 從香料, 黑松露到森林的風格, 如果這些都不能令你信服, 那單寧和結構俱佳的 2017 年和 2015 年等新年份會令你改觀 In more ways than one, Château Cos d Estournel is an outsider. Punctuated by Chinese pagodas, its splendid façade is an architectural mesh of South Asian styles, making it unmistakable in the Medoc. The giant structure is a reference to the founder s fond memories of India and isn t a chateau at all but a winemaking facility that remains in use. It was recently refurbished and fitted with state-of-the-art, gravity-fed stainless-steel vats. The French entrepreneur Michel Reybier is the owner and unusually, the managing director of the property too. He has keenly stepped into this active role despite the fact that he also has an extensive portfolio of businesses, spanning the food and hotel industry. Located directly opposite of Lafite on the other side of the stream, this second growth is also a wonderful archetype of the great appellation of St.-Estephe. Some of the great older vintages offer up a myriad of aromas, ranging from spices, black truffle and forest floor aromas. If those don t convince you, then the ultra-fine tannin structure and beauty of the younger years, such as 2017 and 2015, definitely will. 25

26 CHÂTEAU COS-D ESTOURNEL TABLE 31 Château Cos-d'Estournel St.-Estèphe Les Pagodes de Cos St.-Estèphe

27 CHÂTEAU CROIX DE LABRIE TABLE 12 Pierre and Axelle Courdurié, the owners of Croix de Labrie Château Croix de Labrie 是 Pierre 和 Axelle Courdurie 的 車庫酒莊, 酒莊規模精巧, 產量也屬於小批量生產 酒莊位於 Saint Christophe des Bardes, 生產三款代表著不同地塊風格的葡萄酒 ( 分別為 Croix de Labrie,Chapelle de Labrie 和 Les Hauts de Croix de Labrie), 可算是聖艾美隆的勃艮第 酒莊的葡萄園目前正在轉型運用生物動力法, 從栽培葡萄到裝桶都以人工為主 三款葡萄酒有著不同風格,Croix de Labrie 展示了强大結構,Chapelle de Labrie 最具礦物感, 而 Hauts de Croix de Labrie 有最柔順, 有著天鵝絨般的質感 Pierre and Axelle Courdurie certainly have a garage wine at Château Croix de Labrie in St.-Emilion. Not only is the winery tiny, it makes three small-production wines on the outskirts of the town of Saint Christophe des Bardes. This is Burgundy in St.-Emilion, as the three wines all represent specific parcels of the winery s vineyards, including Croix de Labrie, Chapelle de Labrie and Les Hauts de Croix de Labrie. The vineyards are currently being converted to biodynamic viticulture, and everything is done by hand, from tending the vines to topping the barrels. Here, the wines are distinctively different: the Croix de Labrie shows the most structure of the three; Chapelle de Labrie has the most minerally character; and Les Hauts de Croix de Labrie has the softest, most velvety texture. 27

28 CHÂTEAU CROIX DE LABRIE TABLE 12 Château Croix de Labrie St.-Emilion Les Hauts de Croix de Labrie St.-Emilion

29 CHÂTEAU DE LAMARQUE, CHÂTEAU CANTIN, CLOS BEAUREGARD, CHÂTEAU LA FORTUNE TABLE 18 Crus et Domaines de France 可能是波爾多最重要的葡萄酒商之一, 他們將會在今年的解密波爾多品鑒中展示一系列獨家酒款 品質優秀的 Château de Lamarque 是重點之一, 以赤霞珠為主, 酒款接近聖朱利安的風格, 展現出豐富的水果風味, 强力的單寧骨架和張力 ( 酒莊位於瑪歌和聖朱利安之間 ) 在 Château de Lamarque 的另一邊是上梅多克的旗手 Château du Cartillon,Chasse Spleen 和 Château Poujeaux 也同樣精彩,2016 年可能是最好的一年 位於波美侯的 Clos Beauregard 以往是 Château de Beauregard 的一部分, 而 Clos Beauregard 只會變得越來越好 Crus et Domaines de France is one of the most important wine companies in Bordeaux and it is presenting a number of its own brands and exclusivities at this year s Bordeaux Confidential. The outstanding value wines of Château de Lamarque are a particular highlight, which are predominantly cabernet sauvignon. Their style is probably closest to St.-Julien as the wines show a beautiful richness of fruit, as well as firmness and tension from the intense tannin backbone. In fact, right between the appellations of Margaux and St.-Julien is where the fabulous castle of Lamarque stands. On the other side of Lamarque, Château du Cartillon is also holding up the Haut-Medoc banner, following in the successful footsteps of such the neighboring names as Chasse Spleen and Château Poujeaux. The château s 2016 is the best ever. Pomerol s Clos Beauregard should also be on your radar. Made from a sandy parcel that used to belong to Château de Beauregard, the wines of Clos Beauregard will surely remain on this upward trajectory judging from the parent group s history in excellence. 29

30 CHÂTEAU DE LAMARQUE, CHÂTEAU CANTIN, CLOS BEAUREGARD, CHÂTEAU LA FORTUNE TABLE 18 Château de Lamarque Haut-Médoc Château Cantin St.-Emilion Clos Beauregard Pomerol Château La Fortune Margaux

31 CHÂTEAU FAUGÈRES, CHÂTEAU PÉBY-FAUGÈRES TABLE 29 瑞士企業家 Silvio Denz 於 2005 年收購了 ChâteauFaugères, 是一比特香水設計師, 也是精品水晶品牌 Lalique 的老闆 時至今日, 酒莊在聖艾美隆生產兩款美妙的葡萄酒 :Faugères( 以梅樂為主, 混合了赤霞珠和品麗珠 ) 和 Péby Faugères( 一款百分百梅樂葡萄酒 ), 兩款葡萄酒都呈現出豐富而濃郁的果味和天鵝絨般的單寧, 這在該地區並不常見 ChâteauFaugères 由偉大的瑞士建築師馬裏奧博塔設計, 是一所帶現代風格的酒莊, 結合了藝術和傳統 Péby Faugères 是右岸最令人期待的葡萄酒之一, 而兩個酒莊的葡萄園最近都獲得了認可, 並得到聖艾美隆列級名莊的資格 Swiss entrepreneur Silvio Denz also a perfume designer and the owner of the fine glassware brand Lalique acquired Château Faugères in Today, the château makes two fabulous wines in St.-Emilion: Faugères, which is a blend of merlot with some cabernet franc and cabernet sauvignon, and the pure-merlot Péby Faugères. Both wines show a wonderful richness and intensity with a concentration of fruit and velvety tannins, which is seldom found in the area. Designed by the great Swiss architect Mario Botta, Faugères is also a stunning neoclassical winery. Combining art, tradition and modernity, Denz makes some really special wines here. Whereas, Péby is on its way to becoming one of the most coveted wines on the Right Bank. And not to mention that both of the vineyards now boast grand cru classe statuses. 31

32 CHÂTEAU FAUGÈRES, CHÂTEAU PÉBY-FAUGÈRES TABLE 29 Swiss entrepreneur Silvio Denz Château Péby-Faugères St.-Emilion Château Faugères St.-Emilion

33 CHÂTEAU FIGEAC TABLE 28 ChâteauFigeac 位於聖艾美隆西部, 在 125 年前成為了 Manoncourt 家族的產業, 一直釀制著帶古典風格的優質葡萄酒 ChâteauFigeac 的獨特之處在於葡萄園的礫石土壤, 與聖艾美隆常見的粘土並不一樣, 這裡允許酒莊種植更多的赤霞珠, 這反映在酒莊的混釀風格之中 雖然 Figeac 並不是聖艾美隆的特 A 酒莊, 但它的葡萄酒往往可以跟傑出的近鄰比肩, 比如白馬莊園 (Cheval Blanc) Situated on the West of St.-Emilion, Château Figeac has been in the Manoncourt family for more than 125 years. This stately château has been consistently making high-quality wines in a very classic style. Château Figeac s uniqueness comes from its gravelly soils, which is quite uncommon in comparison to the area s usual clay. This has led them to plant more cabernet sauvignon than most châteaux in the region, and we can most certainly taste this difference in its blends. While Figeac isn t technically a premier grand cru classe A it s classe B its wines are always some of the best of the vintage often rivalling its illustrious neighbor Cheval Blanc. 33

34 CHÂTEAU FIGEAC TABLE 28 Frédéric Faye, manager at Château Figeac Château Figeac St.-Emilion

35 CHÂTEAU FLEUR CARDINALE TABLE 11 近年來, 聖艾美隆區孕育了許多成功的小型酒莊,Fleur Cardinale 就是一個很好的例子 酒莊位於東部的石灰岩高原上,Florence 和 Dominique Decoster 夫婦於 2001 年購入酒莊並立即對莊園進行改造, 在著名的釀酒師 Jean-Luc Thunevin 的幫助下, 酒莊的葡萄酒令我們留下深刻的印象, 優雅又富有結構感 Fleur Cardinale 的葡萄酒豐滿, 成熟, 新鮮, 有著美妙的平衡感, 最近的年份非常精彩 ; 包括 2014 年,2015 年和 2016 年, 請密切留意 In recent years, St.-Emilion has been a breeding ground for many small and exciting reds, and Fleur Cardinale is an excellent example. Situated on a limestone plateau in the east of St.-Emilion, Fleur Cardinale was acquired by Florence and Dominique Decoster back in The couple immediately revamped the property and swiftly enlisted the advice of firebrand winemaker Jean-Luc Thunevin as the consultant. His deft hands in making polished yet structured wines continue to impress us, and so do the wines of Fleur Cardinale. This château seems to have found the recipe for making wines with a wonderful balance of richness, ripeness and freshness. The last couple of vintages have been fantastic, and this includes 2014, 2015 and Keep this chateau under your radar. 35

36 CHÂTEAU FLEUR CARDINALE TABLE 11 The Decoster family at Château Fleur Cardinale; Caroline, Ludovic, Florence and Dominique Decoster (from the left) Château Fleur Cardinale St.-Emilion Château Croix Cardinale St.-Emilion

37 CHÂTEAU FONTENIL TABLE 14 Michel and Dany Rolland 自 1986 年以來,ChâteauFontenil 一直是著名釀酒顧問蜜雪兒羅蘭和他的妻子丹尼的私人住所和酒莊 莊園位於弗龍薩克的心臟地帶, 一個對於波爾多愛好者可能都晦澀難懂的產區, 但事實上這個獨特的地區釀制著相當有特點的美酒,ChâteauFontenil 就是一個好例子 酒莊的葡萄酒果香濃郁, 酒體堅實, 這些都是這個地區的典型特徵, 雖然 Château- Fontenil 的酒款以梅樂為主, 但它顯示出緊實的結構, 更偏向於赤霞珠的風格, 希望你們可以嘗試一下, 它們不會令你失望 Château Fontenil has been the personal home and winery of the celebrated wine consultant Michel Rolland and his winemaking wife Dany since The château is located in the heart of Fronsac, which may still remain obscure in the minds of some Bordeaux lovers. However, this really shouldn t be the case as this unique region makes wonderful wines with a soulful character. For instance, Fontenil consistently makes outstanding wines in almost every vintage. The wines are generous and fruity but firm and solid, and these are typical characteristics for this region. The wine Fontenil is mostly made of merlot but it shows a serious structure, which resembles a cabernet sauvignon-based red. Try some of the wines Château Fontenil has on offer because they never fail to impress us with their excellent-value reds. 37

38 CHÂTEAU FONTENIL TABLE 14 Château Fontenil Fronsac Le Defi de Fontenil Vin de Table de France

39 CHÂTEAU GISCOURS, CHÂTEAU DU TERTRE, CHÂTEAU HAUT-BAILLY TABLE 自從在 1995 年被荷蘭商人 Eric Albada Jelgersma 收購後, 瑪歌產區三級酒莊 Giscours 一直在進步 隨著 2015 年份的問世, 它達到了一個頂峰 這款令人驚歎的酒, 可追溯到 1970 年份的傳奇佳釀 Albada Jelgersma 並在 1998 年收購了附近的 Château du Tertre 經過多年的反復試驗 不斷對葡萄栽培和釀酒技藝作出調整後,Giscours 幾乎每個年份都會產出優越的美酒 這些酒具備瑪歌獨有的豐腴醇厚, 在這個產區, 芳香的品質可以比口感更為重要 Château du Tertre 釀造的酒截然不同 年輕時是强烈而陽剛的, 帶有淡淡的泥土味, 在陳放後, 泥土味會轉変為花卉 烟草 水果和香料味 最近期的年份是 du Tertre 的歷來最佳 毋庸置疑, 波爾多的狂熱愛好者都會喜歡 Haut-Bailly 的葡萄酒, 在 Robert Wilmers 於 1998 年買下後, 這個位於 Pessac-Leognan 的傳奇莊園展示出極其優雅的一面, 具精彩的結構深度, 非常誘人 The third-growth Margaux estate of Giscours has been on the rise since Dutch businessman Eric Albada Jelgersma bought the property in It reached a pinnacle with the 2015 vintage, which is a stunning wine that harks back to the legendary Albada Jelgersma also bought nearby Château du Tertre in The wines of Giscours show generosity and richness, which are qualities that are unique to Margaux. On the other hand, Château du Tertre is from the same appellation but it makes altogether different wines. They are strong and muscular when they are young, showing an underlying earthiness that turns with time to flowers, tobacco and spices. And needless to say, Bordeaux aficionados are probably familiar with the wines of Haut-Bailly as they are some of the most refined, soulful reds of the Pessac-Leognan region. The château made legendary wines at the beginning of the 20th century but lost some of its luster thereafter. It wasn t until American owner Robert Wilmers bought the estate in 1998 that Haut-Bailly regained the exceptional quality levels of yesteryear. The style of the reds now shows a wonderful depth of character and structure in an extremely elegant manner. These are wines that can seduce you with their subtlety and polished form. 39

40 CHÂTEAU GISCOURS, CHÂTEAU DU TERTRE, CHÂTEAU HAUT-BAILLY TABLE Château Haut-Bailly Pessac-Léognan Château Giscours Margaux Château du Tertre Margaux

41 CHÂTEAU GUIRAUD TABLE 6 在2006年 由汽車巨頭Robert Peugeot Domaine de Chevalier的 Olivier Bernard Canon-la-Gaffeliere的Stephan von Neipperg和Xavier Planty所組成的四人團隊捕手了Château Guiraud 時至今日 芝路莊 園已經成為蘇玳地區的頂級名莊之一 釀造出濃郁 飽滿又甜美的葡萄 酒 Château Guiraud的酒中 貴腐特性明顯 酒款都表現出香辛料和 花香的風格 幾乎每個年分都有突出的表現 詹姆斯品鑒過優秀的80和 90年代酒款 並且認為過去十年表現也非常棒 我們認為最好的葡萄酒 將要出現 In 2006, a team of four took over Château Guiraud, and they are automotive magnate Robert Peugeot, Olivier Bernard of Domaine de Chevalier, Stephan von Neipperg of Canon-la-Gaffeliere and long-time estate manager Xavier Planty. Now, the château is one of the top names of Sauternes, making powerful, rich, sweet wines with great density and profundity. At Guiraud, the unique noble-rot character comes out as spicy and floral, and it is extremely intense and concentrated in just about every vintage. This botrytis character stays with the wine throughout its evolution in bottle. Although James has had excellent bottles from the 1980s and 1990s, the past decade has been a great one for these wines too. We think the best wines are coming out now. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 41

42 CHÂTEAU GUIRAUD TABLE 6 Xavier Planty, co-owner of Château Guiraud Château Guiraud Sauternes Château Guiraud Bordeaux Blanc G «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 42

43 CHÂTEAU KIRWAN TABLE 19 俯瞰加龍河,ChâteauKirwan 位居瑪歌區的 Cantenac 高原, 於 1925 年被 Schleler 家族收歸旗下 如今,Jean-HenriSchÿle 和孩子們一直負責酒莊的業務, 是現代化的成功案例之一 在不久之前, 酒莊生產著優良但無甚特點的葡萄酒, 現在酒莊的質量直逼三級甚至是二級莊, 呈現出充滿活力的香氣, 帶漿果和鮮花的風格, 飽滿並有結構感 酒莊最近翻新了釀造廠, 期待來年出產的優質葡萄酒 Overlooking the Garonne River, Château Kirwan is located on the Cantenac Plateau in Margaux. The Schÿler family acquired the château back in 1925, and now, the children of Jean-Henri Schÿler Yann, Nathalie and Sophie are all working in the business. Today, this Margaux estate is one of the modern success stories of the Medoc. Not long ago, the property was making reds that were good but nothing special. Now, Château Kirwan produces very exciting wines that are comparable to other third growths, as well as second growths in the Medoc too. The wines show vibrant aromas of berries and flowers, and a rich, structured palate. A recently refurbished winery should only add to the excellent vintage of the wines coming from here year in and year out. 43

44 CHÂTEAU KIRWAN TABLE 19 Château Kirwan Margaux Les Charmes de Kirwan Margaux

45 CHÂTEAU LA CONSEILLANTE TABLE 15 ChâteauLa Conseillante自1871年以來未曾易手 這座位於波美侯的莊 園坐擁12公頃葡萄園 葡萄園經過精心維護 樹齡逹30年或以上 詹 姆斯品鑒過無數的La Conseillante葡萄酒 包括20世紀30年代的出品 比大多數人更瞭解La Conseillante 最近酒莊添置了新的釀造設備 亦聘請了蜜雪兒羅蘭作為他們的顧問 相信酒莊的質量將會達到新的高 度 The Nicolas family has been the owner of Château La Conseillante since This 12-hectare property in Pomerol s vineyards consists of 30-year-old vines, which are carefully maintained to ensure its typicity is preserved. Having tasted vintages that date back to the 1930s, James knows La Conseillante better than most. Recently, the family has not only installed an impressive vat cellar that allows them to vinify vineyard plots separately but also hired Michel Rolland as their consultant. This estate reaching for the stars for quality. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 45

46 CHÂTEAU LA CONSEILLANTE TABLE 15 Château La Conseillante Pomerol

47 CHÂTEAU LA COUSPAUDE, CHÂTEAU MESSILE AUBERT, CHÂTEAU JEAN DE GUÉ TABLE 16 自 18 世紀以來一直在波爾多生產葡萄酒, 而現在 Aubert 家族現時在右岸管理著不少令人印象深刻的酒莊, 當中覈心無疑是 ChâteauLa Couspaude La Couspaude 位於聖艾美隆東北部的高原, 擁有 7 公頃葡萄園, 以粘土和石灰石為主 酒莊的葡萄酒一直以其力量和豐富的果味而聞名, 而最近幾年酒莊開始减低新木桶的比例, 釀制出更細膩的酒款 Aubert 家族同時也以 Lalande-de-Pomerol 和 Montagne-St.-Emilion 等產區為基地, 當中包括 Jean degué(1983 年購入 ) 和 ChâteauMessile Aubert(1908 年購入 ), 這些莊園一直在釀造優質的葡萄酒 There are two generations of Auberts currently managing the family s impressive collection of domaines on the Right Bank, and it is said that the family has been producing wine in Bordeaux since the 18th century. The centerpiece is no doubt Château La Couspaude, which has been around for centuries. Set within St.-Emilion s plateau just northeast of the town, La Couspaude s walls enclose a mere seven proprietary hectares of vineyards with soil types including chalk, clay and limestone. The wines have always been notable for their power and fruit presence, but since dialing back the wood a few years ago, a finer, more nuanced side is beginning to come through. The Aubert family are also champions of lesser-known appellations such as Lalande-de-Pomerol and Montagne-St.-Emilion. To name a few of their other respectable châteaux: Jean de Gué (acquired in 1983) and Château Messile Aubert (1908). Year after year, these châteaux have been making excellent value wines. 47

48 CHÂTEAU LA COUSPAUDE, CHÂTEAU MESSILE AUBERT, CHÂTEAU JEAN DE GUÉ TABLE 16 Château La Couspaude St.-Emilion Château Jean de Gué Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Messile Aubert Montagne-St.-Emilion 2015 Héritage de la Couspaude Bordeaux Supérieur

49 CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR MORANGE TABLE 27 Winery owner Jean-François Julien ChâteauLa Fleur Morange 的莊主 Jean-FrançoisJulien 曾經是一名木匠, 他在 1999 年踏進酒業, 酒莊的葡萄園面積為 10 英畝, 生產著飽滿的, 帶礦物感的, 誘人墮落的葡萄酒 這座位於聖愛美隆的酒莊展示了該產區在過去十年的進步, 平均接近 80 歲的老藤為葡萄酒帶來更好的品質和風味 La Fleur Morange 的葡萄酒通常以 70% 梅洛和 30% 赤霞珠混釀而成, 而 Mathilde 則是一 100% 梅樂釀制的酒款, 年產量只有 600 箱, 不容錯過 Jean-François Julien, the owner of Château La Fleur Morange, used to be a carpenter and he stumbled into the wine business with his first vintage in With only about 10 acres of vineyards, La Fleur Morange now produces opulent, almost decadent wines with beautiful mineral and earth undertones. This small chateau is a good example of how St.-Emilion has been underlining the improvement in the winemaking in the past decade. A large part of the quality comes from the old vines grown here, and on average, they are about 80 years old. This gives the wines a wonderful depth of character and flavor. At La Fleur Morange, the wines are usually a blend of 70% merlot and 30% cabernet franc. Look for its tiny-production bottling called Mathilde, which is a pure merlot, and only about 600 cases are made. 49

50 CHÂTEAU LA FLEUR MORANGE TABLE 27 Château La Fleur Morange St.-Emilion Château La Fleur Morange St.-Emilion Mathilde

51 CHÂTEAU LA TOUR CARNET, CHÂTEAU FOMBRAUGE, CHÂTEAU LES GRANDS CHÊNES TABLE 17 幹勁十足的酒商Bernard Magrez在波爾多擁有各式各樣的酒莊 不遺 餘力地追求最高的品質 他最著名的酒莊可能是Pape-Clement 但他 還有其他一些優秀的酒莊 例如La Tour Carnet 有著釀造優質美酒的 悠久歷史 我就品嘗過La Tour Carnet一些來自20世紀50及60年代的 佳釀 而它近期的年份 品質也在上升 位於Médoc的小酒莊Château Les Grands Chênes 以及Fombrauge酒莊 多年來在Magrez的指導 下 一直在釀造超越自己級別的優質佳釀 也代表著波爾多的物有所 值 值得嘗試 Bordeaux s iconic vintner Bernard Magrez may be better known for his top chateaux Pape-Clément and Clos Haut-Peyraguey. However, in some ways his work with lesser-known wine estates can be even more impressive, especially considering the reasonable prices such wines sell for every vintage. For example, La Tour Carnet, which is located just outside the confines of the St.-Julien appellation, has a long history of making excellent wines; more notably, the bottles from the 1950s and 1960s as they are still beautiful to taste. Yet, it is their recent vintages that made a welcome to return to excellence. Even further north but still in the Medoc Chateau Les Grands Chênes produces structured reds that resemble estate wines from Pauillac or St.-Estephe. And in the meanwhile, Chateau Fombrauge competes with many of the top names of St.-Emilion. Magrez emphatically says all these wineries prove that Bordeaux can make some of the best value wines in the world. He certainly has a point. Try them. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 51

52 CHÂTEAU LA TOUR CARNET, CHÂTEAU FOMBRAUGE, CHÂTEAU LES GRANDS CHÊNES TABLE 17 Château Fombrauge St.-Emilion Château Les Grands Chênes Médoc Château La Tour Carnet Haut-Médoc

53 CHÂTEAU LAFAURIE-PEYRAGUEY TABLE 7 雖然 ChâteauLafaurie-Peyraguey 是一個相對較小的莊園, 但一直以釀制濃郁優質, 果香馥鬱的蘇玳葡萄酒而聞名 Silvio Denz( 同時也是聖艾美隆莊園 Faugères 和 PébyFaugères 的莊主 ) 於 2014 年購入了這個美麗的蘇玳莊園, 他在捕手後著力減產, 並專注於管理擁有接近百年歷史的葡萄園, 這都是為了確保更優秀的品質 詹姆斯品鑒過酒莊於 20 年代出產的葡萄酒, 相當引人入勝, 酒莊的幹白葡萄酒同樣出色, 質量能够與波爾多最好的幹白葡萄酒比拼 與此同時, 酒莊將會於未來加建一家五星級飯店和米其林星級餐廳, 以完善整個餐飲體驗 Although Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey is a relatively small estate, it has a long history of making excellent, fruit-forward sauternes with an immediate richness and intensity. Silvio Denz, who is also the owner of the high-flying St.-Emilion estates of Faugères and Péby Faugères, purchased this beautiful Sauternes estate in Now, Denz is reducing the production of sweet wine at the property and focusing on the original, century-old vineyards; in other words, he is being even more selective, all to ensure the production of even better wines. James has tasted some of the old bottles of Lafaurie-Peyraguey from the 1920s, and they are phenomenal and great to drink now. The dry whites from this estate set a new standard for the area and are now very close in quality to the very best dry whites of Bordeaux. In other news, a five-star hotel and Michelin-starred restaurant are also in the works. 53

54 CHÂTEAU LAFAURIE-PEYRAGUEY TABLE 7 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey Sauternes Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey Bordeaux Blanc

55 CHÂTEAU LAGRANGE TABLE 37 日本三得利集團於 1983 年收購了 ChâteauLagrange, 並深信酒莊具有潜力, 自此這個位於聖朱利安的酒莊一直悄悄的釀造著傑出的葡萄酒, 是梅多克最具性價比的列級莊之一 酒莊的葡萄酒之令人深思, 近乎於禪, 精緻地展示了葡萄園的獨特性 經過 25 年的投資和努力,ChâteauLagrange 不斷推陳出新, 但葡萄酒的質量始終如一, 突顯了優秀的釀造技巧 如果你品鑒過酒莊的葡萄酒, 相信你會認同 Convinced of the winery s potential, the Japanese group Suntory acquired Château Lagrange in And ever since, this large château in the appellation of Saint-Julien has been quietly making outstanding wines. It s hard to think of another classified-growth estate in the Medoc making better wines for the money. There s something very reflective almost zen about the wines here. They are direct and beautifully crafted, emphasizing the uniqueness of the soils and microclimates of the vineyards. With 25 years of hard work and technical investments, Château Lagrange continues to make consistent reds of outstanding quality, regardless of vintage. This underlines the excellent viticulture and winemaking at the estate. Taste the wines and you ll know. 55

56 CHÂTEAU LAGRANGE TABLE 37 Château Lagrange St.-Julien Les Fiefs de Lagrange St.-Julien

57 CHÂTEAU LASCOMBES TABLE 20 占地120公頃 Château Lascombes是瑪歌區最大的莊園 在眾多莊主中 已故的葡萄酒作家Alexis Lichine 同時是詹姆斯的導師 無疑是最成功的 一比特 這個二級莊園受到全世界的讚賞 這部分要歸功於Alexis的貢獻 此外 酒莊最近對酒窖的代化改造以及重建葡萄園的工作也同樣重要 法 國保險集團MACSF 現在的持有者 的投入令酒莊得以保持高水准 Lascombes的風格傾向於華麗的黑色水果風格 令人印象深刻 而最好的年份 往往帶有活力 這歸功於在酒款中運用了比較高比例的梅樂 長時間的低溫 粹取和攪桶也為葡萄酒帶來更柔和 細膩的單寧 With 120 hectares under vine, Château Lascombes is the largest estate in Margaux. A succession of owners has left their impression here, and among them, the late wine writer Alexis Lichine was James mentor in the 1980s. It s partly thanks to him that this second growth is as appreciated around the world as it is today. Yet, the more recent work to modernize the cellar and replant much of the vineyards has proven just as significant. The real estate investment group Colonial Capital and the current proprietors, the French insurance group MACSF, have both contributed these notably improvements. The style here tends to lean towards impressive opulence and plush black fruit in terms of flavors. However, the best vintages are also complemented by a streak of beautiful freshness. The particularly high percentage of merlot used in the blend certainly has its part to play, as does the preference for a long cold soak and lees stirring by barrel rotation, which the winemaking team believes procures softer, finer tannins. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 57

58 CHÂTEAU LASCOMBES TABLE 20 Château Lascombes Margaux

59 CHÂTEAU LYNCH BAGES, CHÂTEAU ORMES DE PEZ TABLE 32 Jean-Charles Cazes now manages all the family vineyards. Cazes 家族分別於二次世界大戰後 (1939 和 1940) 年購入 Château Lynch-Bages 和 Château Ormes de Pez, 而 Ormes de Pez 的質量優秀, 與列級莊相當, 具很高的成熟潜力 詹姆斯品鑒過酒莊產自 60 和 70 年代的酒款, 依然美味可口, 展示了典型的聖埃斯泰夫風格, 有著黑色水果和香料的風味 Lynch-Bages 是亞洲最受歡迎的列級莊之一, 以長時間熟成的紅葡萄酒著稱, 以赤霞珠為主體, 亦添加了相當比例的梅樂, 使得酒體更圓潤和平易近人 Cazes 家族去年收購了鄰近的列級莊 Haut-Batailley, 期待他們帶來更多優質葡萄酒 The Cazes family has been the owners of the Château Lynch-Bages since 1939 and Château Ormes de Pez since the eve of the Second World War. For decades, the wines of Ormes de Pez have been surpassing its non-classified status with excellent, characteristic reds that age incredibly well. James had the pleasure of tasting the wines that date back to the 1960s and 1970s, and they are still delicious today, showing true Saint-Estephe character with spices, dark fruit and firm tannins. Lynch-Bages is one of the most popular classified growth Bordeaux in Asia and produces compelling and long-lived reds. And the wines are made mostly with cabernet sauvignon. On the other hand, the blend of Ormes de Pez has a large proportion of merlot, which gives the wine a much rounder, friendlier style. The Cazes family bought nearby classified growth Château Haut-Batailley just last year, so stay tuned for even more great wines from them. 59

60 CHÂTEAU LYNCH BAGES, CHÂTEAU ORMES DE PEZ TABLE 32 Château Lynch Bages Pauillac Château Ormes de Pez St.-Estèphe

61 CHÂTEAU MONLOT TABLE 26 中國國際電影明星兼導演趙薇 Vicky 於 2011 年買下了位於聖埃美隆柏菲莊園旁邊的夢隴酒莊 在與 Jean-Claude Berrouet 進行了一次會面後, 她成功說服這位柏圖斯莊園的前釀酒師擔任夢隴的顧問 同時, 在農藝學家 Claude Bourguignon( 他曾為羅曼尼康帝工作數年, 並全面推行生物動力農法 ) 的幫助下, 在短短數年間, 這個團隊已經能够釀制越來越複雜的葡萄酒, 以和諧的風格於大中華地區和國際市場站穩陣腳 In 2011, the Chinese international actress and movie director Zhao Wei Vicky purchased Château Monlot, which is a grand cru located in St.-Emilion, just adjacent to Chateau Pavie. After a chance meeting with Jean-Claude Berrouet, Zhao Wei coaxed the former winemaker of Petrus out of retirement, bringing him in as a consultant. And that s not it. Château Monlot also has the legendary agronomist Claude Bourguignon on board, and he has spent years working for Domaine de la Romanée-Conti and promoting the virtues of biodynamic viticulture. In a matter of years, this new, star-studded team has been making complex, site-specific wines that are becoming increasingly popular in Greater China and internationally due to their serene and harmonious style. Watch this space. 61

62 CHÂTEAU MONLOT TABLE 26 Château Monlot St.-Emilion Héritage de Monlot St.-Emilion

63 CHÂTEAU PAPE CLÉMENT, CLOS HAUT-PEYRAGUEY TABLE 2 波爾多酒商Bernard Magrez擁有為數不少的酒莊 而Pape Clément的美麗 莊園裏有著Pessac-Léognan產區最好的土壤 這是Bernard Magrez的旗艦 酒莊 他是一比特充滿幹勁的酒商 擁有各式各樣的酒莊 包括Château Fombrauge ChâteauLa Tour Carnet和Clos Haut-Peyraguey Magrez 將Pape Clément的葡萄酒提升到星級的水准 結構井然的白酒和豐腴醇 厚的紅酒皆如是 過去10年的酒品質超卓 但我認為 近期的年份如2016 年 將是這個酒莊歷來最佳的 要密切留意 Clos Haut-Peyraguey是Sauternes的一級莊 酒風純淨 强烈 美麗 最近的年份尤其優秀 比如 和2016 Clos Haut Peyraguey的葡萄園擁有礫石土壤 在炎熱的年 份能夠裏釀造出新鮮而甜美的甜酒 在較凉的天氣下葡萄酒會變得溫暖又可 口 The dynamic wine merchant Bernard Magrez owns a variety of estates in Bordeaux and he spares nothing to get the best possible quality. This is evident from his flagship property Château Pape Clément, which encompasses some of the best soils of Pessac-Leognan. Magrez has improved the wines of Pape Clément to stellar levels, and this includes both structured whites and the decadently rich reds. The wines of the past 10 years have been of superb quality, but we think that recent vintages are the estate s best ever. And Clos Haut-Peyraguey speaks for itself as one of Sauternes premier crus. Magrez has been consistently making pure, intense, beautiful Sauternes here, particularly in recent top vintages such as 2013, 2015 and Clos Haut-Peyraguey s northeasterly exposures and extremely gravelly soils produce sweet wines that are fresh and luscious in hot years, and warm and flavorful in cooler ones. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 63

64 CHÂTEAU PAPE CLÉMENT, CLOS HAUT-PEYRAGUEY TABLE 2 Château Pape Clément Pessac-Léognan Château Pape Clément Pessac-Léognan Blanc Clos Haut-Peyraguey Sauternes

65 CHÂTEAU PICHON BARON TABLE 35 位於波亞克平原 ChâteauPichon Baron 碧尚男爵 於1987年被AXA Millésimes收歸旗下 並一直釀制著陽剛而又果香馥鬱的葡萄酒 幾乎 每個年份都有理想的深度和力量 詹姆斯尤記得他品鑒過的每一款碧尚 男爵 儘管經歷過不同的改變 男爵的葡萄酒依然表現出强烈的個性 一款成熟的Pichon Baron會呈現出非常優雅的風格 酒莊的葡萄酒總帶 著純粹的果味 這源於酒莊獨有的波亞克土釀和以赤霞珠為主的混釀 Located on the plateau of Pauillac, Château Pichon Baron was bought by AXA Millésimes in Now, Pichon Baron consistently makes muscular yet fruity wines that achieve both depth and strength. James remembers tasting just about every vintage made in the 20th century. Despite the changes in winemaking, the wines have always shown a strong personality. When Pichon Baron s reds age, they become more refined and beautiful, taking on an extremely elegant style. We always find that the wines of Pichon Baron have such purity, and it comes from the predominance of cabernet sauvignon in the blend and the property s unique Pauillac soils. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 65

66 CHÂTEAU PICHON BARON TABLE 35 Château Pichon-Longueville Baron Pauillac Les Griffons de Pichon Baron

67 CHÂTEAU PICHON LONGUEVILLE LALANDE TABLE 34 作為波亞克最著名的酒莊之一 ChâteauPichon Longueville Lalande 碧尚女爵 於2006被香檳世家Roederer家族收購 並致力於改進品 質 詹姆斯一直都非常喜愛Pichon Lalande的葡萄酒 尤其記得在80年 代他在德國的一場品鑒會中嘗到了產於20年代的美妙葡萄酒 這個位於 波亞克的莊園一直維持優秀的品質 如今 Pichon Lalande繼續釀造出 精緻 酸度鮮明的葡萄酒 酒莊女性化的風格可謂始終如一 Now one of Pauillac s greatest wine estates, Château Pichon Longueville Lalande was bought in 2006 by the Louis Roederer Champagne family, and ever since, they ve been making continuous improvements to achieve quality perfection. James has always had an affection for the wines from Pichon Comtesse. He remembers tasting wines from the 1920s at a large tasting in Germany in the 1980s, and the wines from these older vintages (especially from the 1980s) were fantastic. The pedigree and quality of the wines have always been wonderful at this Pauillac estate. Today, Pichon Comtesse continues to make ultra-refined, reserved wines with racy backbones of elegant tannins and bright acidity. They are firmly feminine in style. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 67

68 CHÂTEAU PICHON LONGUEVILLE LALANDE TABLE 34 Charles Fournier, Director of Commercial and Marketing at Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande Château Pichon Longueville Lalande Pauillac Réserve de la Comtesse Pauillac

69 CHÂTEAU RAHOUL, CHÂTEAU DE RICAUD, CHÂTEAU GRAND BARRAIL LAMARZELLE FIGEAC TABLE 4 Dourthe 是 CVBG 旗下的釀酒企業,CVBG 的總經理 Mathieu Chadronnier 是波爾多其中一位最高瞻遠矚的實業家和釀酒商之一 這個波爾多酒商擁有 3000 多個客戶, 分銷至 60 多個國家, 在市場有强大實力 今天介紹的 4 個酒莊都有一個共同點 : 以合理價格銷售優質葡萄酒 Château Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac 位於聖艾美隆的西北部, 葡萄酒芬香 有質感, 特別引人注目 Château Rahoul 和 Château de Ricaud 因為與 Thiénot 的合作而落入 CVBG 的掌控 Château de Ricaud 是 Cadillac 的優秀代表, 可靠, 價格相宜 Rahoul 在格雷夫斯 (Buraves) 製作充滿活力的紅, 白酒 Château Reysson 是 Dourthe 最近的收購, 公司自 2001 以來一直在管理上革新, 是一款一個緊密的 Haut Medoc 葡萄酒, 通常每瓶售價不到 20 美元 Dourthe is the winemaking arm of CVBG, a key French negociant with more than 3,000 clients and distribution in more than 60 countries. CVBG s managing director Mathieu Chadronnier is one of the most forward-thinking businessmen and winemakers in Bordeaux, and he is on a mission to make the region as accessible as possible. Indeed, all four of these chateaux share something in common: great wine at affordable prices. Château Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac s terroir is particularly of note as it extends to the Northwest of St.-Emilion, specifically in the unusually gravelly alluvial terraces of the appellation. The wines are more perfumed and chewy than others on the Right Bank. Château Rahoul and Château de Ricaud both fell under Dourthe s control following a partnership with the Champagne group Thiénot, which owns both properties. Château de Ricaud is the perfect example of a solid Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux, and you can count on its reliable and value wines. Whereas, Rahoul is located on the opposite side of the Garonne in Graves, making both dense, flavorful whites and bright reds that deserve attention. Lastly, Château Reysson is Dourthe s most recent acquisition, though the company has been managing the major renovation of the winery since A tight and linear Haut-Medoc, it usually chimes in for less than US$20 a bottle. 69

70 CHÂTEAU RAHOUL, CHÂTEAU DE RICAUD, CHÂTEAU GRAND BARRAIL LAMARZELLE FIGEAC TABLE 4 Château Rahoul Graves Château Rahoul Graves Blanc Château de Ricaud Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux 2015 Château Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac St.- Emilion

71 CHÂTEAU SOCIANDO-MALLET TABLE 30 ChâteauSociando-Mallet 也許是波爾多現代化最成功的例子之一, 在 1969 年以前, 這個莊園只有幾座破敗的建築物, 一些基本的釀酒廠設備和大約五公頃的葡萄園, 正是沒有釀酒背景的葡萄酒商人 Jean Jean Gautreau 在 80 年代初期把這座位於上梅多克 (Haut-Medoc) 的莊園改造成擁有列級酒莊水准的酒莊 時至今天,Sociando-Mallet 擁有約 115 公頃的土地, 當中 85 公頃為葡萄園,Jean 和他的女兒 Sylvie Gautreau 一直堅持他們的釀酒理念, 例如, 選擇僅在冬季修剪 事實上, 這種傳統的釀做法會為葡萄酒帶來更精緻的風格, 這在 2013 和 4 年的葡萄酒中可見一斑 最重要的是, 儘管市場對於 Sociando-Mallet 的需求不斷增加, 但他們的價格一直處於合理的水准 如果你還沒有找到他們的葡萄酒, 希望您可以嘗試一下 Château Sociando-Mallet is perhaps Bordeaux s greatest modern success story. Before 1969, this estate only consisted of a few crumbling buildings, some rudimentary winery equipment and around five hectares of largely untended land. It was Jean Gautreau, a wine merchant with no formal winemaking background, who catapulted this small, derelict operation in the Haut-Medoc to quality levels that equal, and at times surpass, the nearby classified growths at the beginning of the 1980s. Sociando-Mallet boasts around 115 hectares 85 of which are under vine of deep, gravelly terrain that slopes down to the banks of the Gironde Estuary. Jean and his daughter Sylvie Gautreau have always been steadfast in their winemaking philosophy. For example, they choose to prune only during the winter and eschew green harvesting altogether. Indeed, this kind of classical winemaking has always shone through their fine, polished reds; namely in vintages such as 2014 or even Best of all, the family has always maintained affordable prices despite the increased demand for these overachieving wines. Seek them out if you haven t already. 71

72 CHÂTEAU SOCIANDO-MALLET TABLE 30 The Gautreau Family at Château Sociando-Mallet Château Sociando-Mallet Haut-Médoc La Demoiselle de Sociando-Mallet Haut-Médoc

73 CHÂTEAU TOUR SAINT CHRISTOPHE, CHÂTEAU HAUT-BRISSON, CHÂTEAU LA PATACHE, CHÂTEAU BELLEFONT-BELCIER TABLE 8 香港商人郭炎在 1997 年收購位於 Saint-Émilion 的 Haut-Brisson 酒莊, 原本是為了有一個地方讓家人沉浸在法國文化之中 ; 但不久之後, 他便打定主意要在酒莊釀制卓越的葡萄酒 他正迅速成為右岸頂級釀酒商之一, 擁有至少 7 家酒莊 在 Michel Rolland 的幫助下, 酒莊的品質不斷提高 Château Le Rey 和 Château Bellefont-Belcier 是最近添置的酒莊, 後者以美麗的環境和康樂活動聞名, 富含黏土和石灰的葡萄園是釀酒的好素材,2015 年的酒款的到了 95 分 Château Le Rey 是郭炎的特別計畫, 以布根地瓶子灌裝並以水泥缸釀製, 這將會是波爾多最令人期待的酒款之一 Hong Kong businessman Peter Kwok originally bought St.-Emilion wine estate Haut-Brisson in 1997 as a place for his family to immerse themselves in French culture, but it wasn t long before he decided to produce excellent red wines at the property. With no less than seven different estate wines, he is quickly becoming one of the top wine producers on the Right Bank. Although it did take almost a decade to get things right. With the help of consulting winemaker Michel Rolland, the properties are now making their best wines ever. Château Le Rey and Château Bellefont-Belcier are the wine mogul s latest acquisitions. The latter was always known as a particularly picturesque spot with its sloping hills, lush woodland, swimming pool and even tennis court. As some of the vineyards are situated on St.-Emilion s plateau, the clay and limestone soils are now being put to excellent use for winemaking. The 2015 received a rating of 95 points, which is the chateau s highest ever score. However, Château Le Rey must be Kwok s one of special project. The wines here are packaged in Burgundy bottles according to the soil type and made in amphora without sulfur. They are certainly turning heads in Bordeaux, and we also think they re some of the most exciting new releases out there right now. 73

74 CHÂTEAU TOUR SAINT CHRISTOPHE, CHÂTEAU HAUT-BRISSON, CHÂTEAU LA PATACHE, CHÂTEAU BELLEFONT-BELCIER TABLE 8 Château Bellefont-Belcier St.-Emilion Château Tour Saint Christophe St.-Emilion Château Haut-Brisson St.-Emilion Château La Patache Pomerol

75 CHÂTEAU TROPLONG-MONDOT TABLE 10 ChâteauTroplong Mondot 擁有右岸一些最具潜力的風土, 令人羡慕 葡萄園俯瞰聖艾美隆鎮, 以著名的石灰高原和厚粘土著稱 凉爽的微氣候令葡萄園有較長的成熟週期, 這是已故的 Christine Valette-Pariente 所相中的獨特潜力 ( 從 89 和 90 的時候開始 ) 在 Christine 的努力下, 酒莊的優秀已經成為必然, 並在 2006 年得到提升 ( 成為聖艾美隆一級 B 等名莊 ) 自 2017 年以來, 酒莊一直由法國保險公司 SCOR 掌控, 現由 Cos d Estournel 前董事總經理 Aymeric de Gironde 負責管理 隨著在釀造和新酒窖作出改變, 酒莊的前景可謂無限,2017 年的 Troplong Mondot 是該年最出色的葡萄酒之一, 展示了新的優雅感和純淨度 Château Troplong Mondot boasts some of the most enviable terroirs on the Right Bank. Planted on particularly thick clay soils, its vineyards overlook the town of St.-Emilion with some parts occupying the highest point of the famous limestone plateau. The microclimate is cooler than other areas, and in result of that, the grapes are often the last to ripen in the appellation. It was the late Christine Valette-Pariente who realized the potential of this unique site, first judging from the 89 and 90 vintages. By the early 2000s, it seemed that excellence in every year was an inevitability. Thanks to her efforts, the estate was duly promoted to first-growth status in 2006 (premier grand cru classé B). Since in 2017, the château has been in the hands of the French insurance company SCOR, and now managed by Aymeric de Gironde, the former managing director of Cos d Estournel. With changes already afoot in the winemaking and a new cellar in the pipeline, the sky is the limit here. Troplong Mondot s 2017 is one of the wines of the vintage and it shows a new purity and elegance that previous vintages didn t always capitalize on. 75

76 CHÂTEAU TROPLONG-MONDOT TABLE 10 Château Troplong-Mondot St.-Emilion Mondot St.-Emilion

77 CHÂTEAU TROTTEVIEILLE, CHÂTEAU DU DOMAINE DE L EGLISE, CHÂTEAU BATAILLEY, CHÂTEAU LYNCH-MOUSSAS TABLE 21 Borie-Manoux 成立於 1970 年, 是全球最大的法國葡萄酒家族之一, 旗下現時擁有八家酒莊, 包括 Batailley,Trotte Vieille,Domaine de l Eglise,Lynch-Moussas,Beau-Site,Haut-Bages Monpelou,La Croix du Casse 和 Haut-Madrac 在近十年所有莊園的品質都在不斷提高, 但 ChâteauTrotte Vieille 的成就最為卓越, 生產著一些精巧而有結構感的美妙紅酒 我欣賞這些含蓄芳香的酒款, 它們在年輕時展現出純淨 細緻的漿果特性 毗鄰著名的 Troplong Mondot 和 Pavie Macquin 等酒莊, 這個占地 10 公頃的莊園距離聖艾美隆中心僅幾步之遙, 以合理的價格提供著優質葡萄酒 以波爾多的標準而言,Trotte Vieille 有不錯的性價比,Batailley 是另一推薦的酒莊, 它們最近推出了新的副牌葡萄酒, 以提高葡萄在種植和釀造方面的質量 Founded in 1970, Borie-Manoux is one of the biggest family-owned French wine merchant groups in the world. Currently, Borie-Manoux is managing eight châteaux, including Batailley, TrotteVieille, Domaine de l Eglise, Lynch-Moussas, Beau-Site, La Croix du Casse, Haut-Bages Monpelou and Haut-Madrac. While all the estates are always improving in terms of quality, Château Trotte Vieille has really come into its own in the past decade by producing some wonderful reds with structure and finesse. We appreciate the aromatic subtlety of the young reds, showing a pure, delicate berry fruit character. Next door to illustrious names such as Troplong Mondot and Pavie, the 10-hectare property is located a short walk from the town of St.-Emilion. Delivering quality wines at an affordable price, TrotteVieille s wines are a great value in Bordeaux standards. Batailley is another one of their estates on a roll at the moment with the recent introduction of a second wine Lions de Batailley to bolster quality and much higher precision in viticulture and winemaking. 77

78 CHÂTEAU TROTTEVIEILLE, CHÂTEAU DU DOMAINE DE L EGLISE, CHÂTEAU BATAILLEY, CHÂTEAU LYNCH-MOUSSAS TABLE 21 Château Batailley Pauillac Château Lynch-Moussas Pauillac Château Trottevieille St.-Emilion Château du Domaine de l'église Pomerol

79 CHÂTEAU VALANDRAUD, CHÂTEAU SANSONNET, BAD BOY TABLE 5 火熱的釀酒師 Jean Luc Thunevin 被稱為車庫葡萄酒運動的創造者, 但事實是他做的遠遠不止於此 在 20 世紀 90 年代, 他向世界展示波爾多名聲稍次的產區也可以釀造出偉大的葡萄酒 他於 1989 年成立了 Château Valandraud, 莊園的前身為離 Pavie Macquin 不遠的一個菜, 這在傳統產區波爾多並不是一件容易的事 Jean Luc 有一次决定用塑膠薄膜覆蓋兩公頃的葡萄園, 以防止堵塞, 但這令莊園的葡萄酒被降級, 不能以 Valandraud 命名 - Jean Luc 吧葡萄酒降級至餐酒級別, 並想到以 L Interdit de V d 為名, 意思是禁酒 這令他贏得了 壞男孩 的稱號, 而這亦是他產自弗龍薩克 (100% 梅樂 ) 的葡萄酒的名字 以 Thunevin 為顧問的酒莊都值得關注, 包括 Château Sansonnet, 一個位於 Trottevielle 旁的莊園 (7 公頃 ), 後者在 2012 被重新歸類為聖艾美隆特級莊 ( 於 1996 年被降級 ),2015 年的酒款可能是最好之一 The firebrand winemaker Jean-Luc Thunevin is known as the creator of the garage wine movement, but the reality is he did much more than that. In the 1990s, he showed the world that you can make great wine in Bordeaux from historically insignificant terroirs. Prior to founding Château Valandraud in 1989, this plot of land was a vegetable garden not far from Pavie-Macquin. Going against the grain has not always been easy, especially in a tradition-bound region such as Bordeaux. On one occasion, Jean-Luc decided to cover two hectares of vineyards with plastic sheeting to prevent excessive water clogging. When barred by bottling the wines produced as Valandraud, he declassified the crop to Vin de Table, coming up with the moniker L Interdit de V d, which means the forbidden wine of in French. His run-ins with authority have earned him the title Bad Boy; hence, the name of his value wine, which is, by the way, a 100% merlot from Fronsac. Look out for the names for which Thunevin consults; namely, Château Sansonnet, a single seven-hectare plot next to Trottevielle. The latter was reclassified as a St.-Emilion grand cru in 2012, having lost the title in The 2015 might be the best ever. 79

80 CHÂTEAU VALANDRAUD, CHÂTEAU SANSONNET, BAD BOY TABLE 5 Château Valandraud St.-Emilion Château Sansonnet St.-Emilion Bad Boy Bordeaux Virginie de Valandraud Bordeaux Blanc

81 CLOS DE SARPE TABLE 13 Jean Beyney 於 1923 年收購了 ChâteauClos de Sarpe,Beyney 的兒子自 1950 年到 1985 年以來一直在管理這個家族莊園, 現在由 Beyney 的孫子和侄兒 Maylis Marcenat 接手 儘管規模較小, 但酒莊的出產著芳香而堅實的酒 每當我們想起 Clos de Sarpe 的葡萄酒時, 第一個想到的詞語就是 柔滑, 以有機農法種植葡萄, 葡萄園擁有介乎 55 到 80 歲的老藤 面向東南的沙佩高原與富含鈣質的粘土為葡萄酒帶來了自然與平衡 Jean Beyney acquired Château Clos de Sarpe in 1923, and from 1950 to 1985, Beyney s son Yvan Beyney has been overseeing the family estate. Now, Beyney s grandson Jean Guy Beyney is running the estate with the help of his niece Maylis Marcenat. Although the château is small is size, it has produced some aromatic and solid wines in the recent vintages. Whenever we think about the wines of Clos de Sarpe in St.-Emilion, the word silky comes to mind and freshness. It s also interesting to note that they organically grown their grapes. At Clos de Sarpe, a wide majority of vines are mature ranging from 55 to 80 years old and they are all growing in the southeast. facing the gentle slope of Sarpe plateau, the vines grow on clay-calcareous soils. We look forward to tasting more natural and balanced wines from Clos de Sarpe. 81

82 CLOS DE SARPE TABLE 13 Clos de Sarpe St.-Emilion

83 CLOS FOURTET, CHÂTEAU POUJEAUX TABLE 25 Clos Fourtet曾經是鄰近聖艾美隆鎮的堡壘 時至今天 Clos Fourtet的 城牆成為了酒莊20公頃葡萄園的烏托邦 植被豐富的葡萄園是放牧牛 群的理想地點 這是保持葡萄藤活力和健康的好方法 自Cuvelier家族 於2001年收購莊園以來 Clos Fourtet一直在實驗生物動力法 莊園的 葡萄酒帶獨特的礦物感和輕盈的風格 葡萄以不銹鋼桶發酵 新桶比例 為60% Cuvelier家族於2008年購入了Chouteau Poujeaux 並採取相 同的做法 這款中級莊是一款物值相當高的葡萄酒 而釀酒師Mathieu Cuvelier可謂功不可沒 In former times, Clos Fourtet served as a fort for the adjacent town of St.-Emilion. Today, Clos Fourtet s walls enclose a 20-hectare wine utopia. Cows can sometimes be seen grazing on lush, vegetation-rich vineyards, which are often replanted to keep the vines relatively youthful and healthy. Since the Cuveliers bought the estate in 2001, they have been experimenting rigorously with biodynamic and organic methods. And there s no doubt that these reds have a uniquely mineral, lithe personality about them. The approach in the cellar is also a winning factor, as the whole-berry fermentation is conducted in stainless steel before the aging takes place in a healthy proportion of new wood as low as 60%. The family has applied many of the same practices since acquiring Château Poujeaux in Moulis-en-Medoc in The Cru Bourgeois was always a dependable, good value Bordeaux, but the young talent Mathieu Cuvelier has really convinced everyone that the property can make serious, structured reds. «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 83

84 CLOS FOURTET, CHÂTEAU POUJEAUX TABLE 25 The Cuvelier family, the owners of both Clos Fourtet and Château Poujeaux Clos Fourtet St.-Emilion Château Poujeaux Moulis-en-Médoc «C O NTE N TS «IND EX 84

85 COUVENT DES JACOBINS TABLE 9 Couvent des Jacobins 位於 St.-Emilion 的中心地帶, 為 14 世紀多明尼加修道院舊址 自 1902 年以來這個占地 11 公頃的莊園一直在 Joinaud-Borde 家族的手中, 近年來的酒質可算是歷來最佳, 不要錯過品鑒來自單一葡萄園, 名為 Calicem 的葡萄酒, 以 95% 梅樂和 5% 赤霞珠混釀而成, 現時是這款酒推出市場的第二年 酒莊正努力獲取有機認證, 我們期待著看到 Couvent des Jacobins 在不久的將來的發展 Located in the heart of St.-Emilion, Couvent des Jacobins is named after the 14-century-old Dominican monastery that was built on the site. Since 1902, this stunning, 11-hectare property has been in the hands of the Joinaud-Borde family. And it has been making some of the best wines in its recent vintages. It ll definitely be a mistake to pass up the opportunity to taste its tiny-production, single-vineyard wine named Calicem. A blend of 95% merlot and 5% cabernet franc, it has only been made in two vintages. Currently, the winery is in the process of becoming certified as organic. While we re impressed with the current wines, we are eager to see what Couvent des Jacobins has in store in the near future. 85

86 COUVENT DES JACOBINS TABLE 9 Couvent des Jacobins St.-Emilion Calicem St.-Emilion

87 DOMAINE DE CHEVALIER TABLE 1 Domaine de Chevalier 自 1983 年以來一直由 Bernard 家族經營, 生產一些適合陳年的紅白葡萄酒 詹姆斯品鑒過熟成了 30 年到 40 年的白萄萄酒, 也對五六十年代的紅葡萄酒感到驚歎 Domaine de Chevalier 的葡萄酒深受葡萄酒收藏家的追捧, 唯一的問題是市面上的庫存太少, 因為並沒有多少人願意出售這些優秀的葡萄酒, 而我也情願自己喝掉 酒莊的紅酒和白酒果味濃郁, 也展示了葡萄園的多石土壤風格 Chevalier 最近釀制的葡萄酒似乎回歸到往日最佳的水準, 過往十年的葡萄酒的確是優秀的作品 Owned by the Bernard family since in 1983, Domaine de Chevalier produces some of the best, age-worthy wines in Bordeaux. James has the opportunity to taste some fabulous whites from this Pessac-Leognan estate, and they had a bottle age of 30 and 40 years. The reds from the 1950s and 1960s are equally excellent, too. The only problem is probably finding them. The wines of Domaine de Chevalier are highly sought-after by wine collectors, and very few are willing to part with these bottles as they prefer to drink it themselves. The reds and whites both have an incredible depth of fruit and a unique character from the stony soils of the vineyards. The recent vintages seem to hark back to the halcyon days of great winemaking from this estate. In fact, the wines of the last decade are its best vintages ever produced. 87

88 DOMAINE DE CHEVALIER TABLE 1 Olivier Bernard, owner of Domaine du Chevalier Domaine de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Domaine de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Blanc

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90 Come taste with James Suckling in Central Hong Kong at his new restaurant JAMES SUCKLING WINE CENTRAL OPENS SEPTEMBER 2018! 欢迎莅临我们位于中环的餐厅 : James Suckling Wine Central 并与 James Suckling 一起品饮美酒 即将于 2018 年 9 月开幕 90


92 92

93 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT JS 2015 波尔多排行榜 JS 2015 BORDEAUX WINES RATED WINE SCORE Château Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse St.-Emilion Château Bélair-Monange St.-Emilion Château Canon St.-Emilion Château L Evangile Pomerol Château La Mission Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Château Lafleur Pomerol Château Le Pin Pomerol Château Margaux Margaux Château Palmer Margaux Château Pavie St.-Emilion Château Pavie St.-Emilion Château Pétrus Pomerol Château Trotanoy Pomerol Château Trottevieille St.-Emilion Très Vieilles Vignes Vieux-Château-Certan Pomerol Château Angélus St.-Emilion Château Ausone St.-Emilion Château Bellevue-Mondotte St.-Emilion Château Cheval-Blanc St.-Emilion Château Clinet Pomerol Château L Église Clinet Pomerol Château La Fleur-Pétrus Pomerol Château Lafite Rothschild Pauillac Château Larcis-Ducasse St.-Emilion Château Mouton-Rothschild Pauillac Château Pape Clément Pessac-Léognan Château Péby-Faugères St.-Emilion Château Smith-Haut-Lafitte Pessac-Léognan Château Trottevieille St.-Emilion La Mondotte St.-Emilion Château Cos-d Estournel St.-Estèphe Château Haut-Bailly Pessac-Léognan Château Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Château Hosanna Pomerol Château La Conseillante Pomerol

94 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château La Mission Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château La Violette Pomerol Château Latour Pauillac Château Léoville Las Cases St.-Julien Château Montrose St.-Estèphe Château Pape Clément Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Pavie-Decesse St.-Emilion Château Pavie-Macquin St.-Emilion Château Pontet-Canet Pauillac Château Smith-Haut-Lafitte Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Troplong-Mondot St.-Emilion Château Valandraud St.-Emilion Domaine de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Blanc Enclos Tourmaline Pomerol L If St.-Emilion Aile d Argent Bordeaux Blanc Château Bellevue St.-Emilion Château Certan de May Pomerol Château Ducru-Beaucaillou St.-Julien Château Figeac St.-Emilion Château Gazin Pomerol Château Gracia St.-Emilion Château Haut-Brion Blanc Pessac-Léognan Château Latour à Pomerol Pomerol Château Les Carmes-Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Château Magrez Fombrauge St.-Emilion Château Malescot-St.-Exupéry Margaux Château Nenin Pomerol Château Pichon Longueville Lalande Pauillac Château Quintus St.-Emilion Château Rauzan-Ségla Margaux Château Rocheyron St.-Emilion Domaine de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Essence Bordeaux De Dourthe Le Petit Cheval Bordeaux Blanc Château Canon-La Gaffelière St.-Emilion Château Croix de Labrie St.-Emilion Château d Issan Margaux Château du Domaine de L Église Pomerol Château Fleur-Cardinale St.-Emilion Château Giscours Margaux Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste Pauillac Château La Dominique St.-Emilion

95 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château La Marzelle St.-Emilion Château Le Bon-Pasteur Pomerol Château Léoville Barton St.-Julien Château Léoville Poyferré St.-Julien Château Maillet Pomerol Château Malartic-Lagravière Pessac-Léognan Château Palmer Margaux Alter Ego Château Petit-Village Pomerol Château Prieuré-Lichine Margaux Château Sansonnet St.-Emilion Château Tour Saint Christophe St.-Emilion Château Valandraud Bordeaux Blanc Clos du Clocher Pomerol Clos Fourtet St.-Emilion Le Petit Mouton de Mouton-Rothschild Pauillac Les Chênes de Macquin St.-Emilion Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux Bordeaux Blanc Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux Margaux Château Durfort-Vivens Margaux Château La Dominique St.-Emilion Arômes de Pavie St.-Emilion Chapelle de Labrie St.-Emilion Château Barde-Haut St.-Emilion Château Batailley Pauillac Château Beau-Séjour Bécot St.-Emilion Château Beauregard Pomerol Château Bellefont-Belcier St.-Emilion Château Bernateau St.-Emilion Château Bourgneuf Pomerol Château Calon-Ségur St.-Estèphe Château Cantemerle Haut-Médoc Château Clerc Milon Pauillac Château Cos-d Estournel Bordeaux Blanc Château Croix de Labrie Bordeaux Blanc Château de Fieuzal Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château du Paradis St.-Emilion Château du Tertre Margaux Château Faugères St.-Emilion Château Fonplégade St.-Emilion Château Gruaud-Larose St.-Julien Château Haut-Brisson St.-Emilion Château La Cabanne Pomerol Château La Croix du Casse St.-Emilion

96 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château La Grave Pomerol Trigant de Boisset Château La Pointe Pomerol Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey Bordeaux Blanc Château Lafleur-Gazin Pomerol Château Lascombes Margaux Château Lynch Bages Pauillac Château Malartic-Lagravière Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Monbousquet St.-Emilion Château Montlabert St.-Emilion Château Pichon-Longueville Baron Pauillac Château Rauzan-Gassies Margaux Château Soutard-Cadet St.-Emilion Château Villemaurine St.-Emilion Clos de l Oratoire St.-Emilion Clos des Lunes Bordeaux Blanc Lune d Or Clos du Marquis St.-Julien Clos L Église Pomerol Clos St.-Julien St.-Emilion Croix Canon St.-Emilion La Fleur de Boüard Lalande-de-Pomerol Le Plus La Petite Eglise Pomerol Lagrave-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Blanc Le Carré St.-Emilion Le Clarence de Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Le Dôme St.-Emilion Les Angelots de Gracia St.-Emilion Les Forts de Latour Pauillac Pensées de Lafleur Pomerol Dame de Trottevieille St.-Emilion Acte 7 Bordeaux Supérieur Blanc de Lynch-Bages Bordeaux Blason de l Evangile Pomerol Carruades de Lafite Rothschild Pauillac Chapelle d Ausone St.-Emilion Château Arnauld Haut-Médoc Château Bel Air Pomerol Château Bellevue Figeac St.-Emilion Château Beychevelle St.-Julien Château Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Château Branas Grand Poujeaux Moulis-en-Médoc Château Brane-Cantenac Margaux Château Cambon La Pelouse Margaux L Aura Château Cantenac-Brown Margaux

97 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Cantin St.-Emilion Château Cap de Faugères Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux La Mouleyre Château Charmant Margaux Château Chasse-Spleen Moulis-en-Médoc Château Chauvin St.-Emilion Château Clos des Prince St.-Emilion Château Dalem Fronsac Château Dauzac Margaux Château de Ferrand St.-Emilion Château de Fieuzal Pessac-Léognan Château de Pressac St.-Emilion Château Durfort-Vivens Margaux Château Ferran Pessac-Léognan Château Ferrière Margaux Château Fombrauge St.-Emilion Château Gloria St.-Julien Château Grand-Pontet St.-Emilion Château Haut-Bages-Libéral Pauillac Château Haut-Batailley Pauillac Château Haut-Maillet Pomerol Château Haut-Ségottes St.-Emilion Château L Étoile de Clotte St.-Emilion Château La Clémence Pomerol Château La Commanderie St.-Emilion Château La Fleur de Gay Pomerol Château La Fleur du Mayne Pomerol Château La Fleur Morange St.-Emilion Avalone Château La Gaffelière St.-Emilion Château La Garde Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château La Grave Figeac St.-Emilion Château La Gurgue Margaux Château La Louvière Pessac-Léognan Château La Tour du Pin Figeac St.-Emilion Château Labégorce Margaux Château Lagrange St.-Julien Château Langoa Barton St.-Julien Château Laroque St.-Emilion Château Larrivet-Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Château Le Prieuré St.-Emilion Château Lécuyer Pomerol Château Lespault-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Louis St.-Emilion Château Mangot St.-Emilion Todeschini

98 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Chateau Marquis d Alesme Becker Margaux Château Marquis de Terme Margaux Château Montlandrie Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Olivier Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Ormes de Pez St.-Estèphe Château Pédesclaux Pauillac Château Petit-Gravet-Aine St.-Emilion Château Phélan Ségur St.-Estèphe Château Pierre 1er St.-Emilion Château Pierre de Lune St.-Emilion Château Poujeaux Moulis-en-Médoc Château Puygueraud Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Château Ripeau St.-Emilion Château Rouget Pomerol Château Sanctus St.-Emilion Château Siran Margaux Château St.-Pierre Pomerol Château Talbot St.-Julien Château Tour Peyronneau St.-Emilion Pierrick Lavau Château Tronquoy-Lalande St.-Estèphe Château Vieux Chantecaille St.-Emilion Château Vray-Croix-de-Gay Pomerol Clos Beauregard Pomerol Clos L Église Pomerol Clos René Pomerol Croix de Beauséjour St.-Emilion Domaine du Bouscat Bordeaux Supérieur Les Portes de l Am Duo Conseillante Pomerol Fait-Main St.-Emilion Todeschini Asteria Vineyard L Esprit de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Banc L Étoile de Bon Pasteur Pomerol La Chapelle de La Mission-Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan La Clarte de Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Blanc La Dame de Montrose St.-Estèphe La Fleur de Rocheyron St.-Emilion La Gravette de Certan Pomerol Le Défi de Fontenil Vin de Table de France Le Dragon de Quintus St.-Emilion Le Margaux du Château de Malleret Margaux Le Marquis de Calon Ségur St.-Estèphe Le Merle de Peby Faugeres St.-Emilion Le Petit Haut-Lafitte Pessac-Léognan Les Champs Libres Bordeaux Blanc

99 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Les Hauts de Smith Pessac-Léognan Blanc Les Pagodes de Cos St.-Estèphe Lucia St.-Emilion Murmure de Larcis Ducasse St.-Emilion Pauillac de Château Latour Pauillac Poesia St.-Emilion Vieux Château Palon Montagne-St.-Emilion Château La Cabanne Pomerol Château La Lagune Haut-Médoc Angélique de Monbousquet St.-Emilion Benjamin de Beauregard Pomerol Blason d Issan Margaux Calicem St.-Emilion Château Ambe Tour Pourret St.-Emilion Château Badette St.-Emilion Château Baret Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Bélair-Monange St.-Emilion Annonce Château Belgrave Haut-Médoc Château Belle Assise Coureau St.-Emilion Château Bellegrave Pomerol Château Bellevue-Cardon Pauillac Château Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Branaire-Ducru St.-Julien Château Branon Pessac-Léognan Château Brown Pessac-Léognan Château Brown Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Cadet-Bon St.-Emilion Château Canon Pécresse Canon-Fronsac Château Cantelys Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Cantenac St.-Emilion Château Cap de Mourlin St.-Emilion Château Capet-Guillier St.-Emilion Château Carbonnieux Pessac-Léognan Château Carignan Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Prima Château Caroline Moulis-en-Médoc Château Caronne-Ste.-Gemme Haut-Médoc Château Carteau St.-Emilion Côtes Daugay Château Clarisse Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Vieilles Vignes Château Corbin Michotte St.-Emilion Château Corbin St.-Emilion Château Cormeil-Figeac St.-Emilion Château Croix Cardinale St.-Emilion Château d Armailhac Pauillac

100 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Dassault St.-Emilion Château de Bel-Air Lalande-de-Pomerol Château de Birot Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Vintage Château de Camensac Haut-Médoc Château de Candale St.-Emilion Château de Chantegrive Graves Caroline Blanc Château Domeyne St.-Estèphe Château du Moulin Rouge Haut-Médoc Château Duhart-Milon Rothschild Pauillac Château Edmus St.-Emilion Château Feytit-Clinet Pomerol Château Fonroque St.-Emilion Château Fontenil Fronsac Château Franc Pipeau St.-Emilion Château Franc-Mayne St.-Emilion Château Gazin Rocquencourt Pessac-Léognan Château Gazin Rocquencourt Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Grand Corbin-Despagne St.-Emillion Château Guadet St.-Emilion Château Haut Sarpe St.-Emilion Château Haut Simard St.-Emilion Château Haut Troquart La Grâce Dieu St.-Emilion Château Haut Veyrac St.-Emilion Château Haut-Bellevue Moulis-en-Médoc Château Haut-Surget Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Jacques Blanc St.-Emilion Château Kirwan Margaux Château L Enclos Pomerol Château La Couspaude St.-Emilion Château La Croix St.-Georges Pomerol Château La Croizille St.-Emilion Château La Fleur des Rouzes Pomerol Château La Fleur Morange St.-Emilion Château La Fleur St.-Emilion Château La Garde Pessac-Léognan Château La Garricq Moulis-en-Médoc Château La Haye St.-Estèphe Château La Lagune Haut-Médoc Château La Lauzette Haut-Médoc Château La Patache Pomerol Château La Renaissance Pomerol Château La Révérence St.-Emilion

101 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château La Serre St.-Emilion Château La Tour Carnet Haut-Médoc Château La Tour Figeac St.-Emilion Château Labat Haut-Médoc Château Lafon-Rochet St.-Estèphe Château Lalande-Borie St.-Julien Château Lamarzelle Cormey St.-Emilion Château Lanessan Haut-Médoc Château Larmande St.-Emilion Château Larrivet-Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Latour Martillac Pessac-Léognan Château Latour Martillac Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Le Caillou Pomerol Château Le Chemin Pomerol Château Le Thil Pessac-Léognan Château Les Charmes-Godard Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Blanc Château Lespault-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Château Lynch-Moussas Pauillac Château Lyonnat Lussac-St.-Emilion Emotion Château Magrez Fombrauge Bordeaux Blanc Château Mangot St.-Emilion Château Marsau Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Château Martinet St.-Emilion Château Maucaillou Moulis-en-Médoc Château Mayne Lalande Listrac-Medoc Château Milens St.-Emilion Château Monlot St.-Emilion Château Montlisse St.-Emilion Château Moulin Haut-Laroque Fronsac Château Moulin-St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château Moulinet Pomerol Château Olivier Pessac-Léognan Château Picque Caillou Pessac-Léognan Château Picque Caillou Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Picque-Caillou Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Pipeau St.-Emilion Château Plince Pomerol Château Quinault-L Enclos St.-Emilion Château Sanctus St.-Emilion La Bienfaisance Château Sociando-Mallet Haut-Médoc Château Tour Baladoz St.-Emilion Château Tour du Roc Haut-Médoc

102 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Tour Maillet Pomerol Château Tour Peyronneau St.-Emilion Château Vieux Chaigneau Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Vrai Canon Bouché Canon-Fronsac Chevalier de Lascombes Margaux Clos de la Cure St.-Emilion Clos de la Vieille Église Pomerol Clos de Sarpe St.-Emilion Clos des Baies St.-Emilion Clos des Jacobins St.-Emilion Clos Dubreuil St.-Emilion Clos La Gaffelière St.-Emilion Clos Margalaine Margaux Clos St.-Martin St.-Emilion Couvent des Jacobins St.-Emilion Croix de Beaucaillou St.-Julien Domaine de Compostelle Pomerol Esprit de Pavie St.-Emilion Folie de Chauvin St.-Emilion Haut-Carles Fronsac Jean-Philippe Janoueix Pomerol Sacré Coeur L Eclat de Valentin St.-Emilion L Esprit de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan L Etoile de Villegeorge Haut-Médoc La Chenade Lalande-de-Pomerol La Fleur d Arthus St.-Emilion La Fleur de Boüard Lalande-de-Pomerol La Parde de Haut-Bailly Pessac-Léognan La Petite Marquise du Clos du Marquis St.-Julien La Réserve de Léoville Barton St.-Julien La Sirène de Giscours Margaux Lagrave-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Le Clos du Beau-Père Pomerol Les Angelots de Villemaurine St.-Emilion Les Astéries St.-Emilion Les Brulières de Beychevelle Haut-Médoc Les Chênes de Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Les Cruzelles Lalande-de-Pomerol Les Fillottes Pomerol Les Hauts de Smith Pessac-Léognan Lynsolence St.-Emilion Pastourelle de Clerc Milon Pauillac Pavillon de Léoville Poyferré St.-Julien

103 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Réserve de la Comtesse Pauillac Saintayme St.-Emilion Sarget de Gruaud-Larose St.-Julien Virginie de Valandraud Bordeaux Blanc Virginie de Valandraud St.-Emilion À Nos Amours par Lafont-Fourcat Bordeaux Amiral de Beychevelle St.-Julien Aurore de Dauzac Margaux Baby Bad Boy Bordeaux Blanc Bad Boy Bordeaux Chartreuse de Faugères St.-Emilion Château Abelyce St.-Emilion Château Alcee Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Baret Pessac-Léognan Château Barrabaque Canon-Fronsac Prestige Château Barrabaque Fronsac Château Barrail Saint Andre St.-Emilion Château Beaumont Haut-Médoc Château Bel-Air Ortet St.-Estèphe Château Belle-Vue Haut-Médoc Château Bellegrave Pauillac Château Biston-Brillette Moulis-en-Médoc Château Blaignan Haut-Médoc Quintessence Château Bonalgue Pomerol Château Bonfort Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Bonnet Bordeaux Supérieur Divinus Château Cantelys Pessac-Léognan Château Cantenac St.-Emilion Selection Madame Château Cap d Or St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château Cap de Faugères Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Chateau Capbern St.-Estèphe Château Carbonnieux Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Chantelune Margaux Château Cissac Haut-Médoc Château Citran Haut-Médoc Château Cos-Labory St.-Estèphe Château Côte de Baleau St.-Emilion Château Coudert St.-Emilion Château Couhins Pessac-Léognan Château Couhins Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Couhins-Lurton Pessac-Léognan Château Coutet St.-Emilion Château Croizet-Bages Pauillac

104 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Cruzeau St.-Emilion Château d Agassac Haut-Médoc Château d Aiguilhe Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château d Arsac Margaux Château de Barbe Blanche Lussac-St.-Emilion Château de Camparian Pessac-Léognan Château de Carles Fronsac Château de Chantegrive Graves Château de Chantegrive Graves Blanc Château de Fonbel St.-Emilion Château de France Pessac-Léognan Château de Francs Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Les Cerisiers Château de L Hoste Blanc Entre-Deux-Mers Vieilles Vignes Château de la Dauphine Fronsac Château de Lamarque Haut-Médoc Château de Reignac Bordeaux Supérieur Château de Reignac Bordeaux Supérieur Grand Vin Château des Fougères Graves Clos Montesqieu Château des Laurets Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Baron Sélection Parcellaire Château Destieux St.-Emilion Château du Courlat Lussac-St.-Emilion Cuvée Jean-Baptiste Château du Parc St.-Emilion Château du Retout Haut-Médoc Château du Rocher St.-Emilion Château du Taillan Haut-Médoc Château du Vallier Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Dutruch Grand Poujeaux Moulis-en-Médoc Château Escot Médoc Château Faurie-de-Souchard St.-Emilion Château Ferran Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Fourcas-Borie Listrac-Medoc Château Fourcas-Hosten Bordeaux Blanc Château Gigault Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Cuvée Viva Château Gombaude-Guillot Pomerol Château Grand Clapeau Olivier Haut-Médoc Château Grand Médoc Haut-Médoc Château Grand Village Bordeaux Château Grand-Mayne St.-Emilion Château Grand-Puy-Ducasse Pauillac Château Grangey St.-Emilion Château Graves de Rabion St.-Emilion Château Gree Laroque Bordeaux Supérieur

105 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Gressier Grand Poujeaux Moulis-en-Médoc Château Haut Gravet St.-Emilion Château Haut Peyrous Graves La Perle de Peyrous Château Haut-Bages-Monpelou Pauillac Château Haut-Bergey Pessac-Léognan Château Haut-Bergey Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Haut-Bernat Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Les Cyprès Château Haut-Lagrange Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Haut-Marbuzet St.-Estèphe Château Haut-Nouchet Pessac-Léognan Château Haut-Vigneau Pessac-Léognan Château Hourtou Côtes de Bourg Château Jean Faux Bordeaux Supérieur Château L Isle Fort Bordeaux Supérieur Château L Eglise d Armens St.-Emilion Château La Branne Médoc Château La Chandelliere Médoc Château La Chapelle aux Moines St.-Emilion Château La Clotte St.-Emilion Château La Confession St.-Emilion Château La Croix Montlabert St.-Emilion Château La Fleur Morange St.-Emilion Mathilde Château La Grace Dieu St.-Emilion Les Menuts Château La Grande Clotte Bordeaux Blanc Château La Prade Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Château La Tour Carnet Bordeaux Blanc Château La Tour de Bessan Margaux Château La Vieille Cure Fronsac Château Lafitte Carcasset St.-Estèphe Château Lafont Menaut Pessac-Léognan Château Lafont Menaut Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Lalande de Gravet St.-Emilion Château Lamothe-Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Château Landereau Bordeaux Supérieur Prestige Château Larose-Perganson Haut-Médoc Château Laroze St.-Emilion Château Larrivaux Haut-Médoc Château Le Bernat Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Cuvée Spéciale Château Le Boscq St.-Estèphe Château Le Crock St.-Estèphe Château Le Pape Pessac-Léognan Château les Fougères St.-Emilion Revelations d Hubert de Boüard Château Les Giraudels de Milon St.-Emilion

106 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Les Grandes Murailles St.-Emilion Château Les Gravières St.-Emilion Château Les Jonqueyres Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Les Trois Croix Fronsac Château Leydet-Valentin St.-Emilion Château Lilian Ladouys St.-Estèphe Château Lucas Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Magnan-Figeac St.-Emilion Château Maison-Blanche Médoc Château Malescasse Haut-Médoc Château Marojallia Margaux Château Mauvesin-Barton Moulis-en-Médoc Château Meyney St.-Estèphe Château Monbousquet Bordeaux Blanc Château Monregard La Croix Pomerol Château Montviel Pomerol Château Moulin de Blanchon Haut-Médoc Château Moulin Riche St.-Julien Château Palais Cardinal St.-Emilion Château Pauillac Pauillac Château Paveil de Luze Margaux Château Petit-Figeac St.-Emilion Château Pey La Tour Bordeaux Supérieur Reserve du Chateau Château Pibran Pauillac Château Plincette Pomerol Château Potensac Médoc Château Prieuré La Marzelle St.-Emilion Château Puy Guilhem Fronsac Château Puygueraud Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Blanc Château Rahoul Graves Château Réaut Côtes de Bordeaux Château Rochebelle St.-Emilion Château Rocher Gardat Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Rol Valentin St.-Emilion Château Rollan de By Médoc Château Rolland-Maillet St.-Emilion Château Roquevieille Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Rousselle Côtes de Bourg Château Roylland St.-Emilion Château Soutard St.-Emilion Château St.-André-Corbin St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château St.-Pierre St.-Julien Château Tanesse Cadillac

107 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Tayac Margaux Or Norme Château Tour de Capet St.-Emilion Château Tour du Haut Moulin Haut-Médoc Château Trapaud St.-Emilion Château Veyry Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Vieux-Maillet Pomerol Château Villegeorge Haut-Médoc Clos 56 Pomerol Clos des Lunes Bordeaux Blanc Lune d Argent Clos Lunelles Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Clos Manou Médoc Clos Marsalette Pessac-Léognan Clos Vieux Taillefer Pomerol Connétable Talbot St.-Julien Croix des Rouzes Pomerol Dame Gaffelière St.-Emilion Délice du Prieuré St.-Emilion Domaine de l A Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Domaine des Sabines Lalande-de-Pomerol Domaine du Bouscat Bordeaux Supérieur La Gargone Domaine Simon Blanchard Montagne-St.-Emilion Au Champ de la Fenetre Domaine Simon Blanchard Montagne-St.-Emilion Guitard Domaine Virginie Thunevin Bordeaux Esprit de Parenchère Bordeaux Supérieur Fugue de Nenin Pomerol Goulée By Cos D Estournel Médoc Jean-Pierre Moueix Pomerol Jean-Pierre Moueix St.-Emilion L Ambroisie Lalande-de-Pomerol L Archange St.-Emilion L Enchanteur de Vray Croix de Gay Pomerol L Essentiel de Mayne Blanc Lussac-St.-Emilion La Croix de Mazeyres Pomerol La Dame de Malescot Margaux La Devise de Lilian St.-Estèphe La Fleur de Haut-Bages Libéral Pauillac La Mauriane Puisseguin-St.-Emilion La Petite Lune Bordeaux Blanc La Réserve de Malartic-Lagravière Pessac-Léognan La Réserve de Malartic-Lagravière Pessac-Léognan Blanc La Violette du Manoir Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Le Carillon de L Angélus St.-Emilion

108 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Le Dauphin d Olivier Pessac-Léognan Blanc Le Haut-Médoc de Lascombes Haut-Médoc Le Haut-Médoc de Maucaillou Haut-Médoc Le Jardin de Petit-Village Pomerol Le Lys de Lafaurie-Peyraguey Bordeaux Blanc Le Petit Haut-Lafitte Pessac-Léognan Blanc Le Petit Lion St.-Julien Les Chênes de Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Blanc Les Griffons de Pichon Baron Pauillac Les Hauts de Croix de Labrie St.-Emilion Les Valentines St.-Emilion Lions de Batailley Pauillac Maison de Grand Esprit Lussac-St.-Emilion La Mystériale Maison de Grand Esprit St.-Estèphe Grand Esprit Mondot St.-Emilion Monlot Fronsac Monlot Pomerol Muse du Val St.-Emilion No.2 de Maucaillou Moulis-en-Médoc Pom n Roll Pomerol Sol Béni St.-Emilion Vieux Château Brun Pomerol Vieux Château Mazerat St.-Emilion Vivens par Château Durfort Vivens Margaux Château de Viaud Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Harmonie St.-Emilion Enclos de Viaud Lalande-de-Pomerol A d Arche Bordeaux Blanc Balthus Bordeaux Supérieur Bordeaux de Gloria Bordeaux Camille de Labrie Bordeaux Carat de Château Réaut Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Adaugusta St.-Emilion Château Andron-Blanquet St.-Estèphe Château Ascension St.-Emilion Château Au Vignoble Bordeaux Supérieur Révélations d Hubert de 91 Boüard 2015 Château Balestard-La-Tonnelle St.-Emilion Château Bel Air Gloria Haut-Médoc Château Bel-Air Lussac-St.-Emilion Jean & Gabriel Château Belle Coline Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Bellevue de Tayac Margaux Château Bellevue Peycharneau Ste.-Foy Bordeaux

109 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Bernadotte Haut-Médoc Château Bertineau St.-Vincent Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Bibian Haut-Médoc Château Blanche Hermine St.-Emilion Château Bois Pertuis Bordeaux Château Bolaire Bordeaux Supérieur Château Bonnet Bordeaux Réserve Château Boyd-Cantenac Margaux Château Braude Felloneau Haut-Médoc Château Cambon La Pelouse Haut-Médoc Château Carignan Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Castelbruck Margaux Les Bruyères Château Chemin Royal Moulis-en-Médoc Château Cheval Noir St.-Emilion Cuvée Le Fer Château Clarke Listrac-Medoc Château Claud-Bellevue Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Clos Junet St.-Emilion Château Confidence de Margaux Margaux Château Coussieu-Coutelin St.-Estèphe Château Croix de Labrie Bordeaux Blanc Stella Solare Château d Aiguilhe Querre Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château d Archambeau Graves Château d Escurac Médoc Château d Hanteillan Haut-Médoc Château Daugay St.-Emilion Château de Chambrun Lalande-de-Pomerol Château de Côme St.-Estèphe Château de Haut Coulon Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château de la Cour St.-Emilion Grand Cru Château de la Pierre Levée Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Revelations 91 d Hubert de Boüard 2015 Château de Laussac Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château de Laussac Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Cuvée Sacha Château de Lussac Lussac-St.-Emilion Château de Malleret Haut-Médoc Château de Parenchère Bordeaux Supérieur Cuvée Raphaël Château de Passedieu Côtes de Bourg Château de Ribebon Bordeaux Supérieur Château de Ricaud Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château de Roquebrune Lalande-de-Pomerol Château des Laurets Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château des Tourelles Médoc Château du Cartillon Haut-Médoc

110 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château du Mont Haut-Médoc Château Dubourg St.-Emilion Château Fayat Pomerol Château Fonbadet Pauillac Château Fourcas-Hosten Listrac-Medoc Château Franc La Rose St.-Emilion Château Franc Le Maine St.-Emilion Château Franc Le Maine St.-Emilion Cuvée Prestige Château Gaillot Fournier Bordeaux Château Gallion Bordeaux Révélations d Hubert de Boüard Château Godeau Ducarpe St.-Emilion Château Godeau St.-Emilion Château Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac St.-Emilion Château Grand Bouchon Médoc Révélations d Hubert de Boüard Château Grand Corbin St.-Emilion Château Grand Tayac Margaux Château Grand Village Bordeaux Blanc Château Gros Caillou St.-Emilion Château Guiraud Bordeaux Blanc G Château Harmonie St.-Emilion Château Haut Rocher St.-Emilion Château Haut-Breton Larigaudière Margaux Château Haut-Chaigneau Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Haut-Colombier Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Haut-Lagrange Pessac-Léognan Château Haut-Mazeris Canon-Fronsac Château Haut-Pezat St.-Emilion Château Haut-Ségottes St.-Emilion La Dame Château Haut-Vigneau Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Hoclet Côtes de Bourg Château Hostens-Picant Sainte-Foy Bordeaux Cuvée des Demoiselles 91 Blanc 2015 Château Jean Faure St.-Emilion Château Joanin Bécot Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Julien Haut-Médoc Château La Bertrande Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château La Brande Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château La Bridane St.-Julien Chateau La Diligente Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château La France Delhomme Médoc Château La Gravière Lalande-de-Pomerol Château La Pervenche Lalande-de-Pomerol Château La Rose Perrière Lussac-St.-Emilion

111 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château La Rousselle Fronsac Château La Sergue Lalande-de-Pomerol Château La Vue St.-Emilion Cuvée Spéciale Château Laforge St.-Emilion Château Lagrave-Aubert Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Lanbersac Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château Laplagnotte-Bellevue St.-Emilion Château Le Bernat Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château Le Moulin Pomerol Château Léognan Pessac-Léognan Château Leroy Beauval Bordeaux Supérieur Château Les Grands Chênes Médoc Château Les Grands Maréchaux Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Les Jonqueyres Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux À l Enfer Château Les Ormes St.-Julien Château Malmaison Moulis-en-Médoc Château Manoir du Gravoux Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Marjosse Bordeaux Château Marsan Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Mauvinon St.-Emilion Château Mazeris Canon-Fronsac Château Mazeyres Pomerol Château Miqueu Haut-Médoc Château Mont-Pérat Bordeaux Château Moulin de la Rivière Médoc Révélations d Hubert de Boüard Château Moulin du Cadet St.-Emilion Château Pabus Bordeaux Supérieur Château Paloumey Haut-Médoc Château Patris Querre St.-Emilion Château Petit Val St.-Emilion Château Peyfaures Bordeaux Supérieur Dame de Coeur Château Peyroutas St.-Emilion Château Picoron Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Pilet Côtes de Bordeaux Prestige Château Plain-Point Fronsac Château Pomeys Moulis-en-Médoc Château Pomies-Agassac Haut-Médoc Château Prieuré de Blaignan Médoc Château Puy Guilhem Canon-Fronsac Château Rahoul Graves Blanc Château Renon Cadillac Château Renon Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Reysson Haut-Médoc

112 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Saint-Nicolas Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Saransot-Dupré Listrac-Medoc Château Simard St.-Emilion Château St.-Jacques Pomerol Château Ste.-Marie Bordeaux Supérieur Vieilles Vignes Château Tanesse Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Tayac Margaux Château Tessendey Fronsac Château Teyssier St.-Emilion Château Tour Bel-Air Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Tour Canon Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Tour du Mayne Haut-Médoc Château Tour Pibran Pauillac Château Tour Sieujean Pauillac Château Tournefeuille Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Trianon St.-Emilion Château Vieux Poirier Bordeaux Château Vrai Canon Bouché Canon-Fronsac Le Tertre de Canon Clarendelle Bordeaux Clarendelle St.-Emilion Clos Dubreuil St.-Emilion Anna Clos Marsalette Pessac-Léognan Blanc Clos Romanile St.-Emilion Clos Saint-Vincent St.-Emilion Confidences de Prieuré-Lichine Margaux D de Dauzac Bordeaux Domaine de Courteillac Bordeaux Supérieur Domaine de Musset Lalande-de-Pomerol Domaine des Gourdins St.-Emilion Domaine du Bouscat Bordeaux Supérieur Caduce Domaine Simon Blanchard Montagne-St.-Emilion Echo de Lynch-Bages Pauillac Fleur de Scène Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Fourcaud Laussac St.-Emilion Gabriel Lauzat St.-Emilion Gassies Margaux Girolate Bordeaux Blanc Girolate Bordeaux Supérieur Héritage de La Couspaude St.-Emilion Héritage de Monlot St.-Emilion Jean-Pierre Moueix Médoc Jean-Pierre Moueix St.-Emilion L Eclat de Valois Pomerol

113 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE L Etoile Lalande-de-Pomerol La Chapelle Haut Nouchet Pessac-Léognan Blanc La Demoiselle de Sociando-Mallet Haut-Médoc La Fleur de Château Haut-Piquat Lussac-St.-Emilion La Sémillante de Sigalas Bordeaux Blanc Le Créateur Margaux Le Different de Château de Ferrand St.-Emilion Le Nardian Bordeaux Blanc Les Fiefs de Lagrange St.-Julien Les Hauts du Tertre Margaux Les Tourelles de Longueville Pauillac Les Tours de Beaumont Haut-Médoc Les Tours de Laroque St.-Emilion M. de Malle Graves Blanc Monlot Côtes de Bourg Moulins de Citran Haut-Médoc Petit Picoron Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Plaisir de Siaurac Lalande-de-Pomerol Port Aubin Margaux Reclos de la Couronne Montagne-St.-Emilion Secret de Ribebon Bordeaux Supérieur St.-Emilion de Quintus St.-Emilion Tour de Ripeau St.-Emilion Château Gaby Canon-Fronsac Argilius Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Aster de Beaulieu Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Cap Royal Bordeaux Supérieur Chapelle de Potensac Médoc Château Ampélia Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Arnauton Fronsac Château Auguste Bordeaux Château Baracan Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Barat Bordeaux Supérieur Sélection Vieilles Vignes Château Barthez Haut-Médoc Château Beau-Site St.-Estèphe Château Bechereau Lalande-de-Pomerol Cuvée Spéciale Château Bellerive Médoc Château Bonnin a Fleur Blanchon Lussac-St.-Emilion Château Bournac Médoc Château Boutillot Bordeaux Révélations d Hubert de Boüard Château Brehat Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Brondelle Graves Château Cap Léon Veyrin Listrac-Medoc

114 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Cap St. George St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château Chapelle d Aliénor by La Gaffelière Bordeaux Supérieur Château Charmail Haut-Médoc Château Clauzet St.-Estèphe Château Clément-Pichon Haut-Médoc Château Clos Chaumont Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Côte Montpezat Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Côte Montpezat Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux S. Jacques Cuvée 90 Compostelle 2015 Château Croix de Bertinat St.-Emilion Expression Château Croix de Bertinat St.-Emilion Révélation Château Croix de Rambeau Lussac-St.-Emilion Château Croix-Mouton Bordeaux Supérieur M Château d Arsac Bordeaux Blanc Cuvée Céline Château d Arce Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château de Birot Cadillac Château de Birot Côtes de Bordeaux Château de Braude Haut-Médoc Château de Camarsac Bordeaux Supérieur Sélection Vieilles Vignes Château de Carolle Graves Château de Francs Francs Côtes de Bordeaux L Infini Château de Garros Bordeaux Supérieur L Excellium Château de L Orangerie Bordeaux Supérieur Château De La Bouyère Bordeaux Château de la Cour d Argent Bordeaux Supérieur Château de la Cour St.-Emilion Château de Lestiac Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château de Macard Bordeaux Supérieur Château de Monbadon Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château de Parenchère Bordeaux Supérieur Château de Pez St.-Estèphe Château de Respide Graves Callipyge Château de Rolland Bordeaux Supérieur Les Astéries Château de Tourteyron Médoc Château de Valois Pomerol Château de Viaud Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Des Arnauds Lalande-de-Pomerol Cuvée Des Capucins Chateau des Mille Anges Bordeaux Blanc Cuvée Royale Château du Courlat Lussac-St.-Emilion Château du Glana St.-Julien Château du Lort Bordeaux Supérieur Château du Val d Or St.-Emilion Château du Vieux Puit Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Cuvée Croizet

115 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Ducluzeau Listrac-Medoc Château Faizeau Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Faugères Bordeaux Blanc Château Ferrande Graves Château Flaunys Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Fleur-St.-Antoine Bordeaux Supérieur Château Fonréaud Listrac-Medoc Château Fougas Côtes de Bourg Maldoror Château Grand Jean Bordeaux Supérieur Château Hannetot Pessac-Léognan Château Haut Condissas Médoc Prestige Château Haut Peyrous Graves Château Haut Tour de Coutelin St.-Estèphe Château Haut-Beauséjour St.-Estèphe Château Haut-Fourat Bordeaux Château Haut-Logat Haut-Médoc Château Hervé-Laroque Fronsac Château Hostens-Picant Sainte-Foy Bordeaux Château Hyot Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Jean de Gué Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Joinin Bordeaux Château L Hermitage Lescours St.-Emilion Château La Chapelle Maillard Bordeaux Château La Clare Médoc Château La Comédie Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château La Croix Bellevue Lalande-de-Pomerol Château La Croix de Roche Bordeaux Supérieur Château La Croix des Moines Lalande-de-Pomerol Château La Croix St. Estèphe St.-Estèphe Château La Fontaine de Genin Bordeaux Château La Fortune Margaux Château La Rode Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Labadie Médoc Château Laclaverie Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Château Lafond Canon-Fronsac Château Lafont-Fourcat Bordeaux Château Lajarre Bordeaux Supérieur Eléonore Château Lalande St.-Julien Château Lalaudey Moulis-en-Médoc Château Lamothe Vincent Bordeaux Supérieur Château Larose-Trintaudon Haut-Médoc Château Latour Camblanes Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux

116 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Chateau Laurence Bordeaux Chateau Laurence Bordeaux Blanc Chateau Laurence Bordeaux Supérieur Château Lauretan Bordeaux Supérieur Château Le Bocage Bordeaux Supérieur Château Le Gardera Bordeaux Supérieur Château Le Monteil d Arsac Haut-Médoc Château Le Priolat Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Château Le Vivier Médoc Château Léon Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Les Hauts-Conseillants Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Les Religieuses St.-Emilion Château Les Tresquots Médoc Château Lestage-Simon Haut-Médoc Château Liversan Haut-Médoc Château Livran Médoc Château Lyonnat Lussac-St.-Emilion Château Macquin St. Georges St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château Macquin St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château Magnol Haut-Médoc Château Maine d Arman Côtes de Bourg Château Mancèdre Pessac-Léognan Château Méjean Graves Château Messile Aubert Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Moine Vieux St.-Emilion Château Mongravey Margaux Château Mont-Pérat Bordeaux Blanc Château Moulin de Clotte Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Moulinat Haut-Médoc Château Moya Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Noaillac Médoc Château Ogier de Gourgue Côtes de Bordeaux Château Pavillon Beauregard Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Perron Graves Château Perthuis Côtes de Bourg Château Peyfaures Bordeaux Supérieur Château Plain-Point Fronsac Chairman s Selection Château Plaisance Côtes de Bordeaux Château Poitevin Medoc Château Pontet Barrail Médoc Château Pontet-Fumet St.-Emilion Château Porte Chic Pomerol

117 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Puy-Blanquet St.-Emilion Château Richelieu Fronsac Château Rigaud Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château Roc de Calon Montagne-St.-Emilion Ecrin Château Rochers de Joanin Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Roland La Garde Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Roques de Jean Lice Bordeaux Supérieur Château Roquetaillade La Grange Graves Château Rousselle Côtes de Bourg Not 4 U Château Roustaing Bordeaux Réserve Vieilles Vignes Château Saby Bordeaux Supérieur Château Saint-Antoine Bordeaux Supérieur Reserve du Chateau Château Serilhan St.-Estèphe Château Siaurac Lalande-de-Pomerol Château St-Pierre de Corbian St.-Estèphe Château St. Georges St.-Georges St.-Emilion Château St. Jean de Lavaud Lalande-de-Pomerol Château St.-Paul Haut-Médoc Château Tour de Mirambeau Bordeaux Blanc Cuvée Passion Château Tour de Mirambeau Bordeaux Cuvée Passion Château Tronquoy-Lalande Bordeaux Blanc Château Vieux Chevrol Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Villa Bel-Air Graves Blanc Clos des Moiselles Côtes de Bourg Clos du Hez Graves Blanc Comte d Arnauld Haut-Médoc Domaine de Gachet Lalande-de-Pomerol Domaine du Buisson Bordeaux La Baie Donjon de Lamarque Haut-Médoc Dubois-Grimon Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Expression de Bechereau Lalande-de-Pomerol Héritage de La Couspaude Bordeaux Supérieur Héritage de La Couspaude Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Jean-Pierre Moueix Bordeaux Jean-Pierre Moueix Médoc La Croix de Boyd-Cantenac Margaux La Demoiselle de Sigalas Bordeaux Blanc La Fleur Du Buisson Bordeaux Supérieur La Grande Dame de Château Lavagnac Bordeaux Supérieur La Petite Lune Bordeaux Labastide Dauzac Margaux Le Blanc d Aiguilhe Bordeaux Blanc Le Blanc Sec de Suduiraut Bordeaux Blanc

118 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Le Bordeaux du Clos des Moiselles Bordeaux Le Dauphin d Olivier Pessac-Léognan Le Haut-Médoc de Dauzac Haut-Médoc Le Menut des Jacobins St.-Emilion Le Sec de Rayne-Vigneau Bordeaux Blanc Le St.-Estèphe de Cos Labory St.-Estèphe Les Aiguilhes d Argilius Bordeaux Les Charmes de Kirwan Margaux Les Chemins de La Croix du Casse Pomerol Les Demoiselles de Larrivet Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Blanc Maison de Grand Esprit Bordeaux L Être Magique Monolithe St.-Emilion Pezat Bordeaux Supérieur Pierre-Henry Cosyns Côtes de Bourg Le Futé Prelude a Grand-puy-Ducasse Pauillac Vieux Château des Rochers Montagne-St.-Emilion Cuvée Prestige Alias Croizet-Bages Pauillac Apollon Graves Le Divin Calvet Cremant de Bordeaux Brut Rosé Château Artigues Pauillac Château Beausejour Fronsac Cuvée Prestige Château Belles-Graves Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Blaignan Médoc Château Brun St.-Emilion Château Cardus Médoc Château Castagnac Fronsac Château Corconnac Haut-Médoc Château Croix du Trale Haut-Médoc Château de Goëlane Bordeaux Supérieur Choeur de L Aube Château de L Hoste Blanc Bordeaux Supérieur Vieilles Vignes Château de Portets Graves Château de Roquebrune Lalande-de-Pomerol A Claude Château Desmirail Margaux Château Doisy-Daëne Bordeaux Blanc Château Dorléac Graves Révélations d Hubert de Boüard Château du Bousquet Côtes de Bourg Château du Bousquet Côtes de Bourg Tholus du Colombier Château du Moulin Neuf Médoc Château Fonréaud Listrac-Médoc Château Fontis Médoc Château Greysac Médoc Château Haut Peyrous Graves Blanc

119 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Haut-Logat Haut-Médoc Château Haut-Maurac Médoc Château Hostens-Picant Sainte-Foy Bordeaux Lucullus Cuvée d Exception Château La Claymore Lussac-St.-Emilion Château La Couronne Montagne-St.-Emilion Reserve Château La Croix de Pez St.-Estèphe Château La Croix-de-Gay Pomerol Château La Papeterie Montagne-St.-Emilion Château La Tour de By Médoc Heritage Marc Pagès Château La Voûte St.-Emilion Château Labesse Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Lafite Monteil Bordeaux Supérieur Grande Réserve Château Landereau Bordeaux Supérieur Château Laujac Médoc Château Le Pey Médoc Château Le Pin Beausoleil Bordeaux Supérieur Château Lestage Listrac-Medoc Château Lestruelle Médoc Château Magdeleine Bouhou Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Château Malbec Bordeaux Château Moncets Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Moulin à Vent Moulis-en-Médoc Château Moulin de la Bridane St.-Julien Héritage Château Patache d Aux Médoc Château Pierre de Montignac Médoc Château Pilet Bordeaux Château Poitevin Médoc Château Pouget Margaux Château Preuillac Médoc Château Sirene St.-Julien Château Timberlay Bordeaux Supérieur Château Tour des Termes St.-Estèphe Château Tour Prignac Médoc Grande Réserve Château Tour Seran Médoc Château Trois Moulin Haut-Médoc Château Venus Graves Cheval Quancard Bordeaux Réserve Clos Badon-Thunevin St.-Emilion Clos Bertineau Montagne-St.-Emilion Cordier Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Bordeaux Enjoy La Vie Domaine du Roudier Montagne-St.-Emilion

120 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Domaine Fleuron de Liot St.-Estèphe Héritage de La Couspaude Montagne-St.-Emilion Jean-Pierre Moueix Bordeaux La Chapelle d Escurac Médoc La Petite Tour de Bessan Margaux Le Bordeaux de Faugères Bordeaux Le Cèdre de La Haye St.-Estèphe Les Coteaux de Lou Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Les Demoiselles de Larrivet Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Les Hauts de Lynch-Moussas Haut-Médoc Les Hauts de Pez St.-Estèphe Les Terrasses de St. Christophe St.-Emilion AD Francos Francs Côtes de Bordeaux Château Arbo Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Bechereau Montagne-St.-Emilion Couleur Malbec Château Bellevue La Randée Bordeaux Château Camarsan Bordeaux Château Cazat-Beauchêne Bordeaux Supérieur Château d Uza Graves Château des Mille Anges Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Fleur La Mothe Médoc Château Fourcas Dupré Listrac-Medoc Château German Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Haut Grignon Médoc Château Haut Peyrous Graves La Perle de Peyrous Blanc Château Julien Bordeaux Château Jura-Plaisance Montagne-St.-Emilion Château La Croix St. André Lalande-de-Pomerol Château La Freynelle Bordeaux Château La Gorre Médoc Château La Gravette Lacombe Médoc Château La Ribaud Médoc Château La Tour de By Médoc Château Ladignac Médoc Château Le Doyenné Côtes de Bordeaux Château Le Moulin Basileus Pomerol Château Les Clauzots Graves Château Les Clavelines St.-Emilion Château Les Ormes-Sorbet Médoc Château Malaire Médoc Château Mongrand-Milon Pauillac Château Moulin des Graves St.-Emilion

121 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Moulin-Borie Listrac-Medoc Château Ordonnat Graves Château Paillet-Quancard Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Château Pey de Pont Médoc Château Rose de France Médoc Château Roudier Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Saransot-Dupré Bordeaux Blanc Château Teyssier Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Toudenac Bordeaux Supérieur Château Tour Castillon Médoc Château Tour St. Joseph Haut-Médoc Château Tour St.-Vincent Médoc Château Trocard Monrepos Bordeaux Supérieur Château Vieux Coutelin St.-Estèphe Château Villa Bel-Air Graves Clos des Quatre Vents Margaux Duo De La Tour Blanche Bordeaux Blanc Héritage de La Couspaude Lalande-de-Pomerol L Orangerie de Carignan Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux La Croix Bonis St.-Estèphe Monlot Bordeaux Vieux Château des Rochers Montagne-St.-Emilion Blanc de Chasse-Spleen Bordeaux Blanc Château Bernon Bécot Puisseguin-St.-Emilion Château Bourbon La Chapelle Médoc Château Bourron Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux Château Brande-Bergère Bordeaux Supérieur Cubée O Byrne Vieilles 87 Vignes 2015 Château Castagnac Bordeaux Supérieur Cuvée Prestige Château Croque Michotte St.-Emilion Château de Brague Bordeaux Supérieur Château de Callac Graves Château de France Pessac-Léognan Blanc Château Guadet Plaisance Montagne-St.-Emilion Château Haut-Mongeat Bordeaux Supérieur Cuvée Spéciale Isabelle Château Haut-Moulin Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Vieilles Vignes Château Jean Faux Bordeaux Blanc Château L Argenteyre Médoc Château La Picherie Montagne-St.-Emilion Château La Roque de By Médoc Château Lalène Bordeaux Supérieur Cuvée Prestige Château Les Courrèges Graves

122 FOR COMPLETE TASTING NOTES, VISIT WINE SCORE Château Lousteauneuf Médoc Château Malaurane St.-Emilion Château Sergant Lalande-de-Pomerol Château Teynac St.-Julien Château Tour de Bigorre Bordeaux Jean-Philippe Janoueix Bordeaux Supérieur 20 Mille Le B par Maucaillou Bordeaux Supérieur Le Merle Blanc de Château Clarke Bordeaux Blanc Monlot Bordeaux Supérieur Monlot Médoc Monlot St.-Emilion Moulin de Roquette Bordeaux Rosé Château Bessan Ségur Médoc Château Croix de Mai Médoc Château du Petit Puch Graves de Vayres Château Guibot Puisseguin-St.-Emilion La Fourvielle Château La Maroutine Bordeaux Château Leboscq Médoc Chateau Mayne Blanc Lussac-St.-Emilion Cuvée Spéciale Vieux Château Landon Médoc Château Du Bernat Bordeaux Supérieur D Exception Preuillac Médoc Émotion Château Le Cenacle Haut-Médoc Château Tour Haut-Caussan Médoc Les Délices d Apollon Graves Opalie de Château Coutet Bordeaux Blanc Château Grand Français Bordeaux Supérieur Grande Cuvée


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