The New Year Auction contains some exciting lots never seen in a Zachys auction, as well as a return to some of the ultra-rarities that only surface o

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1 SPIRITS 烈酒窖藏 Please see page 162 for photographs of all the spirits in this auction. 是次拍賣的所有烈酒窖藏圖集均刊載於第 162 頁內

2 The New Year Auction contains some exciting lots never seen in a Zachys auction, as well as a return to some of the ultra-rarities that only surface on a collectors market a few times a year, if that. First, Sake. Daishinshu is currently one of the most coveted breweries of the around 1500 that still exist in. Their sake continuously wins awards and their brewery regularly sells out of everything from their entry level releases to the more limited production bottlings. Usually, the bottle in this auction is on back order and seldom resold. When it is, it sells for some of the highest premiums that ese domestic auctions have ever seen for sake. Zachys is proud to be showcasing one of the great Daiginjo sake of and introducing their offerings of only the greatest, most sought-after bottles of this nation s spirit. Next, to Bourbon. The precious bourbon from the golden age of Pappy Van Winkle has a presence in the New Year auction, the highlight being on a single bottle of the 20 Year Old. And now to and ese whisky. With more and more speculation on the state of modern whisky production due to unprecedented demands and diminishing materials for production, collectors and connoisseurs are scrambling to secure some of the classic drams of yesteryear. Particularly distillations from years ago represent some of the finest years of production in Scotland and we have some exemplary submissions from that golden era of whisky production reaching all across Scotland from the lowlands (Rosebank 25 Year Old distilled in 1981) and Islay (Laphroiag 27 Year Old distilled in 1980) to a Single Cask Glenlivet from Speyside (Bottled by Gordon and Macphail 47 Year Old distilled in 1965) and even a legendary 32 Year Old Springbank distilled in 1966 from Campbeltown. Meanwhile in, The Malt Whisky Society has done a special run of releases from Karuizawa all distilled in the 1990s with the exception of one from the year To Ichiro Akuto's recollection, there are fewer than 10 people around the world who own every bottle of the renowned Hanyu Card Series and there are a few bottles that are offered by collectors and tasters alike as each cask not only has a unique card face on the label but also each bottling is a special terroir: the direct expression of a single cask. Of note in this auction are the lucky Eight of Hearts, the Eight of Clubs and Eight of Diamonds as well as one of the more rare bottles: an Ace of Diamonds. Suntory wasn't the only ese whisky family who bottled single casks for collectors and restaurants in the past. Bar Keller, the famous whisky bar, also had some special casks reserved only for service at the Kyoto institution. The Hanyu 2000 Bar Keller truly is a rarity for any purist of the defunct distillery. A focus on the closed distilleries of both and Scotland includes offerings such as Hanyu Single Casks from 1990 and the rare Spirit Safe bottlings of Karuizawa. Scotland's Port Ellen has some beautiful offerings including 15 and 16 Year old bottlings from '77 and '79 respectively and the lost star of William Grant and Sons, Ladyburn, has a single cask distilled in one of the final years before the distillery was demolished. This carefully selected offering from Zachys reflects only the finest and rarest of spirits that often take decades to mature and whose very contents are in a state of constant evaporation until time of bottling. We hope you enjoy this selection and have the opportunity taste these historical intrinsic, unforgettable liquids. Elliot Faber, Senior Whisky Advisor 施氏新春拍賣會將呈獻令人引頸以待 鮮有在施氏拍場上出現的珍稀藏品, 同時亦將展示一系列每年偶有出現於收藏市場上的罕有珍藏 率先登場的是日本清酒 ; 大信州是日本現存 1,500 間釀酒廠中, 最令人津津樂道的酒廠之一, 其珍露令人垂涎三尺 它們的清酒連續贏得多個獎項, 因而備受追捧, 其入門級至較限量的精品經常為人一掃而空, 一瓶難求 這次拍賣的珍品經特別預訂及罕見於轉售或拍賣市場上 每每當它出現於日本拍場, 其成交價往往創新高, 於清酒市場上前所未見 施氏很榮幸能夠展示日本最出色的大吟釀清酒之一, 並得以為眾佳釀愛好者介紹屬於這國家最頂級 最令人渴求的酒品 接著帶來的是波本威士忌 ; 來自 Pappy Van Winkle 黃金年代的珍貴波本威士忌, 將出現在新春拍賣會上, 焦點包括單瓶裝 20 年威士忌 當然也少不了蘇格蘭及日本威士忌 ; 傳統的威士忌現正面對著前所未有的龐大需求和逐漸緊拙的釀酒原材料, 各方收藏家及鑑賞家正追捧著舊日最經典的知名佳釀 尤其是 年陳釀威士忌, 正正屬於蘇格蘭釀造史上的黃金年代的巨作 我們有幸於是次拍賣會上展示蘇格蘭各地於這輝煌歲月的黃金傑作, 焦點包括 lowlands(1981 年蒸餾的 Rosebank 25 年 ) 及 Islay(1980 年蒸餾的 Laphroiag 27 年 單一麥芽威士忌 ), 以及 Speyside 的 Glenlivet 單一木桶威士忌 (1965 年蒸餾 由 Gordon and Macphail 入瓶的 47 年威士忌 ), 甚至傳說中於 1966 年在 Campbeltown 蒸餾的 Springbank 32 年 與此同時, The Malt Whisky Society 於日本完整匯集了一套輕井沢 (Karuizawa) 特別版, 囊括 1990 年代蒸餾的威士忌, 及加上一瓶 2000 年蒸餾的獨特珍品 根據肥土伊知郎 (Ichiro Akuto) 憶述, 全球少於 10 位收藏家能完整齊集全套享負盛名的羽生 紙牌系列 (Hanyu Card Series), 而擁有此等珍罕烈酒的收藏家和品酒師往往只能拿出些微份量或少部份以作分享, 這不單因為每瓶都附有獨一無二的紙牌酒標, 更因為每瓶俱有獨特的風土味道 : 直接反映單一酒桶的個性 焦點落在 Eight of Hearts Eight of Clubs Eight of Diamonds, 以及一瓶罕有的 : Ace of Diamonds 過去除了日本威士忌酒廠三得利 (Suntory) 會為收藏家和餐廳將單一木桶威士忌入瓶外, 著名的威士忌酒吧 Bar Keller, 同樣會留起獨特的威士忌, 供應予京都的企業機構 日本關西地區以本地及國際頂級威士忌而聞名中外, 那地現已關閉的羽生蒸餾廠 (Hanyu Distillery), 在 10 多年前面臨關閉之時, 釀造了非常特別的單一木桶威士忌 對於任何鍾情於現已停業的酒廠出品的愛好者來說, 羽生 (Hanyu)2000 Bar Keller 必然是真正的稀世珍釀 拍場另一焦點落在現已同樣停運的日本及蘇格蘭蒸餾廠出品, 包括 1990 年代的羽生 (Hanyu) 單一木桶威士忌, 以及罕有的輕井沢 (Karuizawa)Spirit Safe 佳釀 有令人懷念的蘇格蘭 Port Ellen, 產自 1977 及 1979 年 分別 15 及 16 年的佳釀, 還有 William Grant and Sons 的失落之星 單一木桶的 Ladyburn 1973 年 - 屬於蒸餾廠拆卸前的出品之一 施氏一直細心搜羅最珍貴罕有及那些經過數十年熟成的烈酒窖藏與各藏家分享 我們由衷希望熱愛烈酒及威士忌的您滿意我們的選擇, 並享受這些盛載着歷史及令人難以忘懷的珍酩 Elliot Faber, 高級威士忌顧問 113

3 Kokon In an area known for the prized snowmelt water from the ese Alps, Daishinshu makes some of s most treasured sake. The combination of pure water and local rice which benefits from a unique, arid wind that sweeps through the mountains make for extremely high quality rice. Daishinshu works with 10 farmers personally and considers everything from altitude to wind direction when purchasing individual crops for their sake. They look for clay rich loamy soils which promote deep rooted, strong ears of rice that guarantee nutrients and translate into a delicate sake with prominent minerality and a focus on particularly elegant aromatics. Having built their first brewery in 1888, Daishinshu is an 11 time Sake Awards Gold Medal Winner since Always hand polished with extremely delicate measures to ensure that each grain of rice is only 35% of its original size, Kozuki Kokon is their crown jewel: a Daiginjo with unsurpassed elegance and finesse, Kokon is selected as a single tank each year at the end of the brewing season. In a process not too different from the world of Champagne, Daishinshu will not declare a vintage every year and as a result, Kokon is only bottled in exceptional vintages. Due to the nature of the single tank bottling, each vintage of Kokon is only around 100 bottles. Sake collectors and enthusiasts wait for these releases annually and they sell out instantly. Zachys is proud to offer a three vintage vertical from Gold Medal vintages 2010, 2013, 2014, an ultimate treasure for any true sake collector. 大信州 Kozuki Kokon 單一酒桶大吟釀日本長野縣大信州的所在地, 擁有著名的日本阿爾卑斯山雪山泉水, 所釀造的清酒是全日本最珍貴之一 由純淨的水源和本地白米揉合而成, 白米經歷過穿越山峰的乾燥強風洗禮, 質素極高 大信州與 10 位農民緊密合作, 當購入收成以釀造清酒之前, 由農地的高度以至風向, 皆經過計算及深思熟慮 他們要求的土質是豐富肥沃的粘土, 此因有助紮根, 長成的麥穗精壯 富營養, 能轉化成帶明顯礦物味道 散發陣陣優雅芳香的細緻清酒 大信州於 1888 年成立首個釀酒廠, 自 1989 年起共獲得 11 次 Sake Awards 金獎 Kozuki Kokon 使用的白米, 以人手採用極精細的方法打磨, 確保每顆米粒只是原來體積的 35% Kozuki Kokon 猶如皇冠上的瑰寶 :Kokon 是極致優雅和精緻的大吟釀, 於每年釀造季節完結時, 才精心挑選出一桶 大信州與香檳的釀造方法非常相似, 不是每年都會釀造, 因此, 只有極為出色的年份才會推出 Kokon 由於單一酒桶入瓶的關係, 每個年份的 Kokon 只有大約 100 瓶 清酒收藏家及愛好者每年都對這些珍品萬分期待, 往往一推出就立即售罄 施氏很榮幸帶來了三個獲得金獎的垂直年份, 包括 及 2014 年的珍露 - 對任何一位真正的清酒收藏家來說, 都是極致珍藏 SAKE Daishinshu Kozuki Kokon Daiginjo Sake 17% alcohol, 720ML ml (1) 使用米 : 播州產山田錦 100% 精米步合 : 35% ( 自家精米 ) bottled in 2010, released in October 2015, bottle #31/50, ml (1) 使用米 : 播州產山田錦 100% 精米步合 : 35% ( 自家精米 ) bottled in 2013, released in September 2015, bottle #83/100, with damaged paper outer sleeve ml (1) 使用米 : 播州產山田錦 100% 精米步合 : 35% ( 自家精米 ) bottled in 2014, released in November 2015, bottle #31/120, 533 above three 720ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ FRANCE Marc de Bourgogne Hors d Age Dujac NV France Lot 535: one bin-soiled label, two damp-stained labels, three wine-stained labels 534 five 730ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ six 730ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$

4 Lot

5 BOURBON Pappy Van Winkle Pappy Van Winkle s mystery and legends go back to the Old Rip Van Winkle distillery. Pappy, who photo adorns the label of the Family Reserve bottles, was at one point the oldest active bourbon distiller, operating out of the Stitzel-Weller Distillery (which relocated once after prohibition ended) his family purchased in 1910 until his death in Although the location of production was moved to new owners, The Sazerac Company (owners of popular Bourbon Buffalo Trace), in 1992, the legendary pre-prohibition recipe that was inherited through generations of distillers is still closely guarded to this day. Consider that if the last vintage of pre-sazerac Pappy was 1992, the final casks produced at the old Stitzel-Weller distillery would have turned 20 years old in Bearing in mind that the age statement on any bottle of whisky is the minimum age of the whisky in a bottle, there will never be a bottle of 20 Year Old Pappy whose contents are from that legendary distilling era of the old distillery after Elliot Faber Pappy Van Winkle 的故事充滿傳奇和神秘色彩, 可追溯到 Old Rip Van Winkle 蒸餾廠 印在 Family Reserve 系列瓶裝上的肖像照主人公 Pappy, 曾經是最年長並活躍的波本蒸餾酒師, 他在家族於 1910 年購入的 Stitzel-Weller 蒸餾廠 ( 在禁酒令廢止後曾經遷移 ) 操作釀製過程, 直至 1965 年逝世為止 雖然生產地址已經在 1992 年轉移往新東主 The Sazerac Company( 著名 Bourbon Buffalo Trace 的擁有者 ) 的所在地, 但那份比禁酒令年代更久遠的傳奇配方仍然繼續在每一代釀酒人之間傳承下去, 至今如一 試細想著, 若 Sazerac 接管前的 Pappy 最後一個年份是 1992 年, 那麼老舊的 Stitzel-Weller 蒸餾廠最後生產的原酒在 2007 年 2012 年和 2015 年時就已經分別陳釀了 和 23 年 別忘了, 所有威士忌瓶上的年份標示是指瓶內最年輕的原酒的年份, 因此一瓶 23 年 Old Pappy 肯定不會含有在這傳奇蒸餾酒年代之後生產的原酒 Elliot Faber Pappy Van Winkle Special Reserve 12 Year Old Bourbon Bourbon one lightly scuffed label, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky, 12 years old, Lot "B", bottled by Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery, 45.2% alcohol, 700ML 536 two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Pappy Van Winkle's Family Reserve 20 Year Old The 20 year Pappy is all but disappeared. These barrels still come from the heart of the ageing warehouse and predate the purchase of Pappy Van Winkle by the Sazerac Company. These bottles are extremely rare in the U.S. and almost impossible to find abroad. Pappy Van Winkle 20 年家族典藏 20 年 Pappy 在市場上已經絕跡 這些酒桶來自陳釀窖庫的中心, 年份早於 Pappy Van Winkle 被 Sazerac 公司併購之前 即使在美國, 這款酒亦極為稀罕, 在海外更是幾乎不可能尋獲 SCOTCH Ardbeg Single Malt bottom neck, Single Islay Malt Whisky, 700ML Limited Edition ml (1) Very Old Limited Edition, distilled in 1977 by Ardbeg Distillery Limited, non chill-filtered, 46% alcohol, lightly wrinkled The Ultimate 19 Year Old ml (1) lightly scuffed label, The Ultimate Limited Edition, distilled in 1978 and bottled in 1997 by Ardbeg Distiillery Limited, 43% alcohol, damaged and wrinkled 538 above two 700ml per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Ardbeg Very Old 30 Year Old Single Malt into neck, scuffed and lightly wrinkled label, Finest Islay Single Malt Whisky, guaranteed 30 years old, 40% alcohol, 700ML 539 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ No lot Pappy Van Winkle Family Reserve 20 Year Old Bourbon Bourbon lightly damaged original gift bag Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky, bottled by Old Rip Van Winkle Distillery, aged 20 years, 45.2% alcohol, 700ML 537 one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$

6 Lot 537

7 Bowmore Bowmore lies in the west of Scotland on Islay and was the first of the island s distilleries to have an official license to distill, over 230 years ago! They do some of their malting onsite to this day, giving them the opportunity to take advantage of their legendary peat. Older releases and more recently matured bottles of Bowmore are smoky, and savoury with a salinity that is unforgettable. Glenfiddich Silver Stag s Head 30 Year Old Single Malt lightly scuffed and torn original presentation box 2.5cm under push cork, Single Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by William Grant & Sons, aged 30 years in oak casks at the distillery, 43% alcohol, unique handcut Edinburgh Crystal decanter with a Silver Stag's Head bottle per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$ Bowmore Bowmore 位處蘇格蘭西部的 Islay, 是島上首家獲發牌的蒸餾廠, 歷史已超過 230 年! 時至今日, 他們依然會在這發祥地處理麥芽, 讓這些麥芽有機會沾上他們自家帶有傳奇性的泥煤氣息 Bowmore 21 Year Old Single Malt 1973 scuffed very top shoulder, Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1973, aged 21 years, matured in specially selected casks and warehoused in the distillery, 43% alcohol, 700ML 541 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Bowmore Berry Bros & Rudd 25 Year Old Single Cask 1987 into neck, Single Malt Whisky from Bowmore Distillery, 1987 single malt, aged 25 years, 700ml, selected for Whisk-E Ltd, unchillfiltered, uncoloured Cask ml (1) bottled in 2013 from cask 2818, 48.4% alcohol Cask ml (1) bottled in 2012 from cask 2820, 47.5% alcohol 542 above two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Glen Moray Single Malt original wood case bottom neck, lightly bin-soiled label, Single Highland Malt Whisky, 43% alcohol 1962 (1) distilled in 1962 and bottled by Glen Moray-Glenlivet Distillery Co ml (1) distilled in 1964 and bottled by Glen Moray-Glenlivet Distillery Co, 700ML 543 above one 700ml & 1 bottle per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Glenlivet Gordon & MacPhail 47 Year Old Single Malt 1965 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1965 and bottled in 2012, matured and bottled by Gordon & MacPhail, 43% alcohol, 700ML 545 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Glenlivet Cellar Collection 33 Year Old Single Malt 1967 original wood case into neck, slight signs of old seepage, Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1967 and bottled in 2000 at the Glenlivet Distillery, sample code 2GC8003, 46% alcohol, 700ML 546 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Glenlivet Cellar Collection 20 Year Old Single Malt 1983 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1983 and bottled in 2003 at the Glenlivet Distillery, French Oak Finish, Sample Code 2L7F901, 46% alcohol, 700ML 547 two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Glenmorangie 30 Year Old Single Malt original wood case into neck, Single Highland Malt Whisky, rare aged 30 years old in oloroso sherry butts, cask strength, oloroso cask finish, bottled in 2004, bottle #198/4548, 44.3% alcohol, 700ML 548 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-19,000 US$

8 Lot 544

9 Highland Park 40 Year Old Single Malt original wood case Single Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by Highland Park Distillery, aged 40 years, 48.3% alcohol bottle per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$

10 The Macallan Irish monk St. Fillan was a Christian missionary who lived in the eighth century. During his travels through what is modern day Speyside in Craigellachie, Moray, he noted how fertile the land was. The Macallan, derived from Gaelic, is associated with prestige and quality and the reputation has lived on for well over 1000 years. Exclusively using sherry casks in their older bottlings, their maturation and their style are known to be some of the most dense and rich whisky in Speyside and beyond. The famed distillery has changed hands a few times over the centuries but the ultra-soft water source from deep underground remains constant. The demand for The Macallan malts far overshadows the supply and, as a result, any limited release by this distillery becomes an instant treasure. Many purists of The Macallan maintain that the vintage bottles with distillation dating back from the 1970 s contain some of the famous distilleries greatest drams. Today, Zachys has on offer some of these ultimately impossible to find bottles. The Macallan 愛爾蘭修士 St. Fillan 是 8 世紀一位基督教傳教士 當他遊歷 Moray 的 Craigellachie 區時, 即現今的 Speyside, 發現該處土壤非常肥沃 The Macallan 這字源於愛爾蘭的蓋爾語, 字意跟氣派和高質量相關連, 而它的盛名至今已響譽超過 1,000 多年之久 The Macallan 的陳年佳釀特別以雪利酒桶釀造, 因此其威士忌的熟成和風格, 都是 Speyside 及附近地區中, 最濃郁而且豐富之一 這間享負盛名的蒸餾廠, 雖然在過去多個世紀經歷數次轉讓, 但蘊藏在地底深層的頂級軟水質量之高仍舊不變 The Macallan 麥芽威士忌的需求遠超過供應, 因此蒸餾廠推出任何限量版, 都會即時成為瑰寶珍藏 不少 The Macallan 的純化論者堅信, 那些 1970 年代蒸餾的陳年威士忌, 蘊含當時著名酒廠的頂級威士忌酒 今日, 施氏帶來了部份絕無僅有的佳釀 The Macallan 18 Year Old The Macallan has been distilling these 18 Year old statements from this bottling as far back as Since then, The Macallan has been releasing annually this 18 Year old expression with the final vintage being in It is always a wonderfully sherried yet balanced expression of the famed distillery. These releases pre-date the fine oak series where The Macallan began to integrate the use of bourbon casks in blending with their sherry casks. The Macallan 18 年 The Macallan 蒸餾釀造 18 年威士忌佳釀最早可追溯至 1965 年 此後直至 1986 年,The Macallan 每年皆會推出這款 18 年的威士忌 這威士忌巧妙地滲透出雪利酒氣息 卻又取得極緻平衡, 不失威士忌的風味 如此佳品較 fine oak 系列推出的時間還要早, 而由 fine oak 系列開始,The Macallan 就混合採用波本威士忌木桶及雪利酒木桶釀造佳釀 Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1967 bottom neck, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1967 and bottled in 1985 by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1968 bottom neck, lightly wine-stained label, signs of old seepage, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1968 and bottled in 1988 by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Macallan Single Malt 1966 heavily damp-stained with damaged lid into neck, damp-stained and lightly bin-soiled label, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1966 and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$

11 Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1971 bin-soiled with torn lid into neck, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1971 and bottled in 1989 by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1972 into neck, lightly torn label, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1972 and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$

12 Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1974 lightly bin-soiled and torn bottom neck, lightly torn label, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1974 and bottled in 1992 by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol, 700ML 555 one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1975 bottom neck, lightly scuffed label, signs of old seepage, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1975 and bottled in 1994 by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol, 700ML 556 one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1980 lightly wine-stained and bin-soiled bottom neck, lightly wine-stained label, signs of old seepage, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1980 and bottled in 1998 by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, matured in Sherry wood, 43% alcohol, 700ML 557 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt 1982 into neck, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled in 1982 and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, exclusively matured in selected sherry oak casks from Jerez, 43% alcohol, 700ML 558 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Macallan 18 Year Old Single Malt into neck, Single Highland Malt Whisky, exclusively matured in selected sherry oak casks from Jerez, 43% alcohol 1985 (1) youngest whisky distilled in 1985 and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, bin-soiled 1986 (1) lightly marked label, youngest whisky distilled in 1986 and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, 559 above 2 bottles per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Macallan Travel Collection Single Malt Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, 40% alcohol, 500ML 1920s 500ml (1) bottom neck, scuffed label, a re-creation of 1920's style Macallan, 1930s 500ml (1) bottom neck, lightly torn label, a re-creation of 1930's style Macallan, lightly wrinkled 1940s 500ml (1) into neck, a re-creation of 1940's style Macallan, original gift box 1950s 500ml (1) very top shoulder, lightly scuffed label, a re-creation of 1950's style Macallan, torn and lightly bin-soiled original gift box 560 above four 500ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$

13 Springbank 32 Year Old Single Malt 1966 original wood case into neck, Pure Barley Malt Whisky, distilled in a Pot Still in February 1966 and bottled in August 1998 by J & A Mitchell & Co Ltd, matured in oak bourbon casks, 54.4% alcohol, 700ML 561 one 700ml per lot HK$22,000-32,000 US$ Springbank 45 Year Old One of the two most prized bottles from the Millennium set, this selection is from the most accredited bottlers of Springbank: owners J and A Mitchell. Springbank 45 年 此作是千禧年套裝中兩瓶極具價值的威士忌之一, 由 Springbank 的著名裝瓶匠裝瓶, 亦即是東主 J Mitchell 及 A Mtchell Springbank Limited Edition 45 Year Old Single Malt damaged original wood case bottom neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by J & A Mitchell & Co Ltd, aged in oak casks, limited edition aged 45 years old, 40.1% alcohol, 700ML 562 one 700ml per lot HK$26,000-38,000 US$ Springbank 50 Year Old With single malt whisky aged 50 years and as one of the most mature expressions the longest family owned distillery has ever produced, this is the rarest release from one of the rarest collections of one of Campbeltown's three distilleries still in operation. Springbank 50 年 Springbank 是 Campbeltown 僅存的三間蒸餾廠之一, 亦是由家族經營時間最長的蒸餾廠 此拍品屬酒廠出品中最具成熟韻味的 50 年單一純麥威士忌, 是難得一見的 Springbank 珍藏中極之珍罕的珍品 Springbank Limited Edition 50 Year Old Single Malt original wood case into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by J & A Mitchell & Co Ltd, aged in oak casks, Limited Edition aged 50 years, 40.5% alcohol, 700ML 563 one 700ml per lot HK$38,000-55,000 US$ Strathisla Gordon & MacPhail 48 Year Old Single Malt 1963 into neck, lightly scuffed label, Speyside Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1963, matured and bottled in 2011 by Gordon & Macphail, 43% alcohol, 700ML 564 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Lot

14 Closed Whisky Distilleries A fine and rare whisky begins to enter the world of unattainable when its doors close for the final time. With global focus on closed ese whisky distilleries at the turn of the 21st century, some collectors have forgotten about the Scottish distilleries that have closed in the past decades. With demands for historical quality drams at an all-time high, the modernization of the craft process and resources becoming ever scarce, connoisseurs long for a taste of whisky from a different time. The bottles featured in this month s auction feature a glimpse into distilleries whose production methods are no longer achievable by modern standards. 已停產的蘇格蘭威士忌蒸餾廠當威士忌酒廠再一次關上其大門的那天開始, 罕珍佳釀同時走進一個高不可攀的世界 當國際焦點集中在 21 世紀初開始停產的日本威士忌廠, 部份收藏家似乎忘卻了過去數十年間, 亦有不少蘇格蘭威士忌廠都已停產 長久以來, 市場對於高質素的陳年威士忌需求甚大, 加上工序現代化及資源逐漸減少, 因此鑑賞家對於不同年代的威士忌抱着熱切的追求 今月的拍賣會將呈獻多瓶現已停產的威士忌酒廠出品, 此等佳釀以傳統方法釀造, 而經現今方式釀製的窖藏均無法比擬 ISLAY Port Ellen 125

15 Port Ellen In the past, Port Ellen distillery was a fully functioning distillery on Islay, producing a classic briny Islay expression. They even produced their own malt in their own malt houses. They had financial troubles that forced a closure of the distillery in 1929 but they always continued to run their maltings as their famed maritime terroir became an iconic expression most recognizable in their malts. With a change in fortune and increased recognition, in the late 1960 s they began distillation again their quality continued to improve and in 1979, they produced some of the distillery s greatest whiskies, fully oxidative with a round oak influence and the tell-tale Port Ellen Umami. Unfortunately, the economics of whisky production got the better of Port Ellen for a final time. The drams of 79 didn t seem to mature fast enough and Port Ellen had to turn off their stills for the last time in 1983 due to financial trouble. What happened in those 15-odd years has gone down as some of the most historic, most revered and greatest quality whisky making in history. The terroir of Port Ellen has not been duplicated and it represents a lost era in whisky s illustrious history. Bottles are released in a very slow and diminishing trickle, it is ironic that the distillery had to close due to financial trouble because they are now some of the most highly sought-after bottles in the world. In 2001, Port Ellen began a series of annual releases from their golden years of the late 1970 s. These single cask distillery releases are coveted amongst collectors and those who wish to taste Port Ellen s greatest offerings. Usually selling out in a matter of weeks or even days, these annual releases have become come of each years most anticipated. Each cask is mature at over two decades old and has been selected by some of s most discerning noses and pallets to capture the best that was ever produced. Zachys has a collection of the first 12 annual releases including their first ever official 30 Year release and the fabled 2nd release: often declared as Port Ellen s greatest distillery bottling which happened in the year Port Ellen 多年前, 位於 Islay 的 Port Ellen 是一座具規模且運作有序的威士忌廠, 釀造出略帶鹹味具經典 Islay 風格的威士忌 他們甚至在自家麥芽工場中製造麥芽 於 1929 年, 他們因財政問題而被迫關閉威士忌廠, 但卻堅持製造麥芽, 而其麥芽因為海洋性風土而帶有別樹一格的獨特味道, 很容易被分辨出來 隨着收入改善及知名度大增, 在 1960 年代後期, 他們再次開始蒸餾威士忌, 而且質量有所提升及不斷進步 ; 直至 1979 年, 他們釀成了酒廠最出色的威士忌之一 傳說中的 Port Ellen Umami: 味道完全氧化, 並帶有圓潤的橡木氣息 不幸地, 威士忌龐大的釀造支出再次令 Port Ellen 陷入財政問題 1979 年釀製的威士忌似乎熟成得太慢, 到了 1983 年, 財政問題最終令酒廠再次關閉其蒸餾設施 短短 15 年間所發生的事, 成就了最有歷史價值 最受人愛戴而且最高質素的威士忌製作 Port Ellen 的獨有風土味道無可替代, 它正正代表着威士忌輝煌歷史中, 一個失去的時代 他們的威士忌推出市面的速度很慢, 而且往往只有極少數量 回想起從前威士忌廠因財政問題而被迫關閉, 現在他們的珍酩卻是全球最灸手可熱的威士忌窖藏, 這實在有點諷刺 自 2001 年起,Port Ellen 每年推出一系列產自 1970 年代後期, 亦即是他們黃金年代的珍品 這批單一木桶的酒廠出品, 無論在收藏家圈子, 抑或那些渴求一嚐 Port Ellen 頂級珍品的人們當中, 皆叫人垂涎三尺 這些年度推出的威士忌, 成為每年最令人期待的珍品, 不到數星期 甚至數日便將售罄 每個木桶中的酒的熟成均超過 20 年以上, 且由蘇格蘭中擁有最敏銳嗅覺和味蕾的專家精心挑選, 務求匯聚最出色的佳釀 施氏擁有首 12 個年份推出的系列典藏, 包括 Port Ellen 官方首次推出的 30 周年系列及傳說中的第 2 系列 : 產於 1978 年, 經常獲譽為 Port Ellen 最出色的威士忌傑作 Port Ellen 1st Release 22 Year Old Single Malt 1979 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 22 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2001, limited edition bottle #3006/6000, 56.2% alcohol, 700ML 565 one 700ml per lot HK$24,000-36,000 US$ Port Ellen 3rd Release 24 Year Old Single Malt 1979 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 24 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2003, limited edition bottle #6343/9000, 57.3% alcohol, 700ML 567 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Port Ellen 2nd Release 24 Year Old Single Malt 1978 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1978, aged 24 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2002, limited edition bottle #4911/12000, 59.35% alcohol, 700ML 566 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen 4th Release 25 Year Old Single Malt 1978 bottom neck, Natural Cask Strength Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1978, aged 25 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2004, limited edition bottle #3020/5100, 56.2% alcohol, 700ML 568 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$

16 Lots Lot 565

17 Port Ellen 5th Release 25 Year Old Single Malt 1979 into neck, lightly damp-stained label, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 25 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2005, limited edition bottle #4321/5280, 57.4% alcohol, 700ML 569 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Port Ellen 10th Release 31 Year Old Single Malt 1978 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1978, aged 31 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2010, limited edition bottle #1277/3000, 54.6% alcohol, 700ML 574 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen 6th Release 27 Year Old Single Malt 1978 into neck, lightly torn label, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1978, aged 27 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2006, limited edition bottle #0150/4560, 54.2% alcohol, 700ML 570 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Port Ellen 11th Release 32 Year Old Single Malt 1979 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 32 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2011, limited edition bottle #1322/2988, 53.9% alcohol, 700ML 575 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen 7th Release 28 Year Old Single Malt 1979 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 28 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2007, limited edition bottle #1030/5274, 53.8% alcohol, 700ML 571 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen 12th Release 32 Year Old Single Malt 1979 lightly torn and bin-soiled into neck, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 32 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2012, limited edition bottle #1556/2964, 52.5% alcohol, 700ML 576 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen 8th Release 29 Year Old Single Malt 1978 lightly bin-soiled into neck, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1978, aged 29 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2008, limited edition bottle #2124/6618, 55.3% alcohol, 700ML 572 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Port Ellen Wilson & Morgan 30 Year Old Cask #2031 Single Cask 1982 original wood case into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1982 and bottled in 2012 for Wilson & Morgan, barrel selection, butt #2031, bottle #285/420, 57.7% alcohol, 700ML 577 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Port Ellen 9th Release 30 Year Old Single Malt 1979 into neck, Natural Cask Strength Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1979, aged 30 years, matured and bottled by the distillers, bottled in 2009, limited edition bottle #1283/5916, 57.7% alcohol, 700ML 573 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen Silver Seal 21 Year Old Single Cask 1982 very top shoulder, lightly bin-soiled label, Pure Islay Malt Whisky, distilled at Port Ellen Distillery in 1982, special reserve for Silver Seal, matured and bottled in December 2004 by Silver Seal Whisky Company Ltd, single barrel, over 21 years old, bottle #11/60, 40% alcohol magnum (1.5L) per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$

18 Port Ellen Silver Seal 20 Year Old Single Cask 1982 top shoulder, wine-stained label, signs of old seepage, Pure Islay Malt Whisky, distilled at Port Ellen Distillery in 1982, special reserve for Silver Seal, matured and bottled in September 2003 by Silver Seal Whisky Company Ltd, single barrel, over 20 years old, manager reserve, bottle #334/360, 40% alcohol, 700ML 579 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Port Ellen Single Malt into neck, Islay Single Malt Whisky, 40% alcohol, 700ML 15 Year Old ml (1) scuffed, torn and lightly bin-soiled label, distilled in 1977, 15 years old 16 Year Old ml (1) into neck, lightly scuffed label, distilled in 1979, 16 years old 580 above two 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen Single Malt into neck, lightly scuffed label, Single Islay Malt Whisky, selected by & exclusively bottled for the whisky fair, 700ML Douglas Laing The Whisky Fair 27 Year Old ml (1) distilled in September 1978 and bottled in October 2005, matured in refill butt cask #DL REF 650, aged 27 years, bottled at natural cask strength, no chill filtration and no colouring, production: 198 bottles, 52.3% alcohol, lightly scuffed The Whisky Fair 24 Year Old ml (1) distilled at Port Ellen Distillery in October 1982 and bottled in May 2007, sherry butt, aged 24 years, an independent bottling, no chill filtration, no colouring, production: 509 bottles, 59.6% alcohol 581 above two 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Ladyburn Ladyburn is extremely rare and unique amongst Scotland s distilleries in that its stills were more of an on to the more widely known lowland grain distillery, Girvan. The project as a single malt was very brief and although some of the spirits were used at times for parent company William Grant and Sons projects, the stills for Ladyburn shut down over 40 years ago after less than a decade of production. Single cask bottlings from that brief moment in time where Ladyburn was in production are seldom released but when they are, they are celebrated as some of Scotland s rarest bottlings from one of the shortest lived operations in Scotland s whisky producing history. Ladyburn Ladyburn 在芸芸蘇格蘭威士忌廠中, 可說是非常獨特且絶無僅有, 皆因它的蒸餾設施實際屬於另一間著名的低地穀物蒸餾廠 -Girvan 雖然部份 Ladyburn 烈酒曾被母公司 William Grant and Sons 的項目所使用, 但單一麥芽威士忌的計劃只實行了一段短時間, 其蒸餾設施投入運作時間更少於 10 年, 且在四十多年前已全面關閉 當 Ladyburn 仍處於獨立製作其佳釀的期間, 絶少推出單一木桶威士忌, 但凡一經推出市場, 此等佳釀必定獲追捧為蘇格蘭最罕有的威士忌之一, 全因它們產自蘇格蘭威士忌釀造歷史當中, 運作最短時間的蒸餾廠 Ladyburn Cask #3223 Single Cask 1973 lightly cracked and torn original wood case into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1973 and bottled at the Ladyburn Distillery, vintage single cask, cask #3223, bottle #48, 50.4% alcohol bottle per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Port Ellen Douglas McGibbon Single Cask 1983 Single Islay Malt Whisky, Special Selection, 46% alcohol, 700ML Spring Distillation 23 Year Old ml (1) into neck, lightly scuffed and marked label, distilled in Spring 1983 at Port Ellen Distillery and bottled in Summer 2006, aged over 23 years, un-chillfiltered, no colouring, bottling from one refill butt DMG REF: 2397, lightly wrinkled original gift box Winter Distillation 25 Year Old ml (1) bottom neck, distilled in Winter 1983 at Port Ellen Distillery and bottled in Autumn 2008, aged over 25 years, un-chillfiltered, no colouring, bottling from one sherry butt DMG REF: 4562, lightly scuffed and bin-soiled 582 above two 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$

19 Rosebank Founded in the 19th century, Rosebank stood as an icon for whisky production in a region that was less celebrated for the quality of its whiskies: the lowlands. Lying on the canal that separated Glasgow and Ediborough, Rosebank was aptly named for the roses that grew alongside the same water source that the distillery drew upon for their whiskies. A delicate departure from the whiskies of Scotland s other regions that are deliberately heavily sherried or peated, the whiskies of Rosebank are notoriously elegant, floral and fruit forward with purity of malt and gentle oak influence. Rosebank Rosebank 創立於 19 世紀, 它位處 低地 (the lowlands), 並不是一個以釀造威士忌聞名的地方, 而它卻是那裡的威士忌製造所明星 Rosebank 實位於一條分隔格拉斯哥 (Glasgow) 和愛丁堡 (Edinburgh) 的運河旁邊, 而蒸餾廠取名為 Rosebank, 正因為酒廠抽取水源釀造威士忌的地方附近種滿了玫瑰花 Rosebank 與蘇格蘭其他地區釀造的威士忌有一個微小的分別, 就是它特別濃郁的雪利酒或煤炭味道,Rosebank 的威士忌出名優雅 散發鮮花和水果香氣, 還有麥芽純粹的味道和幽幽的橡木氣息 Rosebank 25 Year Old Single Malt 1981 bottom neck, Natural Cask Strength Lowland Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1981 and bottled in 2007, triple distilled, aged 25 years, bottle #01743, 61.4% alcohol, 700ML 584 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Rosebank 21 Year Old Single Malt 1992 individual es bottom neck or better, Natural Cask Strength Lowland Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1992 and bottled in 2014, triple distilled, aged 21 years, 55.3% alcohol, bottle #3111 and 3130, 700ML 585 two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Glenfiddich Ultimate 38 Year Old Single Malt original presentation gift box 2cm below foil, Single Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by Glenfiddich Distillery, aged 38 years, American oak barrels and European oak butts, bottle #375, release #2, 700ml, Glencairn crystal decanter with crystal stopper 586 one 700ml per lot HK$38,000-55,000 US$ Glendronach Kenny Hsu s Selection 20 Year Old Cask #491 Single Cask 1993 original presentation box into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled on 19th February 1993 and bottled in January 2014 by Glendronach Distillrty, aged 20 years, Oloroso sherry cask, cask #491, bottle #347/578, 54.2% alcohol, 700ML 587 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Macallan Travel Collection Single Malt bottom neck or better, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by the Macallan Distillers Ltd, 40% alcohol, 500ML 1920s 500ml (1) bin-soiled, damp-stained and scuffed label, a re-creation of 1920's style Macallan, lightly wrinkled and heavily dampstained 1930s 500ml (1) heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, a re-creation of 1930's style Macallan, lightly wrinkled and damp-stained 1940s 500ml (1) heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled label, a re-creation of 1940's style Macallan, heavily damp-stained and bin-soiled 1950s 500ml (1) lightly scuffed label, a re-creation of 1950's style Macallan, lightly wrinkled and damp-stained 588 above four 500ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Laphroaig Single Malt 1990 into neck, Islay Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Laphroaig Distillery in 1990, 700ml The Whisky Agency 18 Year Old 700ml (1) bottled by The Whisky Agency in 2008, aged 18 years, EX-Bourbon Hogshead, production: 240 bottles, 56% alcohol The Whisky Agency 21 Year Old 700ml (1) bottled by The Whisky Agency in 2011, aged 21 years, EX-Bourbon Hogshead, production: 279 bottles, 56.8% alcohol Wilson & Morgan 20 Year Old 700ml (1) bottled for Wilson & Morgan in 2010, aged 20 years, Casks #2348/49, 46% alcohol, original wood case 589 above three 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$

20 Lot 586 Ardbeg 32 Year Old Cask #3326 Single Cask 1974 very top shoulder, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Ardbeg distillery in 1974 and bottled on 25 September 2006, bourbon cask, cask filled on 12 July 1974, cask #3326, bottle #4/110, 54.5% alcohol, 700ML 590 one 700ml per lot HK$19,000-28,000 US$ Ardbeg The Ultimate 19 Year Old Single Malt 1978 scuffed and slightly damaged into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Ardbeg Distillery in 1978 and bottled in 1997, bourbon cask, 43% alcohol, 700ML 591 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Ardbeg Gordon & MacPhail Connoisseurs Choice Single Malt bottom neck or better, Single Malt Whisky, 700ml 22 Year Old ml (1) distilled by Ardbeg Distillery in 1978 and bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in 2000, 40% alcohol 26 Year Old ml (1) distilled by Ardbeg Distillery in September 1979 and bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in December 2005, refill bourbon barrels, 43% alcohol, 592 above two 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$

21 Brora Brora, for a short period, was once one of the great heavily peated whiskies produced outside of the Islay Region. Established in 1819, the distillery originally called Clynelish silenced their stills in Zachys is offering two 35 Year old releases which were distilled during the transitional years of the name change from Clynelish to Brora. During that time, the style changed to a lighter, more elegant pest though they still worked with a relatively peaty malt considering their location in the Northern Highlands. As a historical reference, these drams represent some of the great disappearing works of Scotland's great whisky producers in the 1970's. Brora Brora 曾在某段短時期內, 一度生產出 Islay 地區以外散發厚重泥煤的優質威士忌 Brora 蒸餾廠創於 1819 年, 原名 Clynelish, 於 1983 年關閉蒸餾廠 而施氏為大家帶來的兩瓶 35 年威士忌, 正正產自酒廠從 Clynelish 改名至 Brora 的轉型時期 在該時期, 由於酒廠位處蘇格蘭高地北部, 故此仍然沿用泥煤味較重的麥芽, 但泥煤味卻比以往輕淡, 酒感更優雅 這些日漸稀罕的歷史珍釀, 彰顯 1970 年代蘇格蘭一代偉大威士忌酒廠的光輝歲月 Brora 35 Year Old Single Malt 2012 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Brora distillery and bottled in 2012, aged 35 years, bottle #0472/1566, 48.1% alcohol, 700ML 593 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-19,000 US$ Brora 35 Year Old Single Malt 2013 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Brora distillery and bottled in 2013, aged 35 years, bottle #2133/2944, 49.9% alcohol, 700ML 594 one 700ml per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Lot

22 Glenlivet 29 Year Old Single Malt 1969 original presentation box very top shoulder, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Glenlivet Distillery in 1969 and bottled in 1998, 52.76% alcohol, 700ML 595 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Highland Park 42 Year Old Cask #6282 Single Cask 1967 bottom neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Highland Park Distillery in 1967 and bottled in 2009 by John Scott & Miller Ltd., aged 42 years, sherry cask, cask #6282, bottle #39/190, 50.3% alcohol bottle per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Laphroaig 27 Year Old Single Malt 1980 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Laphroaig Distillery in 1980 and bottled in 2007, aged 27 years, oloroso sherry casks, bottle #359/972, 57.4% alcohol, 700ML 597 one 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$ Linkwood 45 Year Old Single Malt 1938 bottom neck, lightly bin-soiled label, damp-stained neck tag, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Linkwood Distillery in 1938 and bottled in 1983, aged 45 years, 40% alcohol bottle per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Macallan Gordon & MacPhail 47 Year Old Single Malt 1965 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Macallan Distillery in 1965, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in 2012, 43% alcohol, 700ML 599 one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Mortlach Gordon & MacPhail Rare Old 54 Year Old Cask #493 Single Cask 1954 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Mortlach Distillery on 17th January 1954, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail on 7th February 2008, first fill sherry butt, cask #493, 43% alcohol, 700ML 600 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Lot

23 Port Ellen Signatory 24 Year Old Cask # Single Cask 1978 Edition 1 2cm below foil, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Port Ellen Distillery on 5th September 1978 and bottled by Signatory on 16th September 2002, Port wood finish, Cask #02/159/1, decanter #303/804, 58% alcohol, 700ML 601 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Port Ellen Signatory 24 Year Old Cask # Single Cask 1978 Edition 2 2cm below foil, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Port Ellen Distillery on 5th September 1978 and bottled by Signatory on 16th September 2002, Port wood finish, Cask #02/159/2, decanter #88/792, 59.3% alcohol, 700ML 602 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$

24 Rosebank 25 Year Old Single Malt 1981 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Rosebank Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2007, aged 25 years, bottle #01214, 61.4% alcohol, 700ML 603 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-19,000 US$ Rosebank Single Malt Single Malt Whisky, 700ml Rare Malts Selection 22 Year Old ml (1) bottom neck, distilled by Rosebank Distillery in 1981 and bottled in April 2004, aged 22 years, bottle #4443, 61.1% alcohol 21 Year Old ml (1) into neck, distilled by Rosebank Distillery in 1992 and bottled in 2014, aged 21 years, bottle #3195/4530, 55.3% alcohol 604 above two 700ml per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Springbank Signatory 40 Year Old Cask #263 Single Cask cm below foil, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Springbank Distillery on 12th February 1969 and bottled by Signatory on 14th September 2009, aged 40 years, matured in a refill sherry butt, Cask #263, bottle #278/356, 54.4% alcohol, "Signatory cask strength collection", 700ML 605 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Springbank Single Malt 1978 top shoulder, Single Malt Whisky, distilled in 1978 and bottled by Springbank Distillery, 46% alcohol, 700ML 606 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Strathisla Gordon & MacPhail 48 Year Old Single Malt 1963 into neck, Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Strathisla Distillery in 1963, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in 2011, 43% alcohol, 700ML 607 one 700ml per lot HK$ US$ Wilson & Morgan Single Cask original wood case into neck, Single Malt Whisky, 700ml Glenlivet 35 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Glenlivet Distillery in 1975, bottled by Wilson & Morgan in 2010, aged 35 years, Butt #10862, bottle #10/503, 55% alcohol Macallan 22 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Macallan Distillery in 1989, bottled by Wilson & Morgan in 2011, aged 22 years, Cask #2833, bottle #156/214, 53.9% alcohol 608 above two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Gordon & MacPhail Single Malt into neck, Single Malt Whisky, 700ml Longmorn 45 Year Old Single Malt ml (1) distilled by Longmorn Distillery in 1967, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in 2012, 43% alcohol Lochside Rare Old 34 Year Old Single Malt ml (1) distilled by Lochside Distillery in 1981, bottled by Gordon & MacPhail in 2015, Lot #R0/15/07, production: 161 bottles, 46% alcohol 609 above two 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Macallan Anniversary Malt 25 Year Old Single Malt original wood case into neck, lightly nicked label, Single Highland Malt Whisky, distilled by The Macallan Distillers Ltd., aged 25 years, Sherry oaks, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Glenfiddich Ultimate 38 Year Old Single Malt original presentation gift box 1.5cm below foil, Single Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by Glenfiddich Distillery, aged 38 years, American oak barrels and European oak butts, bottle #340, release #3, Glencairn crystal decanter with crystal stopper 611 one 700ml per lot HK$38,000-55,000 US$


26 Hanyu After a long heritage of making sake, in 1941, Isouji Akuto founded Hanyu distillery in the mountainous region of Saitama, not too far from Tokyo. Akuto took advantage of s whisky Boom of the late 70 s and began distilling Single Malt Whisky in His run of production was only for 20 years as the distillery stopped production in Thankfully for everyone, in the 2000 s, a young former employee of Suntory purchased the forgotten casks that were never bottled before they were destroyed by the distillery s new owner. This employee s name was Ichiro Akuto, the grandson of Hanyu founder Isouji Akuto. In 2008, all remaining casks were transferred from the town of Hanyu, where the old distillery lay, to Ichiro s new distillery in a nearby town called Chichibu. It is here that forgotten casks were transformed by Ichiro. His mission was to put a character to every cask, a face to each barrel. Not just a cask number. Ichiro s creative guise gave birth to the extremely sought after Card Series bottlings. The final bottle of the Ichiro s Card Series has only recently been released and the legend of the bottles lives on as one of the major building blocks of s current whisky renaissance. Each treasure is fine and rare and diminishing rapidly. There aren't many more drams to taste from Hanyu s past and it will be exciting to watch future bottles evolve from Chichibu s present distilling rebirth. 羽生與秩父蒸餾所家族擁有悠長的釀造清酒背景, 肥土いそうじ先生在 1941 年落戶於離東京不遠的埼玉縣山區 創立了羽生蒸餾所, 主力釀造燒酎 肥土家看準了 1970 年代末期起在日本興起的威士忌熱潮, 於 1980 年開始出品單一麥芽威士忌 可惜, 羽生的威士忌生產線只運作了 20 年,2000 年便完全停產 然而世事微妙, 在 2000 年代中期羽生蒸餾所被新主接管 新主準備把酒窖內一桶桶的威士忌當垃圾棄掉時, 一位年輕的三得利前僱員把它們全部買下 這位年人名叫肥土伊知郎, 正是肥土いそうじ的孫兒 2008 年, 伊知郎把這些威士忌由羽生市移至附近的秩父市, 因為他在這兒剛剛創立了自己的蒸餾所 : 秩父蒸餾所 這些被遺忘的生命之水, 在伊知郎手上得以重生 他的任務並非單純把這些舊酒入瓶出售, 而是為每一桶酒賦予獨特 唯一的面貌 憑著他的創意頭腦, 當今最受追捧的威士忌之一的 羽生紙牌系列 誕生了 這系列的最後一款威士忌剛面世不久, 而它們的傳奇故事, 已然成為目前日本威士忌復興的其中一塊重要基石 除了羽生的舊窖藏, 伊知郎手上還有一些源自川崎 輕井沢等已結業蒸餾所的舊酒, 這些產於日本威士忌輝煌時代的精品, 將由他細心看管, 爾後少量地入瓶發售 雖然伊知郎在 2008 年開始製作自己品牌的威士忌, 不過這些數十年的陳年佳釀則永遠無法模仿 無法複製 此等精品, 既珍且稀, 流通量也只會急速減少, 世上所餘的數量可能需要以 杯 來計算 而我們對秩父蒸餾所未來的作品也非常關注, 期待努力於重建家業的伊知郎為日本威士忌帶來一番新氣象 Hanyu Full Proof 20 Year Old Cask #9307 Single Cask cm below foil, lightly scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1988 and bottled in 2008, butt #9307, bottle #316/534, 55% alcohol, "Single Nippon Malt for Full Proof Europe", 700ML 612 one 700ml per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$ Hanyu 22 Year Old Cask #4725 Single Cask 1990 蝦夷琥珀, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1990 and bottled in 2012, aged 22 years, cask #4725, serial #56, 54.5% alcohol, 700ML 613 one 700ml per lot HK$19,000-28,000 US$ Hanyu 19 Year Old Cask #9305 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1990 and bottled in 2009, production: 626 bottles, cask #9305, Hogshead, Spanish sherry butt, 53.4% alcohol, 700ML 614 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Hanyu The Nectar of the Daily Drams 19 Year Old Cask #377 Single Cask 1991 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1991, selected and bottled by the Nectar Molenstraat in 2010, aged 19 years, Red oak heads, cask #377, 56% alcohol, 700ML 615 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$

27 Lot

28 Hanyu Bar Keller 14 Year Old Cask #1702 Single Cask 2000 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2014, grappa finish, cask #1702, bottle #24/120, 59.9% alcohol, "The Ghost of Seigen Haunting Sakurahime No. 5 Series", 700ML 616 one 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Seven of Hearts 3.5cm below foil, bin-soiled label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1990 and bottled in 2007, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: American oak sherry butt, cask #9002, bottle #257/636, 54% alcohol, 700ML 621 one 700ml per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Cask #6076 Single Cask 2000 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in June 2005 by Ichiro's Malt, Puncheon American oak, cask #6076, bottle #457/516, 60% alcohol, 720ML 617 one 720ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Eight of Hearts 3.5cm below foil, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1991 and bottled in 2008, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Spanish Oak Oloroso sherry butt, cask #9303, bottle #320/617, 56.8% alcohol, 700ML 622 one 700ml per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt 20 Year Old Malt & Grain scuffed label, distilled by Hanyu Distillery and bottled by Chichibu distillery, aged 20 years, 46% alcohol, 700ML 618 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-18,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt 33 Year Old Malt & Grain lightly scuffed label, distilled and bottled by Ichiro's Malt, aged 33 years, 48% alcohol, 700ML 619 one 700ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Ichiro s Malt Single Cask ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ml Chichibu Malt Cask #755 Single Cask ml (1) bottled and distilled by Ichiro's Malt in 2010, 1st fill Bourbon Barrel, cask #755, 62.1% alcohol Hanyu Malt Cask #358 Single Cask ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled by Ichiro's Malt, red oak Hogshead, cask #358, 56.5% alcohol 620 above two 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Ace of Diamonds 3.5cm below foil, lightly bin-soiled label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1986 and bottled in 2008, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: cream sherry butt, cask #9023, bottle #150/527, 56.4% alcohol, 700ML 623 one 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - The Joker Color 3.5cm below foil, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery between 1985 and 2000 and bottled in 2014, bottle #2245/3690, 57.7% alcohol, 700ML 624 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-19,000 US$

29 Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card 3cm below foil, ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ml Four of Clubs 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1991 and bottled in 2007, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Rum Cask, cask #9802, bottle #97/266, 58% alcohol Five of Clubs 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1991 and bottled in 2009, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Mizunara hogshead, cask #371, bottle # 29/372, 57.4% alcohol Seven of Clubs 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2008, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: refill American oak hogshead, cask #7004, bottle #144/345, 59% alcohol Ten of Clubs 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1990 and bottled in 2008, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Pedro Ximenez Sherry Butt, cask #9032, bottle #324/576, 52.4% alcohol King of Clubs 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1988 and bottled in 2010, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Cognac cask, cask #9108, bottle #232/417, 58% alcohol 625 above five 700ml per lot HK$90, ,000 US$12,000-17,000 Hanyu Noh 10 Year Old Cask #6066 Single Cask 2000 scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2010, aged 10 years, cask: Puncheon, cask #6066, production: 463 bottles, 61% alcohol, 700ML 626 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Lot 625

30 Karuizawa Originally settled by Americans because of the volcanic rock-filtered ultra-pure spring water, Karuizawa has changed hands many times in its short history but it all began in 1955 at a vineyard near Mount Asama in Nagano,. Asama. The distillery closed in the year 2000 along with Hanyu and Ichiro Akuto assumed custody of the remaining casks before the distillery was completely dismantled in the mid 2000 s. The releases from Karuizawa are few and far between; they become scarcer and scarcer as there are fewer and fewer casks left to bottle. The Noh release, with each label portraying a character from the Noh ese theatre is now a cult collectible. In the 2000 s an English/Taiwanese joint venture called Number One Drinks purchased the remaining casks from the closed distillery and they began to release the casks under a carefully curated set of different themes. The aforementioned Noh series are one of them but there also exists a rare Samurai series and a Sumo collection, amongst others. The library bottles are carefully selected casks that are indicative of Karuizawa s sherried style with single cask releases from the 60 s, 70 s and 80 s. Verticals are extremely hard to come by and they are very special to taste as they are indicative of how the distillery slowly evolved over the decades. Also extremely rare are the Pre-Number One Drinks bottlings. These are old releases that were bottled either in the 90 s or earlier, making them distilled in decade s best and a true piece of ese Whisky History. 輕井沢 (Karuizawa) 美國人看準輕井沢由火山岩石過濾 極度純淨的泉水, 首先在該地落戶, 後來輕井沢在短短的歷史中多次易手, 但一切均由 1955 年日本長野縣 (Nagano) 淺間山 (Mount Asama) 附近的一個葡萄園開始 輕井沢蒸餾廠跟羽生蒸餾廠 (Hanyu) 在 2000 年相繼關閉, 到了 2000 年代中期,Ichiro Akuto 在蒸餾廠未被完全拆卸之前, 保留餘下未入瓶的原酒 輕井沢相隔好一段時間才推出威士忌, 而且數量極少 ; 它們的威士忌只會越來越稀有, 因為餘下來的原酒越來越少 能系列 (Noh) 每個酒標上均描繪了一個日本能劇的角色, 現在已是難得一見的珍藏 2000 年代中期, 一間英國 / 台灣合資公司 Number One Drinks 從已關閉的蒸餾廠買入餘下未入瓶的原酒, 而且小心翼翼地以不同的主題包裝原酒, 並推出市面 剛提及的 能系列 便是其中之一, 同時亦有罕見的 侍系列 (Samurai series), 以及 相樸典藏 (Sumo collection) 收藏佳釀經過精心挑選, 為 和 80 年代推出的單一木桶威士忌, 全都展現輕井澤的雪利酒風格 遇上垂直年份的機會更難能可貴, 而且它們表現出蒸餾廠多年來的演變, 所以非常特別 值得一試 此外,Number One Drinks 年代之前釀造的威士忌亦非常罕有 這些陳年佳釀於 90 年代或以前入瓶, 是黃金年代蒸餾出來的傑作, 同時是真真正正的日本威士忌歷史 Karuizawa 32 Year Old Cask #6994 Single Cask 1977 scuffed 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1977 and bottled on 24th August 2009, single cask, cask #6994, 62.7% alcohol, 700ML 627 one 700ml per lot HK$28,000-42,000 US$ Karuizawa 36 Year Old Cask #8383 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in December 1978 and bottled in July 2014, Ex-Bourbon cask, cask #8383, 63% alcohol, 700ML 628 one 700ml per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$ Karuizawa 31 Year Old Cask #6568 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1980 and bottled on 2nd August 2011, cask #6568, 56.4% alcohol, 700ML 629 one 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$ Karuizawa Geisha 30 Year Old Cask #6256 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2011, cask #6256, 57.5% alcohol, 700ML 630 one 700ml per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$ Karuizawa 29 Year Old Cask #2279 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled on 16th September 2011, cask #2279, 58.1% alcohol, 700ML 631 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-19,000 US$ Karuizawa 27 Year Old Cask #2963 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled on 20th September 2011, cask #2963, 57.2% alcohol, 700ML 632 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Karuizawa 29 Year Old Cask #7802 Single Cask 1984 into neck, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 29th November 1984 and bottled on 13th October 2014, aged 29 years, Spanish oak, Olorosso sherry butt, cask #7802, bottle #294/577, selected by Richard Kelly, Marius Vestnes, Martin T. Smith, 56.7% alcohol, 700ML 633 one 700ml per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$

31 Karuizawa Kinlonz Culture A true sign of the Hong Kong appreciation of ese Whisky, this was bottled exclusively for the local cigar and whisky club Kinlonz Culture. 這款酒見證了香港市場對日本威士忌的尊崇和喜愛 酒廠特地為一間本地雪茄及威士忌俱樂部 Kinlonz Culture 裝瓶, 可見這個俱樂部的優越品味 Karuizawa 21 Year Old Cask #4587 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1989 and bottled in 2010, sherry butt, cask #4587, production: 240 bottles, 59.6% alcohol, 700ML 635 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Karuizawa Kinlonz Culture 30 Year Old Cask #3619 Single Cask 1985 original wood case in original carton 4.5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery and bottled in 2015, aged 30 years, cask #3619, sherry butt, production: 282 bottles, 60.6% alcohol, 700ML 634 one 700ml per lot HK$44,000-65,000 US$ Lot

32 The Noh Collection The Noh Collection is an unprecedented collection of single cask bottles with each cask depicting a different character from the famous Noh Musical Drama that has been a part of ese Culture for over 600 years. While each release was slowly leaked from markets such as Taiwan over only the last number of years, they encapsulate a piece of history that will never be reclaimed and as such, in combination with their unprecedented quality, the bottles evaporated from the market almost immediately. Nowadays, they are some of the hardest works of drinkable art to source in the world. 能系列 典藏(The Noh Collection) 能系列 典藏(The Noh Collection) 是前所未有的單一木桶威士忌系列, 每瓶描繪流傳在日本文化超過 600 年的能樂劇 (Noh Musical Drama) 的不同角色 它們的威士忌皆封存了一段不能重溯的歷史, 過去幾年間, 每次都是在台灣等市場慢慢流出市面, 加上它們極為出色的質素, 因此幾乎一推出市面就消聲匿跡 無跡可尋 現在, 它們是世界上最難覓得的酒類藝術瑰寶 Karuizawa Noh 41 Year Old Cask #1842 Single Cask 1971 This Classic Noh was one of the only 82 bottles produced for a private European company. It remains one of the smallest lots that Karuizawa ever bottled. 輕井沢 能系列 41 年此經典 能系列 威士忌是酒廠為一間歐洲私人公司生產的 82 瓶威士忌之一, 亦是輕井沢有史以來最小瓶的作品之一, 特別珍罕難得 Karuizawa Noh 41 Year Old Cask #1842 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1971 and bottled in 2013, aged 41 years, cask: Bourbon, cask #1842, production: 82 bottles, 63.7% alcohol, 700ML 636 one 700ml per lot HK$80, ,000 US$10,000-16,000 Lot

33 Karuizawa Noh 32 Year Old Cask #4592 Single Cask cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1977 and bottled in 2010, aged 32 years, cask: Sherry butt, cask #4592, production: 190 bottles, 60.7% alcohol, 700ML 637 one 700ml per lot HK$34,000-50,000 US$ Karuizawa Noh 15 Year Old Cask #270 Single Cask 1994 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1994 and bottled in 2010, aged 15 years, cask: Sherry butt, cask #270, production: 480 bottles, 62.7% alcohol, 700ML 638 one 700ml per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$ Karuizawa Noh 13 Year Old Cask #5007 Single Cask 1995 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1995 and bottled in 2008, aged 13 years, cask: ese wine cask, cask #5007, production: 246 bottles, 63% alcohol bottle per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$ Karuizawa Noh Multi Vintages #1 Single Malt 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981,1982,1983,1984 and bottled in October 2011, sherry butt and bourbon cask, cask # include 4973, 6405, 6437, 8184, 59.1% alcohol, 700ML 640 one 700ml per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$ Lot

34 The Samurai Series Karuizawa followed up with some of their most prized casks when they released the Samurai Series: a collection of 10 fully mature single casks with labels depicting traditional Samurai scenes. Some of these casks lost so much nectar due to angel share and porosity of the casks that there were only slightly over one or two hundred bottles yield from each cask. Along with a selection from this series, Zachys is pleased to offer a limited selection of two single sherry butts that show the entire image of the Samurai series. These two single sherry casks encompass the structure and complexity of all of the casks selected for the entire Samurai series and are often seen as a tangent to the highly anticipated Karuizawa collection: the ultimate completion to this saga. 侍系列 典藏 (The Samurai Series) 輕井沢 (Karuizawa) 推出 侍系列 典藏, 貫徹它們廣受愛戴的威士忌 :10 瓶完全熟成的單一木桶威士忌, 瓶身附有描繪傳統武士場面的酒標 因為天使的分享及酒桶上的氣孔, 部份酒桶流失大量美酒, 當中每桶只能釀成略多於一至二百瓶的威士忌 除這典藏以外, 施氏欣然帶來兩個限量版單一雪利酒大酒桶釀製的威士忌, 展現整個 侍系列 的面貌 所有被挑選釀造 侍系列 的威士忌, 其結構和複雜性都反映其中, 而且經常被視為是萬眾期待的輕井沢典藏的切入點 : 傳說的最完美結局 Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Cask #3139 Single Cask 1984 original presentation wood case 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery and bottled in 2014, aged 30 years, Sherry butt, cask #3139, production: 494 bottles, 55.4% alcohol, 700ML 641 one 700ml per lot HK$28,000-42,000 US$ Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Cask #7843 Single Cask 1985 original presentation wood case 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery and bottled in 2015, aged 30 years, Sherry butt, cask #7843, production: 458 bottles, 58.3% alcohol, 700ML 643 one 700ml per lot HK$30,000-46,000 US$ Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Cask #3620 Single Cask 1985 original presentation wood case 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery and bottled in 2015, aged 30 years, Sherry butt, cask #3620, production: 280 bottles, 60.2% alcohol, 700ML 642 one 700ml per lot HK$34,000-50,000 US$ Lot 641 Lot 642 Lot

35 Karuizawa 28 Year Old Cask #6206 Single Cask 1986 大亂鬥, 2.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1986 and bottled in 2014, sherry butt, cask #6206, production: 51 bottles, 56.5% alcohol, 700ML 644 one 700ml per lot HK$34,000-50,000 US$ Karuizawa 27 Year Old Cask #2031 Single Cask 1987 大亂鬥, 2.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1987 and bottled in 2014, sherry butt, cask #2031, production: 83 bottles, 58.4% alcohol, 700ML 645 one 700ml per lot HK$34,000-50,000 US$ Karuizawa 19 Year Old Cask #6446 Single Cask cm, lightly scuffed label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1990 and bottled in 2009 for Whisky Live Magazine 10th anniversary, aged 19 years, sherry butt, cask #6446, 60% alcohol, 700ML 646 one 700ml per lot HK$13,000-19,000 US$ Karuizawa 20 Year Old Cask #2321 Single Cask ml (1) distilled in 1990 and bottled by Karuizawa Distillery, aged 20 years, cask #2321, 58% alcohol, 250ML 8 Year Old Single Malt 300ml (1) distilled and bottled by Karuizawa Distillery, aged 8 years, 57% alcohol, 300ML 647 above one 250ml & one 300ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Karuizawa Spirit Safe Single Cask 19 Year Old Cask # ml (1) lightly damp-stained label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1991 and bottled in 2010, aged 19 years, cask #3206, Sherry Butt, 60.8% alcohol, 700ML 13 Year Old Cask # ml (1) lightly wrinkled label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1997 and bottled in 2010, aged 13 years, Sherry Butt, cask #3312, 60.2% alcohol, 700ML 648 above two 700ml per lot HK$22,000-32,000 US$ Karuizawa SMWS Single Cask ese Single Malt Whisky, Ex-sherry cask, 700ml 22 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 4th September 1991 and bottled by The Malt Whisky Society, aged 22 years, production: 335 bottles, cask #132.2, 62.4% alcohol 20 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 21st July 1993 and bottled by The Malt Whisky Society, aged 20 years, production: 344 bottles, cask #132.3, 61.1% alcohol 17 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 8th July 1996 and bottled by The Malt Whisky Society, aged 17 years, production: 346 bottles, cask #132.4, 61.7% alcohol 14 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 25th June 1999 and bottled by The Malt Whisky Society, aged 14 years, production: 495 bottles, cask #132.5, 58.6% alcohol 12 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 31st December 2000 and bottled by The Malt Whisky Society, aged 12 years, production: 553 bottles, cask #132.6, 63% alcohol 649 above five 700ml per lot HK$38,000-55,000 US$ Karuizawa Jazz Club 12 Year Old Cask #2501 Single Cask 1993 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 19th April 1993 and bottled on 14th October 2006, aged 12 years, sherry cask, cask #2501, bottle #377, 62.8% alcohol, 700ML 650 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Memories of Karuizawa Single Cask ese Single Malt Whisky, sherry cask, 700ml 16 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1996, aged 16 years, cask #3684, 61.8% alcohol 14 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999, aged 14 years, cask #855, 57% alcohol 651 above two 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$ Karuizawa Asama 46% Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, selected from 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 46% alcohol, 700ML 652 six 700ml per lot HK$24,000-36,000 US$

36 Lot 649 Karuizawa Balthus & Giacometti Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, 40% alcohol 10 Year Old 300ml (1) aged 10 years, 300ML, 15 Year Old 300ml (1) aged 15 years, 300ML, 17 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 17 years, bottle #01327, 700ML 653 above two 300ml & one 700ml per lot HK$19,000-28,000 US$ Karuizawa Cask Strength Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, sherry butt, cask strength, 61.7% alcohol, 700ML 1st Release 700ml (1) 2nd Release 700ml (1) 3rd Release 700ml (1) 4th Release 700ml (1) 654 above four 700ml per lot HK$14,000-20,000 US$ Kawasaki 100th Anniversary 29 Year Old Cask #G7452 Single Cask 1982 very top shoulder, ese Single Grain Whisky, distilled by Kawasaki Distillery in 1982 and bottled in 2011, sherry butt, cask #G7452, bottle #587/663, 65.4% alcohol, 700ML 655 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Nikka 34 Year Old Single Malt 1964 original wood case in damp-stained original carton 2.5cm below foil, ese Single Malt Whisky, whisky distilled in 1964 to blending and bottled in 1998 by Nikka, bottle #0523/1000, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$24,000-36,000 US$

37 Nikka Miyagikyo Distillery The distillery of Miyagikyo was established after three years of searching by Masataka Taketsuru and his colleagues. It was selected for its proximity to mountains and rivers with the ideal climate for a lowland style whisky. The distillery was founded in 1969 and it is here that Nikka blends their Single Malt Miyagikyo with Yoichi whisky to produce the Taketsuru whiskies. The single cask bottlings from Nikka were leaked occasionally to the European market or to a handful of specialists around the world but are becoming increasingly harder to find. This year, Nikka reported being completely sold out of some of their whiskies, even at their distillery! Even their flagship whiskies are hard to find on the market, making their limited releases ultra-rare. 日華宮城峽蒸餾所至於宮城峽蒸餾所的選址, 則是竹鶴與其同事耗費三年時間遍尋全國的成果 蒸餾所 1969 年建於山水環抱之地, 氣候極之適宜生產具蘇格蘭低地風格的威士忌 而日華也在這裡將單一麥芽的宮城峽與余市調合 創作出公司另一款威士忌 竹鶴 日華的單桶威士忌偶爾會流出至歐洲市場, 然而除了在蒸餾所和全球少數幾家威士忌專門店, 則絕少有機會一睹, 而且逐漸難尋 今年, 日華公開宣佈品牌旗下某幾款威士忌已經完全售罄, 即使在他們的蒸餾所也買不到! 市面已極少見到他們的旗艦作品, 遑論是他們的限量版威士忌 Lot

38 Nikka Miyagikyo 23 Year Old Cask #92414 Single Cask cm below foil, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Miyagikyo Distillery on 1st February 1988 and bottled on 25th August 2011, cask #92414, 57% alcohol, 700ML 657 one 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Nikka Miyagikyo Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, blended and bottled by Nikka Whisky, 500ML 1980s 500ml (1) malt selected from Miyagikyo Distillery between , 53% alcohol 1990s 500ml (1) malt selected from Miyagikyo Distillery between , 55% alcohol 2000s 500ml (1) malt selected from Miyagikyo Distillery between , 57% alcohol 658 above three 500ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Nikka Taketsuru 25 Year Old Pure Malt original presentation wood case blended and bottled by Nikka Whisky, 43% alcohol, 700ML 659 two 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Nikka Taketsuru 35 Year Old Blended 1.5cm below foil, blended by Nikka Whisky and bottled in 2011, aged 35 years, bottle #0992, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$22,000-34,000 US$ Lot

39 Nikka Yoichi Distillery Masataka Taketsuru, the controversial father of ese Whisky, began production at Yoichi in 1936 and named the distillery after the fishing town of the same name. Taketsuru, originally working for Suntory, left Suntory and Yamazaki in its early days for Yoichi on the northern ese island of Hokkaido because he believed it contained a similar climate to Scotland, and he wanted to make a Scottish style whisky. The whisky has become iconic in that its character is powerful but the whisky never loses its sense of balance. Yoichi boasts many unique opportunities such as having their own peat for malting due to the location of the distillery and, in fact, Yoichi is the only distillery that still uses direct fire by charcoal to fire its stills rather than the steam that everyone else in the world is using. The result is a certain rusticity that can now only be found at Yoichi. 日華余市蒸餾所極具爭議性的 日本威士忌之父 竹鶴政孝在 1936 年選址北海道小漁港余市作為基地, 開始生產與該地同名的威士忌 原本是三得利和山崎蒸餾所員工的他, 認為北海道的氣候近似蘇格蘭, 有利於他製作出具蘇格蘭風格的威士忌 事實上余市威士忌的確別具一格, 力度強勁之餘又不失平衡感 這家蒸餾所在地理上得天獨厚, 例如擁有自己的泥煤以處理麥芽, 又如當絕大部份威士忌廠都已轉用蒸汽蒸鍋時 余市仍然以炭火直燒的方式進行蒸餾, 這使得余市的作品自有一份質樸感覺 Lot

40 Nikka Yoichi 19 Year Old Cask # Single Cask 1986 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Yoichi Distillery on 3rd July 1986 and bottled by Nikka Whisky on 15th November 2005, cask #252816, 49% alcohol bottle per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$ Nikka Yoichi 17 Year Old Cask # Single Cask 1988 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Yoichi Distillery on 7th May 1988 and bottled by Nikka Whisky on 4th February 2005, cask #120929, 61% alcohol bottle per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Nikka Yoichi Single Cask distilled by Yoichi Distillery and bottled by Nikka Whisky, 500ML, " 原酒 " 10 Year Old Cask # ml bottle (1) aged 10 years, cask #407474, 59% alcohol, 15 Year Old Cask # ml bottle (1) aged 15 years, cask #400256, 63% alcohol 20 Year Old Cask # ml bottle (1) aged 20 years, cask #400670, 60% alcohol, 663 above three 500ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$ Nikka Yoichi Single Malt 2000s ese Single Malt Whisky, malt selected from Yoichi Distillery between , blended and bottled by Nikka Whisky, 57% alcohol, 500ML 664 six 500ml bottles per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Nikka Malt & Grain Prize Whisky blended and bottled by Nikka Whisky, 45% alcohol bottle per lot HK$ US$ Suntory Blended original wood case " 鳳雅 ", selected, blended and bottled by Suntory, 43% alcohol, 700ML 666 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Lot 667 Suntory The Peninsula Tokyo Blended 2014 selected, blended and bottled by Suntory, 43% alcohol, 700ML 667 one 700ml per lot HK$ US$

41 Suntory Wedgwood Decanter Malt & Grain Wedgwood has been producing some of England's greatest ceramics for over 250 years. In a rare joint venture they ve produced an extremely limited handful of decanters for the coveted Yamazaki 25 Year Old Single Malt. Usually, the ceramists are only known for providing the decanter for the special edition Glenfiddich 21 Year Old, so this is something particularly unique, low profile and available to only a few collectors worldwide. This is the crown jewel to Suntory's Hibiki Ceramic series. 三得利 Wedgwood 陶瓷瓶威士忌 (750 公升 ) Wedgwood 擁有 250 年製作陶瓷的悠久歷史, 曾製作出英格蘭首屈一指的巨作 在一次罕有的合資企劃中,Wedgewood 為山崎 25 年單一純麥威士忌推出數量極少的限量陶瓷瓶裝, 此前只曾為 Glenfiddich 21 年威士忌推出特別版陶瓷瓶裝, 而是次與三得利的合作史無前例 極之低調, 全球亦只有少數收藏家能得以收於囊中, 確實為三得利 響 陶瓷系列生色不少 Suntory Wedgwood Decanter Malt & Grain distilled, blended and bottled by Suntory Limited, 43% alcohol bottle per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$ Lot

42 Suntory Yamazaki Distillery Yamazaki may not have been the first distillery with a license to distil in, but they were indeed the first to produce whisky as we know it today. Founded in 1923 by Shinjiro Torii, whose shortened name became the flagship moniker for the Suntory brand, Yamazaki distillery was built in its location in the Kyoto prefecture because of its infamously pure water dating back to Samurai times. Enthusiasts and novices alike attest to the distinctive softness and approachability of whisky produced in this area and it is this character that has become a trademark of the Suntory name. All of their whiskies are as sought-after because of their taste as well as their scarcity. Suntory special releases are very limited in number (few thousand bottles at a time) and only available in specific countries, making them some of the most elusive bottles on today s market. The unique Owner s Cask bottles, initially difficult to find, are now essentially impossible to find since the Suntory distilleries have discontinued the program indefinitely. 三得利山崎蒸餾所 (Suntory Yamazaki Distillery) 山崎蒸餾所可能不是第一所獲得日本蒸餾牌照的蒸餾所, 眾所周知, 它的確是第一所釀造日本威士忌的酒廠 山崎蒸餾所由鳥取信治郎 (Shinjiro Torii) 於 1923 年創立, 他名字的縮寫成了品牌三得利 (Suntory) 的標誌性稱號 山崎蒸餾所建於京都府的原因, 是因為早於武士時代已享負盛名的純淨水源 無論是愛好者或初學者, 都能證明這地區所釀造的威士忌, 擁有獨特柔順和平易近人的感覺, 而這些特質已成為三得利品牌的標記 威士忌的味道和罕珍度, 令品牌所有威士忌都非常受歡迎 由於三得利特別版的數量稀少 ( 每次只有數千瓶 ), 加上只在特定國家發售, 令它們成為現時市場上最難以尋覓的佳釀之一 獨一無二的 Owner s Cask 威士忌, 原本已一瓶難求, 自從三得利蒸餾所無限期停止釀造計劃, 現在幾乎絶跡市面 Suntory Yamazaki 29 Year Old Cask RF1037 Single Cask 1979 original wood case ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled in May 1979 and bottled in September 2008, Wood Type: ese Mizunara Oak, Cask Type: Butt, Cellar: Yamazaki Distillery, Location: , Cask #RF1037, bottle #95/294, 55%, 700ML 669 one 700ml per lot HK$34,000-50,000 US$ Lot

43 Suntory Yamazaki Vintage Malt 1980 A distillery-only release from a program long discontinued by the famous Kyoto Distillery due to skyrocketing demand. This dram predates the single malt days of the flagship Yamazaki and as such, it is very rare to see any single malt release from the turn of the 1980's. 三得利山崎 1980 年此拍品因需求急升, 早被京都山崎蒸餾廠停止生產 由於這款珍釀年份早於酒廠的經典山崎系列純麥威士忌, 故產自 1980 年代初的單一純麥威士忌更顯得難能可貴 Suntory Yamazaki Vintage Malt 24 Year Old Single Malt 1980 upper shoulder, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Yamazaki Distillery in 1980 and bottled in 2004, 56% alcohol, 700ML 670 one 700ml per lot HK$24,000-36,000 US$ Lot 670 Suntory Yamazaki The Owner s Cask 15 Year Old Cask #2Q70675 Single Cask 1992 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Yamazaki Distillery in 1992 and bottled in 2007, cask: Hogshead, cask #2Q70675, bottle #52/151, 55% alcohol, 700ML 671 one 700ml per lot HK$ US$ Suntory Yamazaki 15 Year Old distilled and bottled by Yamazaki Distillery, aged 15 years, 56% alcohol, 600ML Pure Malt 600ml (2) ese Pure Malt Whisky, bottle #27090 and 35280, 56% alcohol, 600ML, individual es Single Malt 600ml (1) ese Single Malt Whisky, bottle #46569, 672 above three 600ml HK$13,000-19,000 US$ Suntory Yamazaki 25 Year Old Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Yamazaki Distillery, aged 25 years, bottle #19318, 43% alcohol, 700ML 673 one 700ml per lot HK$16,000-24,000 US$ Suntory Yamazaki distilled and bottled by Yamazaki Distillery, 43% alcohol, 700ML Pure Malt 700ml (1) Single Malt 700ml (1) 674 above two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$

44 Lot 675 Suntory Yamazaki Single Malt 2013 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Yamazaki Distillery and bottled in 2013, 48% alcohol, 700ml Bourbon Barrel 700ml (1) Bourbon barrel Heavily Peated 700ml (1) Puncheon 700ml (1) Puncheon cask Sherry Cask 700ml (1) Sherry cask 675 above four 700ml per lot HK$30,000-46,000 US$ Suntory 1899 Malt & Grain individual es one 4cm below foil, one 4.5cm below foil, one lightly scuffed label, distilled, blended and bottled by Suntory Limited, 43% alcohol, 760ML 676 two 760ml per lot HK$11,000-16,000 US$

45 Lot 677 Suntory Prestige 25 Year Old Blended one individual original presentation wood case, two lightly scuffed individual original presentation wood cases blended and bottled by Suntory, aged 25 years, 43% alcohol bottles per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Suntory Single Cask ml Hakushu The Owner s Cask 15 Year Old Cask #4K ml (1) distilled by Hakushu Distillery in 1994 and bottled in 2009, Hogshead cask, cask #4K 10344, bottle #144/181, 62% alcohol, "Owner name: Sakaz Corporation" Yamazaki 12 Year Old Cask #4Q ml (1) distilled by Yamazaki Distillery in 1994 and bottled in 2006, Puncheon, cask #4Q 70188, bottle #248/545, 63% alcohol 678 above two 700ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Suntory Ceramic Bottle 43% alcohol, 600ml Malt & Grain 600ml (1) blended and bottled by Suntory Yamazaki 12 Year Old Pure Malt 600ml (1) " 錦赤玉瓔珞文風物絵 ", distilled and bottled by Yamazaki Distillery, aged 12 years, 679 above two 600ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Suntory 43% alcohol Hibiki Malt & Grain French Horn 500ml (1) blended and bottled by Suntory, 500ML Hibiki Malt & Grain Trombone 500ml (1) blended and bottled by Suntory, 500ML Royal Special Grade Violin Blended 700ml (1) blended and bottled by Suntory, 700ML Yamazaki Saxophone 600ml (1) distilled by Yamazaki Distillery and bottled by Suntory, 600ML 680 above two 500ml, one 600ml & one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Karuizawa 37 Year Old Cask #6878 Single Cask cm below foil, lightly damp-stained label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1971 and bottled on 15th January 2008, cask #6878, 64.1% alcohol, 700ML 681 one 700ml per lot HK$32,000-48,000 US$

46 Karuizawa 40 Year Old Cask #8833 Single Cask cm, lightly scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1972 and bottled in 2012, aged 40 years, sherry butt, cask #8833, bottle #116/267, 55.9% alcohol, 700ML 682 one 700ml per lot HK$70, ,000 US$ ,

47 Karuizawa Sumo Single Cask 2.5cm, sherry butt, 700ml 32 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2013, cask #818, bottle #101/120, 56.9% alcohol 30 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1983 and bottled in 2013, cask #3408, bottle #115/168, 58.4% alcohol 683 above two 700ml per lot HK$60,000-90,000 US$ ,000

48 Karuizawa Noh Single Cask sherry butt, 200ML 19 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1991 and bottled in 2010, aged 19 years, cask #3206, 60.8% alcohol 13 Year Old Cask # ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1997 and bottled in 2010, aged 13 years, cask #3312, 60.2% alcohol 684 above two 200ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Suntory Hibiki Mt Fuji 21 Year Old Malt & Grain individual original wood cases distilled and bottled by Hibiki Distillery, aged 21 years, 2015 bottling, 43% alcohol, 700ML 685 three 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Yamazaki 25 Year Single Malt Bill Amberg Limited Edition With each stitch representing 365 days of maturation, this limited edition Yamazaki 25 Year Old Single Malt was bottled exclusively to put inside a leather case crafted by 30-year veteran leather smith Bill Amberg, in celebration of The Yamazaki s 90th anniversary. Bill Amberg worked on this collaboration with Suntory purely out of his passion for ese whisky and food culture and as a result, he hand crafted only 25 of these. 山崎 25 年 Bill Amberg 限量版 為慶祝山崎蒸餾廠創立 90 週年, 擁有 30 年經驗的資深皮革工匠 Bill Amberg 特別為山崎 25 年單一麥芽威士忌限量版打造皮革酒盒, 每一針一線都代表着佳釀 365 天的熟成 Bill Amberg 本着個人對日本威士忌及飲食文化的熱愛, 他只手造了 25 個酒盒來配合是次與三得利的合作計劃 Suntory Yamazaki Bill Amberg Limited Edition 25 Year Old Single Malt original presentation box in original carton ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled and bottled by Yamazaki Distillery, aged 25 years, bottle #11418, 43% alcohol, 700ML, production: 100 cases 686 one 700ml per lot HK$26,000-38,000 US$ Suntory Hakushu 25 Year Old Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, Hakushu Distillery, bottle #6364, 43% alcohol, 700ML 687 one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$ Lot 686 (top) and detail (bottom) 159

49 Suntory Hibiki Hibiki, translating into Echo, produces some of the rarest, limited releases bottled in rare works of ese ceramic. These releases often contain whiskies starting at an age of 21 years and can contain whisky aged well over 50 years. It is the whiskies of Hakushu and Yamazaki that are blended together to produce this beautiful whisky. 三得利 響 三得利更以山崎和白州的出品調製出旗下第三款威士忌 : 響 響 曾經與日本多家著名燒窰合作, 推出數量非常少的限量版陶瓷瓶威士忌, 這些陶瓷瓶通常盛載 響 21 年 或以上的陳年威士忌, 可以保存酒質逾 50 年之久 Suntory Hibiki 21 Year Old Malt and Grain Ceramic Bottle 43% alcohol, 600ml Lot 688: 有田燒 - 色繪竹梅寅文瓶, original wood case Lot 689: 九谷燒 - 青手吉祥文六角瓶 Lot 690: 有田燒 - 色繪栗樹文十二角瓶, original wood case missing lid Lot 691: 有田燒 - 色繪櫻御所車文瓢形瓶, 43% alcohol, 600ML, original wood case 688 one 600ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ one 600ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ one 600ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ one 600ml per lot HK$ ,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Eight of Clubs 3cm below foil, lightly scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1988 and bottled in 2011, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: American Oak Puncheon, cask #7100, bottle #43/561, 57.5% alcohol, 700ML 692 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Eight of Diamonds 2.5cm below foil, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1991 and bottled in 2009, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Spanish Oak Oloroso Sherry Butt, cask #9302, bottle #446/595, 57.1% alcohol, 700ML 693 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$ Lot

50 Lot 694 Lot 695 Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Ace of Diamonds 3cm below foil, lightly bin-soiled label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1986 and bottled in 2008, 1st cask: Hogshead, 2nd cask: Cream Sherry Butt, cask #9023, bottle #507/527, 56.4% alcohol, 700ML 694 one 700ml per lot HK$17,000-26,000 US$ Karuizawa Prendre le Rythme 31 Year Old Cask #78 Single Cask 1981 original carton 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in October 1981 and bottled in July 2013, Aged 31 years, Sherry Butt #78, 60.5% alcohol, 700ML 695 one 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$

51 Spirits Index 索引 - 烈酒窖藏 Lot 533 Lots 534 & 535 Lot 536 Lot 537 Lot 538 Lot 539 Lot 540 Lot 541 Lot

52 Lot 543 Lot 544 Lot 545 Lot 546 Lot 547 Lot 548 Lot 549 Lot 550 Lot

53 Lot 551 Lot 552 Lot 553 Lot 554 Lot 555 Lot 556 Lot 557 Lot 558 Lot

54 Lot 560 Lot 561 Lot 562 Lot 563 Lot 564 Lot 565 Lot 566 Lot 567 Lot

55 Lot 569 Lot 570 Lot 571 Lot 572 Lot 573 Lot 574 Lot 575 Lot 576 Lot

56 Lot 578 Lot 579 Lot 580 Lot 581 Lot 582 Lot 583 Lot 584 Lot 585 Lot

57 Lot 587 Lot 588 Lot 589 Lot 590 Lot 591 Lot 592 Lot 593 Lot 594 Lot

58 Lot 596 Lot 597 Lot 598 Lot 599 Lot 600 Lot 601 Lot 602 Lot 603 Lot

59 Lot 605 Lot 606 Lot 607 Lot 608 Lot 609 Lot 610 Lot 611 Lot 612 Lot

60 Lot 614 Lot 615 Lot 616 Lot 617 Lot 618 Lot 619 Lot 620 Lot 621 Lot

61 Lot 623 Lot 624 Lot 625 Lot 626 Lot 627 Lot 628 Lot 629 Lot 630 Lot

62 Lot 632 Lot 633 Lot 634 Lot 635 Lot 636 Lot 637 Lot 638 Lot 639 Lot

63 Lot 641 Lot 642 Lot 643 Lot 644 Lot 645 Lot 646 Lot 647 Lot 648 Lot

64 Lot 650 Lot 651 Lot 652 Lot 653 Lot 654 Lot 655 Lot 656 Lot 657 Lot

65 Lot 659 Lot 660 Lot 661 Lot 662 Lot 663 Lot 664 Lot 665 Lot 666 Lot

66 Lot 668 Lot 669 Lot 670 Lot 671 Lot 672 Lot 673 Lot 674 Lot 675 Lot

67 Lot 677 Lot 678 Lot 679 Lot 680 Lot 681 Lot 682 Lot 683 Lot 684 Lot

68 Lot 686 Lot 687 Lot 688 Lot 689 Lot 690 Lot 691 Lot 692 Lot 693 Lot 694 Lot


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