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3 目 錄 社會及公民參與督導委員會 前言 Foreword 背景 Background Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement CONTENT 顧問 社會服務計劃 研究與調查 博群大講堂系列 非牟利團體實習計劃 Advisors Social Service Projects Research and Study University Lecture on Civility series NGO Internship 社會企業及企業社會責任 Social Enterprise and Corporate Social Responsibilities 未來發展方向 Future Development 鳴謝 Acknowledgment 3

4 前 言 FOREWORD Second Anniversary of I CARE Programme In a twinkling of an eye, it is the second anniversary of I CARE Programme. Last year, we encouraged students to attempt social and civic activities diversely. This year, we focus on extending and deepening in the hope of sustaining changes brought upon by the programme, which endorses the tradition of the university in upholding humanism and the commitment to serve the society. I CARE hopes, not to only promote devotion and compassion in serving the society, but inspire students to examine the meaning of life, subsequently achieving personal growth. Therefore, our pursuit does not limit to raising the number of projects, participants, and beneficiaries despite they are important indicators to achievement. Having believed university as the place for knowledge, we are more interested in whether the pursuit of knowledge is epitomised in social and civic activities, and whether students benefit and grow as they participate in these activities. Excelling Strength and Sustaining Growth I CARE Social Service Project Scheme made substantial moves in supporting the theme of excelling strength and sustaining growth. On top of allowing students to design their own social service projects where they receive monetary support if they were approved, starting this year, we set up a comprehensive guideline for application, together with advisory services provided by the team. Therefore, students were able to discuss with our staff about precise steps in improving their proposals. Consequently, students were educated with not only managerial skills and knowledge, but heightened chance in having their projects approved. Furthermore, debriefing seminars were organised for participants to exchange their experiences, which led to enhanced quality of application and services as contributed by selected projects. Another project worth mentioning is a music demonstration for the visually impaired, organised by two research graduate students coming from the Department of Music. Apart from introducing exotic folk music from different parts of the world, the visually impaired had the chance to feel the instrument, and to dance along. The project has been widely endorsed. It is believed that students will be inspired by this project as it serves as an example of how one s expertise can be applied to social services. Continuing its success, the team of two applied again for subsidy this year with the hopes of extending its influence by inviting even more students to participate. Corresponding with the spirit of excelling, I CARE Research and Study Scheme volunteered to assist students who had their projects approved last year in writing up new proposals. Students continued to take up the role as the investigator for social controversies. This year, the selection criteria for research proposals became more stringent in assuring ethical practices and protecting participants confidentiality. It represents a greater emphasis on abiding fundamental principles of respect, which encourage students to be accountable to their actions and practices. Desirable changes sustain through a gradual process of accumulation and acquisition, which I CARE experienced last year. For instance, alumni of the university donated valuable collection of books in Honmecoming Book Festival for the University to redistribute them to freshmen. It allowed wisdom inherited in different readings to pass on from one generation to another. First year of the event received up to ten thousand donations and the number doubled this year to a total of twenty thousand. The increase represents not only encouragement, but recognition among students where the event spices up the whole programme every autumn. Moreover, it was the consecutive third year for the programme to organise lectures on philosophy at the New Asia Concourse. We were honored to have Professor He, Weifang to discuss political development in China where the event has turned the plaza a cultural landmark of the university. 4 FOREWORD

5 Inaugurating heritage and serving with heart I CARE made two other substantial changes to the programme. Firstly, it established Local Poverty Allevation Initiative, which comprised service initiatives for the local community. Staff of I CARE has been organising a series of activities corresponding with the initiative where results are expected to be reported in next year. Besides, Office of University General Education launched its first I CARE Leadership Programme, which collaborated with I CARE strategically in raising awareness to social issues within the campus. Students of I CARE Leadership Programme attended activities organised by I CARE. They had been not only responsible for errands, but the process from planning to implantation. Their effort and hard work, apart from being praised and appreciated, impacted directly on the rapid expansion of our programme. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the university, there has been a considerable discussion among alumni about the definition of The spirit of CUHK. In retrospect, when New Asia College had just debuted, students already volunteered to set up evening schools and to offer free teaching to children who were deprived of education. Therefore, to serve and to contribute symbolise not only rituals of the university, but life-long missions for people as members of the university to pursue. Having adopted Embrace our Culture Empower our Future as the slogan for celebrating the 50th anniversary of the University, I CARE stepped up accordingly by committing to injecting new perspectives and knowledge to the society, which extend social care and support from college to community level. I hereby express my greatest gratitude to all alumni and colleagues who donated generously, which is central to the success and development of I CARE. Lastly, I must not forget to mention the principle of our programme, commit to serve the communities. Since my appointment as the Vice-Chancellor of the university, I have been concerned with mental health problems among students. There are times of life when our fields of vision become extremely narrow where we fail to confront challenges actively, but to shirk the responsibility overly to others. Nevertheless, the more you care about others, the more likely you feel peaceful because by caring, we understand occasional ups and downs of a person are relatively insignificant in comparison with social controversies. Whether you are young or old, there will be times when you are perplexed and confused. However, recognising the fact that you are not alone signifies the greatest strength to carry on. Professor Joseph Sung Chairman, Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement 前言 5

6 前 言 FOREWORD 博群計劃兩周年 一轉眼, 這已是博群計劃的第二年 在博群計劃的第一年, 我們帶領同學在社會和公民參與上作出了很多嘗試 來到第二年, 我們把工作的重點轉移到深化和細化之上, 以求博群計劃在校園帶來的改變能得以持續, 充實香港中文大學重視人文精神和服務社會的傳統 博群計劃的理想, 是希望同學不僅能積極關心社會和服務社會, 更能從中有所啟發, 反思生命的價值, 達至個人成長 要做到這點, 我們過去一年所追求的並不止於活動的數量 參加同學的人數和受惠社群的數目增長, 儘管這些都是重要的指標 我們更重視的, 是大學既為知識的殿堂, 我們對知識的追求能否體現在社會和公民參與當中, 我們的同學能否在過程中有所思索和成長 鞏固成長持之而行 要說今年是博群計劃的鞏固期, 博群社會服務計劃 就是一個好例子 和往年一樣, 我們讓同學自己設計社會服務項目, 經審批後可獲取資金支持 今年開始, 我們設立了詳盡的申請指南, 並提供了申請諮詢服務, 同學們先和博群的同事討論如何細緻完善申請計劃書, 一方面學習項目規劃管理之道, 同時又能增加審批成功的機會 服務項目完成之後, 我們又舉辦了經驗反思會邀請同學參加, 鼓勵互相交流經驗 這些安排明顯提高了各個項目的知識和服務水平 服務計劃轄下的其中一個項目是特別值得一提的 去年有兩位來自音樂系的研究生, 想到用世界各地的民族音樂來帶領視障人士用耳朵來去旅行 他們除了到視障人士中心介紹民族音樂之外, 還會帶同樂器讓他們觸摸, 邀請他們一同跟著音樂起舞 這個項目在年度分享會當中廣受好評, 他們把學科知識帶到社區服務的做法也為其他同學帶來啟發 這兩位同學在本年已再一次申請服務計劃的撥款, 並邀請更多同學一起參與, 延續他們的服務 同樣的承傳精神在 博群研究與調查計劃 也找得到 去年成功申請的同學鼓勵義務協助他們的同學撰寫新的研究計劃書, 在新一屆自己擔當起研究者的角色, 持續探討社會議題 今年起我們也加強了研究計劃書當中對保護受訪者和研究倫理的規範, 強調同學關心社會時也要遵守一些基本尊重的原則, 往下來的路才能走得更為踏實 我們相信持之以恆, 因為美好的改變需要沉澱和累積 過去一年, 博群計劃經歷了一個從量變到質變的過程 以 博群書節 為例, 校友把畢生藏書捐贈大學, 博群則將它們轉贈到新生的手中, 讓書本的生命得以延續, 知識得以承傳 去年第一次舉辦的贈書量已達一萬本, 今年更倍增至兩萬本 數字上的增長固然值得鼓舞, 但更重要的是博群已逐漸在同學之間建立起正面的形象, 書節已成為博群每年秋天為大學增添的一道人文風景 今年也是博群連續第三年在新亞書院的圓型廣場舉辦哲學講座, 這次由北京大學的賀衛方教授談中國憲政, 也見證了圓型廣場慢慢成為了大學的一個文化地標 6 FOREWORD

7 承傳開創以心為家 博群計劃在過去一年也有兩個重要的改變 首先, 我們創立了 本地扶貧計劃, 將會主動舉辦一些針對邊緣社群的服務項目 現在博群的同事正籌備一系列的活動, 期待明年此時能向各位報告成果 另一方面, 大學通識教育部成立了 博群領袖課程, 作為博群計劃的策略伙伴, 一同在校園推動社會關懷 領袖課程的同學在過去一年擔當起 博群大使 的角色, 在每一個活動當中都見到他們的身影 他們可不止是當跑腿的幫工, 而是從活動策劃到執行也是一手包辦的學生領袖 博群計劃自創辦以來迅速成長, 同事們常常忙得不可開交, 領袖課程同學的支援實在功不可沒 今年適逢中文大學五十週年, 過去一年不少校友也對何謂 中大精神 有不少討論 回想新亞書院創校之初, 當年的學生已經義務籌辦了夜校, 為深水埗的失學兒童提供免費教育 服務社會和回饋社會, 不單是大學歷史的一部分, 不少中大人更視之為終生使命 是次校慶以 傳承開創 為題, 博群一方面傳承了大學對社會關懷的堅持, 也肩負起把新思維和知識帶進社會的責任 我在此也要感謝眾多在校慶活動當中捐款支持博群的校友和同事 讓博群計劃能在中大的校園生活當中生根, 是我們的共同願望 最後, 我想回到博群計劃的宗旨, 也就是社會關懷和個人成長 自就任校長以來, 我一直關心同學的心靈健康 有時候, 當我們的視野變得過於狹窄, 遇到困擾時無法從容面對, 結果不是意志消沉就是委過於人 多一點的社會關懷, 往往也能換來多一點的心境平靜, 因為我們會明白個人的順逆在社會面前其實顯得相當渺小, 而解決社會問題又難以只爭朝夕 無論是年輕人或是成年人, 總會有遇到困惑的時候 知道自己在社會當中並不孤獨, 就已經是一種力量 沈祖堯校長 社會及公民參與督導委員會聯席主席 前言 7

8 背 景 BACKGROUND The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to promote whole-person development among students through social and civic activities. Therefore, The Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement was established in It is envisioned to facilitate the development of long-term interest and commitment in serving local, regional and international communities, which promotes sustainable personal growth, cultivation of social elites and eventually, traits in becoming a global citizen. The vision is formulated on the basis of I CARE framework comprising the following five elements of whole-person development: I - Integrity and Moral Development C - Creativity and Intellectual Development A - Appreciation of Life and Aesthetic Development R - Relationships and Social Development E - Energy and Wellness I CARE Programme was launched in September 2011 and our vision was actualised in 5 areas: Social Service Projects Research and study University Lecture on Civility series Social Enterprise and Corporate Social Responsibilities NGO Internships Besides, in order to expand opportunities for students to serve the community, I CARE has been actively supported various projects, which share the same philosophy. One of the initiatives in future of I CARE Programme is to scale up by providing additional resources to projects addressing local poverty in coming year. Furthermore, for the purpose of promoting opportunities for developing leadership skills, the programme will collaborate with I CARE Leadership Programme (ILP) where these students will take part in planning and organising activities in future. 8 BACKGROUND

9 香港中文大學 ( 中大 ) 於 2010 年成立社會及公民參與督導委員會 (Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement), 旨在鼓勵學生積極參與社會及公民服務, 並提升學生的公民責任及人文素質, 培養學生成為富責任感的地球村公民, 貢獻世界 博群計劃建基於 I CARE 發展模式, 在以下五大方面為學生提供全人教育 : I - 人格與德育 C - 創意與知性 A - 生活藝術與美學 R - 人際關係與群育 E - 活力與身心健康 I CARE 博群計劃於 2011 年 9 月在中大正式啟動, 在首兩年, 主要推廣以下 5 個範疇之活動 : 社會服務計劃 研究與調查 博群大講堂系列 社會企業及企業社會責任 非牟利團體實習計劃 除此之外, 博群積極支持一些理念相近的活動, 讓同學有更多服務社會的機會 在未來, 博群會增加推動的項目範疇, 新一年會提供額外資源用作本地扶貧項目, 同時亦會與博群領袖計劃合作, 讓該計劃學員參與活動之前期籌辦工作, 讓學生有更多主導發展的機會 背景 9

10 Steering Committee for Promoting Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement 社會及公民參與督導委員會 Professor Joseph SUNG Vice-Chancellor (Co-Chairs) Professor Joyce MA Chairperson, Department of Social Work (Co-Chairs) Professor Emily CHAN School of Public Health and Primary Care Professor CHAN Kin Man Department of Sociology Miss CHOW Koot Yin Student Representative Professor CHOW Po Chung Department of Government and Public Administration Professor HAU Kit Tai Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor HO Puay Peng School of Architecture Professor Freedom LEUNG Department of Psychology Professor Dennis NG Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and University Dean of Students Professor Kenneth YOUNG C.W. Chu College Mr. Raymond LEUNG Office of Student Affairs (Secretary) 沈祖堯校長校長 ( 督導委員會聯席主席 ) 馬麗莊教授社會工作學系系主任 ( 督導委員會聯席主席 ) 陳英凝教授公共衞生及基層醫療學院 陳健民教授社會學系 周豁然女士學生代表 周保松教授政治與行政學系 侯傑泰教授副校長 何培斌教授建築學院 梁耀堅教授心理學系 吳基培教授協理副校長兼大學輔導長 楊綱凱教授敬文書院 梁汝照先生學生事務處處長 ( 督導委員會秘書 ) 10 STEERING COMMITTEE FOR PROMOTING PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH SOCIAL AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT 社會及公民參與督導委員會

11 Advisors 顧問 Ms. CHEUNG Jasminia Kristine Chair, Management Committee of XIAO BIAN DAN, The Education Foundation of the Federation of the Alumni Associations of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Dr. Philemon CHOI Yuen Wan, SBS, JP Honorary General Secretary, Breakthrough Ms. Christine FANG, BBS, JP Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Mr. HO Hei Wah, BBS Director, Society for Community Organization Mr. KWOK Wing Keung Principal, Carmel Holy Word Secondary School Dr. LO Chi Kin, JP Council Chair, Oxfam Hong Kong Mr. LO Sze Ping Secretary General, The Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology and SEE Foundation Dr. Eleanor WONG, JP Managing Director, TYW Holdings Corporation Dr. Rosanna WONG Yick Ming, JP Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Dr. Charles C.K. YEUNG, SBS, JP Chairman, The Glorious Sun Holdings Ltd Mr. ZHENG Weining Founder, Shenzhen Canyou Group 張玿于女士香港中文大學校友會聯會教育基金會 小扁擔勵學行動 管理委員會主席 蔡元雲醫生突破機構榮譽總幹事 方敏生女士香港社會服務聯會行政總裁 何喜華先生香港社區組織協會主任 郭永強校長迦密聖道中學校長 盧子健博士樂施會董事會主席 盧思騁先生阿拉善 SEE 生態協會及 SEE 基金會秘書長 王培麗博士 Managing Director, TYW Holdings Corporation 王䓪鳴博士香港青年協會總幹事 楊釗博士旭日集團有限公司董事長 鄭衛寧先生殘友集團創始人 Advisors 顧問 11

12 社會服務計劃 Social Service Projects

13 The Social Service Project Scheme aims to promote engagement in social and civic services among students. The Scheme assisted a total of 17 social service projects over last year in which 11 of them were locally based whereas 7 of them were either conducted in mainland China or other developing countries. Majority of them were initiated and organised by students. CLOVER 2012 Nursing Week Uni-caring Down Syndrome Musical Travels around the World: Enabling the Visually Impaired People to Perceive the World through Music (MOTIVIC) Tap Mun Elderly Service Project An Irresistible Me? Healthy I Want To Be! Positive Self-Image And Healthy Lifestyle Clinic for Public Interest Advocacy Artbility Fine Arts of CUHK 2013 Hope for Love Hong Kong Elderly Service Project CU Tour with Lower Class Students International Service Trip in India: The Angel of Kolkata CUHK Joint College Medical Team to Watoto, Uganda We Serve We Care Vietnam Service Trip 2013 Guangxi Service Trip Ethnic Minority Health Project 2012/13 Love in Chaos Yunnan Service Learning Trip Following is the summary of these projects: 博群計劃鼓勵同學積極參與社會及公民服務, 於去年度共支持 18 項社會服務計劃, 包括 10 個本地及 7 個內地或海外計劃 不少更是同學自發籌辦的服務 友凝. 友義 2012 護理週 大唐雙龍 助人自助計劃 世界音樂之旅 : 以音樂環遊世界 塔門長者服務項目 我最愛的我, 健康好得多! : 健康的自我形象和生活 社區法律諮詢項目 ( 暫譯 ) 共展藝能 -中大藝術 2013 耆 望愛 服務獨居長者 與基層學童暢遊中大 尋找加爾各答的天使 印度國際服務體驗團 中大烏干達 Watoto 社會服務學習之旅 愛有所醫 - 海外義工體驗計劃 2013 廣西梧州服務團 少數民族健康計劃 2012/13 雲南 愛在天地動搖時 雲南水利工程之旅 以下為部分活動的服務詳情..

14 CLOVER 2012 友凝. 友義 2012 CLOVER 2012 It is the fourth time for the Office of Student Affair to organise CLOVER. The purpose of this year s programme was to disseminate messages of green lifestyle. A total of 80 students from CUHK were recruited to serve more than 200 people, comprising those who were physically-disabled, the elderly, children from South Asia and those who arrived in Hong Kong recently from mainland China. These students underwent a series of comprehensive trainings. Apart from serving the public, local students took the initiative to organise Cantonese classes and social gatherings, which assisted nonlocal students in understanding local culture. The programme comprised a diverse scope of services organised by students, encompassing creation of handicrafts with disused materials, making of organic food, and domestic planting. Moreover, student participants took part in organising a music gig for the physically-disabled, which allowed them to sightsee and explore Tsim Sha Tsui, together with the students. A closing ceremony was organised on 13th April to mark the end of the whole project. The event invited both students and participants to share their experiences in the programme. 友凝. 友義 2012 中大學生事務處的 友凝. 友義 已是第四年舉辦, 本年提倡推廣環保訊息, 招募了 80 名中大同學, 服務肢體傷殘人士 長者 南亞裔兒童及新來港兒童等超過二百人 同學在服務前接受了一系列包括義工導向及環保意識的訓練, 而本地同學帶領的廣東話課及小組聚會, 亦幫助了非本地同學了解本地文化 同學安排了各式各樣的服務, 包括用廢棄物資做手工藝品 製作有機食品以及種植盆栽 他們亦為肢體傷殘人士安排音樂會及一起遊覽尖沙咀 結業禮於 2013 年 4 月 13 日舉行, 在典禮中, 同學分享了服務經歷的點滴, 而服務對象亦分享了與同學一同活動的感受 我不懂廣東話, 我本以為我與肢體傷殘人士溝通不到 但當我跟說英文的受眾談話時, 我卻甚麼都說不出來! 我頓時發覺 不懂廣東話 只是個藉口讓我逃避去關心和了解受眾! 之後我便很努力跟他們相處, 了解他們 漸漸我開始感到他們的感受 ; 與他們更接近, 真的是邁進了一步! 文成恩 ( 經濟學系一年級生 ) 14 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

15 Musical Travels around the World: Enabling the Visually Impaired People to Perceive the World through Music (MOTIVIC) 世界音樂之旅 : 以音樂環遊世界 MUSICAL TRAVELS AROUND THE WORLD: ENABLING THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE TO PERCEIVE THE WORLD THROUGH MUSIC (MOTIVIC) Cooperated with The Hong Kong Society for the Blind, two students from the Department of Music enabled the visually impaired to understand worldwide cultures through various types of music. They organised multiple activities, including workshops and musical performances demonstrating XinJiang Uyghur and traditional Hindustani Music. In fact, participants were allowed to touch and feel those musical instruments. The event attracted around120 participants. It expanded their reach of knowledge and affair by instilling the feelings of exotic music from different parts of world. Before the start of the project, students had to take part in a training workshop at Dialogue in the Dark, which reflected the experience and lives of the visually impaired. The project will receive funding from I.CARE in next year. It will expand with new activities that provide further aid for the visually impaired. 世界音樂之旅 : 以音樂環遊世界兩位音樂系研究生與香港盲人輔導會合作, 為視障人士籌辦多次音樂活動, 已舉辦的工作坊分別介紹新疆和傳統北印度音樂 除音樂表演外, 視障人士還能親手接觸特色樂器, 活動大概有 120 位視障人士參與, 他們透過感受非主流世界的音樂, 認識不同社會的人和事 同學服務前會參與 黑暗中對話 活動, 了解視障人士的感受和生活 本計劃在未來一年繼續獲博群社會服務計劃資助, 並會加入新元素, 協助視障人士 我負責講印度音樂那課, 當中講及有關西藏流亡政府在印度北部的資料 有一位視障人士在課後踴躍跟我討論關於有關的政治及社會議題, 甚至向我查詢更多該方面的資訊 我真的很感動, 原來透過音樂, 我們真的能開闊視障人士和盲人的眼界! 林國森 ( 音樂系哲學碩士三年級 ) 社會服務計劃 15

16 Tap Mun Elderly Service Project 塔門長者服務項目 TAP MUN ELDERLY SERVICE PROJECT The project was devised by approximately 20 students of the Shaw College and the College itself. They visited around 30 elderly people on Tap Mun Island between April and June 2013 regularly. Apart from organising numerous group activities, student volunteers took pictures of and made portrait albums for the elderly. Furthermore, the project invited students of the Faculty of Medicine to participate by offering basic health assessments and information for the elderly. The range of assessments included measuring of blood pressure, sugar level, weight and BMI. The supply of fresh vegetables was limited on the island; therefore, volunteers brought in vegetables every time they visited the elderly. 塔門長者服務項目約 20 名逸夫書院學生與書院攜手策劃是項義工活動, 於 2013 年 4 月至 10 月定期到塔門探訪約 30 位長者 義工舉辦集體遊戲, 為長者拍攝生活照及製作個人相集 另外又邀請醫學院同學為長者提供基本體檢及健康資訊, 量度了血壓 血糖 體重 脂肪比例等的指數 因為離島上少有蔬菜供應, 因此在每次探訪時, 義工們都送上新鮮蔬菜 There is no way to reach Tap Mun besides the ferry. Therefore, the younger generation of villagers on the island chose to live in the city, leaving their ageing parents alone who did not want to leave the Island. Before the start of the project, I thought the elderly might have been unfriendly because they had to endure prolonged solitude. However, as I spoke to them, I realised they were passionate and welcoming. They were eager to share with us interesting stories of their past and the history of the island. Now I truly understand the meaning of an oldster at home as treasure your own. LIU Xiao Wen, Sherman (Year 3, Department of Information Engineering) 塔門這個地方沒有車可以直接到達, 必須乘船, 因此很多年青人都到市區生活, 留下他們不想離開的年邁父母在這個小島裏獨自生活 在服務前, 我覺得那些老人家可能會因為長期忍受寂寞而性格孤僻等, 但在與他們聊天的過程, 我發現原來他們會熱情的歡迎我們, 和我們談天說地, 讓我了解了很多塔門的歷史和他們以前有趣的故事, 讓我深深體會到 家有一老, 如有一寳 這句話 表達自己的感受而已, 才被人誤解了 劉曉雯 ( 信息工程學三年級生 ) 16 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

17 An Irresistible Me? Healthy I Want To Be! Positive Self-Image And Healthy Lifestyle 我最愛的我, 健康好得多! : 健康的自我形象和生活 AN IRRESISTIBLE ME? HEALTHY I WANT TO BE! POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE AND HEALTHY LIFESYLE In order to address the problems of eating disorder and obesity in Hong Kong, around 40 students from the Asian Medical Students Association Hong Kong formed by medical students of CUHK and HKU, organised a two-day public campaign in Ma On Shan Plaza and Tseung Kwan O Park Central. They set up booths to promote positive body image to the public and empowered them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The event attracted more than 1000 members of the public to participate in. Students provided basic health check-ups as well as guidance on healthy eating habit. Furthermore, they demonstrated and practised simple stretching exercises that can be performed in restricted spaces like the flats of Hong Kong so as to encourage the Hong Kong people to maintain healthy styles of living. 我最愛的我, 健康好得多! : 健康的自我形象和生活本計劃由約 40 位中大及港大醫科生共同籌備, 於 2013 年 3 月在馬鞍山廣場及將軍澳中心舉行正面自我形象與健康生活公眾教育活動, 改變大眾對個人形象欠缺自信及單以節食減肥來塑造美好體形的想法 是次活動有過千位市民參與, 當日有一般的健康檢查, 更特別教授於狹小住屋環境中所能進行的伸展運動, 及保持健康生活和身體保健的方法 社會服務計劃 17

18 Artbility Fine Arts of CUHK 2013 共展藝能 -中大藝術 2013 ARTBILITY - FINE ARTS OF CUHK 2013 Between March and August this year, Artbility a section of the Art Festival at CUHK 2013 was held by the conjoint effort of 20 student volunteers of the Department of Fine Arts, with an aim to serve the public with the applications of art. Cooperated with Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, they organised 11 guided tours at CUHK for people who were visually impaired to visit the university and the fine art exhibition of the Department. Sound devices were installed to provide narrative illustrations for each exhibit. Furthermore, students arranged various art symposiums and workshops for local secondary school students, respectively. The former introduced new possibilities of lifestyle through art whereas the latter educated the design of three-dimensional wood sculptures, the making of pin-hole cameras, and the knowledge of Chinese calligraphy. Together with those who were visually impaired, the project served more than 300 participants. 共展藝能 -中大藝術 2013 中大藝術系學生於 3 月至 8 月舉辦了 共展藝能 中大藝術 2013, 透過藝術去服務社區大眾 同學與香港展能藝術會合作, 藉著 展藝好朋友 (Arts Buddies) 服務, 籌辦 11 次導賞團, 協助視障人士參觀 中大藝術 的展覽和中大校園 現場加設特別儀器作 口述影像, 每件藝術品的詳細資料 外貌描述等都已錄音, 可於場內播放, 幫助他們了解藝術品的更多面向 學生更舉辦多場藝術座談會及教育工作坊, 分別探討有關生活方式的可能性及教授木工立體設計 針孔相機製作和中國書畫 項目由超過 20 位中大藝術系義工籌辦, 超過 300 名視障人士和本地中學生受惠 18 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

19 CU Tour with Lower Class Students 與基層學童暢遊中大 CU TOUR WITH LOWER CLASS STUDENTS The Youth Civil Society, CUHK collaborated with New Asia Chinese Music Society, Office of the Arts Administrator and the CU Library to organise a day trip to the University for 35 primary students from local low-income families in Hong Kong. Participants had a chance to explore the cultural trail and other popular sites of visit at the University. Moreover, they were invited to view a Chinese music performance (given by the New Asia Chinese Music Society) and to learn about the basics of these musical instruments, which simulated the experience of learning at tertiary institutions. These activities hoped to encourage the practice of social responsibility among university students, making them attentive to the needs of minor communities, which in turn expanded and enhanced the capitals of the minor in meeting up challenges of the changing society. 與基層學童暢遊中大中大青年公民社會 新亞國樂會 香港中文大學藝術行政主任辦公室及香港中文大學圖書館於 3 月 23 日組織 15 位同學為 35 位就讀小學的基層學童安排中大一日遊 當天活動非常豐富, 其中包括暢遊中大名勝及文化徑 到新亞國樂會接受迷你音樂課程及欣賞中國樂器大合奏, 體驗大學課堂的感覺 項目希望以有趣的活動鼓勵同學履行大學生的社會責任, 關懷弱勢群體, 為基層兒童提供服務, 擴闊他們的視野 增加基層兒童的文化資本 社會服務計劃 19

20 International Service Trip in India: The Angel of Kolkata 尋找加爾各答的天使 印度國際服務體驗團 INTERNATIONAL SERVICE TRIP IN INDIA: THE ANGEL OF KOLKATA Twenty-five members of the Rotaract Club of New Asia College organised a service trip to Kolkata, India between 5th and 13th January The trip aimed to enable CUHK students in understanding the lives of those who live in extreme poverty. The service trip comprised activities and free lessons for children who were physically-challenged and mentally-retarded at SNEHANEER a training centre for children with above-mentioned impairments. To extend their reach of service, volunteers taught at another local school, MONIMALA KENDRA. Apart from teaching, students moved on to visit other community centres. Their horizon has been opened by offering different daily supplies to the Louis Braille Memorial School for the Sightless, Cheshire Home and the Old Lady s Home. Volunteers were impressed and touched by participants who remained optimistic despite stringent challenges in life because of extreme poverty. 尋找加爾各答的天使 印度國際服務體驗團 2013 年 1 月 5 至 13 日,25 位新亞書院扶輪青年服務團成員前往印度加爾各答探訪肢體殘障及智障兒童 他們到訪 SNEHANEER 服務殘障兒童的訓練學校, 及 MONIMALA KENDRA 服務貧困兒童的學校 他們在學校授課, 並與兒童玩遊戲, 進行團體活動 除此之外, 他們亦到訪 Louis Braille Memorial School Cheshire Home 和 Old Lady s Home, 捐贈各種物資 義工體驗了活在極端貧困的苦況, 但亦感受到他們面對貧窮仍樂觀生活的態度 我們都必須學習在不平等中如何自處 更重要的是, 扭轉不平等的前提是必須適應和跨越這個本身充滿缺陷的制度 我不願看見這班天真無邪的小朋友長大後, 變成只會搶奪 只顧自己的人, 而是希望他們以後可以腳踏實地的改變自身貧窮的問題, 同時學會與身邊的人分享, 學會關顧家人朋友 黃騫儀 20 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

21 CUHK Joint College Medical Team to Watoto, Uganda 中大烏干達 Watoto 社會服務學習之旅 CUHK JOINT COLLEGE MEDICAL TEAM TO WAOTO, UGANDA In response to medical needs in Uganda, the CUHK Joint College Medical Team was formed, comprising 18 students from 6 colleges of the University, to provide medical services in Watoto, Uganda from 19 June to 1 July Its service included administering free medical consultations and medicines to orphans and vulnerable women in Watoto who could not afford the high cost of medical treatment in elsewhere. It was realised that there had been a lack of public awareness in hygiene and general knowledge of medical health. Therefore, professors of the team volunteered to demonstate daily approaches to maintain hygiene and preventive measures in reducing the chance of suffering from common contagious diseases. The project allowed student volunteers to practise their learnt knowledge and understand the urge of recruiting resources for establishing integrated systems of healthcare in under-developed regions of world. It was an unforgettable experience to serve at Living Hope. The opportunity allowed me to develop and improved my clinical skills, and I came to realise there remained a lot for me to learn. This experience motivated me to work much harder in order to become a better doctor in future. David Ryan Johnson (Year 5, MbChB) 中大烏干達 Watoto 社會服務學習之旅來自中大 6 間書院共 18 位醫學生於 2013 年 6 月 19 日至 7 月 1 日遠赴非洲烏干達的 Watoto 為當地村民提供醫療檢查及診治服務 Watoto 主要收容了孤兒和老弱婦女 因應居民對衛生及醫療的知識貧乏, 醫療隊教授他們衛生常識及預防措施, 減低患上以上流行惡疾的風險 參與學員除了可運用自己的知識幫助別人, 更感受到落後地方對完善醫療制度和資源的逼切需要 社會服務計劃 21

22 We Serve We Care Vietnam Service Trip 2013 愛有所醫 - 海外義工體驗計劃 2013 After visiting two rehabilitation centres in Vietnam, I have had new thoughts about humanity. Children were born with physical and mental disabilities due to genetic mutation subsequently affected by the use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War. Innocent people like them should be protected. People who attacked have been shrugging the responsibility off despite substantial number of Vietnamese were killed or threatened by such biochemical weapons. Therefore, I am deeply touched to have seen the government and many other people offering generously in facilitating rehabilitation of these victims. Leung Wai Fu (Year 2, MBChB) 探訪兩間療養院之後, 我對人道有所反思 看到療養院照顧越戰時因美國使用橙劑而受影響的小朋友, 他們因遺傳了變異的基因, 一出生便有畸形和弱智等問題 我覺得人道是對無辜的人的保護 大量無辜平民在戰爭中受到生化武器的傷害, 攻擊者更一直逃避戰爭責任 看到越南政府和一些有心人士, 盡力照顧這些不幸的人, 令我十分感動 梁偉富 ( 醫學系二年級生 ) WE SERVE WE CARE VIETNAM SERVICE TRIP 2013 Between 3rd and 15th June, 2013, a team of 25 students from the Medical Society visited victims of the Orange Agent in Hanoi, Vietnam during the Vietnam War. They went to Thuy An Rehabilitation Centre and Ba Vi Centre to deliver a variety of health check services and educate participants about basic knowledge of hygiene. They also conducted group activities, including basketball games and English workshops, and gardening classes for the children and orphans, as well as the centres respectively. Before setting off to Vietnam, students collected secondhanded clothes at the University, which were taken to cleaning and later donated to Ba Vi Centre for poor teenagers. Apart from renovating these centres, volunteers visited the Vietnam Military History Museum where they learnt a lot about traumatic consequences of war, especially how the use of Orange Agent resulted in numerous social, mental and physical problems to the people of Vietnam. 愛有所醫 - 海外義工體驗計劃 年 6 月 3 至 15 日, 中文大學醫學院院會帶領了 25 位學生, 遠赴越南河內探訪受越戰時期所用橙劑影響的小孩 他們到訪 Thuy An 復康中心及 Ba Vi 中心為橙劑受害者進行身體檢查 教育他們衛生常識以及進行集體遊戲等 義工於前往越南前, 在中大收集二手衣服, 經清洗後帶往越南捐給 Ba Vi 中心的小童, 讓他們有清潔的衣服, 亦為中心進行翻新工作 義工亦參觀了戰爭歷史博物館, 瞭解越戰帶來的各種傷痛與橙劑的禍害 22 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

23 Guangxi Service Trip 廣西梧州服務團 GUANGXI SERVICE TRIP Chung Chi the Suns led 41 student volunteers to Guangxi for a service trip between 6th and 12th January this year. The team visited over 100 children in a primary school, which was based in a rural region hampered by extreme poverty. Volunteers arranged group activities and lessons to local students. They taught them English in small class and educated them about the world. Coupled with games and dances, these classes widened their perspectives. Besides, students approached families of these children to bring in daily goods, including toothpaste, stationery, and warm clothes, with the hopes of expressing greatest compassion and support to these children. 我班一個小孩寫了一封信給我們, 信裡說如果將來有緣在香港見面的話, 他希望我們到時能帶他到我們的學校參觀 孩子, 我可真的希望有這樣的一天 希望因為我們曾在你的學校留下過足印, 而你因此隨著我們的腳步找到我們的學校來 黃淑莉 ( 護理學系 3 年級生 ) 廣西梧州服務團崇基雲上太陽服務團於 2013 年 1 月 6 至 12 日舉辦廣西梧州服務團, 服務廣西梧州市藤縣的農村小學貧困學童及家庭 41 位義工為當地學童安排集體活動及小班教學, 教授英語及世界知識, 擴闊他們的視野, 並透過小組遊戲和舞蹈讓他們寓學習於遊戲 參加者亦到不同的農戶探訪 接觸及交流, 了解他們的日常生活, 進行農務體驗, 送上物資如文具及禦寒衣物予學童, 表達香港學生對他們的關心和鼓勵 社會服務計劃 23

24 Ethnic Minority Health Project 2012/13 少數民族健康計劃 2012/13 ETHNIC MINORITY HEALTH PROJECT 2012/13 It has been the 5th year for the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) to host this research project. Collective effort of the two units arranged 4 visits in Guangxi and Sichuan between January 2013 and December 2013 for delivering disaster management and health education campaigns. More than 40 students and staff members of the University participated. The project began by conducting health assessments to more than 400 victims of natural disaster. After analysing results obtained in these assessments, materials specific to and corresponding with the needs of these victims were developed to conduct large-scale preventive measures to disaster and post-disaster educational campaigns. Lectures regarding prevalent diseases and problems of hygiene subsequent to disasters were arranged in order to raise the awareness of severe illnesses among villagers, as well as to address issues about the shortage of daily goods and damages induced by disasters. At the end of these activities, the team invited villagers to take part in an evaluation, which examined the effectiveness of these activities and were essential for references in future. 少數民族健康計劃 2012/13 今年是災害及人道救援研究所第五年舉辦 少數民族健康計劃 研究所於 2012 年中帶領多達 40 位師生 ( 學生為主 ), 四次前往廣西及四川進行人道救援及防災教育工作 義工們首先為 400 位受天然災害的農戶進行健康審查, 經分析後度身設計教材, 進行大型災害預防及災後保健的教育活動 活動主要提高村民對危疾的意識 應對物資短缺和天然災害, 講解被忽視的病種和衛生問題 團隊最後會與村民作檢討研究, 討論項目成效, 作為未來工作的參考 24 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

25 Yunnan Service Learning Trip 雲南水利工程之旅 YUNNAN SERVICE LEARNING TRIP Between March 28th and April 3rd, 17 students from the Department of Social Work participated a leadership training and service project organised by C Vision. Participants went to Yunnan and volunteered to build water tanks for the rural community. Apart from learning from experts about how to maintain and construct water tank and ways to use water purifiers, they had to explain these particular procedures to local villagers. Besides, they visited the local villages for understanding the lives of those in shortage of water. Moreover, they enriched learning experiences of the village students by organising group activities. Last but not least, to bring in love to the minority, they performed small games with patients in leprosy rehabilitation centres of the region. In addition, all students had to participate in series of leadership training, which would equip them with competence in planning and putting activities of the project in practice. The project concluded with a sharing session, which allowed volunteers to reflect essential qualities and values in becoming leaders of tomorrow. 雲南水利工程之旅 17 位中大社會工作學系學生於 3 月 28 日至 4 月 3 日參與 CVision 的一項領袖訓練計劃, 遠赴雲南恐龍山鎮沙依朗村進行服務 在當地水利專家的指導下, 學習農村水利工程中的各種設施功能和修建程序 ; 實地參與儲水池的修建工作 ; 學習淨水器的使用方法及向村民講解 ; 探訪了受食水短缺的村民, 了解其生活情況 ; 為當地山區小學提供集體活動, 豐富他們的校園學習 ; 為痳瘋康復村村民進行遊戲活動以及探訪關懷 參與同學更從中接受領袖訓練, 學習策劃及籌備整個交流團, 包括 : 在過程中作決策 預測結果 安排人手 管理財務 主持會議等 他們亦在總結的分享環節中, 深刻反思領袖的素質及價值觀 社會服務計劃 25

26 I-CARE Social Service Day 博群計劃社會服務日 In addition, I-CARE Managing Office made use of diverse channels to support a wide range of other meaningful public activities, which intensified connection between students and the society. 除了以上各個項目外, 博群計劃辦公室亦會透過不同渠道, 支持各種有意義的活動, 讓同學服務社會 SOCIAL SERVICE DAY The I CARE Social Service Day 2012 was organised on November 4th, Around 80 primary children from Shatin and 15 people with physical impairment were participated in the event. With help of over 80 volunteers, the event encompassed workshops, games and campus tours that educated the participants with knowledge of science, arts and social issues. The activities aimed to encourage participants to develop self-care abilities. It also attempted to enable young children to develop better understanding about the people with physical impairment and mental retardation through social integrating activities. The volunteers all expressed satisfaction in learning how to take care of young children and people with special needs. Majority of participants had a fantastic day out in CUHK. 博群社會服務日博群社會服務日於 2012 年 11 月 4 日進行 活動有約 80 位住沙田區的學童及 15 位傷健人士參與 當日有超過 80 位中大義工提供活動支援 照顧參加者 大會為參加者設計了工作坊 遊戲及校園遊, 希望幫助他們認識科學 社會時事 藝術知識, 亦透過活動訓練參加者的自理能力和幫助學童多認識傷健人士 參與活動的義工都覺得對傷健人士及本地學童認識加深了, 而參加者亦於中大校園渡過了快樂的一天 26 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

27 CADENZA Community Project: Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services 流金頌社區計劃..賽馬會高錕腦伴同行流動車 CADENZA COMMUNITY PROJECT: JOCKEY CLUB CHARLES KAO BRAIN HEALTH SERVICES Dementia has been receiving increasing attention in recent years. It is estimated there are around 100,000 patients in the community. In order to strengthen outreach in promoting brain health, the project was initiated and supported by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, St. James Settlement, The Charles K Kao Foundation and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The project involves a mobile showcase installed in a 16-tonne truck, which has been in service since May, The vehicle is attended by registered nurses and social workers who provide various support, which all aimed at raising public awareness towards the disease. The range of services included consultations, public talks, centre-based workshops, follow-up services for post-diagnosed cases and public education. With the objective to extend its service to all 18 districts in next three years, I CARE contributed by recruiting around 50 volunteers to provide supporting outreach services, which include explaining exhibits to the public as they approach the showcase, and making home visits to patients at the early stage of diagnosis 流金頌社區計劃..賽馬會高錕腦伴同行流動車腦退化症近年備受關注, 現時估計全港約有十萬名患有腦退化症的患者在社區生活 為進一步加強護腦的外展工作, 由馬會慈善信託基金 聖雅各福群會 高錕慈善基金及香港中文大學博群計劃共同合作的 賽馬會高錕腦伴同行 流動車已於 2013 年 5 月投入服務, 流動車設有護士及社工當值, 提供各種腦退化症支援服務, 包括診斷 公眾講座 長者中心講座 腦退化症跟進服務以及公眾教育, 提升公眾對腦退化症的認識 博群計劃為活動招募了約 50 名義工, 隨流動車於未來三年走訪全港十八區, 協助外展服務的推行, 包括於流動車上向市民介紹相關資訊, 上門對患病初期的個案進行家訪等等 社會服務計劃 27

28 I-CARE Programme - Christian Zheng Sheng College Service Project 博群計劃 - 基督教正生書院服務計劃 I-CARE PROGRAMME-CHRISTIAN ZHENG SHENG COLLEGE SERVICE PROJECT This project is jointly organised by I CARE Programme and Christian Zheng Sheng College (ZS). It aims to facilitate reciprocal learning through achieving mutual understanding in the campus life of the counterparty. The project is in 3 phases: first phase invited 21 students from ZS for a campus tour at the university on June 18th this summer. During their stay at the university, these students had a chance to experience the life of studying at university through competitive games against volunteers and attending classes in lecture halls. Second phase of the project took place from 26th to 28th June. 20 students from the university resided with students from where they experienced the life of living in the college of ZS in Chi Ma Wan. As part of the requirement of their stay, they had to perform cleaning, house chores, and gardening with students studying at the college. Last phase of the project involved regular visits to the College in Chi Ma Wan in August (every Thursday). Besides committing with their duties as they did in the boarding camp, students from the university provided tutoring services to students residing in the college. It is believed by sustaining effort in volunteering services to young people who once misbehaved, students from the university have learnt to care and to understand these people, which are essential qualities for profound reflections on societal issues. On the other hand, it is hoped that students from the college have been inspired by students of CUHK, which motivated them to strive and fly high for their dreams Many of us had never had cold showers before, but it turned out we all enjoyed so after working out intensively in daytime! As gusts of wind breeze penetrated gently through the curtains of our tent, the night of Zhang Sheng got colder, which took off the pain we had and cradled us into deep sleep. All students from the university tried their best to commit with their duties at the college over the 3 days so as to experience the challenges in rehabilitation. Despite hard work, the experience was extremely rewarding because these students educated us something valuable that could not be learnt at the university. 很多同學從來都不用冷水洗澡, 但我們都很享受辛勤過後的冷水澡! 那裡晚上很涼快, 風吹進帳幕, 半夜還覺有點冷! 我們在這三日兩夜裡, 都盡最大努力體驗正生生活, 感受他們一路走過來的更新之路 縱然辛苦, 但我們都覺得很值得 與正生同學一起生活所學到的, 是另類寶貴的學習體驗 孔穎詩 ( 翻譯系一年級生 ) Wincy Hung (Year 1, Department of Translation) 28 SOCIAL SERVICE PROJECTS

29 博群計劃 - 基督教正生書院服務計劃 I CARE 博群計劃與基督教正生書院 ( 正生 ) 早前舉辦 博群 正生服務計劃, 旨在讓兩校學生更深入認識對方之校園生活, 從而互相學習及砥礪 項目分三階段進行, 第一階段 (6 月 18 日 )21 名正生學生參觀中大, 與中大學生作運動競賽及在小講堂上課, 感受大學生活氣氛 第二階段 (6 月 26 至 28 日 ) 為三日兩夜正生體驗活動,20 位中大學生在正生位於芝麻灣的校舍生活三天, 與正生學生一起清潔校舍, 除草和修補破爛地方 第三階段是為期一個月的定期服務, 此 20 位中大學生於 8 月每星期四到正生書院進行家務 勞動和替正生同學補習 透過持續的義工服務, 我們希望中大同學關懷及了解行為曾出現偏差的年輕人, 從而對社會問題有更深入的反思 ; 能寄望正生書院的學生, 則受到中大學生的啟發, 努力發掘與追尋夢想 社會服務計劃 29

30 研究與調查 Research and Study

31 Students are encouraged to conduct research projects for studying specific social issues in Hong Kong, mainland China or overseas. The role of I CARE is to provide funding ranging from HK$1,000 to over HK$10,000 corresponding with the scale of research proposed by students with different areas of expertise. Participants are required to study the topic of interest in groups or individually, to identify causes, current status, measures for improvement, and to summarise these findings at the end of the period of study, respectively. The length of each study last approximately 6 months. By making these projects independent from the credit system, it is believed that students will be encouraged to utilise creativity, and to explore questions out of their scopes of knowledge, which further stretch out their reach of expertise. Moreover, I CARE organises workshops on writing proposals, basic research methods, and a talk on issues regarding local poverty for students who have limited exposure on conducting social research. 博群計劃鼓勵同學在課餘時間進行研究, 瞭解各種社會問題 博群計劃會因應研究的規模, 為參與同學提供數千至萬餘元資金, 讓不同學系 背景的同學可以自由組合, 以個人或小組形式就自己有興趣的社會議題探討其成因 問題癥結或改善方法, 最後總結研究結果及提出合適建議 同學於半年的研究期內, 會親身體驗社會現況, 由於研究不涉及學分, 他們更能發揮創意, 研究一些不屬自己專業領域但有興趣的題目, 讓自己的眼光擴闊 而博群也舉辦了簡單的撰寫計劃書及研究方法的工作坊及 誰的貧窮 講座, 向部份平日較少進行社會研究的同學提供指導

32 Who s poverty 誰的貧窮講座 WHO S POVERTY Who s poverty, was held in 8 March Ms. Ho Pui Ling and Professor Wong Hung (Department of Social Work) were invited as guest speakers for the event. Ms Ho is the Deputy Director of Administration, Administration Wing, Chief Secretary for Administration s Office of the government. Both speakers provided inspiring analyses on latest development in addressing local poverty. To better define poverty, Ms. Ho remarked that the government intended to adopt the median of household income as core principle for deriving the poverty line. In response, the government is determined to put forward strategies related to education and housing aspects. Nevertheless, poor families comprising 1-2 members have been difficult to be identified under current policy as mentioned by Prof. Wong. It is recommended that the government should respond accordingly by focusing on eliminate poverty completely in long run so as to avoid exclusion of benefits to the needy. 誰的貧窮講座博群計劃也於 2013 年 3 月 8 日舉辦一場有關本地扶貧的講座, 主題為 誰的貧窮, 嘉賓有何珮玲女士及社會工作學系的黃洪教授 何女士現為政務司司長轄下行政署副行政署長 ( 特別職務 ), 協助政府制定扶貧及人口政策, 黃教授則主力研究貧窮 社會保障及勞工等問題 兩位講者從不同的角度分析了對扶貧的看法, 同時討論了近期熱門的貧窮線問題 何女士透露政府希望讓市民大眾易於明白, 打算以入息中位數數據作制定貧窮線的準則, 並將會從教育 房屋等多方面的政策去解決香港貧窮的問題 黃洪教授提到一人 二人的貧窮家庭較難被發現, 建議政府在這方面多作功夫, 以免部份有需要人士得不到支援, 而政府長遠亦應以滅貧為目標 32 RESEARCH AND STUDY

33 Research and Study 研究與調查 In year , I CARE subsidised a total of 18 research projects with diverse themes, representing recent controversies. Some of these were related to the community, which included, the problem of food wastage, conflict of outsourcing personnel in universities and corresponding resolutions, understanding and perspectives about Basic Law among local citizens, issues revolving adaptation of mainland immigrants, and rights and protection for workers with job-related injuries. On the other hand, some of them were related to the younger generation, which included differences in progression of studies between graduates of HKALE and HKDSE, and research on mental and life competence among mainland secondary school students. Following is the list of 18 I CARE Research and Study projects: 年度, 博群計劃共撥款支持 18 項研究計劃, 題目多元化, 包括近期較熱門的廚餘問題, 還有大學外判問題與解決方法 港人對基本法的了解及看法, 新移民來港的適應問題 工傷工人的權益與保障問題等等 亦有一些計劃是探討年青人的狀況, 如研究中學文憑考試及高級程度會考的兩組學生的升學影響, 內地中學生的心理與生活能力調查等 以下為 18 項研究的題目 : A sensitive period for parental separation: The effects of age at separation from parents on Chinese left behind children s socio-emotional problems 香港多元文化政策的驗證 : 以上水清真寺興建歷程為研究中心 HIV prevalence and risk behaviors amongst men who have sex with men in Hong Kong: a systematic review 家庭社經背景對經香港中學文憑考試及香港高級程度會考的兩組學生的升學影響 We Are One : Spreading Love, Peace, Harmony, Understanding and Building a Bridge between the Islamic and the Non-Islamic through Music 內地優秀中學生心理與生活能力調查 The third-level agenda setting in contemporary Chinese context: Tracking description to Moral and National Education (MNE) in government policy, media coverage and people s mind 港台剩食圖鑑 : 食物變垃圾!? Mainland and Hong Kong college students Party (CCP) Identification research 中國失獨老人生存現狀調查 Outsourcing in Universities: Problems and Solutions (Hong Kong) << 藝術政治 香港公民運動結合藝術創作的新面向 >> Life of Work-disabled Individuals in Mainland China: Struggle to Find a Way out << 廚餘遊記 : 從中大出發 -- 探討香港廚餘處理現況和挑戰 >> The Intergenerational Reproduction of Inequality in Mainland China 落地生根? Hong Kong People s Understanding of the Rule of Law and of the Interpretation of the Basic Law in Hong Kong Correlation between the Chinese language ability and the sense of belonging to Hong Kong of South Asian adolescents All researches ended in June 2013 and relevant information was uploaded to the website of I CARE website for reference. 全部研究已於 2013 年 6 月完成, 報告亦已上載至博群網站以供參考 研究與調查 33

34 Research and Study 研究與調查 Three projects were selected as winners for the outstanding award this year: The impact on study paths consequent to differences in socio-economic status of families between students from HKALE and HKDSE There was a science student who realised her family background to be slightly different from that of her classmates, which inspired her to be interested in studying whether financial and social power of a family would affect students in their progressions of study. Coincidentally, the initiative overlapped with the year of double cohort where both students graduating from HKALE and HKDSE were both admitted simultaneously to the university. Therefore, the student leveraged such opportunity and conducted a quantitative analysis. 以下三個為獲得 年度優異獎的報告 : 家庭社經背景對經香港中學文憑考試及香港高級程度會考的兩組學生的升學影響 一位理科的同學, 因為感到自己的家庭背景和其他同學都不太相同, 所以想研究家庭社經背景對升學的影響, 碰巧本學年是中學文憑試及高級程度會考兩組不同學制的學生同時入學, 同學便決定就此問題作一個詳細的定量研究 An investigation on the living conditions of the elderly in China who lost their only child 中國失獨老人生存現狀調查 There were vigorous discussions about challenges in lives of the elderly who lost their only child in China in It was observed by two IBBA students that majority of discussions revolved around denouncement against current fertility policy and sympathy towards the elderly but rarely probed into and voiced out their needs for public awareness. Therefore, the two students applied sponsorship from I CARE as means to better understand problems experienced by the elderly. 兩位內地的工商管理同學, 看見內地微博於 2012 年開始熱烈議論著失獨老人的問題, 但一般人只是聲討計劃生育政策或替失獨老人難過, 卻很少有人為他們發聲, 告訴大眾他們的需求 同學於是申請博群的資助, 以自己的感知經驗來瞭解這些老人 The life of work-disabled individuals in mainland China: Struggling for a way-out Despite experiences in conducting studies for diverse range of social issues, 4 students from the Department of Social Work realised they knew little about workers who lost their ability to work due to work-related injuries. Therefore, the four teamed up for a research so as to foster their understanding regarding this topic. 工傷工人面對的困難現況 四位社會工作學系的同學, 雖然一向研究不同的社會議題, 卻發現沒有研讀過因工傷而喪失工作能力的人的問題, 於是便組隊, 探討這個四人也陌生的新領域, 增長自己的見識 34 RESEARCH AND STUDY

35 Projects Contents: 研究成果 : THE IMPACT ON STUDY PATHS CONSEQUENT TO DIFFERENCES IN SOCIO- ECONOMIC STATUS OF FAMILES BETWEEN STUDENTS FROM HKALE AND HKDSE (Lai Po Ying, Biology, postgraduate year 3) The qualitative analysis comprised indices, which measured variations between families of students who took HKDSE and HKALE respectively, in relation to the level of household income, housing type, living area, education level of parents, and family background. Precisely, some indices, among those who attained HKDSE, related positively to a number of parameters related to educational and cultural resources, respectively. However, the correlation was less apparent among those who attained HKALE (due to less observable correlations between parameters). As revealed by students, parents with higher household income, better education and background tended to discuss social issues with them more frequently. Therefore, it is speculated that HKDSE graduates coming from families with higher socio-economic status performed better in liberal study, which was one of the core subjects in the new curriculum due to indirect benefits obtained through frequent discussions of social issues with their parents. Consequently, their chances of admitting to the university increased. 中國失獨老人生存現狀調查 ( 高語, 工商管理, 三年級 ; 岳小琦, 工商管理, 三年級 ) 計劃生育政策主張一對夫妻只生一個孩子, 而這個孩子也被稱為 獨生子女. 可是, 因為疾病或者意外事故等不幸因素, 許多獨生子女英年早逝, 他們的父母失去了唯一的子女, 所以被稱為 失獨者 失獨老人問題的主要成因是計劃生育政策 在中國, 失去獨生子女的不幸家庭數量龐大, 而且正以每年至少 7.6 萬家的增長率增加 老人們不僅要承受心理上的折磨, 還要承受生活中的苦痛, 生活狀況極為艱難 我們在線上線下的問卷調查中發現, 失獨老人問題仍然處於社會關注的盲區, 很多人從來沒有聽說過這一群體 聽說過這一群體的受訪者表示對於失獨老人的數量 城鄉分佈 經濟來源等方面完全不瞭解或稍微瞭解 這一情況同樣出現在受訪者對於政策法規的瞭解程度上 It s our first time involving people without any legal background in our research. Conducting law research usually means you have to lock yourself up in a room and write essays on one or two legal issues without reaching the community physically. It s been amazing to see how the legal community and the general public do not understand each other. Because law is related to every aspect of life, it will be a lot better if the general public know about the core values of the Hong Kong legal system. Many students were inspired after completing their research projects: 在完成研究後, 不少同學也有不同程度的啟發及得益 : 本人在搜集舊報章的過程中認識到這一課題 ( 香港多元文化 ), 但卻發現苦無學者對此作深入研究, 因此本人嘗試大膽以自身常用的方法去探索這一創新課題 此問卷為我們確立了很多一直在腦海中的問題, 亦肯定了我以史學研究方法探索當代社會問題的方向的正確性 ( 羅樂然, 比較及公眾史學碩士, 一年級香港多元文化的驗證 以上水清真寺興建歷程為研究中心 ) (Pang Ho Yan, Laws, postgraduate year 1 Hong Kong People s Understanding of the Rule of Law and of the Interpretation of the Basic Law in Hong Kong) 作為一個社會學的一年級生竟然有機會能夠參與這麼正式的研究計劃真的感到十分榮幸, 得知研究的題目是有關藝術政治時更是期待 對於研究的準備 過程等等一竅不通的我在是次的研習中必定會遇到很多困難 幸好, 在有經驗的組員同學給我們上了幾課, 教導我們研究的元素, 如何得出研究問題, 訪問的技巧等等, 令我開始對研究有點認識 ( 劉希彤, 社會學系, 一年級藝術政治 香港公民運動結合藝術創作的新面向 ) 研究與調查 35

36 博群大講堂 University Lecture on Civility

37 University Lecture on Civility is an annual programme comprising major public lectures, public forums and cultural activities. We brought in scholars, artists and public figures from different areas to share their views, values and experiences. We organised a Book Fair and Hello CU! Festival. The success of these activities rests upon the effort and support given by students, alumni and staffs of the university. The collaboration of all parties assured comprehensive planning and integrated delivery of the series. Working together as one, we germinate seeds of idea, contribute our talents and make it an inspiring event for all members of the university 博群大講堂每年度均會舉行大講堂 數場論壇及一些藝文活動, 邀請各地的學者, 藝術家和不同界別的知名人士, 分享社會 人文或價值等方面的看法 年度, 我們籌備了博群大講堂 博群論壇 博群書節及 Hello CU!, 為中大人帶來豐盛的知性生活

38 What We Believe In 我們相信什麼 It is believed the university represents a platform for ideas to be exchanged, values to be debated and new ideas to nurture. We believe in the necessity and possibility of cultivating a truly humanistic campus where insights and emotions can be shared, which corresponds with what the university has always been advocating: Aspiration through reflection; Renewal through civility. We are not alone in the pursuit of dreams. We have had the pleasure to share the stories of people who dream the impossible and make great things happen. We hope you share what we believe in, and join us in the journey to strive for a better world. Committee of University Lecture on Civility 不覺間, 博群大講堂已踏入第二年 首先, 我們相信, 大學理應仍是思想交流之地 這說來平常, 實情卻是校園內認真的知性討論愈來愈少 據說這是信念崩塌, 吃喝玩樂的年代, 真假對錯遂無可無不可, 價值爭議遂能避就避, 大學生活遂什麼都不缺惟缺求真求善的思想碰撞 我們不希望中大變成這樣 所以博群每場講座, 我們都希望有真問題真見解真情感, 並讓講者聽眾在美好的氛圍中平等對話和共同思考 其次, 我們相信, 大學生仍然應有一份對社會的基本關懷 明代顧憲成先生所說的 家事國事天下事, 事事關心 向來被視為讀書人的應有之義, 但到了今天, 實利主義盛行, 學生對社會的關切日見淡薄, 讀書求學純為個人前途倒成了主流 但我們不是活在孤島, 而是活在社群 只要我們用心, 自能見到有許多人在受苦, 而受苦的源頭往往來自制度不公 如果我們不嘗試改變, 情況就會愈變愈差 博群的理念是 博思明志 群育新民, 期許的正是通過各種活動, 提升同學的人文關懷和公民意識, 坐言起行去推動社會進步 最後, 我們相信, 人應該有夢想 夢想, 讓我們看得更遠, 見到更多可能性 夢想, 讓我們不因循, 敢突破, 有勇氣走自己的路 過去這一年, 我們這個團隊, 就是在發一個又一個的博群夢, 然後努力將夢變成真 我們請來的每位講者, 更是在不同領域的大夢想家, 創下許多別人想也不敢想的大事業, 造福社會, 貢獻人群 我們希望, 這種精神也能感染同學, 趁青春少年, 找到屬於自己生命的理想國 我們的信念很平凡, 但在我們這個時代, 要持守這些信念, 也不容易 我們有個心願, 就是這些活動, 能盛載我們的信念, 像種子, 撒在中大山頭, 假以時日, 漫山開遍 我們有這樣的信心 博群大講堂委員會 38 UNIVERSITY LECTURE ON CIVILITY


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