中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos Pre-K / 儿童入门班 Teacher: Xu, Rui 许蕊 TA: Xu, Ella 徐云杉 Bai, Kevin 白泽宇 Majumder, Minghao Birdsong, E

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1 亲爱的家长们, 你们好 万千言语不能诉尽我对全体家长, 老师, 及校务人员的感谢 没有你们的辛劳, 威斯伍中文学校无已顺利成立 谈起为何创办中文学校, 不能不提到这些年影响我深远的英国著名历史学家汤恩比对历史独到的见解 他早已预言 : 以中华文化为主的东方文化和西方文化的相结合, 将是人类最美好和永恒的文化 二十一世纪是中国人的世纪 等等 而甫踏入二十一世纪的今天, 全世界对学习中文的需求已日益增加 办一所高质量的中文学校, 让我们的下一代有能力承接起传播中华文化的重责大任, 是我们共同的心愿 也欢迎所有家长加入我们的行列 校长 : 金云璐 校长 : 陈银珠 Dear Parents, Words cannot describe how much I appreciate all of our parents, teachers, and our school staff. Without your hard work, Westwood Chinese School could not have been established this successfully. With Chinese becoming so widespread, by starting at an early age, our children can excel as adults in the increasingly global community. The demand to learn Chinese raises exponentially each year, and we strive to have a high quality Chinese school so that our children can undertake the great responsibility of disseminating Chinese culture, as well as thrive in their future occupations. We welcome everyone to join us in our mission Principal: Yunlu Jin Principal: Yenchu Chen (Christina Huang) 1

2 中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos Pre-K / 儿童入门班 Teacher: Xu, Rui 许蕊 TA: Xu, Ella 徐云杉 Bai, Kevin 白泽宇 Majumder, Minghao Birdsong, Emma 柏佳兰 Marsland, Henry Fei, Kevin 费文天 Wang, Ryan Kamolratanapiboon, Narawut Welham, Jeffrey 严明昊健忠王韵杰王伟宜 Ji, Jefferson Kong, Isabella Li, Eric Li, Luke Li, Olivia MLP K / 马力平学前班 Teacher: Xu, Wenli 许文俐 TA: Man, Laura 满雨薇 计杰夫 Liu, Celena 刘紫珏 Xin, Andrew 孔莲馨 Ma, Emily 马嘉禧 Xu, Jasper 李子厚 Peng, Claire 彭博 Yu, Elaine 李亦欢 Tong, Juliana 汤芸琬 Zhang, Oliver Wang, Julia 王晨爽 信无忌徐隽芃余朵朵张壮壮 2

3 中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos Abend, Brianna Chen, Abby Li, Luis Liu, Jacob MLP L1 / 马力平一年级 Teacher: Wang, Shan 王珊 TA: Gee, Meredith 朱咏彤 明美 Ng, Hayden 吴颖曦 Wang, Anthony 陈苏姬 Powers, Michael 陈家宝 Wang, Leo 李天乐 Shen, James 沈崇轶 Wang, Hannah 刘钧博 Wang, Tianna 王彤宇 Yang, Daniel 王立东王晨旭王海娜杨文翰 Du, William Du, Thomas Gu, Eric Liu, Tarra Liu, kevin MLP L2 / 马力平二年级 Teacher: Chen, Christina 陈纪文 TA: Yang, Brooke 羊溪 杜宇阳 Tao, Sean 陶稼禾 Yang, Ella 杜宇林 Tseng, Grace 曾智洁 Yang, Alex 顾嘉宏 Wang, Jessica 王一凡 Yang, Winnie 刘禹芊 Wu, Angie 吴羲羽 Yang, Anthony 刘伯涵 Xu, Bernard 徐博纳 Zhang, Emily 杨逸帆杨文昊杨欣悦杨子豪张一诺 3

4 中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos Chaplin, Travis Chaplin, Connor Fei, Edward Lan, Derek Li, Eddie MLP L3 / 马力平三年级 Teacher: Gu, Yunjia 顾蕴佳 TA: Choi, Karen 蔡鸣琴 王子骏 Li, Michelle 李亚美 Shi, Rebecca 王子晟 Li, Annie 李安妮 Xu, Tim 费文轩 Liu, Emily 刘君仪 Yamaguchi, Justin 兰天齐 Liu, Catherine 刘心怡 Yang, Angela 李子健 Shi, Rachel 施心心 施甜甜徐展翔张翔之杨心雨 MLP L4 / 马力平四年级 Teacher: Chen, Christine 陈银珠 TA: Huang, Kimberly 黄心韵 Chen, Sherry 陈穆轩 Ma, Andrew Driscoll, Kelly 可儿 Yamaguchi, Eric Edmonds, Bea 小熊 Yang, Eric 马骁毅张航之杨浩楠 4

5 中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos MLP L6 / 马力平六年级 Teacher: Liu, Kevin 刘再强 Gu, Cindy 顾嘉华 Li, Richard 李宇宸 Pan, Jeffrey 潘岩 Brennan, Amanda Cai, Ivan Dixon, Alexandra Dixon, Gabriella Bilingual 1 / 双语一班 黄洁欣 Teacher: Jin, Yunlu 金云璐 Koczera-Kasem, Ava Mak, Megan Wong, Adrian 麦明珊黄智楷 5

6 中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos Chen, Kenji Collins, Elizabeth Lam, Megan SooHoo, Ivanka Bilingual 2 / 双语二班陈逸朗林以己司徒韵慧 Teacher: Ni, Xiaoyan 倪晓燕 Szeto, Aidan Szeto, Hannah Wong, Brandon 司徒志明司徒慧琪黄皓枫 Cagan, Rita Chan, Benjamin Dong, Angelina Driscoll, Damian Jerome, Joseph Bilingual 3 / 双语三班崇露陈博文嘉文德明王嘉彬 Teacher: Ling, Li 凌丽 Mak, Brandon Marsland, Charley Sullivan, Brianna-Mary Wagner, Alex Zai, Amelia 麦承汇健维玛丽智勇谢惠中 6

7 中文班集体照 / Chinese Language Class Group Photos Adult Mandarin / 成人班 Teacher: Li, Yanhong 李艳红 TA: Michael Fu 付传友 Dixon, Fabiola 邓凡 Mak, Cathie Jerome, Lisa 张丽莎 Power, Frank Majumder, Sumit 严苏米 麦绮文白福林 7

8 我在威斯伍中文学校教中文 [ 许文俐 ] 三年半前, 陈银珠校长请我来威斯伍中文学校教学前班的中文, 我对自己能否胜任这份工作持有怀疑的态度 尽管我非常喜欢小孩, 但是作为中文老师责任更重大 在这几年的教学实践中, 我边学边摸索, 合理采纳陈校长和家长们提供的建议, 不断地完善我的教学方法 在此把我的体会与大家分享一下 随着中国经济的迅猛发展和国际地位的不断提高, 中文的重要性变得不言而喻 在全球汉语热的背景下, 能够让孩子学习中文是大多数海外华人父母的愿望 这不仅能让孩子们了解并掌握另一种语言, 还能让孩子们了解中国文化和中国古老悠久的历史 或许, 我们还给孩子们创造了一个未来学习或工作的契机, 让孩子们的人生多了一条道路 这些道理对五 六岁的孩子来讲是很难理解的 作为老师, 我认为只有让孩子们在一种轻松 快乐的气氛中学习中文, 才能激发他们对中文的兴趣 这对于学前班的小朋友尤其重要 建立师生乐教 乐学的融洽情感 老师不仅仅要教书育人, 而且还要有一颗爱孩子的心 在课堂上, 师生的情感交流是相互影响的 当你向学生们表示一点爱意和关心, 学生们会喜欢上你, 与你亲近 当你把你的快乐 活力带进课堂, 学生们也会受到感染, 渐渐地喜欢上中文课了 亲其师而信其道, 让学生喜欢 亲近, 这只是教学成功的前提条件 另外, 作为老师还需要研究学生的心理, 了解学生的爱好 这样才能保证教学的过程是快乐的过程 今年年初的一个星期天下了一场大雪, 我带上我自己的两个孩子早早离开了家 可是路上的积雪还没来得及清除, 加上堵车, 我还是晚到了学校 当我走进教室时, 全班的孩子们都已经到齐, 高兴得欢呼起来, 让我非常感动 在这样一个冰冷的雪天, 如果说孩子们不来上课是情由可原的, 可全班的孩子一个都没少, 说明了孩子们已喜欢上了中文课, 他们也同样希望他们的老师能够给他们上课 采用灵活多样的教学方法, 培养孩子们学中文的兴趣 在平时的教学过程中, 多采用灵活 趣味 生动多样的教学方法 对学前班的孩子来说, 直观法是最行之有效的办法 所以在教学中, 多运用图片 玩具动物 录音 动画片等直观手段来充分调动孩子们的学习积极性, 让每个孩子尽量多开口 结合课文讲一些孩子们感兴趣的故事 每逢中国传统节日, 就不失时机的给孩子们介绍相关节日来历和传统习俗 有些中文基础较好的孩子, 回家后还能主动把在课堂上看到的, 听到的故事讲给父母听 运用趣味性强的教学方法又是一种激发孩子们学习兴趣的方法 学前班的孩子们是凭兴趣学东西的, 没有了兴趣也就没有了学习的欲望 所以在教学中, 除了运用生动 形象 直观的情境教学方法外, 还引入趣味游戏 如 : 猜一猜游戏 找字游戏 找朋友 开火车等适合低龄儿童的游戏 此外模仿动物 表演 画画 写字等游戏也能充分调动学生的积极性 根据孩子们好胜心强的特点, 经常组织一些小组对抗游戏, 如 : 认字竞赛 看谁反应快 看谁找得多, 看谁念得好等比赛, 培养学生的竞争意识, 参与合作意识, 激发孩子们的学习热情 在课堂上对孩子进行赏识教育能收到更有效的作用 学前班的孩子们在一个新的学习环境中大多显得比较安静, 主动举手回答问题的孩子不是特别多 老师要多鼓励孩子们回答问题 当孩子们回答错了的时候, 不要急于否定, 而要耐心启发, 让孩子自己尽量找到正确的答案 当胆子 8

9 较小孩子能举手回答问题时, 不管答案对否, 都要给予及时的表扬 另外, 当孩子们有了进步, 给予适当的奖励 一旦孩子们的表现欲被激发出来, 就会更自信 老师的教学离不开家长的配合和支持 周末的中文课只有一个半小时, 经常与家长的联系对于孩子们的中文学习和进步至关重要 根据学前班的孩子们年龄较小的特点, 与家长开学时的交流和每周的交流就非常必要了 开学伊始, 将学期的大致要求和学习目标告知家长 每周上完课后, 把作业要求通过电子邮件的方式让家长知晓 如果课后孩子们没有家长们的督促, 几乎很难继续学好中文 在这几年的教学中, 我很有幸得到了很多家长的理解和支持 在威斯伍中文学校三年多来, 看着孩子们一年又一年的成长, 我由衷地感到高兴 尽管教中文不是一项容易 轻松的工作, 但孩子们天真的笑容和他们学习中文的热情深深地感染了我 我为孩子们取得的每一寸进步感到骄傲 9

10 Teaching Mandarin at WCS [Wenli Xu, Cindy Gu] Three and half years ago, the principal Christina Chen invited me to teach Mandarin at Westwood Chinese School. I wasn't quite confident since I did not have much experience with it. To be a teacher for young children means a lot of responsibilities, which is much more than just loving and caring them. Within these years, I can say that I learned teaching from teaching these lovely children as well as from other teachers. I also took the suggestions from Principal Chen and the parents which have improved my teaching skills. Here, I would like to share my experience with all of you. As the Chinese economy expands rapidly, its influence on the world has increased significantly in recent years. As a result, Chinese becomes an important language. A lot of people around the world are interested in learning and speaking Chinese. With no exception, we as Chinese immigrants would like our children to have a chance to study Chinese. This will not only offer our children an opportunity to learn and hopefully grasp another language, but also give them a chance to become familiar with Chinese culture as well as rich Chinese history. By learning Chinese, the children will likely have some additional opportunities in their future career. This is kind of reason that our children are still hard to comprehend. As a teacher, I think creating a light and fun environment for children to learn Chinese is very critical. The first and foremost for children to have is interest, which is especially important for kindergarteners. Establishing an environment in which the teacher loves teaching and the students love learning. In the classroom, the teacher and the students interact and influence each other. The teacher that teaches the class should have a loving heart toward the young children. When you show your loving and caring personality toward the children, they will tend to like you and listen to you. The young children will be more relaxed when you bring happiness and liveliness into the classroom, which then they will gradually like the Chinese class they attend even though it seems difficult and boring. As the Chinese old saying " be close to the teacher and believing what the teacher says" is the key to success at learning stage. With this, creating an environment children likes is the key for success in teaching Chinese. As teachers, we need to understand what the children thinks and likes. Again, the key is to ensure everyone is happy during the teaching and learning process and learning Chinese is something that children like to do. On one Sunday morning this year, it snowed heavily. I left home much earlier than usual with my two kids since we live far away from Westwood, hoping to be on time for the school. The highway was covered with snow and the cars moved very slowly. We still ended up being late for the school. When I went into the classroom, all the kids were in the room! Everyone was excited to see me and they started to cheer. This is a class of young children that I love and they love to attend my Chinese class. Not even one student was missing on such a cold snowy day! 10

11 Instilling the interests of learning Chinese into students by adopting various kinds of teaching methods. It is important that we use various interesting methods during the regular class. For kindergartners, using pictures, sound recordings, motion pictures can all bring up their interests, which are more easier to understand than Chinese characters and providing more opportunities for them to speak Chinese in classroom. Telling an interesting story that goes along with the textbook will also help keep the interests of children. Whenever there is a traditional Chinese holiday, telling a story that is related to such holiday and tradition is a great way of passing the knowledge. With what they learned in the classroom, some of the students were actually able to tell the stories they learned in classroom to their parents. Instilling the interests of learning Chinese into students by performing interesting activities in the classroom. Again, interest is the key for kindergarteners. During the classroom teaching, I let the children take part in activities such as solving puzzles, finding missing words, finding friends, "riding a train", which are all appropriate for young children. In addition, mimicking the animals, acting, drawing, painting, etc. can also keep their interests. Sometimes, I also set up competitions such as recognizing the words and reading the words. These competition usually further stimulates their interests in learning Chinese. Giving appropriate recognition and encouragement during teaching is also important. Most kindergartners are very quiet in a new environment. There are not many students that will voluntarily answer the questions. With this, it is important that we as teachers should encourage students to answer the questions. When the answer is wrong, it is important to give them some hints in order for them to find right answer. When a student who is usually shy raises hands to answer the question, it is important to give him/her the encouragement regardless the answer being right or wrong. Whenever there is progress in students, it is important to give them the recognition. Over the time, the students will become more confident Teaching also needs support from parents. The Chinese class only lasts one hour and thirty minutes each weekend. So, it is important that we keep in touch with the parents regarding the progress of the children. Especially due to the young age of the kindergartners, it is recommended that teachers discuss with the parents when the school year starts and also keep in touch every week. At the beginning of the school year, I will notify the parents about the curriculum and goals. After each class, I will notify the parents about the homework through e- mail. It is impossible for most children to be successful in learning Chinese without certain level of help and supervision from parents. I am very fortunate to have the support from every parents. It has been more than three years since I came to teach in Westwood Chinese School. I am happy to see children learning and growing each year. Although teaching Chinese is not an easy task, it is the children's big smiling faces and their interests in learning Chinese that in turn has motivated me. I have been so proud of the progress that children have made so far. 11

12 Teaching Assistant s Experience at WCS [Meredith Gee] My name is Meredith Gee, ( 朱咏彤 ). I am 15 years old and I am a sophomore at Westwood High School. I began my experience as a teaching assistant for Westwood Chinese School during this school year, I currently assist in the L1 class with teacher Shan Wang. I can honestly say that I really enjoy being a teaching assistant for this class. I get to help the kids as well as learn some Chinese of my own. Since my family does not speak Mandarin at home, it was difficult for me at first to understand what was going on in the class since it is taught only in Chinese. Eventually, I got more comfortable, and going to class every Sunday is very beneficial for me because I get to learn and apply my Mandarin. During class, I take attendance, correct homework, pass out papers, make copies, and help kids stay focused. I attended Lexington Chinese School for 7 years where I studied Mandarin in the mainstream or immersion classes. I am comfortable using both forms of Mandarin phonetics, zhuyin (colloquially called bopomofo in Taiwan) and pinyin which is taught at WCS. My strength with Chinese is my penmanship. All of my teachers have commented on how good my Chinese characters look. I hope my teacher, Shan Wang, and I will be able to work on ways to keep the students engaged while they are in class. Perhaps we can use some techniques that the foreign language teachers use in the regular school system. 助教心得 [ 朱咏彤, 由 Sydni Lockeby 翻译 ] 我叫朱咏彤 我今年十五岁, 在威斯伍高中读高二 我今年开始在威斯伍中文学校当助教 我现在在帮王珊老师教她的 L1 班 我非常喜欢帮王珊老师教她的班级 我不仅帮学生学中文, 在此同时也会自己学一点儿中文 因为我的家人在家互相不讲普通话, 所有开始的时候帮老师教课有一点儿难因为她只用中文教课 但是后来我帮老师的时候越来越有自信, 因为我每个星期天都有机会练习和使用我的中文 帮老师教课的时候我做很多事情, 例如 : 点名, 改作业, 让学生们注意老师的话, 等等 我以前在勒星顿中文学校上了七年全浸入式普通话班 我会用注音和拼音学中文 ( 威斯伍中文学校用拼音 ) 我觉得我的中文最好的方面是我的书写 我的老师都觉得我的字写得很好 我希望我和王珊老师能一起想出一些能让学生在课上更积极和专心的方法 或许我们可以把正常学校语言课的教学方法也应用进来 我们都希望学生们能喜欢学中文和中国的文化 12

13 后院的苹果树 [ 顾嘉华 ] 去年春天, 弟弟吃了一只苹果, 把里面的籽拿出来 然后, 他把那些苹果籽埋在后院的泥土里 从那天开始, 弟弟每天要跟妈妈出去给苹果籽浇水 没过多久, 苹果籽开始发芽了 有一天, 我出去看弟弟的苹果树, 看到细细红红的树杆已经开始长出来了, 一共有三棵 过了一个星期, 我又去观察苹果树, 看到绿绿的小树叶开始长出来了 现在, 苹果树的树杆已经变得粗粗的, 树杆的颜色也变了, 从红色变到棕色 在这三棵苹果树中, 有的长得很慢, 有的长得很快 但是, 它们的叶子的形状都是三角形的, 周围是尖尖的 苹果树的颜色也都是绿的 到秋天的时候, 它们的叶子绿中带红 去年十一月份, 一阵飓风把们家的一块篱笆吹走了 但是, 在狂风大雨中, 我们家的苹果树没有被吹走, 它们还活着呢! 在弟弟的照料下, 苹果树已经从小树苗长成了一尺高的小树了 我盼望它们快快地长大, 早日结出苹果 夏天的绿草 [ 李宇宸 ] 夏天的绿草是世界上最美丽的植物之一 青翠欲滴的小草像一层厚厚的大毯子 踩上去, 就觉得像一个又柔软又舒服的羊毛地毯, 我就想躺在那里, 睡一大觉 每天看着绿色的草, 我的身体充满快乐 在草地上, 有的草还很小, 有的草更大一些, 可是他们都一团一簇地坐在土地上 每一个草都是鲜绿的 大自然的绿比人造的绿好一万倍都不只 大自然的绿是更真实也更生动 人是复制不了大自然的颜色 每当一阵风吹过, 绿绿的小草高兴得在蓝色的天空下飘飘游游地跳舞 这是一幅生机盎然的图画 一个酷热难当的夏天午后, 一阵清新的风吹了过来 风充满了凉气还有新鲜的绿草地味道 风一吹过来, 我立刻就放松了 我的身体非常轻松, 非常自由 我好像在天堂一样 我深吸了一口气, 草地的香气和味道令我陶醉 好多人喜欢去世界各地旅游, 还有看好的风景 可是他们没有意识到, 天下最美丽的一种植物就在他们面前 13

14 我的奖杯们 [ 潘岩 ] 迄今为止, 我一共得到了四个奖杯 我第一个奖杯是从中文学校演讲比赛得来的 ; 第二个奖杯是踢足球得的 ; 第三个是参加象棋比赛得的 ; 最后一个是从制造小木汽车比赛得的 在所有的奖杯中, 我最喜欢的奖杯是从中文学校演讲比赛得到的, 因为这是我最难得到的奖杯 我花了很多时间来背我的故事呢! 而且在家人面前表演了很多遍 妈妈给我提出了很多建议, 尤其是表情和语气上, 让我的演讲一次比一次好 最后我在班上分数最高, 终于得到了第一名 这就是我最喜欢这个奖杯的原因 我的奖杯就放在客厅里, 我每天都能看到他们 每次看到他们, 就好像他们在对我说 : 小主人, 要好好学习, 多得点奖杯哦! 他们是我的好朋友, 随时鼓励我不断进步 大家好! 2013 学校中国新年庆祝会 - 家长谈育儿 我叫潘国林, 认识我的人一般叫我老潘 我儿子潘岩, 今年七岁, 在刘老师任教的六年级中文班上 刘老师教学有方, 潘岩对中文很感兴趣 应学校的邀请, 我给大家分享一下个人的经验 题目是 :" 作为家长, 我们是怎样支持帮助孩子学习中文的?" 我的回答是 : 兴趣第一, 软硬兼施 潘岩大概是从四岁多开始认识中文字的 他的记性挺好的, 识过的字也大多还能记住 平时我们主要是鼓励的办法, 从小到口头表扬到物质奖励, 大到领他出去痛快的游玩等 所以他对中文的兴趣一直都还维持得不错 多鼓励是我们的软措施 那么硬措施, 其中有一条就是中文学校的作业是必须按时完成! 我们也尽量给他提供较多的中文环境 比如 : 潘岩从学校回家就自然讲多点儿英文 我们家常住人口四个 奶奶是一点儿英文也不懂, 妈妈故意讲听不懂英文, 我做爸爸的, 也经常说 " 英文好多关键词都跟不上 " 他没办法, 在家里只好尽量换成中文对话 我们也给他提供了很多少儿中文书籍, 有些是从图书馆借的, 像 " 三毛流浪记 " 这些, 很适合他这个年龄, 一个人也能看得哈哈大笑 简单总结一下 : 首先小孩的学习兴趣最重要 ; 尽量提供良好的语言环境 ; 最后, 不管是软办法, 还是硬办法, 只要用的上, 只要能让孩子喜欢学中文的就算好办法 谢谢大家! 14

15 Speech for WCS New year Celebration 2013 I am Fabiola Dixon, mother of Alexandra and Gabriella and wife of Gregg Dixon. As you can see we are a non- Chinese family but we got great admiration for the Chinese culture. Dixon s family It all started in 2006 when my husband got a job transfer to Hong Kong. We lived there for almost 5 years. My girls started preschool and took mandarin classes. We developed great friendships and learned a lot about Chinese traditions, culture, religion and celebrations. In 2011, we had to return to the USA.I was a bit disappointed that my girls were no longer exposed to a difficult but important foreign language like mandarin. There is no second language being taught in the public elementary school system in our area. By talking to a friend about my concern, she happened to know about the Westwood Chinese School which has great reputation for it. Long story short, my girls have been attending mandarin bilingual class for the past year and have been really enjoying it. The teacher has been wonderful and really knows how to capture the children s attention through songs, poems, stories and vocabulary. I have been inspired and encouraged to start learning mandarin as well! Perhaps by next year, I will be able to recite you a poem in mandarin! Therefore I would really like to express my gratitude to the founders, teachers, assistants and everybody that is involved in this wonderful organization for their hard work to keep the WCS going! 15

16 哈佛燕京图书馆 [ 马茹 ] 2003 年, 中央电视台录制作过一部纪录片 世界著名大学, 哈佛大学位在其列 到现如今依旧有无数人感叹不已, 为哈佛精神所震撼 凌晨两点的哈佛图书馆, 是一个灯火通明的不夜城, 许多学生还在挑灯夜读, 手不释卷 图书馆是一所学校的灵魂, 对于求知若渴的学子而言, 浩如烟海的珍贵藏书无异于巨型宝藏, 你去或不去, 它都在那里, 散发着浓浓的书香, 时时刻刻地激发着青年学子的生命能量 子虚乌有的 哈佛图书馆的二十条训言 谬传甚广, 从另一个角度也证明了哈佛精神无可匹敌的迷人魅力 哈佛大学图书馆是世界上最大的校级图书馆, 藏书千万册, 其目标就是 使学校成为教育界的珠穆朗玛 图书馆在各个学院都设有学术分馆, 多达九十余座, 分别位于美国本土及佛罗伦萨等国际城市, 哈佛校本部就有四十九所分馆之多 在这四十九所分馆里, 有 规模仅次于美国国会图书馆的东亚文献馆藏 之称的燕京图书馆是令人羡慕的分馆之一, 以丰富的东亚文献资料收藏闻名于世, 其数量之大, 质量之高, 每年都吸引着世界各地大批学人慕名前往 燕京图书馆建立于 1928 年, 首任馆长为裘开明先生, 现任馆长为郑炯文先生 历任馆长劳苦功高, 每年投以巨资, 不断地收纳珍贵藏书, 方有今日燕京令人垂涎不已的藏书量 燕京图书馆位于马萨诸塞州剑桥城神学街 2 号 (Harvard-Yenching Library,2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA), 穿过静谧的大学校园, 走过两条整洁的街道, 一座颇为低调的红墙建筑便在一片绿色盈人的草坪后显露了出来 错落有致的赫红地面与图书馆的色调浑然一体, 整齐浓密的两排矮树丛掩映着两座洁白石狮, 庄重威严的石狮如门神一样守护着这座东亚殿堂, 东方的神秘味道便弥漫开来, 拱形的窗一水儿朝两边排去, 白色窗棂给这座充满古典气息的建筑平添了一色清新 白底红标的 Harvard-Yenching Library 馆牌, 却是并不起眼的尺寸, 毫不张扬地贴在门边, 如同一位深藏不露的谦虚老者, 安静而关切地注视着每一位进进出出的学子 踏过五阶白色大理石的台阶, 推开沉重的红木大门, 知识的殿堂便一览无余, 就像阿里巴巴打开藏宝山洞的大门时一样, 恨不得喊上一句 芝麻! 开门! 才过瘾 大名鼎鼎的东亚研究中心也位于图书馆内, 楼道里与楼梯间的墙壁上贴着各式条幅 其中有一上书 : 圣可学乎? 曰 : 可 有要乎? 曰 : 有要, 一为要 一者无欲也 无欲则静虚动直, 静虚则明, 动直则公 明则通, 公则溥 庶矣乎 简单的一段话, 却洋溢着中国文化的真精神 我们应该学习伟大光明的圣人, 学修圣人的要点, 即摆脱欲望, 让心灵进入静虚的境界, 进入直心的道场 静虚使人的内在心性无所不在, 无所不达, 进入 明 的状态, 对世间万物方可通达无碍 直心使人们将内心的状况发挥出来, 以面对外界一切烦扰, 从而使心灵进入更广阔的境界中 中国传统文化的精髓被这一条简单的字幅淋漓尽致地诠释出来, 在这样浓郁的古典文化氛围里求知, 莘莘学子的心性也修养得聪慧灵秀 16

17 现在, 燕京图书馆已经成为东亚文化研究的圣地 东亚最大的文化发祥地 中国, 其文化在西方世界的发展更是倍受关注 中国文化以一门学科的形式在海外传播并非是现代才有, 早在 1814 年, 法国法兰西学院的 Jean Pierre Abel Remusat 主持的汉学讲座就已经被称为西方汉学起点 法国汉学家 Henri Maspeero 曾说过 : 中国是欧洲以外唯一一个这样的国家 : 自远古起, 其古老的本土文化传统就一直源远流长, 流传至今 海外汉学有今日的辉煌成就, 离不开许多杰出的中国文化推广者, 他们用自己毕生的精力促进中外文化交流, 身先士卒, 做出了重大贡献 身后却默默无闻, 不为人所知 戈鲲化就是这样一位令人敬重的学者 戈鲲化, 生于清道光十八年 (1838 年 ), 于 1879 年受聘于美国哈佛大学任教, 教授中国文化 十九世纪末的中国岌岌可危, 此举在当时来说是难以想象的 这一时期, 日本在东南沿海地区频频出没, 英 俄等国对西北新疆等地虎视眈眈 一时之间, 边疆地区危机四伏 清政府亦陷入海防 塞防顾此失彼的窘境 只要简单回顾一下这段历史, 就能体会到戈鲲化此去赴任的重大意义 西方世界主导话语权, 中国只残存着被动接受的份 然而正是这当头, 戈鲲化成为了登上哈佛讲台的中国第一人, 这意味着他不仅成为中美文化交流的先驱, 更是现代中国文化输出的先行者 中国文化辉煌了几千年, 流传也自古有之, 其鼎盛时代的汉唐, 四方来朝, 中国更以天朝自傲 但这种盛极一时的状况, 随着中国国力的衰败, 进入十九世纪就开始走下坡路 原来处于平衡两端的中西方文化, 开始出现严重的倾斜 戈鲲化带着家眷与大批中国书籍前往哈佛, 于 1879 年 10 月 22 日正式开课, 他穿着一身中国官服, 一身浩然之气地站在哈佛讲台上 他教学的对象为校内外任何对中国文化感兴趣的学者, 他开设中国诗文讲座, 编撰专门的中文教材 华质英文, 应邀前往教授俱乐部演讲, 将中国诗歌的魅力与强大的民族自豪感融合在一起, 宣扬诗歌文化的同时更宣扬中国的民族精神 他随行带去的这批中国书籍成为哈佛燕京图书馆的第一批图书 他编写的 华质英文 也成为第一部中国人专为西方人编写的中国文化教科书 戈鲲化去世后, 哈佛大学对他的悼词是 : 我们在中国大圣人孔子身上可以发现类似的品质 可见哈佛对戈鲲化评价之高 正是一代代中国人的不懈努力, 中国文化才能发展得如火如荼 中国文化在西方世界的继续推广, 也更需要我们每一个人更加不懈的努力, 将其发扬光大 17

18 Harvard Yenching Library [Ma, Ru] In 2003, there was a famous documentary film shown on CCTV (Chinese Central Television) named The famous Universities of the World, among which Harvard University was one of them. As late as 2am, Harvard Library was still ablaze with light. Students in the library were still working hard enjoying their studies regardless of time. People watching this on television were shocked; this scene still inspires them even now. Libraries were always believed to be the soul of the school. For students hungering for knowledge, the library was there, filled with the smell of books, encouraging them to burn their youth to achieve their dreams. From another aspect, a sheer fiction called Twenty Slogans from Harvard Library, proved the immense attraction for Harvard University. Being the largest school library in the world, Harvard library has collected millions of books to reach the name of Qomolangma in education. Over ninety college libraries belonging to the Harvard library are located in the US and other foreign cities such as Florence. Among those college libraries, forty nine are located in the main campus. Yenching Library was one of them, which is only second to the East Asian American literature Gallery at the Library of Congress. Millions of students all over the world are attracted to the library for its abundant high-quality books. Yenching Library was founded in Mr. Chiu, Alfred Kaiming was the first director and currently Mr. James K. Cheng is the director. Thanks to the efforts of each director the library now has a dazzling number of precious books. Yenching Library is located at 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA. Walking across the quiet campus, Yenching Library can be found behind a soft lawn. It is a red house, of which a well-spaced dark red path fuses into a peaceful scene of the Yenching Library. Two white Chinese traditional style lions guard this Eastern palace; intriguing tourists with a curious and mysterious eastern atmosphere. Arched windows lined up along the wall with their white color bring a fresh feeling to this classical architecture. The sign Harvard-Yenching Library written in red on a white background is placed outside the gate quietly watching students stroll in and out. Go up five stone steps, open the hard red wooden gate, the palace of eastern culture is now in front of you. Just like when Ali Baba opened the gate of treasures, you cannot help but cry Open Sesame. The famous Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations (EALC) of Harvard University is located in the Yenching Library. You can see many scrolls along the stairs. One of them quotes famous words from an ancient book named Tongshu.Shengxue. The author Dunyi Zhou utilized a Neo- Confucianism way to introduce his great thoughts. It says on the scroll that: Can a wise man learn? The answer is yes as long as he can get rid himself of all desire and only then can he really reach his mind. 18

19 Such a quiet, desireless status can help bring a man s thought to reach everywhere and raise the person to a level called erudition and acquaintance with everything. Such an essential spirit of the Chinese culture condensed and displayed in such a simple scroll, encouraging the students visiting here to learn in this beautiful classical mood. Nowadays, Yenching Library has become a holy land for eastern culture studies. Chinese culture, whose birth place was China was also regarded as the birth place for eastern culture, had long been shown solicitudes by the western world. It is not recently Chinese culture diffused to foreign cultures as a major. Early in 1814, a Sinology speech held by Jean Pierre Abel Remusat in L Institut de France had been regarded as a starting point. The French Sinologist Henri Maspeero once said that, China is the only country passing her domestic culture down since the very ancient times other than European countries. Without the efforts from those early Chinese culture propagators, Sinology abroad could not have made such brilliant achievements. They devoted their lives promoting Chinese culture diffusion. However, they themselves were not broadly known by others. Among them, Ko K'un-hua was such a respectable scholar. Born in 1838, Ko K un-hua had been recruited to the faculty of Harvard University in the year His mission was instructing Chinese culture in the US. It is hard to imagine that was during the 19 th century when China was endangered from foreign invaders. During that time, the Japanese army constantly appeared along the southeastern coast, English and French armies were casting greedy eyes on the northeastern area of China. So many urgent situations from the frontier worried the Chinese government. Briefly recalling the history you can see how important Ko K un-hua took this offer. At that time, the western world dominated the right of speech; China could do nothing but listen. Ko making his speech on the stage of Harvard, not only indicates that he was a pioneer of Chinese culture diffusion, he was also the first man to bring Chinese culture to the world at that time. The prosperity of Chinese culture has lasted for centuries, Chinese people will always be proud of our prosperous periods of the Han and Tang Dynasty which foreigners always looked up to. But the situation could not last when China entered the nineteen century. The decline of national power broke the balance of world culture. At the same time, Ko brought his books and family to Harvard University, he started his class on October 22th, On that day s stage, for the first time a Chinese scholar in an official costume standing on the Harvard s stage, dignifiedly gave his speech. The audience was mainly scholars who were interested in Chinese culture. Ko s lecture specifically focused on Chinese poems. He brought his own-written text book Chinese Verse and Prose, giving lessons whenever invited. His book combined the beauty of poems and the love of a nation spreading poem culture and patriotism as well. The book he brought became the first collection of Yenching Library and Chinese Verse and Prose became the first Chinese text book available for foreigners. In memorial of Ko K un-hua after his death, Harvard University wrote a speech for him as an honor. It said that they could see a similar character to that of the sage Confucius. Indeed, by the efforts from generations, Chinese culture can be inherited and developed, and diffused with all kinds of cultures. It is also a mission for us all, to cherish and spread our Chinese culture. 19

20 礼物狼病了 小白兔去看望它, 带着一个大大的胡萝卜做礼物 小白兔 : 亲爱的狼先生, 您好些了么? 大灰狼 : 好多了, 谢谢你来看我 小白兔 : 应该的 只是大家都说您不会喜欢我带来的礼物 大灰狼 : 怎会呢? 我非常喜欢你的礼物, 胡萝卜先生 书生和馄饨从前有一个年轻的书生, 脾气非常急 一天, 他很饿, 就去饭馆点了一碗馄饨 馄饨刚上桌, 他立刻低头去吃 可是, 他的嘴还没碰到馄饨, 帽子上两根长长的带子倒先垂到馄饨汤里去了 他有些不高兴, 把带子拿了出来 当他又要吃时, 带子又先一步进了汤里 他再次把带子拿出来 这次, 他已经很生气了 当带子第三次垂进汤里, 他非常非常生气, 一把抓下帽子, 揉成一团, 塞进汤里, 大喊 : 好啦, 你吃, 你吃, 全给你吃! 打破了纪录宝宝 : 姥姥真是什么也不懂! 妈妈 : 这么说可是没有礼貌哦 不过, 为什么你这么想呢? 宝宝 : 今天放学后, 我告诉姥姥 : 我今天在学校游泳比赛上打破了纪录! 你猜, 姥姥说什么? 她说 : 哎哟, 我的小祖宗! 你又把学校的什么打破了, 窗户玻璃, 还是计算机? 这次又要赔多少钱? 20

21 Gift Wolf got sick. A little white bunny came to see him, bringing a huge carrot for a gift. Bunny: Mr. Wolf, I hope you are feeling better. Wolf: Much better. Thank you for coming to see me. Bunny: Oh, I should do this. Just everybody said you won t like the gift I brought for you. Wolf: Never ever. I love it so much, Mr. Carrot. Scholar and wonton soup Once there was a young scholar who had a very bad temper. One day he was hungry and walked into a restaurant to have a bowl of wonton soup. When the soup came to the table, he started to eat it. Before he even took his first bite, the two long straps of his hat dangled into the wonton. He wasn t happy then and took the straps out of the soup. As the scholar continued trying to work on the soup, the straps tipped into it the second time. Taking them out, he got very mad. Again, for the third time, the straps swayed into the soup. The scholar turned extremely furious. With all his might, he ripped off his hat, squeezed it, and shoved it into the wonton soup, crying Fine! You eat it, you eat it! It s all yours! Daughter: Grandma just knows nothing! Break the record Mother: Saying that is not polite. But why do you think like that? Daughter: Today, after school, I told grandma, I broke the record in the school swimming competition today! Guess what grandma said? She said, Oh, my! Again? What did you break this time, window or computer? How much money do we need to pay now? 21

22 提琴小乐队 课程介绍 课程根据儿童的年龄特点加以设计 利用孩子们学习乐器的经验, 进一步介绍基础的音乐知识和乐队知识 培养孩子对学习乐器的兴趣 用孩子感兴趣的方法教授传统和现代的中外乐曲 主要以合奏的形式进行教学并参与各种学校表演 学生要求 两年以上学习乐器的经验 教师简介 施仲文 : 师从杨唐杰 ( 昆明乐团首席小提琴 ) 曾任云南大学艺术团首席小提琴 曾与新英格兰音乐学院交响乐团演奏 < 黄河 > 有多年小提琴教学经验 在波士顿喜洋洋乐队演奏多年至今 Course Description Violin Ensemble Courses are based on the children's age. Basic music and bands knowledge will be further introduced by utilizing the experience that children have learned on musical instruments. Cultivate children's interest in learning a musical instrument. Teaching traditional and modern Chinese and foreign music with the kids interests. The course will be in the form of ensemble and the class will participate in a variety of school performances. Student requirements More than two year experience of learning musical instruments preferred. Teacher s Bio Mark Shi: Learnt violin from Yang Tang Jie (first chair violinist of Kunming Symphony Orchestra). Worked as first chair violinist at Yunnan University Ensemble. Worked with the New England Conservatory Symphony Orchestra to perform <Yellow River>. There are many years of experience in teaching violin. So far, have played violin many years at Boston XYY Ensemble. 22

23 威斯伍中文学校国际象棋比赛见闻 众所周知, 学习国际象棋对孩子非常有益, 可以培养自信心, 锻炼逻辑思维, 养成 胜不骄, 败不馁 的品格, 还能交到朋友, 实为一举多得 为了鼓励学生学习国际象棋, 我校决定在 2013 年的春季举办第二届国际象棋比赛 参赛者为我校国际象棋初级和中级班的 16 个孩子 从 4 月 21 日开始, 每个星期日进行一轮比赛, 总共 5 轮, 比赛将于 5 月 19 日结束 赛时为每人 20 分钟, 允许 5 秒的延缓 比赛结束后, 学校将为第一 第二和第三名颁发奖杯, 没有得到奖杯但总积分在 2.5 以上的孩子将获得奖牌 所有参赛者都会得到印有精美象棋图案的铅笔, 以资鼓励 希望大家加油!! 同时, 我们对学校家长会对此次活动的赞助表示感谢 去年春天, 在前任象棋老师 Sterling 博士的指导下, 我校举办了第一届国际象棋比赛, 分别在初级班和中级班内进行 赛时为每人 10 分钟, 允许 3 秒延缓 初级班的四个小朋友参与了 3 轮比赛 最后, 双语 1 班的 Gavin Valentino 赢取了第一名的奖杯 中级班的 9 个小朋友参与了 6 轮比赛 最后一轮,Zachary Jeffrey 和 Isaac 同积四分, 最后通过快棋加时赛, 决出了胜负 比赛结果是 : 马立平一年级的 Bernie Xu 获得了第一名, 双语一班的 Zachary Szeto 获得了第二名, 马立平二年级的 Jeffrey Pan 获得了第三名 他们都得到了奖杯 Isaac Lau 和马立平一年级的 Anthony Yang 分获第四 第五名, 得到了奖牌 所有参赛者都得到了学校家长会赠送的小奖品 随着麻州国际象棋运动的普及, 我们希望有更有的小朋友来中文学校学习国际象棋, 参加学校举办的国际象棋比赛 WCS Chess Tournament Report As we all know, learning chess is very useful for children. It can increase self-confidence, improve logic and reasoning skills, develops a "Win without Pride, Lose without Discouragement" mindset, and also helps make friends. In the spring of 2013, our Chinese school decided to hold a 2nd chess tournament to encourage more children to learn chess. Starting from 4/21, 16 students from both the beginning and intermediate level chess classes will mix together to play 5 rounds in total. The time control is G/20; d5. The games will finish on 5/19. Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 winners; medals will be awarded to players who score at least 2.5 points. Chess pencils will be given to all the players. Good luck to everyone, and special thanks to the WCS PTO for sponsoring this event. 23

24 In the spring of 2012, WCS organized the 1 st chess tournament with the help from our former chess teacher, Dr. Sterling. The participants were the students from the Beginning and Intermediate Level Chess classes. The time control for both events was G/10; d3. In the Beginning class, with only four students, the tournament was run as a 4-player round robin over three weeks. A student named Gavin Valentino (B1) won the sole prize. In the Intermediate class, 9 students participated altogether, and the tournament was a 6-round Swiss held over six weeks. The winners were Bernie Xu (L1) (1st place), Zachary Szeto (B1) (2nd place), and Jeffrey Pan (L2) (3rd place). Two players were awarded medals: Isaac Lau (fourth place with 4 points) and Anthony Yang (L1) (fifth place with 3 points). Remarkably, at the conclusion of the 6th round, there was a three-way tie for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places with 4 points each, necessitating a nailbiting round-robin blitz playoff. In the end, Zachary prevailed and settled in 2nd place behind Bernie, whose win in 1st place with 4.5 points was uncontested. We hope with the popularization of chess in Massachusetts, more and more children will come to our Chinese school to learn chess, and participate in future school chess tournaments WCS Chess Tournament 24

25 新英格兰中文学校协会 2012 演讲比赛 威斯伍中文学校学生首战告捷! New England Association of Chinese Schools (NEACS) 2012 Speech Contest Westwood Chinese School Students Had Big Wins! 我校学生于 2012 年春天首次参加了新英格兰中文学校协会举办的演讲比赛, 即包揽了 6-8 岁组 前两名及双语组前两名 WCS students attended the New England Association of Chinese Schools (NEACS) 2012 speech contest. We won top 2 spots in both 6-8 Mandarin group and Bilingual group. 刘君仪 ( 左一 ) 潘岩 ( 右一 ) 陈银珠 ( 指导老师 ) 嘉文 ( 左一 ) 德明 ( 中 ) 可儿 ( 右一 ) 陈银珠 ( 指导老师 ) 顾嘉华 ( 左一 ) 陈银珠 ( 指导老师 ) 参加比赛的学生 : Participants: 中文 6-8 岁组 Mandarin 6-8 year-old 中文 9-12 岁组 Mandarin 9-12 year-old 双语组 Bilingual 刘君仪 (Emily Liu): 第一名 (1 st place) 潘岩 (Jeffery Pan): 第二名 (2 nd place) 杨逸帆 (Ella Yang) 顾嘉华 (Cindy Gu) 李宇宸 (Richard Li) 可儿 (Kelly Driscoll): 第一名 (1 st place) 德明 (Damian Driscoll): 第二名 (2 nd place) 朱咏彤 (Meredith Gee) 嘉文 (Angelina Dong) 25

26 文娱课程和表演 / WCS Extra-Curricular Programs 26

27 Acknowledgement 致谢 : Hongmei Xu 徐红梅 Gail Zhang 张欣 Rumei Dong 董如梅 Helen Gee 余希华 Yunlu Jin 金云璐 Catherine Qiu 丘文洁 Frank Powers 白福林 Lisa Guo 郭兰平 Caroline Jiang 蒋春耘 Special thanks to guest writer Ru Ma 特别感谢马茹撰写了哈佛文章 School Website: contact@westwoodcs.org

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