理大全力參與香港 2009 東亞運動會, 為各國健兒加油! PolyU Gives Winning Support to Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games 香港 2009 東亞運動會 ( 東亞運 ) 是本港的體壇盛事, 香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院一直積極推動運動與健康

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1 ISSUE 07 第七期 HONG KONG 理大團隊全力協助香港 2009 東亞運動會 POLYU HELPS IN SUCCESS OF E A S T A S I A N G A M E S

2 理大全力參與香港 2009 東亞運動會, 為各國健兒加油! PolyU Gives Winning Support to Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games 香港 2009 東亞運動會 ( 東亞運 ) 是本港的體壇盛事, 香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院一直積極推動運動與健康的重要性, 提升專業運動員及大眾對運動健康科學的認識 憑著學院的熱心捐款人及理大院士劉陳小寶 BBS 太平紳士早前捐款, 支持學院推動與運動相關的科研及社區項目, 連同香港賽馬會運動醫學及健康科學中心的大力支持, 理大的專業團隊合力為東亞運健兒提供專業的物理治療及眼科視光檢查服務 理大及香港賽馬會運動醫學及健康科學中心成為東亞運的大會支持機構, 在二零零九年十二月二日至十三日期間, 組織超過一百五十名專業物理治療師 理大康復治療科學系教職員及修讀物理治療的學生駐場, 為參加東亞運動會的網球 羽毛球 曲棍球 排球及七人欖球比賽選手提供專業服務 比賽期間, 來自不同國家和地區的選手及隨團工作人員亦可到理大康復治療診所 眼科視光學診所及理大附 屬機構理大護眼中心, 接受專業物理治療和眼科視光檢查服務 一眾物理治療師 眼科視光師及學生對於能為東亞運運動員提供專業的醫護服務均表示機會難得, 亦為能參與這項體壇盛事感到光榮 物理治療學生們對於能夠到比賽場地為運動員服務更表示這是一項難能可貴的經驗, 讓他們擴闊視野 理大康復治療科學系副系主任及香港賽馬會運動醫學及健康科學中心副總監吳賢發教授表示 : 作為香港的一份子, 能夠為東亞運作出貢獻, 實在是一件別具意義的事 我相信有份參與的物理治療師 理大康復治療科學系教職員及學生都會有此同感 對物理治療學生來說, 能夠參與大型運動會, 更是寶貴的學習經驗 我們亦要鳴謝香港物理治療學會協助, 召集數十名物理治療師, 一同為運動員提供專業服務 曾接受我們提供即時物理治療服務的運動員都對服務表示讚賞, 那份滿足感著實是難以形容! The 5th East Asian Games (EAG) from 5 to 13 December 2009 was Hong Kong s first-ever major international multi-sports event, and it proved to be a great success on and off the field for Hong Kong! FHSS has a longstanding goal to help the professional development of sports and to aid members of the public to adopt an active, healthy lifestyle. Mrs Angel SP Chan Lau, donor and Fellow of PolyU at FHSS, made a generous donation to PolyU in support of its development of sports health-related research and community programmes, among other projects. In relation to this, PolyU and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sports Medicine and Health Sciences Centre provided professional physiotherapy and vision assessment services for participating local and international athletes and team officials during the Games.

3 Fro m 2 D e ce m b e r , F H SS s D e p a r t m e n t o f Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sports Medicine and Health Sciences Centre, which is jointly run by PolyU and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, worked with The Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association to coordinate a total of more than 150 practising physiotherapists, RS staff and Physiotherapy students to provide on-field physiotherapy to players of the tennis, badminton, hockey, volleyball and rugby sevens competitions during the EAG. In addition, the Rehabilitation Clinic and Optometry Clinic at PolyU as well as PolyU s subsidiary PolyVision Eyecare Centres also provided off-field physiotherapy and vision assessment services to athletes and team officials of those competitions. The physiotherapists, optometrists and students said it was an honour to show their support for the EAG by helping out during the competitions. The students also regarded their taking part as a valuable and exciting learning experience. Prof Gabriel Ng, Associate Head of RS and Deputy Director of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sports Medicine and Health Sciences Centre, said he was proud to contribute to the success of the Games. I believe that all who took part in the EAG share this feeling too, especially our Physiotherapy students! They found it to be a precious time and gained much from participating, he said. I m really grateful for the assistance we received from the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association. The athletes and officials are very happy with the physiotherapy we provided. 目錄 CONTENTS 封面故事 COVER STORY 學系全面睇 SPOTLIGHT ON DEPARTMENT 學術交流 ACADEMIC EXCHANGE 畢業典禮 15 th CONGREGATION 研究平台 RESEARCH CORNER 校園展覽 SCHOOL ROADSHOWS 亞太眼科視光學會議 17 th APOC 香港創佳績! 全城歡騰! 香港健兒於今屆東亞運獲得前所未有的好成績, 運動員在備戰階段著實下了不少苦功 理大除為各地運動員提供上述醫療服務外, 亦有協助香港代表隊賽前備戰 理大康復治療科學系助理教授符少娥博士為香港柔道隊備戰東亞運, 運動員不負眾望, 以最佳狀態, 在柔道男 FHSS Helps Hong Kong s Athletes to Triumph! 子項目 55 公斤或以下取得一金及女子項目 45 公斤或以下取得一銅的佳績 另外, 由陳方燦博士帶領的體能訓練團隊為香港代表隊備戰體育舞蹈項目, 最後運動員首次為香港在拉丁牛仔舞專項取得一銅的成績, 實在令人鼓舞! 香港運動員, 繼續努力! 下一個目標, 是 2010 年於廣州舉辦的第 16 屆亞洲運動會! 合作中心 WHOCC FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES 學系新動向 DEPARTMENT UPDATES 學院快訊 FACULTY NEWS FHSS also played a key role in helping many of Hong Kong s athletes prepare for the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games. And this extra help certainly paid off as Hong Kong bagged its biggest haul of medals in the history of the Games! Dr Amy Fu, Assistant Professor at RS, assisted Hong Kong s judoists, who ended up winning one gold in the men s -55kg competition and one bronze in the women s -45kg contest. Dr Bob Chen, Associate Professor at FHSS, and his Sports Conditioning and Health team worked with Hong Kong s dancesport athletes, who eventually clinched one bronze in the Latin-jive event. FHSS congratulates Hong Kong s athletes for their amazing performance on home soil, and wishes them all the best for the forthcoming 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou in November 2010!

4 學系全面睇 Spotlight on Department 教學研究並重 培養學生全人發展 專訪醫療科技及資訊學系系主任翁一鳴生物醫學講座教授 We Teach, We Care Interview with Prof Benjamin Yung, Head of HTI and Chair Professor of Biomedical Science 醫療不只局限於醫生與護士, 投身醫護行列, 為社群健康提供服務, 還有許多選擇 學院的醫療科技及資訊學系於二零零五年九月成立 然而, 學系內不少炙手可熱的科目歷史悠久, 包括醫療化驗科學 放射學及生物醫學工程 ; 同時, 學系亦設有賽馬會復康科技診所及放射影像診所等服務 系主任翁一鳴教授表示學系發展前景樂觀, 他說: 生物醫學有助打好根基, 對修讀其他相關課程非常有幫助, 就如生物醫學工程, 你了解生物醫學, 就更能掌握和理解問題成因及解決方法 翁教授補充說: 復康科技其實是生物醫學工程其中一項重要的部分, 賽馬會復康科技中心的成立, 就能夠幫助身體有殘缺, 或者現時正接受治療的患者進一步提升生活質素, 包括個人照顧及生產力等 他表示現時眼睛保健漸漸獲國際認同, 這對於健康科學範疇來說, 實在潛著不可忽視的發展空間, 亦能為同學帶來更多就業機會 學生不但能從學科裏學到整全而有系統的知識, 將來所從事的工作都能對社會帶來裨益, 翁教授說: 市場對放射技師 醫療化驗師等市場需求非常大, 在醫院裏亦扮演著十分重要的角色 ; 他們都懂得健康科學的知識, 在其專業裏亦有很大的貢獻, 對將來升讀研究院亦十分有幫助 近年災難 意外頻生, 醫院對義肢顧問 矯型師等需求愈多 ; 現今的復康科技不止提供安裝義肢服務, 而是提供相關專業評估, 讓病人能夠過更好和正常生活 這方面知識是很重要的 除了培養學生的專業水準以外, 翁教授亦非常關心同學的個人質素 他認為理大的老師在這方面功不可沒: 理大是一所非常特別的大學, 教師對教學非常熱誠, 希望教得好學生之餘, 亦非常關心學生, 他們有很大抱負 他認為大學教授就像一個銀幣, 一面是教學, 另一面是研究, 兩者都同樣重要 他補充說: 我十分欣賞同事用心教書, 透過經常一起討論, 建立更好的學術文化 As many Hong Kong people age, they are increasingly taking note of health issues that may affect them or their parents later and how this may impinge on their quality of life. In addition, demand for orthotic and prosthetic services, especially in Asia, has been growing owing to accidents and large-scale natural disasters. FHSS s Department of Health Technology and Informatics (HTI) is home to the disciplines of Biomedical Engineering, Medical Laboratory Science, and Radiography. Prof Benjamin Yung, Head of HTI, said, Biomedical science is fundamental to understanding underlying causes and potential solutions, and helps to lay a solid foundation for related applied disciplines such as Biomedical Engineering. He added, For example, rehabilitation engineering is an important sub-field of Biomedical Engineering, and our Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Centre improves 健訊 Health News 4 the quality of life, including independence and productivity, of persons with disabilities by applying existing and emerging technologies. Worldwide, health care concerns and reforms are increasingly in the public eye. Advances in technology also bring more application possibilities in health science and health care. And with them come employment opportunities. Although health technology and health informatics professionals do not have the same high profile as physicians and nurses, they have excellent prospects, said Prof Yung. There is a high demand for our graduates. They are vital for supporting the work of frontline medical and health workers in hospitals and other health care institutions. He added, Our degrees also allow our graduates to apply for a broad range of postgraduate courses, so they can widen their career options or specialise in a particular aspect of their discipline. Prof Yung is also proud of the priority that PolyU places on teaching. PolyU has a very distinctive teaching culture. Faculty members here are passionate and inspirational, he said. Other than helping students to learn and qualify as professionals in their fields, Prof Yung emphasises that nurturing soft skills and compassion in students is also important. Our students not only show capability in their own disciplines, but they are also committed to contributing to the community. He concluded with a smile: We teach, we care. I appreciate the hard work and efforts of my staff, and we are dedicated to building an even stronger team and brighter future for our students and society.

5 美國哈佛大學醫學院眼科學教授 Prof Eli Peli 來港分享 A Seminar by Prof Eli Peli Professor of Ophthalmology of Harvard Medical School 學術交流 Academic Exchange 醫療及社會科學院誠邀美國哈佛大學醫學院眼科學教授 Prof Eli Peli, 於二零零九年十月八日主持一個以 黃斑病變之近周邊視覺重組 : 心理物理學與功能性核磁共振造影 為題的講座, 吸引近百名眼科專業人士及校內師生參與 Prof Eli Peli 於講座中解釋, 以黃斑病變患者及正常視力人士作比較, 利用功能性核磁共振造影及視網膜影像技術, 可說明腦部哪一部分處理視覺訊號 ; 並指 出腦部重組會發生在患有黃斑病變而導致漸進式視覺障礙的人士身上 Prof Eli Peli 現於多間海外院校, 包括 New England College of Optometry, 美國 Tufts University School of Medicine 及英國 University of York 擔任兼任眼科學教授 與此同時, 他亦在多間全國性組織擔任顧問, 其學術研究備受注視, 曾獲多項國際性獎項 FHSS hosted a seminar by Prof Eli Peli, Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School, on 8 October 2009 at PolyU. Some 100 eye care specialists and PolyU staff and students attended his seminar titled Near-Peripheral Vision Reorganization in Macular Degeneration: Psychophysics and fmri. T h r o u g h e x a m p l e s o f s t u d i e s c o n d u c t e d b y h i s re s e a rc h t e a m and others, Prof Peli showed which p a r t s o f t h e b r a i n p ro c e s s v i s u a l signals in people with the progressive visual disorder of macular degeneration c o m p a re d w i t h p e o p le w i t h n o r m a l v i s i o n by the use of advanced fmri and retinal mapping techniques. He suggested that brain reorganisation occurs in people afflicted with macular degeneration when the condition affects the fovea bilaterally. Prof Peli is also Adjunct Professor at the New England College of Optometry and Tufts University School of Medicine in the United States, and an Honorary Visiting Professor at the University of York in the United Kingdom. He also serves as a consultant to many US committees, including those of the National Institutes of Health and to NASA s Aviation Operations Systems advisory committee. Prof Peli has won many honours for his work, including the 2001 Glenn A. Fry Lecture Award and the 2009 William Feinbloom Award from the American Academy of Optometry. 健訊 Health News 5

6 畢業典禮 15 th Congregation 學院畢業典禮頒授學位予醫療社科專才 PolyU s 15 th Congregation 醫療及社會科學院於二零零九年 As part of PolyU s 15 th Congregation, FHSS held five conferment sessions 十月二十七日及二十八日舉行五 on 27 and 28 October 2009 to bestow academic awards to around 1,500 節畢業典禮, 向接近 1,500 位於 graduands who had successfully completed their studies in the 2008/ /09 年度修畢學院及其轄下 academic year. 課程的同學頒授學術資格 Each conferment session was attended by an outstanding public figure as 學院邀請到醫院管理局總護理行 FHSS s Guest of Honour, who shared words of wisdom and encouragement 政經理馮玉娟女士 食物及衞生 in a speech to the audience of graduands and their families and friends and 局副局長梁卓偉教授 輔助醫療業管理局主席梁乃江教授 社會 PolyU officials. At this year s Congregation, Ms Sylvia Fung, Chief Manager 福利署署長聶德權先生, 以及屯 (Nursing) of HKSAR s Hospital Authority; Prof Gabriel Leung, HKSAR s 門醫院臨床病理學部部門主管 Under Secretary for Food and Health; Prof Leung Nai-kong, Chairman of 郭德麟醫生, 分別擔任五節畢業 HKSAR s Supplementary Medical Professions Council; Mr Patrick Nip, 典禮的主禮嘉賓勉勵畢業生 HKSAR s Director of Social Welfare; and Dr Que Tak-lun, Chief of Service at the Department of Clinical Pathology at Tuen Mun Hospital, graced the stage 有別於其他學院, 醫療及社會科 and lectern as FHSS s Guests of Honour. 學院和轄下學系 / 學院的畢業生於典禮中會宣讀誓章, 以示同學 Since the 14 th Congregation in 2008, FHSS graduands are requested to 於畢業之後會以最專業的精神, recite a pledge of professionalism during their conferment sessions, which 運用所學的專業知識, 發揮所長, 服務社會 commits them to fulfil professional and ethical considerations expected of health and human services practitioners. The pledge of professionalism also 於過去三十年, 醫療及社會科學 serves as a useful guide that they can refer to during their whole careers. 院培訓了超過 28,000 名畢業生, 投身醫療護理及人本服務行業 During its 30-year history, FHSS has nurtured over 28,000 graduates. 我謹此宣誓 : 我當尊重個人之尊嚴 ; 不論服務受眾之個人情況及處境, 我當致力維護彼基本自由與權利 我當恪守職份 ; 絕對不容許任何因族裔 宗教信仰 政治連繫 社會地位 性別 年齡及性取向造成之差異影響服務 我當常抱忠誠 謙卑及體恤別人之情操 克盡職務 我當以身作則, 尊重並持守我所選擇專業之至高水平, 道德及理想 我當致力維護服務受眾之私隱不被侵犯 ; 除非保密會危及服務受眾及他人之健康及安全 我當盡力推展專業知識, 開拓教研創新, 並以促進人本服務之發展為己任 我以個人聲譽及專業之崇敬精神, 自願立此誓章 I willingly pledge the following: I will respect the dignity, rights and fundamental freedoms of all human beings regardless of their condition. I will not allow prejudices based on age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, nationality or social status to influence my duties. I will practise with integrity, humility, compassion and responsibility. I will uphold and honourably promote by example and action the highest standards, ethics and ideals of my chosen profession. I will protect the privacy and confidentiality of all personal information entrusted to me, and I will break that confidence only when keeping it would endanger someone s health or safety. I will advance knowledge in practice, education and research, and strive to bring about changes that can improve human services. I make this pledge freely and upon my personal and professional honour. 健訊 Health News 6

7 院長優異生名單 Dean's Honours List 如果你曾出席過某些大學的畢業典禮, 又或者曾出席本學院在過去兩年舉行的畢業典禮, 也許會留意到一些入選 院長優異生名單 的畢業生, 究竟何謂 院長優異生名單? 院長優異生名單 就是本學院於 2007/08 學年起, 為表揚及嘉許在學業及非學業範疇內均有卓越表現的學生所設的獎項 在畢業典禮上, 司儀會逐一宣讀他們的名字, 邀請他們上台接受院長頒發的證書, 表示肯定同學的努力和成就 院長優異生名單 沒有名額限制, 因此, 同學只要努力達到評審的水平, 便能夠被列入名單, 接受院長的嘉許 除了研究學位外, 所有學制及課程的畢業生都有機會被挑選加入院長優異生名單 當中 學業成績優異, 實習表現良好, 積極參與社區或個人專業範疇活動, 同時展現傑出領導 才能的同學, 方能榜上有名 在 2007/08 學年, 即香港理工大學第十四屆畢業典禮中, 入選 院長優異生名單 的同學 超過 100 名 ; 本學年, 即 2008/09 年入選 院長優異生名單 的同學共有 94 人 他們除了 在頒獎台上, 接受院長的嘉許及表揚, 名字亦會列載於學院網站 詳細的 院長優異生名單, 歡迎瀏覽學院網頁 If you ve ever attended a graduation ceremony somewhere around the world, including FHSS s own last year and this year, chances are that you ve seen a part of the ceremony in which some graduands are called out to walk across the stage to receive a certificate for being on the Dean s Honours List. You can guess that they re getting an award of some sort, but what exactly is a Dean s Honours List? And how do students end up on it? FHSS introduced its Dean s Honours List in the 2007/08 academic year to give acknowledgement to graduands who have shown both outstanding academic and nonacademic performance during their entire period of study on their academic programme at the Faculty or constituent department or school. To recognise their great achievements during their time as students, each graduand who features on the Dean s Honours List is presented publicly at the Faculty s conferment sessions to receive a certificate of award. The graduands are chosen from nominations submitted by the Faculty, departments and schools, with no quotas imposed on the number of nominations. All final-year students registered for sub-degrees, undergraduate programmes and taught postgraduate programmes in all modes of study are eligible for nomination. However, only students who possess a high level of academic attainment and good performance in their clinical or fieldwork training and who have shown strong leadership as well as active participation in or exposure to community and professional health care or human services stand a real chance of being nominated. More than 100 final-year students from the 2007/08 academic year made it onto the Dean s Honours List in its inaugural appearance during the Faculty s conferment sessions in 2008 as part of PolyU s 14th Congregation. In 2009, a total of 94 graduands from the 2008/09 academic year received the distinction. Go and visit FHSS s website at to see who the awardees are! 健訊 Health News 7

8 研究平台 Research Corner 醫療科技及資訊學系副教授湯啟宇博士 : 優質研究工作源於 投入工作, 享受生活, 熱愛生命 Tip for Quality Research: Work Hard, Have Fun, Enjoy Life! Ir Dr Raymond Tong Kai-yu, Associate Professor, Department of Health Technology and Informatics 於二零零九年十一月二十七日獲得學院 特設傑出表現成就獎的湯啟宇博士負笈 英國, 於蘇格蘭斯凱萊德大學完成博士 學位課程, 十年前回港後希望繼續發揮所 長, 遂加入理大進行幫助中風患者康復的 研究 湯博士表示 : 獲獎是對工作的一 個嘉許, 但真正推動我進行更多研究工作 的原動力, 是來自患者 學生 同事及家 人的支持, 以及我對生命的熱愛 Recipient of PolyU s Faculty/School Awards for Research and Scholarly Activities (FHSS), Ir Dr Raymond Tong Kai-yu received his doctorate degree in bioengineering in 1998 from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. He returned to Hong Kong 10 years ago and joined PolyU to conduct research on stroke rehabilitation. On 27 November 2009, Dr Tong received one of PolyU s prestigious Faculty/ School Awards for his superb work in research and scholarly activities at the University. The award is recognition from the University for what I ve done. But what motivates me to do more and more research is the encouragement and support from my patients, students, colleagues, family and, above all, my passion for life, said Dr Tong, who is an Associate Professor at FHSS s Department of Health Technology and Informatics (HTI) and Programme Leader of its BSc(Hons) in Biomedical Engineering degree course. 患者感謝給予鼓舞以湯博士為首的團隊研發名為 理大關師傅 的智能機械系統, 獲多個國際性獎項, 現時已走出實驗 室, 應用於老人院舍及醫院 湯博士表示, 於研究的路途中, 患者參與實驗性質的訓練, 給予許多 從用家角度出發的意見 ; 看到他們的康復漸入佳境, 一聲感謝更推動到湯博士希望想出更完善的設 計, 幫助更多人士 Encouragement from Patients Dr Tong led a PolyU inter-departmental research team as Principal Investigator to develop the PolyJbot Rehabilitation Robotic System. The cutting-edge invention has won international awards, and has been adopted for use in elderly homes and hospitals to help such patients recover more function in their limbs. Dr Tong said patients gave him a lot of constructive comments during the experimental stage of the PolyJbot. When you see them benefitting from the invention and they express their gratitude for your invention, you just want to do more to help them, said Dr Tong. 患者 Patients 與學生相輔相成湯博士與學生打成一片, 經常舉行飯聚甚至結伴旅行 他亦非常鼓勵學生參與不同的比賽, 並義務 擔任顧問給予意見 湯博士希望學生可以透過比賽應用所學到的知識, 得到一個真實的生活體驗, 讓他們明白到應用時要顧及用家的需要, 將研究性質人性化, 而他於協助從中亦得到研究的啟發 Learn Together with Students Dr Tong treats his students like friends, and they often get together and even go on trips together. He encourages his students to take part in different competitions and willingly gives them advice as a consultant. Dr Tong believes that competitions give students a chance to utilise what they have learned 學生 Students and turn them into practical solutions for real-life situations. Research and application are two totally different things. When you need to apply knowledge to solve real-life problems, you need to stand in the users shoes and give the research a human touch. I also get inspiration when I advise students, said Dr Tong. 同事間發揮團隊精神湯博士認為醫療及社會科學院轄下的學系及學院各具特色, 對於研究人員來說, 提供 了一個非常理想的研究環境 出色的學者合作成為團隊, 進行跨學系研究, 有些研究 甚至跨院校及跨國家 湯博士期望與同事及不同學者合作所產生的化學效果, 有助互 相切磋, 將研究更優化及改良 Teamwork with Great Colleagues Dr Tong appreciates the diversity of disciplines that exists within FHSS, which, for a researcher, creates a perfect environment for quality research. FHSS actively encourages inter-disciplinary and even inter-institutional contact as it opens up opportunities for synergy and collaborations between colleagues and peers as well as chances for them to learn from one another. 同事 Colleagues 家人 Family 家人支持給予空間作為研究學者, 總有時間會因為進行研究而忽略了家庭, 湯博士認為家人的體諒及 支持十分重要 為與家人分享其研究成就, 湯博士特別邀請他們出席由理大校長主 持的頒獎典禮 Family Support Researchers who have heavy workloads sometimes neglect their families as a consequence. But Dr Tong says that support from his family is actually an essential factor in facilitating him to do his research work. To acknowledge the importance of his family s support and to let them share in the joy of the result of his hard work, Dr Tong specifically asked his family to attend PolyU s presentation ceremony for the Faculty/School Awards for Research and Scholarly Activities to see his proudly being given the award by Prof Timothy Tong, PolyU s President. 享受生活, 熱愛生命 湯博士認為, 一個出色的研究人員必須於投入工作之餘, 本身亦要懂得享受生活, 熱愛生命 他說: 要發揮創意進行科研, 研究員首先要對優質生活有所渴求, 這樣才會令他們提起興趣進行不同方面的研究, 改善現有生活 於芸芸的社會人士中, 湯博士最欽佩的是已故的 復康之父 方心讓教授, 欣賞他義無反顧地投身復康工作, 全心全意去幫助病患重拾生活, 如此熱愛生命的成功人士, 是湯博士的榜樣 Have Fun, Enjoy Life Dr Tong thinks that while a good researcher should be dedicated and professional, they should also know how to have fun and enjoy life. We must first appreciate what is quality of life. Only with that appreciation, we could use our creativity to conduct researches and invent different means to help others to have a quality life. For all FHSS researches, we use our dedication to nurture lives as we are in human services, said Dr Tong. Among all the successful personalities, Dr Tong pays his tribute to Prof Harry Fang, who dedicated his life in supporting rehabilitation. Prof Fang is my role model and I am following his footstep hoping to make a difference to the people in need. 健訊 Health News 8

9 校園展覽 School Visit Boosting Health and Careers Knowledge 校園展覽 School Roadshows 隨着市民對健康日益關注及人口老化問題的出現, 社會對專業醫療人員的需求大增 有見及此, 香港理工大學致力栽培有志加入專業醫療隊伍者為未來作好準備 醫療及社會科學院於二零零九年九月至十一月期間, 走訪多間中學, 包括德望學校 長沙灣天主教中學和荃灣官立中學 ; 舉辦不同專題講座和關於介紹學院的展覽, 為香港未來主人翁講解本院課程及各醫療社科專業詳情, 提高同學們對本校和學院的認識 人生 ; 並從不同角度和途徑了解學院各專業範疇及工作, 增加他們加入醫療社科專業的興趣 護理學院及眼科視光學院的學生也積極參與, 為同學進行簡單的健康評估和眼科視光檢查 學院希望藉此機會, 讓學生可以更了解各學科的內容和增加互動學習的機會 除此之外, 學院亦邀請學生大使跟同學們分享大學的有趣生活和經驗, 令同學們大感興趣 專題講座由不同的學科老師主講, 當中包括應用社會科學系講師崔日雄博士主講的選科升學講座, 幫助將升讀大學的預科學生選科 ; 護理學院助理教授李麗棠博士亦講解毒品對身體的害處 ; 眼科視光學院助理教授張銘恩博士為學生講解綜合眼睛護理的重要性和眼科視光師的角色 ; 護理學院資深護師丁淑文主講的 適 飲 適 食講座為學生及老師提供選擇健康小食的心得 學院認為健康知識應從小開始培養, 從而建立健康 另外, 聖士提反女子中學班新學制下的中四學生在十一月初更來到理大校園, 參觀本院不同設施和診所, 藉此了解學院各個專業範疇 學院希望透過不同途徑推廣保健意識, 而這亦是學院一直所致力推動的理念和課題, 務必把關注健康的訊息廣泛地宣揚 FHSS regularly organises public education projects using different means to bring about better awareness of health and well-being to the general public and specific target groups. With the double aim of helping more schoolchildren learn about and adopt healthy habits and to inform them about higher education and career possibilities in health and human services, FHSS continued organising roving exhibitions in different local secondary schools in the latter part of In September and October 2009, pupils and teachers at Good Hope School, Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School, and Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School learned about various health matters and gained valuable insights into careers in health and social care from FHSS staff and students. A multiple approach comprising exhibition panels, talks from FHSS staff, and health checks from FHSS staff and students engaged the pupils. Lecturer Dr Chui Yat Hung from the Department of Applied Social Sciences, who specialises in careers counselling, talked to mostly Form 6 and Form 7 pupils on how to go about discovering what they are interested in studying or doing after they leave school. Dr Regina Lee, Assistant Professor from the School of Nursing (SN), spoke to schoolchildren in the lower forms about the harmful effects of taking drugs, while Advanced Practice Nurse Sylvia Ting, also from SN, shared her views with teachers and pupils on how to choose more nutritious snacks to ensure a healthier adolescence and optimise their developmental potential. Dr Allen Cheong, Assistant Professor from the School of Optometry (SO), explained the importance of primary eye care as well as the role of an optometrist to Form 5 students. The talks also gave the pupils a chance to find out firsthand about some of the disciplines on offer at FHSS, which would aid them in formulating their own study and career plans for the future. Staff and students from SN and SO also administered basic health checks to the schoolchildren. By undergoing the health assessments for body mass index, blood pressure, colour vision, and stereopsis (stereoscopic vision), the schoolchildren also learned about and were able to ask questions on related health topics from the staff and students, as well as witness some real-life tasks of a nurse and an optometrist. Moreover, four FHSS student ambassadors shared their views of university life and experiences at PolyU with the pupils. In November, FHSS welcomed pupils and teachers from St Stephen s Girls College who came to visit PolyU s internationally renowned Optometry Clinic, Radiography Clinic, Integrated Health Clinic, and Jockey Club Rehabilitation Engineering Clinic. At the clinics, which are run by different departments and schools of FHSS, staff introduced them to the purposes and functions of each facility and equipment so they could learn more about the different health professions and their work. 健訊 Health News 9

10 亞太眼科視光學會議 17 th APOC 眼科視光學院協辦第十七屆亞太眼科視光學會議 School of Optometry Co-Hosts 17 th Asia Pacific Optometric Congress 七百多位國際眼科視光專業人員 業界人士及學者於二零零九年十一月五至七日雲集香港, 出席第十七屆亞太眼科視光學會議, 同場舉行的還有第七屆香港視 光學會議及香港眼鏡展 亞太眼科視光學會議由亞太眼科視光學會主辦, 香港眼科視光師學會 中國廣州中山大學中山眼科中心及理大眼科視光學院協辦 亞太眼科視光學會議 香港視光會議及香港眼鏡展於十一月五日假香港會議展覽中心舉行聯合開幕典禮, 並邀得香港特別行政區政府食物及衞生局局長 周一嶽醫生擔任主禮嘉賓 周一嶽局長致辭時強調眼科視光師是香港基層醫療不可或缺的一個專業, 他們提供的專業服務無疑令全港市民受益 為期三天的第十七屆亞太眼科視光學會議舉辦了多個研討會及論文專題演講 於會議首日中, 來自英國的 Marion Edwards 教授以 亞太眼科視光學會議 : 亞太區內的重要資料寶庫 發展與前瞻 為題, 表示會議的角色逐漸轉變, 區內眼科視光學 的地位及備受性日趨成熟, 認為區內的年青眼科視光學專家應出席會議, 反映出亞太眼科視光學會議的國際地位及重要性 而於會議首日, 主辦單位於紅磡都會海逸酒店舉行以 中國風 為主題的晚宴, 醫療及社會科學院院長暨亞太眼科視光學會主席胡志城教授宣佈日本金井昭雄博士將於二零一零年一月一日起接替他成為下一任主席 晚宴備有多個富有中國特色的表演及其他精彩節目, 讓嘉賓度過一個愉快的晚上 會議結束前, 大會安排參加者到訪理大, 參觀眼科視光學院轄下的眼科視光學診所及實驗室 第十七屆亞太眼科視光會議的出席人數是破紀錄的一年, 與會者來自世界二十一個國家及地區, 包括 : 澳洲 柬埔寨 加拿大 中國 香港 印度 印尼 日本 韓國 非洲馬拉威共和國 馬來西亞 尼泊爾 新西蘭 菲律賓 俄羅斯 新加坡 斯里蘭卡 台灣 泰國 英國及美國 於三天的會議中, 除專題演講及海報展覽外, 更舉行了九場課堂演講 三場業界小組會議 一場有關近視的會議及一場教育論壇 健訊 Health News 10 日本金井昭雄博士繼任胡志城教授成為亞太眼科視光學會主席 Dr Akio Kanai from Japan is succeeding Prof George Woo as President of APCO

11 More than 700 eye care professionals, optometric industry practitioners and scholars gathered in Hong Kong from 5 to 7 November 2009 to attend the 17th Asia Pacific Optometric Congress (APOC), which was held concurrently with the 7th Hong Kong Optometric Conference and the Hong Kong Optical Fair. The Congress was organised by the Asia Pacific Council of Optometry (APCO) and co-organised by the Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University, China, and FHSS s School of Optometry. A joint opening ceremony for the Congress, Conference and Optical Fair was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 5 November, with Dr York Chow, Hong Kong s Secretary for Food and Health, as Guest of Honour. He expressed appreciation of the role that optometrists play as primary eye care providers and stressed that they are indispensable members of Hong Kong s health care system. During the Congress, international and local experts gave nine invited lectures, three industry sessions, a symposium on myopia, a forum on education, as well as numerous sessions for 35 scientific papers and several presentations for 38 posters. Former Head of SO and former Director of SO s then new Centre for Myopia Research Prof Marion H. Edwards, who was instrumental in developing Hong Kong s only degree programme in Optometry at SO, spoke on APOC: a vital resource for the Asia Pacific region its development and future for the K.B. Woo Memorial Lecture on the first day of the Congress. She observed that the nature of the Congress had changed through the years, reflecting the growing maturity and confidence of the optometry profession in the region. Prof Edwards also urged young optometrists to make the time and effort to attend Congresses in the future so they could better understand and gain from the professional advantages of belonging to a large regional organisation specifically aimed at improving optometry as a profession and the public s eye and vision health. A gala dinner themed China Old & New took place at the Harbour Plaza Metropolis in the evening of the first day of the Congress, in which the guests were treated to an enjoyable evening filled with a variety of traditional Chinese performance arts and other activities. Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS and President of APCO, also announced at the occasion that Dr Akio Kanai from Japan had been elected as his successor as President for a two-year term starting in The last day of the Congress also included visits to SO s Optometry Clinic and research laboratories. This year s Congress saw the biggest total of delegates and attendees in its nearly 35-year history, with speakers, practitioners, academics, researchers and optometric industry representatives coming from 21 countries and territories, namely Australia, Cambodia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, M a l a w i, M a l a y s i a, Nepal, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States. 健訊 Health News 11

12 合作中心 WHOCC for Community Health Services 理大護理學院正式被委任為世界衞生組織社區健康服務合作中心 School of Nursing Becomes Host of WHO Collaborating Centre 護理學院獲世界衞生組織指定為西太平洋區世界衞生組織社區健康服務合作中心, 並於二零零九年十月二十至二十二日舉行中心開幕典禮及為期三天的展覽 早在二零零七年, 理大護理學院已被世衞任命為西太平洋區為期四年的社區健康服務合作中心, 以 締結社區, 邁向健康之路 為宗旨, 提供教育及專業人才培訓 建立資訊中心, 並積極發展服務實踐為本的學術研究 ; 為本地及海外醫療機構提供社區健康服務及全力支持西太平洋區社區健康服務發展 開幕儀式由中華人民共和國衞生部副部長黃潔夫教授 世衞西太平洋地區辦事處衞生系統發展總監 Dr Henk Bekedam 世衞總部健康人力資訊部門保健專業人員網路協調員及護理及助產學首席科學家 Dr Jean Yan 世衞西太平洋地區辦事處護理顧問 Ms Kathleen Fritsch 香港特別行政區 政府食物及衞生局局長周一嶽醫生 香港醫院管理局主席胡定旭 GBS 太平紳士 香港特別行政區政府衞生署署長林秉恩太平紳士 理大校長唐偉章教授 醫療及社會科學院院長暨世界眼科視光學會及前亞太眼科視光學會主席胡志城教授, 以及世衞社區健康服務合作中心總監暨護理學院學院主任彭美慈教授主持 而於理大校園內舉行的展覽規模宏大, 題材廣泛, 主題環繞合作中心服務範疇, 包括以中藥為主的 健康廚神, 介紹藥食同源箇中道理, 還有示範講座, 講解煎服操作 辨證施食等中醫概念, 更有免費湯水及問答遊戲 ; 有關小朋友健康的 開開心心上學堂, 設手工藝工作坊和仿駐校護士室, 為小朋友免費量度身高和體重, 提醒家長時刻注意小朋友的健康 ; 無煙家居 介紹吸煙的壞處及戒煙方法 ; 與及為長者健康而設的 長者安心樂回家 及 優質生活在院舍, 實地示範家居擺設, 讓長者安心居住, 減少受傷風險, 並有介紹食物安全和遊戲 Dr Henk Bekedam 致辭時表示, 期望能為更多有需要及弱勢社群服務 Dr Henk Bekedam looks forward to continuing the joint endeavours of WHO and PolyU to address the needs of the most vulnerable in society 健訊 Health News 12

13 On 20 October 2009, an inauguration ceremony was held and an exhibition kicked off at PolyU to celebrate the establishment of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services for the Western Pacific region at FHSS s School of Nursing (SN). The exhibition consisted of themed zones with information panels and showcases introducing some of the work of the Centre. The zones were Community Engagement: Paving The Way to Optimal Health; Transitional Care of Home. Safe Home! & Quality Lives@Elderly Homes; Happy Schooling & Smoke-free Homes and Healthy Chef. These showcases represented the most significant health services of collaborating centre providing for our communities. Joining senior members of PolyU to officiate at the inauguration were high-ranking figures from the WHO and top health officials from the governments of China and Hong Kong. Representing PolyU at the ceremony were Prof Timothy Tong, President of PolyU, Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS and President of the World Council of Optometry and the then President of the Asia Pacific Council of Optometry, and Prof Samantha Pang, Head of SN and Director of the new WHO Collaborating Centre. PolyU was very honoured to welcome Prof Huang Jie-fu, China s Vice Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, Dr Henk Bekedam, Director of Health Sector Development and Ms Kathleen Fritsch, Regional Adviser for Nursing, both from the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, and Dr Jean Yan, Coordinator of Ministry of Health Professions Networks and Chief Scientist of Nurisng and Midwifery at the WHO s Department of Human Resources for Health, Health Systems, and Services Headquarters. PolyU was also very privileged to receive Dr York Chow, HKSAR s Secretary for Food and Health, Mr Anthony Wu, Chairman of HKSAR s Hospital Authority, and Dr Lam Ping-yan, HKSAR s Director of Health. In December 2007, the WHO had designated SN as host of its WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services for the Western Pacific region for a four-year term ending in For nearly two years since, SN has tapped into its strengths and resources to carry out the Centre s mission of being part of an international collaborative network that conducts educational, consultancy, research and public activities in support of the WHO s mandated programmes in community-based health. Among the areas that the Centre has been active in are disaster nursing, infection control, integrative and community health, school health, and telehealth. 展覽對外開放, 吸引不少人來到理大校園參觀 The Centre s exhibition attracts PolyU students, staff and the general public alike 展覽設不同攤位, 讓小朋友從遊戲中學習 To promote health and well-being to the younger generation, craft workshops and nursing services are conducted for schoolchildren and PolyU students 通過小遊戲及攤位指導, 長者學習家居及食物衞生安全的要點 Through playing specially designed games, the elderly learn about home safety 以中藥為主的 健康廚神 攤位派發健康湯水, 同學給長者解釋湯水功用及療效, 長者們都特別留心 Panels, games, demonstrations, and complementary herbal tea are used to explain the theories and practice of traditional Chinese medicine 健訊 Health News 13

14 學系新動向 Department Updates 陳瑞球林滿珍伉儷粵港運動康復中心 命名典禮 New PolyU Centre for Sports Rehabilitation in Guangzhou 香港與內地不斷致力發展體育運動, 務求培養更多 運動精英, 提升國民健康水平, 實現國富民強的理念 二零零九年十一月二十六日, 康復治療科學系一眾教 職員與及慈善家陳瑞球博士北上位於廣州的廣東體育 運動技術學院, 一同為 陳瑞球林滿珍伉儷粵港運動 康復中心 主持命名典禮 主禮嘉賓主持牌匾揭幕儀式後, 康復治療科系助理教 授暨中心負責人符少娥博士帶領眾嘉賓參觀中心, 講解其運作及發展情況 其後, 第十屆世界武術錦 標賽女子南拳冠軍吳毅懿作簡單的動作示範, 讓在 場人士進一步了解運動復康概念 陳瑞球林滿珍伉儷粵港運動康復中心將會運用先進 的運動物理治療技術, 為運動員提供專業的康復服 務 中心將成為一個服務及培訓中心, 藉此延續北 京奧運精神, 並致力為頂尖的國家及香港運動員保 持競爭力 此外, 中心會進一步發展與復康相關的 教學與研究工作, 令國家及香港社會受惠 命名典禮由長江製衣有限公司主席陳瑞球博士 ( 右六 ) 與兒子陳永昌先生 ( 右五 ) 及陳永明先生 ( 右三 ) 親臨主持, 理大校長唐偉章教授 ( 左七 ) 醫療及社會科學院院長胡志城教授 ( 左六 ) 康復治療科學系系主任陳智軒教授 ( 左五 ) 廣東省體育運動技術學院 ( 體育醫院 ) 副院長李捷教授 ( 右二 ) 及中山大學醫學院康復科主任黃東鋒教授 ( 左四 ) 一同主禮 PolyU opens its new Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Centre for Sports Rehabilitation in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, to help China s and Hong Kong s elite athletes Building on the positive results of its partnerships with Chinese state sports authorities for the 2008 Beijing Olympics in which PolyU provided expertise and services in sports health and rehabilitation to athletes competing in the Games, PolyU opened its Centre for Sports Rehabilitation in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on 26 November At the inauguration ceremony, the Centre was named after Dr and Mrs Chan Sui-kau in appreciation of their generous philanthropy towards PolyU. The new Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Centre for Sports Rehabilitation offers training and services that aim to sustain the competitiveness of China s and Hong Kong s elite athletes. The Centre will also conduct research projects that will help to develop its rehabilitation services in the long term for the well-being of the general public. Guangdong Institute of Sport and Sun Yat-sen University are also involved in assisting in the Centre s operations. At the Centre s opening, centre-in-charge Dr Amy Fu, Assistant Professor at FHSS s Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS), also introduced the Centre s organisation and facilities to the guests, which included Dr Chan Sui-kau and his sons Mr Chan Wing-cheong and Mr Chan Wing-ming; Prof Timothy Tong, PolyU s President; Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS; Prof Chetwyn Chan, Associate Dean of FHSS and Head of RS; Prof Li Jie, Vice President of Guangdong Institute of Sport; and Prof Huang Dong Feng, Head of the Rehabilitation Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University. Chinese athlete Wu Yiyi, winner of the women s nan quan event at the 10th World Wushu Championships in October, demonstrated some exercises she was prescribed by RS staff during her rehabilitative therapy at the Centre to help her recover from injury. 呂志和伉儷膝關節康復專科中心 命名典禮 PolyU Opens Centre for the Knee to Help the Aged and Athletes 理大康復治療科學系獲嘉華集團創辦人兼主席呂志和博士與夫人呂趙錦屏女士捐款支持, 於康復治療診所內設立 呂志和伉儷膝關節康復專科中心, 並於二零零九年十一月三日邀請到呂氏伉儷, 聯同理大校長唐偉章教授 醫療及社會科學院院長胡志城教授, 以及康復治療科學系系主任 ( 暨學院副院長 ) 陳智軒教授一同主持命名典禮 呂志和伉儷膝關節康復專科中心設於理大康復治療診所內, 憑着先進的膝關節物理治療技術, 為膝關節患者提供專業的預防及康復服務 中心將利用先進的設施及透過視像會議為有膝部關節問題的長者提供專業的復康意見, 這些結論亦會延伸提供給參與二零一二年倫敦奧運的國家運動員, 為受到膝關節毛病困擾的長者和國家運動員提供先進的復康服務 The success of the existing knee physiotherapy programme for the elderly at PolyU s Rehabilitation Clinic and the extremely positive response received from Chinese athletes for PolyU s rendering of sports health and rehabilitation services to them during their preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympics were behind PolyU s decision to establish a dedicated Centre for the Knee at the Clinic. On 3 November 2009, the Centre was opened and named after Dr and Mrs Lui Chee-woo in recognition of their kind support to the University. Officiating at the naming ceremony were Dr Lui Che-woo and his wife, Mrs Lui Chiu Kam-ping; Prof Timothy Tong, President of PolyU; Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS; and Prof Chetwyn Chan, Associate Dean of FHSS and Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, which runs the Rehabilitation Clinic and the new Dr & Mrs Lui Che Woo Centre for the Knee. The Centre provides both on-site rehabilitation and tele-rehabilitation as well as monitoring for the aged who are afflicted with or at risk from developing common knee problems. The Centre plans to extend these services to China s elite athletes who will participate in the 2012 London Olympics. In addition, the Centre will carry out research projects to further develop rehabilitation services for the benefit of society. 健訊 Health News 14 呂志和伉儷在理大校長唐偉章教授 ( 左一 ) 醫療及社會科學院院長胡志城教授 ( 右二 ) 及醫療及社會科學院副院長暨康復治療科學系系主任陳智軒教授 ( 右一 ) 的陪同下, 一同為中心揭開序幕 Officiating at the Centre s opening were Dr Lui Che-woo and his wife, Mrs Lui Chiu Kam-ping; Prof Timothy Tong, President of PolyU; Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS; and Prof Chetwyn Chan, Associate Dean of FHSS and Head of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences.

15 東華三院與理大合辦 睛靈長者眼科視光檢查計劃 PolyU and Tung Wah Jointly Organise Smart Eye Project for the Elderly ( 左起 ) 東華三院李三元主席 理大眼科視光學院學院主任林小燕教授 社會福利署助理署長 ( 安老服務 ) 吳馬金嫻女士及理大醫療及社會科學院院長胡志城教授 (From left) Dr. John Lee, Chairman, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Prof Carly Lam, Head of FHSS s School of Optometry, Mrs Kathy, Ng Ma Kam-han, Assistant Director (Elderly), Social Welfare Department of HKSAR and Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS, kick off the Smart Eye Project for the Elderly. 學系新動向 Department Updates 推動基層眼睛健康一直是理大眼科視光學院的使命 眼科視光學院於二零零九年十一月十七日聯同東華三院合辦 睛靈長者眼科檢查計劃, 為長者提供優質及完善的眼科檢查服務, 以及舉行社區眼睛健康護理講座 On 17 November 2009, FHSS s School of Optometry (SO) and the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) jointly launched a Smart Eye Project for the Elderly to provide and promote primary eye care geared specifically to meeting the needs of the elderly in Hong Kong. The project, which is sponsored by the TWGHs will eventually enable some 1,000 elderly people to undergo comprehensive p r i m a r y eye care ex a m i n a t i o ns. Community-based ocular health awareness seminars will also form an important part of the project. 計劃由東華三院 齊心扶弱基金 贊助, 並由理大眼科視光學院及東華三院的護理團隊為接近一千名經濟上有困難的長者提供全面眼科視光檢查服務, 同時亦為超過六百名長者舉辦多個健康講座, 讓長者了解更多關於眼睛健康的知識, 認識正確護眼方法, 計劃的總受惠人次預計超過 2,600 人 Compared with younger people, the elderly have a higher risk of visual impairment caused by eye disease or ageing-related degeneration, and they are also more likely to have uncorrected refractive errors. The project will therefore help to raise awareness of eye health to the aged, and help them identify and manage any vision problems they may have as early as possible. By encouraging the elderly to be vigilant about their eye health, unnecessary deterioration of their vision can be prevented, which will help them to live 當發現長者患有眼疾, 理大眼科視光師亦會提供轉介信, 讓長者儘快得到適切治療 同時, 計劃亦資助近千名參與眼科視光檢查的長者提供有關生活上日用品如適當的放大儀器 照明用品等, 以協助他們應付日常生活及避免家居意外發生 more independently with a higher quality of life. In this regard, the project will also supply home use vision support items such as appropriate magnifying devices and proper light sources for the elderly participants to assist them in their daily living and to lower the chance of domestic accidents occurring. A total of some 2,600 people are expected to benefit from the project by its completion. 學院跨學系合撰論文屢獲肯定 Interdisciplinary Team s Paper Gets Recognition The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 早前公布由學院眼科視光學院副教授曹黃惠華博士 講師蔡家文博士和醫療科技及資訊學系副系主任 Iris Benzie 教授一起撰寫的論文 淚液中的抗壞血酸濃度和總抗氧化因子活性 獲學術期刊 Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS) 選為最多人閱讀的論文之一 A paper titled Ascorbic Acid Concentration and Total Antioxidant Activity of Human Tear Fluid Measured Using the FRASC Assay co-authored by Dr Camus Choy and Dr Pauline Cho of FHSS s School of Optometry together with Prof Iris Benzie of FHSS s Department of Health Technology and Informatics has been announced by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) as the one of the top most frequently read Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (IOVS) articles from January to November IOVS 是 ARVO 的官方學術期刊, 並以月刊形式發行, 旨在提升視力與視光學研究 是次幾位來自不同界別的學者合作, 取得今次成績, 再次見證了學院一以直以來所重視的跨學系合作成效 The monthly IOVS is the official international journal of ARVO and aims to promote research in vision and ophthalmology. The outstanding work from the research team of Dr Choy, Dr Cho and Prof Benzie fully demonstrates what interdisciplinary collaborations, of which FHSS proactively encourages, can achieve. 健訊 Health News 15

16 學院快訊 Faculty News 分享成長點滴院長勉勵學弟自強不息 Dean of FHSS Inspires at Alma Mater 二零零九年十一月二十日, 院長胡志城教授獲其母校聖類斯中學誠邀出席畢業典禮 胡教授於五十年代畢業, 對於 當年校園點滴仍然印象尤新 ; 他憶述學校的自由作風鼓勵同學爭取機會, 自主學習 ; 留意身邊事物, 發掘個人興趣 潛能 他謂即使後來遠赴加拿大修讀眼科視光學, 當年的學校訓誨對個人發展及工作都有莫大幫助 作為專業的醫 療護理一份子, 胡教授亦不忘勸勉同學樂於助人, 因為助人為快樂之本 最後, 胡院長留步頒發獎狀予應屆畢業同 學, 並和校長及老師合照 As a prominent alumnus, Prof George Woo, Dean of FHSS and President of the World Council of Optometry, was invited to his alma mater St Louis School in Pok Fu Lam as its Guest of Honour for the School s Annual Speech Day on 20 November Prof Woo gave a speech to the audience of schoolboys and teachers about his days at the School during the 1950s, which he said helped to shape the rest of his life. He recalled some fond memories of being at the School, including his growing love of soccer while there, which he subsequently found also happened to many St Louis alumni. Prof Woo said that, with hindsight, what perhaps influenced him most was St Louis unusual tradition of giving its students a relatively large amount of freedom to lead their own development. He urged St Louis students to take advantage of this trust placed on them by the School to develop their interests, independence and moral character, which will help them in the future as university students and as working professionals. Prof Woo was also invited to present scholarships to graduating students at the end of the special day. 感染控制進階課程 Advanced Course on Infection Control 踏入流感高峰期, 前線醫護人員必須更加留意個人衞生, 防止感染及疫情惡化 有見及此, 醫療及社會科學院雪肌蘭國際感染控制中心及 The Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) 於二零零九年十二月十七日至十九日舉辦感染控制進階課程 此課程旨在進一步提升醫護人員對現時流行疫症的認識, 加強疫情管理技巧 內容包括各類流行病毒及 H1N1 的認識 香港冬季流感現象預測 緊急醫療護理地方的防感染策略 世界衞生組織針對現時全國性流行疫症及 H1N1 的最新指引等等 是次課程共有 72 人參加, 他們多數來自醫療專業 課程由醫院管理局總感染控制主任司徒永康醫生 香港大學瑪麗醫院感染控制組高級護士長程棣妍女士 Jason and Jarvis Association 主席 William R. Jarvis 教授 美國 Sharp Memorial Hospital 傳染病 / 流行病學 Raymond Chinn 醫生 衞生防護中心公共衞生化驗服務處主任林薇玲醫生及伊利沙伯醫院病理部臨床微生物學顧問曾艾壯醫生主講 With popular demand of previous infection control courses offered in February, FHSS s Squina International Centre for Infection Control and The Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control (APSIC) jointly organized the Advanced Course on Infection Control from 17 to 19 December 2009 at PolyU to further enhance the knowledge on infection diseases and effective controls for healthcare professionals in clinical settings. There are 72 participants from medical and health professions joined the course. Prominent figures from local hospitals and professionals in epidemiology will share latest knowledge and information on pandemic infection diseases control. The advanced course will focus on control and prevention measures of H1N1 and seasonal influenza, waste management and latest trend in infection control. 健訊 編輯委員會 Health News Editorial Board 主 席 : 香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院院長胡志城教授 Chairman : Prof. George Woo, Dean of FHSS, PolyU 編輯諮詢委員會委員 : 應用社會科學系系主任阮曾媛琪教授醫療科技及資訊學系系主任翁一鳴教授康復治療科學系系主任暨學院副院長陳智軒教授護理學院學院主任彭美慈教授眼科視光學院學院主任林小燕教授 總編輯 : 醫療及社會科學院行政經理 ( 發展支援 ) 莊雪蓮記者 : 劉潔雯 黃婉儀 湛美玲 黃英瑩 李漢基 麥錦雲 Editorial Advisory Board Members : Prof. Angelina Yuen Tsang, Head of APSS Prof. Benjamin Yat Ming Yung, Head of HTI Prof. Chetwyn Chan, Head of RS and Associate Dean of FHSS Prof. Samantha Pang, Head of SN Prof. Carly Lam, Head of SO Chief Editor : Ms. Shirley Chong, Executive Manager (Development Support) of FHSS Reporters : Miss Kitman Lau, Ms. Carolyn Wong, Miss Cham Mee-ling, Miss Rita Wong, Mr Jackson Lee, Miss Candy Mak 香港九龍紅磡香港理工大學鍾士元樓四樓 A408 室 Room A408, Chung Sze Yuen Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話 Tel.:(+852) / 傳真 Fax:(+852) 電郵 fhss. @polyu.edu.hk 網址 Website:fhss.polyu.edu.hk


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