盧軍宏台長 佛言佛語 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu 第四冊 Volume 4

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1 盧軍宏台長 佛言佛語 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu 第四冊 Volume 4

2 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu(Volume 4) 主 講 : 盧軍宏台長 記錄 整理 編輯 : 澳洲華人佛教協會出版社 美術編輯 : 澳洲華人佛教協會出版社 策 劃 : 澳洲華人佛教協會出版社 出 版 : 澳洲華人佛教協會出版社 地 址 : Level 2, 54 Meagher St, Chippendale Sydney NSW 2008 Australia 電 話 : (+61-2) 盧軍宏台長的網站網址 : 繁體中文 / 英文 簡體中文 版 次 : 2018 年 7 月第 1 版第 1 次印刷 國際刊號 ISBN: 印 數 :

3 前言 觀世音菩薩 心靈法門 這是一個關於心的學問 因為世界萬物 皆由心生, 救人先救心 這是一扇神奇的大門 因為它能開啓人生的智慧, 引領眾生走上佛道, 離苦得樂 心靈是鎖, 法門是鑰匙, 用法門打開你的心靈即 心靈法門 心靈法門是一劑現代社會的良藥 因為它真正將傳統文化精粹用於指導現代人生, 家庭和睦, 社會和諧, 世界和平! 悉尼著名愛國僑領盧軍宏太平紳士, 自 1997 年始即在廣播電台中致力於弘揚中華文化與佛法 盧台長所弘揚的觀世音菩薩 心靈法門, 是末法時期觀世音菩薩賜給人間救度眾生的靈丹妙藥 盧軍宏台長秉承觀世音菩薩慈悲救度大慈大悲的精神, 覺海慈航, 妙法度眾, 以般若智慧點化夢中人 盧台長以現代化的電台和網路為媒介弘揚大乘佛法 ; 親赴世界各地弘法演說, 廣結善緣 短短五年內, 心靈法門 即被世人所廣為接受, 在全世界掀起一股學佛修心的熱潮, 信眾已達一千萬, 盧台長網站點擊率更是達到 5000 萬 觀世音菩薩的 心靈法門, 正在將中華文化與佛法精髓迅速弘揚至全世界 盧台長因其三十年的無私付出和菩薩 i

4 前言 行, 廣受在家居士及出家法師的擁戴與尊敬 心靈法門以 三大法寶 許願 念經和放生為基礎, 透過 白話佛法 指引人們念經 修心 修行, 啓迪智慧, 破迷開悟, 自度度人, 並學習觀世音菩薩的 無緣大慈 同體大悲 而廣度眾生 心靈法門, 傳的是人間佛法, 教導人們如何解決日常生活中的困難 讓大家透過在人間的修行, 消除孽障, 減少病痛, 脫離六道輪迴, 共同走向西方極樂及四聖道 盧台長的 白話佛法, 闡釋的是心的學問, 心的原理, 心的義諦 佛經說 佛說種種法, 為治種種心, 這心就是指我們心中的煩惱和無明 心靈法門能根治人們的種種妄心, 破迷情妄執, 立正法正信, 洗滌心靈的污垢, 引領人們認識自己的良心, 找回自己的本性, 回復本來的性德, 開啓人生的智慧, 從而脫離人間六塵之束縛, 回歸本有的清淨的境界, 實現生命的超越 心靈法門, 愛國愛民, 遵紀守法 學習心靈法門, 不僅對期盼平安吉祥, 幸福快樂的普通百姓有著現實的指導意義, 而且對促進社會和諧安定也有著深遠的社會意義 願更多的有緣眾生能夠搭乘觀世音菩薩的救度之船 : 淨化心靈 離苦得樂 超脫煩惱 消除孽障 超度有緣 還清冤債 廣度眾生 同登極樂 共攀四聖 ii

5 前言 盧軍宏台長簡介 盧軍宏先生現任澳洲東方傳媒報業廣播電視集團董事長 澳洲東方傳媒弘揚佛法慈善機構董事局主席 澳洲華人佛教協會會長, 澳大利亞太平紳士 馬來西亞拿督 意大利錫耶納大學榮譽客座教授 英國西蘇格蘭大學佛學與哲學講師 盧軍宏台長三十年來孜孜不倦 全年無休致力於在澳洲及全世界弘揚佛教精髓, 推動慈善事業與文化和平交流發展, 至今已經在全世界五十多個國家與地區擁有近 1000 萬信眾 盧軍宏台長因其爲國際文化和平所做出的突出貢獻, 在聯合國 美國國會 美國寬容博物館 澳洲議會 德國柏林等地舉辦的國際和平會議, 以及英國倫敦世界宗教聯合大會上, 多次獲得世界和平大使殊榮 ;2015 年, 盧軍宏榮獲美國眾議院頒獎表彰其在世界範圍內推動文化和平交流所做的貢獻 ; 2016 年美國國會爲盧軍宏台長頒發獎狀, 表彰盧台長多年來在國際社會傳播慈悲和諧 致力世界和平所做的突出貢獻 美國新澤西州 West Orange 市政府, 授予盧軍宏台長 West Orange 市榮譽市民獎 斯里蘭卡總統為盧軍宏太平紳士頒發獎項, 表彰其為澳洲與斯里蘭卡經濟文化交流做出傑出貢獻 在澳洲因其突出貢獻和公信力被澳洲政府授予 太平紳士, 在澳洲議會獲得頒獎認可 ; 並獲得馬來西亞皇室賜封拿督終身榮譽爵位 ; 成爲意大利錫耶納大學榮譽客座教授 ; 作爲世界著名僑領及華人 iii

6 前言 精英, 中國政府特別表彰入選 2014 中國人物年鑒 ; 作爲特邀嘉賓出席 2015 年第十二屆聯合國衛塞節慶典活動 ; 2015 年 9 月 2016 年 9 月, 應聯合國大會主席邀請出席在聯合國總部舉行的 2015 年聯合國大會和平文化高峰論壇 世界和平高峰論壇 並發言, 與聯合國大會主席 秘書長潘基文及世界各國政要領袖共謀世界和平 2017 年 2018 年應邀在聯合國教科文組織 衛塞節慶典 做主題發言 iv

7 Preface Master Jun Hong Lu s Buddhist Practice - Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is about the science of our minds. According to Buddhism, everything arises from our minds. Our minds create the world we live in. To transform our life for the better, Guan Yin Citta starts by transforming our minds. Guan Yin Citta opens the door to happiness. It provides us with a practical way to learn the infinite wisdom of the Buddha, and elevates us above everyday life filled with sorrow and strife. Our minds are like a locked door with boundless potential inside; Guan Yin Citta is the key that opens up the door. Guan Yin Citta offers effective solutions to many issues we face in modern society. It instils into people the time-honoured wisdom and essence of traditional culture. Thus, millions of families have achieved harmony at home. This paves the way for a cohesive society and a peaceful world. Master Jun Hong Lu JP is a renowned leader of the Chinese community in Sydney, Australia. He is also the founder of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. Master Lu has been promoting traditional Chinese culture and v

8 Preface Buddhism through his radio programmes since His Buddhist practice, Guan Yin Citta, is a precious gift transmitted directly from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva. Guan Yin Citta is aimed at saving the hearts and souls of all sentient beings at this critical moment when our world is faced with various difficult challenges. Guan Yin Bodhisattva is widely known for her infinite compassion, and her willingness to save all sentient beings from suffering. Deeply inspired by such spirit, Master Lu has for decades been carrying out Guan Yin Bodhisattva s mission in this world. Through his radio programmes and website, Master Lu uses plain language to explain the profound teachings of the Buddha; he also travels extensively around the world to spread words of wisdom and the message of compassion. In just five years since the founding of Guan Yin Citta, 10 million people have become Master Lu s followers and his website has already garnered 50 million hits. Guan Yin Citta has motivated people in every corner of the world to practise Buddhism under the guidance of Master Lu. For the past three decades, Master Lu has devoted himself fully to transforming people s lives with the wisdom of Buddhism. His selfless devotion has won him love and respect from Buddhist practitioners around the world: vi

9 Preface monastic and laypersons alike. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is rooted in the three golden Buddhist practices - reciting sutras, performing life liberation, and making great vows. Moreover, Master Lu s way of explaining Buddhist teachings is clear and accessible, but never lacks in depth. His instructions help people advance along the path of practising Buddhism, increasing their wisdom, and becoming enlightened. Master Lu inspires people to think and act like Guan Yin Bodhisattva, to be kind and compassionate towards people regardless of who they are or where they are from, and help sentient beings far and wide. Guan Yin Citta teaches us to apply Buddhist teachings to our everyday issues. By engaging in the study and practice of Buddhism, we can then reduce negative karma, regain our health, be free from the endless cycle of rebirth, and finally progress to the Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha and the Four Sagely Realms. Master Lu s Buddhism in Plain Terms provides comprehensible and relatable guidelines to train our minds. According to Buddhism, The Buddha spoke of various kinds of dharma in order to train the various kinds of our minds. The mind here is the affliction and ignorance within ourselves. Guan Yin Citta can eradicate our various kinds of deluded minds, break through our vii

10 Preface delusion and confusion, strengthen our faith in Buddha-Dharma, and cleanse our minds of defilements. In this way, we reconnect with our conscience and our inherent nature. We reclaim our morality, grow our wisdom, and truly be free from the bondage of the mundane world. This is the return to our inherently pure state, the transcendence of mortality. Guan Yin Citta encourages everyone to abide by the rules and regulations of their own country, and show love for fellow citizens, the community, and the country. Practising Guan Yin Citta not only helps us flourish individually but also provides us with the higher purpose of being something bigger than ourselves. In fact, Guan Yin Citta has been a powerful force in making our society more compassionate, equitable and harmonious. We sincerely hope that more people can get to learn and practise such a wonderful Buddhist practice embarking upon Guan Yin Bodhisattva s vessel of compassion in order to purify the minds, be free from suffering and worries, reduce negative karma and karmic debt, help others go to a higher spiritual realm, spread the Dharma far and wide, and finally ascend to the Pure Land and the Four Sagely Realms. viii

11 Preface About Jun Hong Lu JP Master Jun Hong Lu currently serves as Chairman of both the Australia Oriental Media Group and the Australia Oriental Media Buddhist Charity Association. He is also President of the Australian Chinese Buddhist Research Centre. He has been awarded the status of Honorary Visiting Professor by the prestigious University of Siena, Italy, the royal title of Dato in Malaysia, and appointed as a Justice of the Peace by the Australian Government. Meanwhile, he is a lecturer in the area of Buddhism and philosophy with the University of the West of Scotland in the UK. For over thirty years, Master Lu has been devoted to the spread of Buddhism and charitable activities. He is also dedicated to the development of the culture of peace. Currently he has 10 million followers in over 50 countries and regions. Due to his tireless efforts to promote the culture of peace, Master Lu has been invited to attend summits on world peace and awarded the title of Ambassador for World Peace in several places such as the United Nations headquarters, the US Congress, the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, the Australian Parliament, London, UK (at the Unity of Faiths Festival), and Berlin, Germany. ix

12 Preface In 2015, Master Lu was awarded a Certificate of Congressional Recognition by the US House of Representatives for his role in building and promoting cultural exchanges at home and abroad. In 2016, Master Lu was presented with the Certificate of Congressional Recognition by US Congress in honour of his many years of efforts to spread the message of compassion, promote world peace, and help people around the world. Furthermore, he was awarded Honorary Citizenship by West Orange, New Jersey. Master Lu has also been presented with an award by Sri Lanka's President Maithripala Sirisena for his important contribution to promoting the economic and cultural relationship between Australia and Sri Lanka. Because of his credibility and outstanding contribution, Master Lu is appointed as a Justice of Peace by the Australian Government. He has also been awarded acknowledgement at the Australian Parliament, the lifelong royal title of Dato by a Malaysian Sultan, and the status of Honorary Visiting Professor by University of Siena, Italy. Master Lu is included in the 2014 Yearbook of Who s Who of China by the Chinese government. In May 2015, he was invited as a special guest to attend the 12th International Buddhist Conference on the United x

13 Preface Nations Day of Vesak in Bangkok, Thailand. In September 2015 and September 2016, at the invitation of the President of the United Nations General Assembly, Master Lu attended and spoke at the High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace and Culture of Peace summit, respectively, held at the UN headquarters. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, General Assembly President, senior UN officials and eminent world leaders and peace advocates from around the world gathered to deliberate on non-violence and world peace. In both 2017 and 2018, Master Lu was invited to deliver keynote speeches at the Celebration of Vesak Day at the UNESCO headquarters. xi


15 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 錢是可以賺到的, 而慧命是靠悟的 Money can be earned, but spiritual life can only be attained through awakening. 智者識途, 愚者迷途 The wise know the way whereas the ignorant lose their way. 1

16 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人就是靠著忍辱, 來越過人生一個個障礙 We, as human beings, rely on forbearance to surmount one hindrance after another in life. 2

17 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 做人要守住法律的底線, 學佛要守住戒律的底線 To conduct yourself well, you must not violate the bottom line of the law. To practise Buddhism, you must not violate the bottom line of the precept. 3

18 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 不符合邏輯的事情, 就不會是正道 Anything which fails to conform to logic is not the right path. 一個人想不通, 百事皆不通 A person who is unable to resolve one mental obstacle will often experience many other obstacles. 4

19 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人要靠自己把心門打開, 而不是靠別人來幫你打開 We must open the door to our hearts ourselves instead of relying on others to do it for us. 任何一件事情的成功都是靠著忍耐 Success comes to those who are patient. 5

20 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人不能圖一時之快, 一定要學會克制 We must not do things to suit our whims and fancies. Instead, we must learn to exercise self-restraint. 不尊重別人, 一定會有痛苦的回報 Those who disrespect others will receive a taste of their own medicine. 6

21 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人能忍辱, 什麼問題都能解決 ; 人不能忍辱, 就什麼問題都解決不了 Any problem can be resolved if you are tolerant, whereas nothing can be resolved if you are intolerant. 學佛學菩薩就必須先學會忍辱 Practising forbearance is the first lesson in learning to be a Buddha or a Bodhisattva. 7

22 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 世界上很多事情 都是無中生有 有中又無的 In many cases, there is something in nothing. Likewise, there is nothing in something. 把別人反的思維往正的上面去 引, 就是在度眾生 When you turn someone s negative thoughts toward positivity, you are helping them to be awakened spiritually. 8

23 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 眾生同樣都走在死亡之路上, 為什麼還要相互擠兌? We are all treading the same path to death, so why are we still nudging each other out of the way? 修行人不改變, 就什麼也得不到 Buddhist practitioners who refuse to change themselves will gain nothing. 9

24 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 對待他人 要尊敬, 要圓融, 要包容, 要寬容 In dealing with others, we should be respectful, tactful, forgiving and tolerant. 你是什麼樣的人, 就會對什麼樣的事情有不同的理解 Your perception of things is determined by what kind of person you are. 10

25 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人在順的時候要多做功德, 不要等到出事了再臨時抱佛腳 We should perform meritorious and virtuous deeds as much as we can in our prime. Do not wait to make a last-minute frantic effort when disasters befall you. 11

26 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 把自己的人生看得越來越小, 把慈悲看得越來越大, 就接近了般若智慧 When we regard our own life as more and more unimportant, and regard compassion as more and more important, we become closer to Prajna wisdom. 12

27 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 知事者即悟也 一個人知道這個世界上的因緣果報, 就是開悟之人 Those who know are awakened. When someone is fully aware of how causes and conditions work, as well as knowing the law of karma, they are spiritually awakened. 13

28 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 真正得道的人, 是不會說自己得道的 ; 自稱已經得道了, 就不是得道之人 A person who has gained a certain level of spiritual attainment will not tell everybody they have done so; a person who claims to have gained a certain level of spiritual attainment actually has not done so. 14

29 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 身口意是三個步驟 身體不造業是第一步, 口中不造業是第二步, 意念不造業是第三步 The body, speech and mind are the three steps along the path of cultivation. The first step is to abstain from unwholesome bodily actions. The second is to refrain from creating karma of speech, and the third is to refrain from creating karma of the mind. 15

30 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 智慧就是不敢亂來, 要敬畏戒律 Wisdom holds us back from acting recklessly and makes us revere precepts and discipline. 慧命從今天開始, 善良從現在開始 Let spiritual life begin from today and kindness begin from this very moment. 16

31 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 看不到將來就把握不好今天, 驗證未來的成功要靠今天 Those who cannot see into their future will not be able to make the most of today. Whether you will succeed in the future depends on today. 今天努力了, 才有未來的到達彼岸 Today s effort will lead us to the other shore of enlightenment in times to come. 17

32 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 要想走出自我, 就必須要放下過去 Those who want to get over their ego must let go of their past. 如何才能使功德不漏? 善多不漏 How do we prevent our merits and virtues from dissipating? By planting rich fields of merit. 18

33 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 過去做過再多的功德, 現在要繼續做, 如同洗臉, 過去洗得再多, 現在還是要天天洗臉 No matter how much merits and virtues you have accumulated, you still need to continue performing virtuous deeds. It is like washing your face; you still have to wash it every day despite the fact that you washed it in the past. 19

34 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 不看過去好壞, 只看現在如何 就是活在當下 Do not look back on the past, no matter good or bad, just look at what you are at present. This is living in the present moment. 自如來, 自如去, 心中空, 見佛性 Come and go at ease. Empty the mind to see the Buddha nature. 20

35 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 知吾人盡善也, 法喜! 知吾人作孽也, 心痛! Dharma joy lies in knowing that we are doing good! Remorse lies in knowing that we are doing evil! 人不開心就進入了虛幻的狀態 When you are unhappy, you are in a state of illusion. 21

36 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 心中一把火, 瞋是起火因, 悟性放下因, 護持功德林 Hatred ignites the fiery flames in the heart. Our potential for awakening can remove hatred, thus protecting the fields of merits from being ruined. 22

37 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 每天每分鐘都要用來圓融自己的本性 We must make full use of every minute and every day to nurture our innate nature to perfection. 開心要隨緣, 不開心也要隨緣 You need to accord with karmic conditions when you are happy; more so if you are unhappy. 23

38 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 身心淨空, 身心合一, 才能讓菩薩進入心田 Only when you purify and empty the body and the mind, and combine the two as one, will the Bodhisattva be able to enter your heart. 寬容別人是修養, 理解別人是美德 To be tolerant of others is to be civilized; to be able to understand others is to be virtuous. 24

39 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛人要改過 寡過 無過 We Buddhist practitioners must correct our mistakes, then try our best to make few mistakes, and finally make no mistakes at all. 有時候, 人間你越要的東西就會離你越遠 At times, the more you crave something, the more distant it is. 25

40 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 在人間吃苦消業十年, 離天上就只有十尺之遙 ; 在人間享樂揮霍十年, 離地獄就只有十尺之遙 Those who endure ten years of suffering in the human realm to eliminate their negative karma are only ten feet away from heaven. Those who indulge themselves in sensual pleasures for ten years are only ten feet away from hell. 26

41 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 任何一個人的成功都是有道理的, 去嫉妒別人的人是最傻的 There must be a reason for someone to be successful. Thus, it is foolish to be jealous of their success. 修養來自於你溫和的習慣 Being a civilized person is the result of having a habit of being gentle. 27

42 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 心量越大的人, 靈感越強, 靈感轉化為悟性, 悟性成就菩提 The more magnanimous you are, the stronger your intuition becomes. Intuition will be transformed into your potential for awakening, which will be transformed into Bodhi. 28

43 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛人做人進退有度, 寵辱不驚 Buddhist practitioners must be adaptable, whether advancing or retreating, and not be overwhelmed by unexpected favour or humiliation. 話說多了, 會成為自己以後前進道路上的障礙 Talking too much will become an obstacle in your path of advancement. 29

44 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 每句話出來都要三思而後行 Think twice before speaking. 功德要常做, 細水長流, 有助於堅持道心 Constantly perform meritorious and virtuous deeds, like a stream trickling endlessly. This helps us to remain steadfast in our faith in spiritual practice. 30

45 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 心理協調就是一種教育, 能讓人不貪 不貢高我慢 不愚癡 Mental coordination is a form of education, training us to guard against greed, arrogance and foolishness. 學佛就是調整心性 Learning Buddhism is to learn to adjust your state of mind. 31

46 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 鼓勵別人, 生起信心 ; 相信別人, 即是自信 Encouraging other people gives rise to faith; when we have faith in others, we gain self-confidence. 保持佛友之間的友誼靠美德 Rely on virtues to maintain Buddhist friendship. 32

47 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人生氣之後, 氣消掉了就沒了, 如果去恨, 就會惡氣循環 Forgive and forget after you let your temper flare. Bearing a grudge will result in a vicious cycle. 耐心與恆心是擁有智慧的基礎 Patience and perseverance are the foundations for wisdom. 33

48 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 做任何事, 無心最可貴 不要回報就是無價之寶 It is most valuable to do things without selfish intent. Not expecting anything in return is invaluable. 人跟人在一起只有包容, 做事才會圓融 Only by being tolerant of each other can you handle things tactfully. 34

49 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 有智慧的人, 是藉助別人的智慧來讓自己不受蒙蔽 The wise will draw strength from the wisdom of others to prevent themselves from being deceived. 戰勝自己, 即刻擁有現在 Conquer yourself, then you will immediately possess the present moment. 35

50 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人生是在吃盡苦頭的美中不足中生活, 等到人生最後時才知是一切空 We all live a life of suffering and imperfection. Only when we are in our twilight years will we realise that everything is empty by nature. 36

51 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 乾淨是福, 清淨是福, 心淨是福 Being clean and pure is a blessing; Tranquillity is a blessing; Peace of mind is a blessing. 成功靠的是機緣成熟和堅持不懈 Through unrelenting effort, success will come when the time is right. 37

52 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 今天多受點委屈, 就是讓你的明天少吃點苦 ; 今天多受點難, 就是讓你的明天少受點罪 The grievances that you endure today serve to lessen the misery that you may suffer tomorrow. The hardship that you endure today serves to lessen the setbacks you may have to suffer tomorrow. 38

53 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 不在希望當中, 就在絕望當中 ; 不在覺悟當中, 就在失誤當中 Those who do not live in hope will be in despair. Those who are not spiritually awakened are susceptible to blunders. 39

54 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人一有分別心, 首先自己就會不開心 Those who have a discriminatory mind will be the first to be unhappy. 不懂無常, 就是進入了思維的死角 Not understanding impermanence is like driving your thoughts into a blind alley. 40

55 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 面子不是爭來的, 不是說來的, 而是修來的, 是要有智慧的 You cannot demand respect, or gain it by bragging. Respect is earned by cultivation; it requires wisdom. 41

56 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 學會成全別人的福分, 就是成全自己的功德 Learning to help others to facilitate their endeavours is to fulfil your own merits and virtues. 42

57 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 修得好的人, 要守寂靜, 守口業 Those who cultivate well must be still and quiet, and guard against the karma of speech. 有智者, 事竟成 Where there is wisdom, there is a way. 43

58 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 心看到封閉的窗戶, 則會失望 ; 心看到天空, 則有希望 Seeing a closed window will bring about disappointment. Seeing the open sky gives us hope. 44

59 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人做了善事, 上天馬上就會讓他呈現出吉祥如意之相 When a person has done good deeds, heaven will immediately grant them an auspicious sign. 珍惜為上, 解釋為下 Cherishing should be given priority, while explaining is the worst thing to do. 45

60 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 捨去是一件幸福的事 : 捨去自私, 捨去自我, 捨去執著 Happiness lies in letting go - letting go of selfishness, letting go of the self and letting go of attachment. 46

61 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 看誰都開心, 就是菩薩 ; 看誰都順眼, 就叫正念 When you are happy looking at anyone, you are a Bodhisattva. When you find everyone pleasant to look at, you have gained right mindfulness. 47

62 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 看人缺點多了, 就看不到優點 ; 看人優點多了, 就看不到缺點 When you can only see the shortcomings of other people, you will fail to see their strengths. When you can see the strength of others, you will fail to see their shortcomings. 48

63 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 師父讓你們記住三句話 : 平平安安就不會惹事 ; 知足常樂 ( 幸福底線放低一點 ); 好好修心, 不要掉隊 Please remember the Master s three points of focus: First, stay well and safe and you will not be in trouble. Second, happiness lies in being content (set a lower bar for happiness). Third, be earnest in your cultivation and never fall behind. 49

64 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 一個人倒楣一定有因, 常被人背後罵一定會倒楣 There must be a reason behind one s ill luck. Ill luck usually befalls someone who is the target of widespread criticism behind their back. 50

65 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 做而不說, 真做也 ; 說而不做, 非做也 One who does work without telling others is truly a man of action. One who talks but never puts their words into practice is a man of inaction. 51

66 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 隨緣, 就是中庸 To act in accordance with karmic conditions is to take the middle path. 徹底覺悟, 才會看開人生 Only through complete awakening can you see the true nature of life. 52

67 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人生如夢, 當醒來時夢已結束了, 還未醒來就在夢中, 如果現在醒來要明白是借假修真 Life is like a dream, it is all over when you wake. You will still be in the dream if you have not awakened. For those already spiritually awakened, you have to understand that you are cultivating something that can stay forever in this impermanent world. 53

68 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人心如過濾器, 聽別人講話只是一個提煉的過程 The mind is like a filter. Listening to others is simply a process of refining ourselves. 千萬不要做錯事, 報應如影隨行 Never commit any wrongdoing, for retribution is like a shadow following you. 54

69 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人不斷地在 提高自己 改變自己 轉變意念 We should constantly endeavour to enhance ourselves, change ourselves and transform our frame of mind. 理解別人, 就是理解自己 To understand others is to understand yourself. 55

70 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 調節心態, 改變心性 佛性就是讓我們改變自己 Adjust your mentality and change your state of mind. Buddha nature enables us to change ourselves. 56

71 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 通過別人瞭解自己, 你就是一個智者 The wise are those who can understand themselves through other people. 造因是在不知不覺中傷害自己 You harm yourself unknowingly by creating negative karma. 57

72 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 精進 發奮努力, 只有內在的慈悲, 才是學佛人的根 Be diligent and make strenuous effort. Inherent compassion is the root of all Buddhist practitioners. 改毛病要知道自己的毛病才能去改 You have to know your own weaknesses before you can correct them. 58

73 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 修心, 就是修理自己的心, 把品德 道德 身體都修好一點 To cultivate the mind is to fix the mind with a view of improving the character, morality and the body. 對一個人好到底, 就能感動他 Be kind to others from the beginning to the end, and they will be touched. 59

74 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 不管做錯什麼事, 都要好好懺悔, 如同洗衣服 洗臉一樣, 洗後就乾淨了, 懺悔後就清淨了 You must repent sincerely of whatever wrongdoing you have committed. It is like washing the clothes or cleaning the face. You are clean after you repent. 60

75 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人間沒有道理可講, 一切都是因果, 想通了 不痛苦了就是解脫 欲望如繩子把你綁住, 綁在你的心上, 一切名利地位, 要先解開脫離, 你才能真正解脫 It is no use trying to justify what you have done, as everything is attributed to the working of karma. You will be liberated once you can think straight and free yourself from suffering. Desire is like a rope which ties you up and entangles your mind. You will be truly liberated when you can break free from fame, gain and status. 61

76 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 講了人家不好, 自己會更難過, 不如放下 Saying bad things about others only makes you feel more miserable. It is better to just let go. 從別人身上看到自己的毛病, 就是有智慧的人 The wise are those who can find their own shortcomings in those of others. 62

77 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 每個人的人生, 菩薩早就給你安排好了, 主要是看你的修為 The Bodhisattva will help everyone to overcome all kinds of circumstances, but the Bodhisattva s help depends upon your level of spiritual and behavioural cultivation. 63

78 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 有好事來時, 千萬不要動任何壞腦筋, 否則壞事就會上身 When good tidings are coming your way, never conceive of any evil thought or else misfortune will befall you. 64

79 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 執著就是人間的迷惑 把什麼事看得淡一點, 不和別人爭, 不和別人吵, 就破除了我執 Attachment is the cause of illusion in the human realm. Take things easy and refrain from contention and quarrels with others, then you will break free from attachment to the self. 65

80 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 選擇了佛法, 什麼奇跡都會發生, 什麼困難都能解決 If Buddhism is your choice, then any miracle can happen and any difficulty can be resolved. 66

81 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人在情中, 情在人中, 把小愛變大愛, 才能處處蓮花開 Human beings have sentiments; those who have sentiments would still remain a human being. Only when ordinary love is converted to universal love will lotuses blossom everywhere. 67

82 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 愛一個人不能超越中庸之線 Do not stray from the middle path when you love someone. 修心就是修到後來, 越來越有修養 Cultivation of the mind is about being more and more refined. 68

83 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛人要自律, 嚴格管住自己的一言一行一念, 你就成功了 Buddhist practitioners must be self-disciplined. You are successful if you have strict control over your speech, thoughts and deeds. 69

84 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 生命的延續靠心態的轉換 Extending one s life depends on transforming the state of mind. 精進是根本, 忍辱是基礎, 守戒是成佛的關鍵 To attain Buddhahood, diligence is the root, tolerance is the foundation, while observing precepts is the key. 70

85 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 師父一生做兩件事 : 弘法與慈善 The Master has been doing two things all his life: Charity and propagation of the Dharma. 世間沒有絕對的, 一切都是無常 Nothing is absolute in this world; everything is impermanent. 71

86 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 末法時期如果不能吃素忍辱的話, 就會憂鬱 One will be depressed if they are unable to practise vegetarianism and patience in this Age of Dharma Decline. 做一個乾淨的人, 沒病沒災就是福 Be a pure person. It is a blessing to be free of illness and calamity. 72

87 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人每天福報都在減少, 要不停地做功德才能彌補 Our good fortune depletes day after day. We must replenish it by constantly performing meritorious and virtuous deeds. 73

88 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 在師父身邊, 必須吃苦, 必須棄惡從善 When you are with the Master, you must endure hardship, refrain from doing evil and do good. 修心要正, 一定要大公無私 We must be righteous, perfectly impartial and selfless when cultivating the mind. 74

89 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 菩薩愛眾生, 如果不好好修, 誰也不會愛你 The Bodhisattva loves sentient beings who are cultivating well. If you are not cultivating earnestly, no one will love you. 人活著就是多給別人快樂與幸福 We live to give happiness and joy to other people. 75

90 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 妄心一動就出事, 學佛修心要有佛情, 不能有私情 You are inviting trouble when you conceive of a deluded thought. In practising Buddhism and spiritual cultivation, what you must nurture is Buddhist fraternity, not personal relationships. 76

91 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛修心要有素養, 才會有修養 To be accomplished in practising Buddhism and cultivating the mind, you must first have the basis for humanity. Only then will you be both refined and cultured. 77

92 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 把別人看成菩薩, 你就是菩薩 ; 把別人看成小人, 你就是小人 When you regard others as Bodhisattvas, you are a Bodhisattva too. When you view others as mean-spirited, you are mean-spirited, too. 78

93 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 風來了避一避, 雨來了躲一躲, 風雨之後見本性 Take shelter from the onslaught of wind and rain. After the storm you will see your true nature. 經不起考驗, 就不要去考驗 Do not test yourself if you can t withstand the test. 79

94 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 修得好的有兩種人 : 一是從小沒有雜念, 沒有接觸五欲六塵 ; 二是在紅塵中找到了摩尼珠, 找回了本性, 出淤泥而不染 There are two categories of people who cultivate well: The first is comprised of people who are free of distracting thoughts and who have not come into contact with the defilements of sensual desires since they were young. The other is comprised of those who have found the jewel of wisdom. They have found their true nature and remain untarnished by worldly defilements. 80

95 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 愛菩薩的人要慈悲, 要去救度眾生 ; 愛師父要爭氣, 要對得起師父! Those who love the Bodhisattva must be compassionate and help lead sentient beings to the shore of liberation. Those who love the Master must be diligent, and not disappoint the Master. 81

96 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 當別人給你境界時, 你要越過, 你才能提高 When you encounter adverse circumstances caused by others, you must overcome them in order to scale new heights. 82

97 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 做人要隨遇而安, 修心要一切隨緣 To conduct ourselves in society, we must adapt ourselves to different circumstances. To cultivate the mind, we must accord with karmic conditions. 83

98 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 過去生中的一切都已過去, 只有當下務實, 借假修真, 才能脫離苦海 No matter what happened in your previous lives is already in the past. Only by being grounded in the present can you be free from suffering. 84

99 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 體現自己的本性與能耐, 是要靠實實在在做人 To manifest your true nature and endurance, you need to be practical and realistic in conducting yourself. 真正的相信, 就是開悟! When you truly believe, you start to become spiritually awakened! 85

100 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 讓別人看得起, 要有氣質, 不要隨便開口, 更不要隨便做事 If you want others to think highly of you, you must have charisma. Do not say or do anything casually as you wish. 86

101 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 沒有對比的痛苦, 就是快樂! Happiness is when you are free of the pain that comes from comparing yourself to others. 修心尚未成功, 大家共同精進! We are still far from being successful in our spiritual cultivation, so let us strive diligently together! 87

102 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人要有智慧地活著, 如同在天上一般 ; 痛苦地活著就是因為沒智慧, 如活在地獄一般 We must live wisely as if we were in heaven. Those who lack wisdom live in misery, as if they were in hell. 88

103 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 一個穩得住的人, 才會有大作為! Those who can remain composed in difficult situations will accomplish great things! 別人給你機會時, 要學會珍惜, 不珍惜就會失去 When given a chance, learn to value it, otherwise you will lose it. 89

104 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 去掉人我是非, 你就是修成了 Once you steer clear of gossip and interpersonal conflicts, you have succeeded in your spiritual cultivation. 管住六根, 才能成為菩薩 Only those who have control over their six sense organs can become a Bodhisattva. 90

105 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 師父講你們幫你們指出毛病, 你們不改就是浪費福報 The Master takes pains to point out your mistakes and admonish you. You are wasting your blessing if you refuse to mend your ways. 91

106 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 修心就是修心智, 修行就是修心性 Cultivating the mind is about cultivating our spirituality. Changing our behaviour is about cultivating our temperament. 眾生的事立即做, 個人的事慢慢做 Matters related to sentient beings must be done promptly, whereas personal matters can be done slowly. 92

107 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 修行人要善護口業, 不譏他過 ; 善護身業, 不失律儀 ; 善護意業, 清淨無染 Buddhist practitioners must guard against committing karma of speech and refrain from ridiculing others for their wrongdoings. They must guard against committing karma of the body and refrain from contravening laws and proprieties. They must guard against committing karma of thought and remain clean and untarnished by defilements. 93

108 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 苦是比出來的, 不比較哪來的苦 You feel bitter when you compare yourself to others. Once you stop comparing yourself to others, the feeling of bitterness will end. 94

109 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人動低級意念, 就是低級動物 ; 人動高級意念, 就是高級動物 ; 人擁有菩薩意念, 就是境界超脫的聖人, 就是菩薩 Those who conceive of impure thoughts are considered to be lower animals. Those who conceive of noble thoughts are considered to be higher animals. Those who have a Bodhisattva s state of mind have transcended to the level of sages, and they are Bodhisattvas. 95

110 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人要經歷一些風雨, 方能見到自己的彩 虹 You must brave the storm before you are able to see the rainbow. 做人要開心, 做菩薩不能亂講話 Stay happy, but do not talk nonsense if you want to become a Bodhisattva. 96

111 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 擁有一定要珍惜, 失去了就沒了, 等再次擁有時會感受到曾經失去過的痛 Cherish whatever you have, for it will be gone once it is lost. You will understand the pain of loss you once felt when you regain something you have lost. 97

112 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 對人要慈悲 容忍, 就是在行十善業 You are performing the ten meritorious deeds if you are compassionate and tolerant of others. 能調節好自己的心態, 就是本事 If you can adjust your frame of mind, you are a person of great ability. 98

113 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人間得到的少, 天上就得到的多 ; 人間得到的多, 天上就得到的少 If you gain less in the human realm, you will gain more in heaven. If you gain more in the human realm, you will gain less in heaven. 99

114 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 學佛是一個很高的境界, 沒有智慧就學不好佛 ; 有煩惱來了解決掉了, 就是擁有智慧 Practising Buddhism is about attaining a high level of spirituality. A person devoid of wisdom will not be able to practise Buddhism well. You are a person of wisdom if you are able to resolve any worries that afflict you. 100

115 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 機會現前時, 要經得起考驗, 學會克制忍耐, 否則功虧一簣 When opportunities knock on the door, you must be able to withstand the temptation. Learn to exercise self-restraint and endurance, failing which, you will fall short of success due to lack of a final effort. 101

116 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 要有智慧, 要開悟, 只有脫離小我, 才能成全眾生這個大我 We must endeavour to gain wisdom and become awakened. Only by letting go of the individual lesser self can we attain the greater self of benefitting all sentient beings. 102

117 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 吃苦 享受, 一切都是無常的, 都是不長久的, 要捨得放棄 Everything is impermanent, whether pleasant or unpleasant. It will not last long, so we must be able to let go when it is time to do so. 103

118 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 自己改變, 就是一個聖人 ; 幫別人改變, 你就是一個菩薩 You are a sage if you change yourself. You are a Bodhisattva if you help others to change. 業障少的人, 才是有智慧之人 The wise are those who have few karmic obstacles. 104

119 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 發現叫覺, 改進叫悟 ; 永遠執著自己的觀點叫失敗 Awakening is about discovering something; enlightenment is about bettering yourself. Attachment to your own view is failure. 105

120 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 人在平等尊重的基礎上, 才能越來越好 You will only get better and better on the basis of equality and mutual respect. 照見五蘊皆空, 才是真修行 True spiritual cultivation is about illuminating the emptiness of the five aggregates. 106

121 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 做人做人, 人要做好, 不做怎麼成人? To be a man, you must conduct yourself to perfection, failing which, how can you be a man? 一個人學好三年, 學壞三天 It takes three years for a person to learn to be good, but it takes only three days to learn to be bad. 107

122 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 在人間內心完全乾淨, 就是觀自在, 觀內心的存在, 觀內心的自在 In this world, if you can keep your inner mind clean and pure, you are contemplating self-presence, contemplating the existence of your inner mind, and contemplating that your inner mind is at ease. 108

123 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 忍耐力 耐受力, 就是超越自我的能力 Endurance and forbearance are the abilities needed to transcend the self. 人生就是一個過程, 不管好過 壞過都要過 Life is a process which we have to go through, be it good or bad. 109

124 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 不吵不鬧放得下, 包容 寬容 圓融就是智慧 Wisdom is about refraining from squabbling, letting go, and being forgiving, tolerant, accommodating and tactful. 110

125 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 心中乾淨, 做什麼都很開心 ; 心中清淨, 做什麼都會法喜 When the mind is clean, you will be happy in whatever you do. When the mind is pure and tranquil, you will enjoy Dharma bliss in whatever you do. 111

126 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 看誰都開心, 看誰都喜悅, 看誰都順眼, 就是菩薩, 就是正道 If you are happy, joyful and pleased with whoever you look at, you are a Bodhisattva, and treading the right path. 112

127 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 佛性是光明的, 心中不光明時佛性就找不到了 Buddha nature is the light. When your mind fails to see the light, your Buddha nature cannot be found. 113

128 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 真正的佛法是明理 智慧 不執著 無我相 無人相 無眾生相 無壽者相 True Dharma is about rationality, wisdom, not being clingy, and non-attachment to the form of self, the form of others, the form of beings and the form of life. 114

129 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 世界上永遠只會減少而不會增加的, 那就是生命 時間 ; 只會增加而不會減少的, 就是年齡 Life and time are the only two things in the world that will forever decrease, not increase. On the contrary, age is forever on the increase but never on the decrease. 115

130 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 修心修行修到後來, 就是境界的提升 The elevation of your level of spirituality is the result of cultivating your mind and changing your behaviour. 心胸寬廣, 才能做大事 Only those who are broad-minded can achieve great things. 116

131 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 不覺悟, 就是痛苦的開始 Failing to awaken yourself is the beginning of suffering. 在學佛的過程中, 智慧會產生能量體, 會產生般若 In the course of practising Buddhism, your wisdom will give rise to energy and Prajna wisdom. 117

132 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 當科學家的研究, 猶如爬到山頂時, 佛陀早在山頂等候了 Doing scientific research is like climbing a mountain. Scientists reach the peak only to find that Buddha has been there waiting. 118

133 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 人生兩件事 : 一是錢出去了就不是你自己的了, 沒了就沒了 ; 二是事情發生就發生了, 無法挽回了 There are two truths in life: When the money is gone, it doesn t belong to you anymore. When something has happened, it just happened and cannot be undone. 119

134 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 佛的光明大道是 : 慈悲與戒律, 脫離人的欲望與煩惱 The bright path of the Buddha consists of compassion and discipline, which leads human beings to be free from desires and afflictions. 120

135 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 做善事, 天上呈現如意吉祥相 ; 做惡事, 地府記錄變惡相 When you do good, auspicious signs will appear in the heavens. When you do bad, it is all recorded in the underworld and evil signs will appear. 121

136 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 佛性如火光, 不發揮出來, 如何形成大的壇城 Buddha nature is like a flame. How can it form into a halo if it is not developed? 用菩薩的自性才能修出五蘊之外 Only with Bodhisattva s self-nature can we cultivate to transcend the five aggregates. 122

137 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛人每做一件事, 都要反問自己, 做的是否如理如法 ; 每一句話都要看能否幫助別人, 這就叫 悟性 As Buddhist practitioners, we must ask ourselves whether what we are doing is appropriate and whether what we are saying is of any help to others. This is what we call having the potential for awakening. 123

138 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 一定要把別人的每一句話, 每一件事, 都要當回事, 否則你就不是學佛人 We should take what other people say or care about seriously. Failing this means we are not qualified as a Buddhist practitioner. 124

139 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛人要多做感動別人的事, 多說感動別人的話, 口吐蓮花就是菩薩 As Buddhist practitioners, we should do more deeds and say things which touch the hearts of others. You are a Bodhisattva if you can speak in a kind and pleasant manner. 125

140 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 恨別人的人是最傻的人, 只有放下才會去除內心的恨 It is most foolish of you to hate others. Only by letting go can you get rid of hatred in your heart. 人苦到底了, 才會徹底覺悟 Only those who have gone through untold suffering will be thoroughly awakened. 126

141 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 每天給自己找快樂的事, 就會戰勝心中的痛苦 You can conquer the suffering in your heart by looking for something to make you happy every day. 因果是自己做出來的, 與別人無關 Karma is created by yourself and it has nothing to do with others. 127

142 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 面子是用智慧修出來的, 不是爭鬥和動小腦筋而來的 Respect is earned by cultivating wisdom, not by contention and trickery. 做菩薩是光榮的, 自私之人是可恥的 It is an honour to be a Bodhisattva. It is shameful to be selfish. 128

143 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 對別人好, 不能想著自己有任何回報 菩薩救度眾生是不求回報的 Never think of any reward when you are kind to others. Bodhisattvas help sentient beings without expecting anything in return. 129

144 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 做事隨緣懂法, 走出去斯文典雅, 想問題如理如法 Accord with karmic conditions and laws in whatever we do. Be refined and elegant when in public. Be appropriate and rational in thought. 130

145 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 有骨氣的人, 在錢財 男女之色面前不動心, 就是打鐵還靠自身硬 A man of integrity would not yield to the temptations of money or lust. To forge iron, one must be strong; it takes a tough person to be moulded into someone morally upright in character. 131

146 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 一定要學會成全別人, 成全別人的福分, 就是成全自己的功德 ; 成全別人的功德, 就是成全自己的福德 We must learn to help others achieve their goals. Helping others to receive blessings is to help ourselves accrue merits. Helping others to acquire merits is to help ourselves accrue blessings. 132

147 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 學佛修心消業最難, 只有乾淨, 才能學好佛 消業淨 Along the path of practising Buddhism and cultivating our minds, the most difficult job is to eliminate negative karma. Only when we are clean and pure can we practise Buddhism well and be free of negative karma. 133

148 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 徹底放下自己, 徹底改變自己, 才能徹底的開悟 Only by completely letting go of the self and changing ourselves can we be thoroughly awakened. 痛苦的時候, 能笑得出來, 就是放下 Letting go means being able to wear a smile even though you are in pain. 134

149 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 只要顧及到人我是非, 就是在人間 ; 想做菩薩, 一定要脫離人間的五欲六塵 As long as you are concerned about interpersonal conflicts, you remain in the human realm. For those who want to become a Bodhisattva, you must free yourself from all sensual desires and mundane affairs. 135

150 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 說別人好, 對自己沒壞處 ; 說別人不好, 對自己沒有好處 It does no harm to speak well of others, and it does us no good to speak ill of others. 去掉私心雜念, 慢慢就會成為菩薩 By eliminating selfishness and distracting thoughts, we can gradually become a Bodhisattva. 136

151 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 用自己切身的痛苦, 才能體會到別人的痛苦, 才能生出慈悲心 Only when we experience pain personally can we feel the pain experienced by others. This is how we can bring forth compassion. 137

152 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 成佛的路很難, 只有靠自己精進的努力 和頑強的克制中一步步前進 The path to Buddhahood is formidable. It takes constant diligence and relentless self-restraint to forge ahead step by step. 138

153 盧軍宏台長佛言佛語 ( 四 ) 沒有智慧的人, 才有罣礙 擁有智慧了, 放下了, 就是沒有罣礙 Those who have no wisdom will have worries. Those who have gained wisdom will be able to let go and have no worries. 139

154 Words of Wisdom from Buddhist Master Jun Hong Lu (Volume 4) 一切都是最好的安排, 一切都是菩薩的安排 Whatever happens is due to the arising and ceasing of conditions. It is all because of the law of karma. But with the help of Bodhisattvas, we can overcome all kinds of circumstances. 140

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