Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Title 著者 Author(s) 掲載誌 巻号 ページ Citation 刊行日 Issue date 資源タイプ Resource Type 版区分 Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI

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1 Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Title 著者 Author(s) 掲載誌 巻号 ページ Citation 刊行日 Issue date 資源タイプ Resource Type 版区分 Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI 船舶排ガスの陸域への寄与度の評価について (Contributory Evalution on the Land of Marine Exhaust Gas by the Ships) 高山, 敦好 / 西川, 嘉晃 / 西田, 修身 / 藤田, 浩嗣 / 原野, 亘 神戸大学大学院海事科学研究科紀要 = Review of the Faculty of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University,06: Departmental Bulletin Paper / 紀要論文 publisher JaLCDOI / URL PDF issue:

2 Contributory Evaluation on the Land of Marine Exhaust Gas by the Ships Atsuyoshi TAKAYAMA, Yoshiaki NISHIKAWA, Osami NISHIDA, Hrotsugu FUJITA and Wataru HARANO ( ) Abstract Marine air pollution (NOx,SOx) from ships have an advance effect on the environment causing acidification, formation of ozone, nutrient and contributes to adverse health effects globally. The emissions evaluation of air pollutions from the ships to the land have been one of the important subjects because those emissions plays an important role in relation to regional area such as Osaka Bay. The 1 st stage regulation for NOx value is now being put into practice (from May 005) by IMO. The nd & 3 rd stage regular forms will come into force on coming 011 & 016.The NOx exhausted quantities in Japan is 7,000ton (SOx: 7,000ton) in 000, occupies for 30% of the total quantities. The existence of diffusion date on the land is with metrological phenomenon, but there exists no the diffusion date on the sea surfaces nowadays. Because there are so many influencing parameters for diffusion model on the sea surfaces, it is not easy to determine quantitatively. This study is simulated by Off-shore and Coastal Dispersion Model of Godden. This input date for simulation is measured in Osaka Bay by A.I.S. of T.S Fukaemaru. (Received March 30, 009) (1) 77 ( 18 ) ()(3)(4) IMO(International Maritime Organization) (NOx) 4 (NOx)(PM) 1 (NOx) % 3 46 %(SOx) 6.7 % 16 % (3).

3 NOx 1 7 (00 ) 30 % 1.1 (1) / (%) / (%) (NOx) (5)(6)(7).1 () ( ) G.I.(1915 ) (X,Y,Z) C dc C C C = K x + K y + K z dt X X Y Y Z Z (1) K t Pasquill s formula Bosanguet formula(&) Suntton diffusion formula 196 Pasquill. (5) (1m/s ) Pasquill ( = A G ) C. σ σ σ σ C( X, Y, Z) F exp = p π σ y σ z Y ( Z - H ) Q Y exp u σ ( Z + H e ) + exp σ Z = e σ Z F () (3) H e H e = H 0 + dh (4) H 0 =.59 T 0.3 (5) dh =0.175Q 0.5 h u 0.75 (6) Q h =310.3Qdt (7) dt=100 (15)(5)

4 σ y σ z (Lid) ( u, C u, C,θ, θ ) Lv = f (m) n t n vs u C un,c tn θ θ vs σ y σ z σ σ = f ( x, u, z, L, σ ) (9) y, z v θ (8) Hanna et al.(1984)( )Pasquill(1976) (σ θ ).1 C OCD(Off-shore and Coastal Dispersion) Monin-Obukhov (LvStability length).3. (8) () () () ()( ). 1km m 0.98( (Γd) (γ)(γ<γd) (γγd)(γ>γd) ) Pasquill(1961) Gifford(1975) (kw/m ) (km).3.4 Pasquill D E σ σ Z σ

5 .4 PasquillGifford.4 (σ Z ) (Qm 3 /s) (Q P m 3 /s) Q = q 10 ( m 3 / s) (10) 3600 q ( )( ).5 4 (PS).6 ( ) q (PS) (kg/h) (11) PSLR 93.14T 0.47 (PS) (1) () q0.06 (PS) (kg/h) (13) PSLR 68.7T (PS) (14).3 PasquillGifford ( Y ) T LR (Q P m 3 /s) 60 6 NOx Q p = 1.49 ( PS) 10 ( m / h) (15) Qp 4 Qp.5 (9) ( ) MDF(A ) HFO(C ) 50 % % % %. () m m m MDF HFO.3.4 (10) A C C

6 NOx SOx.6 AIS AIS(Automatic Identification System) VHF.7 AIS MMSI IMO UTC ETA.7 AIS.1 NOx ( 50%) T() (PS) PSLR() q(kg/h) QM(m 3 /s) NOx (PS) PSLR() q(kg/h) QM(m 3 /s) NOx (m 3 /h) QT(m 3 /s) NOx (m 3 /h) NOx (PPM) NOx ().5.6 T() (PS) PSLR() q(kg/h) QM(m 3 /s) NOx (PS) PSLR() q(kg/h) QM(m 3 /s) NOx (m 3 /h) QT(m 3 /s) NOx (m 3 /h) NOx (PPM)

7 .3 MDF(A ) (15)kg/m cst@ wt% wt% vol% wt% MJ/kg MJ/kg wt% Si wt ppm Al wt ppm V wt ppm Na wt ppm ( )( ) AIS 3. EXCEL 1.4 HFO(C ) (15)kg/m cst@ wt% wt% vol% wt% MJ/kg MJ/kg wt% Si wt ppm Al wt ppm V wt ppm Na wt ppm (10) m 00 m m m AIS D % %

8 % % 4.3 (NOx) 46 % % (ppb) 50% (ppb) (%) (ppb) (%) m/s D

9 4.3 () 13 (ppb) 13 (ppb) (ppb) (%) (ppb) (%) % 50% (SOxPM ) (11) 6 (1) ( 14 ) () () No.37(Spring 0 )P40 (3) 51 () ( 0 )P374 (4) ( ) (5) 47 ( 11 7 )P17136 (6) ( 9 1 ) K.K (7) () 16 ( 17 3 )P89 (8) ( 6 1 ) R&D (9) () 51 () ( 0 )P9 38 (10) 4 1 ( 19 )P.4146 (11) NOx SOx () ( 15 )() ( 16 8 )P.148

Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Title 著者 Author(s) 掲載誌 巻号 ページ Citation 刊行日 Issue date 資源タイプ Resource Type 版区分 Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI

Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Title 著者 Author(s) 掲載誌 巻号 ページ Citation 刊行日 Issue date 資源タイプ Resource Type 版区分 Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Title 著者 Author(s) 掲載誌 巻号 ページ Citation 刊行日 Issue date 資源タイプ Resource Type 版区分 Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI JaLCDOI URL 女性生殖器がん患者の術後補助療法中のソーシャルサポートに関する検討 (Social

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