problem of delegates. Thissystem preventsthe rise of a powerfullocal governmentthatisabletochalengetheruler whilestilensuringthatlocal delegate

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1 : CJS 37 : : DOI: /j.cnki /c TheAgency Problem and Governance:Commentsonthe Risk-MinimizingTheory CAI Yongshun Abstract:Theinevitablechoicefortheruler who wantsto govern avast territoryisdecentralization.butarulerfacesrisks when delegating power becauselocalgovernmentsortheiragentsmaychalengearuler whenthey gainenough resourcesand power.thereforedecentralization constitutesa problemfortherulerofdelegatingpowertodifferentagents.inhisanalysisof theevolution ofthegovernancestructureinancient ChinaCao Zhenghan proposesthatthejun-xian system isan effectivearrangementtosolvethe * : (Author:CAI YongshunDivisionofSocial ScienceHongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology ) 67

2 problem of delegates. Thissystem preventsthe rise of a powerfullocal governmentthatisabletochalengetheruler whilestilensuringthatlocal delegatesperformthedutiesasignedbytheruler.butaneffectivejun-xian system hasto meetaseriesofconditions.cao s risk-minimizing theory explainsthepoliticallogicofdecentralizationinancientchinabutitdoesnot examineotherisuesarisingfrom decentralization.thispaperexploreshow decentralization may affectthe politicalstability of authoritarian suggeststhatdecentralizationnotonlyreducesriskfortherulerbutalsocreates immunityfromblameandrecrimination.butdecentralizationcanalsocreatea seriesof problemsfortheruler.firstdelegates who are noteffectively constrained weaken state capacity. When self-serving agents pursue their personalinterestsattheexpenseoftherulerandthepeopletheyunderminethe ruler spolicychoices.secondtheself-servingbehaviorofsomedelegatescan alsoundermineregimelegitimacyandgiverisetorisks.thereforeatopruler facestheconstantisueofhowtosolvetheproblemofdelegatingpower. Keywords:centralizationdecentralization j un-xiansystemagency risk (Svolik2012) ( ) ( ) (Gandhi andprzeworski2006:1-26) (Levitskyand Way 2010) ( ) ( p owersharing ) (Levitskyand Way 2010) 68

3 : : ( ) : ; (2017:1-45) (Weaver1986: ) (Skocpol1985:3-43) 69

4 (Cai2014) ; (Moe1984: ) (McCubbinsand Weingast1987: ) ( p olicepatrol) (firealarms) (McCubbinsandSchwartz 1984: ) ( 2007:36-50) - : ; ; ( ) ( ) 70

5 : : : ( ) ; 71

6 ; (Thelen1999) ; ( ) ); ; ( ) ( ) ; 72

7 : (Huntington1991): (replacement) (transplacement) (Cai 2008; ) : (Li2008: ; 2014:1-10) 73

8 (Zhou1993:54-73) (O BrienandLi2007;Lee2007; Cai2010) ; (GoldstoneandTily 2001: ) (Cai2008: ) (2010) (Cai 2008: ) (Weaver1986: ) ; 74

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10 ; (Vanderford1989: ) 2003 ( ) (Zartman1995:2) 76

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