Microsoft PowerPoint - Paul Fricke -Repro_Management-CN- March 2010 [Compatibility Mode]

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1 Reproductive Management of Dairy Cattle 奶牛的繁殖管理 Paul M. Fricke, PhD 保罗 弗瑞克博士 Professor of Dairy Science University of Wisconsin Madison 威斯康星大学奶业科学系 - 麦迪逊

2 Measuring and Monitoring Reproduction 繁殖的指标的测定和监控 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

3 Traditional Measures of Reproduction 繁殖指标的常规测定 Calving Interval 产犊间隔 First Service Conception Rate 第一次配种受胎率 Days Open 空怀天数 Days to First Service 产后第一次配种天数 Percentage of the Herd Pregnant 牛群怀孕牛百分率 Services per Conception 输精次数 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

4 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

5 Measuring Reproductive Performance Reproductive performance in a dairy herd is determined by how rapidly the herd management system turns open cows into pregnant cows Key Question to ask: How rapidly are cows becoming pregnant in this herd? Paul M. Fricke, PhD

6 Questions to Ask Metrics to Answer 问题与答案 问 : At what rate are eligible cows getting pregnant per unit time? 适配母牛单位时间内怀孕的比率? 答 : Pregnancy Rate 怀孕率 Question: How efficiently do cows conceive once they are bred? 配种后母牛受胎的效率? Metric: Conception Rate 受胎率 Question: Are we getting eligible cows inseminated in a timely manner? 对适配母牛及时配种了吗? Metric: Service Rate 参配率 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

7 怀孕的关键指标 21-day Pregnancy Risk 21 天怀孕是关键指标 Proportion of eligible ibl cows that t become pregnant every 21 days 适配母牛每 21 天怀孕的比率 This is the key measure of reproduction 这是权衡繁殖的关键指标 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

8 21-Day Pregnancy Risk 天怀孕的关键指标

9 Factors Affecting the Rate at Which Cows Become Pregnant: 影响母牛怀孕率的因素 受胎指标 配种指标 怀孕指标 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

10 受胎指标 How efficiently do cows conceive once they are serviced? 一经配种, 母牛受胎的几率? CR = % of cows that become pregnant after a breeding 受胎率 = 受配母牛怀孕的 % Paul M. Fricke, PhD

11 Lactating Cows vs. Heifers What is normal for conception rate? Paul M. Fricke, PhD

12 Conception Rate, 1998 Minnesota DHI Data Rapnicki P, Stewart S, Eicker S Proc 4-State Appl Nutr Mgt Conf, La Crosse, WI 明尼苏达的奶牛受胎率 (1998,DHI 数据 ) 牛群数 Herd Count 受胎率 Conception Rate (%) Paul M. Fricke, PhD

13 Characterization of Holstein Heifer Fertility in the United States Kuhn et al., J. Dairy Sci. 89: ; Breedings = 537,938 Heifers = 362,512 Herds = 2,668 Mean CR: 57% Paul M. Fricke, PhD

14 配种 Are cows getting inseminated in a timely manner? 母牛是否适时受配? SR = % of eligible cows that are bred every 21 days 参配率 = 每隔 21 天适宜母牛接受配种的 % SR is equivalent to heat detection rate if cows are bred to a standing estrus 依据站立发情配种, 配种率相当于发情鉴定率 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

15 Heat Detection Rate, 1998 Minnesota DHI Data Rapnicki P, Stewart S, Eicker S Proc 4-State Appl Nutr Mgt Conf, La Crosse, WI 牛群数 明尼苏达的发情鉴定率 (1998,DHI 数据 ) rd Coun nt He 发情鉴定率 Heat Detection Rate (%) Paul M. Fricke, PhD

16 Pregnancy Risk Example 1 怀孕关键, 例一 100% Conception Risk; 10% Service Risk 100% 的受胎,10% 的受配 10 nonpregnant cows past the voluntary waiting period (i.e., eligible to become pregnant) 10 头非妊娠母牛通过了自动等待周期 ( 比如为适配母牛 ) AI one cow after 21 d (i.e., 10% service rate) 21 天后一头母牛输精 ( 比如为 10% 的受配率 ) What is the Pregnancy Rate? 怀孕率是多少? Paul M. Fricke, PhD

17 Pregnancy Risk Example 2 怀孕关键例二 10% Conception Risk; 100% Service Risk 10% 的受胎, 100% 的受配 10 nonpregnant cows past the voluntary waiting period (i.e., eligible to become pregnant) 10 头非妊娠母牛通过了自动等待周期 ( 比如为适配母牛 ) One cow pregnant after 21 d (i.e., 10% conception rate) What is the Pregnancy Rate? 怀孕率是多少? 21 天后一头母牛受胎 ( 比如为 10% 的受胎率 ) Paul M. Fricke, PhD

18 Pregnancy Risk Example 3 怀孕关键例三 50% Conception Risk; 80% Service Risk 50% 的受胎, 80% 的受配 10 nonpregnant cows past the voluntary waiting period (i.e., eligible to become pregnant) What is the Pregnancy Risk? 21 天后 4 头母牛怀孕 4 cows pregnant after 21 d 哪个是怀孕的关键指标? Paul M. Fricke, PhD

19 Pregnancy Risk, 1998 Minnesota DHI Data 怀孕的关键点 Rapnicki P, Stewart S, Eicker S Proc 4-State Appl Nutr Mgt Conf, La Crosse, WI 250 牛群数 Her rd Count 怀孕率 Pregnancy Rate (%) Paul M. Fricke, PhD

20 350 Pregnancy Risk for Ontario DHI Herds 怀孕关键点 ( 安大略 DHI 数据 ) 300 频率 Freque ency 怀孕率 头数 平均值 中间值 Pregnancy Rate n=2,279 Mean = 14% Median = 14% 怀孕 % Pregnancy Compiled by: D. Kelton, K. Lissemore, University of Guelph S. Stewart, University of Minnesota October, 2000 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

21 Predicted Changes in Milk/ Cow and Expected Return 预期牛奶 / 奶牛的变化及期望的回报 Dr. Michael Overton UC-Davis VMTRC 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% Pregnancy Rate 受胎率 $500 $450 $400 $350 $300 怀孕率每增加一个单位, 每头牛每年可获得 18 美元的回报 $250 怀孕率从 14% 增加到 18%, 每一个单位可 $200 使头牛每年可获得 20 $150 美元的回报 $100 $50 $0 假定怀孕率为 8% Milk Return/ cow ($12 milk) 1 unit increase in PR overall ~ $18 avg return per cow/ year. 1 unit increase from 14% to 18%, ~ $20/ cow/ year Assumes: 8% PR w/ ~ 18,000 RHA to start, Milk is per milking cow/day

22 Overview 综述 Factors Affecting Fertility in Lactating Dairy Cows 影响泌乳牛繁殖力的因素 AI Efficiency 有效的人工授精 X Timing of AI 适时输精 X Male Fertility 公牛的繁殖能力 X Female Fertility 母牛的繁殖能力 All four factors must be optimized to achieve acceptable fertility 上述四项达到最优, 方能取得理想的繁殖率

23 Four Factors Influence Conception AI Efficiency Rate: 影响泌乳牛受胎的四个因素 X Timing of AI X Male Fertility X Female Fertility 有效的人工授精适时输精公牛的繁殖能力母牛的繁殖能力 AI Efficiency semen handling and inseminator technique 掌握人工授精 精液的处理和输精技术

24 Effect of straw number and inseminator on fertility of lactating cows Dalton et al., 2004 JDS 87:972 输精次数和输精员对泌乳牛受胎的影响 受胎率 % n rate (% %) Co onceptio Professional Inseminator 专业输精 Herd Inseminator 本场配种员 45% 27% st 2nd 3rd 4th Mean 输精次数 Straw number Paul M. Fricke, PhD

25 Semen Placement 精液输入位置 Uterine Horn 子宫角 Uterine Body 子宫体 Cervix 子宫颈

26 2002 Heifer Field Trial Results 育成牛 试验 (2002) Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

27 Effect of Inseminator 人工授精效果 Rivera et al., J Dairy Sci 87:2051; 2004 Inseminator 输精 Treatment 测试 % (no./no.) % (no./no.) % (no./no.) Overall 总体 24.8 a (28/113) 30.0 a (18/60) 58.0 b (101/174) ab a,b Within a row, percentages with different superscripts differ Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

28 Four Factors Influence Conception Rate: 影响受胎率的四个因素 AI Efficiency 掌握人工授精 X Timing of AI 适时输精 X Male Fertility 公牛的繁殖能力 X Female Fertility 母牛的繁殖能力 Timing i of AI refers to the timing i of insemination in relation to behavioral estrus and/or ovulation 适时输精 根据发情表现和 / 或排卵时机适时输精

29 Behavioral Estrus 发情表现

30 Between 5-30% of all AI services to observed estrus are conducted at the wrong stage of the estrous cycle. (Appleyard & Cook, 1976; Senger et al., 1988; Smith, 1982) 根据发情鉴定实施输精, 错误的时机有 5-30%

31 The AM/PM Rule for Timing AI 适时输精的上午 / 下午法则 A cow observed in estrus in the morning (AM) should receive AI 12 h later (PM) 早上发现发情,12 小时后 ( 下午 ) 输精 A cow observed in estrus in the afternoon or evening (PM) should receive AI 12 h later the next morning (AM) 下午发现发情,12 小时后 ( 第二天早上 ) 输精

32 Once daily AI vs. the AM/PM rule 日输精一次与上午 / 下午法的比较 Treatment # of cows 75 d Nonreturn Rate (%) 试验 奶牛头数 75 天不返情率 上午 / 下午法 日输精一次 Nebel et al., 1994 Treatment 试验 日输精一次与上午 / 下午法的比较 ( h) # of cows 奶牛头数 75 d Nonreturn Rate (%) 75 天不返情率 上午 / 下午法 日输精一次 Gonzalez et al., 1985

33 Time of AI relative to a detected estrus 依据发情表现适时输精 Nebel et al., 1994 间隔 ( 小时 ) 输精头数 75 天不返情率 (%) a a b bc c

34 Four Factors Influence Conception Rate: 影响受胎率的四个因素 AI Efficiency 有效的人工授精 X Timing of AI 适时输精 X Male Fertility 公牛的繁殖能力 X Female Fertility 母牛的繁殖能力 Male Fertility includes all factors associated with the bull 公牛的繁殖能力包括公牛与公牛有关的所有因素 Natural service: bull fertility, libido, heat stress, etc. 本交 : 公牛的授精力 性欲 热应激等 AI is the best way to control male fertility 人工授精是控制公牛授精能力的最好方法

35 Four Factors Influence Conception Rate: 影响受胎率的四个因素 AI Efficiency 有效的人工授精 X Timing of AI 适时输精 X Male Fertility 公牛的繁殖能力 X Female Fertility 母牛的繁殖能力 Female Fertility includes all factors associated with the female 母牛受孕力包括与母牛相关的所有因素 Includes everything not covered by male fertility, timing of AI, and AI efficiency 包括公牛授精能力不涉及的所有因素, 适时输精 和人工授精效率 Female fertility is the hardest factor of the four to control 母牛的繁殖能力是四个因素中最难控制的一个因素

36 能量 Energ gy 能量平衡 Ene ergy Bal lance Body Co ondition Sco ore 膘情 Energy Required Energy Mobilized from Body Fat 能量需求 Energy Ingested 能量摄取 体脂能量代谢 Energy Balance Increasing Risk of OVER-FEEDING 增加过量采食的危险性 能量平衡 Energy Stored as Body Fat 体脂能量贮存 Negative Energy Balance Nadir (signal for first ovulation) 能量负平衡 ( 第一次排卵信号 Risk of Becoming TOO THIN 过瘦的危险增加 Increasing Risk of Becoming TOO FAT 过肥的危险增加 VWP (70 d) 70 输精怀孕 (282 天 ) 干奶 (60 天 ) Week of Lactation 产奶周数

37 膘情评定 Body Condition Scoring 膘情鉴定是表观评估奶牛体脂肪沉积的方法 确定活体脂肪与非体脂肪 ( 水 蛋白质 灰分 ) 的比率 观察体况变化是判定能量平衡的唯一方法 Emaciated 很瘦 Thin 瘦 Average 正常 Fat 肥 Obese 过肥

38 Effect of Body Condition Score at Timed AI on Fertility in Lactating Holstein Cows Sterry et al., 2006 膘情鉴定对荷斯坦泌乳牛适时输精的影响 膘情评定 Body Condition Score Item 2.5 > 2.5 Pvalue PG 33 (%) PG 61 (%) (64/164) (334/605) (59/162) (303/601) Loss (%) 5 8 d 33 to 61 (3/62) (27/330)

39 Maintenance of Body Temperature in Dairy Cattle 奶牛体温的维持 Homeothermy 恒温 : HP + EH = HL Hyperthermia 高热 : HP + EH > HL 体内产热 Internal Heat Production (HP) 代谢 : 1) 生长 2) 泌乳 Environmental Heat (EH) 环境加热 热量损失到外界 Heat Loss to Environment (HL) 4 种方式 : 1) 传导 2) 对流 3) 辐射 4) 蒸发

40 Athens, WI 雅典 威斯康星 ( 纬度 ; 经度 )

41 Conception Rate to TAI by month 月受胎率 (Fricke et al., 2003) PR/AI (% %) 受胎率 PR/AI 受胎率 Temperature 气温 (93) (72) (57) (83) (89) (96) (84) (65) (89) (83) (117) (76) (74) perature (C) Tem 气 0 温 0 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '01 '02 '02 '02 '02 '02-5

42 Effects of Heat Stress 热应激的作用 Effects on Late Follicular and Early Embryonic Development 对于晚期滤泡和早期胚胎的影响 Hansen et al., In: Large Herd Dairy Management 桑椹胚 应激 排卵 应激天数

43 Chihuahua, Mexico 墨西哥

44 Sprinklers and Fans 喷淋与吹风 喷淋与吹风 + 喷淋结合吹风可促进蒸发和对流, 为牛体降温 Sprinkling systems in combination with fans improve evaporative and convective cooling of cows 置于高处 Placement over holding areas is first priority 每 英尺以 30 度角置放 个风扇 Rows of 36 or 48 fans placed at a 30 degree angle every 30 to 40 feet

45 A Nutritional Link to Poor Reproductive Performance in Lactating Dairy Cows 营养与泌乳牛的繁殖性能 Dr. Milo Wiltbank Department of Dairy Science Department of Dairy Science University of Wisconsin-Madison 威斯康星大学奶牛科学系

46 Item 项目 Cows 奶牛 Heifers 育成牛 Estrus duration (h) 持续热应激 ( 小时 ) Conception rate (%) 受胎率 (%) <50 >50 Pregnancy Loss 妊娠损失 High Low Multiple ovulation (%) 多重排卵 (%) 14 5 Twinning i rate (%) 双胎 (%) 8 ~1

47 问题 : What primary characteristic allows a lactating cow to exhibit high milk production? 泌乳牛高产的主要原因是什么? Answer: Feed Intake 答 : 采食量 Answer: Feed Intake 答 : 采食量泌乳牛干物质的采食量与产奶量强相关 r = 0.88; Harrison et al., J Dairy Sci 73:2749; 1990

48 Novel Hypothesis 新的假说 Dr. Milo Wiltbank, UW-Madison 肝脏血流量 Liver Blood Flow 采食量大 High Feed Intake 卵巢固醇类代谢 Metabolism of Ovarian Steroids Visceral Blood Flow 内脏血流量 产奶量高 High Milk Production Decreased Circulating Estrogen & Progesterone 降低雌激素和孕酮的循环

49 Improving AI Service Rates in Lactating Dairy Cows 改善泌乳奶牛人工授精的参配率 Paul M. Fricke, PhD Professor of Dairy Science University it of Wisconsin i Madison 威斯康星大学奶牛科学系

50 情头Heat Detection Rate, 1998 Minnesota DHI Data Rapnicki P, Stewart S, Eicker S Proc 4-State Appl Nutr Mgt Conf, La Crosse, WI 发情鉴定率 ( 明尼苏达,1998) 发120 数 rd Coun nt He 发情鉴定率 Heat Detection Rate (%) Paul M. Fricke, PhD

51 Duration of estrus in relation to milk production 发情持续期与产奶量的关系 与产奶量的关系 Lopez et al., 2004; Anim. Reprod. Sci. 81: h) estrus ( 情on of e 持续 ~10% 12.0 不排卵但表现发情发 期 Durati 14.7 n= n=65 ~10% 不表现发情但排卵 10% 不排卵但表现发情 n= n= n= n= Milk production (lbs/d) 产奶量 ( 磅 / 日 ) Analysis included all single ovulations (n=350) except first postpartum ovulations Average milk production during the 10 days before estrus

52 Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

53 Manipulation of Ovarian Function to Improve Reproductive Efficiency in Lactating Dairy Cows 控制卵巢活动以改善泌乳牛的繁殖效率 Follicular Function 卵泡功能 GnRH 促性腺激素释放激素 Luteal Function 黄体功能 PGF2 前列腺素 Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

54 Synchronization Systems 同期发情 同步 再同步 协同 提前同步 PM Fricke, PhD

55 Setting up a Breeding Program 制定繁殖计划 1. How and when are cows submitted for first postpartum AI? 产后母牛何时以及如何开始第一次配种? Estrus detection 发情鉴定 Ovsynch or Presynch/Ovsynch 同期发情 2. How and when are cows failing to conceive to first AI service submitted for second AI? 产后发情第一次配种失败的母牛何时以及如何开始第二次配种? Estrus detection 发情鉴定 Resynchronization systems 同期发情技术 3. Repeat step 2 until a cow becomes pregnant or you stop trying 重复第二步, 直至母牛怀孕或你罢手 Sickness, injury, death, no longer profitable 生病 受伤 死亡 无效益 PM Fricke, PhD

56 Distribution of DIM at 1st AI Service 第一次配种 : 牛场 1 st AI DIM at 1 s Mar, 2000 三月六月 Jun, 2001 Fresh Date 产后日期

57 Pursley and Wiltbank, 1995 GnRH PGF2 GnRH TAI 7 Days 56 h 16 h Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

58 Distribution of DIM at 1st AI Service 第一次配种 : 牛场 2 st AI DIM at 1 s Nov, 月 六月 Jun, 2004 Fresh Date 产后日期

59 Ovsynch Schedule 同步计划 Sun 日 Mon 一 Tue 二 Wed 三 Thu 四 Fri 五 Sat 六 GnRH PGF GnRH TAI GnRH 促性腺激素释放激素 PGF 前列腺素 Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

60 Experimental Design Pursley et al., J. Dairy Sci. 81: G P G 7 days 2 days AI AI AI AI AI O h (n=149) 8 h (n=148) 16 h (n=149) 24 h (n=143) Ovulation 32 h (n=143)

61 Conception Rates of Lactating Cows Receiving i TAI at Various Intervals from the Second GnRH Injection of Ovsynch Pursley et al., J. Dairy Sci. 81: ) Conception n Rate (% % 41% 45% 41% 32% Hours after 2nd GnRH Injection

62 Comparison among Cosynch and Ovsynch 56 protocols Brusveen et al., J. Dairy Sci. 91: Cows were submitted for TAI after Presynch or as Resynch treatment 1507 TAI in 927 lactating Holstein cows GnRH PGF 7 Days 48 h GnRH +TAI 27% n=493 GnRH PGF GnRH TAI 36% 7 Days 56 h 16 h n=494 GnRH PGF GnRH +TAI 23% 7 Days 72 h 23 n=494

63 提前同步 同步 PGF2α 前列腺素 PGF2α GnRH 促性腺激素释放激素 PGF2α GnRH 14 Days 10 to 12 Days 7 Days 56 h Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

64 Presynch/Ovsynch 14/12 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat PGF PGF GnRH PGF GnRH TAI Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.


66 Practical Application of Early Nonpregnancy Diagnosis i The key to early pregnancy diagnosis is to couple: 1) identification of nonpregnant cows with 2) a strategy to rapidly return these cows to an AI service PM Fricke, PhD

67 Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins Blastocyst cavity Trophoblast Inner cell mass (embryoblast) endometrium

68 Synch and Resynch P Presynch / Ovsynch for first TAI P G P G TAI R R T T R F 0 Resynch for nonpregnant cows G P G TAI T T R F Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

69 Day 25 Resynch Schedule Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat d 3 d 10 d 17 TAI d 24 GnRH d 31 PGF GnRH TAI d 38 d 45 d 52 Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

70 HGPG Resynch Schedule Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat d 3 d 10 TAI d 17 hcg d 24 GnRH d 31 PGF GnRH TAI d 38 d 45 d 52 Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

71 Double Ovsynch Resynch Schedule Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat d 3 d 10 TAI d 17 GnRH d 24 PGF d 31 GnRH d 38 GnRH d 45 PGF GnRH TAI d 52 Paul M. Fricke, Ph.D.

72 Pregnancies/AI at Day 29 n=307 n=257 n=338

73 Maximize i Fertility Ideal Resynch Minimize interbreeding interval

74 On the Web: 网址 Department of Dairy Science University of Wisconsin Madison 威斯康星大学奶业科学系 - 麦迪逊 Paul M. Fricke, PhD

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