Ricardo C. Chebel 瑞卡多 切贝尔博士

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1 Ricardo C. Chebel 瑞卡多 切贝尔博士

2 Producers aim for: 生产者的目标是 Low input 低投入 Low effort 少管理 High input 高投入 Economic point of view: The objective of all dairy herds is not to have low input nor maximum output, but maximum profit 经济学观点 : 所有的奶牛场的目标不是追求投入低或者投入最大, 而是盈利最大 Cortesy: J. Santos Ribeiro et al. (2012)


4 Determine culling policies 制定淘汰政策 More aggressive voluntary culling 更加主动积极地去淘汰 S t r i n g e n t s e l e c t i o n o f b e t t e r replacements 选留严格得到更加优秀的后备牛 Greater number of heifers to chose from 可供选择的牛群更大 N o n e e d t o p u r c h a s e replacement heifers 不需外购后备牛 Faster genetic improvement 加快基因改良 Increase percentage of herd > 2 n d lactation 增加 2 胎以上牛群比例 Greater milk yield 产奶更多 Reduced inventory of replacement heifers 减少后备牛数量 Improve milk yield and IOFC 提高奶产量和 毛利润 88% of revenue 88% 的收入 Increase percentage of the herd that is dry 增加干奶期牛群比例 23% of total cost 23% 的总投入 48-50% of total cost 48-50% 的总投入

5 Net Return 净回报 3/1 Milk Yield 奶产量 Profit Net Return 净回报 2/1 Reproduction Regulates % of lifetime spent in each phase 繁殖控制各个阶段的相对长度 Feed Cost 饲料成本 CI 产犊间隔 Days in Milk 泌乳日 Source: Dr. Dave Galligan, UPenn 3 rd Lactation, 20,000 lb

6 每日泌乳量 每个产犊间隔日的泌乳量 奶量公斤 / 天 产犊间隔 ( 月 ) 日泌乳量增加 1.51 公斤 年泌乳量增加 498 公斤 减少产犊间隔 63 天 怀孕期泌乳天数 Ribeiro et al. (2012)

7 每日泌乳量 每个产犊间隔日的泌乳量 奶量公斤 / 天 产犊间隔 ( 月 ) 日泌乳量增加 1.11 公斤 年泌乳量增加 366 公斤 减少产犊间隔 63 天 怀孕期泌乳天数 Ribeiro et al. (2012)

8 奶产量干物质摄入量 毛利润 奶产量公斤 / 天 Rolling herd average = 27,500 lb/lactation 牛群平均奶产量 =27,500 磅 / 泌乳期 Milk price = U$ 16/cwt 牛奶价格 =16 美元 /100 磅 (45 公斤 ) 毛利润 泌乳日 Ribeiro et al. (2012)

9 奶产量干物质摄入量 毛利润 奶产量公斤 / 天 Rolling herd average = 19,800 lb/lactation 牛群平均奶产量 =19,800 磅 / 泌乳期 Milk price = U$ 13/cwt 牛奶价格 =13 美元 /100 磅 (45 公斤 ) 毛利润 泌乳日 Herds with lower average 305-d milk yield have more to gain from improved reproductive performance and the consequent reduced DIM 305 天泌乳量低的牛群更加依赖从改善繁殖性能和减少的泌乳日来获利 Ribeiro et al. (2012)

10 牛群比例 % Herds with culling rate >30% 淘汰率 >30% 的牛群 Herds with late (>330 DIM) culling > 30% of total culls a 后期淘汰 (>330 泌乳日 ) 占总淘汰 >30% 的牛群 71% ab 63% b 56% a 39% a 30% b 9% 0 <15 15 to 20 >20 n=49 n=107 n=43 Pregnancy rate class (%) 妊娠率区间 Souza et al. (2013)

11 Galligan (2007)

12 Determine culling policies 淘汰政策的制定 Stringent selection of better replacements 更加优秀的后备牛群的严格选留 Increase percentage of the herd > 2 nd lactation 二胎以上牛群的增加 Improve milk yield 奶产量增加 Improve IOFC 改善的毛利润 Value of pregnancy dependent on: 怀孕率的高低取决于 Stage of lactation 泌乳期 Lactation number 泌乳数量 Milk yield 奶产量 Persistency of lactation 泌乳持续力 Prices (milk, replacement, semen) 价格 ( 奶, 后备牛, 精液 ) Breeding and replacement decisions 繁育和补群决定 H i g h P R d e t e r m i n e s c h a n c e s o f pregnancy and VWP 高的妊娠率决定着怀孕机会和主动停配期

13 Stage of lactation 泌乳期阶段 Value of pregnancy increased when: 以下情况怀 Lactation number 泌乳期数量孕率会提高 Milk yield 奶产量 Milk yield 奶产量下降 Persistency of lactation 泌乳持续力 Prices 价格 milk 奶 replacement 后备牛 semen 精液 Breeding decisions 配种决定 replacement decisions 补群决定 Lactation persistency 泌乳持续力下降 Milk price 奶价格上升 Replacement heifer cost 后备牛价上升 Probability of pregnancy 怀孕可能性下降 Opportunity of breeding 配种机会下降 Probability of involuntary culling 主动淘汰可能性下降

14 产犊后天数 DeVries, 2006

15 Pro-actively work with groups of cows 积极主动地管理牛群 Reduce the potential for lost opportunity with systematic breeding 系统繁育减少优秀基因流失的概率 Goal = speed-up establishment of pregnancy 目标 = 加快妊娠建立 Objectives are to increase: 目标就是增加 AI submission rate 配种率 Pregnancy rate 妊娠率


17 AI submission rate (Estrus detection rate or Insemination rate) 情期配种率 牛场管理软件术语 DC305 = Insemination rate 配种率 Calculation = number of cows inseminated 情期已配母牛头数 in a 21 d period number of cow days eligible to receive AI 适配母牛头数 Pregnancy per AI 一次配种受孕率 牛场管理软件术语 DC305 terminology = Conception rate 受孕率 Calculation 计算 = number of cows pregnant 一次配种妊娠头数. number of cows inseminated 一次配种头数 Pregnancy rate 情期妊娠率 牛场管理软件术语 DC305 terminology = Pregnancy rate 妊娠率 Calculation = number of cows pregnant 情期怀孕母牛头数 in a 21 d period number of cow days eligible to become pregnant 适配母牛头数 Pregnancy loss 妊娠损失 Calculation = number of cows not pregnant 未妊娠头数. number of cows diagnosed pregnant 孕检阳性头数

18 3000 cow dairy 3000 头牛场 1000 cows are > 50 DIM and not pregnant 1000 头奶牛泌乳日大于 50 天而且没有妊娠 21 d interval 21 天间隔 600 cows inseminated 600 头奶牛配种 200 cows diagnosed pregnant 40 d after AI 配种 40 天后 200 头奶牛确定妊娠 Parameters 指标 AI submissionn rate 配种率 = (600/1000) x 100 = 60% Pregnancy per AI 一次配种受孕率 = (200/600) x 100 = 33.3% Pregnancy rate 妊娠率 = (200/1000) x 100 = 20%

19 The fastest way to determine if there is a problem 判断繁殖成绩是否正常的最快方法 Heifers 后备母牛 P/AI = 50% (with sexed semen for first AI) 一次配种受孕率 =50%( 头次配种用选性精子 ) AI submission rate = 60-70% 配种率 =60-70% PR = 30-35% 妊娠率 =30-35% Lactating cows 泌乳母牛 USA national average ~ 16% 美国平均妊娠率 16% PR < 16% = severe problem 妊娠率低于 16%= 问题严重 PR < 20% = there is room for significant improvement 妊娠率低于 20%= 提高空间大 What could be wrong? 哪里有问题 P/AI or AI submission rates 一次配种受孕率或者配种率

20 Heifers 后备母牛 1 st AI at approximately 60-65% of mature body weight (12 to 14 mo of age) 成年体重 (12-14 月 ) 的奶牛头次配种率 60-65% Percentage inseminated within 3 estrous cycles (63d) > 90% 三个情期内 (63 天 ) 配种率 >90% Pregnancy per AI 一次配种受孕率 1 st AI > 60% 头次配种 >60% Overall ~ 50% 总体约 50% Pregnancy loss < 5% (first preg. check 35 to 45 d after AI) 妊娠损失率 <5% ( 头次孕检在配种后 天 ) 1 st calving at approximately 21 to 23 mo of age 月首次产犊 As long as weight and size are appropriate 只要体重和体躯是合适的

21 Lactating dairy cows 泌乳母牛 VWP 主动停配期 1 st lactation = 50 to 70 DIM (persistency) 1 胎 泌乳日 ( 持续力 ) > 1 st lactation = 50 DIM 头胎以上 50 个泌乳日 Estrous detection rate > 55% 发情检出率 >55% Use of synchronization protocols if EDR < 60% 发情检出率 <60%, 采取同情发情技术 Do not use synchronization protocols if EDR > 65% 发情检出率 >65%, 不采取同情发情技术 Pregnancy per AI 一次配种受孕率 1 st AI > 40% 头次配种 >40% Overall ~ 35% 总体约 35% Pregnancy rates > 20% 妊娠率 >20%

22 Lactating dairy cows 泌乳母牛 Pregnancy loss < 15% (first preg. check 35 to 41 d after AI and second preg. check 4 wk later) 妊娠损失率 <15%( 头次孕检在配种后 天 ; 第二次孕检在头次孕检 4 周后 ) Interval from calving to conception 产犊 - 配种间隔 1 st lactation = 120 to 130 (persistency) 头胎 天 ( 持续力 ) > 1 st lactation = 90 to 110 头胎以上 天 Average DIM < 180 平均泌乳日 <180 日

23 Ribeiro et al. (2012) Anim. Reprod. 3:

24 What are the current reproductive parameters? 现在的繁殖指标 VWP 主动停配期 Pregnancy Rate (by DIM and overall) 妊娠率 ( 泌乳日和总的 ) EDR (1 st cycle and overall) 发情检出率 ( 头次和总的 ) P/AI (1 st AI and overall) 一次配种受孕率 ( 头次和总的 ) Pregnancy Loss 妊娠损失 What next? 其他问题? Cow health (puerperal disease, mastitis, lameness, fresh cow milk yield, vaccination status) 奶牛的健康 ( 产后病, 乳房炎, 瘸病, 头胎牛奶产量, 免疫状态 ) Nutrition 营养 Facilities (comfort, flooring, stocking density) 设施 ( 舒适, 地板, 密度 ) Personnel (estrus detection, semen handling, AI technique) 人员 ( 查情, 精液处理, 配种 ) Semen quality 精子质量 Compliance 执行 Recent expansions or purchased animals 新近扩群或者外购


26 59% Overall heat detection 总的发情检出率 -59% 34% Overall P/AI 总的配种受孕率 -34% 20% Pregnancy rate 妊娠率 -20%

27 70% Overall heat detection 总的发情检出率 -70% 42% Overall P/AI 总的配种受孕率 -42% 32% Pregnancy rate 妊娠率 -32%

28 Milk: $15/cwt 奶价 :15 美元 /45 公斤 Profit 盈利 d PR 情期妊娠率 Characteristics of the Reproductive Programs 繁殖方案 Compliance TAI 定时配种 ED 发情检出率 ED accuracy 查情准确率 Galvão et al. (2012)

29 25% CR 受孕率 30% CR 受孕率 35% CR 受孕率 -8 to -17 $/cow/yr 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% +1 to +10 $/cow/yr +9 to +32 $/cow/yr Giordano et al. (2012)

30 Accuracy of record keeping 发情配种记录的准确性 Current reproductive performance 现在的繁殖成绩 VWP is determined by current pregnancy rate and desired days open 主动停配期由现在的妊娠率和理想的空怀期共同决定 Efficiency and accuracy of estrous detection 查情的效率和准确性 Personnel available 人员的配备 Compliance with hormonal treatments 采取激素处理 Record keeping 坚持繁殖记录 Cow identification 个体奶牛的确定 Training of personnel 人员的培训


32 Why Dairymen Use Natural Service? 牛场主为何用自然交配 Easier management 管理容易 AI requires 人工授精需要 Heat detection or synchronization protocols 查情或者同情技术 Training of employees 人员培训 Maintaining supply of semen and other supplies for AI 精液与输精器材的供应 Clean-up bulls 公牛 Bull pen for cows that have been bred 2 or 3 times and are still not pregnant 配 2-3 次仍未怀孕的奶牛关进公牛栏 Bulls in pens of pregnant cows 怀孕母牛栏放入公牛 Bull pen for cows that are pregnant 怀孕的奶牛关进公牛栏 Bull would service cows that abort 公牛配流产母牛

33 Liability 配合度 High risk for employees 员工的风险高 Venereal diseases 生殖道疾病 Vibriosis (Campylobacter foetus), 奶牛弧菌病 Trichomoniasis (Tritrichomonas foetus 胎儿毛滴虫 ), ureaplasmosis (Ureaplasma diversum 差异脲原体 ) Fertility 繁殖力 Fatness 肥胖 Cotton seed 棉籽 Heat stress 热应激 Genetic loss 遗传损失 Daughters of AI produce 113 to 444 kg more milk per year (0.68 to 3.2 lb/d) 人工授精的后代多产奶 公斤 / 头 / 年 ( 磅 / 天 )

34 Comparison of Cohort of Cows exposed to NS or AI 比较自然交配和人工授精牛群的同群研究 Data from 10 herds in CA 来自加州 10 个牛群的数据 9,812 lactation records analyzed 9,812 个泌乳记录用于分析 Cohorts of cows at different intervals after calving exposed only to NS or AI 产犊后不同间隔的奶牛选入队列研究 : 分为自然交配组或者人工授精组 Followed for 18 mo and censored if not pregnant by 350 DIM 跟踪 18 个月, 统计 350 泌乳日没有怀孕的奶牛

35 Survival Analysis for Different Cohorts 不同群的存活分析 人工授精自然交配 怀孕比例 怀孕比例 Differences in days open and possible reproductive cost: 怀孕比例 空怀天数的差别和产生的繁殖成本 Cohort 1: 225 vs 129 days open 队列 1 :225 天与 129 天 $ 384/cow 384 美元 / 头 Cohort 2: 239 vs 182 days open 队列 2 :239 天与 182 天 $ 228/cow 228 美元 / 头 Cohort 3: 350 vs 303 days open 队列 2 :350 天与 303 天 $ 188/cow 188 美元 / 头

36 Hazard Ratio to Conception for AI cows according to Cohorts 不同群的人工授精的奶牛的受孕率的风险比 Regardless of when NS started, conception of NS cows always took longer than conception of AI cows 不论何时开始自然交配, 自然交配的奶牛的受孕总是比人工授精的 奶牛的受孕花费的时间要长

37 Economic Comparison of NS vs AI (Overton, 2005) 自然交配与人工授精的经济分析 Model comparing NS vs AI in a 1,000 cow herd 在 1000 头奶牛群建立模型来比较自然交配与人工授精 Several factors included in the model: 模型考虑的几个因素 Purchase of bulls, BSE, Tritrichomonas foetus and BVD testing, vaccines, labor to conduct exams, feed cost, market value of cull bulls, market value of cull cows, cost of replacement, etc. 外购公牛, 疯牛病, 胎儿毛滴虫, 牛病毒性腹泻检测, 疫苗, 检测的人工, 饲料成本, 淘汰公牛的市场价值, 淘汰母牛的市场价值, 更新种群的成本 等 Labor for AI (route breeder), cost of semen, cost of reproductive hormones (Presynch-Ovsynch for first AI and Ovsynch for re-insemination), market value of cull cows, cost of replacement, etc. 人工授精的劳动力, 精液成本, 激素成本, 淘汰母牛的市场价值, 更新种群的成本等 Genetic merit estimates: young sires ($ 354), proven sire ($ 327), and nature service ($ 163) 基因改良估计值 : 年轻的公牛 (354 美元 ), 检验合格的公牛 (327 美元 ) 和自然交配 (163 美元 )

38 Economic Comparison of NS vs AI (Overton, 2005) 自然交配与人工授精的经济分析 In average, use of NS resulted in loss of $ 10.27/cow/year compared with AI 平均来看, 自然交配相比人工授精损失 美元 / 头 / 年 Predicted NM$ Gain/Milking Herd = $ 37,480 预计的非奶盈利 / 泌乳牛群 =37,480 美元 60% of the time AI was more profitable than natural service 60% 情况下, 人工授精比自然交配盈利更多

39 Significant risk to the safety of workers 工人的危险增加 Economic losses due to reduced genetic merit 基因改良慢导致经济损失 Risk of infectious venereal diseases 生殖道疾病传播风险 Necessity to pro-actively manage bulls 公牛管理必须更加积极主动 Bull:cow ratio, frequent breeding soundness exam, rotation of bulls, heat stress 公 : 母比, 频繁的繁殖能力测试, 公牛的轮换, 热应激 When bulls are properly managed, reproductive performance may be similar to aggressive reproductive management with timed AI protocols 公牛管理得当, 繁殖成绩接近于积极的繁殖管理加上定时配种 Losses due to reduced genetic merit still occur 减慢的基因改良造成的损失不可避免

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