语法讲解 第一章名词第二章形容词第三章副词第四章介词第五章动词第六章代词第七章简单句第八章并列句第九章主从复合句第十章时态第十一章一致原则第十二章倒装第十三章被动语态第十四章常考关于 It 的句式第十五章虚拟语气

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1 托福资料

2 语法讲解 第一章名词第二章形容词第三章副词第四章介词第五章动词第六章代词第七章简单句第八章并列句第九章主从复合句第十章时态第十一章一致原则第十二章倒装第十三章被动语态第十四章常考关于 It 的句式第十五章虚拟语气

3 第一章名词 正确区分可数名词与不可数名词 正确选择可数名词单复数 名词之前的限定词与名词 数 ( 单复数 ) 之间 的关系以及名词在句子中承担的成分是 TOEFL 中常考的内容 第一节可数名词 考点一单复数可数名词与不可数名词的典型区别在于前者有单数和复数两种形式 TOEFL 考试中经常在不可数名词后面加了 s, 变为复数形式, 其实这是再考你辨别可数名词和不可数名词的能力 TOEFL 中还经常考可数名词是采用单数还是复数, 这往往要通过句意或者其他的一些指示词来辨别 例如 :various colors(various 是各种各样的, 后面当然要用复数形式 ) 下面我们会讲一下复数形式 复数形式简而言之就是在单数词尾加 -s, 但实际上细分起来还有一些具体的规则 : 1. 结尾是 s, o, x, ch, sh 的词, 加 -es, 如 :buses, tomatoes, faxes, matches, brushes 2. 结尾是 辅音字母 +y 的词, 去掉 y 加 -ies, 如 : factory-factories 3. 结尾是 f, fe 的词, 去掉 f, fe 加 -ves, 如 : half-halves, knife-knives 4. 结尾是 o, f 的词也有一些加 -s, 如 : photos, beliefs, chiefs 例题 : (1) Flower have long been cultivated and bred for their beauty and their fragrance.

4 A B C D 答案 :A 应改为 : Flowers 解释 : 表泛指时, 可数名词可用不定冠词加单数或直接用复数, 因谓语是复数, 故改为复 数 (2) Doctor are discovering that there is a strong psychological component to chronic A B C D pain. 答案 :A 应改为 : Doctors 解释 : 表泛指时, 可数名词用冠词加单数或直接用复数, 因谓语动词是复数, 故名词也用复数考点二复数形式特例 这部分主要考察学生对特殊复数形式的记忆, 作为考题并不过多的出现, 但是在题干中 的出现率却非常高, 因此熟悉下列一些词的复数形式有助于理解题意 1. 单复数词形相同 如 : people, fish, Chinese( 某国人 ), aircraft, means, series, species,sheep, deer, aircraft 等 2. 外来词保留了原来的复数形式, 这一点需要重点掌握, 如 : basis-bases analysis-analyses crisis-crises medium( 媒体 )-media datum( 数据 )-data curriculum( 课程 )-curricula larva( 幼虫 )-larvae criterion( 标准 )-criteria phenomenon( 现象 )-phenomena 3. 通常只以复数形式出现的词语, 如 : clothes trousers compasses( 圆规 ) scales( 天平 ) savings( 储蓄 ), statistics( 统计数据 ), headquarters( 总部 ), 4. 复数形式有特殊意义的词语, 如 : goods( 货物 ), manners( 礼貌 ), troops( 军队 ), authorities( 当局 )

5 5 不规则的名词复数 child - children mouse - mice louse - lice tooth - teeth foot feet 6. 注意 : 有一些结尾是 -s 的词, 但是要当作单数看待, 如 : physics, politics, mathematics 是表示学科的不可数名词

6 例题 : (1) With the incorporation of jazz history into current academic curricula, leading A B C jazz musicians are now founding on the faculties of several universities. D (2) Like some other running birds, the sanderling lacks a back toe and has a three-toed A B C feet. D 答案 : D 应改为 : foot 解释 :feet 是 foot 的复数形式, 不定冠词 a 之后应接可数名词的单数, 故将 feet 改为单数词汇 :sanderling: 三趾滨鹬 第二节限定词 名词究竟要用单数还是复数, 与名词之前的限定词有很大关系, 限定词通常分如下几类 : 1. 之后肯定接单数 : a /an, every, one, another, each, either, this, that, such a, many a, etc. 例句 : Each of them has two books. You can read either book. ( 两本书你可以随便读一本 ) 2. 之后肯定接复数 : these, those, many, such, other, 大于 one 的数词 (ten, hundred, thousand, million ),

7 a few /few /fewer /fewest, a (great /good / large /small) number of, several one of, all (of), some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of, the rest of, plenty of 3. 之后既可接单数又可接复数 : the, no, his, her, their, my, etc 注意 : 这几类词大多不能同时使用 考点一否定限定词 no (1) no 既可用于可数名词复数前又可用于单数前, 表示否定意义. 例如 : No flowers in the garden. 花园里没有花. No one is here. (2) no 与否定副词 not 的区别是改错题的常见考点 二者的区别在于 : no 直接修饰名词, 不能与其他限定词同时出现 ; not 一般出现在 be 动词或助动词之后, a, an, any 等限定词之前, 它是否定式的组成要素, 而不是名词的限定词 例题 : (1) The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is ---- clearly understood. (A) none (B) no (C) not (D) nor 答案 : C 解释 : 此句主谓完整, 据选项可知空白处需填入合适的词使原句变为否定, 只有否定副词 not 可以和 is 配合构成否定句, A B D 之后都需要名词词组, 不符题意 (2) Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until

8 1933, when A B C Frances Perkins became secretary of labor. D 答案 : A 为 : No 应改 解释 : Not 是否定副词应置于 be 动词或助动词之后, 且它与单数名词间需加冠词, 而 no 是形容词, 可以直接修饰后面的名词

9 考点二 their 等物主代词 1. 物主代词是常见的名词限定词, 其后既可接可数名词的单复数 (his pen, his pens) 又可 接不可数名词 (his time), 但不可与其他的限定词同时出现 ( 部分数词除外 ), 例如 : 不能 说 no my car, my no car, 但是可以说 My two red cars 2. 英语中许多习惯用法在表示特指时都用物主代词而不用 the, 为的是更突出所属关系, 这在 TOEFL 中是一个常考的点例如 :Manufacutrers of consumer goods often change the styles of their products. 这里用 their 而不用 the 例题 : (1) A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten A B C the lives. D 答案 : D 为 : their 应改 解释 : 定冠词 the 指代不清, 用物主代词 their 作名词 lives 的限定语更符合英语习惯, 还 可突出 lives 与 people 之间的所属关系 (2) A liquid is similar to a gas because has molecules are not fixed to each other in any D A B C specific way.

10 答案 : B 为 : its 应改 解释 : has 是动词, 不能修饰名词, 且与从句的谓语冲突, 依句意改为物主代词 its 作 molecules 的限定语 考点三只接复数名词的限定词 a (large /small /great /considerable /remarkable) number of, a variety of, a set of, a few, 等 表示数的固定词组之后总是接复数名词 例题 : (1) In mathematical terms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or A B C relating those objects. D 答案 : B 应改为 : is a set 解释 : a set of 是固定词组, 表示一套 一组, 后面接可数名词的复数, 与题中 objects 吻合 (2) At birth, an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response. A B C D 答案 : D 应改为 : responses 解释 : 短语 a number of 后面要求接可数名词的复数, number 前可加某些形容词如 great, considerable, remarkable, small 等表示 a lot of 或 a few 注意 the number of 和 a number of 的区别 The number of boys in Class Five is 25. ( 五班男孩的数目是 25, 后面谓语动词用单数 ) A small number of families are able to afford an apartment. ( 少数家庭能够买得起一套住

11 房, )

12 第三节冠词作限定词 冠词是一个虚词, 本身不能够独立使用, 必须和一个名词连用 TOEFL 出题主要集中在 a 和 an 的区别, 那些地方要加 the 那些地方不加 考点一不定冠词 a / an 不定冠词 a 和 an 后面当然接单数,a 和 an 的主要区别是 : a 用于以辅音开头的名词前 ( 指发音而不是拼写 ), 如 : a tower, a university an 用于以元音开头的名词前 ( 指发音而不是拼写 ), 如 : an orange, an hour 不定冠词 a / an 与可数名词单数连用, 表示泛指 一个 某一个, 有时还可代表一类 人或事物. 在作表语或同位语的可数名词单数前一般都要加不定冠词 ( 除非名词前已有 物主代词作限定语, 如 my pen). 例题 : (1) How Native Americans developed corn is a puzzling, for no wild corn has ever A B C been discovered, and it grows only where people plant and tend it. D 答案 : B 有错应改为 : puzzle. 解释 : 不定冠词 a 应与可数名词单数连用, puzzling 是分词, 不能单独与 a 连用, 故改为名词 puzzle (2) Whether a healthy adult tends to feel hungry two, three, or four times a daily is a A B C D question of physiology and of culture. 答案 : D 有错应改为 : day 解释 : 不定冠词 a 应与可数名词单数连用, 而 daily 是形容词, 不能单独与 a 连用, 故改 为 名 词 day

13 (3) Pewter, a metal with an ancient heritage, is still practical medium for the A B C nonprofessional metal worker. D 答案 : C 应改为 : still a practical 解释 : medium 是可数名词, 在句中作表语, 其单数之前应该用不定冠词 a, an 的误用是 TOEFL 常见的改错题型例题 : (1) A emotion is not necessarily aroused by something in the outside world. A B C D 答案 : A 应改为 : An emotion 解释 : emotion 是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用 an (2) If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine A B C chemically with other atoms. D 答案 : A 应改为 : an atom 解释 : atom 是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用 an 考点二定冠词 the 定冠词限定名词时主要表示特指, 针对 TOEFL 应注意以下几点 : (1) the 和可数名词单数连用, 表示一类人或物, 如 : the fern( 蕨类 ), the wallflower (2) 序数词之前必须用 the, 如 :the first woman, the nineteenth century

14 但前面有物主代词时除外, 如 my first baby (3) 形容词高级之前必须用 the( 有物主代词时除外 ), 如 : the largest city, the most advanced technology (4) of 连接的名词前多用 the, 如 : the development of the watch, (5) 世界上独一无二的东西前应加 the, 如 : the globe( 地球 ),the equator( 赤道 ), the moon, the sun 在下列情况下, 一般不用 the: (1) 表示人名 地名 国家名等专有名词前, 一般不加, 如 : Dennis Chavez( 人名 ),Alaska( 地名 ),English( 英语 ), February( 二月 ), America( 美国 ) 但是在表示海洋 海峡 江 河 山脉 群岛等专有名词时要加上 the the Great Lakes( 美国五大湖 ), the Changjiang River( 长江 ) (2) 无特指的不可数名词前, 如 : algebra( 代数学 ), advertising, accounting( 会计学 ) (3) 表示类别的复数名词前, 如 : Historians believe that, Amphibians( 两栖动物 ) hatch from (4) 一些固定词组中, 如 : in history, in nature, at work, at home, go to school, go to bed, in bed 乘车的词组 : by train( 乘火车 ), by car ( 乘汽车 ), by bicycle( 骑脚踏车 ), by bus ( 乘公共汽车 ), by land( 由陆路 ), by sea ( 由海路 ), by water ( 由水路 ), by air ( 通过航 空 ) on foot ( 步行 ), by plane( 乘飞机 ), by ship ( 乘船 ), 打球的词组 : play tennis, play baseball, play basketball 注意 : 表示职位的词之前的冠词有无均可, 如 :He was elected (the) chairman of the committee. 例题 : (D)

15 Historically, ---- chief material for making furniture has been wood, but metal and stone have also been used. (A) it was the (B) that the (C) there was a (D) the 答案 :D 解释 : 空格后是主谓句,A C 可先排除,B 使原句只有从句没有主句, 只剩下 D 可选, D 是定冠词作名词 material 的限定词, 表特指 (2) The Yukon River, which flows into the Bering Sea, gives its name to a region of A B Alaska and a territory of the Canada. C D 答案 :D 应改为 : of 解释 :Canada 是国名, 属专用名词, 之前不能加定冠词 (3) The development of professional sports in the United States dates back to A B C nineteenth century. D 答案 :D 应改为 :to the nineteenth 解释 :nineteenth 是序数词, 之前应加 the

16 第四节不可数名词 英文中常把抽象名词和物质名词视为不可数名词, 而其划分的标准往往与汉语的习惯不 同, 因此是学习英文的一个难点, 也是 TOEFL 中常出现的题型. 抽象名词如 : ( 不可触及的东西, 表示动作 状态 品质 感情等 ) 如 : news( 新闻 ), information( 信息 ), population( 人口 ), English( 英语 ), music( 音乐 ), management( 管 enthusiasm( 热情 ) work( 工作 ), 还有表达学科类的名词如 : physics 物理, politics 政治学, mathematics 数学, mechanics 力学, statistics( 统计学 ) bioloby( 生物学 ) 物质名词如 : equipment( 装备 ), chalk( 粉笔 ), glass( 玻璃 ), grass( 草 ), jewelry( 珠宝 ) wood( 木头 )

17 抽象名词如 : ( 不可触及的东西, 表示动作 状态 品质 感情等 ) 如 : news( 新闻 ), information( 信息 ), population( 人口 ), English( 英语 ), music( 音乐 ), management( 管 理 ), enthusiasm( 热情 ) work( 工作 ), happiness( 高兴 ) 还有表达学科类的名词如 : physics 物理, politics 政治学, mathematics 数学, mechanics 力学, statistics( 统计学 ) bioloby( 生物学 ) 物质名词如 : equipment( 装备 ), chalk( 粉笔 ), glass( 玻璃 ), grass( 草 ), jewelry( 珠宝 ) wood( 木头 ) 考点一与可数名词的显著区别 1. 不可数名词没有复数形式, 其数的表示必须通过 数词 + 量词 +of+ 不可数名词 的结构或一些特定的限定词, 如 :a sheet of steel( 一片钢 ), a piece of furniture( 一件家具 ), two pieces of work( 两份工作 ) an item of news( 一条新闻 ) 2. 不可数名词不能直接出现在不定冠词 a, an 之后 不能够说 :an advice( 一个建议 ), 而应该说 a piece of advice 3. 当表示一类事物时, 可数名词可以通过加 a, an 加复数 或加定冠词 the 等方式, 而 可数名词一般直接用原形表示种类 例题 :(1) Historians believe that some forms of an advertising must be as old as barter and A B C D trade. 答案 :C 应改为 :advertising 解释 :advertising 是不可数名词, 不能加冠词词汇 :barter: 实物交易

18 考点二限定词 不可数名词的限定词和不可数名词原形连用, 下面这些限定词后面一定跟不可数名词 : much, a large amount of, a great deal of, a wealth of( 大量的 丰富的 ) little /a little /less /least, a piece /sheet /slice /bar of, 属不可数名词专用 例题 : (1) Because they are generally taken simply to obtain a recognizable and relatively clear A B C image, most nonprofessional photographs demand few equipment. D 答案 :D 应改为 :little. 解释 :equipment 是不可数名词, 不能用 few 修饰, 应改为和其对应的 little (2) Data received from two spacecraft indicate that there is many evidence that huge A B thunderstorms are now occurring around the equator of the planet Saturn. C D 答案 :B 应改为 :much evidence 解释 :many 是复数名词的限定词, 而 evidence 是不可数名词, 应用 much 作限定词 另外一些词 ( 词组 ) 如 such, some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of, the rest of, plenty of 等既可接可数名词又可接不可数名词 例如 : a lot of students, a lot of money the rest of the students, the rest of money Pansies can be cultivated easily in home gardens, but they require plenty of water and not too much sun. 第五节所有格及 of 结构 考点一词尾加 's 或 ' 的所有格

19 所谓名词所有格即表示名词之间所有关系的特殊结构, 其普通的形式为 : n. +'s, 如 : my mother's coat, the headmaster's home, the president's office 如果原词结尾已有 s, 则只要加 ', 如 : the students' union, the ladies' room 例题 : (1) It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes ----round shape into a teardrop shape. (A) of the drop (B) the drop's (C) drop of (D) drops their 答案 : (B) 解释 : 此句包含由 that 引导的宾语从句, 从句谓语动词 changes 的宾语不完整, 据选项推知需要一个和 round shape 搭配的表所属关系的词组, (B) 恰好构成所有格形式. 若选 (A), 语序应为 the round shape of the drop; (C) 所属关系颠倒 ; (D) 结构混乱 (2) Over a very lar ge number of trials, the probability of an event's ---- is equal to the probability that it will not occur. (A) occurs (B) will occur (C) can occur (D) occurring 答案 :D 解释 : 句中已有谓语动词, 's 只可能是名词所有格的标志, 后面自然应接名词性的结构, D 之外的选项均可一次性排除 考点二 of 结构

20 所有格主要用于有生命的个体 ( 人 国家或动物 ), 那么大多数无生命的物质或抽象概念间的所有关系, 或者说凡是不能够加 's 的名词, 都可用 of 结构构成短语来表示所有关系, 需要注意 of 前后都是名词 ( 包括代词和动名词 ) 如 : the title of the passage 例如 : (1) James Whistler was indifferent to the titles of his painted and even changed the names A B C of some works years after their completion. D 答案 : C 应改为 : paintings 解释 : of 之前是名词, 后面也需要一个名词共同构成表示所有关系的结构, 将分词 painted 改为名词, 这个词组的意思为他的画的题目 (2) Muscular motion is caused by the stimulate of specific nerve cells in the brain and A B C D spinal cord. 答案 : B 应改为 : stimulation 解释 : 定冠词 the 之后需要名词与 of+n.(specific nerve cells) 结构搭配表示所属关系, stimulate 是动词, 应改为名词形式 第六节名词在句中的作用 考点一名词 ( 词组 ) 作主语 填空题中经常出现句子中缺少主语的题型, 大多数都需要填入名词或 名词短语例题 : (1) In of Henry Ossawa Tanner's paintings was shown at the Smithsonian Institution. (A) was a major collection (B) that a major collection

21 (C) a collection was major (D) a major collection 答案 : (D) 解释 : 此句主语残缺, 且谓语动词 was shown 需与单数主语搭配, 故填入单数名词词组. (A) (C) 中的 was 均与原文中 was 冲突, 违背了谓语唯一的原则, (B) 使原句变为只有从句无主句 (2) The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of A B C D medieval alchemists. 答案 :A 应改为 : beginnings. 解释 : 句子的主语应采用名词形式, begins 是动词的第三人称单数形式, 不能置于 the 之后作主语 考点二名词 ( 词组 ) 作宾语 填空题中有相当一部分缺少动词宾语的题需填入名词或名词短语例题 : (1) 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introduced a ----to New York's rock'n 'roll fans. (A) new dance, the twist (B) twist, was the new dance (C) twist, the new dance that (D) new dance is the twist In 答案 : (A) 解释 : 谓语动词 introduce 的宾语不完整, 由空格前的 a 可肯定应填入名词词组, (B) (D) 都用谓语结构可首先排除, (C) 中的 that 无法与空格后的部分构成从句, 只有 (A) 符合名词作宾语的要求, 其中逗号后是名词作同位语 (2) Instructors at the school of American Ballet first examine a young applicant's instep A B to see whether it is pliant and shows promising of a good arch. C D

22 答案 : D 应改为 : promise. 解释 : 形容词 promising 不能作动词 show 的宾语, 需改为名词 考点三名词 ( 词组 ) 作同位语 同位语主要由名词词组充当, 对其前面的名词或代词作补充说明, I came from Jiangying, a very beautiful and peaceful town. 例题 : (1) In the nineteenth century, Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Perkins School for the Blind, ----for children in Boston, Massachusetts. (A) that institutes (B) while instituted (C) was an institution (D) an institute 答案 : (D) 解释 : 空白前的句子结构完整, 空格后的结构和宾语的很相似, (D) 为名词词组, 构成宾 语的同位语 (2) Martha Graham, ----, has run her own dance company for half a century. (A) is the great modern choreographer (B) one of the great modern choreographers (C) that the great modern choreographers (D) the modern choreographers were great 答案 :B 解释 : 此句主谓俱全, 空格设在主语和谓语之间, 且两端都有逗号, 推知缺少的是主语的同位语, B 是名词词组, 可以胜任 ;A D 中的动词与原句谓语冲突 ; C 不是完整的同位语从句 考点四名词 ( 词组 ) 作定语

23 名词修饰名词作定语的现象在英语中也屡见不鲜, 此时前面的名词相当于形容词的作用, 只是依英语习惯决定究竟用名词还是形容词作定语, TOEFL 有少量题涉及这一问题这样的词语有 :word order( 词序 ), taxi driver( 出租车司机 ) 等 例题 : (1) Situated in the heart of a grain-farming and livestock-raising region, Abilene, Kansas, A trading and distribute center. B is a prosperous C D 答案 : D 应改为 : distribution/ distributing. 解释 : 动词 distribute 不能修饰名词 center, 可改用名词或分词, 但此题中名词 distribution 作定语更符合英文习惯 (2) Acrylic paint enables artists to experiment with many colors effects. A B C D 答案 : D 应改为 : color 解释 : 此处名词 color 作 effects 的定语无需用复数, 意为色彩效果 第二章形容词 形容词即 strong, attractive 等描述性的词汇, 在句中主要作定语修饰名词, 同时还可作表 语 宾语补足语等成分 第一节形容词修饰名词

24 形容词主要的功能就是修饰名词, 如 :modern art, electric current, great responsibility; 这 一考点在 TOEFL 改错题占有相当的比例, 几乎每套题都包含一道以上的题目考形容词修 饰名词, 主要形式是将本应该使用形容词的位置误用为名词 副词等 例题 : (1) The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival. A B C D 答案 :C 应改为 :certain. 饰名词, 改为形容词 certain, 表示某些 解释 :certainty 是名词, 意为确定性, 不能修 (2) Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities. A B C D 答案 :C 应改为 : visual. 解释 :vision 是名词, 不能修饰名词 qualities, 要用它的形容词注意 1: 大多数形容词既可以做定语也可以做表语, 有少数形容词一般情况下只能做表语, 比较下面两句话 : The man was awake. There was an awake man. ( 此句错误, awake 不能做定语 ) 这类形容词包括 : alone, afraid, alike, alert, aware, alive, ashamed, content, unable 例题 : (1) Many television newscasters make the public an eyewitness to the news by means A B C of on-the-spot, alive reports. D 答案 : D 应改为 :live (adj. 现场的, 实况转播的 ) 解释 :alive 不能做定语, 只能做表语, 所以应该改为 live reports ( 现场报道 ) (2) Alike ethnographers, ethnohistorians make systematic observations, but they also

25 A B C gather data from documentary and oral sources. D 答案 : A 应改为 : like 解释 :alike 不能做定语, 只能做表语 ; alike/like 是 TOEFL 改错中常考的考点 注意 2: 形容词词组修饰名词时要发生后置现象, 避免产生头重脚轻的感觉. 如 :a room bare of furniture, the form dependent of the contents 等, 注意 3: 形容词修饰名词的语序也是 TOEFL 考点之一 当多个形容词 ( 甚至包括指示代词, 冠词和所有格 ) 并列放置于名词之前时, 它们之间就存在着谁排在前面, 谁排在后面的问题, 一般来说 : 这个排序的规则是 : 冠词 (a, an, the)/ 所有格 (my, your 等 )/ 指示代词 (this, that 等 ) + 数量形容词 + 描述性形容词 + 名词如 : two young American students my three red pencils 第二节比较级 英文中形容词在进行比较时需变为比较级, 主要有两种形式 : 在词尾加 -er ( 单音节形容词 ), 如 :fast-faster, large-larger, busy-busier, big-bigger 等 ; 或 在词前加 more ( 多音节形容词 ), 如 :more useful, more complex 等 少数词比较级形式特殊, 如 :good(well)-better, bad(ill)-worse, many(much)-more, little-less, far-farther( 更远的 )/further( 更进一步的 ), 考点一含有标志词 than 1. 常见的比较级句式是由连词 than 引导比较的对象, 如 :It takes less time to go there by air than by train. She possesses more books than I do.

26 He is more intelligent than I expected. than 可视为比较级的标志词, 在填空题中, 空后含有 than 的, 通常空格处需要填比较级, 空格前含有比较级的, 通常空格处需要填 than 引导的从句 例题 : (1) Maine has ---- weather than most of the other states in the continental United States. (A) coolest (B) the coolest (C) cooler (D) the cooler 答案 :A 解释 : 标志词 than 意味着应用比较级,A, B 可先排除 ;D 多 the; 只有 A 正确 (2) Pennsylvania has the most institutions of higher learning than any other state has. A B C D 答案 :A 应改为 :more 解释 : 标志词 than 表明此句应用比较级, 而不是高级 2. 为避免重复,than 之后的从句中有些成分可以省略, 只把相比的部分突出出来 : 情况 1: 用指示代词 that, those 来代替省略的部分, 如 :The population of China is much larger than that of Great Britain. (that 指代 the population) His designs won more acclaim than those of his fellow colleagues. (those 指代 designs) 情况 2: 在省略的过程中, 若 than 之后从句的谓语部分相同, 比较的是主语部分, 那么 谓语部分通常用助 动词 do 来代替, 并且习惯上将从句主语和助动词倒装 (do + 主语 )

27 如 :The actors usually capture greater attention than do the playwrights who may probably contribute more to the success of a play. 例题 : Mammals have a larger, more well-developed brain ---- other animals. (A) than do (B) that are having (C) which have (D) that do 答案 :A 解释 : 空格前出现了形容词比较级, 空格后是比较对象, 应由 than 连接, 选项中只有 A 符 合条件, 其中由助动词 do 引起了一个小倒装 考点二 (not) so /as as 比较级特殊句式 (not)so/as as 表示 如同 一样 不如 等意思, 其结构和 than 句式相仿, 但 as as 之间的形容词必须用原形, 而且 as as 必须搭配使用, 如 :It is as good as it looks. The boss is not so bad-tempered as you have described. 填空题中常给出句子的一部分 ( 第一个 as), 要求填出相搭配的部分 ( 第二个 as), 一定要形成对这种搭配句式的敏感 例题 : (1) The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as (A) possibly little nourishment (B) nourishment possibly little (C) little as possible nourishment (D) little nourishment as possible 答案 :D 解释 : 空格处需要动词 have 的宾语, 同时包含 as as 句式,A B 都缺少与 as 搭配的结构, C 语序有误, 均可排除 D 中 as as possible, 为固定用法, 意为 尽可能. (2) There is evidence that prehistoric humans used fire ,000 B.C.

28 (A) so early (B) the earliest (C) as early as (D) so early that 答案 :C 解释 : 依句意空格处需要 早在 这一意思的正确表达, 只有 C 符合题意, 用的是比较级特 殊句式 as...as 考点三 the same as 此句式也常用来表示 和 一样,the same 和 as 既可连用, 也可分开使用, 如 :She looks just the same as before. I got the same feeling as you did. 改错题中常将此句式误用为 the same like /than, 要练就一双火眼金睛将其识别出来 例题 : (1) Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, but they have heavier bodies, A B C shorter tails, and longer bills. D 答案 :B 应改为 :as. 解释 :the same as 是固定搭配, 表示 与... 一样 (2) Due to sophisticated transportation networks, people can now buy the same types of A B perishable goods in Toronto like in New York City. C D 答案 :D 应改为 : as 解释 : 与 the same 相搭配的只有 as, like 不行

29 考点四 the more,the more 此句式常表示 越 越,more 在此处泛指比较级, 此句式的特点是前后两句以逗号隔开, 句子结构平行, 而且谓语动词一致时, 为避免重复常进行省略, 如 :The more she slept, the less comfortable she felt. The greater the size, the easier it is for you to spot. 填空题中常需填入两个分句之一, 因此看到 the more 结构, 要注意选与其结构相近的另一半 the more 句式例题 : (1) The greater the population there is in a locality, ----for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. (A) the greater the need there is (B) greater need (C) is there great need (D) the great need 答案 :A 解释 : 这是典型的 the more, the more 句式, 意为 越, 越 其逗号前后两部分结构要平行, 而且后一句可以不倒装, A 完全符合要求. C D 都缺少此固定句式所要求的第二个比较级 ; B 少定冠词 the. 此句亦可改写为 : If there is greater population in a locality, there will be greater need for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. (2) The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ---- to the body. (A) the stress it is greater (B) greater is the stress (C) greater stress is (D) the greater the stress 答案 :D

30 解释 : 此句涉及比较级的特殊句式 the more..., the more..., 此句式要求前后结构平行, 当 谓语一致时, 后面的可省略, 符合要求的只有 D 考点五 no longer /not any longer no longer /not any longer 和 no more/not any more 都表示 不再, 如 :He no longer smokes. / He doesn't smoke any longer. 注意 no longer /not any longer 不要混用,no more /not any more 同理, 这一句式在改错题中出现 例题 : (1) forties, radio Although it is any longer the big business that it was in the A B continues to be a medium of essential communication, especially at the local level. C D 答案 :A 应改为 : no longer. 解释 : 根据句意此处应为否定 不再是..., 英文中有两种方式表达此意, no longer / not...any longer, 此句只能采用前者, 若用后者语序应为 : it is not the big business that it was in the forties any longer 第三节高级 考点一高级的形式一 英文中表示的概念时, 形容词要变为高级, 其形式主要有两种 : 在词尾加 -est ( 单音节形容词 ), 如 :low-lowest, late-latest, lucky-luckiest, fit-fittest; 或在词之前加 most ( 多音节形容词 ), 如 :most important, most sensitive 少数词高级形式特殊, 如 :good(well)-best, bad(ill)-worst, many(much)-most, little-least, etc. TOEFL 经常会出现这样的搭配 : most highest, 这是不对的,hightest 已经是高级, 前面当然不能在加 most. 例题 : (1) The most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circular A B dish with a small pocket at the bottom.

31 C D 答案 :A 应改为 : easiest. 解释 :easiest 本身已是高级, most 纯属画蛇添足, 应去掉 二 没有等级的形容词 有些形容词本身就具有 比. 年长 比.. 优越 等含义, 因此也就没有比较级和高级 比 如 : inferior, superior, senior, anterior 这些形容词往往和 to 连用, 而不和 than 连用 有些形容词本身就具备 极 的含义, 所以就没有高级和比较级 如 : absolute( 绝对的 ), unique( 独一无二的 ), infinite( 无限的 ), round( 圆的 ), right( 对的 ), correct( 正确的 ), wrong( 错误的 ), perfect( 完美的 ), 这类形容词往往被称为绝对形容词 例题 : Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a ---- place in English literature. (A) most unique (B) unique (C) least unique (D)very unique 答案 : B 考点二高级前的限定词 (1) 形容级做定语时, 高级前通常要加定冠词 the, 如 : the most important thing, the biggest elephant 但当高级前有物主代词时, 不需加 the, 如 : my latest hobby, her most interesting experience (2) 形容词作表语时, 高级前通常不加限定词 如 :She looks happiest whenever you are around. Excuse me, but I'm busiest at the moment. 例题 : (1)

32 Of all the Native Americans in the United States, the Navajos form largest group. A B C D 答案 : D 应改为 : form the largest 解释 : largest 是高级, 作 group 的定语, 之前必须加定冠词 the 考点三范围词伴随高级出现的往往有表示范围的词或短语, 常用 of 或 among 或 in 引导, 表示 在. 之中 如 : of all, in the world, in the country 等, 在填空题的题干中包含表示范围的词时, 空格处需填高级例题 : (1) The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2, 020 miles from Maine to A Georgia, is the B longer continuous marked footpath in the world. C D 答案 :C 应改为 : longest. 解释 : 本句有范围词 in the world, 则定冠词 the 之后应采用形容词高级 形式考点四 most 的其他用法 对于 most 来讲, 除了构成某些词高级外,most 的用法有几点需要注意, 经常成为改错题的考点 : 1. 当 most 表示大多数时, 之前不加 the, 并且有两种形式来表示大多数, 分别为 : most + 名词, 如 :most people, most Indian tribes;

33 most + of + 限定词 + 名词或代词, 如 :most of his paintings,most of us, most of the modern artists 2. most 有时意思等同于 very, 此时 most 之前用不定冠词, 如 : a most lovely girl, a most impressive proposal 例题 : (1) The most substances expand in volume when they are heated. A B C D 答案 :A 应改为 :Most 解释 :most 只有在表示形容词高级作定语时需加定冠 词, 此句表示 大多数, 没必要加 the. (2) The most often flour is made from wheat, but it may also be made from the seeds A B C of other cereal plants. D 答案 : A 应改为 : most. 解释 :the most 一般出现在高级中, 此句 most often 为固定说法, 意为经常词 汇 :cereal: 谷类的 the end. 第三章副词 副词和形容词有着千丝万缕的联系, 相当比例的副词都是形容词加后缀 -ly 构成的, 但副词在句中的作用却与形容词有较大区别, 需细心领会 : 副词主要的功能是作状语, 用于修饰动词 形容词 副词 介词短语 甚至整个句子, 这些都是形容词不可替代的作用, 但切记在 TOEFL 题中不可修饰名词 副词可大致分为时间副词 ( 如 :now, then, recently), 地点副词 ( 如 :here, upstairs, everywhere), 方式副词 ( 如 :carefully, rapidly, happily), 程度副词 ( 如 :much, quite,

34 extremely), 疑问副词 ( 如 :how, when, where), 承接副词 ( 如 :besides, however, therefore) 等等 副词比较级和高级的用法基本和形容词相同, 形容词比较级的特殊句式同样适用于副 词, 稍有不同的是副词高级前的 the 可用可不用, 不用时居多 副词比较级和高级作为 考点的不多, 但在题干中多次出现, 可留心体会与形容词的区别和联系 第一节副词修饰动词 修饰动词是副词的主要作用之一, 此处动词的含义包括谓语动词 不定式中的动词, 被动式或进行时中的分词形式的动词例如 :You can't possibly arrive there on time. ( 谓语动词 ) It's inconvenient to contact him directly. ( 不定式中的动词 ) Her composition is frequently referred to as original. ( 被动式 ) 改错题中常误用形容词修饰动词, 要注意识别例题 : (1) In the United States, sleds for recreation were first produced commercial in the A B C 1870's or thereabouts. D 答案 :C 应改为 :commercially 解释 : 形容词 commercial 不能修饰谓语动词 produce, 需改为副词 (2) According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees ----, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows. (A) facially (B) their faces (C) having facial (D) they had faces 答案 :A 解释 :resemble 一词是本句的谓语动词, 已有了宾语 chimpanzees, 之后需要的只可能是 用来补充说明的非谓语, B D 可先排除 ; facial 是形容词, 不能作 have 的宾语, 因此 C 肯

35 定不对 ; A 是副词, 恰好修饰动词作状语

36 第二节程度副词 much 等 程度副词 much, still, far, a little, a bit 的特殊之处在于 : 可用来修饰比较级, 表示加强 或减弱程度 如 : I'm much clearer about the situation now. She's not a bit more rational than you were. 注意 :much 不能加形容词原形代替比较级 比如想说更有耐心 : 不能够说 much patient, 而应该说 more patient; 同时 more 也不能替代 much 修饰比较级, 比如要说低得多 : 不能说 more lower, 而应该说 much lower; 例句 :She is far better than me at English. ( 在英语方面她比我好的多 ) 例题 : (1) Watercolors dry more faster than other paints. A B C D 答案 :C 应改为 :much faster 解释 : 比较级 more 不能修饰比较级 faster, 应改为程度副词 much (2) Reptiles are widely distributed all over the world, but are much abundant in warm A B regions and are virtually absent beyond the treeline in the Arctic. C D 答案 :B 应改为 : more. 解释 :much 作为形容词不能修饰另一个形容词, 而作副词时只能修饰形容词比较级, 如 much better, much more expensive, 依句意是要将爬行动物在温带地区和寒带地区的分布加以对比, 因此改为比较级 more abundant

37 (3) Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the crust of the Earth, but the nonmetals A B C oxygen and silicon are more still abundant. D 考点 : 程度副词答案 :D 应改为 :still more 解释 : 程度副词 still 修饰比较级 more 时, 应置于其前, 词汇 :crust: 地壳 silicon: 硅 (4) A goose's neck is a tiny longer than that of a duck and not so gracefully curved as a A B C D swan's. 考点 : 程度副词答案 : A 应改为 :little 解释 : 形容词 tiny 不能修饰比较级 longer, 应改用程度副词 a little 词汇 : gracefully: 优雅地, swan: 天鹅 第三节副词在句中的位置 副词在句中的位置比较灵活, 放在句首 句中 句尾都有可能, 这是副词的优点, 但同 时给英语学习者带来了麻烦, 往往难以抉择副词的位置,TOEFL 出题者也借此大做文章, 给 考生制造障碍, 在填空题 改错题中都涉及语序问题 几点参考规则 : 1. 多数副词放在修饰的动词之后, 若动词有宾语则放在宾语之后, 如 : She sings very well. I met your uncle( 动词的宾语 ) just now. I met just now your uncle ( 错 ) 2. 副词修饰形容词 介词短语 副词时常放在被修饰成分之前, 如 :

38 These two are only slightly different. right after this, very smoothly 当然, 副词 enough 是一个例外, 要放在修饰成分的后面, 如 : I am not good enough to do this job. ( 对 ) I am not enough good to do this job. ( 错 ) 3. 表示频率的副词常放在实意动词之前,be 动词之后, 如 : He often/ always/ rarely/seldom/never play( 实意动词 ) tennis. He is always here at 8'clock. (be 动词之后 ) 4. 部分副词的位置没有一定的规定, 原则上接近被修饰词即可, 如 : only, even, still, perhaps, etc. 例题 : (1) When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun. A B C D 答案 :D 应改为 :directly opposite. 宾短语, 修饰副词 directly 必须置于 opposite 之前 解释 :opposite 与 the Sun 构成介 (2) Amoebas are ---- small to be seen without a microscope. (A) far too (B) far and (C) so far (D) as far as 答案 :A 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓语, 空格处需要 small 的修饰语,B, C, D 都不能修饰形容词, 故 选 A, 由副词 too 修饰 small, 副词 far 用来加深程度 第四节容易混淆的词

39 hard ( 努力, 副词 ) -hardly ( 几乎不, 副词 ) close ( 接近, 形容词 ) -closely( 接近, 副词 ) near ( 接近, 形容词 ) 邻近的 ) -nearly ( 几乎, 副词 ), nearby (adj. most ( 大多数的, 形容词 ) -mostly( 主要地, 大部分副词 ) late ( 迟 晚, 形容词 ) -lately ( 近, 副词 ),later(adv. 稍后的 ) high ( 高的, 形容词 ) -highly (adv. 非常, 大大 的 ) 另外 : friendly( 友好的 ), lovely( 可爱的 有趣的 ), 尽管词尾有 ly, 但是都是形容词例 题 : (1) Chief Joseph La Flesche, a vigorous Omaha leader, worked hardly to make his nation A B a proud and progressive one. C D 答案 :B 应改为 :hard 解释 :hard 和 hardly 都是副词, 前者表示努力地, 后者表示几乎不, 依据题意应改用 hard 词汇 :vigorous: 精力充沛的,progressive: 进步的 (2) Glaciers that develop nearly the North and South Poles advance into the sea, break A B C D into pieces, and become icebergs. 答案 :B 应改为 :near 解释 :nearly 是副词, 意为几乎, 在此句中讲不通, 改为介词 near 才可与名词 the North and South Poles 构成地点状语词汇 :glacier: 冰河, iceberg: 冰山 (3) Those electrons most closely to the nucleus are held there by electromagnetic force. A B C D

40 答案 :B 应改为 :most close 解释 : 副词 closely 不能修饰名词 electrons, 应改为形容词, close to 构成形容词短语, 作 electrons 的后置定语词汇 :electron: 电子, electromagnetic: 电磁 第四章介词 介词在英语中有着举足轻重的地位, 其数量不多, 拼写也不复杂, 但要准确的把握其用 法却非易事, 介词的恰当使用常常成为令英语学习者头疼的问题 TOEFL 中常考知识点 是动词后面到底跟不跟介词, 常用介词搭配, 常用动词与介词搭配 第一节常用介词 考点一常用介词的用法 常用介词包括简单的, 如 :in, on, at, from, to, like, of, for, after, before, by, with, to, since, between, etc.; 还有一些组合的, 如 :into, onto, out of, throughout, within, upon, etc. 这些词的具体用法需要下功夫搞清, 在 TOEFL 题中都有所体现 例题 : (1) ----one time, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world. (A) On (B) At (C) By (D) To 答案 :B 解释 : 据选项可知需填介词, 词组 at one time 意为 曾经 一度, 符合句意 (2) Saint Elmo's fire is a luminous blue discharge of electricity sometimes seen when a A B C D thunderstorm.

41 答案 :D 应改为 : in. 解释 :when 是连词, 一般只引导从句, 应该用介词引导宾语 考点二及物动词和不及物动词 在改错题目中, 经常会出现混淆及物动词和不及物动词, (1) 不及物动词后面必须要加上介词, 比如 go Guangzhou( 到广州去 ), 这样表达是不对的, 必须改为 go to Guangzhou (2) 而及物动词后面不能随意加上介词, 因为及物动词后面可以直接接名词比如 find the mistake ( 寻找错误 ), 不应该说 find for the mistake 例题 : (1) What makes for human skeleton hard and strong is the presence of the metallic A B C D element calcium. 答案 :A 应改为 :human 解释 :make 是及物动词, 直接加宾语,for 是多余的 词汇 :skeleton: 骨骼, metallic: 金属的, calcium: 钙 (2) The situation comedy has proved to a remarkably durable commercial television A B C D format. 答案 :B 应改为 :to be a / a. 解释 : 及物动词 prove 可直接加名词或不定式作宾语词汇 :situation comedy: 情景喜剧, durable: 持久的, format: 形式 第二节介宾短语 介词不能单独使用, 而必须和其他词连用, 这些词称作介词的宾语, 它们共同构成的介 宾短语常在句中作状语, 作名词的后置定语, 有时作某些动词的宾语补足语

42 考点一名词作介词宾语 大部分介词的宾语都是由名词 ( 包括代词 ) 充当的, 如 :under the tree, during the day, 这一 考点在题中多次出现 例题 : (1) The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for ----with which to regulate them. (A) more accurate than sundials (B) more accurate sundials (C) sundials more accurately (D) more accurately than sundials 答案 :B 解释 :search for 缺少宾语, 只有 B 是表达无误的名词词组, 可以作宾语 ; 其 他选项的比较形式都有错 (2) Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirty A B C feet in long. 答案 :D 应改为 : in length. 解释 :long 是形容词, 不能单独接在介词之后, 其名词形式 length 与 in 构成介宾短语, 表示长度 考点二动名词作介词宾语 名词作宾语时, 之后不能再接宾语, 这一缺陷可由动名词弥补 如 :before doing the job, after getting back 改错题中常把应该用动名词作宾语的地方误用为名词或不定式, 需留心陷阱 例题 :

43 (1) The Conestoga wagon, used for to carry heavy loads over long distances, originated A B C around 1725 in a region of Pennsylvania occupied by the Conestoga Indians. D 答案 :A 应改为 : carrying. 解释 : 不定式不能作 for 的宾语, 改为动名词即可 (2) Copper sulfate, spread in judicious amounts, kills algae ----harming fish or aquatic invert-ebrates. (A) does not (B) but does no (C) except (D) without 答案 :D 解释 :harming 是动名词形式, 因此要求前面的词是介词或可接动名词的动词. A B 可首先排除 ; C 虽是介词, 但与句意不符. (3) Mary Ann Hardy was known for her skill to paint miniature watercolor portraits A B C on ivory. D 答案 :B 应改为 :in painting 解释 : 后置定语修饰名词, 什么方面的技能, 不能用不定式 考点三连接从句或不定式介词之后还可以接宾语从句或不定式短语, 但要借助于连接代词 ( 如 :what, which, whom) 或连接副词 ( 如 : how, when,where) 例句 : I knew nothing about how he got the green card. She's pretty hesitant about which one to choose. 例题 :(1) The Cubists were concerned with how----a given subject from different points of view simultaneously. (A) represented (B)do they represent

44 (C) to represent (D) representing 答案 :C 解释 : 介词 with 后面的宾语不完整, C 是不定式短语作宾语. A D 都不足以和 how 构成宾语从句 ; B 不应用疑问句语序, 若去掉 do 则是正确的 (2) The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what (A) it is known as human knowledge (B) is known as human knowledge (C) known human knowledge (D) is human knowledge known 答案 :B 解释 : 介词 of 的宾语残缺, B 构成宾语从句, 包含短语 be known as;a 多主语 it; C 无法 与 what 契合 ; D 语序错误 注意 : 介词后面不能够接 that 所引导的从句, 除非 in that 连起来作为特殊的状语从句引导词, 表原因 (3) (Exer1_21_31) Soprano Julia Migenes-Johnson believes in that her Latin American background A B helped her interpret the role of the Spanish character Carmen in a 1984 opera film. C D 答案 : A 应改为 :believes 解释 : 介词后面一般不能够接 that 引导的从句 除非 in that 连起来 (4) Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicles, are unusual ---- travel over land and water on a layer of air. (A) They (B)in they

45 (C) that they (D) in that they 答案 :D 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓语, 空格后是谓语结构, 空格处需要从句引导词及从句主语, 只有 D 符合题意, in that 是特殊的状语从句引导词, 表原因 词汇 :hovercraft: 水翼船, cushion: 垫子 第三节介词固定搭配 介词和动词 形容词 名词等词的搭配是掌握介词用法的难点和关键, 必须下大功夫牢 记,TOEFL 题中大量考察介词搭配问题, 是准备的重点之一, 下面对常见常考搭配稍作总 结, 可作复习的参考, 但因篇幅所限, 不可能面面俱到, 还需考生多注意平时积累 一 常搭配使用的介词和介词短语 1. from to /till /until 2. because of, on account of ( 由于 ), by means of, in front of, in spite of (=despite), instead of, in honour of ( 为纪念, 为庆祝 ),in danger of ( 在. 危险之中 ) 3. according to, due to, with regard to, prior to, owing to,, in relation to, in response to, to a great extent, in addition to(=besides) 4. together with, along with, in connection with, in comparison with, apart from 二 与 on /upon 搭配 1. act on, rely on, depend on, feed on, comment on, concentrate on, rest on, in 2. be based on, be keen on, be dependent on The boy is keen on mathematics. ( 这个男孩对数学感兴趣 ) 三 与 of 搭配 1. think of, consist of, take charge of 2. be composed of, be made up of, be capable of, be typical of, regardless of, bare of, be deprived of 3. the use of, the ratio of to, a minimum of 四 与 with 搭配

46 1. deal with, interfere with, compare with /to, share with, join with 2. be familiar with, familiarity with, be credited with, be associated with, be concerned with, be filled with, be infused with, be consistent with 五 与 in 搭配 1. result in /from, succeed in, lie in, specialize in, originate in /from, live in, believe in 2. be interested in, be found in, be rich in, be involved in 六 与 for 搭配 1. account for, substitute for, look for, search for, run for ( 竞选 ), ask for 2. be suited for, be responsible for, be famous /known /noted for( 因.. 而著名 ) be valuable for, be appreciated for 七 与 to 搭配 1. belong to, lead to, refer to, relate to, devote to, adapt to, adjust to, dedicate to, commit to, owe to, do harm to, lead to, date back to, give way to, contribute to 2. be resistant to, be similar to, be equal to, be sensitive to, be subject to, be close to, be native to, contrary to, be adapted to, be destined to ( 注定 ) 八 其他 1. range from to, benefit from, distinguish from, derive from, stem from, break away from, protect from, prevent from, prohibit from, shield from 2. serve as, regard as, consider as, describe as, remember as, be known as, 3. transform into, convert into, change into, divide into, 4. rank among 例题 : (1) The young of most bird species are totally dependence on parental care after A B C hatching. D 答案 :B 应改为 :dependent. 解释 : be dependent on 是固定词组, 意同 depend on (2) Mary Cassatt specialized ----mothers with their children. (A)painted

47 (B) who painted (C) paintings (D) in painting 答案 :D 解释 : 此句涉及动词词组 specialize in doing, 表示专门从事某事 A 与原句谓语冲突 ;B 定语从句无先行词 ;C 与空前后的成分都无法连接 The end. 第五章动词 动词是表达句意的精髓, 句子的时态 语态等全依靠动词来体现 动词可分为实意动词 ( 如 :go, do, make) 系动词( 如 :be, remain, seem) 助动词和情态动词 ( 见第七章 ) 实意动词又可分为及物动词, 即可接宾语的词, 如 :yield, resist, discover; 和不及物动词, 即不能直接接宾语的词, 如 :go, begin, happen 有很多词既是及物动词又是不及物动词, 如 :drop, grow, fail 第一节不定式 不定式是动词的非谓语形式, 它的构成为 :to+ 动词原形,to 可视为不定式的标志词, 两个动词常用 to 连接构成不定式 不定式可以有多种形式, 如 : 主动式 (to drink, to see) 被动式(to be continued, to be understood) 完成式 (to have completed, to have been adopted) 进行式(to be leaving) 等不定式在句中常作下列成分 : 考点一不定式作宾语 主语或表语 1. 作宾语 : 不定式多接在谓语动词后作宾语 如 :He decided to put in a good word for me at the meeting.

48 I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. 常用的可接不定式宾语的动词有 :decide, expect, determine, offer, forget, remember, want, prefer, wish, hope, continue, begin, attempt, agree, etc. 例 :Human beings are social animals who usually prefer not to live in physical or psychological isolation. 2. 作主语 : 不定式短语可作主语如 :To see is to believe ( 百闻不如一见 ) To work hard should be your major concern. 注意 : 由于英文不习惯句子主语过长, 不定式主语常被形式主语 it 所代替 ( 详见第十七章 ) 例如上面第二句可以变为 : It should be your major concern to work hard. 又如 : It is very nice of you to help me. It is hard for you to carry this heavy box. 3. 作表语 : 当句子的主语是 purpose, aim, duty, goal, hope, plan, suggestion, idea, intention, problem, mistake, reaction 等表示 意图 目的 功能 等意思的词时, 一般由不定式作表语如 :His only purpose in life is to seek truth. Our plan was to raise money for the new project. 例题 : (1) Before the invention of the clock, people had to reliable on the celestial bodies to A B C tell time. D 答案 :C 应改为 : rely. 解释 : 此处 to 是构成不定式的标志词, 之后应接动词原形 (2) Chinese immigrants began ---- to the United States in large numbers in the middle of the nineteenth century. (A) come (B) to come (C)to have come

49 (D) have come 答案 :B 解释 : 空格处需要 began 的宾语, 可以是动名词或不定式,A, D 是动词原形, 可先排除 ; C 是不定式的完成式, 不符合 begin 的用法 ; 只有 B 正确 (3) The central purpose of management is for making every action or decision help chosen goal. A B achieve a carefully C D 答案 :A 应改为 :to make 解释 : 主语 purpose 决定应用不定式作表语, 故改为 to make 考点二不定式作定语不定式常接在名词之后作定语, 如 : something to read, nothing to do, anything to declare, a lot to complain of, the right person to talk to, etc. 由上述例子不难看出不定式和被修饰词间有动宾关系, 因此不及物动词之后必须加上相 搭配的介词 ( 例如上面的 complain + of, talk +to) 不定式定语还可表示将来的含义, 如 :in the years to follow, the meeting to be held in June 针对 TOEFL 解题需注意下列情况 : 1. 由序数词修饰的名词之后多用不定式作定语, 如 :the first one to arrive, the last to mention, the only thing to talk about 例句 :Not only was the Mariner spacecraft the first to fly beyond Mars, but it also survived in space well past its expected lifetime of twenty-one months. 2. 改错题常出现名词之后直接接动词, 且二者间不是主谓关系而是动宾关系, 此处必定 有错, 应在动词前加 to, 变为不定式作定语 如 :Do you have anything declare ( 错 ) 什么东西需要申报的吗?) Do you have anything to declare ( 对 ) ( 你有

50 3. 少量题中出现了类似定语从句的不定式作定语, 其基本形式为 : 介词 + 关系代词 + 不定式, 如 :Here is a blue pen, with which to fill out the form. 例题 (1) An innovator, ballerina Augusta Maywood was ---- a traveling company. (A) to form the first (B) the first to form (C) who formed the first (D) forming the first 答案 :B 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓语, 空格处需要 was 的表语, first 不能和 a 连用, 故 A C D 肯定不对 ; B 中 the first 作表语, 省略了后面的 person, 不定式 to form 作定语, the first to do 是常见用法, 表示第一个做某事的人 考点三不定式作状语 不定式作状语是相当普遍的语法现象, 通常表示目的 结果或原因如 :I got an early morning to catch the first train to London. ( 表目的 ) She raised the lid only to find an empty bottle. ( 表结果 ) He trembled to think of his shameful failure. ( 表原因 ) TOEFL 种主要涉及第一种用法 例题 : (1) plant fiber Using their bills as needles, tailorbirds sew large leaves together with A B C to forming their nests. D 答案 :D 应改为 :to form 解释 :to 是不定式的标志词, 应接动词原形作目的状语 (2)

51 The dromedary camel is raised especially to racing. A B C D 答案 :D 应改为 :race 解释 : 此句中的 to 不是介词, 而是不定式的标志词, 之后应接动词原形作目的状语 考点四是否用不定式 1. 有部分动词的习惯用法要求采用不定式复合结构, 其基本形式为 : 动词 + 宾语 + 不定式, 如 :enable him to dance, consider it to be a great honor, cause the little girl to cry, imagine herself to a soprano 常接不定式复合结构的词有 :allow, enable, cause, ask, expect, invite, advise, permit, oblige, help, encourage, persuade, instruct, command, urge, consider, believe, declare, etc. 注意 :help 既可以接不定式, 也可以接动词原形 ( 或称不带 to 的不定式 ), 如 :help him to clean the lab, help me do the housework 例题 : (1) The flexibility of film allows the artist ----unbridled imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. (A) to bring (B) bringing (C) is brought (D) brings 答案 :A 解释 :allow somebody to do sth. 属于固定动词词组搭配, 若 allow 之后无宾语则用 allow doing 的形式 例 : Mum doesn't allow me to eat too much chocolate. Sorry, sir, but we don't allow smoking here. (2) A dictionary allows quick access to the meaning of a word only if one knows how

52 A B C D spell the word. 答案 :D 应改为 :how to spell 解释 :how 和 spell 不能连用, 应变为不定式复合结构, 加上 to, 构成 know 的宾语 2. 在一些表示 意图 目的 倾向 等意思的动词 形容词后面经常要跟不定式, 而表示同样意思的名词后面经常需要用不定式做定语例句 : Having lost the election, the presidential candidate intend to support the opposition despite the objections of his staff. Many modern photographers attempt to manipulate elements of photography other than light in their photographs. 这样的动词还有 tend, plan, expect, endeavor, try, wish 等 He is anxious to go home. I am inclinded to work in Shanghai. 这样的形容词还有 able, apt, eager, glad, ready, likely 等 A loan may be acknowledged by a bond, a promissory note, or a mere promise to repay. He has the inclination to grow fat. 这样的名词还有 ablility, effort, attempt, anxiety,determination, inclination, plan 等 例题 : (1) Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability ----emotional depth to her songs. (A) be giving (B) are given (C) being given (D) to give 答案 :D 解释 : 此句主谓俱全, 主语 reputation, 谓语 rests on, 缺少宾语 ability 的修饰成分. 根据谓语唯一原则可首先排除 A B;C 是被动式, 后面不能有宾语, 亦可排除 ; D 为不定式作定语, the ability to do 即做某事的能力 第二节分词

53 分词是动词的又一种非谓语形式, 主要分为现在分词 (ing 为词尾 ) 和过去分词 ( 主要以 ed 结尾 ), 他们在句中可作定语 状语或表语 由于作表语的分词往往被视为形容词的用法, 其用法比较简单, 这里只着重介绍前两种用法如 : exciting news ( 激动人心的消息 ), charming girl( 迷人的女孩 ), promising work( 有希望的作品 ), known criminal( 臭名昭著的罪犯 ), broken bottle( 破碎的瓶子 ) 考点一现在分词 现在分词和过去分词的主要区别在于 : 现在分词表主动意义 ; 过去分词表被动意义 现在分词较过去分词形式灵活, 除部分能接宾语之外, 可有被动形式 (being done) 和完成式 (having done, having been done), 当然 being done 和 having been done 也可理解成过去分词变形为进行式 1. 现在分词作定语现在分词常接在名词之后作定语, 经常可与定语从句替换如 :the man sitting behind me, 相当于 :the man who is sitting behind me the kids running about in the garden, 相当于 : the kids who are running about in the garden 单个的分词作定语可放在被修饰词之前, 如 :the sleeping baby, a running nose 改错题中若出现名词之后直接接动词, 且之间是主谓关系, 但不是句子主谓语, 此处必定 有错, 可改为现在分词作定语 例题 : (1) The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases. A B C D 答案 :A 应改为 : boiling. 解释 : 沸点的英文表达应该是 boiling point. 类似的表达如 : boiling water( 沸水 ); boiled 表示已完成的状态, 如 boiled water 意为白开水, 即已沸腾过的水 (2) The slide rule uses sliding scales with marks ---- numbers and their logarithms.

54 (A) representing (B) represented (C) are represented (D) they are representing 答案 :A 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓成分, 空格处需要 marks 的定语,C, D 可先排除 ;B 是被动式, 无法接宾语 numbers; 因此 A 正确, 是现在分词作定语 2. 现在分词作状语分词还可在句中作状语, 可放在句首 句中或句尾 现在分词作状语时, 通常都表示主语正在进行的动作 / 伴随动作或者表示原因 1. 现在分词短语可以作时间状语, 相当于 when, while, as soon as 等所引导的从句如 :Hearing the news, he couldn't help crying. = When he heard the news, he couldn't help crying. 2. 现在分词短语也可以表示原因, 代替由 since, as 等所引导的从句如 :Not knowing what to do about the situation, she turned to him for help. =Since she didn't know what to do about the situation, she turned to him for help. Being so poor in those days, we couldn't afford to go to school. =As we were so poor in those days, we couldn't afford to go to school. 3. 如果分词表示的动作发生在主句动作之前, 那么此时分词就需要用完成形式如 :Having finished the work, she went to the park. =After she had finished the work, she went to the park. 特别注意 : 分词状语的逻辑主语和句子的主语要保持一致如 : Seeing from the moutain, the ocean is emrald green. 此句是一个错误的句子, 因为根据分词状语的逻辑主语和句子的主语要保持一致的原则, seeing 的逻辑主语也应该是 the ocean, 而 the ocean 是不能自己 seeing 的, 应改为 Seen from the mountain. 例题 : (1) Snow aids farmers by keeping heat in the lower ground levels, thereby ---- from freezing. (A)to save the seeds

55 (B) saving the seeds (C) which saves the seeds (D) the seeds saved 答案 :B 解释 :thereby 一词习惯上接现在分词作句子的结果状语, 只有 B 符合要求 考点二过去分词 1. 过去分词作定语与现在分词类似, 过去分词作定语常可和定语从句替换, 通常表示被动的含义. 如 :a theory derived from rich experience = a theory that has been derived from rich experience a gas composed of four chemical elements = a gas that is composed of four chemical elements 单个分词可放在被修饰词之前, 如 :distinguished guests, unexpected trouble 改错题中常考现在分词和过去分词的混用, 关键看被修饰词和分词代表的动作是主动还 是被动关系 例如 : boiling water ( 沸腾的水, 表示正在沸腾 ); boiled water( 开水, 表示已经烧开 ) 2. 同源现在分词和过去分词做定语的区别 有时一个动词词尾分别加上 -ing 和 -ed 就构成了一组同源现在分词和过去分词, 这样的 例子在英语里很多, 如 : interesting/interested, exciting/excited, disappointing/disappointed 等, 这些由动词变化而来的分词已经被人们视为形容词了. 但是, 同源现在分词和过去分词做定语时有什么区别呢? 现在分词通常表示某个事物的特性, 通常用来修饰某事或某物, 含有 使人 ( 令人 ) 感到 的意思, 如 : an interesting novel, a confusing question 等 ; 过去分词通常表示人的感受或状态, 意思是 的, 如 : a worried look ( 焦虑的神情 ) 试比较 : an interesting boy ( 一个有趣的男孩 - 让人觉得很 有趣 ) an interested boy ( 一个产生了兴趣的男孩 同样, 当同源现在分词和过去分词做表语时, 在意思上也存在同样的区别, 如 : The results are very disappointing. ( 结果很让人失望 )

56 We are very disappointed at the results. ( 我们对这样的结果很失望 ) 例题 : (1) The University of Georgia, ----in 1785, was the first state supported university in the United States. (A) chartered (B) was chartered (C) it was chartered (D) to be chartered 答案 :A 解释 : 本句主谓结构完整, 缺少的是主语的修饰成分, A 构成过去分词短语作定语 ;B C 的 动词结构与原句谓语冲突 ; D 不定式一般表示即将发生的动作, 与 in 1785 不符 (2) A patent gives inventors exclusive rights to their inventions for a fix period of time. A B C D 答案 :C 应改为 : fixed 解释 :fix 是动词, 不能修饰名词 period, 依句意改为分词 fixed, 一段固定时间 (3) Closed plane figures like the square or the equilateral triangle can be grouped into a class ----polygons. (A) called (B) to call (C) is called (D) call as 答案 :A 解释 : 此句主谓完整, 句中又无连词, 需填的只可能是非谓语成分, A 是过去分词短语作定语, 等效于 which is called, 符合题意. C D 属谓语结构, 与原句谓语冲突 ; B 不定式表用途或目的, 意思不通 3. 过去分词作状语

57 过去分词也可放在句首 句中 句尾作句子的状语, 常表示事件发生 的背景或原因, 如 :Seen from far away, the islands look like a chain of pearls in the midst of the lake. De feated in the final, the team gathered to analyze its technical disadvantages. 特别注意 : 分词状语的逻辑主语和句子的主语要保持一致. 选择题中, 经常要求考生在 分词状语部分填入合适的过去分词或现在分词. 到底选择哪种分词, 考生可以采取这样 的作题方法 : 首先根据 分词状语的逻辑主语和句子的主语要保持一致 的原则确定状语 部分的主语, 再判断这个主语和分词是什么关系, 若是主动关系则应该用现在分词, 若 是被动关系则要用过去分词. 例题 : (1) ---- in 1635, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States. (A) Founded (B) Founding (C) To found (D) Having founded 答案 :A 解释 : 分词部分的逻辑主语也应当是 the Boston Latin School, 它和 found 之间是被动关 系, 所以空格处应填入过去分词 (2) Almost destroy by fire in 1814, the White House was rebuilt and enlarged over A B C the next three year. D 答案 :A 应改为 :Almost destroyed 解释 :by 是被动式的标志词, 动词 destroy 应用过去分词 destroyed, 这样既表被动又构 成句子的状语 考点三独立主格结构独立主格结构是介于分词和主谓句之间的非谓语形式, 对于分 词来讲其逻辑主语必须和句子的主语保持一致, 而独立主格则在很大程度上克服了这一 局限性

58 1 主要特征 (1) 独立主格是含有主语的分词结构, 分词与主语间是主谓关系, 基本形式为 : 主语 + 现在分词或过去分词如 :his heart bleeding the baby crying the project completed The school being over, the street was full of the students. = When the school was over, the street was full of the students. (2) 切记独立主格不等同于主谓结构, 比较 :my mind wandering ( 独立主格 ); My mind was wandering ( 主谓结构 ) (3) 独立主格的主语和句子主语不一致如 :(With) His mouth filled with water, he couldn't utter a word. ( 独立主格 ) 对于分词来讲其逻辑主语必须和句子的主语保持一致 : Filling his mouth with water, he couldn't utter a word. 2. 在句子中的作用独立主格结构通常在句中表示时间 条件, 原因 伴随状态等如 :The film being over, we had a stroll on the nearby street. ( 时间 ) Weather permitting, I will go fishing with my family. ( 条件 ) Time pressing, they had to work overtime. ( 原因 ) The leaves rustling in the breeze, I roamed on the country road. ( 伴随 ) 例题 : (1) ----modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. (A) If (B) But (C) With (D)Once

59 答案 :C 解释 : 句中主干完整, 主语是 designers, 谓语是 are attempting, 之后是不定式构成的宾语. 空白后 becoming 采取分词形式, modern offices 是 becoming 的逻辑主语, 因此可确定需填入的词会与原句构成独立主格结构, 而不是从句, A B D 可一次性排除, 其实此句除去空白处, 已是完整的句子, 类似句子如 : The man entered the room, his hair flying in the air. 注意 : 表示伴随状态的独立主格结构通常可以由 with 引导, 如本例题. 第三节动名词 动名词是动词的特殊形式, 拼写类似现在分词, 用法类似名词, 具有与二者均不同的特 点 : 动名词可作动词或介词宾语 ( 分词不行 ) 之后可以再接宾语 ( 名词不行 ), 它兼备了 动词和名词的功能, 故称作动名词 考点一动名词作宾语 1. 许多动词不能接不定式作宾语, 同时又需要动宾结构作宾语, 此时动名词便可大显身手了, 如 :enjoy singing( 喜欢唱歌 ), avoid looking me in the eye miss crashing into the tree Fancy meeting you here! ( 想不到在这里见到你了 ) 常接动名词 doing 做宾语的动词有 : enjoy, mind, delay, avoid, consider, deny, miss, escape, fancy, suggest, insist 等另外, 在一些固定用法当中, 也需要用动名词做宾语, 如 : can't help doing, it's no use doing, it's worth doing, be busy doing, feel like doing 等. 2. 有的动词既可以用动名词作宾语, 也可以用不定式, 两者意思区别不大, 如 : like, begin, start, love, learn 等, she was five. 如 : She began playing piano when She began to play piano when she was five. 但是对于 remember, forget, try 等动词来说, 接不定式和接动名词意义不同, 如 :How many people remember listening to the radio broadcast, "The War of the Worlds"

60 ( 还有多少人记得听过无线广播 -- The War of the Worlds) ( 表示已经听过了 ) I remember to listen to the radio broadcast, "The War of the Worlds" ( 我想起来要听 广播 -- The War of the Worlds) ( 表示还没有听过 ) We must try to work this problem out. ( 我们必须尽力把这道题做出来 )( 表示努力, 设法 ) We can try doing it. ( 我们可以试着做它 ) ( 表示尝试 ) 动名词作介词宾语的情况更加普遍, 详见第四章介词 - 介宾短语 例题 : (1) A mortgage enables a person to buy property without paying for it outright; thus more A B C people are able to enjoy to own a house. D 答案 :D 应改为 : owning 解释 :enjoy doing 是固定用法, 必须用动名词作 enjoy 的宾语 考点二动名词作主语 定语或表语 和名词相仿, 动名词可作句子的主语 表语或名词的定语如 :Meeting you is my pleasure. His job is driving a bus. The opening ceremony will begin in five minutes. 在简单句中, 只能有一个主语和一个谓语, 考试时经常会出现在一个简单句中主语部分不全或干脆没有主语部分, 需要考生将句子补全, 这时要注意的是主语部分只能是名词短语, 动名词短语或不定式短语, 而不能是动词短语或句子, 如 : 例题 : (1) scapegoating by transferring the blame to others is often called (A) Eliminate problems (B) The eliminated problems (C) Eliminating problems (D) Problems are eliminated

61 答案 :C 解释 : 此句只是主语部分不完整, 可排除 A,D; B 与句意不符, 只有 C 动名词词组合适, 与 scapegoating 相呼应 注意 by 后面的短语表示一种方式 手段, 而不是被动式的施动者 (2) ---- raw materials into useful products is called manufacturing. (A)Transform (B) Transforming (C) Being transformed (D) When transforming 答案 :B 解释 : 此句 is 之前是句子的主语, 之后是谓语, 空格处需要一个能接宾语 raw materials 的 名词性结构, 这正是动名词所具备的特点, 因此答案非 B 莫属 注意 : 有时需要在动名词之前加上物主代词或名词, 表示动名词的逻辑主语如 : Would you mind my turning off the radio? I'm rather disappointed at Helen's putting on airs at the party. She remembered Tom owing her ten dollars. 此语法点题目中较少涉及, 但有助于读懂题干 第四节助动词 助动词没有独立的语义, 主要作用是协助谓语动词表示时态 语态或构成疑问式 否定 式等助动词和情态动词的共同特点是需要和其他动词搭配使用才有意义, 而且句子的否 定式和疑问式都可通过这两类词体现 一 have/has ( 现在完成时 ), had ( 过去完成时 ) 这组助动词主要用来构成完成时态, 形式为 :have /has /had + 过去分词如 :I haven't seen you for ages. She had mentioned this before. 二 be be 本身可作谓语动词, 但在进行时中它是助动词, 与现在分词搭配使用, 缺一不可如 :She's watching a football match. He's looking for his favorite pet.

62 此外,be 和过去分词搭配构成被动语态 如 :The vicar was killed in a car accident. 三 do/does ( 一般现在时 ), did ( 一般过去时 ) 此组助动词用于构成疑问式或否定 式如 :He doesn't feel like smoking at the moment. Did you meet the manager this morning? 四 will, shall, would 此组助动词用于构成将来时如 :He won't be able to see you until an hour later. Mary promised she would pay you a visit soon. 例题 : (1) The colors of a rainbow ---- arranged in the same order. (A) which are always (B) and they are always (C) always (D) are always 答案 :D 解释 : 空格前是句子的主语, 之后是过去分词短语, 空格处需要补全句子的谓语,A 使原句只有从句无主句 ;B 并列句的前一个分句无谓语 ;arrange 与 color 是被动关系,C 是主动式, 可排除 ; 只有 D 助动词 are 恰好与 arranged 构成句子的谓语 第五节情态动词情态动词有表示能够 愿意 请求等多种意思, 比助动词用法要相对 复杂些,TOEFL 考试中, 首先要记住语法上的要点, 即情态动词之后必须接动词原形常 见情态动词有 : must, may, might, can, could, need, shall, should, ought to, will, would, dare, dared 情态动词表示现在对过去发生的事的猜测 想法时应该用 ( 情态动词 + 完成时动词 ), 表 示 应当已经 / 一直, 想必已经 / 一直 使用不同的情态动词, 存在着语气 意思上的区别 must + 完成时动词 : 表示对过去事情的肯定性推测, 意思为 一定, 必定 It's ten o'clock now, they must have arrive in Beijing. ( 现在 10 点了, 他们肯定已经到了北京 )

63 He is quite tired, he must have been overworking last night. ( 他太累了, 准是昨晚加班了 ) may/might /can/could + 完成时动词 (1) 均表示不肯定的推测, 注意与 must 肯定语气的比较 He is so depressed, I'm afraid that he might have failed in the test. ( 他心情这么沮丧, 恐怕考试没有过 ) (2) 另外表示责备 本来可以 ( 而竟没有 ) 之意 (3) 注意 cannot / couldn't + 完成时动词, 表示对过去事情进行肯定性的否定推测, 意思 为 不可能干 / 做, 肯定没有做 He couldn't have finished the homework in such a short time. 内作完家庭作业 他不可能在如此短的时间 should / shouldn't / ought to / ought not to + 完成时动词 : 用于表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气, 意思为 应该做而未做 / 不应该做却做了 ( 参考 虚拟语气 章节 ) I should have brought the wallet with me. 我该带上钱包的 He oughtn't to have been complaining about such a trivial matter. 他不应该为这件小事而抱怨不休 needn't + 完成时动词 ; 表示做了不必要的事, 意思是 原本不必 注意与 cannot / couldn't + 完成时动词进行比较 You needn't have told him the matter. 你其实不必告诉他这件事 You couldn't have told him the matter. 你不可能把这件事告诉他了 区别于 would + 动词完成时, 用于与过去事实相反的虚拟语气, 表示对过去事情的假设 ( 参考 虚拟语气 章节 ) If I had enough money on me, I would have bought the book. 如果我带的钱够, 我就把那本书买下来了 例题 : (1) A fish must constantly to gulp water in order to keep a current flowing through A B its delicate gills.

64 C D 答案 :A 应改为 :gulp. 解释 : 情态动词 must 之后用动词原形, 不能接不定式 (2) Before the retina of the eye can be examined, the pupil must to be artificially dilated. A B C D 答案 :D 应改为 :must be 解释 :must 是情态动词, 直接接动词原形, 而不能接不定式 the end. 第六章代词 代词顾名思义, 用来替代前面出现过的成分, 以使语言简练 避免重复 代词种类繁多, 包括人称代词 ( 如 :I, him) 物主代词( 如 :her, ours, their) 反身代词 ( 如 :yourself, themselves) 指示代词 ( 如 :that, these) 不定代词( 如 :every, any) 疑问代词 关系代词等 这里集中讲解人称代词和物主代词, 其他类型的代词在其他章节中分别阐述 第一节人称代词 人称代词分为两类 : 主格和宾格, 人称代词的格变化是 TOEFL 中的一个常考考点 考点一主格主格代词分别是 : 第一人称 :I, we( 复数 ) 第二人称 :you( 单复同 ) 第三人称 :he, she, it, they( 复数 ) 时填主格代词 主格代词在句中作主语, 填空题缺少主语时, 有

65 例题 : (1) Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, ----communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. (A) however (B) they (C) furthermore (D) who 答案 :B 解释 : 空白前分别是本句的从句和主句, 主句中缺少主语, 只有 B 代词可独立作主语 (2) Every individual cell, whether its exists as an independent microorganism or is part of a A B complex creature, has its own life cycle. C D 答案 :A 应改为 : it 解释 : 物主代词 its 不能与动词 exist 连用, 应改为人称代词作从句的主语 考点二宾格 (1) 宾格代词分别是 : 第一人称 :me, us( 复数 ) 第二人 称 :you( 单复同 ) 第三人称 :him, her, it, them( 复数 ) 例如 :No one can jump over the channel except Mary and him he) ( 这里用宾格, 而不能用 (2) 宾格代词在句中作动词或介词的宾语, 改错题中常误 用主格代词作宾语, 应改为 宾格 例如 :I go out with her. ( 注意介词 with) Most of us came from village. ( 注意介词 of 后面必须用宾格 )

66 例题 : (1) The texture of soil is determined by the size of the grains or particles that make up. A B C D 答案 :D 应改为 :make it up 解释 :make up 是及物动词词组, 需要宾语, 依句意加上宾格代词 it, 指代 soil (2) Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable ---- spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places. (A) they (B) to their (C) its (D) them to 答案 :D 解释 : 空格处需要及物动词 enable 的宾语, A 是主格代词, 不能作宾语 ; B C 中的物主代词不能接动词 spring; D 中的 them 是宾格代词作宾语, 同时 to 与 spring 构成不定式, 作复合宾语 第二节物主代词 物主代词用来表示所属关系, 分为形容词性和名词性两类一 形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词分别是 : 第一人称 :my, our( 复数 ) 第二人称 :your( 单复同 ) 第三人称 :his, her, its, their( 复数 ) 形容词性物主代词不能单独使用, 只能作名词的限定词, 如 :my watch, their coach 改错题经常误用其他类型的代词作名词定语, 此时应改为形容词性物主代词例题 : (1) Mammals lose body heat to them environment in cold weather more quickly than in

67 A B C D hot weather. 答案 : B 应改为 : their 解释 : 人称代词 them 不能修饰名词, 与其对应的物主代词 their 恰好作名词 environment 的限定词 二 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词分别是 : 第一人称 :mine, ours( 复数, 我的东西, 我们的东西 ) 第二人称 :yours ( 单复同, 你的东西 ) 第三人称 :his, hers, its, theirs( 复数, 它的东西, 他们的东西 ) 名词性物主代词相当于名词可单独使用作句子的主语 表语或宾语 例 : These pencils are theirs. ( 这些铅笔是他们的 ) This book are yours. Mine is over there. (yours 做宾语,Mine 做主语 ) 例题 (1) For years, elephants were hunted for food and ivory, and as a result theirs numbers reduced. A B C have been greatly D 答案 :B 应改为 : their. 解释 :theirs 是名词性物主代词, 后面不能接名词, 形容词性物主代词才可以 第三节反身代词 反身代词主要有 : 第一人称 :myself, ourselves( 复数 ) 第二人称 : yourself, yourselves 复数 ) 第三人称 :himself, herself, itself, themselves( 复数 ) 还有一个 oneself 1. 在 TOEFL 考试中, 经常混淆反身代词的写法, 结尾的 -self 和 -selves 经常故意写错例题 :

68 In Williamsburg, the capital of Virginia until 1780, people conducted themself much London. A B C like the gentry in D 答案 :C 应改为 :themselves 2. 反身代词的用法 可以用来做宾语 : He hurt himself when he fell. 可以用来做表 语 : He is not quite himself today. ( 他今天有些不舒服 ) 反身代词经常放在名词或者代名词的后面来进行强调, 表示 亲自 的意思 I myself do it. I do it myself. They made the research themselves. 但是不能够说 :Himself does it. 应改为 : He does it. This is himself's book.. 应改为 :This is his own book.. 3.TOEFL 考试中经常会出现反身代词用错的时候, 其中主要的是 Oneself 例题 : The vanilla vine sends out tiny rootlets by which the vine attaches oneself to trees. A B C D 答案 : D 应改为 : itself. Oneself 往往要跟 one 对应, 例如 : One should not livef for oneself alone. 4. 反身代词常和一些介词连用组成一些惯用语, 了解它们对做题和阅读都大有帮助 by oneself ( 单独 独自 ) He said that he could do it by himself. For oneself: 为了自己

69 第四节不定代词 不定代词的用法区别在 TOEFL 中经常出现, 这些区别对许多同学来讲比较容易混淆一 比较 both 和 All Both,either, neither 都是在谈到两个人或者东西的时候用到 Both of them are right. ( 他们两个人都对 ) You can take either book.( 两本书你可以任意挑一本 ) Neither of them is going to get haircut. ( 他们俩谁也不愿意理发 ) All of the books are worth to read. ( 三本书以上 ) None of them is going to get haircut. (them 指三个人以上 ) I like any of them. (them 指三个人以上 ) 二 None 和 no None 和 no 都用于否定的意思 但是 None 是 没有一个人或者没有一个东西, 在句子中可以用作主语 宾语 同位语等 而 No 是 没有 的意思, 只能够当作形容词用, 不能够作代词用 None of them knew how to do it. ( 不能够说 no of them) No women are allowed to come in. 三 another, the other, others, the others 1. 在涉及到两个人或者东西的时候, 任意取一个用 one, 另外那个用 the other( 表示特指 ) I have two computers; one is IBM, the other is Dell. 2. 涉及到三个以上时, 任意取一个用 one, 泛指另外一个用 another Three people went to the meeting. One was a software programmer, another was a network expert, and the third was a college student. 3. 涉及到三个以上时, 任意取一个用 one, 表示特指其他的那些用 the others 或者用 the other+ 名词 Two of them go to Canada, the others go to America. 人去了美国 ) ( 他们中两个人去了加拿大, 其他

70 Two of the students go to Canada, the other students go to America. 第七章简单句 只包含一个主谓结构 ( 一个主语 + 一个谓语 ) 的句子称作简单句, 是英文句子的基本形式 麻雀虽小, 五脏俱全, 简单句同样可以包括主语 谓语 宾语 状语 同位语等多种成分 第一节主谓结构 考点一一般主谓结构考法 1. 主谓结构可谓是句子的核心与灵魂, 完整的句子不能缺少主谓结构, 即主语 + 谓语 2. 填空题中大量涉及句子的主谓结构, 这不仅适用于简单句, 并列句和复合句也是同样的道理, 无论是并列分句 主句还是从句都需要主语和谓语 解题的步骤 : 要求首先确定句子的主谓结构, 根据缺少的成分对选项 进行排除和筛选例题 : (1) Thanksgiving Day. (A) when served is sweet cider (B) when sweet cider is served (C) is served sweet cider (D) sweet cider is served 答案 :D Traditionally, ----in New England on 解释 : 此句只给出时间和地点状语, 需填入完整的主语和谓语作为句子的主干, A B 只有 when 引导的从句没有主句 ; C 上来就是 is, 没有主语 ; D 由名词词组 sweet cider 和 serve 的被动式构成主谓语, 使原句成为一个简单句 (2) A historical novel may do more than mirror history; ----future events. (A) even influencing (B) it may even influence (C) may even influence (D) that it may even influence 答案 :B

71 解释 : 分号可以连接两个语义并列的完整句子, 此句需填入一个主谓结构, 从而使分号 后的句子完整. A 不能作谓语, 且缺主语 ; C 缺主语 ; D 构成从句, 无法与分号前的句子 并列 3. 主语多由名词充当, 还可能是代词 动名词 不定式等如 :He ran away. ( 此句中代词 he 是主语,ran away 是谓语 ) 有的题目选项中无明显的主谓结构, 往往需要考虑 there be 句式, 严格的讲 there be 是倒装句, 但由于它是固定句式, 可视为主谓结构如 :There are a lot of monkeys in the zoo 考点二谓语动词 1. 主谓结构十分重要, 谓语动词则是要点中的要点, 国不可一日无君, 句子不可缺少谓语 动词 象祈使句可以没有主语, 但却少不了谓语动词 2. 一个句子当中可能出现多个动词形式, 却未必而且往往不都是谓语动词, 必须掌握确 定谓语动词的方法, 才能从容解题 一般说来能够决定句子的时态 语态 语气的词就是谓语动词, 如 :studies, was known, is reading, has achieved, must be, can make 等形式的动词肯定是谓语 ; 单独的分词 不定式都属于 非谓语形式, 如 :broken, ringing, to look after 例句 : Having thought for a while, she decided to forgive the man caught stealing her diamond. 此句中有四个动词结构, 但只有 decided 是谓语形式, 其他分别为分词作状语 (having thought) 不定 式作宾语 (to forgive) 分词作定语 (caught stealing) 3. 谓语专一原则 (1) 简单句中只允许存在一个谓语动词, 其余动词必须是非谓语形式, 如上面的例句 英文中切忌 : 两个谓语形式的动词直接连接 ( 尤其是 be 动词不能和实意动词连用,is do 是绝不可能出现的 ), 或以逗号连接 (2) 确实需要多个谓语时需用连词, 或主从句形式加以连接 ( 分号也可 ) 如 : She looked and smiled. He will give you some advice; he may even help you do it.

72 (3) 值得注意的是并列句中的每个分句及主从句中的每个简单句仍需遵循谓语专一原则 牢记这一原则才可准确地排除干扰选项, 找出句中的致命错误例题 : (1) In a representative democracy, the people election delegates to an assembly. A B C D 答案 :C 应改为 :elect. 解释 :election 是名词, 不能作谓语, 更不能 带宾语 delegates, 故改为动词 elect. (2) Since 1971 the regional corporations set up in Alaska by Congress managing A B C everything from fishing to banking. D 答案 :C 应改为 : have managed. 解释 : 分词 managing 不能单独作谓语, 句首的 since 提示应用现在完成时 (3) The edible tube mushroom ----a cushionlike, moist cap that is light brown or darkish red. (A) which has (B) to have (C) having (D) has 答案 :D 解释 : 此句已给出主语和由定语从句修饰的宾语, 缺少谓语动词, 只有 D 可单 独作谓语考点三表语 系动词 be 作谓语时, 与之搭配的部分被称作表语, 表语多由形容词 名词担当, 也可 是介宾短语 不定式 分词或动名词等如 :He is a doctor. It's fantastic. She was in hospital.

73 以上句子中 a doctor, fantastic, in hospital 就是表语例题 : (1) Quasars----emitting extremely intense radio waves and visible radiation. (A) starlike objects are (B) starlike, they are objects (C) are starlike objects (D) are they starlike objects 答案 :C 解释 : 此句缺少谓语,C 由系表结构组成, 原句中的分词短语恰好作表语的定语 A B 与原句主语冲突, 也不符合同位语的要求 ;D 中 they 和 starlike objects 重复 (2) Wherever there is plenty of rain during the growing season, life is ----in various forms. (A) abundant (B) the abundance (C) an abundant (D) it abundant 答案 :A 解释 : 空格处需要 is 的表语,B 不可数名词 abundance 之前不应加 the;c 少名词 ;D 多代 词 it; A 形容词, 恰好作表语 第二节状语 句子中除了主谓结构外, 还可能包含表示时间 地点 方式等内容的状语, 通常由副词 介宾短语来承当 如 :At night, I don't go out very often., 此句中 at night, very often 都是状语介宾短语作状语是填空题的重要考点, 若空格处或空格所在部分之后是完整的主谓句, 且两部分之间多以逗号隔开, 若选项中无从句结构或分词, 此时空格处需填入介宾短语作状语 例题 : (1) ----irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.

74 (A) Its (B) Where its (C) Since its (D) Because of its 答案 :D 解释 : 此句主干完整, 主语是 the use of phenol as a general antiseptic, 谓语是 has been largely discontinued, 逗号之前应是状语. A 构成名词短语, 与该句主语发生冲突 ; B C 欲 构成从句, 但缺少从句的谓语动词 ; D 恰好构成表示原因的状语, 短语 because of 之后常 接名词或动名词表原因, 如 : He failed the exam because of his carelessness. (2) ----a child, sculptor Anne Whitney showed an eager intellect and artistic talent that her parents recognized and encouraged. (A) Has been (B) It was while (C) She was (D) As 答案 :D 解释 : 此句主干完整, 主语是 sculptor, 谓语动词是 showed, 之后是带有定语从句的宾语, 需填入状语. A B C 中的 has been was 与 showed 相冲突, 违背谓语唯一原则. 介词词组 As a child 相当于 When she was a child. (3).----, snakes frequently subdue their prey without injecting poison. (A) Contrary to general belief (B) General belief contrary to (C) Belief contrary to general (D) Contrary belief general to 答案 :A 解释 : 给出部分是完整的句子, 从选项中可见此处缺少状语, be contrary to 是固定词组, 表示 与 相反, 介词 to 后需接宾语, 只有 A 符合上述条件 第三节宾语

75 1. 若谓语动词是及物的, 那么及物动词后面一定要接宾语 宾语大部分由名词和代词的宾格充当, 也可是动名词 不定式等如 :He found a ladybird in his pencil-box. I don't want to disturb you. 2. 宾语补足语有相当一部分动词的宾语之后还需要补足语, 宾语和补足语之间逻辑上是主谓关系, 补足语可由名词 形容词 不定式等构成 如 :He found it necessary. He asks me to help her. TOEFL 集中考的是 make 及 make possible: make 的宾语之后多接形容词作补足语, 如 :make clear, make possible; 也可接名词, 如 : make a man, make a doctor make possible 的重考率较高, 值得单独讲解, 其实弄清了 make possible 的用法, 也就不难举一反三了 牢记 make possible 的三种形式 : 1. make+ 名词 +possible; His financial aid makes this trip possible. 2. make+possible+ 名词 ( 名词短语较长时 ) His financial aid makes possible the poor Chinese student's entering of the world famous university. 3. make it possible (for sb.)to do ( 见形式宾语部分 ) The father's hard labor makes it possible for the son to receive better education. 例题 : (1) A microphone enables a soft tone to be amplified, thus making it possible the gentle A B C renditions of romantic love songs in a large hall. D 答案 :C 应改为 :making possible 解释 :make possible 已有名词宾语 renditions, 无需用形式宾语 it, 宾语因较长而置于 possible 之后

76 (2) The United States Congress made Washington, D.C., ---- in (A) after the government center (B) of the government center (C) the center of government (D) then the center of government 答案 :C 解释 : 空格处需要 make 的宾语 Washington, D.C. 的补足语, 选项中只有 C 名词词组符合 题意 ;D 中的 then 是多余的 第四节同位语 同位语一般接在名词或代词后, 对其进行补充说明, 结构上和之前的词并列, 多是主语和宾语带有同位语, 有时同位语为表示强调可提前到主语之前 同位语主要由名词充当如 :Let me introduce Miss Green, my next-door neighbor. ( 逗号后是同位语 ) The famous American poet, Whitman, is best remembered for his collection entitled Leaves of Grass. (Whitman 之前是同位语 ) 填空题中若除去空格部分是完整的主谓结构, 且空格与句子其他部分之间用两个逗号 完全隔开或用一个逗号隔开一边, 则空格处需要填入同位语或定语例题 : (1) From 1946 to 1949, ----William Henry Hastie served as governor of the Virgin Islands. (A) the lawyer (B) he was the lawyer (C) the lawyer who (D) was the lawyer 答案 :A 解释 : 给出部分主谓俱全, 空白处只能是主语的修饰部分,A 恰好构成同位语 B,D 与原 句主谓语冲突 ;C 从句无谓语 (2) The skyscraper, ----, is an architectural form that originated in the United States.

77 (A) is a tall commercial structure (B) a tall commercial structure (C) a tall commercial structure which (D) of which a tall commercial structure 答案 :B 解释 : 空格前是句子的主语, 空格后是谓语, 且空格两头都有逗号, 需填入的可能是主语的同位语 ; A 是谓语形式, 可先排除 ; C D 都使原句只有从句无主句 ; B 是名词短语作同位语 (3) Plankton, ----, is the basic foodstuff for everything that lives in the ocean. (A) comprise both minute marine animals and plants (B) is the name given to minute marine animals and plants (C) the collective name for minute marine animals and plants (D) minute marine animals and plants collectively that 考点 : 同位语答案 :C 解释 : 空格前后分别是句子的主谓语, 以逗号隔开, 空格处需要同位语或定语,A, B 是谓语结构, 可先排除 ;D 使原句只有从句无主句 ;C 是名词短语, 恰好作主语同位语 词汇 :plankton: 浮游生物, collective name: 总称, minute: 微 小的 第八章并列句 由两个或两个以上互不依从的主谓结构构成的句子称为并列句, 各并列分句间用 and, but, so, or 等连词 连接, 可以是并列 转折 因果 选择等关系 第一节并列连词 一 并列连词

78 1. 典型的并列连词有 :and, but, or, so, yet, for I have studied English for almost 12 years, yet my spoken English is still very poor. I was going to the cinema, but I lost my way. We cann't get there at time for we have been out of gas. 2. 固定搭配使用的并列连词 : not only but (also), not only but (as well), both and, either or, neither nor, too to, such( )as, between and the same.as, as well as( 注意和副词 as well 相区别 ), (not) so as as as, not so much A as B( 与其说 A 不如说 B) so/such a that 例句 : 1. The Empire State Building, once America's tallest, is now surpassed by both the Sears Tower in Chicago and the World Trade Center in New York. 2. Clocks not only measure and tell time but also serve as decoration in homes and other buildings. 3. A jewel is an ornament fashioned from precious metals or stones, either alone or in combination. 4. The boy is too young to lift this box. 5. According to psychologists, a person's attentions is attracted not so much by the intensity of different signal as by their context, significance and information content. 并列连词的固定搭配是改错题的重要考点, 因此上述搭配必须浑熟于心, 例题 : (1) According to cognitive theories of emotion, anger occurs when individuals believe A have been harmed and that the harm was either avoidable and undeserved. B C D

79 答案 :D 应改为 :both. 两者都, either 应与 or 搭配, 表或者 解释 :both...and... 是固定搭配, 表示 (2) Providence, Rhode Island, is a busy manufacturing city and seaport, as well the A B C state capital. D 答案 :C 应改为 :as well as the. 解释 :as well as 固定词组, 表示也,as well 也有此意, 但只能修饰动词, 多放在句尾 (3) Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in the A B C circuit and of an outside event such as lightning. D 答案 :D 应改为 :or 解释 :either or 为固定搭配, 表示或者, 或是. 第二节平行结构 平行结构作为考点的出题率奇高, 平均每套题中都有 2-4 道题目, 因此必须引起高度重视 平行结构指的就是并列成分, 不难理解和掌握 只要形成对 and, or 等词的敏感, 牢记上面的固定搭配使用的并列连词 (both and, as well as 等 ), 一看到这些词就首先考虑平行结构, 无论作填空还是改错都是行之有效的方法 平行结构可能是并列的名词 形容词 不定式 动名词 谓语动词 分词等 例题 : (1) rights in the A During most of this century, A. Philip Randolph struggled for Black B United States and becomes an important figure in the labor movement. C D 答案 :C 应改为 :became. 解释 :and 连接两个并列谓语, 前者是过去 时 (struggled), 后者应相呼应使用过去式 注意 : 在同一个时间背景下 ( 本

80 题中是 During most of this century ), 平行结构连接词所对应的动词必须 采取一致的时态 (2) Classicism as a doctrine seeks what is universally truth and good. A B C D 答案 :C 应改为 :true. 解释 :and 连接两个并列表语, 词性必须相一致, good 是形容词, 此处 truth 也应该用形容词 true 注意: 平行结构连接词所对应的各个连接单位的词性必须相一致, 再如例题 4 (4) It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effective than to employ flowery A B C but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. D 答案 :B 应改为 : effectively. 解释 : 句中 and 连接的是几个修饰动词 write 的副词, 它们的结构应是平行的. effective 是形容词, 无法与 simply, directly 并列使用 (5) Before pioneers cleared the land for farms, cities, and road, forests covered about 40 A B C percent of what is now the state of Illinois. D 答案 :B 应改为 : roads 解释 :and 连接作为 for 的并列宾语, 和 farms, cities 平行的应是复数名词 roads 注意 : 平行结构连接词所连接的名词, 其单复数形式必须相同, 除非有的式可数名词, 有的是不可数名词

81 (5) Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and ----, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in (A) reforming society (B) social reformer (C) who reformed society (D) her social reform 答案 :B 解释 :and 连接的是主语 Lillian D. Wald( 人名 ) 的两个并列同位语, public health nurse 是形容人的名词词组, 需填的部分应与其一致, A 属分词词组, C 属定语从句,D 虽是名词词组, 中心词是 reform, 它们均不符合题意. 注意 : 平行结构连接词所连接的几个单位在结构上, 形式上应该尽量一致, 比如上题的 public health nurse and social reformer, 都是形容词修饰名词 再如例题 6 (6) Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than eastern Nebraska is A B C D 答案 :D 应改为 :Nebraska does 解释 : 题目中实际上是两个句子在用 than 连接进行比较, 它们比较的内容是 receives the snow, 因此 D 中应该用 does 而不是 is 来代替前面的 receives 第三节并列句中的省略 并列句中当后面的分句与前面有相同部分时可进行省略, 以避免重复, 省略时前后要尽量保证结构的平衡如 :I major in history and my brother in chemistry. He was eager to win her heart, but didn't know how. TOEFL 中有少量题目涉及这一语言现象例题 : (1) The photoperiodic response of algae actually depends on the duration of darkness, (A) the light is not on (B) and not on light

82 (C) but is not on the light (D) is not on light 答案 :B 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓语, A, D 可先排除 ; 正确的搭配是 depend on, 而不是 is on, C 也有误 ;B 是省略了的并列句, 相当于 and does not depend on light, 符合语法 (2) Nebraska has floods in some years, ---- (A) in others drought (B) droughts are others (C) while other droughts (D) others in drought 答案 :A 解释 : 空格前是完整的主谓句, 逗号不能连接句子, 故主谓结构 B 可先排除 ;C 从句少谓语 ;D 语义不明 ; A 是简略的平行结构, 相当于 and drought in others (other years) 第九章主从复合句 由两个或两个以上有依存关系的主谓结构形成的句子称为主从复合句, 从句必然在主句 中充当语法成分, 如定语 宾语 状语 同位语 主语 表语等 注意 : 句子不可以只有从句没有主句 从句一般由特定的引导词引出, 有些从句除去引导词是完整的主谓结构, 如 : 状语从句 部分宾语从句 同位语从句等 ; 而有些从句引导词在从句中充当语法成分, 如 : 定语从句 部分表语和主语从句 部分宾语从句等 第一节定语从句 在句中充当定语的句子就叫做定语从句, 定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的, 修 饰从句的先行词 考点一先行词

83 先行词严格的讲不是从句的一部分, 但由于它是从句修饰的对象, 对从句引导词的选择 从 句谓语的数都起着决定作用, 直接影响到定语从句的主谓一致问题 例如 : 如果先行词是 the girl, 表示人, 则引导词应是 who 或 whom 或 that, 从句谓语必须是第三人称单数形式 ; She is the girl whom I saw in the zoo yesterday. She is the girl who sells computer. 如果先行词是 the goods, 则引导词是 that 或 which, 从句谓语是第三人称复数形式 Do you get the photos that I sent last week. 例题 : (1) A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a A B C D few seconds. 答案 :D 应改为 : lasts 解释 :last 是定语从句中的谓语, 需要与先行词, 即从句的逻辑主语一致, a supply 是单数, 所以 last 要加 s. (2) Resin is a substance that ---- in water. (A) does not dissolve (B) do not dissolve (C) not dissolving (D) not dissolved 答案 :A 解释 : 此句主句是系表结构, 表语 substance 由 that 引导的定语从句修饰, 空格处需要从句的谓语,C 和 D 都是分词, 无法独立作谓语, 首先排除 ;substance 是单数, 依据从句主谓一致原则, 动词也应是单数, 故 A 正确 考点二关系代词

84 大部分定语从句都由关系代词引导, 主要的关系代词包括 :that, who, which, whom, whose, 其中可以代替人 ( 指先行词 ) 的是 :that, who, whom; 代替物的是 that, which; whose 之前既可接人又可接物, 但必须和名词搭配使用 关系代词在从句中必须承担语法成分, 可作从句的主语或宾语 : 作主语的关系代词是 :that, who, which, whose, 它们在从句中不可省略 ; 作宾语的是 :that, whom, which, 它们在从句中可省略注意 : 在作主语的关系代词中 whose 是唯一可和另一名词连用的 作从句主语的句子, 如 : She's got a parrot that / which can speak hello. He' the man who /that takes charge of this department. Have you noticed the lady whose hair has gone grey? 作从句宾语的句子, 如 : Is she the one (whom /that) you're looking for?(for 之后不要加 her) Show me the book (that /which) you read just now.(read 之后不要加 it) 例题 : (1) jazz musicians A Jackie McLean's recordings have shown that he is one of the few who style of playing has kept pace with the evolution of modern jazz. B C D 答案 :B 应改为 :whose. 解释 :who 引导定语从 句时, 不能同时修饰名词, 需改成 whose (2) A hologram is a pattern usually made on film in that can create a three-dimensional A B C image of a scene. D 答案 :B 应改为 :film that

85 解释 : 定语从句中缺少主语, 应该用关系代词 that 单独引导 (3) Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy-five miles an hour who waters. A B C originate over tropical ocean D 答案 :C 应改为 :which 解释 : 用于代替人的关系代词 who 不能指代 winds, 应改为 which 考点三介词前置于关系代词 当关系代词作句中介词的宾语时, 介词可以前置于关系代词, 此时关系代词不能省略, 而且只能用 which 或 whom. 如 :This is the road by which we came. That is the man about whom we have heard so much. 注意 : 先行词为 the way 的定语从句中 in which 习惯上可以省略 This is the way (in which) I make the problem out. 例题 : (1) And ideal is a standard ---- people judge phenomena. (A) how (B) of (C) by which (D) for it 答案 :C 解释 : 空格前后都是主谓结构, 可知需填入从句引导词,B, D 可先排除 ; 依句意应构成定 语从句, 故选 C (2) In reorganizing the curriculum of Mt. Holyoke College in the late1800's Elizabeth Mead laid the foundation ---- the modern college rests. (A) is which

86 (B) on which (C) which is on (D) on it 答案 :B 解释 : 空格前后都有主谓结构, 显然空格处需要从句引导词, A D 可先排除, 从句已有主语 college, C 也肯定不对, 只有 B 是正确的定语从句, 其中词组 rest on 中的介词前置于关系代词 which 考点四关系副词 定语从句还可以由关系副词 when, where 或 why 引导, 关系副词在从句中作时间 地点或原因状语如 :Have you ever been to the house where he used to live? (where=in which) I could hardly forget the day when my uncle passed away. (when=on which) Tell me the reason why I am fired. (why=for which) 例题 : (1) The knee is the joint----the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. (A) when (B) where (C) why (D) which 答案 :B 解释 : 空白处前后都包含主谓结构, 句意上后句是对前句 joint 一词的解释, 可推知需要填入定语从句引导词, 又因从句中主谓宾语俱全, 可知缺少的是表地点的关系副词, 那末 A C D 均可排除 (2) Members of a nation's foreign service represent that country's interests abroad and A B report on the conditions, trends, and policies of the country which they are stationed. C D 答案 :D

87 应改为 :country where they 解释 : 关系代词 which 未在从句中作任何成分, 不符合语法, 依句意应改为表地点的 关系副词考点五定语从句类别 定语从句可分为限定性和非限定性两种, 其主要区别为 : 1. 非限定性定语从句中, 引导词和先行词之间需用逗号隔开 2. 非限定性定语从句中, 引导词一般不用 that, 在修饰人时用 who, whom, whose He had three children, all of whom had graduated from college. 在修饰物时用 which 3. 限定性定语从句是句子不可或缺的部分, 去掉会造成句意不清 ; 而非限定性定语从句只是补充说明的作用, 有无对句意影响不大, 翻译时常译作独立的句子, 而不是定语 对比下列句子 : He refused to reveal the man who had beaten him black and blue. (man 是特定的 ) I no longer live in Beijing, where air pollution did great harm to my health. (Beijing 是众所周知的, 无需限定, 若限定则意味着世界上有不止一个北京 ) TOEFL 考的基本都是限定性定语从句 第二节宾语从句 在主句中作宾语的就是宾语从句, 并不是所有的动词都能接宾语从句, 应满足的先决条件是及物动词 宾语从句可分为三类 : 一 that 引导的宾语从句 that 引导的宾语从句为普遍, 从句应是完整的主谓结构, 且 that 有时可以省略, 如 :She told me (that) she had bought a gift for me. I hope that it will be cooler tomorrow.

88 常接此类宾语从句的动词有 :say, think, hope, tell, see, deny, demand, suggest, propose, declare, feel, intend, insist, believe, agree, admit, expect, explain, imagine, know, report, doubt 等 I doubt that he has the ability to do this. 二 what, where, when, which, who, why, how 等词引导的宾语从句宾语从句还可由上述类似特殊疑问词的引导词引出, 此时引导词作从句的主语 宾语 或状语, 不可以省略如 :I can't understand why you feel so bitter about her manners. Could you explain what has caused the delay? I wonder how you managed to escape. Just tell me which one you prefer. 此类从句的形式颇像问句, 但需注意应用陈述句语序, 不可倒装 可接此类从句的动词有 :ask, say, tell, know, wonder, understand, inform, advise, decide, find, answer, suggest, show, discuss, discover 等 三 whether /if 引导的宾语从句 whether / if 引导的从句, 表示 是否.,whether /if 虽不在从句中担当成分, 但因有实际意思, 不可省略, 之后的从句必须是完整的主谓结构如 :I wonder if /whether you are interested in his paintings. I can't decide whether I should go or not. ( 此时不能用 if) 注 : 有些 be+ 形容词的句式结构类似于宾语从句, 可归入此类, 如 : I am sure that he will come before long. I'm afraid (that) you are not allowed to enter without a pass. 例题 :(1) Almost all economists agree ----by trading with one another. (A) nations that are gained (B) nations they gain (C) gaining nations (D) that nations gain 答案 :D

89 解释 : 谓语动词 agree 的宾语不完整, 因 agree 一词不能直接与名词词组搭配, 但可接 that 引导的从句, 故 D 以外的选项均可排除 0 (2) Today it is generally recognized as the primary function of the Federal Reserve A B System is to foster the flow of credit and money that will eventually facilitate a payments. C D balance in international 答案 :B 应改为 : that. 解释 : 介词 as 无法连接两个主谓句, 应用关系连词连接, 构成宾语从句 (3) A biologist does not merely describe organisms, but tries to learn ----act as they do. (A) what causes them to (B) causes them to what (C) what to cause them (D) what cause to them 答案 :A 解释 : 空格处需要的是动词 learn 的宾语,B 是谓语形式可先排除 ; 因不符合固定词组 cause somebody to do, C 和 D 均可排除 ;A 是 what 引导的宾语从句, 符合题意 第三节状语从句 状语从句是从句中的一大类, 在考题中更是频繁出现, 它的主要功能是作主句的状语, 由完整的主谓句构成 状语从句和主句在语法上关系并不紧密, 但在逻辑上是不可分割 的 考点一分类及主要引导词 1. 时间状语从句

90 主要引导词 :when, whenever, before, after, until, while, since, once, so long as, as soon as, the moment, every time, as, next time I will call you after I get to the company. I don't call her until I get to the company. Every time I feel lonely, she comes to talk to me. 2. 地点状语从句 主要引导词 :where, wherever Wherever you go, I will be right here waiting for you. 3. 原因状语从句主要引导词 :because, as, since, considering that, now that, not that, seeing that 注意 :in that 是书面语中原因状语从句的引导词, 相当于 because, 在填空题中曾经出现 Now that it is raining, we'd better cancal the meeting. 4. 目的状语从句 主要引导词 :so that, in order that, for fear that, in case, lest 5. 结果状语从句主要引导词 :so that, so that, such that 注意 :so that 句式和 too to 句式的区别是重要考点之一,so that 接从句 ;too to 接不定式 The old lady is so generous that a lot of people admire her. She is too young to resist it. 6. 条件状语从句 主要引导词 :if, unless, in case, so long as, on condition (that), provided (that) 7. 让步状语从句 主要引导词 :though, although, no matter, even if, even though, however, whatever 注意 though, although 等都不能够与 but 连用 例题 : (1) Anthropology is a science ----anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. (A)in that

91 (B) that in (C) that (D) in 答案 :A 解释 : 空白处前后均是完整的主谓句, 意思上后者是对前者的解释说明, 推知需填入从 句引导词, in that 是一特殊的状语从句引导词, 表示原因, 与此句意思吻合 (2) Gorillas are quiet animals, ----they are able to make about twenty different sounds. (A) how (B) in spite of (C) because of (D) even though 答案 :D 解释 : 空白前后都是完整的主谓句, 需填的一定是连词, 可首先排除 BC,A 引导的宾语从 句不能接在表语后, 只有 D 正确, 构成状语从句 (3) Pure flint is too hard and even-grained that it chips in smooth curved flakes. A B C D 答案 :B 应改为 :so. 固定句式, 表示如此 以至于 解释 :so...that 是 考点二状语从句中的省略 部分状语从句可以省略, 在填空题中时有出现如 :Although defeated, he did not lose heart. ( 从句中省略了 he was) If informed timely, I wouldn't have missed the meeting. ( 从句中省略了 I were) 例题 : (1) ----relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicing infrequently (A) Even (B) It is

92 (C) Even though (D) There is 答案 :C 解释 : 逗号后是完整的句子, 缺少的可能是从句或状语的一部分, B D 是主谓结构, 肯定不对 ; A 是副词, 为甚至之意, 放在原句中讲不通 ; C 是尽管的意思, 实际上省略了状语从句的主谓语 it is, 符合题意. 还需注意的是 costly 是形容词而不是副词 (2) Although ---- rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact. (A) apparently (B) are apparently (C) apparently their (D) are they apparently 答案 :A 解释 :although 是让步状语从句引导词, 空格处需要从句的主谓语,B 缺少主语,D 不应倒装, 可先排除 ; their 不能修饰形容词 rigid,b 也可排除 ;A 是从句的省略式, 相当于 Although they are apparently rigid 第四节同位语从句 句子的同位语多由名词短语充当, 但少数词之后可接由 that 引导的从句作同位语, 此时需和定语从句相区别, 同位语从句中 that 不在从句中承担成分, 而且不可省略如 :I was disillusioned by the fact that he had deserted us for ever. The idea that man is inferior to animals is quite unacceptable. 可接同位语从句的名词有 :fact, reason, idea, news, hope, doubt, belief, proof 等 例题 : (1) Astronomy developed from the observation ---- through regular cycles of motion. (A) going to heavenly bodies (B) the heavenly bodies going (C) heavenly bodies that go

93 (D) that the heavenly bodies go 答案 :D 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓语, 之后是介词短语, 选项中只有 D 可将前后两部分连接起来, 构成 observation 的同位语从句 (2) Alchemists had the idea which by applying che mical vapors to base metals they A B C could create gold. D 答案 : A 应改为 : that. 解释 : 从句表达的是 idea 的内容, 且 idea 在从句中不作成分, 因此确定此处不是定语从句, 而是同位语从句, 应用 that 引导词汇 :alchemist: 炼金术士 第五节主语从句和表语从句 主语从句和表语从句都是名词性从句, 与宾语从句的分类 语法规则基本相同 主语从句如 : That she has gone insane is sheer rumor. Whoever says it must be a fool. Whether you are innocent or not remains a question. 表语从句如 : The problem is that you have lost your way. That's how we got to know the truth. My major concern is whether you agree or not. 例题 : (1) ---- xenon could not form chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.

94 (A) For (B) It was (C) That (D) While 答案 :C 解释 : 空格后有两个非并列的谓语, 空格处一定是需要从句引导词构成主从复合句,B 可先排除, 因 compounds 是 form 的宾语, 不是 was 的主语, 可见是从句作句子的主语, 只有 C 引导的是主语从句 ;A D 都构成状语从句, 但主句缺主语, 故不对 (2) ---- has been a topic of continual geological research. (A) Did the continents originate (B) How did the continents originate (C) Have the continents originated (D) How the continents originated 答案 :D 解释 : 空格后是句子的谓语, 空格处需要主语, A C 是倒装句无法和原句连接, how 引导 的主语从句不需要倒装, 所以 D 是正确表达 (3) In her time, Isadora Duncan was----today a liberated woman. (A) calling what we would (B) who would be calling (C) what we would call (D) she would call it 答案 :C 解释 : 空格前是句子的主谓语, 空格处需要 was 的表语,A 从句缺少谓语,B 从句少先行词 ;D 语义不通 ; C 构成恰当的表语从句, 符合题意 第十章时态

95 英语和汉语的显著区别之一就是英语有时态之分, 不同的时态通过谓语动词 助动 词的不同形式, 以及句中的时间状语来体现 TOEFL 常考的两种时态是现在完成时和一 般过去时. 第一节现在完成时 现在完成时的形式可概括为 :have /has ( 用于第三人称单数 ) done /been 如 :She's just gone out. They have already finished the task. I haven't met him recently Has he told you about the accident? 现在完成时用于表示说话之前已发生的动作但对现在仍有影响, 或是由过去某点延续至说话时的动作, 完成时有一些标志性的时间状语, 如 :already, yet, just, ever, since, for,so far, up to now, in the past years 等 TOEFL 考试中改错题的考察重点是 since, 如句中有 since 引导的时间状语, 相应的谓语动词必然是现在完成时, 反之要注意句中的时间状语是否符合完成时的要求, 若不符, 大多改为 since 例题 : (1) Almanacs in simple form have been known from the invention of writing. A B C D 答案 :B 应改为 : since. 解释 : 此句是现在完成时, 应用标志词 since 表示 自从 的意思 (2) Gore Vidal has steadily pursue a literary career remarkable for its productivity, A B C versatility, and unpredictability. D 答案 :A 应改为 : pursued. 解释 : 此句为现在完成时, has 后面应是动词的过去分词, 原形 pursue 肯定不行

96 注意 : 当现在完成时的时间状语是 for + 一段时间 ( 已经有 时间了 ), 和 since + 一个时间点 ( 自从 以来 ) 的时候, 句中的谓语不能是非延续性动词 ( 暂短性动词 ), 如不能说 : I have borrowed the book for ten days. ( 错误 : borrow 这个动作是发生在图书出纳台上的一次性动作, 不能延续, 因此不能和 for 引导的时间状语连用 ) 应改为 : I have kept the book for ten days. 这样的暂短性动词还有 : buy/sell, break, die, graduate, drop 等. 第二节一般过去时 一般过去时的基本特征是谓语动词使用过去式 (was /were /did), 主要用于表示过去发生的事情, 如 : She used to play tennis every week. When did you go to bed last night? Was he on the spot? 一般过去时的标志词为表示过去的时间状语, 如 : ago, last year, yesterday, just now, at first, in the end, in 1887 等 例题 : (1) How many people remember listening to Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast, A B C The War of the Worlds, Which convince thousands that space aliens had invaded D the Earth? 答案 :D 应改为 : convinced. 解释 : 主句与从句的时态必须保持一致, 时间状语 1938 表明从句应用过去时 (2) The metal aluminum has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century. A B C D

97 答案 :B 应改为 :was. century 意味着此句是一般过去时 解释 : 时间状语 early in the nineteenth 第三节其他重要时态 一 一般现在时 一般现在时用于表示经常往复的动作或自然现象 客观事实等, 其难点在于主语是第 三人称单数时, 谓语动词 (be 除外 ) 结尾需加 -s, 其变化规则和名词变复数一样 而且句 子的否定式 疑问式需借助 do, does. 此时态的标志词有 :often, always, never, usually, every day 等如 : He often plays tennis after school. moves around the earth every day. The moon 二 现在进行时现在进行时主要用于描述说话时正在进行的动作, 基本形式为 :be doing, 其标志词为 :now, right now, at the moment 等. 如 : At the moment the representatives are discussing the current international affairs. The water is boiling. 三 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时是进行时和完成时的组合, 即 :have /has been doing, 主要强调从过去一直持续到现在仍在进行的动作如 : The orchestra have been rehearsing since this morning. The child has been crying since his mother left. 四 过去进行时 过去进行时表示在过去的某一时间正在发生的动作, 基本形式 :was /were doing, 标志形时间状语有 : 10 o'clock yesterday evening, last night 等, 另外当从句是表示过去时间的时间状语从句时, 主句中动词常用过去进行时, 表示 当 的时候, 正在做. 如 : What were you doing 8 o'clock yesterday morning? I was working on the last question when the teacher asked us to turn in our papers. 五 过去完成时 现在完成时表示在说话 ( 现在 ) 之前发生的动作, 而过去完成时强调在过去某个时间点之 前发生的事件, 基 本形式 :had been/ done, 其标志性的时间状语有 : by (before) 12 o'clock last night 等, 或 者当主句的动作发生在从句之前, 而从句的谓语又是过去时时. his work by (before) 9 o'clock yesterday evening. before you introduced it to me. 如 : He had finished I had tried this brand of ice cream

98 六 一般将来时一般将来时用于表示将来即将发生的动作, 基本形式 :shall /will do, 或 be going to do, 其标志性时间状语有 : tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next week, the next year 等. 如 : The play will be on show the next week. How are we going to spend the next ten hours? 七 过去将来时过去将来时用于表示相对于过去某一时间点将发生的动作, 基本形式 :should /would do, 多用在表示过去时间的上下文中. 如 : She asked what she should do to please her parents. The farmer concluded that it was going to rain soon. 例题 : (1) A citadel, a fortress designed for the defense of a city, usually standed on top of a hill. A B C D 答案 :B 应改为 :stands. 间, 因此应用一般现在时, 而不是过去时 解释 : 此句为介绍性文字, 除 usually 无其他副词表示时 第十一章一致原则 一致原则贯穿英语语法, 在前面各个章节中已有涉及, 本章作为对前面的补充, 集中讲 TOEFL 题中常考的问题 第一节主谓一致 主谓一致指的是主语和谓语在数上要保持一致. 在英语除了时态的变化外, 名词 动词的数也有差别, 这就要求主语 ( 以名词为代表 ) 和谓语 ( 包括助动词 ) 在数上要一致如 : 1. 在名词 +of+ 名词这种结构中, 前一个名词是整个短语的中心词, 当该短语作主语时, 一般以 of 之前名词的数为依据确定谓语的数. one of 之后需接复数名词, 但 one of+ 名词作主语时中心词是 one, 故谓语应用单数 One of my students wins the game. 例题 :

99 One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States are the A B C everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected. D 答案 :C 应改为 : is 解释 : 句子的主语是 one 而不是 parts, 谓语动词应与主语一致, 也用单数词汇 :inaccessible: 难以到达的 2. 由 and 连接的多个名词作主语, 谓语动词应用复数 Career and love are important to me. Jim, John and Mary are playing football. 但是如果用 and 连接起来表示单一的概念时, 谓语动词要用单数 The famous singer and actress, Whitney Huston is coming to the ceremony. ( 在这里, singer 和 actress 指得是同一人, 都是 Whitney Huston) 例题 : (1) The novel or short story are the literary forms most typically called fiction. A B C D 答案 :A 应改为 :and 解释 : 谓语 are 是复数, 而 or 连接的主语是单数, 为保持一致,or 应改为 and (2) Magnificent mountains and coastal scenery is British Columbia's chief tourist A B C D attractions. 答案 :C 应改为 : are 解释 : 主语 mountains and scenery 是复数, 谓语应保持一致, 改为复数 are 3. 不可数名词, 尤其是抽象名词 (relation, authority, necessity, power, democracy, young 等 ) 作主 语时要视为单数, 谓语自然也要用单数

100 The relation between us is very simple. 例题 Nearly 75 percent of the land of the Canadian province of British Columbia are A B C D covered by forests. 答案 :D 应改为 : is 解释 : 主语 land 是不可数名词, 应视为单数, 谓语应保持一致, 改为 is 4. 单个从句作主语时, 谓语用单数 That she has gone insane is sheer rumor. When they will come hasn't been made public. 5. 如果主语是单数, 那么即使后面有 with/ together with/ along with/accompanied by, no less than, like, but, except, including, besides 等引导的短语, 谓语动词仍然要是用单数例如 :The boy, together with his parents, goes to the cinema today. No one except the two boys knows how to solve this problem. 6. 由 Not A but B, Not only A but also B, either A or B, neither A nor B 引导的主语, 谓语通常和邻近的主语相一致 Either you or Mary hurts her. Neither my wife nor I myself am able to persuade my daughter to change her mind. Not you but he is tired of typing. Not only the students but also the teacher is going to be blamed. 7. 在 there be 句型 介词短语 副词为句首引起的倒装句中, 真正的主语通常在谓语的后面, 谓语应该和后面的主语在数方面相一致 但是在 there be 句型中, 如果有两个或者两个以上的主语, 必须和接近他的那个主语相一致 There are a lot of books on the table. There is only one pencil, two books and one cup on the table. Many a time has he given us good advice.

101 例题 : (1) The first libraries in the North American colonies was established in Massachusetts A B C in the year 1638 D 答案 :A 应改为 : library. 解释 : 谓语部分是单数形式, 主语需与其一致 (2) The ritual combat of animals are triggered by precise signals. A B C D 答案 :B 应改为 :is. 与之一致, 用 be 动词的第三人称单数形式 解释 : 此句为简单句, 主语 combat 是单数形式, 谓语动词应 (3) Mahogany is often considered the finest cabinet wood because they has most of the A B C qualities desired for furniture making. D 答案 :C 应改为 : it. 解释 : 从句中谓语 has 是单数形式, 主语应一致, 用单数 第二节主从句时态一致 主从句语义相互关联, 时态也需呼应, 所谓一致并不是说主从句的时态要一模一样, 而是不能脱节, 一般的原则是不能跨越大的时间范畴, 如 : 主句是一般过去时, 从句可能是过去完成时或过去将来时, 而不大可能是现在时或将来时, 当然具体情况还应具体分析, 但针对解答 TOEFL 题而言, 掌握上述原则已是绰绰 有余

102 1. 通常当主句中的时态是现在时或将来时态时, 从句中的动词时态并不受影响, 往往还是根据从句的意思而定 I know that he will come tomorrow. I know that he has finished reading this book. I know that he went to school yesterday. 2. 当主句中的时态是过去时态, 那么从句中的时态要作一定的变化 I knew that he would come tomorrow. ( 现在将来时变为了过去完成时 ) I knew that he had finished reading this book. ( 现在完成时过去完成时 ) I was told that he was free today. ( 现在时态变为过去时态 ) 例题 : (1) Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an A B C organization required for its operations. D 答案 :D 应改为 : requires. 解释 : 主句是一般现在时, 从句应与其一致, 且从句中的主语 an organization 为单数, 故将过去式 required 改为一般现在时的单数形式 (2) Anthropologists agree that our primitive ancestors who inhabited the tropics C A B probably have natural protection against the sun. D 答案 :C 应改为 : probably had. 解释 : 此句 that 引导的宾语从句中又包含定语从句, 定语从句用的是一般过去时, 主从句的时态应相呼应, primitive 一词亦暗示应用过去式

103 第三节代词与其先行词一致 在讲代词一章时已提到代词的作用是替代已出现过的词, 即先行词, 那么代词和先行词 之间也应保持性 数的一致才能保证替代的忠实性, 不引起误解 在改错题中, 确定代词的先行词是解题的关键, 主要是依靠句意来判断, 还需留意下列情 况 : 1. 反身代词需和所在主谓结构的主语一致, 若不一致应改为宾格形式如 :Her mother helped her solve the problem. 此句中 helped 之后若用 herself 则指的是 her mother, 语义不同 2. 在主从句中, 或有分词状语的句子中, 代词所代替的对象有可能在其后出现, 要准确识别如 :After she entered the room, Mary flung herself to the bed. 此句中 she 指代的是主句中的 Mary 例题 : (1) Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating a series of indicators A B that could help themselves to predict earthquakes. C D 答案 :D 应改为 : them. 解释 : 反身代词应与句子主语所指一致, themselves 应指的是定语从句中的主语 indicators, 显然不符合句意, 应改为宾格代词, 指代 Researchers. (2) The Earth's magnetic poles are not stationary, but slowly shift its position. A B 答案 :D 应改为 :their position 解释 :poles 是复数, 不能用 its 代替, 应改为复数代词 their

104 第十二章倒装 倒装句就是将正常的陈述语序加以变化, 主要作用是强调被提前的部分倒装句可分为全部倒装和部分倒装两种 : 一 全部倒装谓语动词提前至主语之前为全部倒装, 如 : Out came his guest. On the hill stood a little cottage that contained heaps of hay. There lived an elderly lady whose husband died long ago. 二 部分倒装助动词或情态动词提至主语之前, 谓语动词位置不变, 即为部分倒装, 如 : Neither could he see through your plan. So little did I know about him that I was easily taken in by his words. Doesn't her invitation appeal to you? 第一节否定词提前倒装 否定词用于句首时, 句子应进行部分倒装否定词 常用的有 : Not only (but also), Not until( 直到.. 才 ), No sooner.(than)( 一.. 就 ) Hardly/Scarcely (when) Never/ Rarely/Seldom Few/Little Neither/Nor ( 也不 ) Nwhere At no time Under no circumstances( 决不 ) On no account ( 决不 ) In no way 其中 not only, no sooner, hardly, scarcely 分别和 but (also), than, when 搭配使用, 需注意 : 后一组词之后的部分不进行倒装, 只有否定词之后的部分倒装如 :Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain. Not only was he able to enter the final round of the contest, but he came out first as well. No sooner had I got any chance to speak than the clerk slammed the door in my face.

105 Seldom does he travel about. Under no circumstances should you betray your own country. 此类倒装句一般出现在填空题中, 需填入的是倒装部分, 只要在句首见到上述的词, 就应条件反射的想到用倒装句 例题 : (1) ---- was the first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid. (A) Not until 1866 (B) Until 1866, just (C) Until 1866 (D) In 1866, not until 答案 :A 解释 : 由被动式 was laid 被名词短语分割开可知, 此句是个部分倒装句, 选项中只有 A 否定词提前可引导倒装句, 1866 应是 until 的宾语, 故 D 不对 ; 此句正常语序应为 : The first fully successful transatlantic cable was not finally laid until (2) Not until the official anthem of the United States. (A) The Star-spangled Banner did become (B) when The Star-spangled Banner became (C) did The Star-spangled Banner become (D) became The Star-spangled Banner 答案 :C 解释 : 否定词 not 放在句首引起部分倒装, 只有 C 符合倒装语序 第二节介词 分词词组提前倒装 当句子没有宾语, 且主语偏长时, 往往将句中作状语的介词短语或作表语的形容词短语 或作表语的分词短语提至句首, 引起主谓的全部倒装如 :In the middle of the river floated the cluster of plants that she had cast.

106 Characteristic of an anarchist was her strong opposition to the government, which she had blamed for all the social injustices. Lying on the grassland is a pretty girl in her early twenties. 例题 : (1) Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent ----, or pronghorn. (A) it is the American antelope (B) the American antelope is (C) is the American antelope (D) the American antelope 答案 :C 解释 : 此句为形容词短语 be typical of 作表语前置引起的完全倒装句, 空白处缺少的实为倒装的主语和谓语动词, A B 未倒装, 可首先排除 ; D 无动词, 也可排除. 此句正常语序应为 : The American antelope, or pronghorn, is typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent. (2) The glaciers that reached the Pacific Coast were valley glaciers, and between those tongues of ice ----that allowed the original forests to survive. (A) that many sanctuaries were (B) were many sanctuaries (C) were there many sanctuaries (D) there the many sanctuaries 答案 :B 解释 :and 是并列句的连接词, 逗号前是分句一,and 后是分句二. 因分句二中 between 引导的介词短语提前, 空格处需要分句二倒装的主谓语,D 无谓语, 可先排除 ;A 使原句只有从句无主句 ; C 中 there 是多余的, 只能选 B 第三节副词提前倒装副词提至句首引起倒装, 可分以下几种情况 : 1. only + 副词 (when, before, if, after 等 )

107 或 only+ 介词状语 ( 由 in, under, by, on, after 等引导 ) 提前, 必须部分倒装如 :Only then did he realize how stupid he had been. Only after entering the store did Arthur realize that there was danger. Only in the library can she concentrate on her study. 2. often, such, so 等副词提前, 部分倒装 如 : So diligently did he work that he got hight scores on the final exam. =He worked so diligently that he got hight scores on the final exam. Such was his wish that the world would stay away from war forever. Often did we go on a holiday in hot summer. 注意,so 的另一种倒装是表示 也 California relies heavily on income from crops, and so does Florida. 加利福尼亚过多的依赖于来自农作物的收入, 佛罗里达也是这样同理, 体会一下 neither, nor 的倒装 He can't dance, neither/nor can I.= I can't, either. 他不会跳舞, 我也不会 3. in, out, down, up, away, off, here, there, over 等副词提前, 全部倒装如 :Off got the staggering gentlemen. Here are the photos I took at the seaside. 例题 : (1) As inevitably as human culture has changed with the passing of time, so does the A B C D environment. 答案 :D 应改为 :has 解释 : 逗号后是副词 so 引起的倒装句, 表示同前者相同, 倒装的助动词应与前一句一致, 也用 has (2) Only outside the Earth's atmosphere ---- to attain extremely high velocities.

108 (A) to be safe for a space vessel (B) is it safe for a space vessel (C) for a space vessel to be safe (D) a space vessel to be safe 答案 :B 解释 : 副词 only 引导状语放在句首时, 句子需要部分倒装, 只有 B 符合题意第四节疑问倒装疑问句需部分倒装语序, 由于经常用到不会成为考试的难点 如 :What part did he play in Hamlet? Do you prefer tea or coffee? 例题 : (1) Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people----long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. (A) will they live (B) they will be living (C) will live (D) living 答案 :C 解释 : 此句是 how many 引导的疑问句, 缺少倒装的谓语部分, 但因主语 people 已出现在句首疑问词之后, 不需要再进行主谓倒装. A B 中的 they 是 people 的重复, 没有必要 ; D 不能单独作谓语第十三章被动语态被动语态是相对主动语态而言, 表示被动的句式, 其基本结构为 :be + 动词过去分词第一节与主动态的显著区别被动语态与主动语态在形式上的特征是选择使用哪一种语态的必备常识, 也是解题的法宝

109 1. 被动语态中谓语动词必须是及物动词 2. 被动语态中谓语动词之后绝大多数不能再接宾语只有少数可接双宾语的动词, 如 :consider, give, call, name 等, 例如 :She was considered a genius in painting. He was called a hero. The ship was named Queen Elizabeth. 改错题中, 若在被动句里, 动词 ( 上面提到的接双宾语的动词除外 ) 的被动式之后出现宾语, 则此处必有错误, 可改为主动句 ; 同样, 在主动句中, 若及物动词后没有宾语, 也必定有误, 可改为被动句例题 : (1) Clementine Hunter's primitive paintings have been exhibited at various galleries, A B C included one at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. D 答案 :D 应改为 :including 解释 : 被动式 included 之后不能接宾语,including 是一个介词, 意思是 包括 3. by 可视为被动语态的标志词,by 之后的名词短语是句中动作的施动者 ; 在题干中若见到 by+ 名词的结构要优先考虑用被动式如 : The wall is painted by Tom. The book was written by Mark Twain. 注意 1:by 之后如果接的是动名词, 则表示方式 手段, 不能视为被动式的标志, 且此时谓语应用主动式, 如 :He passed the exam by cheating. 注意 2: 对于 know 来讲, 一般用 be known to 而不用 be know by 例题 : (1) People have always fascinated by the parrot's colorful feathers and its ability to mimic A B C human speech. D 答案 :A 应改为 :always been fascinated

110 解释 :by 引导被动语态的施动者, 谓语应用被动式 (2) The seating of musicians in an orchestra is arranged ----to produce the desired blend of sounds from the various musical sections. (A) the conductor of (B) from the conductor (C) the conductor and (D) by the conductor 答案 :D 解释 : 若不要空白处的话, 此句亦很完整, 可清楚的看出空后的不定式短语表目的, 那末可能填入的是 arrange 的施动者, 自然应该用 by 来引导 ;A of 不能接不定式 ; C 不能在被动式后面接宾语 (3) According to some theories derived from psychoanalysis, life is supposedly easier A B C and more pleasant when inhibitions overcoming. D 答案 :D 应改为 :are overcome.. 解释 : 根据意思由 when 引导的状语从句中 inhibitions 和 overcome 应为被动关系, overcoming 是表主动的现在分词形式, 而限制不可能自行克服, 故改作过去分词第二节被动语态的不同时态

111 被动语态由助动词 be 加过去分词构成, 它也会有不同的时态, 其时态主要通过助动词 be 来表现 其中对过去进行时的表示方法需留意如 :The potatoes are being peeled in the machine. She was being questioned by the police. 其它时态举例 : The table has just been cleaned. ( 现在完成时 ) His passport had been changed without his notice. ( 过去完成时 ) The press conference will be held in three weeks. ( 一般将来时 ) 例题 : (1) Experiments in the photography of moving objects ----in both the United States and Europe well before (A) have been conducting (B) were conducting (C) had been conducted (D) being conducted 答案 :C 解释 : 此句缺少谓语, conduct 是及物动词, 后若无宾语应是被动式, A B 首先被排除, D 分词不能单独作谓语 (2) Conservative philosophers argue that the very structure of society is threatening by A B civil disobedience, while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience. C D 答案 :B 应改为 :is threatened. 解释 :threaten 是及物动词, 应直接接宾语, 可见 by 引导的介宾短语是被动句中表施动者的, 因此谓语应是被动式 (3) The unit of measurement known as a foot has originally based on the average

112 A B size of the human foot. C D 答案 :B 应改为 :was 解释 : 由副词 originally( 初, 起先 ) 判断, 此句应用过去时, 依句意应用被动语态, 主语 unit 是单数, 故改为 was 第十四章常考关于 It 的句式代词 it 在英文中有着特殊的地位, 它不仅可代表时间 天气 距离等特定概念, 如 : It's raining heavily. It's two o'clock in the afternoon. 而且, it 还可作形式主语, 形式宾语, 构成强调句, 可谓威力无穷第一节形式主语句作为形式主语的 it 并无实际语义, 只是为满足语法上的需要, 避免句子头重脚轻, 它代替的是句子的逻辑主语, 概括起来会有如下情况 : 1. 句子的逻辑主语为不定式 如 :It is very kind of you to give me a hand in time. It is my pleasure to address the meeting. It was pretty hard for him to bring up the child on his own. 2. 句子的逻辑主语为从句 如 :It so happened that the tickets were sold out. It is extremely obvious that she has been lying about her identity. It suddenly occurred to me that the message must have been hidden between the layers of the briefcase. 3. 句子的逻辑主语为动名词短语

113 这类句子远不如前面两种出现率高, 主要在 (no good, waste, useless, no use, dangerous) 等词语的后面用如 :It is no use reasoning with him. It is no good reading in dim light. 例题 : (1) Sometimes----to place physics and chemistry into separate categories. (A) difficult (B) is difficult (C) it is difficult (D) that it is difficult 答案 :C 解释 : 给出部分是不定式短语, 缺主谓结构, A B 都不完整, D 是从句形式, 只有 C 包含形式主语 it 及谓语 is difficult (2) In 1938, when Benny Goodman's orchestra presented a concert at the prestigious Carnegie Hall, ---- was clear that jazz had at last been fully accepted. (A) there (B) which (C) and (D) it 答案 :D 解释 : 空格前是句子的时间状语, 之后是谓语, 空格处需要主语, B D 可先排除 ; 此句显然不是 there be 句式, 所以只有 D 可作形式主语, 逻辑主语是 that 之后的部分第二节强调句强调句中 it 作形式主语可以替代任何被强调的部分基本模式 :It + be + 强调对象 + who/ whom/that + 句子其余部分如 :It was only you who cared for me. ( 强调主语 ) It is his sister whom /that I have fallen in love with. ( 强调宾语 ) It was under the tree that she found her missing purse. ( 强调地点状语 )

114 It was last week that I attended an art exhibit for the first time. ( 强调时间状语 ) It was not until he broke my favorite vase that I flew into rages. ( 强调状语从句 ) 注意 : 强调的对象是人时, 可用 who, whom 或 that, 其余情况一律用 that; 当强调对象在从句中做主语时用 who/that, 当强调对象在从句中做宾语时用 whom/that. 例题 : (1) In bacteria and in other organisms, ---- is the nucleic acid DNA that provides the genetic information. (A) both (B) which (C) and (D) it 答案 :D 解释 : 空格前是状语, 空格后是典型的强调句式, 空格处需要形式主语 it, 只能选 D (2) ---- who was the first Black woman to run for the office of President of the United States in (A) Shirley S. Chisholm (B) It was Shirley S. Chisholm (C) Shirley S. Chisholm was (D) When Shirley S. Chisholm 答案 :B 解释 : 空格后是定语从句, 空格处需要句子的主谓语,A, D 使原句只有从句无主句 ;C 缺少从句的先行词 ; B 构成强调句, 符合语法第三节形式宾语在 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 结构中, 当宾语是不定式 从句或动名词时, 需用 it 作形式宾语接在动词之后, 将逻辑宾语移至补足语之后注意 : 常接 it 做形式宾语的动词有 : find, think, make, feel, deem, consider 等. 如 :His cooperation made it possible for us to fulfill the demands of our clients. She decided to make it clear that she would never yield to authority.

115 I believe it no use crying over spilt milk. 例题 : (1) Variables such as individual and corporate behavior ----nearly impossible for economists to forecast economic trends with precision. (A) make (B) make it (C) it makes (D) makes it 答案 :B 解释 : 此句谓语残缺, 由主语是复数可排除 C D, 因短语 make possible 宾语为不定式时要用形式宾语 it, A 也被排除 (2) Using many symbols makes ---- to put a large amount of information on a single map. (A) possible (B) it possible (C) it is possible (D) that possible 答案 :B 解释 : 在词组 make possible 中, 当 make 的宾语是不定式短语时, 需由 it 作形式宾语, 此题恰是这种情况, 故选 B 第十五章虚拟语气此章内容在 TOEFL 考点中处于相对次要地位, 但在英文中是比较活跃的用法, 必须对其有所了解, 这样对读题非常有帮助虚拟语气是英文中一特殊的语言现象, 主要用于表达与事实相反的陈述, 常表达强烈愿望 遗憾 感慨 后悔 责备 规劝等语义, 可大致分为三类一 对现在事实的虚拟 基本形式 :If + were /did 等过去式, would /could /should /might + do 例如 :If I were a bird, I would fly to the moon. ( 事实上,I'm not a bird, so I will not fly to the moon.) If she knew who you are,

116 she would go out of joy. ( 事实上,She doesn't know, so she still feels joyous.) 二 对过去事实的虚拟 基本形式 :If + had done, would /could / should /might + have done 例如 :If she had been warned earlier, she wouldn't have broken the rules. ( 事实上 :She was not warned earlier and she broke the rules.) If it hadn't rained, the match would have seemed more fascinating. ( 事实上 :It rained and the match was less fascinating.) 此种虚拟可进行倒装, 如 : Had the letter been sent out, it would have ruined our friendship. = If the letter had been sent out, it would have ruined our friendship. 三 对将来事实的虚拟 基本形式 :If + should do, would /could /should /might + do; 意思类似汉语中的 万一 例如 :If he should forget the date, I might teach him a good lesson. ( 事实上 : 他不大可能忘记那个日期 ) If it should snow this afternoon, we could make a snowman. ( 事实上不大可能会下雪 ) 此种虚拟可倒装, 如 : Should my car fail, I would have to return home on foot. = If my car should fail, I would have to return home on foot. 注意 1: 部分动词的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气, 形式为 should do, 其中 should 常被省略 此类动词有 :insist, demand, suggest, propose, order, require, decide, ask, request 等. 例句 : We all insist that we (should) not rest until we finish the work. The professor suggests that the students (should) collect enough materials before they work on this project. 上面的动词如果以名词形式出现时, 后面的 that 从句仍然要采用虚拟语气 He gives me the suggestion that I (should) eat breakfast every moning. 注意 2: 在一些惯用语之后经常需要用虚拟, 来表示与事实相反或者难以实现的事情

117 这类习语有 : as if, as though, but for, otherwise, without, wish, if only 等例句 : But for your help, I would not have arrived here in time. ( 如果没有你的帮助, 我就不能准时到达 ) Without your help, I would not arrive here in time. 注意 3: 在下列形容词引导的 that 从句中必须要用虚拟语气 (should) do, 但是由于 should 经常被省略, 所以实际上用的就是动词原形 这类形容词有 : It is important/ necessary/ proper/ imperative/ essential/ advisable 等 + that 例句 :It is necessary that he (should) realize his situation. 例题 : (1) Abraham Lincoln insisted that ---- not just on mere opinion but on moral purpose. (A) to base democracy (B) for democracy to be based (C) democracy be based (D) whenever democracy is based 答案 :C 解释 : 动词 insist 之后的宾语从句需要用虚拟语态, 从句谓语应是 should do 或 do, 选项中只有 C 符合要求, 谓语是动词原形 欢迎您关注 A-offer 公众号, 我们将为您提供美国最新留学新闻动态, 院校动态, 生活信息, 美食攻略等! 想了解具体内容和更多精彩内容请关注 A-OFFER 微信公众号微信号 :Afteroffer 我 ~ 在这儿 ~ 等着你过来 ~ 等着你过来 ~

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